What awaits us in the near future. Hammond sees the foreseeable future within the framework of several megatrends that will radically affect human life. Cars will become robots and learn to fly

Look At Me has already figured out why concepts are an important tool for innovation. In this material, we have collected 10 concepts from the future that can change our ideas about transport, highways, houses and life on Mars.

1 TF-X helicopter

The TF-X is a concept for a flying car that can take off vertically, meaning it doesn't need a runway to do so. The flying car was developed by the Massachusetts company Terrafugia. The car seats 4 and flies thanks to folding wings that open in the air and fold when the car is lowered onto the road (and with the wings folded, the TF-X will fit in a regular garage). Thanks to vertical take-off, the car will be able to take off straight from the highway (but it won’t be possible to escape from a traffic jam this way - the car will still need a space of 30 meters for this), and after taking off, it will be able to cover about 500 miles without stopping. It will be possible to purchase the model in approximately 8–12 years.

2 Flying house Strato Cruiser

Strato Cruiser is a modern modification of traveling on ocean liners, only by air. The point is to introduce useful entertainment into the tourist routine. Thus, on a flying house you can go on an air trip and not only enjoy beautiful landscapes and cities, but also improve your health (travellers will be fed food from a specially designed healthy menu, give them a massage, do yoga with them, etc.), improve your appearance (the ship has a full range of beauty services) and mood (the house has a swimming pool, library, personal DJ and much more). The Strato Cruiser has several flight destinations: transatlantic, trans-Pacific, USA, various destinations over Europe, etc.

3 Self-sufficient house
The Microbial Home

Philips Design has created the concept of a house that generates electricity from garbage and wastewater. The Microbial Home works as a closed ecosystem, using waste from one part of the house to power another part of the house: for example, kitchen appliances work by recycling bath waste. This "sustainable" home was first presented at Dutch Design Week in 2011.

4 Interactive track
The Smart Highway

Earlier this year, the Dutch design bureau Studio Roosegaarde presented The Smart Highway project. It includes several concepts aimed at improving roads. Designers propose using special luminescent paint for markings, which absorbs sunlight during the day and can illuminate the road for ten hours at night. In addition, specialists from Studio Roosegaarde have created a special road surface, thanks to which images of snowflakes appear on the asphalt if it is frosty outside. Also among the proposed concepts are lights that light up only if a car passes by - it was important for the designers that their inventions be energy efficient.

5 Ship-sail

Patented by the Norwegian design group Lade AS, the ship-sail operates on hybrid propulsion: according to the idea, the specially shaped sides will be able to pick up gusts of wind, thus creating additional propulsion force for the ship. Since the development requires tracking the direction of the wind, it is planned to install additional navigation on the vessel. Unfortunately, Vindskip cannot completely eliminate fuel, but it can significantly (60%) reduce its consumption.

6 Hyundai egg car

Hyundai's development is a cross between a Segway and a city car. Instead of traditional wheels, the vehicle is equipped with rotating hemispheres, and the car is driven by feet. Unfortunately, the speed of the egg car does not yet exceed the speed of a pedestrian, and nothing is yet known about the launch of the car into mass production.

7 Robotic colony on Mars

According to experts from the Berlin bureau ZA Architects, within 10 years the development of technology will help the construction of a colony of robots on Mars. The proposed construction will take place in two stages: first, robots will analyze the surface of the planet, dig a cave and strengthen its walls. At the second stage, the help of astronauts will be required, who will equip the cave with life support equipment.

8 Origami shoes

Horatio Yuxin Han and Kevin Crowley, following Yves Beart, who once invented eco-friendly Puma shoe boxes, are reinventing today's shoe design. Khan's slippers and sandals do not need to be stitched or glued - each pair is simply cut from a sheet of material (ethylene and vinyl acetate). The owner of such an accessory must simply fold the sheet in a certain way around the leg. Unifold origami shoes solve several problems at once - slippers require much less space for production, storage, transportation and sale - which means much less energy is wasted. In addition, due to the low price, such sandals can be affordable for everyone.

9 A printer that doesn't need refilling

Some concepts go a little further than beautiful illustrations on a personal blog. For example, the Japanese Stack printer, which does not need to be refilled with paper, has already acquired a prototype. Inventor Mugi Yamamoto decided to remove everything unnecessary from the printer, so the result was something between a grater and a fairy-tale monster. The device (no larger than an A3 sheet of paper, 5 cm in height) is placed on a stack of paper and literally passes the paper through itself. The author of this elegant solution is now looking for investors in his project to put it into production.

