Choose wallpaper for your home. How to choose wallpaper for walls: a catalog of photo ideas and original selections. Photo wallpapers in a modern interior

One of the most important stages in the repair of any room is the interior decoration of the walls, because they most often attract the eye, due to the largest area occupied in the apartment. The originality and attractiveness of the created interior largely depends on how the walls in the room are decorated.

Wallpapering surfaces is the most popular and common way to finish them. This is due to the fact that the wallpaper catalog of any hardware store is represented by a huge variety of canvases that differ in colors, patterns, texture, and cost.

The choice is so wide that you can choose wallpaper to recreate any style in your apartment, to form an individual, cozy atmosphere in it.

Types and varieties of wallpaper

To decide which wallpaper to choose for decoration, you need to understand their main types, consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Depending on the materials used for the manufacture of paintings, there are wallpapers:

  • paper-based;
  • on non-woven base;
  • vinyl sheets;
  • tissue;
  • liquid;
  • glass wall papers.

Paper sheets are suitable for perfectly flat and smooth surfaces. This is the most affordable option, however, such wallpapers are very thin, cannot be wet cleaned, and fade in the sun.


Interlining is a fairly dense and wear-resistant material that is not afraid of either sunlight or moisture. Non-woven wallpaper will perfectly hide the roughness, mask the flaws on the surface.

Vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl-based wallpaper is also distinguished by reliability and durability, if necessary, they can be washed with water. The canvases pasted on the walls will create a feeling of a single whole, the joints between them will be completely invisible.

Fabric wallpaper

Fabric wallpapers are multi-layered, their peculiarity is that the top layer consists of textiles, which will require special care. However, choosing fabric canvases for decoration, you can be sure of the chic and sophistication of the future interior.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper combines all the best properties of rolled sheets and decorative plaster. Before using them, pre-treatment of the walls is not required, there will be no joints.

This finishing option is perfectly washed, and if necessary, repainting liquid wallpaper is not difficult. However, this is far from a budget type of finish.

Glass fiber

Glass fiber is a special roll coating, they are one of the most fashionable and modern wallpapers in the interior. This coating is durable, fireproof, environmentally friendly, breathable, easy to maintain.

Wall mural

Depending on the availability of illustrations, the wallpaper can be plain or patterned. Special attention should be paid to photo wallpapers. The illustrations on the photographic image will instantly focus on the wall that they are pasted over, create an unusual and capricious atmosphere in the room.

And the most spectacular printed 3D wallpapers will take you to another reality, to a forest clearing or to an ancient castle. Wall murals will look great in rooms of any purpose, the main thing is to choose a theme that matches the style of the interior.

In order to find and purchase the best wallpapers, pay attention not only to the aesthetic appearance, but also to their practicality, calculate in advance whether they will look beautiful in the room, based on its design features, whether they are suitable for pasting rooms of various appointments.

Pay attention to the condition of the pasted walls. Thin wallpapers, striped canvases, with an ornament of regular geometric shapes will not be the best option for uneven surfaces. On the contrary, they will emphasize all existing defects.

To finish such walls, you should pay attention to fairly dense materials, choose embossed wallpapers with a colored, spotty pattern that will visually hide irregularities.

If the room has an irregular, non-standard shape, various recesses in the form of niches, it is better not to purchase wallpaper with large illustrations, you should pay attention to a small, inconspicuous pattern.

Depending on the purpose of the room, determine how durable the wall covering should be. In rooms with high traffic, constant humidity, kitchen areas, the best option would be to use wallpaper that can be wet cleaned and cleaned.

Also, in rooms with window openings that let in too much sunlight, it is better to choose canvases that are resistant to bright rays and have high light resistance for pasting walls.

Wallpaper design for walls must be selected, observing the general stylistic concept. The classic style chosen for interior design involves decorating the walls with plain pastel-colored canvases, possibly with a chic, sophisticated ornament, or a regular geometric pattern.

High-tech style allows you to paste over the walls with plain wallpaper in trendy shades: silver, light gray, white, etc.

