What is the difference between construction work and installation work. Types of construction and installation works. Other works and costs

Capital construction cannot be imagined without construction and installation works. Moreover, the object of construction and installation can be not only building metal structures, but also: foundations and supports, walls and roofs, window and door blocks, technological equipment, engineering systems.

Types of construction and installation works are always carried out taking into account the specific area of ​​work of the construction object. The result of the project depends on the efficiency of construction and installation. Therefore, the types of construction and installation works are offered by the contractor and are listed in the terms of reference (TOR) of the customer. In this publication, we will consider the main types of construction and installation works necessary for the construction of buildings and structures from LMK.

Construction and installation work is the general name for all work in construction.

  • Construction work is usually called general construction and is associated with the construction of building structures, buildings and structures.
  • Installation work is carried out using ready-made metal structures, their elements, connections and mounting parts.

Types of construction and installation works can be combined, or they can be performed separately. Since our company is a manufacturer, designer and builder, we offer our customers any kind of construction and installation work in a comprehensive turnkey service. Read about the features of this form of service, as well as the benefits of a turnkey service, on this website. It is necessary to understand the main thing that turnkey service is a convenient and economical cooperation, with an optimal ratio of price and quality. For all questions about the turnkey service, please contact the company's managers by phone or in writing!

We list the main types of construction and installation works:

  • Earthworks include digging pits, pits, trenches for foundations. Earthworks included the construction and installation of basements, underground utilities, transportation of soil, taking into account loading, removal, unloading, area planning, stripping, embankment, soil compaction.
  • Pile work includes piling foundations, piling or piling.
  • Stone works relate to the construction of walls, supports, vaults, pillars, large concrete blocks.
  • Concrete and reinforced concrete works are related to the production of concrete and concrete mortar, its transportation, laying, formwork, concrete maintenance, taking into account the season and creating conditions for its hardening.
  • Monolithic works are used for formwork and reinforcement of monolithic sections.
  • Construction work is related to all, including general and special types of construction.
  • Carpentry and joinery work is the installation of rafters, windows, doors, parquet flooring.
  • Roofing works include roofing, attic roofs, etc.
  • Finishing work is associated with plastering, cladding, wallpapering the walls of buildings, and the installation of industrial concrete floors.
  • Installation work begins with the delivery of metal structures to the workplace, their precise installation, alignment and fixing.

There are also special works that are included in the types of construction and installation works, which include the construction and installation of engineering communications, the laying of power, telephone wires, the installation of sanitary, warehouse, technical, lifting equipment, as well as anti-corrosion and fire retardant protective coating of metal structures.

All of the listed types of construction and installation works are included in the turnkey service, on which the customer can save up to 40% of the construction budget. For all questions of cooperation, please call 209-09-40! We will be glad to hear from you!

Construction and installation work includes the erection of new or reconstruction of old buildings and structures, as well as the installation of all types of equipment, which is approximately 50-60% of capital investments in industrial construction and 80-85% in civil construction (in the cost of construction and installation work does not include the cost of equipment).

Construction and installation works are divided into general construction, installation and special. General construction includes ground zero, above-ground, structural and finishing works. Installation work consists of installation of building structures, technological and other equipment. Special works include the installation of water supply, heating, sewerage, electric lighting and other communications.

In the production of construction and installation works, they are guided by the technical working project and working drawings, construction organization projects

(POS) and work performance (PPR), building codes and regulations (SNiP), technological maps of this type of work and labor processes.

Depending on the purpose, construction and installation works consist of main, auxiliary and transport. The main works include the installation of foundations, laying walls, installation of coatings, stairs and other structures; auxiliary devices include fixing walls, trenches when excavating at great depths, scaffolding (scaffolding) when performing stone and plaster work, temporary fastening of individual structures or parts during installation, etc. Transport work includes work on moving materials , structures and parts from the on-site warehouse to a building under construction or a workplace.

Earthworks are carried out in order to prepare foundations for buildings, create engineering structures from the soil (cut or embankment) or remove earth masses. They consist of excavating the soil, moving it to a designated place, leveling, compacting and other works.

Earthworks are carried out by mechanical, drilling and blasting, hydraulic methods, as well as manually, especially in hard-to-reach places.

The main volume of excavation is carried out mechanically using excavators, scrapers, bulldozers, graders and other earthmoving machines.

Stone work refers to work related to the construction of structures from natural and artificial stones.

The materials used to perform stone work must comply with the requirements of current standards and the project, and brick blocks must comply with working drawings and specifications. Mortar mixtures must be used before they begin to set, while dehydration and the addition of water to the setting mixtures are not allowed. Mixtures that separate during transport should be agitated prior to use.

To change the level of the mason's workplace, it is necessary to use scaffolding and scaffolding, which must be inventory. Their type and installation scheme are given in the project for the production of works.

Installation of concrete and reinforced concrete structures in construction, as a rule, is carried out by in-line methods using complex mechanization of transport loading and unloading and installation works.

When installing prefabricated structures, it is necessary to follow the sequence of installation, which ensures the stability and geometric invariability of the mounted part of the structure at all stages of installation and the strength of field connections; install the structures of each section (block, floor section) of the building in a complete set, which will allow subsequent work to be carried out on the mounted sections; comply with safety regulations.

Elements of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures should arrive at the construction site with the maximum degree of readiness for final finishing. The order of delivery of elements of prefabricated structures to the construction site must comply with the requirements of the project for the production of works, taking into account the sequence of installation.

Mounting structures made of concrete or reinforced concrete are used in the construction of buildings or structures and are made directly at the facility. The performance of these works is divided into formwork and concrete, and for the manufacture of reinforced concrete - into formwork, reinforcement and concrete.

Formwork includes work on the manufacture and installation of formwork, which is a form for the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products. The material for the manufacture of formwork can be wood, metal, reinforced concrete, etc.

Reinforcement for reinforced concrete structures, consisting of individual welded or bonded steel rods, rolled profiles and wire, is placed in the formwork and then filled with concrete.

Materials and products used in the production of concrete and reinforced concrete works must comply with the requirements of GOSTs and technical specifications.

Wooden structures, as a rule, are manufactured at specialized wood-finishing enterprises in a mechanized way, and at construction

objects only set them. The quality of timber for wooden structures and products must meet the requirements of the project and specifications.

