4 RAM modules. The beginning of a new era. How DDR4 RAM works. DDR4 - the next evolution

Greetings to all readers of this mini-review, I want to immediately make a reservation that you will not see professional tests and overclocking potential here, for the simple reason that there are a lot of them on the Internet. Then you might be wondering, what is it all about? And rightly so, the purpose of the review is to find out whether there is a performance increase when using 4 memory modules compared to 2 by the average user. You can find a lot of similar information on the Internet, but I decided to purchase additional memory modules due to the lack of current ones, and at the same time take measurements and compare with what I get and, as a result, share my personal results with the public.

Appearance, installation

And so let's go! As you noted above, I already had RAM and its volume was not enough. What do you think I got? All right corsairs! And to be precise, then two Corsair XMS3 4Gb 1600 CL9, respectively, without thinking for a long time, I go to the DNS directory and start searching for such modules. I didn’t have to look for a long time, because. this time, sets of two modules turned out to be available at once (when I took my first dice, the sets were not available and I had to snatch them separately from different parts of the city), for those who are not in the know, I’ll say that buying a kit at a price is more profitable than buying them separately.

And then I ran into the first obstacle ... There were 2 “identical” sets in stock, the first thing that caught my eye was the difference in price ~ 500r, but looking closer, I noticed that the letters differ in the markings (as it turned out later, this is a revision), namely: CMX8GX3M2A 1600C9 and CMX8GX3M2B 1600C9. What is the difference between these modules? Google told me that revision "A" dies are earlier and operate at a voltage of "1.65V", and revision "B" dies operate at a voltage of "1.5V". Having found out that I had revision “A” dies, there was no choice left (in order to avoid conflicts and problems) and I had to buy a CMX8GX3M2A1600C9 kit, which cost more than revision “B”.

To complete the review, I will add a few photos taken on a soap dish that was at hand.

Appearance of the package

The appearance of memory modules

View of the system unit with old modules and free slots for new ones

And as you probably already noticed, here I am faced with the second and perhaps the most difficult problem of all. That's right, the cooling of the ZALMAN CNPS 12X processor blocked the leftmost slot, and in order to install the module in its native place, the cooling system had to be dismantled. But nothing, at the same time updated the thermal paste on the processor.

Dismantled cooling system

Installed modules

The assembled and running system (it's surprising that in the photo the cooler "seems to be not working" I'm amazed at my soap box)

Game tests

And so the installation process is over, now let's go directly to performance measurements.
The computer on which the measurements were taken consists of the following main components:

Processor Intel Core I7 2600K 4.4GHz
Mat. motherboard Asus P8P67 Rev 3.1
Video card Asus GTX660TI DC2 TOP

First, let's see how the installation of additional modules affected the loading time of various games and the operating system itself:

As can be seen from the table, the installation of four modules gave us an average head start of 2 seconds, but as they say, it cannot be without flaws, and Counter-Strike Global Offensive and War Thunder games excelled in this regard - the first accelerated by as much as 4 seconds, and on the last installation additional modules did not affect the download speed.
Game times were measured using the PlayClaw 5 game video capture utility, OS boot time can be viewed in Windows reports.

Now let's move on to another indicator like FPS (frames per second), I immediately want to make a reservation that all measurements were carried out at a resolution of 1920x1080 with disabled vertical synchronization:

Well, here you can’t do without a sin, for some reason the built-in CS GO benchmark does not show the minimum FPS parameter, while the War Thunder benchmark, on the contrary, is the maximum. So I had to leave it as is.
As we see from the FPS indicators, the addition of two modules, in principle, has a positive effect on the minimum FPS. The minimum FPS can only be seen in War Thunder and Battlefield 3 and the difference was 5 FPS in both cases. If you look at the average FPS, then the increase was 4 frames in Battlefield 3 and 5 frames in Counter-Strike Global Offensive, but for reasons I do not understand, the average FPS in War Thunder was killed by exactly 1 (I even restarted the benchmark 3 times and all the time it gave the same numbers.
Unfortunately, these are all the games that are currently installed on my computer, so it was not possible to take measurements in other games (I wanted to quickly finish collecting information and get to work).

Synthetic tests

And finally, some information for gourmets, namely synthetic indicators before and after.

AIDA64 2x4Gb

AIDA64 4x4Gb

Sisoftware Sandra


Again, I bought RAM as a result of the lack of 8GB, and not to increase FPS in games or load times. Actually, the goal has been achieved - the amount of RAM has been increased, but along the way, measurements were made in games, and therefore, based on this, I will conclude: If your goal is to increase the minimum average FPS in games, as well as speed up loading times, then adding additional modules (four instead of two) will help you with this.. It's up to you to decide if those 5 FPS and a couple of seconds of money are worth it.

And now a little revelation, the amount of RAM has been increased due to the need to use such a thing as RamDisk - turns your RAM into a hard drive on which you can install applications or store various data (in my case it is a database). The speed of such a disk is colossal, here are my reading speed measurements:
512 mbs Intel SSD 520 120Gb; 244 mbs RAID0 2xWD Caviar Black 250Gb Raid Edition 3 (On a separate controller); 178 Mbps WD Caviar Green 1Tb; 10.4Gbps RamDisk.

Thank you all for your attention.

