Stuffed pike baked in the oven: recipe with photo. Stuffed pike - a classic recipe How to stuff a pike step by step recipe

Stuffed pike, as for me, decorates and complements the holiday very well. This is a royal dish as a symbol of the festive table. Not every housewife can decide on its preparation.

But on the other hand, what a rich variety of tastes can be found among those who cook stuffed pike - after all, everyone gets it in different ways. Someone focuses on juiciness, someone on a delicate or spicier taste, while others prefer baked or jellied fish. Today I have selected for you a few recipes for this dish, which is cooked in the oven. Take them for yourself and try them out.

My first recipe is a real festive stuffed pike. I don’t like all fish, but after we bought this fish, I got a burning desire to cook it. And the result surprised me. The taste is simply indescribable.


  • In order to cook the dish you need as much as 2 kilograms of pike,
  • 1 egg
  • 3 slices of white bread
  • 1 onion
  • and 1 carrot
  • 1 jar of champignons, canned
  • 120 milliliters of milk,
  • about 50 grams of butter,
  • black pepper (preferably ground)
  • 4 tablespoons sunflower or olive oil
  • dill and salt to your liking.


I tell you how to cook this or that dish sequentially, step by step.

1. First you need to cut the fish. Remove the scales, remove the gills and then rinse.

Next, make a small incision along the axis of the head, leave the spine, and extract the rest of the contents. It is necessary to carefully pull out the gallbladder, as there is a high probability of accidentally crushing it.

2. The next step is to remove the skin from the fillet. It is convenient to do this using a regular knife and, of course, help with your hands. Now you need to find the fins of the fish and make a small cut there again. It is more convenient to carry out with scissors.

4. Slightly salt the skin of the fish and turn it out.

5. Now that the skin has been removed, it is necessary to separate the fillet and carefully remove small bones from it.

6. It's time to get busy with bread. It must be left in milk for about 10 minutes, and then pulled out and allowed to drain.

7. Now connect the bread, fillet, and crank with a meat grinder. You can also load the ingredients into a blender. It is important that the content is crushed. When this step is done, you need to add the egg.

8. Onions and carrots are an indispensable attribute in cooking. In this recipe, the onion should be finely chopped, and the carrots should be grated on a large grater and overcooked together over low heat for no more than 5 minutes.

9. Drain the liquid containing the canned mushrooms. And finely chop the contents and then combine with carrots and onions. Stew the vegetables a little on the fire, and add the required amount of butter to them.

10. After cooling, add chopped fish fillet with white bread and an egg. And just at this stage we put salt here, quite a bit of black pepper and herbs. It remains only to mix the resulting mass and the filling is ready.

11. Before going to the oven, you need to take the pike skin, which should be one piece and look like a stocking. Send inside the resulting mass. It is best to do this with a teaspoon.

Advice! It is not necessary to stuff the stuffing too tightly and tightly, because during the stay in the oven, the pike skin may not withstand and burst.

12. Now you need to get a baking sheet, evenly cover it with foil, grease with oil and put the pike. It is also advisable to lightly grease the fish with oil. To keep her mouth open, you can insert toothpicks into it, for example.

13. Send the baking sheet to the oven and bake the fish for an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

14. When the fish is ready, take it out and put it on a large plate. Then you can cut it into portions to make it easier to eat.

The recipe takes a lot of time to prepare, but the festive pike, filled with exquisite taste and aroma, is worth it.

Stuffed pike with rice

I really like the recipe, the pike is very juicy. I add lemon to the dish, it creates a sour note, which is very useful here.


  • To cook such a hearty dinner, you need the pike itself,
  • 5 tablespoons with rice (better to use long grain),
  • 3 heads of garlic
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 pieces of onion,
  • Also 1 egg
  • about 5 tablespoons of sour cream,
  • 4 teaspoons mustard,
  • greenery,
  • 1-2 lemons.


1. You need to start by cutting the pike. Clean it from unnecessary entrails, clean off the scales, remove the gills and rinse well with water.

2. Now the fish must be salted, peppered and preferably rubbed with garlic. The taste of garlic will not be felt in the cooked dish, but it will be able to remove the smell characteristic of fish.

