How to decorate a room for every day. Wall decoration: do-it-yourself colorful paper crafts. DIY room decor - video tutorials

Photos Photos provide exceptional opportunities not only for decorating an apartment, but also for its design. In the sense that photographs can optically influence the perception of space, visually expand walls, emphasize style, make the interior more dynamic and individual. Everything is important in photographs: the plot, the color scheme, the design, and the location on the wall. Of course, it's best to decorate the house with your favorite photos first. But even ordinary posters will look no worse.

There is a paradox that you are most likely unfamiliar with, but professional designers know it well. It is amateur, non-professional photos that are best suited for decorating the interior, the ones that can be taken with an ordinary camera. But with professional photos in the interior is much more difficult. A professional photo requires the perfect interior style. A professional photo should be the main focus of the interior, in fact, the interior should be built “around” this photo. In a room with such a photo there should not be unnecessary things and objects that do not correspond to this photo, the photo must be highlighted in a special way and positioned so that it does not “glare” in any way.

But back to amateur shots. Here they are - for the interior, not the interior - for them.

What are the photos. In general, photographs are decorative, poster and photos from a personal archive. Decorative photos - medium size, with some kind of plot. Poster - these are greatly enlarged photos, there are not too many details in such a photo. Poster photo printing can be ordered from the relevant companies, according to your picture. Well, pictures from a personal archive, or family photos are photos of relatives and friends that create comfort and positive in the house.

Frame selection. As a rule, photographs are hung in frames, which can be made from different materials. The frame is selected not for wallpaper or furniture, but only for the image. The most versatile frames are steel or golden, as well as wooden. In principle, any picture can be inserted into such a frame. The general principle is that color photographs look best in light frames, and black and white photographs look better in black or white. If the wall is finished "like a brick", then black frames are required. If the frames are colored, then they must be in the same range (either only warm colors, or only cold ones). Any photo can be slightly illuminated with low-voltage halogen bulbs.

Where to hang. The theme of the picture should be in line with the functional purpose of the interior and its style. Therefore, landscapes or genre scenes will look better in the living room, flowers and still lifes in the kitchen or dining room, photo portraits in the office, macro photography in the hallway. Naturally, if the room is decorated in country style, you should not hang photos of city buildings, etc.

How to hang. You can group pictures on the wall. The best way is to hang the largest picture in the center of the intended composition, and place the smaller ones around it. In this case, the hanging level of the largest image is determined by a special rule. You need to draw an imaginary line on the wall at the level of your eyes, then the hanging point (the center of the hanging photo) will be slightly below this line, since most often in the interior photos are viewed while sitting. For a person of average height, the hanging height is approximately 150 cm. In addition, all images can be grouped and enclosed in one large frame. Then the whole composition should be considered as one big picture.

If you ordered a large-format poster photo, then you need to choose the freest wall for it. Please note that the space near this wall, any detail that is nearby, must strictly match the style of the photo.

Another trendy option is the dissected photo. A large photograph is taken, which is cut into several equal-sized parts, and all parts are hung next to small gaps between them. Another option is to replicate the same photo.

How to draw up. It is best to make your shots, especially small ones, wide passe-partout. The wider the passe-partout, the more spectacular the shots. Wide mats will help to even out the color of the pictures if they are very different in color. And they are indispensable for small photos. "Dissected" pictures are taken without a passe-partout and are not framed, in extreme cases only the narrowest frames are possible.

How the photo will affect the interior. If the color scheme of the picture is close to the color scheme of the room, then the photo will make the interior more stylish, balanced and harmonious. If the color scheme of the photo contrasts with the room, then such a photo will bring dynamics to the interior. One large photo (but only one), or a group of small ones with space between them will increase the space. But “dissected” photographs will especially increase the space.

The interior can be functional or comfortable, but it is the small details that can bring a sense of coziness and unique features to the room. After all, a house is not just a place where we satisfy our vital needs, but a kind of continuation of our individuality. There are many ideas for decoration, but we have chosen 12 of the most beautiful do-it-yourself room decor options that everyone can implement on their own.