10 Phone from Phoneblocks

Dutch designer Dev Hakkens, inspired by the LEGO assembly model, proposed a concept phone that each user could modify at their own discretion, simply by assembling it from blocks. Separate blocks are dedicated to Wi-Fi, camera, USB port and other phone functions. It is assumed that the user will be able not only to independently select functions, but also to determine their location. According to the designer, such phones will be much easier to repair by simply replacing the failed unit.

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website publishes the most interesting forecasts of Michio Kaku.

10. You only need to blink to go online.

In the coming decades, special contact lenses will appear that will allow us to access the Internet simply by blinking. People will see the world like a robot from the movie “Terminator”: various additional data will appear on top of the image of the surrounding reality. During a conversation with your interlocutor, you will see information about him, and if he speaks another language, you will be able to understand him using subtitles with translation. Have you run into an old friend on the street and don’t remember his name? The computer will figure out who it is and tell you. Electronic chips will be built into all products, and you will be able to read all the data about any of them.

These lenses will consume very little power, so you won't have to worry about running out of battery power. You will have endless access to information anywhere, anytime.

9. Items will be able to change shape and color at the owner's command

The development of nanotechnology will lead to the fact that in 20 years there will be programmable matter, which can take any form. It will consist of microscopic computer chips - "claytron atoms" - that can be reprogrammed. It will be possible to sculpt from plastic and even metal, as if from plasticine, you can shrink a mobile phone so that it fits in your pocket, and turn a toy that is boring for your child into a new one. Household appliances and furniture will be made from such materials, so the interior of the apartment can be changed at the touch of a button.

8. Instead of a doctor, we will consult with “smart” gadgets

There are already smart glasses for surgeons that can be loaded with medical history, MRI results and X-rays. Soon they will be able to exchange information with the Internet. A global Robodoc program will emerge that will help not only doctors, but also patients: it will receive information from the network and give accurate medical advice. Instead of wasting time visiting the doctor, taking tests and waiting for results, you can discuss your health with smart glasses or watches.

The condition of the body will be monitored by sensors built into clothing or the toilet. They will record changes and prevent serious illnesses. For example, at the very first symptoms of cancer, long before the tumor appears, the doctor will inject nanoparticles that will stop gene mutation and prevent the development of the disease.

7. Even the wallpaper will be “smart”

Computer screens will become flexible and paper thin. They can be unrolled and rolled up like scrolls and used in meters long. Not only will your phones become smart, but your wallpaper will also become smart, and you will be able to talk to them. For example, at 4 in the morning something in your chest hurts and you don’t understand why. Maybe you ate too much pizza, or maybe you were having a heart attack. What to do? Call an ambulance? You just walk up to the wall and say, “Connect me to Robodoc.”

6. Cars will become robots and learn to fly

Already in 2020, you will be able to drive a self-driving car. You won't have to park yourself, you just tell the car: “Park” and it will do it. Cars will become robots that can help you plan your day or just chat with you, and robotics will outsize the auto industry. Over time, cars will learn to fly.

To reduce fuel consumption, a significant part of which cars spend on overcoming the force of friction, electromagnetism will be used: thanks to the force of the magnetic field, the vehicle will float in the air. By the end of the 21st century, instead of asphalt, roads will be built from superconductors. Magnetic levitation is not an empty fantasy: magnetic levitation trains already exist in Germany, China and Japan, and the maximum speed of such a train was recorded in 2015 in the Japanese prefecture of Yamanashi and was 603 km/h.

5. Computers will learn to read thoughts and emotions and transmit them over the Internet

According to Michio Kaku's forecast, by 2027, the Internet will be replaced by the “Brainnet”: computers will learn to read impressions and memories from the brain, transmit them through the network, and perhaps even download them into the brains of other people. Instead of emojis, you'll send your friends your real emotions, and uploading memories will help people with Alzheimer's preserve their memories.

We will also be able to record smells, tastes and tactile sensations and transmit them to the corresponding parts of the brain, creating an illusion in the human mind that is indistinguishable from reality. This can be called a controlled hallucination: all virtual objects will seem absolutely real. It remains to be seen how this will change the film industry and the entertainment industry as a whole.

Neuroscientists are already able to understand what a person is dreaming by the activity of his brain, but so far the picture is very fuzzy and blurry. But technology is improving, and in the future you will be able to record your dreams on video.

4. We will print shoes, toys and houses on a 3D printer

Already at home in the USA, China, the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates print on 3D printers. Soon, with the help of such a printer, you will be able to print any thing you need: from ice cream to jewelry, from toys to a new home of your own design. The shoe store will measure your feet and print you a new pair of shoes that fits you perfectly.

