How to grow soybean expert advice. Soybean cultivation technology. General information and benefits of soy

T traditional soybean cultivation technology


Soybeans are best planted in weed-free fields with optimal nutrient and moisture supplies. Suitable precursors for soybeanscereals, corn, sugar beets, potatoes, perennial grasses. Unsuitable - other leguminous crops and perennial leguminous grasses (inhabitants of the same root rot pathogens) and cultures - animators of sclerotinia pathogens, such as sunflower or cabbage crops. Part of the crops susceptible to sclerotinosis (sunflower, rapeseed) in the crop rotation should not exceed 33%.

In turn, soybean is an excellent predecessor for winter wheat and other cereals, corn, rapeseed, fodder and vegetable crops.

Soil preparation

The main cultivation of the soil consists of carrying out one or two peelings to a depth of 8–10 cm, fertilizing, plowing, to a depth of 22–25 cm after grain predecessors and to a depth of 25–30 cm after corn. Early spring tillage begins with harrowing with heavy, medium or light harrows, as well as trails, reamers, trailing harrows when the soil is physiologically ripe. They harrow across or at an angle to the direction of plowing in 1-2 tracks. Pre-sowing treatment should be minimal and at the same time ensure the destruction of seedlings and weed shoots, moisture conservation, additional field leveling, and fertilizer application.

On clean, leveled fields since autumn, after early spring harrowing, the soil is not cultivated before sowing. On winter fields not leveled since autumn, littered with wintering weeds or carrion and with a long cold spring, it is necessary to cultivate to a depth of 6–8 cm with the next rolling. The latter increases the temperature of the seed layer by 1.5–3° With and stimulates the germination of weeds, which will be destroyed by the next pre-sowing cultivation. Pre-sowing cultivation is carried out with steam or beet cultivators with flat-cut shares to a depth of 4–5 cm in an aggregate with harrows or trailing harrows or combined units. Cultivation is carried out across or at an angle to the direction of previous cultivations.

The field surface needs to be level and free of clods as the low placement of the beans requires a low cut when harvesting. The height of the ridges and the depth of the furrows should not exceed 4 cm.

During the pre-sowing cultivation, soil herbicides are applied. They can also be applied after sowing to the emergence of seedlings with embedding into the soil with harrows to a depth of at least 3 cm, as a result of which the effectiveness of nitrogen-fixing bacteria increases.

Application of soil herbicides

Weeds can be delayed by 30–40 days by applying soil herbicides. For their successful action, the soil must have a finely cloddy structure, and in its upper layer there must be moisture. Taking this into account, it is technologically easier to apply soil herbicides on irrigated lands: they are applied under water charging irrigation.

Soil herbicides are usually applied together with pre-sowing cultivation. On soybean crops, preparations based on the following active ingredients are effective:

S - metolachlor




Dimethenamid P





These herbicides can also be applied after sowing the crop before the emergence of its seedlings with embedding into the soil with harrows to a depth of at least 3 cm. When applying soil herbicides based on the active ingredient acetochlor, it should be borne in mind that when they are introduced for pre-sowing cultivation, nodule bacteria can be almost completely destroyed, because it is better to introduce them only after sowing for harrowing.

It should also be borne in mind that the application of a soil herbicide with its incorporation into the soil after the application of a continuous herbicide can reduce the effectiveness of the latter. After all, the process of assimilation of glyphosate (the active substance of continuous herbicides) in plants with a long rhizome lasts up to two to three weeks, and the intervention of tillage tools can interrupt the weed plant, due to which the part of it undamaged by glyphosate will grow back.

It must also be taken into account that the residues that remain after the predecessor of corn complicate the application of soil herbicides. They need the structure of the soil to be finely cloddy, and the remains of corn do not allow this to be achieved. In regions with high rainfall, soil herbicides are washed out, and therefore the duration of their action is reduced. Then the crops will need more treatments with similar or insurance herbicides.