1. Garden in a bottle or florarium

Potted flowers look very cute, but to bring a unique touch to the interior of the room, we suggest going a little further and putting a garden in a bottle. This is an amazing solution that allows you to grow whimsical plants that will not survive in normal conditions.

An airtight container with a minimum amount of air creates a humid atmosphere, ideal for some types of flora. These include: calamus, royal begonia, bromeliad cryptanthus, pellionia, common ivy and others. When choosing plants, be guided not only by their external properties, but also by height - it is necessary that it matches the size of the container.

Any glass container with a neck that closes easily and is convenient for planting can become a “home” for a garden.

So, first you need to fill the bottle with material for drainage and earth. Think over the composition, then dig holes with a spoon with an elongated handle. Next, using two sticks, place the sprouts in them, and after tamping the ground, spray them. Florarium is ready!

2. Geometric shelves

Sometimes it is better to abandon massive bookcases, using simple compositions of geometric shapes in the interior instead. Due to the conciseness, such shelves will perfectly fit into any design without causing difficulties during creation.

They are made like ordinary shelves - from flat boards of fiberboard or wood, and due to their unusual shape they do not require additional decorations to attract attention. Also, to diversify the design, you can, for example, hang the design on a hook. Just do not put easily breakable objects there.

3. Decorate the wall with nails and thread

No matter how strange this phrase may sound, but the decor of nails and threads is a real-life direction, which is called stringart. This solution is suitable for decorating walls, furniture, boards. At the same time, creative people have a place to turn around - you can not only come up with any composition, but also randomly wind a strand, creating a unique work.

You will need threads, nails and a base into which they can be driven. But before starting work, you need to come up with a sketch of the composition, clearly highlighting the main lines. Following them, metal hooks are installed, between which a strand passes.

There are many options for drawings: words, silhouettes, signs, abstractions and even detailed paintings with a diverse palette of colors. The main thing is that you will not find the same decor anywhere else.

4. Hooks for cutlery clothes

Why not give old spoons and forks that are not suitable for direct use a second chance by turning them into a practical decor element? With the help of simple manipulations, cutlery will become unusual coat hooks in the hallway, attracting the attention of guests.

You can give a curved shape to a metal object using a hammer or a vice, and for mounting on a base, it is enough to nail the part with an ordinary nail.

Forks look interesting, the teeth of which are directed in different directions. With a certain skill and the availability of the necessary equipment, names or simple patterns can be engraved on hooks.

5. Ottomans from old magazines

And although today the main sources of information are the Internet and television, quite recently people learned about the areas of interest in life from magazines, which since then, more than a dozen have accumulated in many homes. Instead of throwing away waste paper, we suggest making a comfortable ottoman out of it.

Such a piece of furniture, in addition to magazines about gardening or construction, consists of a wooden base (which you can make yourself from a carpentry shield), a pillow and two old belts that tighten the entire structure.

It is recommended to select publications of the same format, but even different ones will look very original. At the same time, depending on the appearance of the elements and the theme of the magazines, the ottoman will fit into a modern or more vintage interior.

6. Thread lampshade

It happens that you go to the store for a chandelier: there seem to be many options, but the prices bite, and the presented models do not fit into the interior. If you want to decorate your home with something unusual, you can make a lampshade with your own hands, using only yarn, glue, plastic wrap and a balloon.

The balloon must be inflated, wrapped with plastic wrap, and on top of it with threads, leaving a small hole. Next, glue is applied to the workpiece, after which the base must be removed after drying. The final stage is the electrical connection to the lampshade.

Such a ceiling can be used both for a chandelier and for a lamp. Try not to overdo it with threads - the design must be strong, while leaving gaps. White yarn is suitable for a modern interior, and multi-colored yarn will create bright accents.

7. Curtains for doorways

In rooms where it was decided to abandon doors to save space, small curtains or curtains can be used as a light partition. Moreover, there are many design options, so it will not be difficult to enter such an element into the interior design.

Instead of a solid, albeit transparent fabric, it is better to stop at curtains made of ribbons, felt beads (for a cozy atmosphere) or glossy details collected in a chain (this will add a little gloss).

