How to calculate the required volume of the board? Calculation of the volume of lumber What is a board cube

Whether you are a carpenter or simply purchasing the required volume of lumber cubic capacity based on calculations, the ability to correctly calculate the volume of lumber will help in the correct preparation of estimates and save you from additional financial costs.

An additional need to learn how to count the volume of lumber also comes from the fact that this is practically the only type of building material that is sold not by the piece or by weight, but in cubic meters.

The quality, weight and cost of lumber is affected by many factors, the surface of the wood (the presence of chips, grinding, firing, cracks, etc.), humidity and the sawing method, which can be tangential and radial.

Types of lumber

There are many types of lumber on the market today, which differ in the method of manufacture and performance characteristics:

Of course, it is easier when lumber is packaged in packages with exact indications of price and volume, but this is quite rare and is done by companies that produce large quantities of products at high prices. The price tag for a board from private traders is usually lower, but boards are usually delivered in bulk without clear packaging. It is important to always buy a batch of a slightly larger cubic capacity than necessary, since during the construction work, most likely, it will be found that there is not enough lumber, and some of the products in the batch are defective.

Calculations for one cube of the board will vary depending on the type of wood, as well as the level of processing of lumber. Unedged and edged boards are calculated using different formulas. As for the breed, the easiest way is to count one cube of softwood: the width, length and thickness of one board are measured and multiplied, and then the resulting figures are multiplied by the amount of identical lumber.

An unedged board is obtained by sawing the logs longitudinally without additional processing of the boards on the sides. Such lumber is cheaper than edged boards, but their disadvantage lies in the complex calculation of the product cube. Unlike edged boards, it will not be possible to calculate the total volume of lumber based on the dimensions of one board, since its width varies depending on the board, only the length and width remain identical. Differences in width are due to the fact that unedged boards are cut from different parts of the log.

1 way

In unedged boards, there is often a disproportion between the thickness and width of the board at its different ends, therefore, for correct calculations, it is necessary to determine the minimum and maximum values ​​\u200b\u200bof the width and thickness of the board. The resulting results are divided by 2. The formula itself will look like this: (a1+a2)/2*(b1+b2)/2*c. If necessary, a calculator may be useful in correct calculations. The only disadvantage of this method can be attributed to the high time costs, tk. due to the fact that the boards are different from each other, you will have to measure each piece of lumber separately.

2 way

It is much easier to make calculations when it is necessary to sheathe some part of the building with a board, whether it be a floor or a wall. To do this, we take the area that needs to be finished with a board, and multiply it by the thickness of the sheathing material - the resulting number will be the required volume of lumber. For a better understanding, let's give an example: for facing the wall of a building with parameters 8 * 4 with a height of 4 meters, we use a board 20 mm thick.

We calculate the area of ​​the wall, namely: (8+8+4+4)*4=96 sq.m. Next, we multiply the resulting result with the thickness of the unedged board and we get: 95 * 0.020 = 1.9 kb.m. The width of the board does not matter, it has no effect on the calculations. But at the same time, for construction work, it will not be superfluous to find out the average values ​​​​of the board, depending on its length. You can see the average data in the table below.

Edged board is the most popular type of lumber, which is slightly more expensive than edged board, because. wood is processed from all sides. To obtain it, the log is sawn longitudinally into boards, and then the side faces are processed, the resulting material has a rectangular shape. The advantages of this sawn material include greater durability, since harmful microorganisms are removed along with the bark, as well as improved docking with other sawmill materials due to the cleaned sides.

Edged boards undergo additional drying and many processing operations, due to which not only their performance characteristics increase, but also the price. The price is also affected by the type of wood and the type of lumber.

Since the edged boards are identical in size, the calculation of the cubature will be carried out according to a simple formula: V = l * h * a, where l, h, a are the length, height and width, respectively, and V is the volume.

