Pink fluffy wallpaper. Wallpaper in pink colors. Pink with gray

Pink color, according to many designers, is considered a symbol of tenderness and sensuality, so it is preferred primarily by romantic natures. However, due to the sufficient brightness and prevalence of this shade, the design of almost any interior with pink wallpaper will be quite appropriate.

And it is not so important whose space it will be - a young person, an adult woman or a creative man. The main thing is to listen to design recommendations and follow the advice of psychologists.

Advantages of the palette

You can give any room a special atmosphere with a palette of pink tones. They do not irritate and do not cause aggression. A sense of security and an atmosphere of relaxation can be achieved with a slight saturation of the color. Comfort and coziness will appear thanks to the pearl shades of pink. They will also make you feel a certain carelessness and warmth.

If the choice falls on coral-pink shades, then a big step will already be taken on the path to a good rest. To constantly recharge your energy and be ready for decisive action, you can decorate your corner with rich shades of crimson and purple.

Various combinations

The right choice of color combination is the key to good taste. It is necessary to use the pink palette with caution in personal space. It is important not to overdo it with shades of this color, otherwise, instead of a cozy home, you will get a nightmarish dollhouse.

Even for an experienced designer, this tone is quite a complex element of the concept, but when properly combined with other colors, pink can give an impressive result. Let's consider in detail how to do this.

Advice! For a living room with a dark pink background, furniture made in neutral shades is ideal. Materials such as plush, velvet and velor are definitely not combined with this color, it is better to refuse to use them.

If you want luxury and playfulness, red shades are combined with rich orange. On the Internet you can find a lot of photos of pink wallpapers that go well with orange wallpapers; for modern foreign interiors, this is a fairly popular option.

The combination will look advantageous in the "northern" rooms with low light, as well as in spacious rooms. For small rooms, it is better to choose a composition of candy pink and peach tones.

Gloomy shades are classically diluted with white, this paint is indispensable in the palette of any designer. Pink is a very soft tone, it does not require a lot of white decor, but this combination is in great demand among dreamy natures.

Pink and white wallpapers add tenderness, lightness and airiness to the interior, giving the atmosphere a touch of romance in the room. The combination of pink and cream tones is suitable for decorating a young girl's room. It will give the space elegance and true femininity.

When combined with gray, designers recommend complementing the arrangement of the room with mirrors or furniture with wrought iron inserts. Gray-pink wallpaper will give the room harmony and tranquility. The interior will undoubtedly win in nobility when combined with bright red and orange colors.

Pink and yellow are perfect for decorating a child's room. A tandem of yellow and peach tones will have a positive effect on the mood, and in combination with a green tint, you can get an excellent decor for the living room and kitchen.

An excellent option for the bedroom would be a feminine and at the same time passionate combination of red and pink. The blue tone will add creativity; this combination is usually used in a teenager's room.

And, finally, the combination of black tones and fragments of peach gives the effect of brutality - the best option for decorating the walls in a man's office.

Applying all kinds of shades of pink in the interior, you should count on completely different human emotions. There is no doubt that men and women perceive this color in completely different ways.

Psychologists advise using pink to highlight the corner of the girl in the room, but such tones should be introduced into the bedroom of the spouses with extreme caution.

It is better to use it in the kitchen, and thanks to the combination with beige and gray colors, an atmosphere of calm and harmony is achieved, and this is a guarantee of mutual consent, warmth and calm communication of the spouses.

Pastel shades of wallpaper, according to leading designers, are one of the best options for a bedroom, as they will not cause a negative reaction in a man and, as a result, will help to avoid conflicts and quarrels. For lazy people, the color of fuchsia is quite suitable, since it is able to give a charge of vitality to a person, as well as lower the level of aggression.

If the room overlooks the sunny side, then for its design it is worth choosing warm peach shades. This will allow you to prepare yourself for a new working day, getting rid of accumulated fatigue.

Marketers are sure that pale pink wallpapers are the leaders in sales today. Freshness and creation of a positive mood among all the inhabitants of the apartment is the result of their application.

In a composition with other tones, the wallpaper can create a whole range of sensations: cheerfulness in combination with orange, tenderness of pink and white, grace of cream tones, peace and nobility in the version with gray, immediacy of a yellow-pink interior. Different shades of pink will bring pleasure to the whole palette of feelings.

Photo of pink wallpaper

Using, you will be able to create a truly gentle and harmonious interior. Such walls are both moderately bright and at the same time calm, they are non-standard and fresh. Do not think that this color is only suitable for girls' rooms - its potential is truly huge, as is the palette of options, ranging from discreet to bright ... See for yourself!

attitude towards design

Oddly enough, but a pink shade can be a problem for a married couple, because men and women have different attitudes towards such colors. In order to avoid misunderstandings, you should be guided by the advice of designers and psychologists.