Examine the photo of wallpaper for the walls of interiors, decorated in various styles. After viewing the samples, you will understand which colors harmonize favorably and emphasize the style solution chosen for the room.

When choosing the color scheme of the wallpaper, it must be remembered that light colors will visually expand a small room, canvases with a longitudinal, vertical pattern will lengthen the height of the ceilings; finishing materials with a fairly voluminous, large pattern are perfect for a high room.

When buying wallpaper, be sure to pay attention to the fact that all rolls belong to the same batch, do not forget to check the thickness of the material when purchasing several different product packages, it must be identical.

By following simple rules, it is not so difficult to choose wallpapers that are ideal for interior wall decoration. Choose materials, taking into account all the features of the pasted premises, taking into account every nuance. This will allow you not to make a mistake with the choice and purchase high-quality canvases that are ideally suited to the interior being created.

Photo wallpaper for walls

designer 2019-03-19

Modern wallpapers are distinguished by their attractive appearance and functionality. With the right material, you can hide the unevenness of the walls, and visually change the dimensions of the room. To choose the right trendy wallpaper in 2018-2019, you need to study the latest design trends.

Characteristics of materials

Various materials are used for the manufacture of wallpaper. A huge assortment allows you to choose the best option for the realization of design ideas.

Demand for previously popular paper canvases has dropped significantly. Despite the low cost, buyers stopped choosing this type of material due to its fragility and poor quality.

Consumers increasingly prefer other types of wallpaper:

Prints and drawings

The image on the wallpaper should correspond to the wishes of the owners of the home and become an accent in the stylistic idea. Designers offer several interesting ideas, the use of which will make the room original.

Plant motifs

Natural motifs can be expressed in different ways: in the form of an image of a flowering garden, a tropical or deciduous forest, a park alley. The image of nature has many options:

  • wild jungle;
  • Blooming bouquets in vases or pots;
  • Exotic plants, their foliage or flowers.

Such decor will fill the room with bright rich colors. To create a harmonious design with such wallpapers, you should opt for a neutral color of the flooring.

Tree patterns on gray wallpaper in the bedroom

Floral patterns on the wallpaper

geometric lines

This year, a separate niche is allocated to canvases with geometric images. The main role is assigned to hexagons and honeycombs. The use of such wallpapers allows you to visually balance the space, make it harmonious and holistic. The pattern on the wallpaper is duplicated in furniture upholstery or textiles. Honeycombs are able to revive even the most boring interior, divide it into functional zones.

For lovers of experiments and bold decisions, manufacturers have released canvases with multi-colored geometric shapes: rhombuses, triangles and zigzags. The wall, pasted over with such material, will become the accent of the room and will attract views.

Solid geometric shapes on a dark background will perfectly fit into the glamorous retro style and will be an excellent backdrop for pieces of furniture made in a classic style.

Floral ornament

For several years now, images of flowers have been at the peak of fashion. The English style in the interior with rose bushes on the walls is very popular.

To enable consumers to choose the right design, manufacturers produce canvases with flowers of various sizes - from small ornaments to bright colors of the maximum size.

Exotic flowers, blurry garden flowers, like a watercolor drawing, picturesque bouquets - any of these options will look appropriate in the interior of the home.

Animal prints

The image of animals fits perfectly into the interior of any living room. To do this, you must responsibly approach the choice of colors and patterns. Special attention deserves canvases in retro style. They fill the room with elegance and sophistication. On such wallpaper, animals are scattered over the entire surface, without ornate details.

Prints with butterflies, fish and colorful birds are designed to draw attention to a specific wall or area in the room. The same goes for wild animals. As an accent, large-sized images of animals made with graphic lines look original. A clearly defined profile of a fox, deer or wolf will emphasize the space behind the head of the bed or the back of the sofa. Great idea for a minimalist space.

Imitation of natural materials

For those who dreamed of an apartment with a brick wall, but could not afford it due to material and labor costs, there is an excellent way out - wallpaper with imitation of brickwork. From afar, such canvases cannot be distinguished from natural material. Imitation can be for any natural material: wood, stone, concrete or marble, and even snakeskin. An unusual solution for wall decoration in the hall or in the kitchen.

