How to grow mushrooms at home all year round. How and where to grow mushrooms yourself: tips for beginners. planting material requirements

You can grow oyster mushrooms, champignons and shiitake mushrooms. Each species has its own requirements for the conditions of detention. For example, oyster mushrooms need 16-20 degrees, champignons - at least 24 and not more than 28 degrees, and shiitake -12 degrees and specially harvested. Yes, and the waiting time for the harvest is different: oyster mushrooms and champignons begin to be cut in 30-40 days, and the main harvest of wood shiitake comes not earlier than next year and lasts up to three years. Choose oyster mushrooms for which it is easier to provide all the growth conditions.

Prepare the room

For growing oyster mushrooms, you can use any above-ground or underground room. A basement, a barn, a garage, a vegetable store are suitable - a space where you can create a certain temperature regime, humidity, lighting and ventilation. Bearing in mind that from 10 to 30 kg of mushrooms can be obtained from one square meter, determine the size of the room to obtain the desired crop. Be sure to make the floor concrete or brick, plaster the walls and whitewash with lime. After bringing the premises in order, it is necessary to carry out a complex of surfaces and all inventory.

Prepare the main substrate

Growing mushrooms is impossible without a nutrient medium - a substrate. Sawdust, sunflower husks, cereal straw are suitable for it. Grind the starting material, soak in boiling water and boil. Squeeze so that the water comes out slightly if you squeeze the mass in your fist.

Plant mycelium

Evenly add the mycelium (mycelium) to the substrate cooled to 30 degrees at the rate of 300-500 g for every 10 kg of the medium. Place wet cuts in bags and tie. Transfer the formed mushroom blocks to a dark room with high humidity. Hang the bags or arrange them on racks so that they are easily accessible.

Create conditions for growth

During the incubation period, maintain the air temperature at 20-25 degrees, and the humidity at 90-95%. For quick germination and gas exchange, make 10-12 holes in each mushroom block on both sides.

Take care of growing mushrooms

When the bags turn white, lower the temperature to 16-20 degrees. Now we need some lighting. If the blocks are placed in the basement, one 100 watt light bulb is enough for 20 square meters. In addition, the duration of illumination is only 8-9 hours per day. Ventilate your plantation regularly - mushrooms actively emit carbon dioxide. If the room is small, you can use natural or forced ventilation for this - household appliances or hoods.

Harvest properly so that the mushroom block is ready for the next fruiting. To do this, after the first collection, seal the holes in the bags and make new cuts not far from the previous ones. While waiting for the harvest, do not let the mushrooms outgrow - this will only restrain the growth of the next wave of oyster mushrooms, and they do not become tastier from this.

Mushrooms as a food product have been known to man for thousands of years. These organisms are nutritious, rich in protein, trace elements and fiber, and at the same time have a low calorie content. It took a long time before people figured out how to grow mushrooms at home, like vegetables - at home or in personal plots.

Growing mushrooms at home

Features of growing mushrooms at home: it should be remembered that growing mushrooms and vegetables is not the same . Mushroom growing at home has its own nuances:

Growing oyster mushrooms at home: mushroom breeding technology

The first three weeks, the substrate with mycelium must be kept in a warm and humid place. Optimum temperature +20°С - +22°С. Later, it is necessary to move the mycelium to a cool room, for example, a basement.

Choosing the Right Variety

Mushrooms, which are the least problematic to grow at home, are champignons, oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms. Each of these mushrooms has its own nutrient medium: for champignons it is compost, humus, for shiitake - sawdust, and in a straw substrate.

Having decided on the type of mushrooms, it is worth choosing a method for breeding them.

There are two main ways to grow mushrooms at home:

How to grow mushrooms at home and which mushrooms to choose is a matter of taste for every mushroom grower. However, fans of the intensive method of growing mushrooms should remember that mushrooms release spores into the air, which adversely affect the human respiratory system and can cause severe allergies.

Therefore, the premises allocated for the cultivation of mushrooms should be as far away from the residential area as possible.

User reviews

Intensive method. To do this, I use a small pot and humus. Of course, I add all kinds of fertilizers - without them, the rapid development of the fungus is impossible. I chose champignons because of their greater prevalence and very simple care. I communicate with other mushroom growers - this is the most common type among beginners. However, I'm not going to change my preferences.