Moreover, people will be able to visualize their fantasies with the help of technology: the image that appears in your head can be printed on a 3D printer. This will create a completely new art form.

3. Lost human organs can be grown back

Recently, Chinese scientists grew new ears from biodegradable plastic for children who were born with ear defects. They seeded a plastic frame with ear cells, and when it grew, the plastic dissolved, leaving behind an organ made from a person’s own tissue (such an organ can be sewn onto a person without the risk of rejection). Soon we will be able to grow skin, cartilage, blood vessels, tracheas, and a little later, more complex organs - liver, kidneys and perhaps even the brain. This is already being done, the goal of which is to create a map of the human brain. Thanks to it, we will soon be able to digitize the human mind and in the future create a digital copy of a person. Digitally, you will exist forever, and your great-great-great grandchildren will be able to communicate with you. Moreover, you can send your copy into space: with the help of a laser, your digital “soul” will be on the Moon in a second, on Mars in 20 minutes, and on Alpha Centauri in 4 years.

1. People will connect with robots

How smart are robots now? The smartest robot in the world - Japanese Asimo - can run, climb stairs, talk and dance, but so far it has the intelligence of a cockroach. In a few years he will reach the level of a mouse, then a rat, a cat, a dog. By the beginning of the next century they may have overtaken the ape. And at this point they can become dangerous, because monkeys have self-awareness, they can have their own interests. And then we should put a chip in their brain that will turn them off if they decide to kill someone.

Yes, someday they will figure out how to remove this chip, but by then, perhaps people will figure out how to connect with robots. It is possible, for example, to use controlled avatars, similar to us, but with superhuman abilities, who can live on Mars, conquer uncharted planets and travel through galaxies.

Do you like the future that Michio Kaku described?

Vanga's predictions are shrouded in mysticism. Researchers are constantly trying to decipher what awaits humanity, according to the famous soothsayer. Many prophecies have already come true, but what awaits us in the future?

Vanga's predictions that came true by year

The soothsayer's contemporaries wrote down and saved her predictions in order to later reveal them to people. Let's look at what prophecies have already come true.

Vanga's predictions by year:

  • In 1989, Vanga said that huge steel birds would attack America and many people would suffer. This prediction came true on September 11, 2001, when the planes and twin towers tragedy occurred.
  • Vanga believed that in 2008 events would occur that would become the prerequisites for the Third World War. She predicted the death of four rulers of states. Whether this prediction came true or not is not known for certain.
  • The soothsayer also claimed that the Third World War would begin in 2010, however, this prediction did not come true. According to her forecast, the rulers of the superpowers were supposed to start using powerful weapons
  • Another unfulfilled prediction: Vanga believed that in 2011 the flora and fauna of the Northern Hemisphere would die out, and famine would begin on the European continent. The soothsayer predicted a war between Muslim countries and Europeans using powerful chemical weapons
  • And by the end of 2014, Vanga pointed to the end of the war, which would end with negative consequences for the whole world. Vanga claimed that an epidemic of incurable skin diseases would begin in the world. She also predicted the deterioration of the environmental situation in the world

It is impossible to know for sure whether the predictions of the great soothsayer were interpreted correctly. Perhaps she did not mean at all what the researchers of her prophecies say.

The future of humanity in the 21st century

Vanga's later predictions are closely related to the previous ones. To believe the prophecies or not is everyone's business. Many of her words did not come true, so there are enough doubters.

What awaits us in the 21st century according to Vanga:

  • The prophecy about a “cold and empty Europe” tells that heads of state will begin to actively use nuclear and chemical weapons, and bloody wars will begin between Europe and Muslims
  • Some researchers interpret this prediction differently. They believe that Vanga meant the spiritual emptiness of Europeans, the destruction of their heart chakra. It’s easier to believe in this prophecy, because we are really witnessing the degeneration of spiritual values ​​and the race for material wealth
  • Vanga predicted that by 2018, China would turn into a powerful superpower and begin to influence the situation throughout the world. Other countries that have lived under oppression for a long time will also receive power, they will begin to develop and bring benefits
  • Vanga’s prophecy about Russia says that our country will stand on a par with India and China and will take its place among the greatest states
  • By 2023, the soothsayer promised changes in the Earth's orbit. This will go unnoticed by people, but will affect the energetic vibrations of humanity
  • In 2025, Europe's population will decrease significantly due to past wars. However, the predicted wars did not happen, so it is difficult to believe that this prediction will come true.
  • In 2028, a new, powerful source of energy will be formed. This will happen after some invention by scientists that will literally “blow up” people’s minds, and the world will begin to change. One of the powerful states will send an expedition of astronauts to Venus
  • By 2033, sea levels will rise, causing flooding of coastal cities. This will happen due to global warming, which we are seeing now.
  • By 2046, there will be a revolution in medicine. Doctors will learn how to create artificial organs and transplant them into people. This will be a popular and most effective method of treating complex diseases. Scientists will also invent fundamentally new types of weapons and military equipment.
  • In 2066, America will go to war with Muslim countries. During military operations, the United States will use new weapons that will adversely affect the climate of European countries. A cold snap is coming
  • In 2076 there will be a return of communism. It will be established in all countries, all people will become equal to each other, there will be no ruling classes left, the division into social strata will disappear. At this time, scientists will work on restoring the planet’s natural reserves, which will be fully completed by 2084.
  • In 2088, a new, hitherto unknown disease will appear. An unknown virus will provoke rapid aging - those infected will turn into old people in almost a few days. A cure for the disease will not be invented until 2097

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Throughout its existence, humanity has always tried to look into the future. And I must admit, sometimes he succeeded. The current pace of technological development allows us to make more or less accurate forecasts about what awaits us in the coming decades. For this purpose, a new science was even created - global studies, which studies possible changes on a planetary scale. Globalists also develop numerous recommendations for solving global problems.

From the entire array of existing information about the future of humanity, we tried to select the most realistic forecasts, which over time can become indisputable facts.

Technical development

Technical development will continue its confident pace. Thus, in the next 20 years, robots will become an integral part of everyday life in developed countries. It is known that these mechanical little men already perform numerous simple tasks, and after a few decades they will be able to perform complex surgical operations that require special precision. Thus, to a certain extent, the “human factor”, which often influences the final outcome of a surgical intervention, will be excluded. And the mortality rate from the actions of the doctors will decrease significantly. In addition, technological developments in the field of medicine will make it possible to grow artificial organs. The need for donors will disappear, because synthetic substitutes will become an effective alternative.

Climate change

According to experts from the United Nations, in the near future we can expect climate disasters on the planet in the form of rising temperatures in the spring and summer, floods, and severe cold in winter. If the average temperature on the planet rises by at least another 2 degrees, in a hundred years the level of the world's oceans will rise by 1 meter, which will lead to the flooding of coastal cities.
In addition, there will be a reduction in precipitation and a change in the balance of moisture exchange.

In Ukraine, for example, over the past fifty years, the average annual temperature has increased by almost 3 degrees. The reason for this phenomenon, according to representatives of science, is similar to the global one - the release into the atmosphere of large amounts of carbon dioxide and various chemical compounds that destroy the ozone layer of the planet. Warming is already giving rise to disappointing forecasts from farmers - every year the yield of arable land will fall, and the volume of drinking water reserves will decrease.

But there is another point of view on this problem. According to some Western European scientists, such climate changes are natural and occur cyclically. The true reason for the coming warming (and, according to British scientists, cooling) is not the “greenhouse effect” or the destruction of the ozone layer, but the fact that the planet is entering an era of climate change, independent of human activity. Such natural disasters occur once every few thousand years. And the current generation is forced to be prepared to deal with numerous destructive elements.

Foreign policy

The United States will be unable to contain the globalization processes it has launched. As a result, the world economy will merge into a single system, where the United States will no longer play a leading role. The influence of Islamists will increase in Europe. Taking into account the aging population of the Old Continent, the process of Islamization of old Europe will occur at an accelerated pace.

In counterbalance to globalization, nationalist forces will become more active and new states will be created. Fierce confrontations between representatives of different religious faiths are expected.

The new world will have to reckon with the role of China and India. The gross domestic and national product of these countries will soon exceed those of Western European countries. But the level of well-being of the majority of the population in these countries will remain extremely low, and the income gap between rich and poor will become even more impressive. From a geopolitical point of view, the question arises with whom these two countries will prefer to cooperate - Western democracies, the United States or Russia, or will they balance between them. The world's ability to survive will depend on this.

The problem of the coexistence of two Koreas – North and South – will remain insoluble. The sluggish state of “war without war” will continue in the near future.


Every year the world's population grows by an average of 2%. Given climate change, more and more people will suffer from a lack of clean water and food. Great cultural changes are coming - the process of globalization will finally erase the boundaries between many ethnic groups, society will become almost monocultural. Primitive communities living in the territories of Latin America and Africa will be forced to either integrate into civilized society or cease to exist.