In construction, a beam with a square section is most often used, that is, with an aspect ratio of 100 * 100 mm. To calculate the cubic capacity of one beam, it is necessary to multiply the product of its width and height by the length of the beam. For example, consider the case when it is necessary to purchase 30 units of timber with a section of 100 * 100 mm and a length of 9 meters. To do this, multiply the width by the height, and multiply the resulting value by the length of one beam. In general, the calculations will look like this: 0.10 * 0.10 * 9 \u003d 0.09 m3 - this will be the cubic capacity of one bar. Now we multiply this value by the amount of timber needed, it turns out: 0.09 * 30 \u003d 2.7 m3.

If there are grooves in the beam, then this often does not affect the cubic capacity in any way, since the products in the lumber batch are tightly interconnected.

General conclusions

Calculating the required number of cubic meters of lumber is not at all difficult if the formulas for calculations are known. After measurements, it will become much easier for you to calculate the required number of cubic meters and quickly find out its cost.

Buying materials by eye is nonsense, and no self-respecting owner will do this. In order to competently draw up an estimate and estimate how much construction or overhaul will result in, you need to determine how much this or that product will be needed. It is more difficult with boards - they are not sold by the piece, but are released (as well as stored) in batches, the volume of which is expressed in m³. But the number of pieces, as a rule, is “tied” to the covered area, that is, to m². Let's figure out how to determine how many boards will be in one cube.

Why boards exactly 4 and 6 meters? The calculation method given below does not change for any length. The fact is that the indicated parameters are the most “running”. Manufacturers are guided by the dimensions of platforms and freight cars, so it is more profitable for them to supply boards with a length of 6 m. But the buyer is more interested in boards of four meters in length, since a truck with an extended body is enough to transport them.

To transport 6 meter boards, you need a road train; This means that the cost of delivering lumber to the site will increase. And the maneuverability of such vehicles is significantly limited. For example, it makes no sense to deliver boards on it to a summer cottage, given the narrowness of the lanes.

The procedure for calculating the number of boards in a cube

You just need to remember high school. The so-called "cube" (a common name for a measure of volume) is the product of the linear parameters of any volumetric object. That is, its length, width and height (in this case, thickness).

  • The edges of one of the boards in the stack are measured. It turns out the width and thickness. The length is known - 4 or 6 m.
  • All measured parameters are converted into one dimension. Since we are talking about a cube, that is, m3, then all of them (including width and thickness) are indicated in meters.
  • The "cubic capacity" of the workpiece is determined.
  • 1 m³ is divided by the resulting value. The result is the number of boards in the cube.

In the numerator of the fraction, it is not necessary to put exactly 1. The warehousing of boards is done in different ways, and lumber in such quantities is not always required. If there are 0.8 cubic meters in a stack, then this is its volume.

Example. A board is bought 6 m, 25 mm, 20 cm wide, in the amount of one cube.
  • We make the conversion of values ​​​​in meters: thickness - 0.025, width - 0.2.
  • We determine the cubature of the board: 6 x 0.2 x 0.025 \u003d 0.03 m³.
  • We calculate the number of samples - 1: 0.03 = 33, (3).

Calculator for calculating the amount and volume of lumber

If the received value is a fractional value, then the result is always rounded up to an integer value. That is, only the numbers before the decimal point are taken into account. This is the accepted norm!

These tables will help you determine the approximate number of boards in a cube without resorting to calculations.

  • The calculation algorithm is the same for all lumber of this group, regardless of their characteristics - wood species, degree of drying.
  • Table values ​​are purely indicative, as they do not quite correctly reflect the actual number of boards in a cube. Firstly, a lot depends on the stacking, that is, how tightly the boards fit. Secondly, nothing is said about the quality of the processing of the workpieces (whether they are edged or not). Thirdly, it is not a fact that, upon careful examination, a certain number of boards will not be rejected due to defects found. Therefore, it is always necessary to slightly reduce their number obtained by calculation. If the board is edged - by about 10%, in the case of unedged - by 15 - 20%.


The seller and buyer of timber pursue their own interests. In such a rather delicate matter, one must have certain - simple - knowledge. Today everyone has a tool: a calculator in the phone.