Nikolai Arkhipov

All my friends advised me to start with mushrooms. Even my best friend kept proving to me that this is the simplest mushroom. He said that he was better suited for beginners than others, because caring for him does not require extra money. I tried, but I didn't succeed. Planted them in sawdust. I did everything according to the instructions, but the plant died. But there are no problems with shiitake, it is still growing. Now I know for sure that it is better to start with them, and not with champignons, and the landing itself is easier.

Mushrooms are always popular, regardless of the season. Some people like to collect them in the forest on their own, others prefer to buy them in shops and markets. Growing mushrooms at home or in the country can be a very profitable business. Its profitability reaches 40%, and entering the business does not require special knowledge and large investments.

What mushrooms to grow?

First of all, you need to decide which mushrooms you plan to grow. There are several cost-effective options:

  • Porcini- one of the most valuable on the mushroom market. Soups, sauces, salads are prepared from it. Is in high demand. But at the same time, growing porcini mushrooms is somewhat troublesome, as they grow best in gardens near the roots of trees. When grown in greenhouses, they need to create conditions similar to natural ones.
  • Oyster mushrooms- the easiest type of mushroom to grow. It requires a small area for planting, and a monthly harvest per square meter can reach 14 kg. The first mushrooms can be obtained in a month. Oyster mushrooms are in high demand because they contain a lot of nutrients, vitamins B, PP, C and H and amino acids.
  • Champignon- This type of mushroom is considered one of the most expensive. Requires compost, which is quite difficult to make at home, therefore, you will have to spend money on its purchase.

Business registration

It is necessary to obtain a number of documents that will allow you to legally sell mushrooms:

  • Certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur. OKVED code - A.01.12.31. (growing mushrooms and mycelium). ESHN should be chosen as the tax regime.
  • Certificate of registration with the pension fund and tax service.
  • Permission and certificates from SES.
  • Conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • radiology protocol.
  • Quality certificate obtained in Rosstandart.
  • Compiled and approved rules for the storage and transportation of mushrooms and products derived from them.

Please note that certificates obtained in the laboratory are valid only as long as you grow mushrooms on the same substrate. When changing the substrate, it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests again.

Room selection

Mushrooms can be grown both indoors and outdoors. The second is relevant if you plan to open a mushroom farm and get a crop all the time, and not just in the warm season. Suitable as a basement, as well as a warehouse, a greenhouse and even an ordinary living room.

Mushroom cultivation requires a dry and clean room with good ventilation. In the cold season, it is also necessary to install additional stoves or radiators to maintain the thermal regime.

It is worth paying attention to the humidity, which should reach 80-90%, depending on the type of mushroom grown. To maintain it, it is necessary to install containers filled with cold water in the room.

Despite the fact that mushrooms do not like bright light, it is still necessary to provide short-term artificial lighting. It will be needed during the ripening of the crop.

It is advisable to divide the room into several zones, based on the main stages:

  1. For the preparation and storage of the substrate.
  2. For planting mushrooms.
  3. For sprouting mycelium.
  4. For the direct cultivation and collection of mushrooms.
  5. For processing and storage of finished products.

The selected room must be pre-treated with a disinfectant solution and then the walls whitewashed.

Purchase of mycelium

Mycelium is a mycelium that looks like thin light threads with a thickness of 10 microns or less. After planting it, the growth of mushrooms begins. When choosing a mycelium, one should pay attention to the variety, type and timing of the ripening of mushrooms, their resistance to diseases of various kinds.

Be sure to check the expiration date of the mycelium, their color and smell. The seller must have a license for the goods.

To get started, buy a small trial batch.


For the proper organization of a business on a mushroom farm, it is important to have such equipment and consumables as:

  • polyethylene bags for planting mushrooms;
  • refrigerator and cold rooms;
  • heaters;
  • humidifiers;
  • racks;
  • container for packaging;
  • harvest boxes.


If you have established a serious production on an industrial scale, then you should get assistants. To run a mushroom farm you need:

  • technologist;
  • harvester and packer;
  • handyman;
  • Sales Manager.

The number of workers depends on the size of the farm and the amount of harvest.

How to grow white mushroom

The technology depends on where you grow mushrooms:

In an open area

First you need to prepare a special solution according to this recipe: break the cap of an adult mushroom and soak it for a day in cold water. Then, on the site, it is necessary to remove the top layer of turf directly near the trees, and pour the cleared place with an infused solution with fungal spores.

