How to calculate the area of ​​wallpapering. Calculation of the area of ​​​​walls for wallpapering. How much wallpaper do you need in a room with a non-standard layout

Have you finally decided to re-paste the wallpaper in your room? It's time for old wallpaper to retire and you are wondering how to calculate the number, how many rolls do you need? Answer next...
The most common wallpaper size is a 10 meter roll half a meter wide 10 m x 0.53 m. It is enough to cover about 5 square meters of wall and or ceiling. There are wallpaper rolls with a length of 15*0.53 m, 10*1.06 and 25*1.06 m.

Wallpaper calculation

  1. first measure the perimeter of your room. Do not forget to remove from the result the perimeter of the surface that is not subject to pasting, these are windows and doors, (6.5 + 4) x 2 \u003d 21 m.
  1. And then, divide the resulting number by the width of the roll (usually 50 cm). The resulting figure shows the number of stripes, 21 / 0.53 = 40 stripes.
  1. Measure the height of your walls (don't forget to add a little margin for later trimming, say 5 cm) 2.50 + 0.05 = 2.55 m
  1. Then count the number of strips per roll, 10/2.55 = 3
  1. Now divide the number of strips by the number of strips per roll to determine the number of rolls, 40/3=14 rolls

Special cases

If there are ledges or recesses in the niches of the doors, then add 1-2 additional rolls of wallpaper.

If you are using wallpaper with patterns, you need to add a margin to the height calculation to fit the pattern: 2.50 + 0.05 (cut off excess) + 0.30 (fit the pattern) \u003d 2.95 m.

Ceiling calculation

The ceiling is the same. Recently, however, pasting the ceiling with wallpaper does not look elegant. Today, a lot of embossed ceiling tiles have appeared that look more organic and aesthetically pleasing.

Don't forget to buy one or two extra rolls of wallpaper. Especially if the connections go in a checkerboard pattern, just for your mistakes, the offset is higher and lower.
- Be sure to pay attention to the wallpaper series number. If the series are different, then the difference in color and brightness will be noticeable after pasting.

How to save?

If you made a mistake in the calculation, and it is no longer possible to purchase such wallpapers, then you can purchase similar ones. And decorate some of the walls with other wallpaper. In fact, this option looks very modern and non-standard. At the same time, the view zones will change, that is, from different parts of the room, its appearance will be different, which will also have a pleasant effect on its perception.
Option with no pasting behind the sofa and wardrobe for an amateur.

calculator to help you

If you are not sure about the calculations, you can also use the ready-made table to determine the number of wallpaper rolls:

Use the following table to calculate the wallpaper:

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 0.53 / 10.05 m = 5.33 m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 0.53 / 15m = 7.95m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 1.06m /10.05m = 10.65 m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 1.06 / 25m = 26.50m2

Traditionally, renovating a room is not complete without changing the wallpaper. But on the market of modern finishing materials there are many wallpapers of different types, colors, sizes and other characteristics. How to optimally calculate the required amount of this material?

So, it was decided to change the wallpaper, but what is the best way to calculate the necessary materials so that you don’t overpay too much, and then don’t buy the missing amount (especially since batches of the same wallpaper can differ in color, pattern, texture)? Is there a general calculation principle for all types of wallpaper, or does it need to be calculated differently, depending on which wallpaper will be used?

First you need to decide:

  • for which room you need to calculate the wallpaper (living room, hallway, kitchen)
  • what type of wallpaper is planned to be used (paper, non-woven, bamboo, liquid, etc.)
  • what are the dimensions of the wallpaper (length, width), pattern, texture
  • will they also wallpaper the ceiling in addition to the walls.

Depending on the room in which it is planned to glue the wallpaper, their type is selected. For example, velor wallpaper can be used in the hall, but in the kitchen they will be impractical and inappropriate; washable coatings are more suitable in the corridor. Not only dimensional, but also qualitative characteristics of the wallpaper canvas can affect the calculations.