Roofing works are carried out in strict accordance with the working drawings, which indicate the structures, slopes, junctions, type and brand of roofing materials.

Asbestos-cement corrugated sheets, flat tiles, tiles, roofing iron, various roll materials (roofing material, roofing felt, hydroisol, glassine, etc.), mastics (tar, bitumen, bitumen-rubber, etc.) are used for roofing.

The materials used for roofing work must comply with the requirements of the current GOSTs and technical specifications for their manufacture and be accompanied by manufacturer's passports.

Finishing work consists of plastering, facing, painting, stucco, wallpaper, glass, as well as flooring made of parquet, linoleum and tiles. Their purpose is to give the building (structure) a finished look that meets the requirements established by the project.

There are external (facade) and internal finishing works, the quality of which largely determines the overall assessment of the building (structure) put into operation.

The volume of finishing work in the construction of residential and cultural buildings is up to 60% of the total labor costs.

Finishing work is preceded by appropriate preparation of the building: it must be fully glazed, installation work completed, hidden electrical wiring laid, holes, grooves, grooves sealed.

The norms and rules establish general requirements for the organization of construction production in the construction of new, as well as the expansion and reconstruction of existing facilities. These standards must be observed by all participants in the construction of facilities.

When we talk about the construction, reconstruction or repair of any construction projects, we are always talking about a whole range of activities. The order of production is regulated by rules, regulations and requirements, which will lead to the desired result in the form of a strong, reliable and aesthetic building. What is construction work? They are a separate area of ​​construction, which is indispensable when performing major repairs in the premises, as well as in the process of erecting new buildings.

The definition of construction and installation work is a very broad concept. It is understood as an operational process, which includes multidirectional actions that differ from each other in many ways. Differences may be in the timing of execution, the essence of the process, methods and algorithm of construction or installation operations. The definition of construction and installation works (CEW) is a set of actions aimed at the construction, reconstruction or repair of structures and other facilities. As a rule, it is difficult for one company to complete the entire operational cycle of events. Their scale is colossal, and it is often impossible to cover all the tasks set. Today, there are many companies on the market: some carry out the entire operational process, others carry out installation or construction work. The choice of a professional with a narrow specialization determines the quality of performance. Often, in order to save money, many owners of private construction projects do some kind of work with their own hands. To achieve the desired result, it is important to understand the operational process, its sequence, to study the manual and the rules for performing construction or installation operations.

To date, there are three main areas:

  1. General construction industry.
  2. Sphere of transport and loading and unloading operations.
  3. Specialized type of work.

Each of the main areas is regulated by production rules, safety standards during execution, technological maps, SNiP rules, state standards, and UNiR calculation rules.

The essence of general construction activities

The category of general construction activities is the most extensive. The concept of this type of work contains several important stages on which the construction of buildings of any purpose depends. The entire operational process, as they say, from A to Z, must comply with the regulations and rules. The list of multidisciplinary events looks like this:

  1. A complex of geodetic processes carried out at construction sites:
  • control of geodetic parameters, calculations, characteristics;
  • performance of production of geodetic shooting.
  1. Preparatory activities that involve:
  • cleaning of the territory, preparation for the start of construction processes;
  • if necessary, the dismantling of structures or structures;
  • construction of temporary structures for the implementation of the main complex of construction activities.
  1. Excavation. The list of such activities involves the implementation of:
  • production of excavations, arrangement of vertical layouts;
  • production of trenches and digging of construction pits;
  • work with soil, its compaction, arrangement of “soil cushion”;
  • excavation works in non-standard conditions (when subsidence of heaving soil).

Important! Earthworks involve the production of the entire range of activities exclusively by professionals. The operational life of the building, its reliability, regardless of the functional purpose, depends on the quality of such work.

In addition to the preparatory complex, general construction works also include processes that complete the main stages of construction:

  1. Stone work is a special type of event, which is a set of works on the construction, strengthening of the walls of buildings, supports and pillars. Stone work also includes brick laying, decorative facade finishing. All this can be done with your own hands, but you need to know the rules, principles and technologies of construction. Having mastered the knowledge and following all the rules, you can do the work yourself, significantly saving, but without compromising the quality of construction.
  2. The list of concrete and reinforced concrete works includes:
  • complex of reinforcing and formwork works;
  • welding and installation operations;
  • arrangement of monolithic structures.
  1. Roofing. This type of activity is referred to as installation work. The roof crowns any structure, serves as protection from heat loss and the effects of precipitation. The degree of comfort and safety of living in the house depends on the quality of execution. The subgroup of roofing activities includes:
  • installation of roofs from any materials (rolled, piece, metal and sheet);
  • arrangement of a roofing pie (steam and hydroprotection of structures);
  • welding and installation work on the construction of frames;
  • installation of windows of any type (including skylights);
  • arrangement of a drain.

  1. Finishing work. This type of operation can be performed even by a beginner in the construction business, the main thing is to know the rules and carry out quality control at every stage. Finishing work includes:
  • a complex of facade measures (decorative and protective cladding of the facades of buildings of any purpose);
  • welding and assembly production of frames of internal partitions made of metal, laying bricks, drywall;
  • painting and plastering complex, glazing production - aimed at decorative finishing of elements, protective cladding, glazing of structures.
  1. Complex of insulation works. Its essence lies in creating maximum comfort indoors, minimizing the external negative impact of the external environment, enhancing the properties of strength and practicality. This can also include insulation with bituminous materials, reinforcing shells, plates or bulk materials.

The list of general construction works, among other things, includes low-current works. They represent the installation of cables and wires, the voltage of which does not exceed 25 volts. The complex is necessary for telephone installation of the building, organization of fire safety systems, installation of alarms and security systems of any type.