RAM is an important component of a computer. It is necessary for processing, storing temporary data and performing many tasks involving such elements as: tables, graphs, long texts, databases, as well as work related to archiving or encryption and, of course, computer games. The speed and installed amount of RAM greatly affects the performance of a gaming computer.
To select the option that is suitable in terms of parameters and price, it is important to determine the volume and level of complexity of the tasks that you plan to perform. And also, if you want to increase the performance of your computer and buy an additional RAM module, you need to consider the following details:
- limiting capabilities of the motherboard (to support the installed memory with a larger capacity);
- the speed of both memory modules, because the final speed of work will be the lowest of the available ones.
In the online store "F-Center" you will definitely find a suitable option for yourself, because. On our website you can find a wide range of RAM models from different manufacturers: Apacer, Corsair, Crucial, GOODRAM, Hynix, HyperX, Kingston, Patriot, Samsung.
How to choose the right RAM?
First you need to determine the category of RAM: for computers, laptops or servers. Next, there are several important parameters:
RAM type;
Clock frequency of work.
The modern type of RAM is DDR (Double Date Rate), of which 4 types of modules are presented on our website: DDR2 is a good solution, they were very widespread for a long time, but at the moment they are practically not used in modern motherboards; DDR3 - memory modules that are very popular among users and have improved performance in many ways; a more economical modification of DDR3 - DDR3L ("Low" - "reduced power consumption"), as well as DDR4 - the most modern RAM modules to date.
The amount of RAM should be chosen in accordance with the purpose of using the computer and the amount of work performed. More RAM means less time to complete individual tasks, but be aware that not all motherboards support large amounts of RAM, just as many operating systems will not recognize more than 4 GB of shared memory. However, not all purposes require a large amount of RAM. For example, memory modules with a capacity of 2GB - 4GB are quite suitable for office programs. More RAM (8GB - 16GB or more) is required for gaming or graphics and video editors (for example, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Vegas Pro, etc.), especially when you need to work in several programs at the same time.
The speed of the computer is also responsible for such a RAM parameter as the clock frequency - the number of operations (for data transfer) per second. The frequency depends on the type of memory and varies from 800 MHz to 3000 MHz.
To make a purchase in the fcenter.ru online store, it is enough to place an order on our website or call us by phone. You can get an order in one of the retail chain stores in Moscow. We also carry out courier delivery in Moscow, the Moscow region and, through the stores of the Euroset / Svyaznoy network, in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Voronezh and more than 1200 cities in Russia.

Working memory is a capricious madam. Alone, she is not capable of much, but she is extremely picky in choosing a couple: they say, do not add anyone to me. Moreover, the quarrelsome nature of the RAM can make itself felt both immediately after the appearance of a neighbor, and over time. For example, when you urgently need a computer.

Today we will put all the dots over the “Yo” in questions of whether it is possible to combine different strips of RAM on one PC, whether it is possible to work together with RAM of different generations, types, volumes, frequencies and manufacturers. And if so, under what conditions.

Connection of generations

My motherboard has slots for generational RAMDDR2 andDDR3. Is it possible to install dice of both types on it?

The unequivocal answer is no. Such hybrid modifications of motherboards were produced at the turn of the transition from the DDR2 to DDR3 standard. They are capable of working either with DDR2 memory at 667, 800 and 1066 mHz, or with DDR3 at 1066 and 1333 mHz. If you install DDR2 and DDR3 together on such a board (of course, in slots of your type), the computer will not start.

DDR3 + DDR3L = ?

Is it possible to use two modules togetherRAM, one of whichDDR-3, and the second -DDR-3L? How is the second different from the first?

DDR3 memory has been the uncontested choice for a long time. And only shortly before the release of DDR4 on the market, its new modification, DDR3L, saw the light of day. The letter "L" in the name of the latter means "low voltage" - low voltage.

The DDR3L RAM is powered by a voltage of 1.35 V, while its predecessor consumes 1.5 V - this is their main difference. Outwardly, the strips of both types look the same.

The DDR3L standard is fully compatible with motherboards and processors designed for DDR3, but not vice versa. For example, Intel processors of the Skylake S microarchitecture do not officially support DDR 3, although they do support DDR 3L.

Sharing modules of both types is sometimes possible, but undesirable. All memory installed in the slots of one motherboard is powered by the same voltage level, so only one of the brackets will be in optimal conditions. Computers with this RAM configuration tend to be unstable, and some won't turn on at all.

Volumes and channels

I want to install RAM in all 4 slots, does the size of each module matter? Which combination will work faster - 4 sticks of 2 GB, 2 sticks of 4 GB or 1 stick of 8 GB?

The only requirement for the amount of RAM is that it does not exceed the maximum allowable, otherwise the computer will not turn on or part of the memory will remain unused. Statements that all RAM should be of the same capacity are a myth. There is not much of it, so put as much as you want.

All modern desktops and many laptops support multi-channel RAM. With this method of organization, access to memory goes not along one, but along several parallel lines, which significantly increases the performance of the machine.

Motherboards with four RAM slots (the most common type) operate in dual-channel mode, that is, they have 2 connectors for 1 channel.

Of the three combinations presented, the second one will be the fastest - 2 bars of 4 GB each, if you distribute them one per channel. Why two and not four? Because the actual data exchange rate between the controller and each RAM module is not the same, and the more bars, the more time it takes to synchronize them.

For RAM modules to work in multi-channel mode, they must be:

  • same frequency.
  • Approximately the same capacity (slight differences are sometimes acceptable).
  • One type (for example, only DDR3 or DDR3L).

And their total number must be even.

By the way, RAM slots of one channel are often made monochrome. But not always. To find out where they are on your motherboard, it is better to look at its instructions.

Frequencies and timings

Is it possible to combine with different timings? If so, at what frequency do they operate?

Can. Each unit of RAM stores information about the supported frequencies and timings within itself (in the SPD chip). The memory controller reads this data and selects the mode in which all modules can work. As a rule, this is the frequency and timings of the slowest of them.

Various manufacturers

Is it necessary to buy a RAM from one manufacturer?

It is advisable to purchase RAM not just from one brand, but from factory sets of several modules. These devices have been jointly tested and are guaranteed to work "in a common harness."

It happens that RAM of the same brand and model, purchased separately, cannot "find a common language" in any way. It also happens vice versa, when devices of different origin demonstrate excellent teamwork. As lucky, but the first option is rather an exception. Most often, dies from different manufacturers with similar characteristics are compatible.

Is it possible to combine different strips of RAM in one computer updated: April 26, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic

So the Intel Haswell-E processors came out. The site has already tested the top 8-core Core i7-5960X, as well as the ASUS X99-DELUXE motherboard. And, perhaps, the main "chip" of the new platform was the support for the DDR4 RAM standard.