The calculation of the number of wallpapers is affected by the following:

  • dimensions (length, width) of wallpaper
  • design, pattern, texture, wallpaper type
  • glued surface area
  • surface evenness
  • the presence of doors, windows, ledges, arches, etc. in the room
  • design solution in the design of the room (sometimes different colors and types of wallpaper are used).

Of course, the rooms are different, roll wallpaper is also of different lengths. There is a general formula that works for any type of wallpaper:

R: V: 3(or 4 - depending on whether the pattern needs to be adjusted or not).

Where P is the perimeter of the room, B is the width of the roll.

The figure obtained by this formula is rounded up to a larger number. Of course, for fans of more accurate calculations, more accurate measurements and consideration of other parameters will be needed.

How to calculate the required number of rolls.

In order to correctly calculate, it is not necessary to specially invite builders, all calculations can be done independently. The main thing is to accurately measure everything. Therefore, it is worth arming yourself with a construction tape measure and measuring the perimeter of the room in which repairs are planned (this is the length of all walls minus the size of windows and doors).

It happens that in the room they do not plan to wallpaper the entire surface (for example, the calculation is for the kitchen, and the wallpaper will be glued along with the tiles), then you need to subtract the area that the tiled apron will occupy from the area of ​​​​the entire room.

It is important to consider: if a wallpaper with a pattern is chosen, then their consumption increases by 1.5 times, since the pattern will need to be adjusted.

For the correct calculation of wallpaper, it is important to know the exact dimensions of the room, the number and area of ​​window and door openings.

2AH + 2BH=S

S is the desired total area of ​​​​the walls of the room,
H is the height of the room,
A is the length of the room
B is the width of the room.
If the length of the walls is not the same, and their number is not 4, but, for example, 5, then you do not need to multiply by two, and the formula can be as follows:

S = AH + BH + CH + DH. And here: A is the length of the first wall, B is the second, C is the third, D is the fourth.

This formula is suitable if the height of the walls is the same, but their lengths vary. If the height is different (for example, there may be a podium, steps), then you need to specify it differently.

It is important to consider:

For the calculations to be accurate, you need to measure not by eye, steps, elbows (especially since steps and elbows can be different for people), but with a ruler, a tape measure.
It is better to record the results of measurements in centimeters and as accurately as possible, do not round.

Calculation methods

1 way (on old wallpaper).

If there are old wallpapers left in the room and they are the same width as the new ones, and you don’t need to combine the pattern repeat, then you can simply measure the height of the wall, find out how long the roll is in the new wallpaper (rolls of 18, 12, 10, 7 meters are now produced) and count the number of strips of old wallpaper on the walls. By dividing the length of the roll by the height of the wall, we find out how many panels will turn out in one roll. Well, here it is already easy to calculate the required number of rolls.

  1. Let's say the height of the walls is 2.5 m, the roll is 10 m, the strips of old wallpaper are 20 pcs.
  2. 10: 2.5 = 4 (number of panels in one roll).
  3. If there are 20 segments in total, then dividing by 4, we get 5 rolls necessary for pasting the entire room.

If the number turned out to be fractional, then it is usually rounded up.

Method 2 (calculation "from scratch").

If there is no longer wallpaper in the room, the walls are cleared, then in the calculations you can proceed as follows:

  1. Find the area of ​​each wall. Pre-measure its length, width and multiply.
  2. If there are window or door openings in the wall, calculate and subtract their area from the total area of ​​the wall.
  3. If any decor is planned, and it will occupy a space where the wallpaper will not be needed, we also subtract the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis surface from the total wall area.
  4. We summarize the results obtained for all walls.
  5. Knowing the length and width of the wallpaper in a roll, we can calculate the area of ​​the wallpaper.
  6. Dividing the area of ​​​​the room by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roll, we find out the required number of rolls.

The same wallpaper, if released at different times, may differ in shades.

Calculation for wallpaper with a pattern

If the pattern is pale or not very noticeable, you can act according to the general scheme, but it is bright and noticeable, you will have to take into account the pitch of the ornament. Usually the pitch of the ornament is 52-53 cm.