Direction of civil works

To understand what civil works are, you need to know the very essence of construction. It is this area of ​​activity that belongs to the title of one of the oldest and most revered areas. Undoubtedly, production and technological progress are moving forward, the production of new materials has been established, effective developments and innovative solutions are emerging. This development allows the construction of reliable and durable buildings, and the aesthetics of each completed object is excellent. There are two main branches of construction: capital and non-capital. The first type includes all buildings and structures that represent the category of real estate. This means that each building is connected to the ground by means of laying the foundation. There are several types of capital construction objects:

  • All types of buildings that are equipped with underground structures (plinths, foundations), as well as the ground part. The system of buildings of this type includes engineering networks, the organization of water supply and sewerage, and ventilation systems. The general functional purpose of the category is the living and livelihoods of people.
  • All types of structures, which are flat systems and load-bearing structures with above-ground and underground parts. Such facilities are intended, as a rule, for the movement of people or goods, the implementation of any production processes, as well as the storage of products. An example of this type of structures are dams, bridge structures, all types of roads (motorway, railway).
  • All objects are representatives of the category of construction in progress. These include buildings for which, for a number of reasons, a permit for operation has not been made or their construction has been suspended. As long as the operational process is not completed, proper control and admission to operation is not carried out, the buildings are called typical objects of construction in progress.

Objects - representatives of the non-capital category of construction include all structures of a temporary nature. These are trade kiosks, household facilities (sheds, pantries, barns), pavilions or hangars with a collapsible design.

Types of objects and their classification

The purpose of the erected objects can be very different and perform various functions. These can be industrial facilities, residential buildings, structures for agricultural needs. In accordance with the functional purpose, construction is divided into several types:

  1. The field of civil engineering. These are buildings of any number of storeys for living or public and commercial activities (administrative, retail, municipal or office).
  2. Sphere of industrial construction. This category includes all work on the construction of workshops, factories or factories, any production areas, combines.
  3. The sphere of agricultural construction is the construction of structures for livestock farms or agriculture. This also includes the construction of veterinary clinics, greenhouses, agricultural facilities.
  4. Transport construction. The category includes the construction of bridges, tunnels, highways.
  5. Hydraulic engineering. The sphere involves the construction of reservoirs, dams or canals.
  6. military sphere. It involves the construction of any construction objects for military and defense purposes.

Important! All types of construction and installation activities are regulated by the norms and rules of SNiP, GOSTs, as well as ENiR standards.

The construction object is, in its own way, the final product. All costs for its production must be strictly calculated. For this, there is the ENiR system, which is a complex of pricing calculations and estimated rationing. Project budgeting without knowledge of ENiR norms is impossible. All stages should be taken into account: construction design, conclusion of contracts for the performance of work, costs for the purchase of building materials, remuneration of workers.

Levers of control

In order for the structure to meet all technical standards and comply with the highest safety class, control is necessary. We will talk about supervision, which, in essence, is a set of verification measures. The main goal is not to punish or apply fines, but to ensure that all project specifications are strictly observed. Technical control consists of the following stages:

  1. Financial check. Control and adjustment methods are applied, the goal is to minimize financial losses and risks. Evaluation and control takes place at all stages of construction. The supervisory mechanism is especially important when money from outside investors is used to build a building.
  2. Checking compliance with deadlines. At each stage, an act of completed work is issued, in accordance with which quality control is carried out.
  3. Control over the use of building materials. Production and construction technologies require the use of high-quality building materials with a set of required properties.

Important! Technical control is regulated by standards and documentation. The main levers of supervision include SNiP rules, ENiR regulations, compliance with established GOST standards.

In addition to quality control of work performance, technical supervision allows solving the following problems:

  • To prevent an unreasonable increase in the cost of construction and installation work and to identify the inconsistency of expenses with the agreed estimate.
  • Control of logging and technical documentation. Each operational process, the technology of its implementation is confirmed by an act. Data transparency allows timely detection of errors, deviations from SNiP standards or ENiR calculation rules.
  • Supervision and detection of violations in the process of erecting structures, errors in parameters, inconsistencies with calculations.
  • Solving problems with soil shrinkage, the appearance of cracks, deformation and other problems with violation of technical specifications.

Who is supervising? These are professionally trained people with valuable construction experience. The supervisor of construction and installation works can be design engineers, specialists in general construction works. Their main tasks are to control compliance with process technology, conduct intermediate acceptance of work, and participate in engineering inspections. As a result of the control, an inspection report is signed, which indicates the inaccuracies and the period in which the errors must be eliminated. During the construction and installation process, a technical supervision log is filled in, its maintenance is an integral part of the construction process. At the end of construction, an act of completed work is submitted.

Author's supervision as a type of control over construction and installation works

In addition to technical supervision, architectural supervision is one of the auxiliary levers for optimizing construction production and quality control at all its stages. The sphere of construction is very specific, it has rules that must be followed strictly. This is a guarantee of the success of the construction, delivery of the object of proper quality on time.

  • Control can be exercised by management, legal entities and individuals on the basis of a signed cooperation agreement.
  • It includes a number of functions for conducting intermediate checks in order to control quality and identify errors in construction technology.
  • Supervision of compliance with all aspects of safety and compliance with environmental standards is carried out.
  • The management can make suggestions to improve the quality and optimize the construction and installation work at the facility.

Any clauses established individually, depending on the functional and operational orientation of the construction object, can also be included in the contract.

Activation of works in the process of construction

The finished project is a complete complex. To make sure that the established norms of SNiP, ENiR and other regulatory standards are met, an act is issued. It is also necessary to draw up an act of hidden works. What it is? Hidden works are "hidden" behind subsequent constructions or already completed activities. Compliance with quality standards is confirmed by an act drawn up in accordance with all the rules. The list of hidden works includes laying the foundation, land surveying, fixing wall structures. The quality of each of the above named hidden works, compliance with the norms of SNiP and other standards is confirmed by the act.

Advice! For each object, a list of hidden installation and construction works is prepared at the design stage. Such an act is rarely filled out at the stage of finishing the buildings.

Each stage is subject to separate control, even if simple repairs are made in the apartment (priming, finishing, insulation or installation of communications, and much more). An act, or a form confirming the operational process, must be drawn up by an authorized person, which is regulated by the SNiP standards.

Important!Maintenance of accompanying technical documentation is a mandatory procedure.

The act of carrying out hidden construction work is taken into account in the sixth section of the general work log. The act must strictly comply with the established form, is prepared in duplicate and signed by representatives of the construction commission. The act contains the following information:

  1. A complete list of all work performed with quality control marks at each stage.
  2. All information about the project documentation, which confirms the entire operational process. The section may contain drawings, diagrams, explanatory notes.
  3. Entering into the act the results of measurements, calculations, which confirm the level of quality of the work performed.
  4. List of conclusions indicating compliance with the norms of SNiP, ENiR and other requirements.