Important! There are many gradations of the color in question, and not every shade will “play” in a particular room, so the choice should be approached carefully.

Selection Tips:

  1. Many people associate pink with femininity and sophistication. Someone considers it girlish, puppet. That is why harsh men avoid or do not accept him at all. You should not use a similar tone in the marital bedroom - it can affect the spouse's self-esteem.
  2. He looks good in . Muting and using other wallpapers will be a compromise in choosing for other areas.
  3. A design with such a basic idea can fill the person who is in it with warmth, set it in a peaceful mood. If choose pastel, then in such a decision it is quite possible to arrange even a men's bedroom.
  4. A bright, but not acidic tone symbolizes harmlessness. If you arrange a women's room in this way, you can return to childhood, feel carefree and light.
  5. Any shade, for example, crimson, magenta, is brightness and vigor. But it is better to refuse such a design move in the bedroom if a person suffers from hypertension. On the contrary, the idea in question will be that. what is needed for lazy people. The walls, decorated in the mentioned style, will constantly cheer up, give strength.
  6. Light colors will help eliminate negativity in a relationship, reduce aggression.
  7. If there are large windows in the room, then the wallpaper in purple color is the very thing, they will cool and set you up for rest, which means that they can be safely glued in the bedroom.

Note! The use of wallpaper should be moderate with all sorts of appropriate combinations. If you overdo it, you can turn the room into a Barbie house.

Possible combinations

Since pink is not the best solution as a monotonous wall pasting, then such wallpapers can and should be combined with other design ideas. To do this, you just need to know what and how to combine.


This is always a winning combination, and pink is no exception in this case. White can be not only in decoration, but also in pieces of furniture, textiles, decorative details. Such a simple but fresh decision can have an exciting impact.

The most important thing is that this union is optimal for any room. It all depends on the percentage of colors, style and the chosen type of finishing of other surfaces.

Other combinations

  1. Popular tandem - with.
  2. Cream with pink. This combination is the main one in the style direction and any French design.
  3. . This option is the best if you want to make the area fresh and invigorating. They can personify the most popular flower in the world - a rose with delicate buds and blossoming petals.
  4. WITH . Although these two tones often go side by side, it is in design and pasting that this option has not gained popularity. The decision to still use these two colors together will be original, moreover, natural. Pink flowers against the sky look very natural. And everything natural and harmonious will look beautiful in the decoration of any room.
  5. With raspberry/beard. Another rare idea, it can be called bold, especially if there is a strong contrast. Crimson or other rich colors can be applied fragmentarily, but do not make a whole wall with them, let the lighter ones prevail, pastel shades.
  6. Dark shades of any color. So you can decorate a room, but only in certain styles, such as classic, . In this case, you need to act carefully, carefully choosing not only the basis, but also the gradations.


The question is more than relevant, because the impression of the room largely depends on the selection of furniture and textiles, regardless of the surface finish. When choosing, you should rely on the above successful combinations.

A white addition to pink walls always looks lively and original. Moreover, the surface and structure curtains can be both uniform and striped, with a pronounced texture. As for textiles, the degree of natural light is also important, because the density, and hence the saturation of the decoration for windows, depends on it.

Advice! Curtains should resonate either with furniture or with decoration - this applies to both color and style.

Use in different rooms

It can be successfully used in different rooms, but it is important to withstand moderate use and fill the room with the right accessories.

If it is large, then one, or maybe two walls can be decorated with pink wallpaper. will make the room cool, combining with orange, on the contrary, will bring comfort and warmth. This look for the bathroom looks advantageous because the skin looks radiant and healthy. And the way a person sees himself in the mirror affects his mood.


Warm tones will improve appetite, but be careful, because cravings for sweets may appear. In order for pink in this case not to inspire melancholy, you should dilute it with bright stencils of contrasting colors - white, , blue, . If the hostess is constantly on a diet, then such a decision should still be abandoned.

One of the most delicate and sophisticated colors is pink. Although many consider it too childish and more suitable for little girls, in fact, all its shades are very popular. You will learn how to use pink wallpaper in your interior in order to get the desired result from this article.


There are a huge number of different options for wall coverings, which differ both in material and in their appearance.


First of all, it is worth mentioning that wallpapers are made from different materials. The most affordable and cheapest option - paper wallpaper. Next come acrylic, textile and vinyl products.

It is worth choosing the appropriate option, focusing on your budget and on the conditions in which the coating will be used.


Wallpaper sizes are always selected individually, depending on how large the room you plan to decorate. There are comfortable wallpapers with a width, for example, 106 cm, which are much easier to hang on the wall in a large room. Firstly, it will take less time, and secondly, there will be fewer joints. But the standard width of one roll of wallpaper is smaller and is usually 53 cm.