It is worth planting mushrooms in late May - early June, if you are in the southern regions, in the middle lane, planting dates fall at the end of August - early September.

To accelerate growth, you can buy mycelium of porcini mushrooms. It is planted in a small pit, about 20-30 cm deep. It is first filled with a substrate. Substrate can be:

  • dry foliage of trees;
  • bark;
  • various kinds of nutrient mixtures.

The thickness of the layer reaches 7-10 cm. Then a second layer is laid, consisting of humus or ordinary earth, mycelium is laid on it, then another layer of nutrient mixture 3 cm thick. Then everything is sprinkled with a layer of earth 3-5 cm thick.

in the greenhouse

Seeds must be planted in boxes and placed on racks. For planting, special compost is used, consisting of:

  • dry crushed straw;
  • sawdust;
  • sunflower husks;
  • chalk or plaster in small quantities.

Chicken, cow or horse droppings can act as fertilizer. The resulting mixture is poured with hot water and infused for 2-3 weeks. During this period, the compost is shaken and watered. Then mycelium is added to the compost and laid out in boxes.

In the room it is necessary to organize subdued lighting, a high level of humidity and provide ventilation.

Oyster mushroom cultivation

There are two options for growing these mushrooms:

First option

It involves the preparation of the substrate, which includes:

  • crushed and soaked straw;
  • sawdust;
  • fresh sunflower husk.

The mixture is crushed and poured with hot water. After cooling, it is placed in polypropylene bags. The substrate layer and the mycelium layer should be alternated. In this case, the mycelium makes up 3-5% of the total mass of the bag. The polyethylene should have holes for ventilation, about 2 cm in diameter. It is advisable to make holes every 15 cm.

The first month, the blanks are stored in a closed dark room at a humidity of 90% and a temperature of about 25 degrees. After the specified period, everything moves to a cooler place with a temperature regime of 12-18 degrees, where the mushrooms ripen.

The first mushrooms can be obtained in a few weeks, and they grow in waves. With each new wave, the amount of harvested is less.

Second option

It implies the use of wood and stumps for growing crops:

  1. They take stumps of deciduous trees, preferably young ones that are not infected with other fungi. You can also use pre-treated cuts from tree trunks.
  2. Stumps and cuts are infected with mycelium and kept at high humidity until they are overgrown with mycelium.
  3. Then they are planted in the ground to provide constant moisture.

This method is characterized by low productivity and is used extremely rarely.

You can learn about the real experience of growing such mushrooms from the video:

Growing champignons is considered a more complex process. Firstly, this is due to the fact that they require a special compost or substrate, and secondly, it is necessary to strictly observe the microclimate.

The substrate can be prepared independently. For him take:

  • fresh dry straw - 12 kg;
  • fresh chicken manure or cow or horse manure - 8 kg;
  • gypsum or chalk - 0.5-1 kg;
  • ammonium sulfate - 200-250 g.

All this is laid out in layers, then insisted for a month, watering daily, every 6-7 days it must be shaken. To determine whether the mixture is ready for planting, the absence of a characteristic ammonia smell will help. As soon as it disappears, you can sprinkle the compost with earth and plant the mycelium.

The temperature regime for champignons is at least 15 degrees, best of all - 20-25. The humidity level is within 70-80%.

The mushroom picker germinates within two weeks, and the first harvest can be obtained in 2-3 months.

Sales of mushrooms

Finished products must be sold as quickly as possible or specially processed for long-term storage. Fresh mushrooms can be sold:

  • selling them to restaurants and canteens;
  • deliver to markets and shops, supermarkets;
  • sell to individual buyers.

Leftovers can be canned or dried.

During Lent and on holidays, the cost and demand for mushrooms increases.

How much money do you need to start a business?

Here is a sample business plan for expenses:

  1. Premises for rent in 40-60 sq.m. - 7,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of mycelium or mycelium - 10,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of substrate or compost - 20,000 rubles.
  4. Packages at the rate of 500 pieces - 5,000 rubles.
  5. Plastic boxes, 10 pieces - 1,000 rubles.
  6. Equipment for organizing a microclimate - 15,000 rubles.
  7. Refrigerators and cold rooms - 40,000-60,000 rubles.
  8. Transportation costs - 15,000.
  9. Registration and execution of all papers - 20,000 rubles.
  10. Utility bills - 30,000 rubles per month.