3. Boil the rice with a little salt added to the water.

4. Now let's deal with carrots and onions, the first vegetable needs to be rubbed on a large grater, and the second one just finely chopped. If desired, carrots can also be cut into cubes. We put the frying pan, greased with oil, on the fire and fry the vegetables for 3-5 minutes. Salt and pepper immediately.

5. When the passivation is ready, combine it with rice, and add an egg to this mixture. You can use any seasoning for a brighter taste.

6. Next, prepare a baking sheet. On it you need to spread the foil evenly in two layers without cutting it. And lay the onions on the foil, which must be cut into rings in advance. This method will protect the fish from sticking and burning.

7. Soon the future dish can be sent to the oven. With the resulting filling, you need to fill the pike and sew its abdomen so that the mixture does not fall out during baking.

It remains only to put the carcass on a baking sheet and make the sauce.

8. It's time to start preparing the sauce. First you need to mix mustard and sour cream.

9. Lemons cut into thin slices.

10. Now it remains to spread the fish with the resulting sauce and put lemon slices on top. Close the pike tightly with foil on top and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 1.5 hours. Bake until done.

Decorate the finished dish to your liking and rather treat your family or guests.

Jewish stuffed pike in the oven

In Jewish cuisine, stuffed fish is a traditional dish. There are a lot of recipes for cooking, and large fish are usually chosen for this. I will talk about one of several recipes in which pike occupies the main place.


  • To make a traditional Jewish dish, you need 800 grams of pike,
  • 4 loaf slices,
  • 5 chicken eggs,
  • 100 grams of onion,
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil,
  • greenery,
  • salt and black pepper (ground is best) to taste,
  • 90 grams of lemons.


1. The cooking process, as in all recipes for stuffed pike, will begin with cutting it. The fish must be cleaned of scales, cut. The head must be left. It is necessary to remove the fillet and separate it from the bones.

2. Leave the bread slices in the water for a while and then allow the water to drain. Meanwhile boil the eggs.

3. Twist the fillets, white bread, eggs and onions. I usually use a blender for this, but you can use a meat grinder. And to the resulting mass add greens, breadcrumbs, raw eggs. Add some salt and pepper.

4. Now slowly, smoothly and gently fill the pike with the resulting mixture. It is advisable to sew it a little.

5. Now you can put the fish on a baking sheet, having previously greased it with sunflower oil. The pike itself also needs to be coated with a thin layer of oil.

6. Send it to the oven at a temperature of 160 degrees for about 40 minutes. You need to gradually increase the temperature. You can do this every 20 minutes, adding a little heat by 5 degrees.

Stuffed pike, and any other fish, does not like a sharp increase in temperature. Her delicate skin can quickly crack or, worse, tear. That is why the temperature in the oven must be increased gradually.

When the fish is cooked, take it out, cool, remove the threads and cut into pieces. And for a more attractive and appetizing appearance, you can decorate it with herbs and lemon slices.

Delicious stuffed pike with buckwheat

This old recipe will decorate any holiday table, guests will be delighted. If you want to get together with friends or family soon, especially if there is a joyful reason for it, then write down this recipe soon!


  • To prepare this dish, you need to purchase 1.5 kilograms of pike,
  • 270 grams of buckwheat,
  • 1 medium lemon
  • 2 eggs,
  • 1 bunch of any greens
  • 200 grams of onion,
  • sunflower oil and salt.

Almost all used products are at home in every housewife, with the exception of pike. But it will not be difficult to buy it in a store, or maybe my husband will bring it from fishing.


1. You should start again with pike, as in any other recipes. You need to handle it carefully, the skin is delicate, you need to try to remove it without damaging it, as if with a “stocking”.

After cleaning the fish from scales and making an incision near the head. Remove gills.

2. Separate the fish fillet from all the bones and grind in a blender, or pass through a meat grinder. Who is more comfortable and better.

3. The eggs in this recipe should be hard-boiled, and the onion should be peeled, cut into small pieces and fried in oil.

4. Rinse buckwheat better and soak it in water in a ratio of one to two. Then put it on medium heat and remove when it is half done. This usually takes approximately 10-15 minutes.