What is a cubic meter of edged board

How many edged boards in one cube - Photo

Edged board- lumber with cleanly cut edges, without bark residues. The width of the edged board exceeds the thickness at least twice.

Since the fee is charged for the volume in cubic meters, we recall the geometric formula for its definition:

W * H * D = volume.

Everything is in meters.

To find out how many boards are in one cube:

1 / (W * H * D) = number of boards in 1m3 (cube)

where, W- Width, AT- Height, D- Length

Translation: 1mm=0.001m, 10mm=0.01m, 100mm=0.1m

Below is a table of some types of edged boards and their volume

Board dimensions

The volume of one board Boards in 1m3 (cube)


0.012 m³

83 pcs.


0.0144 m³

69 pcs.


0.018 m³

55 pcs.


0.0216 m³

46 pcs.


0.024 m³

41 pcs.


0.03 m³

33 pcs.


0.015 m³

67 pcs.


0.018 m³

55 pcs.


0.0225 m³

44 pcs.


0.027 m³

37 pcs.


0.03 m³

33 pcs.


0.0375 m³

26 pcs.


0.018 m³

55 pcs.


0.0216 m³

46 pcs.


0.027 m³

37 pcs.


0.0324 m³

30 pcs.


0.036 m³

27 pcs.


0.045 m³

22 pcs.


0.0192 m³

52 pcs.


0.023 m³

43 pcs.


0.0288 m³

34 pcs.


0.0346 m³

28 pcs.


0.0384 m³

26 pcs.


0.048 m³

20 pcs.


0.024 m³

41 pcs.


0.0288 m³

34 pcs.


0.036 m³

27 pcs.


0.0432 m³

23 pcs.


0.048 m³

20 pcs.


0.06 m³

16 pcs.


0.03 m³

33 pcs.


0.036 m³

27 pcs.


0.045 m³

22 pcs.


0.054 m³

18 pcs.


0.06 m³

16 pcs.


0.075 m³

13 pcs.

When buying lumber in small quantities, you can get confused with decimal places, namely with rounding. An experienced seller will round the resulting number to the 3rd decimal place. The experienced buyer will round up GOST y - up to 0.000001 cubic meters and remind the seller that up to 0.001 cubic meters. meters are rounded only a batch of boards. The most common quantity - from several boards to 2-4 cubic meters - does not make up a batch. In order not to offend either one or the other, they are rounded to 4 decimal places.

Then the resulting volume is multiplied by the cost of 1 m3 (cube). And here the number of decimal places can significantly affect costs.

1 edged board 32 mm thick, 200 mm wide and 6 m long(32X200X6000) has volume

  • 0.032 * 0.2 * 6 = 0.0384 cubes

30 boards will have volume

  • 0.0384 * 30 = 1.152 cubes

If the seller rounds the volume of 1 board to 0.04 cubic meters, he will additionally receive income:

  • 0.04 * 30 \u003d 1.2 cubes
  • 1.2 - 1.152 = 0.048 cubes

Selling these 0.048 "air" cubes makes the buyer's wallet easier

The cost may vary depending on the type of wood. Grading decreases with a decrease in quality: the presence of wood defects and deviations from standard sizes. If the floorboard has a curvature, narrower or thinner than the standard by 3-5 mm, it will not work completely. Visual inspection of the lumber is just as important as accurate sizing.

Edged board area covered

To find out how much lumber you need, the calculation of the board in a cube will help you. The above formula is based on the definition of area

W * D = area.

Having calculated the covered area, it remains to multiply it by the desired thickness of the board

W * D * 0.022; 0.025; 0.032; 0.04m and so on.

It remains to see how many boards are in one cube, and determine the required number. Just in case, print or memorize the table above.

You also need to take into account the future cutting of the material.The floorboard and sheathing board "lining" have an overlapping tongue, which is taken into account in the cubature, but is not included in the area to be covered. A couple of boards are needed have in reserve .