It is not difficult to create such a product, the main thing is to decide on the material and color scheme. The partition is usually mounted on a mounted crossbar, which ensures easy movement if necessary.

8. Possibilities of decorative tape

Scotch tape can not only glue paper, but also create aesthetic geometric compositions in the interior. It is much more convenient to use, and the variability of colors and patterns only expands the decor possibilities.

Paper tape is more suitable for modern design, in which such unusual solutions look the most organic. Using adhesive tape, you can, for example, circle pieces of furniture, diversify plain surfaces, “write” words or phrases, and even zoning.

It will also be possible to decorate smaller details, such as vases or photo frames, since products are presented in different sizes on the modern market. It all depends on the imagination, as well as the possibilities of the room.

9. Decoupage in the interior

Probably, many have heard about this simple, aesthetic decor option, only in the context of small crafts. But with the help of napkins and glue, you can easily decorate larger objects, creating a unique atmosphere in the interior.

Decoupage decorates even surfaces of furniture, tiles, glass. The drawing depends on the style of the room: for example, floral patterns are suitable for classics and Provence, newspaper clippings can be used for a loft, and bright combinations of various pictures for pop art.

In the work you will need: an image on thin paper, PVA glue, a degreaser and acrylic varnish to securely fix the decor on the object. It is better to practice beforehand, as with inaccurate application, bubbles or other traces may remain.

10. Garlands for every day

Glowing lights are not only a New Year's attribute. They can also be used for everyday decor, creating real magic in the room.

Garlands turn into a kind of night light if placed in a glass container, like a jar or vase. You can also hang them on the back of the bed, but the lights on the canopies look even more spectacular. Just remember to be safe and check that the adjacent material does not heat up.

Mounted on the wall, garlands look good with Polaroid photos, highlighting them beautifully. When inscribing such lighting into the interior of a room, it is important to keep the line between festive and everyday design.

11. Illuminated mirror frame

This kind of mirrors is called make-up mirrors, as they illuminate the stars as much as possible during makeup application and are often used in the corresponding rooms. But even in the living room, the illuminated frame has found its place, becoming a popular design solution.

You can fit the item into the bedroom, but it looks best in a modern bathroom. To make a product, you will need a wooden frame, lamps, wires, as well as the ability of an electrician.

Please note that during installation it is necessary to use fluorescent lamps, as conventional ones create a lot of heat.

12. Candles in the interior

Of course, electric lighting is much more practical, but candles are unlikely to ever lose their mystical charm, continuing to act as an independent decor element.

But using a few candles in the interior is too commonplace. We are talking about a whole composition that will rather fit into the classical style, bringing into it the romance of ancient castles.

Such lighting looks amazing, displayed in several rows and placed on a separate shelf. To heighten the effect, you can hang the support from the ceiling, carefully choosing a safe place - jokes with fire are bad, and dripping wax can be inconvenient. But this is where the shortcomings of such a decor end, because a lot can be forgiven for a spectacular appearance.

DIY room decor - video tutorials

Many after the completion of the repair of the apartment are interested in the question - how to decorate the interior of the room with your own hands? Although the modern market offers many interior items that could act as decor, it is better and easier to create such things on your own to save money.

Before you decorate your home, you should decide on the main theme of accessories. They should form a single picture. A wide variety, variegation and brightness of shades turn the home into a Chinese shop.. The most common options are photo collages, paper products, small pillows or decorative mirrors.

Photography as decor

When wondering how to decorate the interior of rooms with your own hands, the first thing that comes to mind is the decor from photographs. In this case, there is where to apply fantasy. The main thing is to choose the right images.

There are several ways to decorate a room with photos:

  • It is best to select pictures of different sizes and orientations (horizontal and vertical). Thus, the collage of them will not be monotonous and will gain volume.

  • Photos can be hung on ropes, supplementing with clothespins. For this purpose, garlands are also perfect - such decoration will give comfort to the room in the evening.

  • A great decorating idea is to decorate a desktop or an old window frame using a photo.. To do this, glue the images with the back side to the table or from the front to a transparent and dense surface (plastic or glass).

paper butterflies

Such a solution is very suitable for do-it-yourself interior decor, because paper butterflies are a cheap, simple and at the same time effective way of decorating. From butterflies, you can create all kinds of geometric shapes on the wall. There are no restrictions on the color and quantity of these elements.