Calculation plan:

  1. We measure the height of the wall.
  2. We divide the ornament by a step.
  3. We round the value up and get the rapport number.
  4. We multiply the resulting rapport number by its value and as a result we get the length of the panel cut off from the roll.
  5. To find out the number of waste, you need to subtract the height of the wall from the resulting length of the panel.
  6. Further, dividing the length of the roll by the length of one panel, we obtain a coefficient that will help determine the number of rolls required.
  7. The resulting coefficient is multiplied by the difference, which was obtained in paragraph 5.
  8. The number obtained in paragraph 7 is subtracted from the total length of the roll.
  9. If the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room that is planned to be pasted over is divided by the number from clause 8, the required number of rolls will be obtained.

Let's say:

  • length of a roll of wallpaper to be pasted, 10m,
  • ornament pitch - 0.53 m,
  • wall height 2.8 m,
  • the total area of ​​the room is 43 sq.m.

The calculations will be as follows:

  1. 2.8 m
  2. 2,8: 0,53 = 5,28
  3. Round up to 6.
  4. 6X 0.53 = 3.18.
  5. 3.18 - 2.8 \u003d 0.38m (or 38 cm).
  6. 10: 3.18 = 3.14 (ratio).
  7. 3.14 x 0.38 = 1.19
  8. 10 - 1.19 \u003d 8.81m.
  9. 43: 8.81 = 4.8 (i.e. optimally 5 rolls will be required per room in this example).

Rolls come in different sizes, but these calculation methods are suitable for any wallpaper: you just need to substitute those numbers that reflect the size of the selected wallpaper.

Calculation of the required amount of liquid wallpaper.

If liquid wallpaper is chosen for finishing the room, then the specifics of the calculations change slightly, but you still have to calculate the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe working surface.

To determine the amount of liquid wallpaper, you need to divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls (how to find it out, explained above) by the consumption of wallpaper in one package. Usually, this consumption is indicated on each package of liquid wallpaper, but on average it is 3-5 sq.m. surfaces.

For example, if the working surface area in the room is 30 sq. m., then with an average consumption of liquid wallpaper in one package of 3 sq.m, 10 packages of such wallpaper will be required.

Depending on the experience with liquid wallpaper and the condition of the walls, it is recommended to take 1-3 bags in stock.

In order to paste new wallpaper, it is not necessary to invite builders. Such cosmetic repairs can be done on their own. The main thing is to buy the right amount of material and carefully study the instructions for gluing on the package. But how to correctly calculate how much wallpaper you need per room? Calculation rules for home repairs.

Measurement matters

The basis of construction calculations is accurate measurements, for which you will need a construction tape measure. First you need to measure the perimeter of the room being repaired (the length of all walls) without taking into account the width of windows and doors and the level of the walls. And then the length and height of the sections above and below the window sills, as well as above the doors. Now let's move on to the calculations.

We derive the calculation formula

  • The resulting perimeter of the room is divided by the width of the selected wallpaper (it can be from 50 centimeters to a meter) and we get the number of solid strips.
  • And we divide the length of the roll by the height of the room and get the number of pieces that can be cut from one package (when placed at 2.5 m, these are four strips).
  • After that, we divide the total number of solid strips by their same number obtained from one roll. The result of the arithmetic will be the number of rolls that are needed to cut only whole strips.
  • Now it's the turn to count the number of incomplete segments. We calculate according to the same principle, and add the result to the already existing figure.

In order not to torment the calculator and not to fill your head with extra numbers, you can use a ready-made table (but it is worth considering that, like any online service, it carries some error):

Adjustment for products with a pattern

Of course, when wallpaper is chosen for repairs that do not require adjustment, everything is more or less simple. But what if the choice fell on a wall covering with a large pattern? In this case, you will get 1 whole strip less from the pack (due to the need to adjust the pattern). Therefore, the calculation needs to be corrected.

Calculation example for persistent

There is a room 3 x 4 meters, height 2.50 m; with a doorway, the width of which is 0.8 m, and the height is 2.1 m; and a window, the horizontal of which is 1.2 m, and the vertical is 1.5 m. Wallpaper is selected, 60 cm wide, the roll length of which is 10.5 meters.