Application of fertilizers

For the formation of one centner of soybean seeds, 7.5 kg of nitrogen, 2.5 kg of phosphorus, 3.5 kg of potassium, 1 kg of magnesium, 2 kg of calcium, 0.4 kg of sulfur are required. The culture makes good use of the aftereffect of mineral and organic fertilizers, in symbiosis with nodule bacteria fixes molecular nitrogen from the air, absorbs hard-to-reach forms of phosphorus from the soil. Therefore, the doses and ratios of fertilizers are determined on the basis of soil analysis, based on the availability of nutrients in a particular field and the planned harvest on it. The supply of soil with nutrients also depends on the crop rotations characteristic of these fields. It is also necessary to take into account what kind of crop the predecessor formed: if it was high, then more fertilizers should be applied.

During the growing season, soybean consumes nutrients unevenly. Most of all, this happens during flowering, pod formation, and at the beginning of grain filling: during this period, 57.9–59.7% of nitrogen, 59.4–64.7% of phosphorus and 66–70% of potassium are consumed; from the beginning of grain loading to the end of ripening - respectively, 33.7-36.3%, 30.6-36 and 18.9-26.4%.

In a nitrogen fed critical period for soybeans - the second or third week after flowering; in phosphoric - the first month of her life. With a lack of phosphorus, such a phenomenon as abortiveness of seeds, abscission of beans can occur.

Soybean makes good use of the aftereffect of mineral and organic fertilizers; in symbiosis with nodule bacteria, it fixes molecular nitrogen (60-70% of the requirement). Doses and ratios of fertilizers are calculated based on the availability of nutrients in the soil and the planned harvest. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are best applied under the main cultivation of the soil. Starting doses of fertilizers are applied during sowing, or separately from seeds during sowing. Average consumption rates of nutrients of mineral fertilizers (kg of active ingredient) for the creation of a unit of soybean production (per 1 ton of grain in the Steppe zone) N-64, P2O5-78, K2O-15.

Method calculation norms fertilizer :

D = At * H * Kp / WITH ; de -

D annual norm fertilizer c / hectares , physical masses ;

IN planned harvest , T / ha ;

H standards expenses d . V . from mineral fertilizer on 1 T products , kg ;

Kp corrective coefficient on security soil nitrogen , phosphorus , potassium ;

WITH content current substances V mineral fertilizer %.

Seeds are treated with rhizotorfin in a semi-moist way on the day of sowing in covered areas, in barns or in the shade, where direct sunlight does not reach. Treated seeds are sown throughout the day.At present, three forms of bacterial fertilizer preparations are presented for sale in Ukraine: liquid, dry vermiculite, dry peat. Dry forms can be sterile and non-sterile, which affects the period of their storage and use. Most often, liquid forms are suitable for use within 14-30 days, dry forms - from 6 months to 2 years (sterile).For the most part, the hectare norm of bacterial preparations is 200 g (ml) + 500-800 ml of water per 80-120 kg of seeds. Bacterial preparations of nodule bacteria are produced at the Institute of Agricultural Microbiology (Chernigov) and its Crimean branch, as well as at Evpatoria Biofactory OOO"SHP" Niva ". Also, distribution companies sell similar drugs of imported origin (ABM inoculant, Optimaize, and so on).


Soybean seeds require a significant amount of moisture to germinate. For swelling and normal germination of seeds, 130-160% of water from their mass is required. It is better to sow soybeans when the top seed layer of soil is warmed up to a temperature of 10-15 Co. When choosing the sowing time, the presence of moisture in the seed layer of the soil is taken into account, depending on the growing zone. Usually this is the third decade of April - the first and second decade of May.At earlier dates, the period of seed germination is extended, seedlings for a longer period are susceptible to the infectious influence of pathogens of root diseases (Rhizoctonia Diaporthe spp., etc.), in addition, the likelihood of crop contamination with weeds increases.

They begin to sow from later-ripening varieties and finish with early-ripening ones. For the most early-ripening varieties, the recommended row spacing is 15–45 cm, for late-ripening varieties - 15 - 45–70 cm. The seeding rate depends on the variety type and methods of weed control, and the sowing method. With a decrease in row spacing, the seeding rate increases by 10–20%.