Due to their diminutiveness, paper butterflies do not overload the interior, they look elegant and not gaudy.

You can fill a wall with paper butterflies, make a poster, hang them on strings from the ceiling, and even glue them to a chandelier. Butterfly templates are easy to download from the Internet. Moreover, you can choose both the shape and various details, for example, figured slots.

Decorative pillows

Decorative pillows fit perfectly into absolutely any interior, the main thing is that they match in color and style. There are two options for creating a decor - decorating a finished pillow and making it from scratch. The purchased product is complemented by interesting elements. You can stick or sew bulk flowers.

Pompom pillows look good. You can make them yourself from threads or buy ready-made ones in needlework stores.

We offer a small master class on creating small pillows for a sofa or bed from improvised materials:

1. Decide on the shape of the pillow. It can be in a classic design, having a square shape, or be round, in the form of a heart, a star, a cloud or a favorite character.

round pillow

in the shape of a heart

star shaped

As a character

2. Choose the pillowcase material. It is not necessary that the pillow be in tune with the sofa, it may differ in color and texture, the main thing is to be combined with the general background. Cotton fabrics are best for pillowcases. But if you want to fill the future product with feathers, and not with foam rubber, then it is preferable to choose denser fabrics that do not allow fluff to pass through.

3. Prepare two pieces of fabric in the form of identical squares - this will be the basis for the pillowcase. Turn them to each other with the wrong side and sew on the sides, leaving one bottom edge free for the possibility of filling the product.

4. Decide how you will sew up the pillowcase. You can sew a zipper or buttons to the bottom edge and make loops.

5. Next, the finished pillow cover can be decorated. For this, any available materials are used: lace, laces, fringe, satin ribbons, buttons, zippers, beads, beads, rhinestones and much more. The photo shows decor ideas that you can take as a basis.

Pillow decor with ribbons

Decor with buttons

Decor with lace, knitted napkins

6. Sintepukh, foam rubber, holofiber and other polyester materials are suitable as a filler. Foam rubber is well suited for pillows in the form of rollers.

On video: funny handmade pillows

Making a lampshade

Decorations from unnecessary items will also help to revive the design of the room and create the effect of a designer master class. In addition to skillful hands, there must be good ideas. You can use both vintage and new trends to decorate your home. A good retro decor option is to create a lampshade.. He will be able to bring an atmosphere of warmth and comfort to the house.

A similar lampshade for a child's bedroom is ideal. Its peculiarity is that when the light is on, mysterious drawings are created on the ceiling and walls. The base for the lampshade is made of wire - one circle of larger diameter for the bottom, the second of a smaller diameter for the top. Connect the circles to each other with straight lines, also from wire. With these elements, you can adjust the height of the product.

You can take a finished metal frame from an old floor lamp.

The trimmings are patches. For them, you should choose different colors and patterns. The size of the fabric cut should be about 10 cm long and 1 cm wide. These flaps are tied to a wire base. It is necessary to ensure that the ends of the pieces of fabric are symmetrical. You need to start from the bottom, gradually moving to the top of the structure. The knots should fit snugly against each other. When the lampshade is completely filled with patches, you can hang it on a replacement chandelier.

mirror decoration

All interior items deserve attention. But a mirror is one thing that easily turns into a masterpiece. A master class on transforming mirrors includes the use of various trinkets that are unnecessary in the house:

  • shells. From a vacation at sea, they always bring home a memory of him in the form of shells. It can be not only large rapana, but also smaller shells. With the help of these natural elements, you can decorate the mirror yourself. It is important to use shells of different sizes, colors and shapes, then it will look more natural. It is important to use special glue to fix the shells, designed to be applied to a flat, glass surface.

  • Plastic spoons . A round mirror can be turned into a beautiful and bright flower using ordinary disposable tableware. To do this, take plastic spoons. Each of them should be rid of the pen and painted in the desired color. As a coloring material, special sprayers are used. So the coating will be more even and dry quickly. Then the base is made of chipboard or ordinary cardboard in the form of a round frame, spoons are glued onto it in a checkerboard pattern. The resulting base is glued to the mirror and a loop is attached to the back.

