How to make a comfortable deck chair? How to make a sun lounger (bed) with your own hands - step by step instructions and photo examples Homemade sun lounger

Arriving at the dacha, some begin to work hard - weed the beds, fight weeds and pests, and water. And some begin on the contrary, strenuously rest. In this case, a deck chair is indispensable. The word has French roots and means "long chair".

In fact, that's right - a long chair for relaxing, which is comfortable to lie on. How to make a deck chair with your own hands, with photos and illustrations, what to make it from, interesting designs and diagrams - later in the article.

Materials for the manufacture of sun loungers

As a material for a sun lounger, you can use:

  • wood, rattan;
  • plastic and pvc pipes;
  • metal;
  • the cloth.

The most popular due to their durability and environmental friendliness are deck chairs made of wood. Solid wood has only one drawback - the rather large weight of the product. However, by adapting small wheels to the sun lounger, the problem can be considered solved.

Plastic is light and cheap, easy to care for, but fragile and short-lived compared to wood or metal. Fabric loungers are comfortable, do not take up much space when folded and have a durable metal or wooden frame. Sometimes PVC pipes are used as a frame, which reduces the cost of construction, but makes it not so reliable.

Rattan is a high-quality, environmentally friendly material, a deck chair from which looks great in the country. Its minus is the very high cost of products from it. And few know how to weave rattan furniture.

To make a wooden lounger durable, the wood must be protected with impregnations and paints and varnishes. It is recommended to protect the product with impregnation before its assembly, and paintwork materials can be processed after assembly.

Chaise lounge from a wooden lattice

To make a sunbed you will need:

  • coniferous wood boards;
  • wooden beam;
  • jigsaw, hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • manual frezer;
  • accessories - self-tapping screws, door hinges, metal corner.

The frame is assembled from a bar using metal corners, boards are attached from the outside from the sides. Next, legs are attached to the frame and boards. A lattice is cut out of a wood board with a jigsaw. The back is a separate element of the frame, connected to it with the help of door hinges.

A fastening bar with a stand is attached to the headboard with self-tapping screws. Wheels are attached to the legs from the side of the headboard if frequent transportation of the structure is required.

Prior to assembly, all elements are impregnated with a protective composition for wood, after assembly they are sanded and varnished with yacht varnish or covered with alkyd enamel. The second option is less desirable, because the paint will cover the texture of the wood, and the product will not look so interesting.

Fabric chaise lounge on the frame

Extremely comfortable, but short-lived design - the fabric quickly becomes unusable. The lounger is subject to restoration, it is only necessary to pull it in a new way with a cloth. For its manufacture, a frame from an old folding bed, or from a children's bed, is suitable. If there are none, it is quite possible to make the slats yourself.

Holes are drilled in the main frame, and cutouts are made in the second element so that it is possible to adjust the tilt of the back of the deck chair. To mount the seat, holes are drilled at both ends of the rails. Cross-sectional cross-section crossbars are inserted into the holes and sit on glue.

The seat is made in such a way that it sags slightly - it is much more comfortable to relax. The edges of the seat around the perimeter are sewn on a sewing machine. The round crossbar is wrapped in fabric and fixed on both sides with small nails.

There are many original ideas for arranging a sunbed, some require quite a decent investment of money, some options will cost almost nothing.

Not always investing a certain amount means that the deck chair will turn out better and better than made from improvised materials. In many ways, success depends on the thoughtfulness of the design and on the skill of the one who assembles the product. Buy ready-made, or make a deck chair yourself - everyone decides to the best of their financial capabilities and skills to make something on their own.

DIY sun lounger photo

Do you want to make your vacation in the garden even more comfortable? Then use one of the many ideas and build a deck chair with your own hands. In this article we will talk about what material to choose to work on creating this type of garden bench, and how to properly assemble the structure with your own hands. We will also draw up step-by-step instructions for making a deck chair at home.

A variety of materials for the manufacture of deck chairs

If you literally translate the word “chaise longue” from French, then you will get a “long chair”, for the manufacture of which natural wood is most often chosen. But along with this material, plywood, durable fabric, plastic and wicker, etc. are actively used. Some craftsmen decorate their site with rocking chairs made from corrugated cardboard, as well as logs. As practice shows, the production of this type of garden furniture can be approached creatively, using elementary, improvised materials that are no longer useful in the household. The table shows the characteristics, features, advantages and disadvantages of wood, plywood, fabric as a material for a do-it-yourself deck chair.

Materials for making a sun lounger
Wood When choosing a wooden material, it is necessary to pay attention to its structure and the breed from which it is produced. Experts do not recommend buying spruce because of the smell of resin, which will only worsen under the influence of sunlight. As a base, it is better to use ash and larch, they are characterized by strength, durability and ease of processing, and therefore not difficult to install. It should be understood that the prices for natural wood are quite high, so saving on this material will not work. Wooden furniture must be treated with antiseptic agents, since without proper care it quickly rots and deforms.
Textile A feature of fabric furniture is its environmental friendliness and safety. Such structures are relatively light in weight and are as mobile as possible. Along with these advantages, the following disadvantages can be distinguished: fragility, instability to ultraviolet radiation. Fabric deck chairs are not able to withstand heavy loads. For comfort, it is best to choose natural materials, without a variety of additives, pigments.
Plywood A fairly common building material, which is actively used for the manufacture of a variety of furniture, including sun loungers. For this purpose, one of the varieties of plywood FK is purchased, it is intended for interior decoration and does not contain toxic impurities. Designs made of this material are lightweight and have affordable prices. However, plywood products cannot be called durable, and besides, they are not suitable for people with a lot of weight.