Perimeter without taking into account the width of windows and openings: 3+3+4+4-0.8-1.2 = 12 m

Number of solid cuts: 12:0.6 = 20 pieces

With a standard room ceiling level (2.5 m), 4 whole strips will come out of the package (by the way, you need to cut it with a margin, that is, the length of the piece should not be 2.5 meters, but ten centimeters more).

Number of packages for cutting out solid strips: 20:4 = 5 pieces

With a window size of 0.8x1.5 and doors 2.1 m high, scraps from 5 rolls are enough to paste over the space above the functional openings, but for the space under the window sill you will have to buy another one (although you can glue the wall under it with a composite piece). This means that in total you will need 6 plain rolls or 7 packages with a large pattern.

(2 ratings, average: 2,00 out of 5)


    Faith said:

    I think it's still better to pre-calculate the wallpaper. And then, if the wallpaper is with a pattern, figure out how many rolls you need to purchase additionally. I change wallpaper every 5 years. As a rule, I take 1 roll in reserve. Change the wallpaper, and the mood changes for the better.

    Marina N. said:

    Personally, I always calculate the number of rolls myself. And I don't trust tables. In the case of plain wallpaper, they are suitable. But if you need to select a drawing, then making a mistake is as easy as shelling pears.
    And you should always play it safe and take more on a roll. Finding the wallpaper you want is easy. But the necessary party - no. That is, the wallpaper is the same, but the shade is slightly different. And on the wall, this difference is very noticeable.

    Iva said:

    Let the wallpaper remain superfluous, than there are situations (vacation canceled, a job appeared) when you buy wallpaper and glue it after six months. Then you discover that literally one roll was not enough, but the assortment in stores has already changed. So you find yourself in a situation from which it is very difficult to find a way out.

Specify the required dimensions in meters.

Room dimensions:

Y– The length of the first side of the room to be wallpapered.

X- The length of the second side of the room for gluing.

H- Room height.

P– Perimeter (the sum of the lengths of all sides). To calculate the value of the perimeter of a room, add the length of all its walls.

D– Distance from the beginning of gluing to the first corner. Meaning D measured from the beginning of gluing to the first corner (clockwise), it cannot be equal to or greater than the length of the wall.

To carry out the calculation, you can set either the length of the walls of the room or its perimeter (in the second case, the option to start gluing will not be available).

If the room has a rectangular or square shape, enter the parameters Y, X,H. For rooms of irregular shape with ledges and niches, it is possible to calculate by specifying the values H and P.


If the room has a window opening, press "Add window" and enter its dimensions: length WX and height WY.

WZ- The distance from the beginning of wallpapering determines the location of the window in the room. Enter the distance from the starting point of pasting to the window.

The number of added windows is not limited.


In order for the program to take into account the presence of a doorway in the calculation, you must click "Add doors" and enter their lengths DX and height DY.

DZ– Distance from the beginning of wallpapering to the doors.

It is possible to add multiple doors.


L– The length of a roll of wallpaper depends on the type and manufacturer. Standard value L 10.05 m. However, non-woven wallpaper for painting can be produced in rolls of 30 and 50 meters.

W– The width of the roll is determined by the characteristics of the production line and can be 0.53 m (standard), 0.7 m and 1.06 m.

R- Repeating a drawing, or the so-called. rapport is the distance over which the same pattern repeats.

Z- Margin for leveling, the amount of allowance at the floor and ceiling, which, after gluing, must be cut off with a sharp knife to fit the ruler or rule (0.05-0.15 m).

F- Move picture. Check this box if you want to calculate based on the wallpaper repeat offset for matching.

If you want to print the visualization, check the box " Black and white drawing”, so you get a drawing that is close to the requirements of GOST and save color ink or toner when printing.

Important! If incorrect parameters are entered, to continue the calculation, you will be prompted to pay attention to the corresponding parameter and make changes.