  • Mosaic. The frame for the mirror is often made in the form of mosaic tiles. To do this, first a base is created, again, from cardboard. From above material is revetted with a mosaic. Pieces of another broken mirror or small plastic tiles can serve as decorative elements.

If you want to transform your home, then the above ideas and a master class for making decor from improvised materials will be very useful. Do not be afraid to experiment, try to make a home master class and bring something unique into the interior, creating amazing decorations with your own hands and putting a piece of your soul into them.

Top 5 master classes on how to create decor (1 video)

Ideas for creating decor for the interior (44 photos)

Decor with buttons

Decor with lace, knitted napkins

Decor with rhinestones or beads

in the shape of a heart

rectangular shape

As a character

star shaped

round pillow

Holiday coming up soon? Then it's time to think about how to decorate the room with your own hands. You can buy decor in the store, or you can create it yourself. To make your party more interesting, come up with a theme for it in advance. In accordance with your idea, it is worth choosing the decor of the room. And don't forget to warn guests to come in costume.


Don't know how to decorate a room with your own hands? The easiest way to decorate a room is to fill it with balloons. In order not to overwork yourself, you can order ready-made balloons inflated with helium. Build fountains out of them. How? Tie the ropes of the balls so that the balls rise up the ladder, one after the other. And now an ordinary balloon filled with water should be tied to the ribbons. To make the bottom of the "fountain" prettier, decorate it with three or four balls tied together. If you don't like the idea of ​​such decor, then you can decorate the ceiling. To do this, scatter balloons around the room. You can tie paper hearts, cranes or something like that to the ribbons.

Do-it-yourself teenager if there are no helium balloons? In this case, you can decorate the room with ordinary balls. Inflate them with the kids and attach them to the wall using tape or safety pins. You can scatter the balls on the floor or attach them around the perimeter of the room. Are you still not satisfied with the appearance of the room? Then arm yourself with a marker and start drawing. Give each ball a personality. You can draw funny faces or write pleasant wishes.


Deciding how to decorate the room with your own hands? Make flags. Such bright streamers will instantly transform even the most gray room. How can you make such a decor? First you need to come up with the shape of the flags. These can be rectangles, squares, or rectangles, one edge of which is cut in a zigzag. Now you need to create a lot of these blanks. It is advisable to cut the flags from double-sided colored paper. The next step is to find interesting pictures. If your child collects candy wrappers, consider yourself lucky. Cut out pictures from them and stick them on the flags. And if there were no candy wrappers at hand? Then you have to print small images from the Internet. Well, even if this is not possible, then arm yourself with pencils and start drawing. By the way, even a child can be entrusted with such work. When all the blanks are made, you should take a thick simple thread and sew the flags, stringing them on it. It remains to find a place for the resulting product. Such streamers can be hung along one wall or diagonally across the room.

If you do not want to overwork yourself, you can buy blanks in the store, and then you only have to put all the parts together. Purchase multi-colored flag blanks and voluminous stickers with suitable patterns. Such a stretch can be made with the child.

Paper flowers

Do you want to give your interior a personality and impress your friends with good taste? Make paper flowers. A variety of master classes, and most importantly, your own imagination should help in this endeavor. How to decorate a room with your own hands? You can make a scattering of small flowers, from which you will later add some contours. It can be silhouettes of people, cities, as well as landscapes. If your room is designed in dark colors, then such an application can become a color center. Well, if the interior is monochrome, make bright flowers. What to make beautiful blanks from? You can use any paper for this purpose: regular color, double-sided, corrugated and even foil paper will do. Everything will depend on what result you expect. If you want to make an air composition, then you should take something light, and not massive cardboard.

If you like modern art, then you will appreciate the trend of decorating walls with large flowers. One bud can occupy 1 m 2. Interior designers this year are advised to give preference not to bright, but to pastel shades.