For many, the most difficult thing when choosing wallpaper is finding the right shade. If consultants or an article from the Internet can always help you in matters of finding the right material or wallpaper size, then you have to rely only on your good taste.

Pink color, contrary to popular belief, is very versatile. For example, plain pink wallpaper or a soft pink wall covering with small flowers is ideal for a child's room. But light pink, turquoise pink, beige pink or lilac pink colors are quite suitable for use in the bedroom or even the living room. They look quite gentle, but at the same time restrained and have a special elegance. And dark pink, rose brown or purple pink wallpaper can be used to decorate a luxurious bedroom in dark colors.

Worthy of special attention wallpaper. Many interesting compositions are made in pink, for example, they depict a large rose garden, a beautifully decorated arch or a bouquet of flowers.


In addition to the large paintings that adorn the photo wallpapers, there are also simple patterned coatings. This option is good because, unlike simple plain wallpaper, such products look more interesting and not so saturated.

So, for example, different pastel, calm colors help to muffle the brightness. You can dilute the pink base with beautiful beige, gray or brown tones. It will look beautiful no matter what pattern you want to experiment with.

This color base will just go well with natural wood furniture.

The combination of a pink base with a variety of shades of green also looks good. Here you can experiment with roses decorated with leaves, or any other floral prints. An additional plus will be the use of various decorative details. For example, wallpapers with sparkles or sequins look good. If you take a pink-purple base and decorate it with such details, you can stylize the coating as a space wallpaper.

Relevant at any time and different geometric patterns. So, for example, striped or polka dot wallpapers look great. Striped pink wallpaper looks very cute, regardless of the color combination.

As for pure pink wallpapers, they can also look unusual. For example, you can find covers styled with different textures, such as leather or pink wool. You can also find coatings depicting a sunset pink sky.

Style and design

To make pink wallpapers look really beautiful and organic, they need to be selected, focusing on what In what room do you plan to glue them:

  • Bedroom. Not many will decide to glue pink wallpaper in the bedroom of an adult or a married couple. The fact is that men, as a rule, do not like to be in such a “Barbie room” and prefer more restrained classic colors around. But the girls really like such a cute interior.

By the way, it is worth noting that many people stick pink wallpaper in rooms with low ceilings simply because they help to visually elevate it, making the room taller. So, this combination not only looks cute, but also benefits the interior.

  • Children's. Special attention deserves a room for children. Pink is the perfect color here. Traditionally, it is chosen for decorating girls' rooms. Use cute patterns: bows, flowers, dolls, and your little princess will definitely be delighted.
  • Kitchen. In the kitchen, it is recommended to use light pink colors. Often the kitchen is a place where women spend more time, so you can safely use light pink shades to decorate the room of a real hostess. Against the background of pink wallpaper, light-colored kitchen sets will look great. For example, white, blue or light brown.

  • Living room. Pink wallpapers also look interesting in a modern living room. If you use muted shades of pink and dilute them with light details, for example, textiles or furniture, you will create a cozy interior that is pleasing to the eye.

How to choose?

When decorating a room, you need to try not to have too much of the same color in the room. It is also worth making sure that the wallpaper combined with the selected furniture. For example, a white or gray sofa is perfect for a deep rich pink wallpaper. A light wallpaper will look good complete with dark furniture.

If you choose wallpaper with patterns, then you should take into account the features of the prints themselves. The smaller the pattern, the better such wallpapers are suitable for a small cozy room and, conversely, large patterns are best used in a spacious room.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you are still undecided whether to opt for pink wallpaper, then here is a short list of the main advantages and disadvantages of this color.


  • Pink color fits perfectly into any interior. A modern room in a light pink hue looks stylish, and the antique-decorated room really conveys the spirit of its time.
  • Another plus is how pink affects our psyche. This is a very calm color that helps to relax and tune in to a creative way. For this reason, many recommend using pink wallpaper to decorate a workshop, office, kitchen and other rooms where you are engaged in various types of creativity.
  • Young children almost always like this color, because it reminds of bright cartoons, ponies and princesses.


  • The main disadvantage is that this wall design is considered more feminine, so many do not want to see this color in their apartment.
  • In addition, pink does not always go well with other bright colors. You need to be very careful to combine several shades in the room at once, which will suit the pink wallpaper.

The main point to remember: when deciding to buy pink wallpaper, you need to choose the right color. Since each shade has its own characteristics, you need to read about them in advance and decide which tone you need.

If you want to create a zone for relaxation, choose light shades that are closer to nude or beige than pink. Bright colors, on the contrary, energize.

Also you need to choose furniture to match. Since furniture usually also takes up a lot of space, such large color zones should be in harmony with each other. Best of all, wallpapers of delicate shades are suitable for pink furniture. Sofas and armchairs of light shades look good on a pink background: beige, flesh or gray. Well, wood is definitely something that fits perfectly into such a “girlish” interior.