The depletion of raw materials on the planet will lead to increased social tension and may lead to a number of local conflicts, into which leading political players will be drawn directly or indirectly. We believe there is no need to talk about the possible consequences of such social aggravations.


Thus, in the near future, humanity expects a number of global changes - both positive and negative. And the prospects for people’s survival in the future will depend on the ability to minimize the consequences of negative changes.

What will technology and the world of the future be like in the next twenty years? Discoveries are constantly being made that change our lives. Twenty years ago, for example, no one would have believed that now everyone would have a smartphone with Internet access. Very soon, technology will become such that it will completely change us and our interaction with the world around us. Interesting? Today's selection includes 16 technologies that are closer than you think.


We know that passwords are not completely secure. Even other, more advanced security measures, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, can be bypassed. However, now the “brain imprint” has come into the field of scientists’ research. The idea is that people's brain waves are unique and can be used as a password. In the future, most likely, people will not have to use passwords, but only their brains.

Cancer treatment

A huge amount of research has been done on cancer, but it still cannot be effectively cured. In the future, however, we will be able to find effective methods to combat it, and cancer will no longer be such a problem as it is now.

Batteries will last a lot longer

Let's face it: the batteries we have today are simply terrible. They are far behind computer technology. Luckily, researchers are already discovering new ways to help batteries hold their charge longer. So the days of charging your phone twice a day will probably soon be over.

Postal drones

Amazon has already delivered its packages using a drone. Other delivery services are also developing this method. As drones become more energy efficient and capable of carrying heavy loads, they will become the primary way to deliver packages to your door.

Powerful computers

The days when man was the smartest species on Earth will soon end. Many futurists suggest that a computer will soon be invented for just a thousand dollars, which will have the same processing power as the human brain. These times may seem a long way off, but enthusiasts are talking about 2025.

Architecture of the future

Architecture will also change radically in the future. We are already seeing this happening in Dubai. Spiral skyscrapers, indoor parks, “invisible” buildings, power plants with clean energy - all this will soon become a reality.

Treating obesity with pills

We've all heard of diet pills, but they don't really work yet. However, scientists have succeeded in creating a drug that can change the way the body processes fat. But this will significantly solve the problem of excess weight.


Movie theaters haven't changed much since they first appeared: you get a passive experience of watching a story. However, very soon there will be a special headset that will scan your emotions and brain waves. This will give you the ability to control the plot of the film and change it based on what you think and feel.

Super fast planes

Concorde is a model of a supersonic passenger aircraft. With the help of these aircraft, millions of people around the world were transported at great speed. In the future, this phenomenon will become common: any plane will be able to take you to the place you need in no longer than four hours. This will make our world even smaller than it is now.

Phones will become thinner

No one likes to drop their phone because it risks breaking the screen or, worse, breaking the entire device. But very soon, many smartphones will be just a thin piece of glass. They will be durable, flexible, and you will have to try very hard to break them.

Health diagnostics using a smartphone

Nowadays, when experiencing health problems, people usually go to the doctor. However, within a few decades there will be apps on our phones that will be able to diagnose our health and even prescribe medications.

From San Francisco to Los Angeles in thirty minutes

The "Hyperloop" train idea was first proposed by Tesla CEO Elon Musk. It's essentially a magnetic capsule inside a hidden underground tube that will transport passengers at insane speeds. For example, Musk claims that a trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles (which is 559 kilometers) will take only half an hour. The technology promises to be cheaper and more efficient than modern ones, so if its implementation is completed, such trains will become an integral part of our lives in the future.

We will know more about the Universe

We know that dark matter exists, but we don’t really know what it is yet. However, some believe that over the next decade we will learn a lot more about this phenomenon. Understanding dark matter will radically change our understanding of the Universe.

Human colonies on the Moon

We went to the Moon and found out that there is not much interesting there. Why do we want to colonize it? The fact is that many scientists consider the colonization of the Moon to be the first step towards the colonization of Mars. NASA believes that the Moon will be colonized by 2020.

Organs will be grown in test tubes

Currently, these technologies are at an early stage of development. A human heart has already been grown in an artificial environment. It may be commonplace in the future to order a new organ and implant it into your body, making organ donation a thing of the past.

Soldiers of the future

While it won't look like Iron Man from the comics, special suits will be designed for soldiers to better protect them in battle. They will also provide people with capabilities that go beyond human limits. The TALOS program is already underway, which is developing protective armor for American soldiers.