How to decorate a birthday room with your own hands? For this purpose, you can use a variety of garlands. Do you think flashing lights are appropriate decoration only at a New Year's party? Nothing like this. The garland has long been associated with many people with a miracle and fun, and for what reason the holiday is organized is no longer important. But still, for some individuals, garlands and the New Year are inextricably linked. If you are just such a person, then get not colored, but yellow or white lights. And today the choice of garlands is simply huge. You can buy a similar decoration in the form of stars, hearts, light bulbs and other various shapes. You can decorate walls with such lights, hang them on the ceiling or decorate a closet. The garland on the curtains and cornice looks interesting. And if you don't feel like attaching the lights to anything, you can place them around the perimeter of the room. True, this method of decoration is not suitable for a children's birthday, as kids can get confused in flashing lights.

Themed streamers

You can decorate a birthday room with your own hands not only with flags and garlands. For decoration, you can use themed streamers. What it is? This decor is similar to flags, but the difference is that instead of triangles, letters and numbers are strung on a thread. And some originals even manage to place congratulations on such banners. It will not be difficult to make such a decoration. First you must choose the phrase that you will produce. For example: “Daughter, happy birthday!” Now on the computer, select any font you like. Preference should be given to readable bold letters. Italics will look good, but the meaning of the inscription may be lost. Print the letters to the desired size, cut them out, and then transfer them to colored cardstock. Now each blank needs to be decorated. You can decorate the streamer in the same way as you decorated the flags. You should use clippings from candy wrappers, voluminous stickers or printed pictures. The final action is stringing the workpieces in the desired sequence on the cord. Such an extension should be hung on a plain wall so that the inscription is well read.

Light music

You can decorate the room in a very non-standard way. How to decorate a room with your own hands for a birthday? You can use disco balls and balls with light music. If you are planning to arrange a disco, you simply cannot do without such decor. Light plays an important role in decor. If you arrange it correctly, you can give even the most ordinary room an interesting look. Make contrast lighting. She will delight the children, as the room will look like something magical. Shiny balls hung from the ceiling will reflect the light, and this will help create the feeling of moving walls. And of course, light music should play its role. You should buy something interesting. Devices that "spray" flowers, stars and animals on the walls look more interesting than those that project spots. If you want something unusual, you can highlight the floor around the perimeter. By the way, this method of decorating a room can be combined with all of the above. For example, in addition to lighting, use garlands as well.


Puzzling over the question of how to decorate a child's room with your own hands? Decorate the room with photos. This method is incredibly popular today. You can use the photos that you already have in the house, or print color and black and white pictures specifically for the implementation of the idea. But do not glue photos on the walls in a chaotic manner. This will look ugly. If you want to decorate the room in an original way, you need to make a panel from the pictures. It can be given a specific shape, such as hearts or cars. Fill in the outline cut out of plywood with pictures and attach it to the wall. To create a sense of dynamics, you can attach several photos directly to the wall itself.

What if you don't want to create a collage? How to decorate a child's room with your own hands in this case? Get an iron mesh and attach it to the wall. You can hang photos, clippings from magazines, notes, reminders and even small soft toys on the rods using decorative trailers.

Floral decor

How to decorate a children's room with your own hands? You can use fresh flowers for this purpose. But it is not necessary to do it in a boring way, placing pots on the windowsills. Purchase or make your own iron coasters in the form of animals. Your child will like such a "zoo", and he will even be able to take care of the pets on his own by watering the flowers. But what if this decor option is not suitable due to limited space? How to decorate a room with your own hands for a girl? You can make themed window sills. Together with your daughter, build a complex composition of pots. There is nothing complicated here, you need to combine the flowers with the help of cardboard and give such a composition the shape of a castle, a carriage or a volcano. Choose what you like. You can decorate a similar design with various metal fittings, plasticine, ribbons and beads.