Famous manufacturers and reviews

Good wallpaper manufacturers are present in almost all countries. The best brands are German and Italian. Wall coverings from local brands are of very good quality and rich color. But not only foreign brands are good. We also produce quite a lot of good products.

Of domestic manufacturers, it is worth noting Moscow, Saratov factories, as well as the company "Lighthouse". These are the brands that many people trust.

Beautiful examples and different options

Most often, these wallpapers are used in "girlish" interiors. But this should not limit your imagination in any way. Let's look at several options for using this color in the interior, which can be appreciated even by those who do not like the shade itself at all:

  • Empire. One of the most charming styles is the empire style. For many years it has not lost its relevance. It can be safely used in a charming pink room with luxurious antique furniture. To decorate a room in this style, it is recommended to use light-colored wallpapers or wall coverings with interesting patterns - curls, monograms, and so on. As for furniture, vintage cabinets, sideboards and Viennese chairs with curved legs will naturally look best here.

Also, such an interior can be supplemented with all sorts of small details: paintings in gilded or wooden frames, light figurines, vases, etc.

The lack of strict rules for decorating interiors in pink tones has led to the growth in popularity of such coatings not only in modern designs, but also in interiors focused on old themes.

It is noteworthy that pink wallpapers are also suitable for men: restrained and light colors of this type help to relax or tune in to creative work therefore suitable for romantic and creative personalities.

Sensible use of pink tones, compliance with the measure in the use of bright contrasting colors, as well as the correct and harmonious of all shades - these are the key factors in creating a stylish and interesting design, which will turn out no worse than the masterpieces of professionals.

Use in design

When decorating a room with pink wallpaper, it is extremely important to decide what the end result of your work should be. Wallpaper of this type can have several shades (for example, bright pink tones, crimson and colors, delicate and close to skin tones).

Depending on your choice, they will create a variety of effects:

Pink wallpaper in the living room use to decorate all walls or transform individual surfaces. Such shades will harmoniously fit into any modern interior (modern, hi-tech, minimalism), and delicate colors can emphasize the features of such trends as classic or Provence.

Advice: by complementing the interior with pink wallpaper with appropriate accessories and paraphernalia, you can create an imitation of oriental themes. In addition to stylized interior items, oriental style can be emphasized with bright inserts of red and burgundy shades on some walls in the room.

If you dilute light pinks with other, more muted and neutral tones (like beige, gray or brown), you can create a design that men will also like. Dark wood furniture is often used in such rooms. In general, pinks are unlimited possibilities for subsequent decoration, since furniture of any tone and style is suitable for such shades.

This type of wallpaper in the bedroom symbolize comfort and harmony, so they are often used to decorate all walls. The use of pink girls is especially relevant.

Method number 3: rooms with dark pink wallpaper and light furniture. In order for the interior items to look harmonious in this case, use curtains of light shades that match the color scheme of the furniture.

Method number 4: bright interiors. What curtains are suitable for pink wallpaper if the whole room is decorated in fairly light colors, and even among the furniture there are no dark accents? In this case, it is advisable to complement the design with bright or dark elements: choose plain curtains in cold shades or light options with bright patterns and ornaments.

In a soft pink environment, it is desirable to maintain an appropriate atmosphere., therefore, curtains and curtains should be made of lightweight materials (for example, tulle). Using pink wallpaper in the interior and correctly combining shades, you can achieve the creation of a romantic, gentle and calm atmosphere that will delight you and your loved ones.

Pink is a symbol of love and tenderness. Designers love shades of pink for its softness, versatility, and compatibility with many other shades. Pink wallpapers harmoniously look in the girl's room in combination with children's furniture in delicate pastel shades. However, this color is not completely girlish. Properly selected accessories, light and colors will allow pink wallpaper to present the interior of the bedroom and living room. The only exception is the design of the office: in this room, pink wall paintings will look pretentious and ridiculous.

Choosing wallpaper for the walls

  • shade - too bright or, conversely, dull colors can irritate;
  • patterns - in the bedroom it is better to glue pink wallpapers in small light patterns or plain ones;
  • material - in a room where you spend a lot of time, it is recommended to glue paper sheets, as they are more environmentally friendly;
  • roll size - before buying wall coverings, find out the exact square of the room;
  • characteristics of the room - pastel-colored wallpapers with cute patterns are suitable for a nursery; more dense and visually heavy options will fit into the interior of the living room.

The catalog contains paintings by the best manufacturers: Rasch, Anna French, Architector, Paravox, Filpassion, etc.

How to order materials?

To buy your favorite wall coverings, place an order through the basket or by phone. 8 800 500-75-13. After agreeing the order with our manager, make payment in a convenient way for you. After receiving the payment, we will send the order to the address you specified.