Today, finding a standard act confirming any operational process, and a guide to filling it out, will not be difficult. There are samples on specialized construction sites.

Safety at height

As they say in the song of the same name, assemblers-workers from a height send us greetings! In fact, construction and welding installation activities at height are extremely dangerous work, requiring compliance with a number of safety rules. For such work at height, it is categorically not recommended to take on beginners without appropriate training and experience.

Important! It is necessary not only to know the specifics of work, to be instructed and to study the manual for organizing safety at height.

For the personal comfort of workers at the facility, equipping the construction site requires the arrangement of sanitary and hygienic facilities, washrooms and wardrobe facilities, specialized food points. Mandatory, prohibition and warning signs must be placed on the territory of the construction site. What activities relate to construction and welding and installation work at height?

  1. The implementation of the ascent or descent at a height of more than five meters vertically, the angle of inclination is not more than 75 degrees.
  2. All construction and welding and installation work that involves the risk of falling from a height of more than 1.8 meters or more. Including all welding and installation works that are performed on machines or mechanisms, protruding objects or structures, above the water surface.
  3. Any activity on platforms that are at least 1.8 meters high, located closer than two meters to an unfenced drop, and the height of the fences is less than one meter.

The list of basic safety requirements at height includes the following items:

  • permission to work is given to a person who has reached the age of 18;
  • before performing welding and installation work, the specialist must undergo a medical examination;
  • there are certain requirements for the qualification of a specialist and his professional readiness to perform high-altitude work.
  • the frequency of employee training should be at least once every three years (professional training and practical training are mandatory).

Important! Before the start of high-altitude welding and installation work, a planned inspection of the site and its preparation are required.

To give access to work, the possible causes of falls from a height, the reliability of fastenings, the presence of fragile, slippery or prone to destruction surfaces, and the strength of structures are first clarified. Climatic conditions for holding high-altitude events are necessarily taken into account, a list of tools needed at height and ways to deliver them to the top is drawn up. Basic safety rules at height:

  • All authorized workers must be equipped with special safety belts. Each must have a test mark, admission to work with a belt that does not have a corresponding tag is prohibited.
  • High-altitude welding and installation work should be carried out only in the daytime. If the regulations require the holding of night events, admission to work requires the installation of high-quality lighting on the site.
  • The admission to work in the winter period implies periodic cleaning of the surface from ice and snow.
  • The manual does not give permission to work if the wind force is 6 or more. During a thunderstorm, snowfall or fog, construction work at height is also prohibited.
  • All decking, transitions, fences, scaffolds are installed by specialists, taking into account load calculations. It is forbidden to move or rebuild them.
  • When moving an employee up or down, he is not allowed to hold tools or equipment in his hands. It is lifted on separate cables.

Important! In addition to the direct danger of falling from the height of the worker, there is a threat of injury to people who are below. To prevent this, warning signs and barriers are installed around the perimeter of the site.

The admission of unauthorized persons to the construction site is prohibited, the management is responsible for this. Employees may not use pneumatic tools for work at height, arbitrarily build stairs without preliminary calculation of loads, carry out any activity on sites without fences or faulty structures. Compliance with safety regulations in the production process at height is a guarantee of the personal health of the employee, as well as those who are below the facility. Safety is the responsibility of management. The implementation of construction and installation activities is the most important and responsible part of the production of the entire construction process. Only competent planning, budgeting in accordance with the ENiR data, the choice of professional specialists and the optimal organization of construction and installation work together will help to achieve the desired result.

Safety in construction.

The bulk of large and medium-sized projects, one way or another, is connected with the construction of industrial and agricultural facilities, housing, bridges, roads, etc. The buildings being erected are either in themselves the goal of the plan, or are its integral part, without which the continuation of the project is impossible. As a rule, the largest volume of financial and material resources expended falls on construction and installation work. Accordingly, the regulation of this activity in the legislation occupies a special place.

What does SMR mean and how are they regulated

Construction as such includes a wide range of concepts. This is not only the erection of new buildings and buildings, but also their repair (current and capital), restoration, reconstruction and renovation. The process itself is multifaceted and consists of the following stages:

  • organizational (market research, development of the project concept, selection of the customer and contractor);
  • survey (geodesic, geological, environmental, geotechnical, hydrometeorological);
  • design (preparation of design and working documentation);
  • phase of material support (procurement of necessary products and raw materials, their transportation to the sites);
  • construction and assembly (preparatory, basic and finishing);
  • commissioning (control measures and carrying out the necessary tests).

There are several interpretations of the term "construction and installation work", depending on the dictionary, reference book or legislative act where this term is mentioned. At the same time, they all agree that construction and installation works in construction is a certain list of operations aimed at erecting new buildings, premises and installing (installing) the necessary equipment in them (ventilation, heating, gas and water systems, sewerage, etc.). ). For abbreviation in technical documentation, the abbreviation CMP is more often used, rather than the full name.

The main document regulating all construction and installation activities in Russia is SNiP, which stands for Construction Norms and Rules.

It includes five sections:

  1. General questions, classification and terminology. Management, organization and economics.
  2. Requirements and standards for the design of structures, foundations and equipment.
  3. Preparation, execution and acceptance of performed operations. Recommendations for SMR.
  4. Standards for the preparation of estimates for all types of operations with explanations.
  5. Norms of labor and material costs, prices for manipulations.

Also, the production of building materials, structures and products is regulated by GOST (State Standards), developed by government agencies and scientists. GOSTs are approved by Gosstandart and Gosstroy of the Russian Federation. For certain technologies and materials, especially new ones, manufacturers develop specifications (technical specifications) that are agreed with state institutions. With the development of best practices and new technologies, the entire regulatory framework is regularly reviewed and amended.

Existing species

The construction of a new building or its deep reconstruction requires a huge number of actions of different directions and intensity using the whole variety of materials and specialized equipment. Construction can be carried out in several different ways:

  • contractor(the most common in Russia), when all operations are performed by specialized organizations in accordance with the agreement concluded with the customer;
  • economic when the entire volume of construction and installation works is carried out by the forces of the enterprise's own divisions;
  • mixed when one part of the operations is carried out independently, and contractors are invited for the other.