Determining the volume of unedged boards

How many unedged boards are in one cubic meter - Photo

Unedged board, that is, not having a rectangular section along the entire length, is much cheaper and is widely used for the installation of various kinds of rough battens, temporary fences.

It is important to understand that the top and bottom of such a board must be sawn along the entire length. If one face is not propylene, then this is already croaker. The definition of the cubic capacity of such lumber differs precisely in that it does not have the correct geometric shape.

The current standards establish several ways to account for unedged material, and it is almost impossible to calculate exactly how many boards are in 1 cube.

  1. Batch.
  2. Piece by piece.
  3. Sampling method.

In batch In this case, the boards are tightly packed into a bag of the correct shape with further measurement. Further calculation is carried out according to the standard formula for determining the volume. using various coefficients.

Piece measurement made according to average measurements of height and width. The largest and smallest dimensions in meters are added and divided in half.

(Wmax + Wmin) / 2 * (Hmax + Hmin) / 2 * L = volume, m3

where, W- Width, AT- Height, D- Length

If it is visually visible that the wood is fresh and, accordingly, damp (humidity above 20%), then the seller is obliged to reduce the total volume by multiplying the received cubic capacity by the coefficient:

  • 0,96 for softwood
  • 0,95 for deciduous.

Sampling method used to determine the volume of a large batch of unedged lumber. When loading, for example, into the body of a vehicle, every fifth, tenth or twentieth board is measured using the second method.

The resulting volume is multiplied by five, ten, twenty. Loading continues to the next control board. The selection of control boards in a separate foot is also practiced. The calculation is made after the loading is completed.

Calculating the volume of a bar: how much is a bar in a cube?

Calculation of the amount of timber in one cube - Photo

The beam differs from the edged board only in that all its faces or two opposite ones have the same size: more than 0.05 m in thickness and 0.013 m in width. The formula for determining its volume is standard

R beam size

The volume of one bar

Bar in 1m3 (cube)


0.06 m³

16 pcs.


0.09 m³

11 pcs.


0.135 m³

7 pcs.


0.108 m³

9 pcs.


0.162 m³

6 pcs.


0.1944 m³

5 pieces.


0.12 m³

8 pcs.


0.18 m³

5.5 pcs.


0.216 m³

4.5 pcs.


0.24 m³

4 things.


0.3 m³

3 pcs.

W * T * D = volume of timber, m3.

To find out how much timber is in one cube

1 / (W * T * D) = amount of timber in 1 m3 (cube)

where, W- Width, T- thickness, D- Length

Translation: 1mm=0.001m, 10mm=0.01m, 100mm=0.1m

When buying a beam, the volume must be determined by the piece, since the beam is laid with spacers in the stack. The measurements of such a stack and the calculation of the cubature according to the above formula invariably lead to a significant overestimation of the volume.

Length of 1 cube of timber (and any edged lumber) in meters is determined by dividing the unit by thickness and width. For example, you need to find out how much timber is in one cube - a face of 180 mm.

1 / (0.18 * 0.18) = 30 meters 87 cm.

1 meter of such a bar will have the following volume.

0.18 * 0.18 * 1 = 0.0324 m3.

These calculations may be needed when determining the cost of funds and material.

Construction log volume: how many logs are in one cube?

How many logs in one cube: calculation - Photo

Log buildings are and will be relevant. The determination of the volume of round material depends on the method of its production.

  • Construction log of manual debarking.
  • Construction log, rounded on special machines.

The section of the barrel for trimming by hand has the shape of a slightly truncated cone, so the cylinder volume formula is used, but with some peculiarities.

3.14 * r2 * L = log volume, m3

r- average radius, calculated as (r1+r2)/2, r1 is the radius from one end of the log, r2 is the radius from the other end of the log.
L- log length.
3,14 - constant "Pi".

The rounded log has, of course, a cylindrical shape and is calculated according to the above formula. But here the radius is measured at any end once. Determining the number of logs in 1 cube is determined similarly to a beam.