The beginning of a new era, the era of DDR4

About the SDRAM standard and memory modules

The first SDRAM modules appeared in 1993. They were released by Samsung. By the year 2000, SDRAM completely ousted the DRAM standard from the market due to the production capacities of the Korean giant.

The abbreviation SDRAM stands for Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory. Literally, this can be translated as "synchronous dynamic random access memory." Let us explain the meaning of each characteristic. Dynamic memory is because, due to the small capacitance of capacitors, it constantly requires updating. By the way, in addition to dynamic, there is also static memory, which does not require constant updating of data (SRAM). SRAM, for example, underlies cache memory. In addition to being dynamic, memory is also synchronous, unlike asynchronous DRAM. Synchronicity means that the memory performs each operation for a known number of times (or cycles). For example, when requesting any data, the memory controller knows exactly how long it will take them to get to it. The synchronicity property allows you to control the flow of data and queue them up. Well, a few words about "random access memory" (RAM). This means that at the same time you can access any cell at its address for reading or writing, and always at the same time, regardless of location.

SDRAM memory module

If we talk directly about the design of memory, then its cells are capacitors. If there is a charge in the capacitor, then the processor regards it as a logical unit. If there is no charge - as a logical zero. Such memory cells have a flat structure, and the address of each of them is defined as the row and column number of the table.

Each chip contains several independent memory arrays, which are tables. They are called banks. In a unit of time, you can work with only one cell in the bank, however, it is possible to work with several banks at once. The information being written does not have to be stored in a single array. Often it is divided into several parts and written to different banks, and the processor continues to consider this data as a single whole. This recording method is called interleaving. In theory, the more such banks in memory, the better. In practice, modules with a density of up to 64 Mbit have two banks. With a density of 64 Mbps to 1 Gbps - four, and with a density of 1 Gbps and above - already eight.

What is a memory bank

And a few words about the structure of the memory module. The memory module itself is a printed circuit board with chips soldered on it. As a rule, on sale you can find devices made in the form factors DIMM (Dual In-line Memory Module) or SO-DIMM (Small Outline Dual In-line Memory Module). The first is intended for use in full-fledged desktop computers, and the second for installation in laptops. Despite the same form factor, memory modules of different generations differ in the number of pins. For example, the SDRAM solution has 144 pins for connecting to the motherboard, DDR - 184, DDR2 - 214 pins, DDR3 - 240, and DDR4 - already 288 pieces. Of course, we are talking about DIMM modules in this case. Devices made in the SO-DIMM form factor naturally have fewer pins due to their smaller size. For example, a DDR4 SO-DIMM memory module is connected to the motherboard using 256 pins.

DDR module (bottom) has more pins than SDRAM (top)

It is also quite obvious that the volume of each memory module is calculated as the sum of the capacities of each soldered chip. Memory chips, of course, can differ in their density (or, more simply, volume). For example, last spring, Samsung launched mass production of chips with a density of 4 Gbps. Moreover, in the foreseeable future, it is planned to release memory with a density of 8 Gbps. Also, memory modules have their own bus. The minimum bus width is 64 bits. This means that 8 bytes of information are transmitted per clock. At the same time, it should be noted that there are also 72-bit memory modules in which the “extra” 8 bits are reserved for ECC (Error Checking & Correction) error correction technology. By the way, the bus width of a memory module is also the sum of the bus widths of each individual memory chip. That is, if the memory module bus is 64-bit and eight chips are soldered on the bar, then the width of the memory bus of each chip is 64/8=8 bits.

To calculate the theoretical bandwidth of a memory module, you can use the following formula: A*64/8=PS where "A" is the data rate and "PS" is the desired bandwidth. As an example, we can take a DDR3 memory module with a frequency of 2400 MHz. In this case, the throughput will be 2400*64/8=19200 MB/s. It is this number that is meant in the marking of the PC3-19200 module.

How is the information directly read from memory? First, an address signal is sent to the corresponding row (Row), and only then information is read from the desired column (Column). Information is read into the so-called amplifier (Sense Amplifiers) - a mechanism for recharging capacitors. In most cases, the memory controller reads at once a whole data packet (Burst) from each bit of the bus. Accordingly, when writing, every 64 bits (8 bytes) are divided into several parts. By the way, there is such a thing as the length of the data packet (Burst Length). If this length is equal to 8, then 8*64=512 bits are transmitted at once.

Memory modules and chips also have such a characteristic as geometry, or organization (Memory Organization). The module geometry shows its width and depth. For example, a chip with a density of 512 Mbps and a bit depth (width) of 4 has a chip depth of 512/4=128M. In turn, 128M = 32M * 4 banks. 32M is a matrix containing 16000 rows and 2000 columns. It can store 32 Mb of data. As for the memory module itself, its bit depth is almost always 64 bits. The depth is easily calculated using the following formula: the volume of the module is multiplied by 8 to convert from bytes to bits, and then divided by the bit depth.

You can easily find timing values ​​on the marking

It is necessary to say a few words about such characteristics of memory modules as timings (delays). At the very beginning of the article, we said that the SDRAM standard provides for such a moment that the memory controller always knows how long this or that operation takes. Timings just indicate the time required to execute a certain command. This time is measured in memory bus cycles. The shorter this time, the better. The most important are the following delays:

  • TRCD (RAS to CAS Delay) - the time it takes to activate a bank line. Minimum time between activation command and read/write command;
  • CL (CAS Latency) - time between the issuance of a read command and the start of data transfer;
  • TRAS (Active to Precharge) - row activity time. Minimum time between row activation and row close command;
  • TRP (Row Precharge) - time required to close a row;
  • TRC (Row Cycle time, Activate to Activate/Refresh time) - time between activation of rows of the same bank;
  • TRPD (Active bank A to Active bank B) - time between activation commands for different banks;
  • TWR (Write Recovery time) - the time between the end of the recording and the command to close the bank line;
  • TWTR (Internal Write to Read Command Delay) - the time between the end of the write and the read command.