5. Minced meat with fish, overcooked onions, eggs and buckwheat combine and mix. After, fill the pike with this stuffing.

6. Spread fish with sunflower oil and put on a baking sheet. Now it can be sent to the oven.

It will bake for 40 minutes, maybe a little more. The temperature in the oven should be kept at around 180 degrees.

When the fish is ready, you need to get it out of the oven, transfer it to a beautiful dish and decorate with lemon and herbs. The dish for the festive table is ready.

Recipe with mushrooms

Many people love fish very much, especially when it is stuffed with different fillings.

Mushroom season comes in autumn, so I suggest putting pike stuffed in the oven with mushrooms on the table. The cooking process is not quite simple, but they say that the taste of the dish is memorable.


Before manufacturing, you need to check whether all the products are in place.

  • here you need 1 kilogram of pike,
  • 350 grams of champignons,
  • onions and carrots - one each,
  • 1 bunch of any greens
  • 3 slices of white bread
  • 1 mug of milk
  • 2 eggs,
  • sunflower or olive oil,
  • 80 grams of butter,
  • salt and black pepper to taste.


1. The pike needs to be washed, cleaned of scales, well gutted without touching the skin, so as not to damage it. Then you need to make light cuts near the head and “remove” the skin from the fish. It turns out that it will be turned inside out. Don't forget to trim the tail.

2. Now you can start making the mixture that the pike will be filled with before going to the oven. To do this, leave the pieces of white bread in milk for literally 5-10 minutes. Remove the bones from the fish fillet. Add to it the bread that was soaked in milk, and one egg.

3. Carrots, onions and mushrooms should be cut into small cubes, and chopped greens. If desired, carrots can simply be grated. Overcook on low heat for 7 minutes, do not forget to add a little salt.

4. When the vegetables are ready, pull them out and fry the mushrooms a little with butter. The frying process lasts no more than 8 minutes.

5. Now combine overcooking with greens, champignons, a mixture of fish meat in one container and add a little butter. Pepper and salt to taste.

6. Now you need to take the pike again and put the cooked mass inside the skin. Do not stuff the fish very tightly and tightly, otherwise it may not stand in the oven and tear.

7. Spread the pike on a baking sheet, which is pre-greased with sunflower oil. Also, you need to beat one egg and spread it on top of the fish. This will give it a golden hue.

8. Bake the fish for an hour so that the mark in the oven is fixed at 180 degrees. You need to monitor the readiness, because the cooking time also depends on the size of the selected fish.

When the pike is ready, it needs to be cooled to make it easier and easier to cut it into portions. You can decorate with vegetables, add greens or lemon slices.

You can serve the dish both hot and cold. If you do everything in accordance with the recipe, then the taste will be unique.

How to cook pike stuffed with onions and carrots in foil

The fastest and easiest way to cook stuffed pike is with carrots and onions. It takes a little time compared to others, and is much easier to do. The dish is suitable for lunch and dinner.


  • For such a juicy option, you will need the pike itself (it is better that its weight does not exceed 1 kilogram),
  • half a lemon
  • 2 bulbs
  • any greens of your choice
  • 2-3 medium carrots
  • salt,
  • black pepper and sunflower oil (you can also use olive oil).


I heard that it is desirable to take a small, young fish for making a dish. It is fresher and does not give off a slight but unpleasant smell of mud.

1. First of all, you need to clean the fish from scales, remove the gills and all the extra insides that are not needed. Salt the pike.

2. Greens must be very finely chopped, cut the onion into rings, and grate the carrots. Mix the ingredients, salt and add sunflower oil and a little lemon juice.

3. Fill the pike with the resulting mixture. For a more memorable taste, sprinkle the fish on top with lemon juice and a little oil.

4. Put the fish on foil, and place celery and some more carrots next to it for a side dish. It remains only to wrap everything with foil, place on a baking sheet, or if there is one, then in a tray designed for baking. Place in the oven for half an hour.

The temperature in the oven should be 200 degrees. After this time, slightly open the foil and leave the pike for another 5-10 minutes in the oven. So it will brown and look even tastier.