And what about colors?

This year, the priority for designers is a complex color scheme: shades of olive and green, eggplant, aquamarine. In modern renovation, collections are often used in which bright colors predominate: yellow, chocolate, pink, turquoise and yellow. Such a range is able to bring positive notes to any interior.

Due to its uniqueness and durability, they won a new wave of popularity. It is worth forgetting about the paper images of nature that used to be found in apartments. You can add coziness and warmth to an urban living room with the help of canvases with a fireplace, and imitation of bookshelves will fill the atmosphere with aristocracy and luxury.

A floral motif will fill the room with natural calm and freshness. To make the space look harmonious, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the room. In a small bedroom, wallpaper in a small flower will look great, and the wall of a spacious living room will be decorated with large flowers in combination with plain pastel-colored canvases that match the design.

Abstraction in any color performance will look good. For the youth style, you can choose multi-colored figures, the minimalist style will be complemented by a wall with clear geometric lines of silver color on a dark background. Properly selected colors and prints will help visually expand a small room and highlight a certain part of the room if necessary.

Contrasting black and white wallpapers remain in high esteem among designers. This wall decoration is suitable for any room, including a bathroom and a room for a baby. White furniture against their background looks more advantageous, and black figures of animals or plants will decorate the nursery and attract the attention of the child.

Modern tendencies

Wall wallpapers surprise with their diversity. When buying a finishing material, attention is paid not only to quality characteristics, but also to aesthetic qualities. The range is quite wide and in order to keep up with the times, it is worth taking a closer look at several options:

  1. 3D format. With the help of 3D printing, ordinary wallpapers have been transformed into large-format images. With their help, bookshelves, imitation brickwork or a bamboo grove look realistic, transforming the space. Looking at the wallpaper from certain angles, you can observe different pictures. are distinguished by durability, environmental friendliness and high cost. On sale there are fluorescent canvases and with backlight. With their help, you can break the space or recreate the atmosphere of a flowering garden in your living room;

  2. Gradient wallpaper. Spectacular and bright wallpapers, on which there is a smooth transition of color from bright to a calmer shade. Such canvases look harmonious in a room with laconic furniture. Walls with this finish will make the room lighter and more airy;
  3. Metallized wallpapers belong to the elite class of finishing materials. An image similar to the foil surface is applied to a paper or non-woven base. Such a coating can be either plain or with a printed image (mainly geometric shapes). Cloths have a lot of advantages, the main of which can be considered their versatility - the ability to use for finishing any room in the apartment.

  4. Wallpaper combination. One of the most popular solutions in recent years. Used for emphasis. For example, in the dining area in the kitchen, or on the wall above the bed in the bedroom. Can be applied to any room, regardless of its size. There are many different combinations. For an example, see photo.

    Geometric patterns combined with plain wallpaper in the dining area

    Wallpaper combination: floral print + gray wallpaper

    Green metallic with a three-dimensional pattern with gray wallpaper. Suitable for a medium sized living room kitchen.

    Colored wallpaper, framed against the background of plain walls.

  5. Monochromatic wallpapers are becoming popular in apartments whose owners choose a minimalist style. Also used in combination with other types of finishes. Paintings, curtains, flowers and other interior items can serve as bright accents.

    The photo shows an example of a plain beige wallpaper. Harmoniously combined with a white wall and paintings on the wall.

    Beige wallpaper in the bathroom. Serves as a backdrop for a calm atmosphere of relaxation.

    Dark plain wallpaper in the hall. Classic in every detail.

    Cosiness against the background of plain walls. Minimalist kitchen.

    Light, relaxed atmosphere against the background of blue wallpaper in combination with beige in a small pattern

Popular manufacturers offer a huge selection of canvases, among which each buyer will be able to choose fashionable colors, prints and suitable materials for themselves.

Stylish wallpaper

This group includes beautiful wallpapers for walls that fit neatly into the overall interior of the apartment.