Of course, these are far from all the delays that exist in memory modules. You can list a dozen more possible timings, but only the above parameters significantly affect memory performance. By the way, only four delays are indicated in the marking of memory modules. For example, with parameters 11-13-13-31, CL timing is 11, TRCD and TRP are 13, and TRAS are 31 clocks.

Over time, the potential of SDRAM reached its ceiling, and manufacturers were faced with the problem of increasing the speed of RAM. So the DDR.1 standard was born

The advent of DDR

The development of the DDR (Double Data Rate) standard began in 1996 and ended with the official presentation in June 2000. With the advent of DDR, the outdated SDRAM began to be called simply SDR. How is the DDR standard different from SDR?

After all SDR resources were exhausted, memory manufacturers had several ways to solve the problem of improving performance. One could simply increase the number of memory chips, thereby increasing the capacity of the entire module. However, this would have a negative impact on the cost of such solutions - this idea was very expensive. Therefore, the association of manufacturers JEDEC went a different way. It was decided to double the bus inside the chip, and to transfer data also at twice the frequency. In addition, DDR provided for the transfer of information on both fronts of the clock signal, that is, twice per clock. This is where the abbreviation DDR stands for Double Data Rate.

Kingston DDR memory module

With the advent of the DDR standard, such concepts as the real and effective memory frequency appeared. For example, many DDR memory modules ran at 200 MHz. This frequency is called real. But due to the fact that data transmission was carried out on both fronts of the clock signal, manufacturers multiplied this figure by 2 for marketing purposes and received an allegedly effective frequency of 400 MHz, which was indicated in the marking (in this case, DDR-400). At the same time, the JEDEC specifications indicate that using the term “megahertz” to characterize the level of memory performance is completely incorrect! Instead, "millions of transfers per second through a single data output" must be used. However, marketing is a serious matter, and few people were interested in the recommendations specified in the JEDEC standard. Therefore, the new term never caught on.

Also, for the first time, a dual-channel memory mode appeared in the DDR standard. It could be used if there was an even number of memory modules in the system. Its essence is to create a virtual 128-bit bus by interleaving modules. In this case, 256 bits were sampled at once. On paper, the dual-channel mode can double the performance of the memory subsystem, but in practice, the speed increase is minimal and not always noticeable. It depends not only on the model of RAM, but also on timings, chipset, memory controller and frequency.

Four memory modules work in dual-channel mode

Another innovation in DDR was the presence of a QDS signal. It is located on the PCB along with the data lines. QDS was useful when using two or more memory modules. In this case, the data arrives at the memory controller with a small time difference due to different distances to them. This creates problems when choosing a clock signal for reading data, which QDS successfully solves.

As mentioned above, DDR memory modules were made in DIMM and SO-DIMM form factors. In the case of DIMM, the number of pins was 184 pieces. In order for DDR and SDRAM modules to be physically incompatible, DDR solutions had the key (a cut in the area of ​​the pad) located in a different place. In addition, DDR memory modules operated at 2.5 V, while SDRAM devices used 3.3 V. Accordingly, DDR had lower power consumption and heat dissipation compared to its predecessor. The maximum frequency of DDR modules was 350 MHz (DDR-700), although the JEDEC specifications only provided for a frequency of 200 MHz (DDR-400).

DDR2 and DDR3 memory

The first DDR2 modules went on sale in the second quarter of 2003. Compared to DDR, second-generation RAM has not received significant changes. DDR2 used the same 2 n -prefetch architecture. If earlier the internal data bus was twice as large as the external one, now it has become four times wider. At the same time, the increased performance of the chip began to be transmitted over an external bus at a double frequency. It is the frequency, but not the double transmission rate. As a result, we got that if the DDR-400 chip operated at a real frequency of 200 MHz, then in the case of DDR2-400 it operated at a speed of 100 MHz, but with twice the internal bus.

Also, DDR2 modules received more pins for attaching to the motherboard, and the key was moved to another location for physical incompatibility with SDRAM and DDR brackets. The operating voltage was again reduced. While DDR modules were running at 2.5V, DDR2 solutions were running at 1.8V.

By and large, this is where all the differences between DDR2 and DDR end. At first, DDR2 modules in the negative direction were characterized by high latencies, which is why they lost in performance to DDR sticks with the same frequency. However, the situation soon returned to normal: manufacturers reduced latency and released faster sets of RAM. The maximum frequency of DDR2 reached the mark of effective 1300 MHz.

Different key position for DDR, DDR2 and DDR3 modules

The transition from DDR2 to DDR3 used the same approach as the transition from DDR to DDR2. Of course, the data transmission at both ends of the clock signal was preserved, and the theoretical bandwidth doubled. DDR3 modules retained the 2 n -prefetch architecture and received 8-bit prefetching (DDR2 had 4-bit). At the same time, the inner tire has become eight times larger than the outer one. Because of this, once again, when changing generations of memory, its timings increased. The nominal operating voltage for DDR3 has been lowered to 1.5V, making the modules more energy efficient. Note that, in addition to DDR3, there is DDR3L memory (the letter L means Low), which operates at a voltage reduced to 1.35 V. It is also worth noting that DDR3 modules were neither physically nor electrically compatible with any of the previous memory generations.

Of course, DDR3 chips have received support for some new technologies: for example, automatic signal calibration and dynamic signal termination. However, in general, all changes are predominantly quantitative.

DDR4 - the next evolution

Finally, we got to a brand new memory type DDR4. The JEDEC Association began developing the standard back in 2005, but only in the spring of this year did the first devices go on sale. As stated in a JEDEC press release, during development, engineers tried to achieve the highest performance and reliability, while increasing the energy efficiency of new modules. Well, we hear this every time. Let's see what specific changes DDR4 memory received in comparison with DDR3.