Craftsmen with weaving skills can use wicker, bamboo, and rattan as a material for a deck chair, which make the furniture look attractive, mobile and safe. As a rule, ready-made structures of this type are characterized by a high price. The disadvantage of wicker products is their instability to precipitation and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

On the modern market there are many ready-made plastic deck chairs, which differ in price, shape, type (monolithic, portable). The advantage of plastic products can be called low weight and a variety of design ideas embodied in the manufacture. The disadvantages of plastic rocking chairs are fragility and instability to aggressive climatic conditions.

Chaise lounges are distinguished by structural strength, the frame of which is made of metal and treated with anti-corrosion agents. When using aluminum, the structures are light and practical. In combination with a metal frame, fabric materials are most often used.

Chaise lounge drawing options

On the Internet, on sites related to the construction industry, there are various options for drawings of a deck chair. Leisure garden furniture on wheels, with a canopy, with adjustable backrest, etc. will become indispensable after a hard day's work and will allow you to relax with a cup of tea, or reading a good book.

Regarding the appearance, the designs of sun loungers are usually divided into three categories:

  • soldered with inserts;
  • monolithic;
  • portable.

Monolithic models are structures that cannot be disassembled, as they consist of solid elements. They have an attractive appearance, can be decorated with a variety of inserts from combined materials. As a rule, monolithic deck chairs are characterized by their strength and relatively large weight, rather big dimensions. The disadvantage of such products is not an adjustable headboard, backrest.

Designs that can easily change the position of the backrest, etc. are called portable. This type of product is considered mobile and very convenient, they are called a progressive option. Due to their folding abilities, this type of deck chairs is easy to transport. Any of the above designs can be supplemented with mattresses or original pillows that will ensure a comfortable stay.

To make a deck chair at home, beginners can use ready-made projects and drawings that the Internet is rich in and which have been tested in practice. For example, the original option is to assemble a Kentucky chair (from bars) with your own hands, as well as a deck chair from wooden bars, which will take a little time to make.

Features of making a simple wooden deck chair with your own hands

The most common dimensions of deck chairs, which can even be called standard, can be called 60 by 190 cm. Next, we will consider the process of manufacturing a simple wooden rocking chair with a flat base, but with an adjustable back. Wooden furniture for this purpose most often has a fairly large weight, which makes it difficult to move around the site, but this problem can also be solved at home, for example, attach roller wheels to the legs.

So, for the production of a wooden deck chair with your own hands, you need to purchase and prepare the following tools and materials:

  • wooden bars and boards;
  • galvanized screws;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • drills and screws;
  • a hammer;
  • corner;
  • brush and varnish.

It is possible to carry out work on assembling a wooden folding chair in several stages, which are as follows:

  1. the manufacture of the base;
  2. sheathing the frame with wooden gratings;
  3. fixation of support legs.

Now we will consider each of the stages in more detail, but first we will answer the most common question among home craftsmen: How to properly mark a tree with your own hands? So, marking wood is needed in order to significantly reduce the percentage of material waste, that is, to use it as rationally as possible. To do this, the master needs to own a drawing, which details the constituent elements of the structure and their exact dimensions. For marking, the master needs to prepare a sheet of graph paper and draw the necessary details on it, then the blank is transferred to thick cardboard, cut out and marked on a wooden material according to the contours. The cut elements must be sanded and treated with antiseptics in order to significantly extend their service life.

To make a base for a wooden deck chair, you will need bars, the cross section of which should be 45 * 45 centimeters, while the diameter of the drills will be 40 millimeters. It is necessary to start the installation process with the preparation of two long and two short sidewalls. They are connected to each other with metal corners and screws. Further, the outer side of the base is sheathed with carved wooden gratings, the number of which varies relative to the length of the frame. Not the last place in this business is occupied by the processing of parts and fasteners for making a deck chair with your own hands. On long slats, at an equal distance, places are marked for the legs, they are made of a wooden block, to the bottom of which wheels are attached with screws. An adjustable backrest on a handmade wooden deck chair can be made using a door hinge.

For this, the lattice is divided into two groups: the first plays the role of a headboard, the second of the base. A cross rail is used as fastening. After the complete assembly of the structure, the master needs to use a grinding machine and process the sunbed with it, and then use a brush to open it with varnish, let it dry completely. As a result - a ready-made, comfortable, adjustable deck chair of our own production.

Features of making a fabric deck chair with your own hands

Fabric sun loungers are very popular among consumers, which, due to their folding design, are very convenient to use. As practice shows, many craftsmen make such products with their own hands, bringing to life a wide variety of ideas, turning home rest into a holiday. Due to their low weight, fabric sun loungers are easy to fold and carry around the territory, take them to the beach, etc.

The frame for a fabric product can be made of wood or metal. Let's consider both options. To assemble a product for this purpose, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • wooden bars (oak, birch or beech);
  • nails;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill and drills;
  • PVA glue;
  • durable fabric (jeans, camouflage, etc.);
  • roulette;
  • bolts;
  • round sticks.

Step-by-step instructions for making a deck chair with your own hands in this case looks like this:

1. To assemble the base of the sun lounger, three frames of different sizes are prepared: the first is 1200 mm * 600 mm, the second is 1100 mm * 550 mm, the third is 650 mm * 620 mm. Holes are made in them, due to which the structure will be connected.

2. First, the first and third frames are connected, bolts and round sticks are used to fasten them, then the first and second blanks are attached, the joints are treated with glue.

When choosing a fabric base, you should pay attention to its composition, manufacturer, structure and quality. It is necessary that the selected material be durable and natural, this will extend the life of a homemade deck chair. The master has the opportunity to acquire the basis of the desired color, to embody his state of mind and mood into the product as much as possible. Also portable, a fabric chaise longue can be a great addition to home decor.