The overall image of the room merges together.

Wallpaper has been the most popular material for wall decoration for many decades. When repairs are planned, a lot of controversy is started around the choice of this coating. Moreover, today the eyes run wide - design, quality, types of wallpaper both simplify and complicate the choice at the same time.

Wallpaper transforms the house, the walls of its main room, and therefore the choice must be taken wisely and far-sightedly.

Styles change, mix, fall into directions, and it is difficult to figure out in what style to create the atmosphere of your home so that it does not become old-fashioned for at least a few years.

You need to dance from the laws of style: if it’s a classic, then don’t even try to look closely at trendy collections, focusing on themes, colors, plots, motifs and patterns that have been open for a long time. Refurbishment in a classic style is also an update, just classic-style furniture and wallpapers are presented more widely, and the quality of materials is improving.

Designers offer to decorate the wall more boldly, without being afraid of fashionable experiments. And even Khrushchev, which does not indulge in good footage, can be transformed with the help of simple design tricks.

Three popular wallpaper options for a modern room:

  • Dark wallpaper + light furniture. This move is being used more and more frequently. The principle works on contrasts, which in an unexpected way make the “sleepy” living room become dynamic, bright, but at the same time not so active that it would be difficult to stay in it for a long time. It is not worth gluing all the walls with dark wallpaper, you can only make one central wall, as opposed to the rest of the light ones, very dark. For example, under a dark gray brick. And attach a milk-colored modular set to this wall. If you have already chosen such a color scheme, do not mix other colors - only gray, white and black. And soft light, possibly spot lighting.
  • Dark furniture + light "calm" wallpaper. Dark furniture in the room is often chosen due to its aristocratic appearance. And it can only be emphasized by contrasting wallpapers, but not necessarily white ones. This season, soft olive and soft lemon colors are in fashion, which will favorably emphasize the dignity of dark furniture.
  • Bright furniture + muted wallpaper. A modern home is not necessarily boring colors, it is also a lot of color accents. And if your renovation makes the house change in this way, then wallpaper of muted shades will help to shade the white set, red table and light green chairs.

Focus on photographs from professional resources, where the ensemble of furniture and decor for the hall is perfectly matched. Look closely, remember, adapt to your conditions and capabilities.

Types of wallpaper for the hall: what to give preference to

It is difficult to find a type of wallpaper that has no flaws at all, but most importantly, there are plenty to choose from.

Types of wallpaper and their characteristics:

  1. Paper. Cheap, easy to glue, great selection. But: low wear resistance, do not hide wall defects.
  2. non-woven. The price is acceptable, good environmental friendliness, "breathable", spectacular in appearance, hide some wall defects. But: average sound and heat insulation, not the biggest choice.
  3. Vinyl. Moisture resistant, embossed, durable, spectacular in appearance. But: expensive, not easy to glue, not “breathable”, a specific smell remains for several days after gluing.
  4. Wall mural. Universal, wide choice, reasonable price. But: they do not hide wall defects, professional gluing is desirable.
  5. Textile wallpapers. Natural, "breathable", beautiful, without joints. But: very expensive, collect dust and absorb odors.

These are only the most popular types, among which liquid wallpapers that are especially popular today stand apart.

Liquid wallpaper in the hall: what are the advantages

Repair using liquid wallpaper today is becoming more common.

Liquid wallpaper is considered a subspecies of decorative plaster. If you look at the corresponding pictures, you can see that the walls covered with such wallpapers look very original. The composition of these wallpapers contains cellulose and silk fibers. They give the very texture for which liquid wallpaper is so loved.

They are often used as wallpaper for the hall, but there are several disadvantages to such a wall covering..

Cons of liquid wallpaper:

  • Hygroscopicity. It is not recommended to use them in rooms with high humidity, that is, the hall is an even more acceptable option.
  • Possibility of damage. Animals in the house are more likely to damage this type of coating than other wallpapers. You'll have to make a payment.
  • They cannot be washed. It would seem that in the hall the wallpaper is rarely washed. But if the family is large, there are small children, then such repairs oblige you to always be on guard.

