What to do with a command block in minecraft. How to write commands in minecraft on the phone. Command blocks in Minecraft PE. How to use the command block

When creating any playable map that will be different from randomly generated areas, construction, pixel art or story scenarios, the server administrator cannot do without the use of "built-in" functions. To implement them, you can use a command block. This is a special device into which you can record a system command, starting from the player receiving a resource and ending with his teleportation to a specified location. But how do you give yourself a command block?

A warning

There are only two ways to purchase this item. Both of them are that you will need to use system commands. This comes from the fact that it is impossible to make (craft) improvised materials. That is why the question: "How to give yourself a command block?" - is always up to date. No matter what mods you put on yourself, no matter how you experiment with the ingredients, nothing will work out for you. Anyone who claims that by downloading his mod you can create command blocks is a scammer who seeks to "plant" you with a virus. So how do you give yourself a command block?


The first method of obtaining a command block is that you can create a map in "creative" mode. The Command Block will be available to obtain among other items.

The second method is a little more difficult. To do this, you will have to use How to give yourself a command block using the system? To do this, you will have to open a chat and write the following: /give [name :command_block [number]. Also, this command will be the answer to the question of how to issue to another player.

All syntax is written without brackets. Instead of the character's name, you must specify the nickname of the desired player, the number is the number of command blocks received. By the way, the main condition for this command to work is the permission to use cheats. If this feature is disabled, you will not receive this item in either single player or multiplayer.


So, let's say you figured out how to give yourself command block, and it is in your inventory. Now let's learn how to use it.

To place a block on the ground, drag it to the hotbar. Then select it and click on the desired location. At this moment, the control interface will open in front of you, with the help of which we will enter the function. It should be noted that one command block can execute only one instruction.

However, it is not always necessary for the player to be able to find a command block and use it. It is much more interesting that the user can press the lever, and a mountain of gold or the necessary items appears in front of him. In such a case, you can use redstone schemes.


In order to take advantage command block, it is not enough to know how to get or install it. The most important thing is to be able to correctly prescribe the syntax of the instruction. To do this, it is important to remember a few simple rules.

  1. The command itself is written first. Any function that is activated using the console can be written here.
  2. Then the "area of ​​application" is set. That is, the player to whom the effect or the coordinates of the appearance of the item will be applied.
  3. And, finally, additional arguments to clarify the characteristics of the object.

In general, the command will look like this.

/[command] [player nickname or coordinates] [options]

To make it clearer, let's take a look at a few real examples. Let's start with how to issue items with a command block.

/give @p iron_ingot 30

Using this instruction, the command block will give the nearest player within a radius of 10 blocks iron ingots - 30 pieces. Now let's see how to work with coordinates.

/spawn 10 20 30 /summon EnderDragon

Actually, from the syntax it is already clear that the command calls for a dragon at certain coordinates. Finally, we note that full list The commands used by the command block can be seen by typing /help into the chat.

The same commands as in regular chat. What is a command block, how to get it and how to use it? In this article we will tell you about it!

This is really a very useful block and it expands the possibilities of creating maps in minecraft

You can find a complete list of commands on, but not all of them work in Minecraft on Android, IOS and Windows 10 versions.

+ command blocks in MCPE:

  • Unlike the PC version, in PE command blocks do not do heavy loads, i.e. the FPS will be stable.
  • The command block interface is adapted for mobile devices.
- command blocks in MCPE:
  • Too little functionality.
How to get a command block?
In the game, you cannot get a command block by crafting, but it can be issued using the command /give Steve command_block, where Steve nickname of the player to whom the team will give this block. Instead of Steve, you can also use @p, i.e. you will give the block to itself. Don't forget to enable cheats in the world settings.

How to enter a command in a command block?
To do this, you need to open its interface. This is very easy to do, just tap on it. In field Command entry enters the command itself, which will be executed by the command block. A little lower is a field in which you can see an error if you entered something wrong.

Command examples:
  • give @p apple 5 - Gives the player five apples.
  • setblock ~ ~+1 ~ wool - places a block of wool at the player's coordinates.
  • tp Player 48 41 14 - the player with the nickname Player moves to the point at coordinates x=48, y=41, z=14
Who do command blocks work with?
Thanks to pointers, you can point to the player or creature on which the command will be executed:
  • @p is the player who activated the team.
  • @a - all players.
  • @r is a random player.
  • @e - all entities (including mobs).
Auxiliary pointers:
And how to make it so that, let's say, it moves all the players to some point, except for itself? Yes, it's easy, for this you need to use additional pointers, for example: tp@a 228 811 381- teleports all players except the player with the nickname Admin exactly x=228, y=811, z=381. All options:
  • x - coordinate along the X axis. If you put instead of the value ~
  • y - coordinate along the Y axis. If you put instead of the value ~ , then the dot will be the command block.
  • z - coordinate along the Z axis. If you put instead of the value ~ , then the dot will be the command block.
  • r - maximum search radius.
  • rm - minimum search radius.
  • m - game mode.
  • l - maximum level of experience.
  • lm - minimum experience level.
  • name - player's nickname.
  • c is an optional argument to @a that limits the number of players to execute the command. For example, if you enter @a - then the command will act on the first five players from the list, @a on the last five from the list.
  • type - as an example, /kill @e will kill all skeletons, and /kill @e will kill all non-player entities.
Command example:
  • give @p gold_ingot 20 - Gives the nearest player within 10 blocks 20 gold bars.