To open a business, on average, you will need 183,000 rubles. The exact item of expenditure depends on the volume of production and the region.

Business Pros

The main advantages of the mushroom business include:

  • mushrooms are unpretentious in care and do not require constant care;
  • no special training or skills required;
  • use in the production of simple and affordable materials;
  • high demand and stable income.

For starters, it's best to try growing mushrooms on a small scale for yourself. Once you understand the cultivation process, you can expand the mushroom farm and enter the market.

When working with mushrooms - planting, harvesting - use gauze bandages, as fungal spores can cause allergic reactions.

Video: Mushrooms - an idea for a private business

You can learn more about growing mushrooms and organizing a mushroom business from the video below:

Growing mushrooms is a fairly cost-effective and simple type of business. It does not require any special knowledge. Its profitability reaches 40%, and it pays off within a year.

White mushrooms are valued for their unique aromatic and gustatory properties. This is one of the most popular types of mushrooms among gourmets around the globe. They contain a huge amount of nutrients, fiber and vegetable proteins. The only drawback is the seasonality of this species, because you can only see them for sale in a warm autumn, in the midst of the mushroom season. Of course, it is very pleasant to go in search of mushrooms in the forest or buy them from experienced mushroom pickers, but it is even more pleasant when they grow in your country house.

In this article, you will learn how in a parallel universe you can grow porcini mushrooms at home on a personal plot, but in practice such an undertaking will end an absolute failure. Let's try to figure out why.

To grow a white mushroom at home, you will have to sweat pretty and uselessly. The thing is that this variety is in close symbiosis with its habitat, namely trees (spruces, oaks, pines, birches). They do not grow under the leaves, but in places with a moss cover.

Mushrooms are very demanding on the climate, and their largest harvest can be observed after a foggy night, with high humidity. The place for growing porcini mushrooms should be well lit and warm. However, to recreate similar climatic conditions for home growing impossible!

Do not pay attention on found articles and videos on the Internet, this is all pure deception, just read the comments!

Requirements for the premises and conditions for growing porcini mushrooms at home: necessary equipment

As a rule, in various articles they write that it is possible to grow porcini mushrooms in personal plots, recreating their natural environment or in greenhouses (specially equipped premises). An ordinary greenhouse that is empty after the last harvest is also suitable.

Many desperate advisers offer to grow porcini mushrooms even at home on the windowsill.

However, you should not consider the option of growing porcini mushrooms at home on windowsills or on a balcony - this is the same waste of time. We repeat once again, home conditions are absolutely not suitable for this lesson.

In some articles, you can read that an isolated basement will be an ideal option for intensive cultivation of porcini mushrooms, as it retains temperature and humidity well. But this is not enough! To grow mushrooms at home, you will need special equipment, which includes:

  1. Heating system with temperature controller. The optimum temperature for growing porcini mushrooms is 15° - 18°C. To maintain the required temperature level, you will need a heating system.
  2. Air conditioning system. Any varieties of mushrooms, including porcini, grow exclusively in the fresh air. In a closed room, at high temperature and high humidity, the air becomes stale and saturated with carbon dioxide, which significantly slows down their development. The room must be systematically ventilated. To do this, special hoods are installed that eliminate dirty air and supply fresh air.
  3. Daylight lamps. Ceps are very photophilous, as they grow in nature in open areas. That is why their mycelium has to be highlighted. It is best to use special lamps with diffused lighting for greenhouses. They can be purchased at any major garden center.
  4. Shelving. To optimize the space in the room, special racks are installed on which containers with the substrate are placed. This allows you to fill the area more rationally and significantly increase the number of landing sites. Naturally, you can do without racks by placing containers on the floor, but with this method, containers will fit much less. As containers for growing, you can use plastic pots, plastic bottles of 6 liters, felt bags.

Before proceeding with the planting of mycelium, it is necessary to disinfect the premises. The floor and shelving are treated with a 0.4% sulfate solution, and the walls and ceiling are covered with a mixture of lime and copper sulfate. Additionally, the room is treated with a smoke bomb.

Note! Do not believe these tips, no equipment will help you grow porcini mushrooms at home. Another thing - or!