But there are also a lot of pluses of liquid wallpaper, for example, the fact that this repair can always be done with your own hands. They dry quickly, which is great if you're running out of time to repair. In addition, you can make a wall covering, exclusive, original.

Is it possible to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands from scratch (video)

Samples of wallpaper for the hall in the style of Provence

If we take one, but a vivid example of how to choose wallpaper for the hall, it is worth considering it in terms of a particular style. For example, Provence, because today it is one of the most preferred interior styles.

Provence style wallpaper:

  1. The atmosphere in the hall should be a little more festive than in other rooms, which is reflected in the choice of wallpaper. Therefore, you can use embossed vinyl or delicate non-woven wallpaper with a light, elegant pattern.
  2. Plain wallpaper in delicate natural colors can be the backdrop for the decoration of the living room. Floral motifs are also appropriate here, but rather faded.
  3. The monotonous walls of the living room are diluted with beautiful furniture and window decor, as well as various vases and souvenirs, good textiles.

The constant requirement for wallpaper in the Provence style living room is high quality. It should be visible on the wallpaper - durable, made of good natural materials and, of course, of high quality, pasted.

How to paste wallpaper beautifully in the hall: three ways

Repair can always be turned towards creativity, and wallpaper for the hall can be combined. And three interesting ways will show you how to do it beautifully.

Ways to combine wallpaper in the hall:

  • vertical stripes. This means that some wallpapers are the background, while others complement this background with fragments of vertical stripes. At the same time, the first wallpaper is plain, the second with a pattern, for example, floral.
  • Division of walls into horizons. The main thing is not to stick a strip, border or other type of wallpaper in the middle of the wall, it looks ridiculous. But to separate the lower third of the wall is a classic option that immediately gives the appearance of a room of nobility.
  • Wallpaper inserts. Such blotches on plain, calm wallpaper make the space more dynamic. And not necessarily a lot of inclusions, for example, two wide vertical stripes along the TV area.

And if the hall is small, what then?

Wallpaper for a small room in an apartment: requirements

Repair in a small room is subject to certain rules, if you do not violate them, consider that you have coped with the task.

Wallpaper in a small room should be:

  1. Dim. Brightness and variegation "eat up" the footage, which you already have not enough.
  2. plain. If drawings, motifs, patterns, let them be in textiles or other small decor.
  3. Embossed. If the color is simple, muted, neutral, you can give the living room warmth and comfort due to the relief, but the relief should not be intrusive either.

And the most preferred colors for wallpaper in the hall: pastel colors, milky, light pink, delicate lemon, faded olive, pale blue, faded lilac, light gray.

Wallpaper in the hall in a private house: are there any differences

Differences can only be if the hall in the house is very large. If the house, its size allows it, then you can play with a combination of wallpapers.

A distinctive feature of the house is that, unlike the apartment, it is located in a more natural setting. And this naturalness should be emphasized in the interior. So, such wallpaper for the hall can be natural - for example, linen or bamboo. A worthy ensemble of furniture, decorative elements and textiles should emphasize this desire for naturalness.

A house will be a home if you emphasize in every possible way that it is closer to nature, which means that the aesthetics of naturalness, natural beauty should come first, and this also applies to wallpaper.

Repair does not tolerate inattention to trifles, and wallpaper is not a trifle at all. Choose colors that have always had a calming effect on you, or, on the contrary, invigorated and delighted. At the same time, do not rush to extremes like active colors, exciting. The situation should not tire you, it should create a cocoon of comfort, warmth and security. Successful choice!

Examples of wallpaper design for the hall (photo)

Sooner or later, we all think about changes in life: about changing jobs, places of residence, or maybe not about such global ones, for example, about repairs. Renovation is a serious step, even if you decide to freshen up only one room. This is not only the investment and effort, the time spent, but also the complexity of the choice.

So that the results of the renovation do not disappoint you, you need to pay attention to the size of the room and its functionality. There is a huge variety of finishing materials, but wallpaper has rightfully taken a leading position for many years.