Command block modes

There are three command block modes available: pulse, chain, and repeat - the color of the block changes depending on the mode.
  • Pulse mode (orange): activates the given command
  • Chaining mode (green): the command will work if the block is attached to another command block and connects to other command blocks
  • Repeat mode (blue): The command is repeated every tick as long as the block has power.

Pulse mode
These are ordinary command blocks that are used to interact with chain blocks, but you can also execute commands simply in these blocks.

Chain mode
I think that already from the name it is already clear that this command block mode works according to the “chain” scheme.

Please note that for the chain type to work, you need a pulse command block, which will send the signal, as well as a redstone block, without which the chain type command block will not work.

Team title and its parameters:
  • title clear - clears messages from the player's screen.
  • title reset - clears messages from the player's screen and resets options.
  • title title - the title that shows the text on the screen.
  • title subtitle - the subtitle that is displayed when the title appears.
  • title actionbar - displays a caption above the inventory.
  • title times - appearance, delay and disappearance of the text. The default values ​​are 10 (0.5s), 70 (3.5s) and 20 (1s).
Command execution example:
  • title @a title §6Start - title with orange color.
  • title @a actionbar Hello! - Displays text above inventory.
  • title @a subtitle Chapter 1 is a subtitle.

Many of you know that in Minecraft it is possible to achieve the goals the player needs by prescribing a certain command on the command line. It is very comfortable. It is also very convenient to download free games for android and enjoy your favorite game from your phone or tablet. But convenience should always strive to improve. At this point, the developers have upgraded to such an interesting thing as a command block. The essence of this device is that it executes your console commands, receiving a signal from the redstone (attention to the screen). With the advent of this block, the possibilities for crafters who create maps with an adventure mode have significantly expanded.

Of course, having such functionality, the command block is not at all "burning with the desire" to succumb to crafting. Only "heads" of servers - their administrators - can get it in multiplayer. For this, in server.properties» they require « enable-command-block» set to position « true". Why in a multiplayer game is such a useful thing available only to the authorities? Everything is very logical. Imagine that two garden neighbors pray at the same time: one for rain, the other for clear skies. Who to answer? First or second? This is how it is in Minecraft, if all crafters could reach the command block, whose will, whose commands should he execute?

But singles can also get a magic box. In the settings for this you need to write the following cheat code: /give @p command_block. Given the number of cheat codes, the owner of the command block becomes a truly cool crafter. Do you want to be your own director? Try this device.


However, such a multifunctional box requires the ability to use it. “Trachtibidokh” is clearly not enough here, but there is no smell of nuclear physics either, so fears away. Let's start with the fact that you need to use the command block through the interface with the text area. You can save your changes only if you are a server administrator and in creative mode. The entered commands will be executed in Minecraft by activating the block with a redstone. To use the full command block, it is very useful to use special pointers to gamers:

  • @p - to the nearest player
  • @a - "hint" to all crafters, if the situation allows
  • @r - random player
  • @e - pointer to all Minecraft entities

For example, if you have good mood, and you want the crafter closest to the device to be enriched with cobbles, you need to issue the following: /give @p (4). The id of the cobblestone is indicated in brackets. Want to communicate with crafters in writing? Write in the interface field: /w @a [your text]. You can write, for example: “What do you want here, next to my command block?”

Pointer Arguments

The pointer to a specific crafter can become even more specific by using arguments that should be specified separated by commas and in brackets [square], for example, like this: @p. Minecraft has the following arguments:

  • X, Y, Z- coordinates of the search center. If you set the value to "~" (tilde), then the center will be our command device
  • r- search radius (maximum)
  • rm- search radius (minimum)
  • m- argument game mode
  • l- experience level (maximum)
  • lm- experience level (minimum)
  • name- player's nickname
  • c is a special argument for the pointer " @a". Its purpose is to limit the number of crafters that commands apply to. For example, @a- the first 8 crafters from the list, @a- last 8.

A command block in Minecraft is a block in which you can enter various teams. After receiving a signal from the red stone, he will begin to fulfill his task. The block greatly expands the possibilities of players and finds many ways to use it in gameplay. Thus, many gamers have a question about how to make a command block in Minecraft.

Create a command block

Just like that, it is not possible to take and make a command block (from the English “command block”) in Minecraft. However, it can be obtained using special cheats and commands.