Based on the focus and expected result, the following main types of construction and installation works are distinguished:

  • general construction;
  • transport;
  • unloading and loading;
  • special.

Usually, installation or construction work is distinguished depending on which operations prevail at a particular stage. Assembly are activities using ready-made parts or parts, for example, installation of power wiring and other cables, reinforced concrete and metal structures, various equipment (pumping, energy, transport, technological), painting and insulation of pipelines.

General construction actions, based on the processed materials and the erected structural elements, are divided into the following types:

Some of these actions are combined into the term "zero cycle" familiar to every builder. It represents the initial phase of construction and includes the preparation of the construction site and access roads to it, excavation, laying the foundation. The zero cycle ends when the underground part of the building is erected and engineering networks are carried out. After it, the above-ground and finishing cycles follow.

Special actions include actions performed in a special way or with special materials that require specific knowledge and skills. These include, for example, the installation of complex devices and systems, elevators, telephone lines, the lining of units with refractory or acid-resistant masonry, and the installation of mine shafts.

Loading and unloading and transport manipulations involve the delivery to the workplace of structural elements and parts of various sizes, tools and necessary equipment. Due to the variety of transported goods, specialized equipment is used, such as panel carriers, trailers, dump trucks, conveyors, loaders, excavators, cranes.

Sometimes procurement operations are also distinguished, consisting in the manufacture of semi-finished products (concrete mix, reinforcing cage, mortar, prefabricated structures, including SKDs). Depending on the required volumes and the complexity of manufacturing, they can be produced both by specialized enterprises (such as a plant for reinforced concrete products) and directly at the construction site.

In addition to the erection of buildings, the list of construction operations also includes landscaping and gardening, land reclamation, dredging, the creation of environmental structures (anti-landslide, anti-erosion, anti-mudflow), bank protection, drilling, pumping water, etc.

Contractual relationship

Considering the complexity and variety of activities carried out during the implementation of a project, especially a large one (construction of an industrial complex, military or agricultural facility), it is necessary to hire contractors to perform all the necessary actions. Some of them cover most of the general construction processes, others specialize in certain areas that require special equipment and trained professional personnel.

Accordingly, the most common type of agreement is a work contract that has two contracting parties:

  • the customer, authorized by the investor, who sets the parameters for carrying out certain processes, accepts the results and pays for them;
  • a contractor who fulfills the requirements of the customer within the agreed time frame.

The parties to the agreement may be legal entities, individuals or third parties acting on behalf and in the interests of the customer. Contractors are usually construction organizations or licensed individual entrepreneurs.

If the contractor is not able to fully fulfill the entire scope of his obligations on his own, then he has the right (if this is not prohibited by the agreement) to conclude a subcontract within the approved budget, that is, to attract other organizations to perform certain processes.

Often, for the implementation of the entire construction complex, a general contractor is appointed, which ensures and guarantees the entire construction process, fulfilling the order partly on its own, partly with the participation of subcontractors. The general contractor is responsible for all defects of subcontractors.

In addition to general provisions, such as the names of the parties, the date and place of signing, details, legal addresses and signatures of the parties, the standard contract includes the following main sections:

In addition, the contract as an integral part has a number of applications, the list of which is indicated in the main body of the agreement. These include:

  • calendar plan;
  • lists of necessary equipment and materials;
  • a copy of the customer's title documents for the land plot;
  • a copy of the customer's permit for construction;
  • a copy of the contractor's license;
  • acts of acceptance and transfer of technical documentation, materials and equipment;
  • a copy of the insurance policy;
  • work schedule;
  • budget documentation;
  • act of acceptance.

If necessary, the parties may conclude additional agreements on certain issues within the framework of the execution of the general agreement. Problems arising in the production process are displayed in the protocols of disagreements and agreement of disagreements.

Depending on the scope of the activities performed and the scale of the project, the contract may have different content.

Thus, an agreement for the construction of a small residential building and a large plant can differ dramatically from each other, both in terms of volume and in detailing all the actions performed.

A construction contract imposes a great responsibility on the contractor, since poor quality of workmanship, the use of low-quality materials and non-compliance with approved standards can cause destruction of structures, large financial losses or death of people. Therefore, the quality of construction and installation works at each phase of construction is of particular importance.

The quality of construction products affects the cost and performance of the structure, their durability and efficiency. If an object is built from untested materials or in violation of technical regulations, this leads to an increase in the cost of all processes due to the need to constantly correct identified shortcomings, increase operating costs to maintain the object in working order, and reduce the level of comfort for residents.

Control is carried out by checking the compliance of product indicators with approved requirements, fixed in technical conditions, standards, projects, supply contracts, product passports. The main task is to prevent marriage and defects, to maintain the proper quality of products. There are two forms of quality control:

  • production (internal) control system;
  • external control.

Internal control is carried out directly by employees of enterprises (design, industrial) that produce the necessary products. Plants and factories that produce building materials issue passports for their products, confirming that the state standard was maintained during their manufacture. The presence of such a passport when delivering products is mandatory.

Internal control has several areas that differ in their characteristics and focus.

By implementation time:

  • Input. This is the study (external inspection) of materials, structures and products arriving at the construction site, as well as accompanying and technical documentation. The registration method is mainly used (analysis of passports, invoices, certificates), sometimes the measuring method.
  • Operating. It is carried out during the processes or immediately after their completion, has the form of a measurement or technical inspection, its results must be recorded in special journals. The main figures at this stage are foremen, superintendents, and site managers.
  • Acceptance. It is carried out after the completion of a certain type of operation (stone, facing), representatives of the customer or designer often join the verification, so it has an element of external control. As a result, a decision is made on the degree of suitability of the object and the possibility of continuing construction.

By scope of checks:

  • Solid. All structural elements or units of production (piles, metal structures, etc.) are inspected.
  • Selective. A certain part of the product, selected at random, is studied, its volumes are determined by SNiP (Building Norms and Rules).

By frequency:

  • Constant. Information about the state of the parameter being monitored is supplied continuously.
  • Periodic. The parameter is monitored at certain intervals.
  • Volatile. Checking occasionally (at any time) is used when there is no need for deeper forms of control.