Many beginners are interested in the question: how to properly assemble a structure with a metal frame with your own hands? Why is this option so popular? The fact is that the metal base is maximally adapted to changing positions and is easily subjected to various upgrades. Finished products of this type are quite compact, they are easy to remove and store when not needed.

The assembly of a deck chair with a metal frame is practically the same as the previous, wooden version, only in this case, not bars, but metal frames are required, for the manufacture of which it is better to use steel or aluminum. Do not forget about the treatment of the material with anti-corrosion agents, otherwise rust will soon appear, which will not only spoil the appearance of the product, but also damage the fabric base.

In order for fabric lounge chairs to retain their original qualities for a long time, professionals recommend using a variety of impregnations that create protection from the active effects of ultraviolet radiation, repel moisture, etc. Usually such funds are valid for up to 4 weeks.

I think that a deck chair for a summer residence is as necessary as an outdoor table and benches: without them, rest is not rest. Making a deck chair with your own hands, drawings and detailed instructions for the manufacture of which I offer is no more difficult than a garden bench, and the savings will be serious: do not believe it - look at how much a similar folding deck chair for a summer residence in stores costs.

Folding wooden chaise lounge for a summer residence. How to make a deck chair with your own hands - drawings, detailing, manufacturing process

A folding wooden chaise longue for giving is structurally quite simple, but very light, comfortable and functional. Subject to a high-quality selection of materials, careful manufacturing and finishing, it will last a very long time and, unlike the Chinese consumer goods that our stores are full of, it will look noble and exclusive at your summer cottage.

To make a deck chair with your own hands, you will not need any specific tools or devices such as Kreg Jig. However, a deck chair for a summer residence must be strong and, as a result, safe, so pay serious attention to the selection of wood and high-quality fastening of all structural elements of a folding deck chair.

Note: Before connecting the elements of a folding chaise longue to each other, pre-drill pilot holes and countersink them under the screw heads. All connections are made with glue. Immediately remove the remnants of glue squeezed out after the screed of the elements together - this will facilitate the finishing of your chaise longue for giving.

By the way, at the very end of the article there is a small video selection about wooden deck chairs of various designs. I think it would be useful for you to look before you start creating your own masterpiece.

Overall dimensions and general view of a deck chair for a summer residence

Do-it-yourself blanks for making a sun lounger

back frame

19 × 38x1219 mm - 2 pcs.;

19 × 38x610 mm - 1 pc.;

19x38x648 mm - 1 pc.;

19 × 64x610 mm - 1 pc.

seat frame

19 × 38x1118 mm - 2 pcs.;

19 × 38x603 mm - 4 pcs.;

19×38x565mm - 1 pc.

19 × 64x565 mm - 1 pc

Chaise lounge back support

19 × 38x381 mm - 2 pcs.;

Round wooden dowel diameter 12 mm, length 648 mm - 1 pc.

Chaise longue seat material, clamps

Fabric (awning, denim or other dense fabric) 1372x578 mm - 2 pieces;

Round wooden dowel diameter 12 mm length 559 mm - 2 pcs.


Bolts 6x50 mm with nuts - 4 pcs.;

Washers - 12 pcs.;

Wood screws 4x50 mm;

Glue for wood.

Do-it-yourself summer chaise lounge. Frame assembly

1. Carefully assemble the frame of the backrest of the chaise longue seat for giving. We pay special attention to the reliable fastening of the second bar from the top (19x64x610 mm), since it is this bar, along with a similar bar in the seat frame, that will carry the main load. Leave a gap of 10mm between this and the top bar to secure the fabric.

2. In the same way, we assemble the seat frame of the deck chair.

3. We fold the frames of the back and seat of the deck chair together, and tighten them with bolts, installing washers under the heads of the bolts and nuts, as well as washers in the middle - between the racks of the frames.

Note: so that the nuts do not arbitrarily unwind during operation, they can be put on paint, or better, on Moment type glue: first we tighten the nuts, and then slightly loosen them so that the deck chair folds out quite easily, but without any play in the connection, and leave the structure in rest until the glue or paint is completely dry. The nuts themselves will not be unscrewed, and later, if the need arises, you will disassemble the deck chair without much difficulty.

4. Install the support for the back of the sun lounger. The support bars are attached to the back with bolts and washers in the same way as we fixed the back and seat frames together.

The round dowel is pressed into pre-drilled holes in the planks using glue very tightly, without gaps.

We sew a fabric seat for a deck chair

1. We fold the pre-cut pieces of fabric with their right sides to each other, combine the corners and sew with an indent from the edges of 6 cm. On one of the edges we leave a gap without a seam of 10-12 cm, which is necessary in order to turn the workpiece inside out later.

2. We turn the workpiece right side out, straighten the corners and edges, and stitch along the long sides.

3. Fold the short edges over and sew, making "pockets" for inserting the wooden dowels holding the fabric.

Note: It is best to determine the size of the pockets in place: after setting the deck chair in the working position and threading the fabric into the grooves between the top rails, adjust the length of the fabric seat so that there is no excessive sagging and it does not interfere with the deck chair unfolding.

4. We thread the ends of the fabric into the grooves, insert the dowels and - voila! Your self-made chaise lounge for a summer residence is almost ready - only the finishing of the wooden frame elements remains.

The advantage of such a device for a chaise longue fabric seat for giving, unlike most industrial designs, is obvious: the fabric can be easily removed for washing, or during transportation and storage, in just a second. In addition, if you make the top and bottom of the seat from fabric of different colors and shades, you can literally turn the fabric over with one hand and change the look of your folding lounge chair.