Modern materials

Oddly enough, fabric is considered the oldest ancestor of modern wallpaper; it was used to decorate the walls in the houses of the nobility. But progress does not stand still, over time, the fabric coating was replaced with a more affordable paper one. Along with traditional paper materials, many synthetic analogues are used.

Of course, it is not so easy to decide among the many proposed materials:

The leader among other options are undoubtedly paper wallpapers, they are the most environmentally friendly, although not so practical.

A more practical choice would be in favor of vinyl wallpaper. This is the same paper, but applied to a PVC base, which makes such a material more durable. They can be cleaned using a damp cloth.

Perhaps this is the most suitable solution for a bathroom or kitchen. You can find vinyl wallpapers in hardware stores that look like fabric, they are known as silkscreens.

Non-woven wallpaper is considered the most progressive and rather expensive coating. Fleece is a cellulose-based non-woven material, you can even say that it is an improved paper counterpart. Several layers of cellulose soldered together make a very durable, moisture-resistant and, importantly for living quarters, breathable fabric.

Such wallpapers are made both smooth and embossed, they are often used for painting. Coatings are also produced not entirely from non-woven fabric, but only on its basis with various surfaces, both paper, vinyl and even fabric. Their price is much cheaper.

DIY repair

If you decide to glue the wallpaper in the room without resorting to the help of specialists, then you just need to use the recommendations of the leading masters.

The first step is to prepare the walls. Old wallpaper needs to be removed. Note that different materials have features when they are removed. Vinyl and non-woven are removed without difficulty, just pull the bottom of the canvas, but paper ones are better to pre-wet or steam with a steam generator.

If, after removing the old coating, you find bumps or cracks, then it is best to plaster the walls. The final step before pasting the walls with new wallpaper will be a primer.

The next point to consider is that the glue should be used exclusively for the selected type of wallpaper, otherwise they may simply peel off. Glue consumption depends on how much wallpaper you need per room.

This is truly an unpredictable occupation of repair, who would have thought that you would need not only aesthetic taste and knowledge of the basics of interior design, but also a trite knowledge of mathematics! After all, in order to avoid unnecessary spending on materials that are not needed or remain superfluous, you need to determine their exact amount.

First, you need to decide on the parameters of the wallpaper roll: the width is usually standard 50 cm or 1 m, but the length (number per roll) can vary from 7 m to 18 m, these data are presented on the label.

Second, take measurements of the room. Height from ceiling to floor and the perimeter of the walls to be glued.

And finally, do some simple calculations. The perimeter of the room must be multiplied by the height of the walls, we get the area to cover without deducting window and door openings. Now divide the resulting product by the area of ​​​​the roll (length times width) and get the required number of rolls. If you don’t really want to do this kind of calculation, there are ready-made tables or online calculators.

I would like to note one more important point, such a rough calculation is suitable for plain wallpaper or with an asymmetrical pattern, but if the pattern is selected joint to joint, add 20% to your calculations.

Wallpaper selection features

Before deciding which wallpaper to choose for a room, you must first take into account the functionality and style in which the room as a whole is made. The size of the room is also of great importance, because with the help of wallpaper you can visually correct errors in layout and lighting.

Small areas are best covered with wallpaper in light colors without rich and catchy patterns, otherwise bright walls will visually reduce the already modest area. Low ceilings will visually lift the vertical pattern.

Add warm cheerful colors to a cold and gloomy room. Spacious bright rooms sometimes lack comfort, and this situation can be corrected by the design of wallpaper with floral embossing.

Large rooms

In general, large and spacious rooms are a great option for a flight of creative imagination. The most ideal place to experiment with color and texture. You can safely combine bright colors with a large pattern and plain canvases, varying the combinations.

Most often, the largest room in the apartment is the hall. But it also happens that the most spacious room is the only one and includes a living room, a bedroom, and an office.

In this case, such a design technique as zoning will come to the rescue. You can highlight the recreation area, marking it with a bright print against the background of plain walls in the same color scheme. You can also note the intricate texture of the niches and columns in the room.