By methods of conducting:

  • Visual. Its basis is GOST 16501-81.
  • Measuring. It is carried out using the necessary measuring instruments, if necessary, a laboratory analysis is carried out using the appropriate equipment. A variety of methods can be used: mechanical (destructive), pulsed (acoustic, vibration) and radiation.
  • Registration. This is an analysis of data that is recorded in various documents (journals, certificates, certificates of examination). It is used in cases where, for technical reasons, access to the control object is impossible.

To ensure the appropriate quality of products, specialized services are created at large enterprises, which are usually subordinate to the chief engineer (technical inspection, construction laboratory, geodetic service).

The analysis of the data obtained as a result of instrumental research and their comparison with the current legal and design documentation is called construction expertise. It can be extrajudicial and judicial. All identified violations, deviations and defects are recorded in the expert opinion, which also includes photographs of the detected shortcomings. Based on the results of the examination, the following are determined:

  • assessment of the wear of elements, engineering networks and structures during operation;
  • determination of the amount of damage from emergency situations (fire, flood);
  • compliance with the project, GOST or SNiP;
  • testing of materials and structures used;
  • study of load-bearing elements in preparation for reconstruction or redevelopment.

International practice of quality control suggests a slightly different approach to this issue, which is based on:

  • material interest and responsibility of each performer for the proper execution of all manipulations, which is regulated by internal management - this is a kind of standard established at the enterprise;
  • clear instructions for each work process;
  • availability of highly qualified personnel;
  • equipping with modern high-tech equipment.

External quality control includes inspections carried out by organizations that have the right to supervise and are independent of the contracting organization. Its main forms are:

  • technical supervision of the customer;
  • architectural supervision of the design organization;
  • state architectural and construction supervision;
  • control upon acceptance into operation of the facility by various acceptance commissions: fire, sanitary and epidemiological, industrial and mining supervision, labor inspection.

Technical supervision by the customer. It is carried out continuously during the entire period of construction and installation work. The representative of the customer participates in the examination of all covert actions carried out, acceptance committees, intermediate acceptances of the most important structural elements. If there is no customer approval, then no further operations are carried out. Representatives of technical supervision are empowered to make a decision to suspend construction and refuse to pay for processes performed with violations of design calculations and technology. If the quality turns out to be insufficient in the end, then the employees of the technical supervision of the customer are responsible along with the contractors.

Architectural supervision by the designer is also ongoing. Its main difference from the control functions of the GASN and the technical supervision of the customer is that a separate contract is concluded for its implementation between the customer and the designer with the appropriate payment. Architectural supervision consists in monitoring the strict adherence of all actions of the contracting organization to regulatory documents and the approved project.

All changes in the project, rationalization proposals must be agreed with the representative of architectural supervision. He is also present at intermediate acceptances and surveys, resolves issues on design and estimate documentation, points out shortcomings and monitors their elimination. All comments of architectural supervision are recorded in a special journal, which is then transferred to the customer.

State Architectural and Construction Supervision carries out general control at all phases (survey, project development, construction). Its representatives must check the pre-project documents, issue a building permit and check its implementation at any time. They have the right to suspend construction, fine and initiate criminal proceedings.

Certification and licensing as components of quality control

With the rapid development of new technologies, the development of innovative building materials and methods of their fastening, the question arose of the compliance of these developments with approved standards and quality indicators. Therefore, in recent decades, great importance has been attached to the certification of manufactured products and the licensing of design, survey and construction activities.

- this is an activity aimed at establishing the compliance of product quality indicators with the requirements of approved norms and standards. It is aimed at protecting the rights of consumers and the environment, as well as for the safety of health, life and property of people. The objects of certification in construction can be:

  • design products;
  • industrial products manufactured by enterprises of the construction industry and building materials;
  • erected structures and buildings;
  • relevant services and works;
  • imported elements.

Certification comes in its form:

  • Voluntary, based on the initiative of a product manufacturer who wants to demonstrate the conformity of their products to potential customers.
  • Mandatory, used for a separate legally approved range of goods, which, in case of poor quality, can be dangerous to human health and the safety of their property (balcony doors, windows, structures for private houses, locks, sealants).

In general terms, certification of any type of product occurs as follows:

  • the applicant submits a declaration for certification;
  • the scheme of carrying out and the methodology for conducting tests, as well as the testing laboratory are determined;
  • sampling and identification of samples, examination of products and study of the state of production;
  • analysis of the obtained results;
  • execution, registration and issuance of a certificate of conformity.

Licensing is an examination of the applicant (legal or natural person) and the documents submitted by him regarding their readiness to perform the types of activities specified in the application. A special commission checks the availability of the necessary technical base and legislative acts, the implementation of the declared technological processes and the level of control over them, the qualifications and work experience of personnel, and feedback from the applicant's clients.

The regulation on licensing stipulates that the applicant must have at least half of the staff of specialists and managers in the field of design and construction with experience in the specialty from 3 to 5 years. In addition, on the property rights (or on other legal grounds), the candidate must have the necessary objects, tools and means of production (special equipment, manual or automatic tools, transport, power plants, measuring instruments).

The list of actions and necessary equipment is clearly defined in the classifier of design and construction and installation works. Actions for the construction of objects for various purposes (functional and sectoral), for example, roads, aerospace or agricultural facilities, are summarized together. Not only directly construction and installation works are licensed, but also the functions of the general contractor and developer.

As a rule, the license period after the first application is set to be short (1 year), if during this time the analysis did not show any violations on the part of the applicant, then the next license can be valid for 5 years, when applying again, the entire procedure is completely repeated. For violation by the organization of the norms of the current legislation, the license may be revoked.

Organization of construction and installation works

In the process of erecting large objects, such as multi-storey buildings, bridges, roads, factories, as a rule, various specialized and general construction organizations take part. In order to ensure the continuity of processes and the planned phased commissioning of the completed parts of the facility, a system of continuous planning and execution of work is needed.