I don’t see the need to dwell on the issues of protecting and finishing the wooden elements of a deck chair for giving, all this is described in sufficient detail in my other articles on this site, for example: about making a country table or bench with my own hands. Read.

By the way, if the drawings helped you, and you made a deck chair for your summer cottage with your own hands, then send a photo - I will publish it with pleasure!

And here is the promised video.

Not so long ago, a deck chair was considered exotic, and only wealthy people could afford it. We saw sun loungers in colorful magazines and American films, but even with a strong desire, an attempt to buy something like this for ourselves would have turned out to be a failure - there simply were no sun loungers on sale.

Well, everything passes sooner or later, and the information revolution generously endows us with new opportunities. Now anyone can find on the Internet a manual on how to make a sun lounger with your own hands. However, such plans are often difficult to implement, especially for a beginner. They require the use of a large number of expensive tools, and therefore remain unfeasible for many.

This master class is a pleasant exception to the rule. The chaise lounge presented by the author has a simple design and a clear system of folding and adjusting the backrest. If you approach the issue of choosing materials correctly, you will need a very modest arsenal of power tools and, in extreme cases, you could well borrow some of them from friends and acquaintances.

In addition, given the fact that the deck chair is made of natural wood, it can easily be used at home as well, instead of a couch or armchair in the living room. It quickly folds and unfolds, has a completely finished appearance. A beautiful textile mattress will complement the image, and the deck chair will perfectly fit into the interior of your home.

In order to make a deck chair with your own hands, you will need:


Pine board 20 - 30 mm thick;
- slats with a section of 30 x 30 or 40 x 40 mm for the manufacture of a backrest folding system;
- natural or mineral oil for woodworking, drying oil or varnish for woodworking;
- screws and small nails;
- glue for gluing wood materials;
- metal one-piece loops for fixing the back: two larger ones and a smaller pair;
- a ready-made mattress with ties for fixing it or fabric, batting, foam rubber and threads for its manufacture.


Miter saw, circular saw or wood saw;
- a grinder if you are using old or unpolished boards;
- screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver;
- electric drill;
- a clamp with a device for drilling pocket inclined holes (optional, but greatly facilitates the work);
- paint brushes;
- construction tape measure and square;
- pencil.

Step One: Sketch and Layout the Chaise Longue

A product layout is simply necessary if it itself consists of a large number of parts. It will not allow you to get confused in their countless list and will significantly speed up the entire work process. In addition, you will have a complete list of parts and their exact size. Well, without this, then?

But everything is preceded by a sketch. This sketch on a sheet of paper by hand gives rise to an idea and lays the main outlines of the image of the future product. That's where you should start.

In your case, the computer layout of the deck chair is already ready and you can safely take all the dimensions indicated in this master class as a basis. But first, write down on paper the entire list of parts that you have to make. Specify their sizes opposite and only after that proceed to work.

Step two: making parts

The detailing you have collected should be transferred to the material in the form of markings. Use a pencil for this to easily correct crept in errors. Also use a construction square. Especially if you plan to use a hand saw to cut the boards. It will allow you to mark angles at 45 and 90 degrees, and accuracy is never superfluous.

So, mark up the parts and start making them. Saw the boards into pieces of the length indicated on your list. You will need:

Two longitudinal frame parts 1850 mm long;
- five transverse frame parts 470 mm long;
- four blanks for legs 280 mm long;
- four - five boards for the base of a deck chair 1270 mm long;
- two side long boards for the base of a deck chair 190 mm long;
- two small slats for supporting the backrest when folded, 580 mm long;
- three bars for the manufacture of the backrest 43 mm long;
- four - five boards for the base of the back;
- two slats for the backrest folding system, 230 mm long;
- one horizontal rail for the backrest folding system, 460 mm long;
- six small pieces of rail for the backrest folding system - three on each side.

All indicated dimensions should be specified, since the author indicated them in inches. They also depend on the thickness of the boards you are using. To figure out the dimensions in your case, always start with the general values ​​and work your way down to the finer details.

Step three: assembling the sun lounger

Start by assembling the deck chair frame. Remember that it is customary to assemble any frame with screws. This ensures the relative strength of the entire structure. However, it often happens that screws alone are not enough. Then glue is also used. Such combined connections serve very well and do not require repair for a long time.

Assemble the chaise lounge frame with glue and screws and fix the legs. Fasten the base parts to the frame with small nails. In parallel, make the back panel.

Inside the hole for the backrest on the sides, screw two support rails on which the backrest rests when folded and on which sections of the rail (teeth) are attached to adjust the inclination of the backrest. Fix your teeth.

Connect the back to the frame using a pair of one-piece metal loops. Also make a U-shaped piece for the back and secure it in place with the smaller loops. Check backrest adjustment.

Step Four: Wood Protection

Any furniture sooner or later is subject to wet cleaning. Untreated wood hardly tolerates such processing, and the result often turns out to be zero. Therefore, the tree must be treated with suitable paints and varnishes.

The author decided to leave the wood unpainted so that it could be seen that it was made from natural wood. In this case, the most reasonable option would be to varnish the deck chair with a matte or semi-gloss transparent varnish.

Since furniture is usually used very intensively, you should choose a varnish that will give the most durable and wear-resistant coating. For example, profile furniture varnish. Apply it to the surface of the wood in several layers and let each one dry thoroughly.

A simple deck chair made of wood. How to make a deck chair with your own hands, photos, diagrams, drawings of a deck chair, video.

A deck chair is an indispensable attribute of garden furniture for summer holidays on the banks of the river or in the country. You can make it yourself, in this article we will look at the process of making a simple and practical folding deck chair.

The design is quite simple, making a folding chair - a deck chair will not be difficult.

How to make a deck chair: drawings.