This is how you can achieve a bright taste with the help of fish and vegetables. Save your stuffed pike recipes so you always have them on hand.

Try different cooking options and surprise everyone with a rich variety of dishes. Bon appetit!

If you are going to cook pike for the first time - do not be alarmed. This process, although not for beginners, is not as complicated as it is often written. To cook a whole stuffed pike, you need to remove the skin from it. Also entirely, or rather "stocking". This is the hardest part of the recipe. But if you have step-by-step photos and a detailed description before your eyes, you will definitely cope with this. Well, it’s not so difficult to cook minced meat, fill the skin with it and bake fish in the oven. But for those who have not yet purchased fish, we will start with how to choose it.

How to choose a good pike for stuffing

  1. Do not take very large fish weighing more than 1.5-1.7 kg. Large specimens are old fish, its meat will be dry, it is more difficult to pull off the skin from it and it is not a fact that it will enter the oven, since we will bake it entirely on a baking sheet.
  2. Notice the smell. This is a river fish and it can smell like mud, but not musty or rotten. The smell of mud is easy to eliminate by adding fried onions to the minced meat, or by putting the fish first in water with lemon, but you definitely don’t need stale fish.
  3. As for appearance, the fish should be whole, its scales are dense and covered with transparent mucus. Fresh pike will have pinkish or even reddish gills, but by no means brown or spotted.
  4. Only after carefully examining the purchase from all sides, make a decision to purchase it.

Stuffed pike - step by step recipe with photo

This will be a simple, one might say, basic cooking recipe. It is classic, where in addition to the pike meat itself, only onion and lard are added to the filling.


  • pike weighing 1 kg - 1 pc;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • salted lard - 150g;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to taste.

How to cook stuffed pike:

Stuffed pike is usually served as a cold appetizer. To serve beautifully, you need to decorate it.

Fillings for stuffed pike

In addition to the traditional one that you saw above, the pike is also filled with minced meat, to which the following ingredients are added:

  • fried onions and carrots;
  • potato;
  • crab sticks;
  • aerobatics stuff the pike with minced fish from two types of fish - your own and red fish so that they do not mix and in the cut in finished form one half is white, the other is pink.

How to decorate a stuffed pike

The most traditional option is a mesh or scales, or a pattern with sour cream or mayonnaise. To make the lines thin, you need to fill them in a culinary syringe.

If, before baking, open the mouth of the fish and fix it with a toothpick, then, after removing it, you can put a small tomato in the mouth.

Before serving, baked fish is usually cut across into portioned pieces, which can be decorated with circles of lemon, cucumber, and olives.

You can tie a “handkerchief” from a paper napkin on your head, cut a crown from a whole onion.

Thanks to my father-in-law, (an avid fisherman) a pike appeared in the house.

Pike ~ 600g., slice of loaf soaked in milk, 1 egg, ~ 30g. butter, 1 onion, salt, pepper, lemon juice.

I know that many people boil stuffed pike, but I decided to bake it. Let's get started.

Clean the fish, remove gills, eyes. Lightly beat the carcass with a wooden spatula to make it easier to remove the skin. Make an incision under the head to the ridge, break it. You can just cut off the head, which I did with the first fish. And with the second, I decided, after all, to tinker :) Remove the insides. Making cuts in a circle between the skin and meat, remove the skin with a stocking. For greater preservation of the skin, cutting is best done so that a small (1~2mm) layer of meat remains on the skin. Cut the meat near the fins so that the fins remain with the skin.

Break the spine at the tail.

Separate the remaining meat from the skin.

Put the skin aside, remembering to turn it inside out :)

For minced meat:

Pass the meat, removed from the ridge and skin, with onions and bread three times through a meat grinder. Add softened butter, egg, salt and pepper. You can add a little chopped green onions and grated carrots - for beauty on the cut.

Beat into a fluffy mass.

Fill the skin and head with this stuffing.

Do not fill very tight, otherwise the skin may burst during baking.

Line a baking sheet with foil. Lay a line of bay leaves on the foil and put the stuffed skin on them. Attach the head to the body (if cut off).

Lightly salt the pike on top and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Place the tray in the oven for 1 hour at t=190°C.