In practice, there are three main methods for organizing the production of construction and installation works:

  • Consistent. When it is applied, individual activities are carried out one after another, that is, the next one begins no earlier than the end of the previous one. This approach is poorly applicable to large-scale projects, since it requires a lot of time, but it is suitable for the construction of single buildings, since a small number of workers can be dispensed with.
  • Parallel. It is based on the maximum possible combination of various processes (assembly and construction) in a single period of time. It makes it possible to build several buildings at the same time, but requires a significant amount of labor and equipment.
  • inline. It consists in the division of complex processes, combined in time, into a number of simple operations performed sequentially. All actions are divided into streams that are executed within a clearly defined time frame. In each facility that is included in the flow, construction and installation works are carried out by complex teams moving from one building to another. This ensures an even load on the staff and the rhythmic delivery of objects included in the flow.

The projects for the production of works (PPR) include the main decisions on the organization of construction and installation work. The PPR is developed by specialized trusts or other organizations and consists of:

  • a calendar plan, in which all the works of different performers are marked, linked to deadlines;
  • master plan indicating the location of the facility itself, auxiliary sites, mechanized installations, warehouses, heat and power supply networks, access roads;
  • schedule of requirements for the receipt of products, materials, structures, special equipment, workers.

For processes carried out according to new methods and high complexity, the PPR contains technological maps.

They indicate economic and technical indicators, requirements for the necessary safety precautions, schedules and recommendations on the methods of organizing the work of workers, the need for resources (parts, inventory, equipment), and calculations of labor costs.

Often, a number of unrelated works are carried out simultaneously on the site, for example, electrical installation, plumbing, carpentry, and cladding. The rhythm of the workflow requires the delivery of certain materials at the right time in sufficient quantities and in the correct technological sequence. In order to prevent downtime, taking into account the opinion of contractors, hourly schedules are developed, guided by which the manufacturer ships, and the auto plant delivers the required elements to the site.

In order to link the supply of parts and their installation, transport and installation schedules are drawn up. Based on the technological sequence of the installation of the building and the standard time for the installation of each element, the time of arrival of vehicles at the site and the range of goods delivered by each flight are clearly indicated. Weekly, daily and hourly schedules are compiled, thanks to which different departments can see the big picture and act in concert. This allows you to plan the time of completion of each type of work and approximately calculate the deadline for the completion of the object.

In order to more fully cover the entire complex of ongoing processes, scheduling is used when working on all types of objects. It gives a general understanding of the sequence of actions in different time periods (from a day to several months), although plans regularly require adjustments depending on emerging circumstances. The duration of construction is calculated according to the norms of SNiP and varies greatly from the complexity of the structure. Reducing or increasing the duration of the work should always be justified, since with an increase in the duration, the deadlines for delivery can be disrupted and the customer suffers losses, and an unreasonable reduction often causes non-compliance with the standards for performing technological operations.

Depending on the scale of the project, the following types of planning can be used:

  • simplified methods;
  • calendar line charts;
  • network charts.

Simplified methods are used when performing current tasks, usually for the next few weeks or days. Such schemes only indicate the types of actions performed and the deadlines for their completion, they are not sufficiently clear and not optimized. Also, planning in the most generalized monetary form can be attributed to simplified forms.

A calendar line chart, otherwise known as a Ganga chart, is a scale with marked horizontal lines of varying lengths that represent the duration of each task. In order to fully and efficiently compose it, you need to take into account the following points:

  • draw up a list of necessary work;
  • determine their volumes and methods of production;
  • calculate their labor intensity, based on the norms and previous experience;
  • make a preliminary schedule with approximate deadlines for the execution of each case;
  • optimize it taking into account the real possibilities of distribution of labor force, equipment and other conditions.

In order to correctly calculate the amount of work and the time spent on it, one should, in addition to the prescribed norms, take into account other significant factors, for example, local weather conditions or terrain features. If at the initial stage there is a time delay due to incorrect calculations, then it will be almost impossible to compensate for it, since it is very difficult to correct the linear graph.

The network diagram is compiled according to a more modern graph technique (maps, maze, networks). Drawn on a sheet of paper or displayed on a computer monitor, such a scheme looks like a set of vertices connected by segments (non-directional and directional). The circles on the beginning and end of the segment indicate the beginning and end of work. In this kind of planning, there can be a number of different paths between the start and end events. The longest path is called the critical path, and it determines the total duration of the project. Accordingly, in other ways there are temporary reserves and the ability to vary the speed of execution of processes.

The strength of such planning is the ability to adjust it along the way.

If the construction does not meet the agreed deadlines, then there is an opportunity to reduce the time of the critical path by redistributing labor and material resources from the stages of the non-critical path, attracting reserves or changing the sequence of processes (if this is technologically feasible). A number of computer programs have been developed to facilitate the compilation of schedules and their refinement.

Estimated cost calculation

An integral part of the project documentation is the estimate, that is, the estimated cost of construction and installation works. Correct financial calculations contribute to the rhythmic and uninterrupted construction stages. If inaccuracies were made, then this can lead to losses, missed deadlines, debts, or the need to attract additional financial resources, often credit.

The estimated cost usually includes several components and is calculated according to the following formula: profit. To better understand how the calculations are made, you should dwell on each of the components in more detail.

The sum of all direct costs is calculated taking into account the total amount of work (in physical units) and the currently applied prices per unit of measurement in accordance with the estimated standards. Direct costs typically range from 65% to 80% of the total cost and consist of:

  • employee salaries who are directly involved in construction and installation work (10-15%);
  • cost of all building materials, which are used in the construction of structures (50-55%);
  • operating costs of the vehicles used, special equipment, mechanisms and machines, including the salary of specialists managing them (5-10%).

Overhead costs include the reimbursement of the contractor or subcontractor for all costs associated with the organization and maintenance of appropriate living and production conditions at the construction site. The amount of overhead costs is set depending on the wage fund and strongly depends on the scale of the facility being built, the method of production, and the type of construction. Typically, this figure varies between 13-20%. For their calculation, norms are used taking into account the peculiarities of production. It is not allowed to use a multiplier for overhead costs.

Overhead costs include:

  • Expenses for administrative and economic needs. It takes into account the payment of business trips, the cost of stationery, mail and telephone communications, the maintenance and service of passenger vehicles, the purchase of the necessary specialized literature (regulatory, technical, economic), subscription to the required periodicals.
  • Labor costs. These are the training and retraining of managers and specialists, the creation of proper living and sanitary and hygienic conditions, and labor protection. This also includes additional payments to employees (length of service, additional leave for seniority), social insurance.
  • Costs for the necessary organization of the process. These include the maintenance of security, fire safety, the cost of maintaining design teams and construction laboratories, depreciation, geodetic measures, and landscaping.
  • Other costs(property insurance, licensing, auditing, consulting, advertising services, banking services).