1 / (3.14*r2 * L) = Number of logs in 1m3 (cube)

Blanks for construction logs are measured in the same way.

The radius (diameter divided in half) is measured without taking into account the thickness of the tree bark. In practice, manual calculations are not carried out. They use special tables summarized in a cubature book. They are also available in electronic form.

In conclusion, it should be noted that lumber for critical work, standard in size, wood species and humidity, should be purchased at large sites. A small producer, as a rule, is not allowed there due to the lack of appropriate control over the quality of their products.

Before buying a floorboard, you need to calculate how many cubes of lumber you need for a device of a certain design. In this case, an accurate calculation can be done using a conventional calculator, knowing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the thickness of the board. Such skills will be useful to you not only in order to calculate the volume of lumber for flooring, but also if you decide to build a house, because wood products are used to build various structures.

Since the price of all lumber during the sale is charged per cube, it is important to be able to calculate the need for this particular unit of measurement. This is how not only the number of boards is counted, but also other lumber, for example, timber, slats, etc. The thing is that products with the same cross section may differ in length. Therefore, after determining the volume, you can understand how many floorboards will be in one cube.

It is important to know: when buying boards made of precious wood, the products are sold by the piece. The thing is that the price of such coatings is too high, and when calculating in cubes there is a small error.

When calculating, it is better to use a regular calculator. So you can get a more accurate result and take into account all the nuances of the future design of the house. Although if you need to find out how many board cubes, for example, 50 mm thick, will be needed for flooring, then you can use the online calculator. Such a simple calculation he can perform correctly. However, it's always a good idea to be able to count the amount of lumber by hand.

When building a house or laying a floor, the calculation is carried out in the same order:

  1. First you need to calculate the total volume of lumber in cubes. Knowing the moisture content of wood, you can determine the weight of the entire material. This will help you decide which shipping method you choose.

Tip: when ordering a carrier, it is better to indicate an overweight (10-15% more). So you will not have problems with the load, because the moisture content of the wood declared by the manufacturer may be a little more or less.

  1. Further, knowing the dimensions of the boards, you need to calculate the volume of one element. Then you can find out how many products will be in the cube. Multiplying this number by the number of cubes will give you the total number of floorboards for your floor design.

However, such a simple calculation is applicable for edged elements, because they are processed from all sides and there are practically no gaps when they are stacked. To calculate how many cubes of unedged boards are needed for flooring, you will have to use a correction factor, because due to the raw sides of the product, there will be too many gaps when stacked.

Calculation example

Suppose that in a house you want to lay a room with a floorboard 50 mm thick with dimensions of 5x6 m. We calculate the volume of lumber and the number of products in the following sequence:

  • We find the area of ​​​​the room: 6x5 \u003d 30 m².
  • Since we decided to use a board with a thickness of 50 mm or 0.05 m, the lag step can be made 1 meter.
  • Knowing the thickness of the element and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, we get the volume of lumber: 30 m² x 0.05 m = 1.5 m³.
  • Now using the calculator, you can calculate how many floorboards you need. To do this, knowing the dimensions of the floorboard, we calculate its volume: 2 m x 0.05 m x 0.13 m = 0.013 m³. Now we divide the total volume of lumber by the resulting number for an element with a thickness of 50 mm: 1.5: 0.013 \u003d 115 boards.

Thus, using a conventional calculator, you can calculate the need for other lumber for building a house: lining, timber, slats.


The seller and buyer of timber pursue their own interests. In such a rather delicate matter, one must have certain - simple - knowledge. Today everyone has a tool: a calculator in the phone.

What is a cubic meter of edged board

How many edged boards in one cube - Photo

Edged board- lumber with cleanly cut edges, without bark residues. The width of the edged board exceeds the thickness at least twice.

Since the fee is charged for the volume in cubic meters, we recall the geometric formula for its definition:

W * H * D = volume.

Everything is in meters.