How to grow porcini mushrooms at home: growing technology

The equipment of the basement in the greenhouse for growing mushrooms should not hit the budget. All materials are available and easily replaceable. It is important to do everything right so that the invested funds do not go to waste, but pay off and bring income. For this, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology of growing porcini mushrooms.

Note! There is no technology for growing white mushrooms at home! Everything that is written below is fiction of storytellers!

Substrate preparation

As mentioned earlier, the difficulty of growing porcini mushrooms lies in recreating the conditions of their natural habitat, namely in fertile soil. Specialized stores sell ready-made soil for growing mushrooms, but no manufacturer will give you a guarantee of the quality of such a substrate. You can prepare a fertile, natural and high-quality mixture yourself, and most importantly, it will be completely free. To do this, you need to collect dry field grass, dry leaves of trees (birch, oak, acorn), small twigs with needles of coniferous plants. It is recommended to add some dried moss to the substrate. All components must be dry, as they must be chopped in a special garden processor. White fungus grows in sandy and loamy soils. In the already crushed mixture, add a little sifted sand and dry clay in a 4: 1 ratio. The substrate for growing porcini mushrooms should be infused for about two weeks before planting in a dry and warm place.

Selection and purchase of mycelium

For ready-made substrates, purchased mycelium of various varieties is used. Plant it according to the manufacturer's instructions. If you prepared the soil yourself, then the planting material should be prepared accordingly. Already formed white mushrooms are suitable as seedlings, you can even use a spoiled mushroom, the main thing is that the hat remains intact. Next, you need to separate the caps and twist them into meat grinders or chop them very finely with a knife. Crushed caps are placed for 4 hours in a weak solution of manganese (1 gram per 10 liters) and sugar (10 cubes). Thus, you get a nutrient mixture that contains fungal spores.


The already prepared substrate must be distributed among the planting containers. The substrate is poured in an even layer of 30 - 35 centimeters, slightly pressing down on the top layer to create a more even relief. Drainage should be placed at the bottom of the container, which will give an air gap, and the fertile soil will breathe, because this is very important for mushrooms. Further, planting material is evenly distributed over the surface, which must again be covered with a substrate (about 3–4 cm from above), without pressing down. At the time of planting, the room temperature should be 27 ° and remain at this level until the first shoots.

Further care

After planting, the first shoots appear already on the 7-9th day. It is very important to maintain the correct climatic conditions, temperature, humidity and lighting. The entire period from planting to germination, the temperature is maintained at the same level. It is necessary to regularly moisten the soil and indoor air. To do this, you can use ordinary sprayers and spray the soil with them. Near heaters, it is recommended to place containers with water or hang wet towels, sheets, rags. In this way, you will achieve optimal air humidity. Twice a day it is necessary to ventilate the room so that there is a good supply of oxygen. Ceps are photophilous, so they will have to be illuminated with fluorescent lamps (5 to 6 hours a day). After germination, the room temperature should be lowered by 10 °, to about 16 ° - 17 °. After the first harvest, the mycelium will come out and will be above the level of fertile soil. To avoid drying out, the mycelium should be sprinkled with the substrate that remains. For a larger offspring, a fifth of ammonium nitrate is added to the substrate. The soil is evenly scattered, covering the legs of the mushrooms.


Already 22 - 25 days after planting, you can harvest the first crop. The fruiting period of porcini mushrooms is 40 - 45 days with a frequency of 10 -12 days. Mushrooms are recommended not to be cut with a knife, as many prefer, but to twist carefully so as not to damage the mycelium. The hole that remains after the removal of the fungus must be sprinkled, a new one will grow in that place. Subject to all the rules of cultivation, from one m² you can collect about 20 - 25 kg!

You will get such a crop of porcini mushrooms only if you go around the whole forest yourself!

Important! Do not believe such videos, but rather just read the comments below it.

The success of growing mushrooms at home depends on the right room, temperature and climatic conditions. Buying mycelium is not difficult, it is only important to choose a reliable supplier with high-quality planting material. The main thing is that the temperature and humidity in the room can be regulated. Home mushroom business does not require a lot of investment and pays off in a month, after the first harvest. And it doesn’t matter whether these crops are grown for personal use or for sale, a person will always have edible and non-poisonous mushrooms.