The figure shows a drawing of a folding deck chair, if necessary, the dimensions can be slightly changed.

1 - rail 20 x 50 x 1300 mm - 2 pcs.

2 - rail 20 x 50 x 1930 mm - 2 pcs.

3 - rail 20 x 50 x 590 mm - 2 pcs.

4 - rail 20 x 50 x 580 mm - 1 pc.

5 - rail 20 x 40 x 520 mm - 2 pcs.

6 - rail 20 x 40 x 560 mm - 2 pcs.

7 - fabric 530 x 1400 mm - 1 pc.

8 - screw M8 x 50 - 4 pcs.

9 - screws 6 x 45 - 2 pcs, and 6 x 60 - 8 pcs.

Scheme of a folding sun lounger.

How to make a deck chair: materials and tools.

To make a deck chair, you will need hardwood: - birch, oak, yew, walnut, ash, beech, pear, elm or white locust.

Hard woods are more difficult to process, but the deck chair will be durable and will last you quite a long time.

Also, for fastening the groove joints, you will need carpentry glue.

Of the tools you will need:

  • Wood saw.
  • Drill with drills.
  • Chisel.
  • A hammer.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Screwdrivers.

How to make a sun lounger

We saw off the slats of the required length according to the drawings, it is desirable to round the edges of the slats. We grind the rails with sandpaper.

The figure shows frames "A" and "B" and the backrest tilt adjuster "C".

Collecting frames. We fasten the rails together with groove joints on carpentry glue, the joints must be strong and not stagger.

On frame "B" we cut out grooves for adjusting the inclination of the back of the deck chair.

We drill holes for fastening, the diameter of the holes for the bolts is 8 mm.

We connect frames "A" and "B" with screws through the holes, then we connect frame B.

Assembling the frame.

We try on the fabric, stretch it, wrap it on the crossbars and sew it by hand or with a sewing machine.

Chaise lounge chair is ready!

Making a sun lounger video.

Main advantages

In their functional purpose, sun loungers are the same chairs, but more stable and with a low seat. In them you can relax in a semi-lying position, which allows you to relax the spine and all muscle groups as much as possible.

The indisputable advantage of sun loungers is their comfortable shape. The garden chair can be folded so that you can sit or lie down on it, depending on the personal preferences of the person.

Traditionally, summer cottages are made of wood, because since ancient times it has been considered the most environmentally friendly, economical and easy-to-use material.

Sun loungers are ideal for observing nature, as they are lightweight and very comfortable. Therefore, it is not surprising that many owners install them in their garden or in the country. Such furniture can stand outside during the whole summer, and for the winter period it can be removed to some suitable room, for example, a pantry.

Most often, garden beds are made from materials such as:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • rattan.

If you do not have the desire to spend time and effort on self-assembly of a garden lounger, you can always order it in a furniture store.

Types of structures

If you have finally decided to start making a sun lounger for yourself, then at first it will not hurt you to get acquainted with the main types of sun loungers for a summer residence. There are a lot of them, so only the most popular will be considered below:

These are just some of the sunbeds that can be purchased for a summer residence. If you wish, you can independently make a deck chair in the form of a swing, as well as using ordinary tree branches as a material. It all depends on your preferences.

Making a wooden deck chair

First you need to prepare a certain set of materials and tools that you will need to make a homemade deck chair:

  • self-tapping screws;
  • jigsaw and screwdriver;
  • boards for sheathing the frame 2.5 cm wide;
  • timber 40x40 mm for the frame;
  • corners for fastening boards (4 pcs.); wooden boards 20 mm thick.

When going to the store for boards and slabs, we advise you to choose a material made from coniferous wood. It tolerates the negative effects of precipitation much better and has a wonderful aroma.

Stages of work

Now that you have everything you need prepared, you can proceed to the assembly of a wooden lounger.

First you should decide on the size of the garden chair. You can use a ready-made drawing or make it yourself. Usually standard sun loungers have dimensions of 60 x 200 cm.

Now you can start making the frame. For it, you will need bars, from which you need to make four sidewalls - two of them should turn out to be 200 cm long, and two more - 60 cm. The finished sidewalls must be further connected to each other using mounting corners.

From the outside, the frame must be sheathed with a board 2.5 cm wide.

We take long sidewalls and attach 4 legs to them, having previously stepped back from the edge of 8 cm. The legs can be made from bars 10 cm long. We use self-tapping screws to attach them to the frame.

Having finished the work on the manufacture of the frame, we begin to assemble the lattice. For it, we need wooden plates, from which we need to cut boards with dimensions of 60 x 10 cm using an electric jigsaw.

We attach the boards to the deck chair frame with self-tapping screws. Be sure to leave a gap between the boards of about 1.5 cm. Then the lounger grill will look neat and beautiful.

If desired, you can make a deck chair with an adjustable back. In this case, the lattice must be divided into two parts. One of them will serve you as a sunbed, and the other as a headboard. We mount both parts to the connecting boards. For reliable connection of elements, it is best to use door hinges.

In order for the headboard to be fixed in a certain position, a cross bar should be added to the frame structure from the inside. To it with the help of self-tapping screws you need to attach a support stand for the headboard. If you don't have one, you can buy it at any hardware store.

Now that your homemade summer cottage is ready, all that remains is to sand the boards, cover them with drying oil or a special paint and varnish material to protect them from moisture.

Making a fabric lounger

If for some reason a wooden folding deck chair does not suit you, then you can try to make a deck chair out of fabric instead.