In this picture, you can trace the evolution of DDR technology: how the voltage, frequency and capacitance indicators have changed

One of the first DDR4 prototypes. Oddly enough, these are laptop modules

As an example, consider an 8 GB DDR4 chip with a 4-bit wide data bus. Such a device contains 4 banks of 4 banks each. Within each bank are 131,072 (217) rows of 512 bytes each. For comparison, we can cite the characteristics of a similar DDR3 solution. Such a chip contains 8 independent banks. Each bank contains 65,536 (2 16) lines, and each line contains 2048 bytes. As you can see, the length of each line of the DDR4 chip is four times less than the length of the DDR3 line. This means that DDR4 scans banks faster than DDR3. At the same time, switching between the banks themselves is also much faster. Immediately, we note that for each group of banks an independent choice of operations (activation, reading, writing or regeneration) is provided, which allows increasing the efficiency and memory bandwidth.

Main advantages of DDR4: low power consumption, high frequency, large amount of memory modules

The range of available DDR4 memory on the market is gradually increasing. To date, this memory is only compatible with motherboards based on the Intel X99 chipset and, accordingly, processors codenamed Haswell-E (LGA2011-v3 socket). Actually, the fact that DDR4 memory is only compatible with the specified Intel platform already means that it is intended for the most productive PCs today. All motherboards based on the Intel X99 chipset support up to 64 GB of DDR4 memory in quad-channel mode (provided that the board has eight memory slots). Let's make a reservation right away that we are talking about non-registered (UDIMM) non-ECC memory. The fact is that on some boards with the Intel X99 chipset, support for server processors of the Intel Xeon E5 v.3 family (having the same LGA2011-v3 socket and the same processor architecture) is implemented. In this case, ECC memory is supported, both registered (RDIMM) and non-registered (UDIMM), and the maximum amount of memory is already 128 GB. However, we will not consider server memory in this article, and in the future we will understand DDR4 memory as non-registered memory without ECC.

As for the capacity of DDR4 memory modules, there are 4 GB modules (they are the most common) and 8 GB modules on sale. DDR4 memory goes on sale both in the form of individual modules, and in the form of kits consisting of two, four, and even eight modules. But the most common are sets of four memory modules (quad-channel sets). Accordingly, the total capacity of such a kit can be either 16 or 32 GB. The most common on the market today are quad-channel memory kits with a total capacity of 16 GB, that is, sets of four memory modules with a capacity of 4 GB each module.

The minimum frequency of DDR4 memory provided by the standard is 1066 MHz. Accordingly, the effective frequency in this case is 2133 MHz (DDR4-2133 memory), and the throughput is 17056 MB / s (in single-channel mode). The maximum memory frequency provided by the standard is 2133 MHz, its effective frequency in this case is 4266 MHz (DDR4-4266 memory), and the bandwidth is 34128 MB/s (in single-channel mode). True, the frequency of 2133/4266 MHz is a reserve for the future, while there is no such memory on sale. In reality, there is memory on the market today with an effective frequency of 2133 MHz to 3000 MHz, and it seems that only DDR4-2133 memory is standardized, and faster memory is implemented through XMP profiles.

As a rule, modules of more expensive and faster DDR4 memory are equipped with heatsinks that do not carry any semantic load, except for attracting the attention of users. Heatsinks on memory modules are purely decorative and largely pointless, as memory chips simply don't get hot enough to require heatsinks. Let's not be unfounded and confirm what has been said with facts. In order to demonstrate the pointlessness of heatsinks on memory modules, we used a pyrometer, which allows us to remotely determine temperature changes. For the test, a DDR4-2133 (15-15-15) memory module without a heatsink was used, the supply voltage was 1.2 V. In idle mode, the temperature of the memory chips was 31.2 ° C, and when loading memory using the Stress System stress test Memory in the AIDA64 utility, the temperature of the memory chips increased to 35.5 °C. When the same memory was overclocked to 2400 MHz and the supply voltage was 1.35 V, the temperature of the memory chips in idle mode was 32.7 °C, and when the memory was loaded, it increased to 38.1 °C. It is clear that at such temperatures there is simply no point in radiators. In addition, all 4GB DDR4 memory modules are single-sided, meaning the memory chips are located on one side of the module. It would seem that if you glue the radiator, then only on one side. However, heatsinks on such memory modules are always on both sides - it's just more beautiful that way.

Now about the cost. As a first approximation, DDR4 memory costs about 1 thousand rubles per 1 GB. That is, a 4 GB memory module costs about 4 thousand rubles, and an 8 GB memory module costs 8 thousand rubles. However, keep in mind that decorative heatsinks and a higher advertised operating frequency lead to an increase in the cost of memory. That is, a DDR4-3000 memory module will be more expensive than a DDR4-2133 memory module (with equal capacity).

AMD Radeon R7 Performance Series (R744G2133U1S)

Strange as it may seem, AMD produces DDR4 memory kits that are currently only compatible with Intel processors. However, this is modestly kept silent, and therefore it is not possible to find any technical information about DDR4 memory there. Apparently, pride does not allow publicizing this fact, but the company does not want to give up making money either.

According to our information, AMD currently offers two quad-channel DDR4 memory kits that differ only in capacity: four-module kits with a total capacity of 32 GB (R748G2133U2S) and four-module kits with a total capacity of 16 GB (R744G2133U1S). For both sets, the memory frequency is 2133 MHz, and the timings are 15-15-15-36.

Next, we'll take a look at the AMD Radeon R7 Performance 4-module memory kit with a total capacity of 16 GB (R744G2133U1S). As already noted, AMD R744G2133U1S memory modules have a frequency of 2133 MHz and timings of 15-15-15-36, and the supply voltage is 1.2 V (this is the standard value).

The declared memory frequency is not high (this is the minimum value for DDR4), but it is likely that this memory can be made to work at a higher frequency.

The memory modules are equipped with dark gray heatsinks, which are two metal plates glued on each side of the module. At the same time, the modules themselves are one-sided, that is, the memory chips are located on only one side.

On our test bench with the default UEFI BIOS settings, the AMD Radeon R7 Performance Series (R744G2133U1S) memory wound up at 2133 MHz with timings of 15-15-15-36, that is, exactly as it should be.

In addition, it turned out that the memory can operate at a frequency of 2400 MHz. When the memory is started at this frequency, timings 18-18-18-40 are automatically set, however, at a frequency of 2400 MHz, this memory can also work with timings 18-11-11-36.