First, you need to decide which species is more suitable for home cultivation. Most often, these types of mushrooms are used for these purposes:

View Description A photo
oyster mushroomIt grows in nests, the fabric is juicy and soft. The cap is shaped like an auricle and has a characteristically wavy, curled brim. Smooth to the touch and dark gray in color. The leg is white or light gray, from half a millimeter to three centimeters high. The plates are light, long, rare and thin. It is a predatory fungus that can digest some worms. Never wormy
ChampignonThey have a second name - a stove. Leg and cap of the same color (white), the leg expands slightly at the base, dense and strong. The hat has a convex shape and a skin that can be easily removed. Fresh champignons have white plates, old ones have black ones.
Honey mushroomsThey grow in groups, on stumps and trees, on thin legs, reaching 15 cm, and have a small "skirt". The color is light or dark brown. The hat is bent down, hemispherical in shape, with small scales at a young age and smooth, and when the mushroom is ripe it is umbrella-shaped
PorciniBorovik has a distinctive feature - a barrel-shaped or club-shaped leg (an average height of 15 cm, a diameter of 8-10 cm). He has a large light brown or reddish hat (average 30 cm). The cap has a delicate velvety structure and thin skin, inseparable from the pulp.
ShiitakeThe second name is the imperial mushroom. It has soft creamy or white flesh, a bright aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. The hat is convex, dense, coffee-colored. Diameter five to twenty centimeters, with thin skin, covered with white scales. The leg is light brown, one and a half centimeters in diameter and from 5 to 20 cm in height. Covered with fringed remnants of thin skin
TrufflesConsidered a delicacy, it has a unique taste and specific aroma. Looks like a potato tuber or cone. The size of a walnut, but some specimens grow from a large potato and weigh about a kilogram. The skin has a smooth surface, cut with cracks and covered with wart-like processes. The section shows a multifaceted structure, alternating from light and dark "veins". The edible part of the truffle is the fruiting body containing the spores. The flesh is black, gray, chocolate and white

Species are divided into wood - it's oyster mushroom, shiitake and mushrooms, and soil - white fungus, champignons and truffle.

Features of cultivation

It is better for beginner mushroom pickers to choose the first three types. Acquisition of mycelium and other materials will be inexpensive. Growing truffles (the most expensive) and growing popularity of shiitake will require more experience and financial investment.

The first step is to choose a suitable place or room. It must be insulated, since the air easily spreads fungal spores that infect the garden plot or other part of the room.

Ways and technology:

  1. 1. Acquisition of mycelium. In appearance, these are sawdust with germinated mushroom mycelium (root system). This is the so-called mushroom seedling, which is used most often. It is ordered online or in a specialized store.
  2. 2. Preparation of the nutrient medium. Acquired sawdust and straw (substrate) are sterilized with hot steam or boiling water to destroy microbes that can change the mycelium.
  3. 3. Warming up seedlings. This is done in this way: sawdust with mycelium is laid out on a baking sheet or a wide, shallow bowl. They put it on a warm surface with a temperature of twenty-five degrees and leave it for twenty-one days in a dark place.
  4. 4. Planting mycelium. After three weeks, the sprouted mycelium is transferred to a cellar or basement with a constant temperature of fifteen degrees. A layer of soil is placed on the nutrient medium (sawdust, straw) and watered. You need to make sure that excess moisture does not accumulate. To control humidity with napkins or towels, water is removed or the covering material is moistened, acting as necessary.
  5. 5. Maintain a moist environment so that mushrooms can grow after three weeks.
  6. 6. Control of daylight hours. Turn the lights on or off (depending on the species) so that the crops regulate photosynthesis.

When the caps are fully formed and begin to structurally separate from the stem, the first crop is harvested. The plant is cut with a knife or twisted out of the ground, so that the rhizome remains intact and gives more fruit.

Growing mushrooms at home involves two ways:

  • Extensive. Suitable for those who are not going to grow these fruit plants for business purposes. Mushrooms will grow on their own in the garden, and the harvest depends on weather conditions - everything is like in a natural environment.
  • Intensive. The main goal is to make a profit. Productivity is important, which affects financial profit. Need a nutrient medium and climate control. Mushrooms are grown in a suitable room with optimal temperature and humidity. They are planted in the basement of the house, on the balcony or in the pantry.