Estimated profit (the term "planned savings" is often used) is the planned profit of the contractor. It should cover the costs of material incentives for personnel, as well as the development and modernization of production facilities. Its volume is calculated for each organization separately, based on the contractual cost of construction, and varies between 7-11% of the total amount. Estimated profit does not apply to expenses included in the estimated cost. For its calculation, they are guided by the relevant Methodological Instructions.

There are industry standards for estimated profit, depending on the type of operations:

  • General industry regulations that apply to all businesses. For repair and construction work, they amount to 50% of the wage fund for employees, which is included in the direct costs included in the estimate. With regard to construction and installation works, this figure is 65%.
  • Standards depending on the types of processes performed. They are used at the stage of drawing up working documentation and are prescribed in Appendix No. 3 of the Guidelines.
  • Individual standards for individual organizations. They do not apply to enterprises fulfilling orders for the funds of the Federal budget.

The following expenses are taken into account in the structure of planned savings:

  • re-equipment and modernization of fixed assets of the enterprise;
  • material incentives for employees: financial assistance, treatment in sanatoriums and resorts, purchase of tickets for cultural events and subscriptions to gyms, assistance in paying off mortgages and purchasing certain services and goods;
  • tax payments (for property, income, local taxes) at a rate not exceeding 5%;
  • assistance to individual educational institutions-partners.

A well-thought-out estimate allows you to organize construction and installation works at the proper level, avoiding cost overruns and delays in payments during construction. In addition, it is possible to achieve the cost of construction and installation works through the use of more productive mechanisms, reasonable savings in materials, changing the working regime or improving management. To accurately calculate the cost, factor analysis is used - this is a technique for studying the impact on costs of each individual construction factor.

Estimated cost of the object calculated according to the technological composition of cap. investments:

C total \u003d KV \u003d C str. + C mont. + With rev. + With pr.z., Where

From p.- estimated cost of construction work;

With mont.- estimated cost of installation work;

Cathedral.- Estimated equipment, furniture, inventory;

From pr.z.- estimated cost of other capital works and costs.

Estimated cost of construction and installation works calculated: C smr \u003d PZ + HP + SP.

Direct costs of PP – main production costs for the implementation of construction and installation works, the physical volume of which is determined by the project, and the cost value - according to the estimated norms:

PZ \u003d C mat + C ozp + C emm, Where

C mat- the cost of materials, parts and structures;

With ozp- funds for the remuneration of construction workers (installers), i.е. workers employed in the production of construction and installation works (basic wages);

With umm - the cost of operating machines and mechanisms (including the remuneration of workers-machinists - With zp. mash.).

Workers wage fund: FOT slave \u003d C ozp + C zp. mash.

HP Overhead - indirect costs associated with ensuring the conditions for the production of construction and installation works and the activities of the HMO.

The following types of HP are taken into account:

administrative expenses;

employee service costs;

expenses for the organization of work;

other overhead costs.

The amount of overhead costs is determined according to MDS 81-33.2004:

HP \u003d H HP FOT slave / 100, Where

H nr- overhead costs (in %) are accepted either by type of construction and installation work or by type of construction. Since 2005, a reduction factor of 0.94 has been applied to the HP standards.

Estimated profit of the joint venture - profit of the contractor (accumulation area), the amount of funds necessary for the development of the material and technical base and incentives for HMO employees, determined according to MDS 81-25.2001:

SP \u003d N SP FOT slave / 100, Where

H cn- JV standards (in %) are adopted either by type of construction and installation work, or industry-wide (50% - repair work, 65% - everything else).

For construction projects financed from non-budgetary sources, it is allowed:

SP \u003d N cn (PZ + NR) / 100, where the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation recommended the standard of estimated profit from the estimated cost H cn \u003d 12%.

3. Pricing and cost estimate system construction cost

A set of rules, regulations, norms, prices, and other materials necessary to determine the cost of construction products (complex No. 81 of regulatory documents of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation).

The foundation of the system State elemental estimated norms (GESN), which determine the consumption of resources in natural meters (labor costs of workers, machine operation time, material consumption) per unit of construction and installation works, which are the basis for the transition to cost indicators (Federal unit prices (FER), Territorial unit prices (TER), Industry unit prices (OER), aggregated cost indicators by type of work, etc.).

The system of pricing and estimated rationing in construction (TsiSN System)
Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation (MDS 81-35.2004) Estimate-normative (estimate-information) base Auxiliary budget documents (VSD) - methodical. and hands. dock you
Federal level Industry Level Territorial level Brand Level
State estimated standards (GSN) Industry estimated standards (OSN) Territorial estimated standards (TSN) Company estimate standards (FSN)

Collections of GESN contain the technical part (general instructions, rules for determining the scope of work, correction factors for the norms) and tables of elemental estimated norms, in which, for each work, the following is given:

number, name, gauge and composition of the work;

labor costs of construction workers in man-hours per work meter;

average grade of work;

labor costs of machinists in man-hours per work meter;

list and time of operation of machines and mechanisms in machine-hours per work meter;

list and consumption of materials, products, structures, energy carriers in physical. units of measure per work meter.

Collections FER (TER) contain those. part (general instructions, rules for determining the scope of work, correction factors for prices) and tables with unit prices (EP), which, for each work, provide:

number, name and measure of work (coincides with GESN);

unit price (direct costs for the work meter) in rubles. as of 01/01/2000 - in total and with the allocation of parts of the PZ (the cost of materials, parts and structures, funds for the remuneration of construction workers (installers), the cost of operating machines and mechanisms, including the latter, the remuneration of workers is indicated - machinists);

consumption of materials not included in the price, in natural units of measurement per work meter;

labor costs of construction workers or assemblers (in man-hours per work meter).

Prices in FER (TER) collections can be closed and open :

1) B closed rates the cost of all elements of direct costs is taken into account.

2) B open rates the estimated cost of basic materials is not taken into account. They are given in the EP in separate lines indicating their name and consumption per price meter. FERM (TERM) – all open: unaccounted materials are given in the introductory notes.