Another interesting technique used for spacious areas is wallpaper with a 3D effect. These are canvases with a printed three-dimensional pattern, and interspersed with reflective particles create a three-dimensional image.

Such wallpapers are used when zoning space. The paintings look realistic and creative, but due to the significant cost, they are not available to everyone.

Photo wallpapers in a modern interior

If 3D wallpapers are best suited for spacious rooms (in small rooms it is difficult to achieve a three-dimensional effect), then classic photo wallpapers are a universal solution. Moreover, the variety of existing options is amazing and it is quite easy to get confused when choosing themes for photo wallpapers.

Most popular options:

  • Various landscapes: majestic mountains, exciting sea or noble forbs of Provence;
  • Urban themes, it can be both a modern metropolis and a quiet cozy courtyard;
  • Bright large floral motifs, with the help of modern laser printing, a rather realistic effect is achieved.
  • Fairy-tale characters will delight your kids in the nursery.

Wall murals really will be a win-win solution in the interior of a room with wallpaper, but a couple of tips should be taken into service. First, do not choose too bright a palette of colors and too dynamic image, it can soon get boring. And, secondly, do not clutter up the wall with wallpaper of this kind with furniture.

Bedroom wallpaper

The bedroom is the most intimate and inaccessible room for strangers. When choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, we strive to follow the principle of peace and tranquility, because where else if not in this room you want to relax and unwind. But at the same time, I don’t want to fall into the trap of clichés and clichés, but to make the design cozy and unique.

The main principle of choosing wallpaper in the bedroom is environmental friendliness. When choosing a color scheme, it is best to focus on soothing tones, and if you want to add a twist, then zoning with a bright print on one of the walls or unusual textiles in contrasting tones to the wallpaper would be a great solution.

Wallpaper in the nursery

The main principle of choosing a wall covering for a nursery, of course, is environmental friendliness and safety! As for the design, as we can see in the photo of the wallpaper in the children's room, the flight of fantasy has no limits. And yet, no matter how bright and festive atmosphere you would like to create for your baby, remember that in this room he will not only play and have fun, but also relax and do his homework.

You can visually divide the room with the help of the above-mentioned photo wallpapers, your favorite cartoon characters will be wonderful companions in the play area of ​​the room. And leave the part of the room reserved for relaxation in soothing colors with discreet patterns.

The palette, of course, should be chosen based on the gender of the child and his preferences, but too flashy shades in large quantities should be avoided.

When creating a room design on your own or trusting your choice to a designer, do not forget that renovating a room is a responsible event that can both please with novelty and freshness, and upset with deceived expectations.

Consult with all the inhabitants of the room being renovated, come to a common decision and let the new decoration bring only positive emotions.

Wallpaper photo in the room

Without wall decoration, any room will seem uncomfortable. The exception is when it is part of a design project. Finishing is carried out using a variety of finishing materials. The most popular are. Manufacturers offer various options, among which it is easy to choose the right one. For those who choose wallpaper for walls, the photo catalog will help you choose the right option for a particular one.

Read in the article

Features of choice

The ornament will appeal to those who prefer shabby chic or retro. They add rigor to an art deco or classic bedroom.

We use a photo catalog with examples of decoration to select wallpaper for the living room

Liquid wallpaper - a universal solution

The advantages of this type of finishing material for walls include:

  • Environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity;
  • Resistance to temperature changes;
  • Can be used for wall decoration in an unheated room;
  • Maintainability. The damaged layer is quite easy to repair;
  • Formation of a holistic canvas without seams;
  • High vapor permeability. As a result, there is no condensation and mold on the surface of the walls;
  • Resistance to wall shrinkage;
  • Possibility of reuse;
  • Durability;
  • Good noise and heat insulation characteristics.

To remove liquid wallpaper from the wall, just use warm water and a spatula. The collected mass can be dried and reused later, or immediately applied to another surface.

Attention! Liquid wallpaper should not be applied in a room with high humidity and poor ventilation.