The following are AIDA64 test results for the AMD Radeon R7 Performance Series Memory Kit (R744G2133U1S) at default settings (DDR4-2133; 15-15-15-36) and overclocked state (DDR4-2400; 18-11-11- 36).

Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QC

The Geil GPR416GB3000C16QC quad-channel memory kit belongs to the . These are four DDR4-3000 memory modules with a total capacity of 16 GB (4 × 4 GB). Memory modules are equipped with burgundy heatsinks. The memory modules themselves are one-sided, that is, all the memory chips are located on them from one side. In general, it should be noted that the heatsinks in memory do not look impressive, let's say. The thickness of the plates from which the radiator is made is less than 1 mm. The height of the memory module with heat sink is 47 mm.

According to the information on the manufacturer's website, at a frequency of 3000 MHz, Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QC memory modules can operate with timings of 16-16-16-36 at a supply voltage of 1.35 V. Moreover, this mode of operation of the memory modules is provided when the XMP profile is activated.

Note that the Geil Evo Potenza series of Quad Channel memory also includes DDR4-2133/2400/2666/2800 memory kits, as well as faster DDR4-3200 memory. Geil Evo Potenza DDR4-3000 quad-channel memory kits can also be different: for example, in addition to 16 GB kits, there are kits with a total capacity of 32 GB. Memory timings may also differ: 15-15-15-35 or 16-16-16-36. Given the two possible volumes and two sets of timings, the Geil Evo Potenza DDR4-3000 series includes four sets of memory:

  • GPR416GB3000C15QC: timings 15-15-15-35, total 16 GB;
  • GPR416GB3000C16QC: timings 16-16-16-36, total 16 GB
  • GPR432GB3000C15QC: timings 15-15-15-35, total 32 GB;
  • GPR432GB3000C16QC: timings 16-16-16-36, total 32 GB.

Now let's talk about the difficulties that we encountered when testing the Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QC memory.

First of all, we note that the declared frequency of 3000 MHz with timings of 16-16-16-36 and a supply voltage of 1.35 V is the characteristics of the XMP profile. And, of course, it is not a fact that this profile will work on any board and that the memory will generally “start up” at such a frequency. As practice shows, there are boards based on the Intel X99 chipset, which, with the default UEFI BIOS settings, try to immediately activate the XMP profile and make the memory work with the specified characteristics. With such boards, this memory kit will have big problems and, most likely, it simply will not work. In particular, we tested this memory kit on three boards (Gigabyte GA X99-Gaming G1 WIFI, Asus Rampage V Extreme and ASRock Fatal1ty X99X Killer) and it turned out that the ASRock Fatal1ty X99X Killer board is not compatible with this memory at all.

But on the Gigabyte GA X99-Gaming G1 WIFI and Asus Rampage V Extreme boards with the default UEFI BIOS settings, the Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QC memory was defined differently.

So, in the case of the Asus Rampage V Extreme board, the Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QC memory kit is defined as DDR4-2400 with timings 17-15-15-35 (supply voltage 1.2 V).

In the case of the Gigabyte GA X99-Gaming G1 WIFI board, the same memory kit was defined as DDR4-2400, but with 16-16-16-35 timings.

Now about the most important thing. On none of our test boards, the Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QC memory was able to work at the settings defined in the XMP profile, that is, at an effective frequency of 3000 MHz with timings of 16-16-16-36 and at a supply voltage of 1.35 V. If manually set the frequency to 3000 MHz in the UEFI BIOS, the timings to 16-16-16-36 and the supply voltage to 1.35 V, the system will not boot. We also tried to "roughen up" the timings for 3000 MHz, but it was all in vain. At this frequency, the memory refused to work.

Through trial and error, it was found that our Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QC memory kit can operate at a maximum frequency of 2666 MHz, no higher. In fact, the declared frequency of 3000 MHz turned out to be simply a trick. However, we will not make such loud statements at all and clarify that specifically our Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QC memory kit with our Intel Core i7-5960X processor and our Gigabyte GA X99-Gaming G1 WIFI board does not meet the declared characteristics.

For 2666 MHz, the best timings we could find were: 13-14-14-30. With such timings at a frequency of 2667 MHz, everything works stably, without freezing.

The following are test results in the AIDA64 program of the Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QC memory module kit with default settings (DDR4-2400; 16-16-16-35) and overclocking (DDR4-2667; 13-14-14-30).

Kingston HyperX Predator HX424C12PBK4/16

Kingston HyperX Predator HX424C12PBK4/16 memory belongs to Kingston HyperX Predator overclocker memory series.

As follows from the information, the company produces a very wide range of DDR4 memory kits. The capacity of kits can be 16, 32 and 64 GB, the number of modules in one kit can be four or eight, and the capacity of one module can be 4 or 8 GB. At the same time, the company produces DDR4 memory kits with an effective frequency of 2133, 2400, 2666, 2800 and 3000 MHz.

The Kingston website is available to decipher the name of the memory module. Using this information, you can understand that the following information is encrypted in the name of the HX424C12PBK4 / 16 module: this is a UDIMM DDR4-2400 memory module with CAS 12 latency. The memory belongs to the HyperX Predator series, is equipped with a black heatsink, and the total capacity of a set of four modules is 16 GB.

On our test bench with the default UEFI BIOS settings, the Kingston HyperX Predator HX424C12PBK4/16 memory wound up at 2133 MHz with timings of 15-15-15-36 and a supply voltage of 1.2 V.

The promised frequency of 2400 MHz with timings 12-13-13-35 is already implemented through the XMP profile. Moreover, there are two XMP profiles for the Kingston HyperX Predator HX424C12PBK4 / 16 memory: one for a frequency of 2400 MHz with timings 12-13-13-35 at a supply voltage of 1.4 V, and the second? for a frequency of 2133 MHz, but with timings 13-13-13-36 and with a supply voltage of 1.2 V.