To find out how many boards are in one cube:

1 / (W * H * D) = number of boards in 1m3 (cube)

where, W- Width, AT- Height, D- Length

Translation: 1mm=0.001m, 10mm=0.01m, 100mm=0.1m

Below is a table of some types of edged boards and their volume

Board dimensions

The volume of one board Boards in 1m3 (cube)


0.012 m³

83 pcs.


0.0144 m³

69 pcs.


0.018 m³

55 pcs.


0.0216 m³

46 pcs.


0.024 m³

41 pcs.


0.03 m³

33 pcs.


0.015 m³

67 pcs.


0.018 m³

55 pcs.


0.0225 m³

44 pcs.


0.027 m³

37 pcs.


0.03 m³

33 pcs.


0.0375 m³

26 pcs.


0.018 m³

55 pcs.


0.0216 m³

46 pcs.


0.027 m³

37 pcs.


0.0324 m³

30 pcs.


0.036 m³

27 pcs.


0.045 m³

22 pcs.


0.0192 m³

52 pcs.


0.023 m³

43 pcs.


0.0288 m³

34 pcs.


0.0346 m³

28 pcs.


0.0384 m³

26 pcs.


0.048 m³

20 pcs.


0.024 m³

41 pcs.


0.0288 m³

34 pcs.


0.036 m³

27 pcs.


0.0432 m³

23 pcs.


0.048 m³

20 pcs.


0.06 m³

16 pcs.


0.03 m³

33 pcs.


0.036 m³

27 pcs.


0.045 m³

22 pcs.


0.054 m³

18 pcs.


0.06 m³

16 pcs.


0.075 m³

13 pcs.

When buying lumber in small quantities, you can get confused with decimal places, namely with rounding. An experienced seller will round the resulting number to the 3rd decimal place. The experienced buyer will round up GOST y - up to 0.000001 cubic meters and remind the seller that up to 0.001 cubic meters. meters are rounded only a batch of boards. The most common quantity - from several boards to 2-4 cubic meters - does not make up a batch. In order not to offend either one or the other, they are rounded to 4 decimal places.

Then the resulting volume is multiplied by the cost of 1 m3 (cube). And here the number of decimal places can significantly affect costs.

1 edged board 32 mm thick, 200 mm wide and 6 m long(32X200X6000) has volume

  • 0.032 * 0.2 * 6 = 0.0384 cubes

30 boards will have volume

  • 0.0384 * 30 = 1.152 cubes

If the seller rounds the volume of 1 board to 0.04 cubic meters, he will additionally receive income:

  • 0.04 * 30 \u003d 1.2 cubes
  • 1.2 - 1.152 = 0.048 cubes

Selling these 0.048 "air" cubes makes the buyer's wallet easier

The cost may vary depending on the type of wood. Grading decreases with a decrease in quality: the presence of wood defects and deviations from standard sizes. If the floorboard has a curvature, narrower or thinner than the standard by 3-5 mm, it will not work completely. Visual inspection of the lumber is just as important as accurate sizing.

Edged board area covered

To find out how much lumber you need, the calculation of the board in a cube will help you. The above formula is based on the definition of area

W * D = area.

Having calculated the covered area, it remains to multiply it by the desired thickness of the board

W * D * 0.022; 0.025; 0.032; 0.04m and so on.

It remains to see how many boards are in one cube, and determine the required number. Just in case, print or memorize the table above.

You also need to take into account the future cutting of the material.The floorboard and sheathing board "lining" have an overlapping tongue, which is taken into account in the cubature, but is not included in the area to be covered. A couple of boards are needed have in reserve .

Determining the volume of unedged boards

How many unedged boards are in one cubic meter - Photo

Unedged board, that is, not having a rectangular section along the entire length, is much cheaper and is widely used for the installation of various kinds of rough battens, temporary fences.

It is important to understand that the top and bottom of such a board must be sawn along the entire length. If one face is not propylene, then this is already croaker. The definition of the cubic capacity of such lumber differs precisely in that it does not have the correct geometric shape.

The current standards establish several ways to account for unedged material, and it is almost impossible to calculate exactly how many boards are in 1 cube.