With a row spacing of 15 cm 1 m2is 666 cm row, at 30 cm - 333 cm, 45 cm - 222 cm, 60 cm - 167 cm, 70 cm - 143 cm. For ultra-early varieties (Annushka, Anastasia, Bilyavka), the seeding rate is in accordance with the row spacing: 15 cm - 0.95 - 1.0 million viable seeds / ha (14-15 pcs per 1 linear meter), 30 cm - 0 .8 -0.85 million viable seeds/ha (24-25 pcs per 1 linear meter), 45 cm - 0.7-0.75 million viable seeds/ha (32-34 pcs per 1 linear meter).For early ripe varieties (Seriba Ruta, Mavka), the seeding rate is in accordance with the row spacing: 15 cm - 0.85 - 0.9 million viable seeds / ha (13-14 pcs per 1 linear meter), 30 cm - 0, 7 -0.75 million viable seeds/ha (21-23 pcs per 1 linear meter), 45 cm - 0.6 -0.65 million viable seeds/ha (27-29 pcs per 1 linear meter).For mid-early and mid-season varieties (Antoshka, Smuglyanka, Atlanta), the seeding rate is in accordance with the row spacing: 15 cm - 0.7 - 0.75 million viable seeds / ha (11-12 pcs per 1 linear meter), 30 cm - 0.6 - 0.65 million viable seeds/ha (18-20 pcs per 1 linear meter), 45 cm - 0.5 - 0.55 million viable seeds/ha (23-25 ​​pcs per 1 linear meter) ), 60 cm - 0.45 - 0.5 million germinating seeds / ha (27-30 pcs per 1 linear meter), 70 cm - 0.40 - 0.45 million germinating seeds / ha (28-32 pcs per 1 running meter).On the best soils choose a smaller one, on light soils - a higher rate. If weed control is carried out in a mechanized way (post-emergence harrowing, inter-row cultivation), then the seeding rate is increased by 10–15%.

Seeds are sown pickled and inoculated with nodule bacteria (rhizotorfin). As a rule, it is dressed before sowing, and inoculated during sowing. Only dressing with a fungicide based on the active ingredient benomyl can be combined with inoculation on the day of sowing.

Methodology calculation norms sowing seeds

Hb = G * M / P ; P = WITH * H /100; de -

Hb - seeding rate, kg / ha;

G - density standing plants , million . PC . / ha ;

M - weight 1000 seeds , G ;

P - sowing suitability seeds ,%;

WITH - germination seeds ,%;

H - purity seeds ,%.

For sowing, you can use seeders of domestic and foreign production, providing the appropriate seeding rate. The depth of seed placement is 3-4 cm in moist soil, when the top sowing soil layer dries up, it is increased to 5-6 cm.

Crop care

When caring for crops next to chemical protection, the technology provides for a system of agrotechnical means of weed control. Soybean crops can be harrowed 3-4 days after sowing, when its seeds are just hatching, and the weeds are in the phase"white thread". Soybean tolerates harrowing easily, only the curved knee phase, which occurs 2-3 days before germination, is critical for harrowing.

On soybean crops, depending on the infestation, 1-2 post-emergence harrowings are also carried out, and the first time, when the plants are well rooted and reach a height of 10-12 cm. The first harrowing is carried out when the soybean has reached the phase of the first trigeminal leaf, the second - to the third trigeminal leaf. It is better to perform this agricultural technique in the second half of the day (then soybean plants are less injured) across or diagonally to the direction of the rows.Pre-emergence harrowing reduces weediness by 40-50%, post-emergence - by 50-60, and pre-emergence + post-emergence - by 65-75%.

When harrowing before germination, the speed of the unit should not exceed 6 km / h, for seedlings - 5 km / h.

Later, one or two inter-row cultivation treatments may be required. Very weedy areas are weeded in rows by hand.

The timing of inter-row treatments and their number depend on the appearance of weeds. During the growing season, 2-4 inter-row cultivations are usually carried out, the last - no later than the budding phase.