All. We take out the pike, transfer it to a suitable dish (I don’t have one), decorate it, and rejoice - I did it! :))

We cut and...

Bon appetit!

Do you like the recipe for stuffed pike, but do not dare to cook it? Then our tips and step-by-step recipes will help you accomplish a culinary feat!
Recipe content:

Stuffed pike baked in the oven - a royal dish that was considered a symbol of the festive table. Not every housewife will decide to cook it. Since the queen of the solemn feast requires due attention. But if you know how to do it, then your efforts will be noticed. A beautifully decorated dish will make a splash for all guests. But as practice shows, this dish always turns out different for two housewives - for someone it is juicier, for someone it is spicier, someone makes stuffed fish aspic, and someone - baked. The main thing is that it always turns out tasty and appetizing! What subtleties do you need to know?

  • First of all, you need to choose the right fish. Fresh pike has a bright fishy aroma and a clear, overlying slime. Under the gill bone, the gills are of a rich red color without darkening or spots. Skin without cracks, breaks with densely covered scales.
  • The most time-consuming and difficult process in preparing this dish is to carefully remove the skin like a stocking. For this reason, for stuffing a whole pike, it is best to take a carcass weighing 1.5 kg. It is difficult to do this with large fish, and it may not fit in the oven.
  • Many refuse to eat pike, because. in finished form, it has a characteristic smell of mud. But this recipe won't. Because the filling is fried with onions and carrots, which interrupt the specific flavor characteristic of pike. When baking stuffed pike in the oven with a whole carcass, it should be remembered that fish meat is lean. Therefore, for the filling it is necessary to choose the right stuffing.

A variety of products are used for stuffing: eggs, prunes, mushrooms, rice, nuts, buckwheat. Here fantasy can roam without limits! For extra juiciness, you can add a piece of fresh bacon to almost any filling. Options for fillings that are mixed with minced fish (for 1-1.5 kg of fish) can be as follows:
  • Potato Stuffing: Raw, finely chopped potatoes or mashed potatoes are mixed with fried onions.
  • Mushroom: champignons (250 g), milk (150 ml), long loaf (3 slices), carrots (1 pc.), Onion (1 pc.), Butter (2 tablespoons), eggs (1 pc.) .
  • Rice: boiled rice (2 tablespoons), white bread (100 g), milk (200 ml), onion (150 g), eggs (1 pc.), greens.
  • Assorted: mushrooms (300 g), rice (50 g), butter (50 g), onion (1 pc.), carrots (1 pc.), crab sticks (100 g), juice of one lemon.
Bake a whole stuffed pike in the oven for a homemade feast or a special occasion, and your efforts will pay off in full! Use the suggested fillings, or come up with your own combinations. Below is one of the classic step-by-step recipes with a photo of making stuffed pike. Cook and enjoy the magnificent royal dish!

Stuffed pike in the oven - a classic recipe

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 141 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container - 6-8 servings
  • Cooking time - the total cooking time is about 3 hours, of which the dish is baked for 40 minutes


  • Pike - 1-1.5 kg
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Salo - 150 g
  • Dry loaf - 300 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 300 ml
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Spices - to taste (cloves, bay leaf)
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Step by step preparation:

  1. Clean the pike from scales so as not to damage the skin and remove the gills from the head.
  2. Make cuts near the bottom fin and the top fin. Carefully trim the skin to separate it from the innards. Dip your hand deep into the pike and carefully remove the giblets so as not to damage the gallbladder.

Note: if the gallbladder bursts, then immediately immerse the pike in cold water, which is diluted with 1 tbsp. table salt and 2 tbsp. table vinegar 9%. Leave the fish for half an hour, then rinse thoroughly.