When the first XMP profile is activated in the UEFI BIOS (for a frequency of 2400 MHz), the memory, as it should, starts up at a frequency of 2400 MHz with timings 12-13-13-35 at a supply voltage of 1.4 V. However, manually for a frequency of 2400 MHz you can choose shorter timings. In particular, on our test bench, the memory worked with timings of 12-12-12-35 (at a frequency of 2400 MHz).

But we did not succeed in launching the Kingston HyperX Predator HX424C12PBK4 / 16 memory at a higher frequency (2600 MHz), even with coarse timings.

AData XPG AX4U2400W4G16-QRZ

AData company in two series: Consumer (user) and Gaming (game). There is also server memory, but we do not consider it now. The memory kit belongs to the Gaming series.

In this case, you should not take the word Gaming seriously. This is just a marketing positioning of memory, which is aimed at attracting attention. From the regular Consumer series, the memory of the Gaming series differs in the presence of decorative heatsinks (radiators have no other semantic meaning) and the fact that the memory of the Gaming series is faster.

The AData Gaming series has a very large number of different memory kits. Moreover, any memory module of the AData Gaming series can be purchased separately (one module), in a set of two modules and in a set of four modules. In addition, both 4 GB modules and 8 GB modules are available. It is with this that the range of possible AData Gaming DDR4 memory kits is very wide.

However, it is not difficult to understand this assortment. There is DDR4-2133 memory with timings 13-13-13 and 15-15-15. Taking into account the possible capacity of the modules (4 and 8 GB), as well as different sets of sets (one, two and four modules), we get that there are twelve options for DDR4-2133 memory alone.

Further, there is DDR4-2400 memory with 16-16-16 timings, DDR4-2666 memory with 16-16-16 timings, DDR4-2800 memory with 17-17-17 timings and DDR4-3000 memory with 16-16-16 timings. . Again, any memory can be represented by sets of one, two and four modules, and the capacity of the module can be 4 or 8 GB.

There is also a faster DDR4-3200/3300/3333 memory. But for this memory, the timings are only 16-16-16, and the modules have a capacity of 4 GB.

Next, we will look at a set of four AData XPG AX4U2400W4G16-QRZ memory modules. As you might guess by the name, we are talking about DDR4-2400 memory modules with 16-16-16 timings. The supply voltage for these memory modules is 1.2 V.

On our test bench with the default UEFI BIOS settings, the AData XPG AX4U2400W4G16-QRZ memory wound up at 2133 MHz with timings of 15-15-15-36 and at a supply voltage of 1.2 V.

The promised frequency of 2400 MHz with timings 16-16-16 is already implemented through the XMP profile.

When the XMP profile is activated in the UEFI BIOS, the memory, as it should, starts up at a frequency of 2400 MHz with timings of 16-16-16-39.

We were unable to start the AData XPG AX4U2400W4G16-QRZ memory at a higher frequency. However, at a frequency of 2400 MHz, you can pick up better timings. The best timings we could find for this memory at 2400 MHz were 13-12-12-36.

AData AD4U2133W4G15-B

If the previous AData kit belonged to the gaming series, then the memory kit belongs to the Consumer series, that is, to the simplest DDR4 memory series.

The Consumer series includes two types of DDR4-2133 memory modules: with a capacity of 4 GB and with a capacity of 8 GB. In the first case, the modules are called AData AD4U2133W4G15-B, and in the second - AData AD4U2133W8G15-B. All other characteristics of the modules are exactly the same. The effective memory frequency is 2133 MHz, timings are 15-15-15-36, and the supply voltage is 1.2 V. Memory modules with a capacity of 4 GB are single-sided and based on SKhynix H5AN4G8NMFR memory chips (8 chips of 512 MB each).

Note that there are no heatsinks on the AData AD4U2133W8G15-B memory modules.

On our test bench with the default UEFI BIOS settings, the AData AD4U2133W8G15-B memory started up without problems in full compliance with the specification, that is, at a frequency of 2133 MHz with timings of 15-15-15-36 and at a supply voltage of 1.2 V.

Moreover, it turned out that this memory can operate at a frequency of 2400 MHz. When this frequency is set, the timings in automatic mode are set to 16-17-17-40. The best timings that we managed to find for this memory without losing stability in operation were 14-14-14-36.


So, in total, five sets of quad-channel DDR4 memory took part in our testing, each of which was tested in two operating modes: with default settings and with settings corresponding to maximum overclocking.

AData AD4U2133W8G15-Bdefault2133 15-15-15-36
overclocking2400 14-14-14-36
AData XPG AX4U2400W4G16-QRZdefault2133 15-15-15-36
overclocking2400 13-12-12-36
Kingston HyperX Predator HX424C12PBK4/16default2133 15-15-15-36
overclocking2400 12-12-12-35
AMD Radeon R7 Performance Series (R744G2133U1S)default2133 15-15-15-36
overclocking2400 18-11-11-36
Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QCdefault2400 16-16-16-36
overclocking2667 13-14-14-30

First of all, we note that all memory kits, with the exception of the Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QC, were defined by default as DDR4-2133 memory with 15-15-15-36 timings. In all our tests, all kits in DDR4-2133 mode with timings of 15-15-15-36 gave almost the same results. And in order not to clutter up the article with unnecessary data, in the future we will simply talk about DDR4-2133 memory with timings 15-15-15-36, meaning by it any kit with default settings - with the exception of Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QC memory.

For testing, we used the stand of the following configuration:

  • Intel Core i7-5960X processor;
  • motherboard Gigabyte X99-Gaming G1 WIFI;
  • chipset Intel X99;
  • Intel SSD 520 Series (240 GB):
  • operating system Windows 8.1 (64-bit).

Performance was measured using real applications from our iXBT Application Benchmark 2015 test script. The use of synthetic tests, which are so fond of memory manufacturers, we consider in this case simply meaningless, since the "parrots" they give out have nothing to do with reality.