Application of insurance herbicides

Soybean grows relatively slowly in the first weeks of its growing season, and weeds successfully compete with it for moisture, nutrients, and light use. The development of soybean plants is characterized by the fact that at first, after the appearance of the first trigeminal leaf, the active formation of the root system occurs. Until it is formed to the proper level, the above-ground mass of plants develops slowly. During this period, soybeans are especially vulnerable to danger from weeds. First, their cereal species develop on its crops, then dicotyledons. Sowing against dicotyledonous weeds is treated when soybean has 1-3 trigeminal leaves, and against cereals - regardless of the phase of crop development, but usually to the phase of 5-7 leaves, that is, before flowering.

Permitted preparations based on such active substances are used against cereal weeds:

- Quizalofop-p-ethyl (Targa Super)

- Cletodima (Select)

- Fluazifop-p-butyl (Fusilade Forte)

- Quizalofop-R-tefuril

- Propachysafop (Shogun)

- Setoxydim

- Imazetapir (Pivot)

- Imazamox (Pulsar 40)

against dicots:

- Bentazon (bazagran)

- Tifensulfuron-methyl (Harmony)

- Imazetapir (Pivot)

- Imazamox (Pulsar 40)

- Imazetapir + chlorimuron-ethyl (Fabian)

If there are both dicotyledonous and cereal weeds in the crop, then tank mixtures should be used, selecting herbicides for the spectrum that is characteristic of a particular field. But we must remember that the use of herbicides in tank mixes can inhibit soybean plants, so to avoid this, it is better to do separate treatments.

After the appearance of the third trigeminal leaf, the use of herbicides against dicotyledonous weeds is no longer recommended, but this group can be controlled by inter-row mechanical cultivation.

Herbicides based on the active ingredients imazetapir and imazamox are used against both cereals and dicotyledonous weeds. They are applied to sowing, before germination and after germination of soybeans in the phase of up to 2-3 true leaves, but not more than once every three years (on the same field. In the first year after the application of the herbicide based on the active ingredient imazetapir, it is not recommended to sow cereal crops. Also, these herbicides have restrictions on those drugs that can be applied to these fields later.

There are also warnings regarding the use of herbicides based on the active ingredient thifensulfuron-methyl. Even in small doses, they can slow down the growth and development of soybeans for up to two weeks, prolong its vegetation period. And the maximum allowed dose, and even in a tank mixture with an anti-grass herbicide, can cause significant damage to soybean plants.

The frequency of application of insurance herbicides is determined by weather conditions: if after their application it started to rain for two or three days, it became warmer, then this can provoke a new wave of annual weeds, and hence the need to use insurance herbicides again.

Protection of soybean crops from diseases

Soybean plants can be affected by a number of diseases. In particular, these are fusarium, ascochitosis, bacteriosis, sclerotinia, downy mildew (peronosporosis), bacterial burn, soybean yellow mosaic, etc. diseases can not be called threatening. As a preventive measure to combat fungal and bacterial diseases of soybeans, deep autumn plowing and complete incorporation of plant residues, which are the source of infection, are highly effective.This significantly reduces the likelihood of infection with ascochitosis, peronosporosis and other diseases. In the fields where fusarium is detected, soybeans cannot be sown earlier than after 3-4 years.

The health of soybeans is affected by the observance of all agrotechnical measures: from optimal sowing dates to optimal harvesting dates. After all, if soybeans are sown very early and in cold soil, the period from sowing to germination will increase, which will provoke seed damage by pathogens, seed rotting may occur. Therefore, diseases are more often manifested precisely in early crops. On the other hand, a delay in harvesting can lead to damage to the seeds by mold fungi.

In wet years, diseases are strongly manifested in late-ripening varieties, the harvesting dates of which are postponed to October-November, as a result of which rotting of the crop may occur. The total losses from diseases in this case can be up to 30% of the grown crop.

Since soybean seeds often carry many pathogens, resistant varieties should be used for planting, healthy seed material should be carefully selected, and seeds should be dressed using the recommended preparations. These drugs are based on such active substances:


- Complex salt of iodine

Fludioxonil + metalaxyl-M


You can also use bacterial preparations, the so-called bioprotectors, which do not allow pathogenic microflora to develop on the plant and reduce the degree of damage to their diseases. Treatment of seeds with a preparation of nodule bacteria - rhizotorfin - also has a healing effect on seeds.