The calculator will help you calculate the total area of ​​​​the walls of the room (in m²), calculate the consumption of wallpaper, taking into account windows and doors. You will know the area of ​​one roll of wallpaper, the length of the sheets required for pasting a room of a specified height, taking into account trimming allowances, as well as the number of whole sheets of wallpaper contained in the roll. What will be the remainder of each roll and how many rolls (pieces) of a given length are needed to paste over the room. The calculator will calculate how much wallpaper is needed for the room and how many rolls are needed, taking into account the presence of window and door openings. The total balance of all wallpapers will also be calculated.

Such data allows you to buy the right amount of wallpaper for the room, taking into account the nuances and glue the room with your own hands or hire professionals. It is advisable to have a stock of one roll in excess of the calculated quantity, this will save time and money in the future, in case of improper cutting or damage.

How to find out how much wallpaper you need per room? The amount, of course, depends on the size of your room. To determine the required number of trellises, we need to calculate the perimeter or area.

What is needed for this?

Firstly, this is a tape measure for measuring the room, secondly, a notebook or notepad to record the measurement results, and finally, a calculator.

Calculation of wallpaper by room area and perimeter. Simple and clear table.

First you need to measure the length and height of the room where you are going to glue the wallpaper. It is also worth measuring the door and window openings. This will help improve the calculation.

First you need to calculate the perimeter of the room:

P = (L of one wall + L of adjacent wall) * 2
P is the perimeter;
L is the length.

Estimated web length, how to calculate?

To accurately know the length of the wallpaper, you must use the formula:

Estimated strip height = room height + ornament pitch (rapport) + margin for upper and lower allowances (5 cm)

Work begins by measuring the width of the wallpaper strips you have chosen. After that, count how many strips you need to paste the room:

N stripes per room = P / wallpaper stripe width

Counting from one roll.

Find out the length of the roll, which is indicated on the label. And then calculate according to the formula:

N strips from 1 roll = L roll / calculated strip height

N is the quantity.

Calculation of wallpaper rolls per room.

After all the work done, we will find out how many rolls are needed for pasting the room:

N rolls = N strips per room / N strips from 1 roll

Calculation of wallpaper by the area of ​​the room.

Since, the calculation along the perimeter may not always be relevant, because the number of doors and windows is not included in the calculation, because of this, the amount is calculated by area.

We measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls using the following formula:

SO = L wall * H wall
S is the area;
SO - total area;
H is the height.

You also need to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls on which you will glue the wallpaper. But before that, you need to calculate the sum of door and window openings. And then use this formula:

S wallpapering \u003d SO - S windows and doors

If the roll fits the standard 53 cm wide and 10 m long, it is designed for approximately 5 sq.m. rooms.

To calculate you need:

N rolls = S rooms / S that can be glued with 1 roll

Is there a pattern on your wallpaper?

If there is a drawing on your wallpaper, first of all you need to find out its report, and then calculate the final ceiling height for it and carry out the calculation along with it.

Using tables

In order to use the table, you need to know the perimeter and area of ​​​​the room. It depends on which table you need to use.

Calculation by area, table:

To use this kind of table, you must know the height and square of the room. And then you can easily find out the required number of rolls.

Table #1 53

Ceiling height up to 2.5 meters

Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters

Room area

Number of rolls

Room area

Number of rolls

Table number 2 designed for wallpaper equal to the width 70 centimeters and 10 meters long.

Ceiling height up to 2.5 meters

Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters

Room area

Number of rolls

Room area

Number of rolls

Table #3 designed for wallpaper equal to the width 106 centimeters and 10 meters long.

Ceiling height up to 2.5 meters

Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters

Room area

Number of rolls

Room area

Number of rolls

Perimeter calculation, table:

To use the table below, you need to calculate the width of the stripes and the length of the wallpaper you have chosen. After that, you need to measure the height of the ceiling and look at the table, how many rolls you will need.

Roll size (strip width / roll length = pasting area): 0.53 m / 10.05 m = 5.33 sq.m

Height Room perimeter, m
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
up to 2.4m 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
2.4-3.5m 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20

Roll size: 0.53 m / 15 m = 7.95 sq.m

Height Room perimeter, m
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
up to 2.4m 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 10
2.4-3.5m 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14

Roll size 1.06 m / 10.05 m = 10.65 sq.m