  1. Batch.
  2. Piece by piece.
  3. Sampling method.

In batch In this case, the boards are tightly packed into a bag of the correct shape with further measurement. Further calculation is carried out according to the standard formula for determining the volume. using various coefficients.

Piece measurement made according to average measurements of height and width. The largest and smallest dimensions in meters are added and divided in half.

(Wmax + Wmin) / 2 * (Hmax + Hmin) / 2 * L = volume, m3

where, W- Width, AT- Height, D- Length

If it is visually visible that the wood is fresh and, accordingly, damp (humidity above 20%), then the seller is obliged to reduce the total volume by multiplying the received cubic capacity by the coefficient:

  • 0,96 for softwood
  • 0,95 for deciduous.

Sampling method used to determine the volume of a large batch of unedged lumber. When loading, for example, into the body of a vehicle, every fifth, tenth or twentieth board is measured using the second method.

The resulting volume is multiplied by five, ten, twenty. Loading continues to the next control board. The selection of control boards in a separate foot is also practiced. The calculation is made after the loading is completed.

Calculating the volume of a bar: how much is a bar in a cube?

Calculation of the amount of timber in one cube - Photo

The beam differs from the edged board only in that all its faces or two opposite ones have the same size: more than 0.05 m in thickness and 0.013 m in width. The formula for determining its volume is standard

R beam size

The volume of one bar

Bar in 1m3 (cube)


0.06 m³

16 pcs.


0.09 m³

11 pcs.


0.135 m³

7 pcs.


0.108 m³

9 pcs.


0.162 m³

6 pcs.


0.1944 m³

5 pieces.


0.12 m³

8 pcs.


0.18 m³

5.5 pcs.


0.216 m³

4.5 pcs.


0.24 m³

4 things.


0.3 m³

3 pcs.

W * T * D = volume of timber, m3.

To find out how much timber is in one cube

1 / (W * T * D) = amount of timber in 1 m3 (cube)

where, W- Width, T- thickness, D- Length

Translation: 1mm=0.001m, 10mm=0.01m, 100mm=0.1m

When buying a beam, the volume must be determined by the piece, since the beam is laid with spacers in the stack. The measurements of such a stack and the calculation of the cubature according to the above formula invariably lead to a significant overestimation of the volume.

Length of 1 cube of timber (and any edged lumber) in meters is determined by dividing the unit by thickness and width. For example, you need to find out how much timber is in one cube - a face of 180 mm.

1 / (0.18 * 0.18) = 30 meters 87 cm.

1 meter of such a bar will have the following volume.

0.18 * 0.18 * 1 = 0.0324 m3.

These calculations may be needed when determining the cost of funds and material.

Construction log volume: how many logs are in one cube?

How many logs in one cube: calculation - Photo

Log buildings are and will be relevant. The determination of the volume of round material depends on the method of its production.

  • Construction log of manual debarking.
  • Construction log, rounded on special machines.

The section of the barrel for trimming by hand has the shape of a slightly truncated cone, so the cylinder volume formula is used, but with some peculiarities.

3.14 * r 2 * L = log volume, m3

r- average radius, calculated as (r 1 + r 2) / 2, r 1 - radius from one end of the log, r 2 - radius from the other end of the log.
L- log length.
3,14 - constant "Pi".

The rounded log has, of course, a cylindrical shape and is calculated according to the above formula. But here the radius is measured at any end once. Determining the number of logs in 1 cube is determined similarly to a beam.

1 / (3.14*r2 * L) = Number of logs in 1m3 (cube)

Blanks for construction logs are measured in the same way.

The radius (diameter divided in half) is measured without taking into account the thickness of the tree bark. In practice, manual calculations are not carried out. They use special tables summarized in a cubature book. They are also available in electronic form.

In conclusion, it should be noted that lumber for critical work, standard in size, wood species and humidity, should be purchased at large sites. A small producer, as a rule, is not allowed there due to the lack of appropriate control over the quality of their products.