Materials and tools

To make a chaise lounge from fabric material, you will need the following:

  • bolts with nuts 8 mm;
  • a piece of durable fabric 200x60 cm;
  • slats of circular cross section 2 cm thick (one bar 700 mm long, two 650 and two 550 mm each);
  • rectangular boards 30x60 cm thick (two boards 1200 mm long, two 1000 and two 600 mm each);
  • sandpaper.

To make a frame lounger, it is best to use tarpaulin, camouflage or denim. They are strong enough and resistant to wear.

Action algorithm

Now you can proceed directly to the assembly of the sunbed from the fabric.

As you can see above, making a deck chair for a summer residence from a fabric is no more difficult than a similar deck chair made of wood.

Buying a garden chair

Perhaps some summer residents will not want to spend time and money on making a deck chair with their own hands. In this case, you can go to the store and buy a ready-made garden lounger there. In the furniture salon you will be able to offer a variety of such products to choose from. Surely among them you will find both budget options and unusual designs of designer models of sun loungers for the street.

After studying the proposed options and comparing their characteristics, you will only have to decide on the amount that you are willing to pay for a sun lounger. The cost of such sunbeds depends on the size and material of manufacture:

  • wooden deck chairs will cost you between 6000-15000 rubles;
  • for plastic sunbeds you will have to pay from 1500 to 9000 rubles;
  • folding frame deck chairs, which can be purchased for 1350-9500 rubles, will not hit your pocket too much.

When traveling to the dacha, many are warmed by the thought that they will have the opportunity to lie down in the fresh air for at least a few minutes and enjoy the surrounding nature. But it is in the power of everyone to make their vacation more enjoyable if you equip a place for it in advance. To do this, you must have special furniture like a deck chair.

The easiest way is to buy such a lounger in the nearest furniture store, although some owners often make a deck chair for themselves and thereby save a lot. You can do the same, especially since it does not require special skills and knowledge. Even the most ordinary wooden lounger for a summer residence can be made from a material that is sure to be found in any household.

But in any case, you will have to prepare for this work, because without drawings you are unlikely to be able to make exactly the deck chair that you want, especially if you do not have the slightest experience in this matter.

A homemade deck chair for a summer residence is much preferable to a store lounger, because you can decide for yourself how it should turn out, and upon completion of the work, decorate it at your discretion. Of course, this will require some effort on your part, but in the end, all this will be offset by the comfort that your homemade deck chair will provide you.

Do-it-yourself deck chair

The summer season is approaching and it's time to think about creating a deck chair with your own hands. It will allow you to enjoy outdoor recreation to the fullest.

Chaise longue means long chair in French. This is a relaxing chair. It can, at the request of the owner, change the position of the back.

Do-it-yourself deck chair

Sun loungers are widely used on the beaches, by the pools. On household plots, dachas.

Chaise lounges are made of various materials:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • aluminum;
  • rattan;
  • PVC pipes;
  • durable fabric.

Wooden deck chairs are the most popular and environmentally friendly. They are distinguished by a variety of shapes and designs. The disadvantage of monolithic wooden deck chairs is their weight. But this problem is solved with the help of wheels.

Plastic deck chairs are characterized by easy mobility, ease of care, and relatively low cost. Their minus is fragility.

Fabric beds are versatile and comfortable. Their frame is made of wood, metal or PVC pipes. They fold easily and don't take up much space.

Rattan sun loungers look great in the bosom of nature. They are environmentally friendly. However, their purchase is expensive. With sufficient skills, you can simply weave a rattan lounger yourself.

In the article we will tell you how to create wooden deck chairs with your own hands.

Monolithic deck chair made of wood

Solid models are heavy. Therefore, to facilitate carrying them, wheels are added to the headboard. Further instructions will help you make a deck chair on wheels with your own hands.

You will need tools:

  • electric jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • sandpaper with fine grain;
  • spirit level;
  • roulette.

When choosing a tree, pay attention to conifers. They are sold at affordable prices, characterized by increased water resistance.
For a sun lounger you need materials:

  • glued board made of wood, its thickness should be 2 cm or more; not less than 2 cm thick.
  • boards 0.25 cm thick.
  • wooden beam with a square section of 50x50 mm;
  • 4 wheels with a diameter of 10 cm;
  • corners to strengthen the bed;
  • door hinges;
  • varnish or paint.

We suggest you make a deck chair according to this scheme.


  1. Front legs.
  2. Rear legs.
  3. Bearing longitudinal.
  4. Back carrier.
  5. Back pressure.
  6. Bearing cross.
  7. Fixing strap.
  8. Backrest support.
  9. Wheels.
  10. End bar.
  11. Back planks.
  12. Seat planks.
  13. The support bar is transverse.
  14. Fixing strap.

You can independently determine the size of the desired sun lounger and make calculations. Or use the standard size 60x190 cm. It is the most optimal and ergonomic for the average adult.

Assembling a sun lounger on wheels

We fold the base frame from the bars. We fix the supporting parts with corners, similar to those that fix the base of the bed.

We sheathe the resulting frame with pre-prepared and sanded boards.

We make blanks for legs from a bar. Their height usually fluctuates between 5-10 cm. We choose a comfortable one for ourselves and the household.

We drill holes with a drill, retreating 5-7 cm from the ends of the longitudinal sides. We fix the legs with long bolts. The horizontal side is controlled by a spirit level.

We screw the wheels to the center of the legs with bolts with a diameter of 30mm.

Let's start cutting the elements of the lattice. We cut boards 8x60cm with a hacksaw or electric jigsaw.

Using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, we screw the slats to the deck chair frame. Since the boards are not screwed tightly, we use spacers to get even gaps.

We should have two pieces. The smaller one is for the headboard. We connect both lattices with door hinges. Under the opening part we install a bar for support.

It remains to sand the flaws of production. Apply wood primer. Paint in your favorite color and your deck chair is ready.