Love romance? Then you can decorate the room on February 14 with your own hands with the help of candles and rose petals. Do you think it's trite? Perhaps, but a loved one will still like such a surprise. When was the last time you placed candles around the room and decorated the festive table with rose petals? Two years ago or never? With this approach, you can lose all the romance in a relationship. How to decorate a room? You can buy a lot of pill candles and put a heart on the floor with them. If you have larger candles in your arsenal, they can be placed on all the hills in the room. But in order not to start a fire, follow safety precautions and do not place candles near paper or cloth. You can decorate the room with your own wax crafts. The easiest way to make an original candle is to make it from wax and orange. Cut the orange fruit in half and remove the pulp from the skin. Now, using plasticine, fix the wick and fill the candle to the brim with wax. When the paraffin hardens, the product will be ready. You can stick a clove into the skin of an orange so that the candle smells good not only when it is burning.


How to decorate the wall in the room with your own hands? Make a collage. Above, one way to decorate a wall using photographs has already been described. But if you don't want to glue pictures, you can make original artwork from old magazines. Draw a thumbnail of any image you like. It can be a seascape, a view of a night city or a decorative composition. Now you can act in two ways. Directly transfer the sketch to the wall and stick the paper to a vertical surface, or make a panel and then hang it on the wall. The first option will look more interesting. We draw a sketch, and now we fill the outline with torn paper. This process of creating a picture will be somewhat reminiscent of painting. You need to choose colors, shades and size of the material.

In this way, you can make not only monumental works, but also small postcards. You can decorate your desktop with such pictures or put them on a chest of drawers.

congratulations board

Do you want to know how you can decorate a room with your own hands? Make a board of congratulations for the birthday boy. Such an interesting decorative element can decorate any room. What might a board look like? Take any and pull a drawing paper on it. Now you should draw frames of various sizes, shapes and colors. Each guest at the celebration will have to write their congratulations on this board. Anyone can add warm words with drawings. Or you can draw a landscape of the courtyard on the board. And each of the guests will have to draw himself there, doing what he loves. Someone will sculpt, someone will play football. Such a picture will please the birthday man not only at the holiday, but also be able to decorate the room for more than one year.

A more trivial drawing can be created by drawing a tree on the board. Each guest will have to leave a fingerprint on the sheet and sign it.

table decoration

Do you want to impress the guests who will visit you on a holiday? Then you need not only to prepare delicious treats, but also to decorate them beautifully. For example, you can make a salad and lay it out in the shape of a fish, make canapes in the shape of ladybugs, and fortify a piece of fruit and an umbrella on each drink. But so that your dishes do not contrast too much with an uninteresting serving, arrange decorative elements on the table. For example, if the holiday is themed, put notes or lay out the appropriate paraphernalia. If your party is in retro style, you can put an old corded phone on the buffet table.

Napkins can also act as decorative elements. Give them the shape of flowers or animals.

Attention to the little things

What do you need to decorate the room for the birth of a child with your own hands? You should not only hang up the festive paraphernalia, but also pay attention to the little things, because in the end it is they who create the mood. So how to decorate a room with your own hands? You can see a photo of one of the options above. What advice can you give:

  1. Choose one color scheme. A room that is beautifully decorated will look good, but none of the elements fall out. To achieve this result, you need to observe one color scheme. If you want to somehow dilute the decor, play on the nuance, not on the contrast.
  2. Decide where the visual center will be. In any work of art, one of the parts must attract attention. If the eye runs around the room and does not cling to anything, then the room is poorly decorated. Most often, it is customary to make a table as the compositional center.
  3. Jewelry should not restrict movement. If you hang flags or streamers too low, it will be uncomfortable for guests to walk and, as a result, they will feel uncomfortable. To prevent this, put utility above beauty. For example, you do not need to decorate forks and spoons if you plan to feed guests.
  4. Think everything at once. Creating decorative elements in the process of decorating a room is not a good idea. First, come up with a sketch and draw it. In the head, an imaginary picture can be very different from the one that will turn out in the end.

Often, extraordinary do-it-yourself room decor techniques become the main highlight of the entire interior. But here it is important to take into account the style and design of the room: futuristic objects are a very dubious decoration of an English-style living room, wooden pallets with inscriptions in the rhythm of Provence are not suitable for a high-tech kitchen interior, just as aluminum plates are unlikely to fit into elegant Art Deco. In an effort to create exquisite eclecticism, you can easily make a mistake. It is very important to think over everything in advance, namely the location and fastening of decorative elements.