From the iXBT Application Benchmark 2015 package, we deliberately excluded tests whose execution speed depends on the data storage subsystem (copy speed, application installation and uninstallation speed, etc.). In addition, the Adobe After Effects CC 2014.1.1 (Test #2) test has been removed. The fact is that for this test, in the case of using an 8-core (16 logical cores) Intel Core i7-5960X processor, it is advisable to use not 16, but 32 GB of memory. Otherwise, the test will run without multiprocessing technology, or you need to forcefully reduce the number of processor cores used. In a word, it is easier to exclude this test, especially since the methodology has another test using Adobe After Effects CC 2014.1.1. In addition, we excluded tests that have a large measurement error and require a large number of repetitions to obtain a reliable result. When testing memory, when changing the frequency and timings leads only to a meager increase in performance, it is very important to use tests in which the result has a very good repeatability (with a small measurement error).

As a result, we left the following tests:

  • MediaCoder x64,
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014.1,
  • Adobe After Effects CC 2014.1.1,
  • Photodex ProShow Producer 6.0.3410,
  • Adobe Photoshop CC 2014.2.1,
  • ACDSee Pro 8,
  • Adobe Illustrator CC 2014.1.1,
  • Adobe Audition CC 2014.2,
  • WinRAR 5.11, archiving,
  • WinRAR 5.11, unzipping.

So, let's start with a video transcoding test using the MediaCoder x64 application. As you can see, this task is not very sensitive to memory speed: the worst result differs from the best by only 6%. It is interesting to note that Geil Evo Potenza memory at 2667 MHz with 13-14-14-30 timings demonstrates the same result as Kingston HyperX Predator memory at 2400 MHz with 12-12-12-35 timings. And at 2400 MHz (with timings of 16-16-16-35), Geil Evo Potenza memory performs in much the same way as DDR4-2133 memory.

In Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014.1, we get a similar result. The difference in test execution time between DDR4-2133 and DDR4-2400 memory is approximately 5%. And in this test, the Geil Evo Potenza memory at 2667 MHz with timings of 13-14-14-30 demonstrates the same result as any other memory in DDR4-2400 mode. And at 2400 MHz (with timings of 16-16-16-35), Geil Evo Potenza memory performs in much the same way as DDR4-2133 memory.

In a test based on Adobe After Effects CC 2014.1.1, the difference between the worst and best results is no more than 5%. Once again, the Geil Evo Potenza memory at 2667 MHz with timings of 13-14-14-30 demonstrates the same result as any other memory in DDR4-2400 mode. And at 2400 MHz (with timings of 16-16-16-35), Geil Evo Potenza memory performs in much the same way as DDR4-2133 memory.

Photodex ProShow Producer 6.0.3410 is slightly more sensitive to memory speed, and in our test the difference between the worst and best results is about 6%. But again, the fastest Geil Evo Potenza memory at 2667 MHz performs just like any other DDR4-2400 memory, and at 2400 MHz the Geil Evo Potenza memory results are comparable to those of DDR4-2133.

Adobe Photoshop CC 2014.2.1 turned out to be insensitive to memory speed. In our test, the difference between the worst and best results was about 3.5%. And again, the “weird” Geil Evo Potenza memory at 2667 MHz performs about the same as any other DDR4-2400 memory, and at 2400 MHz the Geil Evo Potenza memory results are comparable to those of DDR4-2133.

In the test using the ACDSee Pro 8 application, the dependence on the memory speed is very insignificant: the difference between the worst and best results was about 1.5%. Geil Evo Potenza memory did not surprise us with anything pleasant: at 2667 MHz it works about the same as any other DDR4-2400 memory, and at 2400 MHz the results of Geil Evo Potenza memory are even slightly worse than those of DDR4-2133.

In the test using Adobe Illustrator CC 2014.1.1, nothing depends on the speed of the memory at all. Here, for all sets of memory in various modes of their operation, the same results are obtained.

But in the test using the Adobe Audition CC 2014.2 application, the dependence on memory speed, although insignificant, is there: the difference between the worst and best results was 4.8%. For the Geil Evo Potenza memory, as in other cases, we get the following: at a frequency of 2667 MHz, it performs a little worse than any other DDR4-2400 memory, and at a frequency of 2400 MHz, the results of the Geil Evo Potenza memory are approximately the same as the results of DDR4- 2133.

In the archiving test using the WinRAR 5.11 application, the difference between the worst and best results was 5.6%. The Geil Evo Potenza memory at 2667MHz performs slightly worse than any other DDR4-2400 memory, and at 2400MHz the Geil Evo Potenza memory results are about the same as the results of DDR4-2133.

In the unzipping test using the WinRAR 5.11 application, the difference between the worst and best results was 4%. And as always, the Geil Evo Potenza memory at 2667 MHz shows results typical of DDR4-2400 memory, and at 2400 MHz it shows results typical of DDR4-2133.


Actually, the conclusions that can be drawn from our testing are quite predictable. High-speed DDR4 memory doesn't make much sense today, and the DDR4-2133 variant is sufficient for most consumer applications. The maximum performance increase that can be obtained by using high-speed DDR4-2400 memory instead of standard DDR4-2133 is about 5%. And even more so, we did not find any significant difference between modules / kits from different manufacturers.

Moreover, as it turned out, high-speed memory, which is sold under the guise of DDR4-2400, is actually an overclocked version of DDR4-2133 memory, that is, the DDR4-2400 mode of operation is implemented only through the XMP profile. And most likely, having bought the most ordinary DDR4-2133 memory, you can make DDR4-2400 out of it. So does it make sense to overpay?

DDR4-3000 memory (Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QC) turned out to be DDR4-2400 memory, and it simply refused to work at the promised speed of 3000 MHz. In general, the Geil Evo Potenza GPR416GB3000C16QC memory is very strange. In DDR4-2667 mode (the maximum frequency at which it was able to run), it works like DDR4-2400 memory, and in DDR4-2400 mode - like DDR4-2133 memory. Actually, this is an example for those who think that high-speed memory is cool.

As for various fanciful heatsinks on high-speed memory modules, as we have already said, this is nothing more than a decorative element. Modern DDR4 memory does not need heatsinks at all even with a supply voltage increased to 1.4 V.