For a more comfortable stay, you can sew additional mattresses that fit the size of the bed.

Simple sunbed

To create a deck chair made of wood with your own hands, you need the following materials, as well as tools:

  • tape measure and square;
  • pencil;
  • saw;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • screws, self-tapping screws and studs for fixing;
  • sandpaper or grinder;
  • putty for wood;
  • dye.

The work uses wooden beams:

  • for the back of a deck chair, take boards 5 × 10 with a length of 88 cm - 2 pieces, 39 cm - 3 pieces, 60 cm - 1 piece;
  • 2 longitudinal bars for a frame 215 cm long;
  • 2 transverse beams -50 cm;
  • 6 legs -35 cm;
  • 13 rails for a seat measuring 2.5 × 8 × 60 cm;
  • 6 slats for the back - 2.5 × 8 × 88 cm.

The first task is to create a very strong frame. We take two parts 215 cm long, connect them with screws with half a meter transverse parts.

Let's move on to the seat. Take all the 60 cm rails. Attach them to the frame with self-tapping screws, leaving small gaps. In order for the gaps to be even and uniform, use spacers 1 cm thick.

We create the legs of the sunbed. To give maximum stability to the deck chair, two legs are nailed “at the feet” at once. One at the head. The instructions indicate bars with a height of 35 cm. But you can choose a height that is comfortable for you

We make the back of 2 boards measuring 88 cm and 3 - 39 cm. The resulting frame must easily enter the base, leaving a small gap between the structures.

We securely fasten the longitudinal strips. We round them for a more beautiful look.

We attach the back to the base of the sunbed. To do this, you need to drill holes, stepping back from the edge of the seat 9cm. Fasten with pins.

We make 2 grooves for the support bars at the base of the deck chair. The first 5x10 cm notch should be about 9 cm from the hairpin. The second is 20 cm from the first. But its depth will be only 5x5 cm.

A 60 cm bar is inserted horizontally into the first recess. To change the position, the plank is transferred vertically to the second recess.

Sand all the roughness, shortcomings. Process. Cover with paint or varnish. The chaise longue with your own hands is ready.

> DIY garden lounger video

Fabric chaise longue

A chair with a frame, complemented by fabric, is one of the most comfortable, budget types of sun loungers. It is convenient to fold, easy to carry. Can be stored flat. It takes up little space.

To create a deck chair with your own hands you will need:

  • bolts, nuts with a diameter of 8 cm;
  • small nails with round caps;
  • sticks of round section (1pc - 65cm, 2pcs - 50cm, 2pcs - 60cm);
  • rectangular bars 25x60cm thick (2 pieces 120cm, 100cm and 60cm long);
  • needle file, sandpaper with fine grain;
  • glue;
  • durable material measuring 200 by 50 cm.

Choose materials carefully so that your work is not in vain. Hardwood bars are perfect for a lounger. Opt for:

  • birch;
  • oak;
  • beech.

Choose fabrics with maximum durability. Great fit:

  • teak for mattresses;
  • tarpaulin;
  • canvas;
  • camouflage;
  • denim.

These materials are highly durable and will serve you for a long time. We turn to the creation of a deck chair with our own hands. The base consists of three frames:

  • A.1200x600 mm.
  • B.1100x550 mm.
  • H.650x620 mm.

We cut the boards to the desired length. Sanding with sandpaper.

In the longitudinal bars we make indents of 70 and 40 cm, we drill holes with a drill with a diameter of 8 mm, as with bolts. We grind with a round file.

We make cutouts in detail B. They will allow you to change the position of the backrest later. To do this, step back 7-10 centimeters. It is necessary to cut 3 or 4 recesses. We grind well.

According to the scheme, we drill holes in the bars for connecting parts.

We collect the base of the sunbed. Frames A and B are connected with screws. Then we connect frames A and B. For greater reliability, we lubricate the ends of the round rails with PVA before assembly. The frame of the sun lounger is ready.

Now you need to sew the seat. Attach the material to the bed in the folded position. The fabric should be slightly stretched. Measure the desired length. Hem the edges. Thus, you will increase the wear resistance of matter. The chair will look neater.

We attach the fabric base to the sunbed. We wrap round slats on parts A and B. We nail with small carnations with round caps. The chair is ready.

ADVICE. The edges of the fabric base can be made in the form of loops. In this case, the seat is simply strung on rails.

Fabric chaise longue with your own hands. Model 2

For this chair you will need:

  • wooden slats 2x4 cm in size. Two slats each 122cm, 112cm, 38cm long. One piece 61 cm, 65 cm, 57 cm. And four slats 60 cm long;
  • slats measuring 2x6 cm. One each 61 and 57 cm;
  • 65cm wooden rod with a diameter of 1.2cm;
  • piece of fabric 137 cm long and 116 cm wide;
  • bolts, washers, nuts, screws;
  • glue;
  • round file, sandpaper or grinder;
  • electric drill.

Manufacturing process:

Process all the details of the future chair in advance. Sand them with a machine or fine sandpaper. Cover with special impregnations that protect the wood from corrosion. Appreciate your work.

Pay attention to the drawing. The crossbars at the bottom of the legs help to fix the position of the back. Make them. Or cuts, stepping back from the edge of about 20, 25, 30 and 35 cm.

Drill holes for the bolts in the back frame. To do this, measure 41cm on each side.

On the seat frame, step back from the top 43cm. Make holes.

On the part that supports the back, drill holes in the center of the edges.

Finish all holes with a file with a round section.

Mounting the model

First assemble the back frame. A bar with a length of 61 cm will carry a large load of the body. Fasten it as securely as possible. Leave a small gap between the two rails. Through it will pass the fixation of the tissue.