We offer to consider interesting solutions for the room, in addition to paintings, posters and photos. However, let's not forget about them.

Window as a decorative element of the interior

A window mounted in a wall, which is an interior partition, is a rather extraordinary technique for dividing space. Such a solution will not only become the main decoration of two zones at the same time, but will also allow more natural light to pass from one room to another.

A window frame can also be an extraordinary independent art object. Hang it on the wall or put it on a console - this technique will radically change the atmosphere, add lightness and elegant charm to it.

The wooden aged frame with a large number of sections looks very colorful. Such a decorative thing is easy to make on your own at minimal cost.

A decorative window frame can serve not only as a decoration of a room, but also be a functional piece of furniture. So, mirrors in deglazing like a window frame look quite interesting. A good example is shown in the photo of the interior of the bedroom.

door against the wall

In addition to windows, old doors can become an unexpected decoration of the walls of a room. A sophisticated idea is to hang on them something obvious in traditional wall decoration, such as paintings, panels, photographs.

large-scale panels

Decorating a room with a three-dimensional panel is an excellent opportunity to show your creative imagination. Here try to experiment with textures, colors, materials and other components.

The dimensions of the decorative panel must be correlated with the quadrature of the room and the workload of all other walls. A large panel in a small room will look ridiculous: after all, its texture and color sometimes absorb space. Please note that panels and wallpapers are different things! The larger the panel, the brighter its role in the home interior, the more neutral the adjacent walls should be.

Take a fresh look at ordinary material. An old metal sheet hung on a chain will become an original and extraordinary substrate for a poster or photographs.

Squares from sections of simple fiberboard, painted with stain and silver (by the way, you can safely use painting and stencils) will be beautiful in the form of a panel. In this view, it will perfectly fit into the luxurious industrial loft style.

You can also easily decorate one of the living room walls with your own hands. The composition of impressive large-scale tiles captivates with its originality and simplicity. You can fantasize about this topic endlessly.

Take a look at how the tic-tac-toe on the accent wall unobtrusively spread their playful mood throughout the room.

Panels with 3D effect

A recent fashion trend for multi-dimensional decor elements is rapidly gaining popularity. The 3D panels presented in the following photo literally attract the eyes of others. Affordable prices allow many to purchase such panels for decoration, while the texture and pattern can be chosen to your taste. There are many design options: engravings, plaster bas-reliefs, compositions from various multidimensional details.

Do not forget about the fragility of such products. Mounting and transporting them is very difficult, but the visual result is worth it.

Room decoration with shelves

Shelves in a room can serve not only as a functional piece of furniture, but also as a creative decor in the room. It is important that the shelves contrast in color with the wall. Think carefully about how to fill them beautifully and harmoniously - half-empty shelves create a feeling of a certain imperfection of the interior. Excellent decorative content will be candles and lamps, hourglasses, original bookends, colorful ceramics.

An even greater decorative effect will be created by cute compact shelves of a non-standard shape (triangles, polyhedral cells, unnatural corners).

Posters and paintings

Decorating a room with paintings, photographs and posters is perhaps the most common decor today. In order for the result to live up to expectations, look dignified and unbanal, you need to carefully select the elements of fine art.

Show your imagination, choose a non-standard approach: frame plant herbariums instead of painted still lifes, retro-style tin panels and posters instead of flowers on canvas, pencil sketches of animals instead of waterfalls and beaches.

If you still decide to buy something unique, buy paintings at exhibitions, special sites or on trips abroad.

Photos can be arranged in a completely non-standard way.

Unusual Attributes

Giant letters in inscriptions, quotes in posters, deer antlers - all these items are so common in interiors that today one would hardly want to see them again. But even from these seemingly familiar details, you can create an original combination in your own way. You just need to interpret them skillfully.

So, for example, a composition of five medallions with deer antlers already looks unusual, while inscriptions made in a non-standard font and placed on atypical canvases (not in rectangular frames, but at least in a hexagon) are perceived completely differently.

More ideas for do-it-yourself room decor are presented in a bright selection in the photo.

Original decor of flowers and plants