  1. Launch a solo game in Maine in creative mode.
  2. In the world settings, enable the use of cheats.
  3. Puzzled by the question of how to make a command to issue a block in Minecraft, you need to open the console.
  4. In the console line, you will need to enter the command: give *player nickname* command_block.

After executing this command, the block will be in the hand of the character of the corresponding player.

You can issue a block to yourself, another player, or the whole group. They cannot be used in survival mode.

How to use the block

The block is widely used in the game, executing various commands.

When the command block is in the character's hands, right-click on the ground to place it. After that, you need to click the same button on the attribute itself.

This will open a command block window where you can enter the required task or change its parameters. Further changes can be made at any convenient time. If something was done incorrectly, then in the same window the user will receive a corresponding notification.

Blocks can be in passive mode, triggered by a chain reaction through similar objects, or triggered by a signal transmitted by a red stone. The command block can also have a direction, according to which you can build a whole chain of blocks that work one after the other.

If desired, the player can set the binding to the block. With this function, you can kill specific entities or everyone in the area, in addition to the player himself. The block can also be configured to interact with other players.

In some situations, the command block can be used to teleport one player or an entire group. To do this, you will need to correctly specify not only the command, but also the coordinates.

In principle, the command block supports a lot of tasks, a complete list of which can be found on numerous Internet resources. You can view the entire list of possible commands directly inside the game by typing /help in the chat window.

Video: How to use a command block in Minecraft.

It's no secret that Minecraft is a game that allows you to interact with a huge variety of blocks. They all have different functions, appearance, location in space, and it is from them that the game world is formed. There are earth blocks, water blocks, stone blocks and so on. You can take them into your inventory or place them back in the world, you can process them, for example, getting the material itself from a block of stone, which can then be processed. In general, the concept of the game is built on blocks, however, there is one example that is completely different from the rest - this is the command block. In Minecraft, various things play an important role, and this object is more related to the console than directly to the game itself. At first it may sound rather strange, but if you look into it, everything will be quite obvious.

Commands in Minecraft

If you play exclusively in the single player mode of Minecraft, then you may not even know that this project has a console. It significantly expands the functionality of the game, but this is mainly relevant only for the multiplayer mode. The fact is that the server administrator uses the console and the commands that can be written there to set special conditions for the game. in Minecraft serves the same purpose, but in a slightly different way. First, let's look at how commands are used in principle. The administrator can call up the console at any time in the game and enter a command there that will change a certain aspect of the game. It can be something mundane, like adding monsters or restoring the natural landscape, or something global - up to changing the game mode. As you can see, the commands in Minecraft give the administrator the full powers of a god in his separate game world. But why then a command block in Minecraft, if the administrator can simply enter commands and activate them in the console?

Command block

Many Minecraft fans are unaware of the existence of the command block, and if they have seen it, they do not know how to use it. In fact, everything is quite simple - the command block in Minecraft serves to automate certain commands and create specific conditions and events. That is, the administrator can place a command block on the map, prescribe certain commands for it that will be launched when the player activates this block - and now the event for this game is ready. In the block field, you can specify who the effects will affect, and what they will be, as well as much more. Thus, command blocks in Minecraft 1.7.2 serve to diversify the gameplay.

Command block conditions

It is unlikely that anyone can argue with the fact that the command block in Minecraft 1.5.2 and later is a very powerful and functional object. That is why it cannot be obtained by a simple player. This block, as mentioned earlier, is available exclusively to server administrators, it cannot be crafted or knocked out of mobs. The only way for an ordinary player on the server to receive such an object - these are cheat codes, but for this you can be instantly banned. Moreover, if you are not sent to a ban for receiving a command block, then its use will certainly not go unnoticed, and you will still lose access to the server. Therefore, it is better to play by the rules, and if you want to use the command block, you can create your own server, where you will have all the rights, including access to this object.

Command Block Usage

As for the direct use of the command block, everything is quite simple here. First, the necessary commands are prescribed to it - the administrator can do this by right-clicking on the block - a field will appear on the screen in which you will need to specify all the necessary conditions, teams, and other information such as text messages to players. The block is then placed in the game world where it can be found by players. A red stone is installed next to the block, when activated, a signal is transmitted to the command block. Naturally, you can set conditions in such a way that the command is executed constantly or periodically at regular intervals. Thus, you can set pretty clear conditions for executing the desired command if you know how to use the command block in Minecraft. Teams can be very diverse, so you can create unique conditions for the players on your server.

Command block activation

In addition to activating the command block with redstone, you also need to know how to activate it when creating a server. You should understand that server planning includes detailed configuration of absolutely everything that will concern your world. Among the huge amount of data that you will need to configure for yourself in the server properties, there is one line - enable-command-block. It is she who is responsible for whether there will be a command block on your server or not. A value of true enables the command block, and a value of false disables it.