  • Next, take a rolling pin or any other convenient object and beat the carcass from both sides, inflicting 10 blows. This will help to remove the skin more easily and make the meat tender.
  • With a sharp knife, decapitate the fish and cut off the tail bone so that the fin remains intact.
  • From the side of the head, using a knife, slowly separate the skin from the meat in a circle, pulling the skin over yourself. When you get to the top and bottom fins, cut them off the meat with scissors so they stay on the skin. Turning the skin gradually reach the tail.
  • Next, get to the meat. Separate it from the spine.
  • Boil the broth. Put the bones in a saucepan, cover with water, put one onion and spices. Boil it after boiling over low heat for 40 minutes, be sure to remove the foam. Then strain through a fine sieve.
  • For the filling, fill the loaf with milk and leave to swell for 15 minutes.
  • Peel the remaining onions and grate. Saute in vegetable oil in a frying pan until translucent.
  • Place the lard in a chopper and smash. Add the fried hot vegetables and grind the food so that the fat melts from the heat.
  • Twist the fish fillet several times through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
  • Combine minced meat with a loaf, squeezing it from the liquid, and vegetables with lard.
  • Separate the yolks from the whites and put the first in minced meat. Add salt, pepper and spices to taste. Stir. Minced meat should not be liquid, but should not stick to your hands either.

    Note: do not add more eggs than specified in the recipe, because. the filling will be tough.

  • Beat the whites with a mixer until stable white peaks and mix them into the filling in small portions. They will give the finished dish an airy texture.
  • Stuff the skin of the carcass and head with the fish mass.
  • Peel the carrots and beets, cut into pieces and place on a baking sheet. Lay the stuffed pike carcass with the head on top and fill it with broth.
  • Cover the fish with oiled foil and send to a preheated oven to 180 degrees.
  • After 20 minutes, remove the foil and leave the fish in the oven for another 20 minutes to form a golden crust.

    Note: The main criterion for the readiness of fish is when the broth becomes golden in color, and 2/3 of its part boils away. You can put the remaining broth in the refrigerator and get fish jelly.

  • Cool the finished dish completely, as it is customary to serve it cold. Place on a serving platter with the head on to make the pike look whole. Using a pastry syringe, decorate the carcass with mayonnaise, and put olives in the mouth and eye sockets.
  • Master class on cooking fish dishes: chefs Konstantin Ivlev and Yuri Rozhkov learn to cook squid stuffed with seafood. Watch the video!

    One of the highest achievements of Jewish culinary art is stuffed fish. It can be safely put on any table. It is always beautiful, festive and delicious.

    It is advisable to take only fresh, not frozen fish. But this is only a wish.



    1 large pike (1-1.5 kg)
    1-2 eggs
    3-4 slices of white bread
    30-50 g butter
    100 ml cream
    1 bulb
    2 carrots
    1 garlic clove
    1 beet (optional)
    Salt pepper
    Bay leaf

    stuffed pike


    1. Soak white bread in cream.

    2. Peel the onion and garlic from the husk, and do not throw away the husk from the onion, rinse well and dry.

    3. Peel the pike, being careful not to damage the skin.

    4. Remove the gills from the head and cut off the head. Set aside.

    5. Where the head was, cut the skin along the circumference with a sharp knife and pull it by the tips down to the tail, try to remove it without damage, with a stocking. Do not cut the fins, but cut them from the inside so that there are no holes in the skin.

    6. Do not cut off the tail, but only cut off the spinal bone on which it rests.

    7. Then cut the belly of a skinless pike and take out the insides, milk or caviar.

    Here is such a caviar pike I came across

    8. Remove all meat from the bones. Do not throw away the bones, but wrap them in a small piece of gauze.

    9. Pike meat, bread soaked in cream, garlic and onion, pass through a meat grinder three times. The stuffing should be very airy.

    10. Add an egg or two and softened butter, salt and pepper and beat. I did it with a mixer.

    11. Stuff the pike skin with minced meat, loosely so that the skin does not burst during cooking. Carefully close the hole where the head was with the skin and fasten it with a metal pin so that the minced meat does not fall out.

    Stuff pike skin with minced meat

    12. In a stewpan put carrots cut into rings, onion peel.

    13. Lay a pike stuffed with minced meat on a pillow of vegetables, so it does not stick to the bottom. Put a few bay leaves, peppercorns, fish bones, pike head in a saucepan and pour hot water so that it only covers the fish. Salt to taste.

    14. Whoever loves, can put for color (the husk also gives color) beets, cut into slices.

    15. Cook over medium heat under the lid for 2 hours, periodically removing the foam.

    Boil 2 hours

    stuffed pike