Mushrooms can be bred and harvested all year round, business will only benefit from this, the main thing is that the technology is not violated.

Growing different types

To grow mushrooms in a personal plot, it is necessary to observe certain conditions that are important for a particular species.

Mushrooms are bred from late spring to early autumn in natural conditions (outdoors) and indoors all year round. An important condition is the preparation of a high-quality substrate. It depends on the amount of harvest. The main ingredient is compost. It is made from rye straw or wheat (20%) and cow, bird or horse dung (70%). The correct calculation of the components is necessary: ​​100 kg of straw, two - urea, two - superphosphate, seven kilograms of gypsum and five chalk. This material is enough for a mycelium of three meters (along with manure), if you grow them on the street. In the basement, for convenience, the earth is laid out in wooden boxes. It is recommended to install shelving made of metal, where boxes with mycelium containing mycelium will be placed. The temperature regime (14-16 degrees) and humidity (75%) should be observed. Regularly moisten the soil, avoiding the accumulation of water in the substrate. It is necessary to ventilate the room and air it, without creating drafts. Fruiting lasts eight to fourteen weeks, during which the crop is harvested seven times. Mushrooms are not cut, but twisted, sprinkling the remaining hole with soil.

Oyster mushrooms are planted in a cool, shady place in a garden plot or a dark basement. The substrate is prepared from crushed shoots of corn, straw, sunflower seed husks and buckwheat. Pasteurization is carried out and cooled to 25 degrees. Grown in large, pre-sterilized in a chlorine solution, plastic bags (with five kilograms of substrate). They make holes in them and fix them on the ceiling. Holes are cut in a checkerboard pattern, every ten centimeters. During the incubation period, which lasts ten to fifteen days, temperature (19 degrees) and humidity (80%) are observed. When the first crop breaks through, the temperature is reduced to 10 degrees and the humidity is increased to 90%. During the fruiting period, artificial sunlight is needed for 8 hours. When it's time to harvest, the oyster mushroom is carefully twisted out of the ground.

Honey mushrooms grow well on stumps and trees. Planted at a distance from other groups and placed so that the spores do not penetrate into healthy trees. In basements, wood is attached and mycelium is planted on its surface or bred in plastic jars. For the substrate, they take seed husks, small sawdust and shavings. Boil and allow excess moisture to drain. Then nutrients are added: grain flour (30 g) and starch (10 g) per kilogram of chips. The resulting mixture is poured into jars and compacted. A two-hour sterilization is carried out, a hole is made (6 cm) and mycelium is introduced into it. The containers are stored in a dark, damp room with a temperature of 23 degrees. After germination, lower the temperature to 15 degrees Celsius. Honey mushrooms grow quickly and after two weeks you can harvest.

Shiitake grows best on stumps and beams. They are planted mainly indoors, making holes for the mycelium. You need a lot of humidity and lack of light. Indoors, shiitake is grown in bags at a temperature of 25 degrees and a humidity of 75-80%. The substrate includes grain husks, sawdust and hay. Five percent of the mycelium is added to it and moisturized well. Cuts are made four centimeters in size so that the mycelium breathes freely. When the fruiting bodies ripen (after 3-4 weeks), they are carefully cut off with a sharp knife at the very base. For a good harvest, high quality planting material is important.

White mushroom (boletus) grows well in its natural environment. It can be grown in the garden and in the basement. Landing is best done in the spring. On the site, a sunlit area is chosen, dry leaves and tree bark are added. Prefers dry, well-draining soil and moderate moisture. Unlike other varieties, it tolerates the sun very well. On the site, all weeds are removed and the soil is moistened. To grow mushrooms in the basement, it is necessary to provide a temperature in the range of 9-12 degrees and a humidity of 85%. Plant seedlings in boxes filled with nutrient substrate. You can use bags. The substrate includes: sawdust, hay, seed husks, crushed corn cobs. The room must be regularly ventilated, as porcini mushrooms love oxygen. It is necessary to install fluorescent lamps and turn on the light for five hours. When the hats appear, you should lower the temperature to ten degrees. Watering is carried out scattered, twice a day. After twenty to twenty-five days, the crop can be harvested.

Truffle grows well near oak, olive trees, redwoods. Cannot be planted near chestnut, willow, pine, fir and poplar. It is collected by digging the earth at a depth of 20 cm.