Assemble the seat. Fold it with the back frame. Between them, be sure to put the washer. Bolt the frames.

ADVICE. To prevent the nuts from loosening quickly, tighten an additional lock nut from above. For greater reliability, put nuts on glue, varnish or paint. Tighten the nut first. Then slightly loosen it so that the parts rotate freely.

Install the back support piece with washers and bolts.

Sand all the flaws. Lacquer or paint as desired.

Bend the fabric in half, sew, stepping back from the edge of 1.5 centimeters. Turn out. Bend the edge of the material for the rods that fix the panel between the slats. Sew.

Now slide the fabric between the planks. Fasten with a rod. This mounting model allows you to remove the fabric for washing without much effort.

Chaise longue made of PVC

Another example of a sunbed with a fabric base. Only in this case, wooden slats are replaced by PVC pipes. Chair sizes may vary.

In this do-it-yourself deck chair model, we used:

  • 2" PVC pipes;
  • L-shaped connectors - 8 pieces;
  • T-shaped connectors - 6 pieces.

First, connect 30cm and 45cm PVC pipes for the vertical bar using a T-piece. Put L-shaped connectors on the ends. Connect the second vertical in the same way.

Now you need to connect the two sides together. Please note that one horizontal bar is solid. Its length is 66cm. It is attached closer to the T-shaped connection, which in turn should be directed inside the structure. The second side consists of two 30 cm pipes, combined with a T-piece, turned at an angle of 45 degrees from the long side of the bar.

Do not hurry. Measure your pipes accurately. As a result, you should get a rectangular design.

Now it's time to make the connection on which the seat will rotate. To do this, insert a 5 cm long pipe into the T-shaped connector and secure it with another T-shaped adapter. It will become the basis of the horizontal frame.

Make the long sides similar to the vertical section, using 30 and 45 cm pipes with an L-shaped connector. For the crossbars, use a 30cm continuous tube. And also consisting of 2 x 20 cm with a T-shaped adapter.

You did everything right if you got a rectangle within a rectangle.

The seat is located between the long section of the vertical section and the short horizontal section. Adjust the incline level that is comfortable for you. Measure the distance between the two free T-pieces. Cut the pipe to the desired length. Insert the back brace.

Take measurements of fabric consumption for your chair. Use a thick fabric. For example, canvas, tarpaulin, jeans. Hem the edges and pin the fabric to the chaise longue. Enjoy your vacation.

Portable lounge chair

Sturdy, lightweight chair quickly assembles and disassembles. It is convenient to take it with you to nature. The model is so easy to manufacture that it is suitable even for beginners.

The collapsible chair consists of 2 parts:

  • backrest covered with dense, wear-resistant fabric;
  • wooden seat.

In addition to tools, the following materials are used:

  • 2 legs for the backrest measuring 20x40x800mm;
  • 2 legs for the seat - 20x40x560mm;
  • 2 lower crossbars - 10x50x380mm;
  • 1 top bar - 10x40x380mm;
  • 1 crossbar for the seat - 20x40x300mm;
  • 5 rails - 20x40x400mm;
  • piece of fabric - 600x500mm.

The procedure for assembling a portable deck chair is shown in the diagram.

First, the parts are connected using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

The workpiece is processed and varnished.

While the frame dries, the fabric is tucked and stitched. Then it is nailed with the help of brackets and a construction stapler to a wooden blank.

We connect the back and seat of the deck chair.

We are enjoying our new armchair.

Pay attention to another interesting deck chair model in the video.

Original deck chair

Design Koalition has developed an unusual chaise lounge with a fabric canopy that will allow you to enjoy outdoor recreation even on a hot day, covering from the scorching sun. The cost of such a sunbed is 5970 euros. We will tell you how to save money and make an original deck chair with your own hands.

To create a sunbed, you will need the following materials. Also the tools:

  • 2 sheets of plywood 2 cm thick with a size of 160x180 cm;
  • 6 planks with a circular cross-section with a diameter of 30mm and a length of 92cm;
  • 12 planks from the remnants of plywood measuring 94x10cm;
  • thick fabric with a width of 92 cm;
  • building glue;
  • screws;
  • roulette;
  • cardboard for the layout;
  • Circular Saw;
  • electric drill.

Let's start creating a sun lounger.

Transfer the diagram to cardboard or thick paper. To facilitate the task, you can first draw it into squares 10 by 10 cm. The template makes it easy to correct all the flaws on paper. Subsequently, you will only circle it 2 times. Or maybe you will get a taste and make some lounge chairs.

We transfer the drawing to plywood sheets and cut out the side parts with a circular or band saw. At the junctions with a round beam, we cut out recesses with a diameter of 30 mm.

We grind all the bumps and trimming defects.

We assemble a rigid structure. Lubricate the ends of the timber with carpentry glue, or PVA. We insert the beam into the recesses and fasten it with screws. The joints can be additionally treated with glue for maximum reliability.

Now you need to put the structure on its side. Put the weights on the gluing points. And let the sun lounger dry completely.

We begin to fasten the slats to the ribs of the structure. At the same time, we make an indent between them 10-12 cm long. Tighten the screws deeper so that their caps do not cling to the fabric and do not tear it.

We polish the product again. Now we hide the assembly flaws.

With putty for wood, we hide all the heads of the screws in the places of fabric tension. We paint a sun lounger.

You most likely noticed that in the description only the approximate width of the awning is given. The fact is that you can decide on your own to cover the deck chair completely with a cloth, or to make only a canopy. Decide for yourself. Measure the dimensions and sew the awning.

ADVICE. It is better to fasten the awning with ties or Velcro. This will allow you to remove the fabric at any time and wash it without problems.