When choosing a protectant, it should be borne in mind that when combined with bacterial preparations, the effectiveness of the latter can significantly decrease, so it is better to use chemical protectants earlier, and bacterial preparations on the day of sowing. Benomyl-based protectants can be used simultaneously with treatment with biological products: this chemical is safe for nodule bacteria.

On soybean crops, when the first signs of ascochitosis, peronosporosis appear on the leaves, spray with Bordeaux liquid (4 kg / ha for a copper preparation. The cost of working fluid during ground treatments should be 300-400 l / ha.

Protecting soybean crops from pests

More damage to soybean crops by pests is observed in dry years at high air temperatures. Such conditions are more typical for the southern and central steppe regions of Ukraine. Soybeans are damaged by many types of pests at all stages of organogenesis, but significant losses can be caused first by acacia moth, bugs, leaf-grown butterfly caterpillars, and spider mites.

Influence of pests during germination.

Germinating seeds in the soil and seedlings can damage larvae of sprout flies, wireworms, larvae of horn beetles, caterpillars of nibbling scoops. Damaged seeds can quickly rot and stop development. Crops are thinning, plant productivity is declining. Damage contributes to the penetration and development of fungal and bacterial diseases in plants.

Cotyledons and the first pair of true leaves can be damaged by various types of leaf-borne pests: gray beet and nodule weevil, green grasshopper larvae and locusts. During the entire growing season, sucking insects (bugs, thrips, aphids, cicadas) feed on soybean leaves. In warm weather, bugs are very active, mobile, fly between plants. For nutrition, they usually focus on the tops of plants, where they suck juices from young stems, buds and During cloudy and cold weather, they sit motionless under the leaves.

As management practice shows, if the seeds are dressed, these types of pests do not cause significant damage to soybean crops.

Influence of pests during flowering and pod formation

Various types of caterpillars from the families of scoops, hvylivok, winter, she-bear leafworms damage the trigeminal leaves of the culture. The most common pest on soybean leaves is the gamma scoop caterpillar.

Cobweb nests may be visible on the plants, in which the caterpillars of the American white butterfly feed. Leaf roller caterpillars feed in the leaf tube, for which they bend up and fasten the edge of the leaf with cobwebs or connect several sheets together.

The spider mite in Ukraine is the most numerous in the south. It is a polyphage found on more than 40 plant species; it damages vegetables, melons, soybeans and beans. On soybeans, it extends from the budding phase to full ripeness. Adults and tick larvae suck the juice from the leaves, as a result of which transpiration in the leaf apparatus increases significantly, the water balance is disturbed, the content of chlorophyll, xanthophyll and carotene decreases, and photosynthesis stops.The female tick lives up to 40 days, laying 3 to 8 eggs on the underside of leaves every day. As the temperature rises, the intensity of oviposition increases. During the growing season, the tick can give up to 10-12 generations. The optimal temperature for tick development is 29-31 0 C. Optimum air humidity - 35-55%. Humidity over 80% inhibits the development and reproduction of spider mites. The number of mites on soybeans increases until August, and since September, due to worsening weather conditions, it decreases.

The economic threshold of harmfulness for the spider mite is 2-3 specimens per leaf before flowering or 10 specimens during the formation and filling of beans. For the fight, drugs based on the active substance BI-58 new (dimethoate, zolon (fosalone), karate (lambda-cyhalothrin) are used. Up to two treatments are carried out during the growing season.

A surge in the number of the pest is observed after the harvesting of cereals, which is associated with its relocation to other vegetative crops.

Caterpillars of the stem corn borer can cause great harm to soybean stalks. In Ukraine, this insect is most common on the Right Bank. Butterfly caterpillars are polyphagous, damaging more than 150 plant species, including corn, millet, soybean hops, etc. Soybeans gnaw through passages inside the stems.

Pests of generative organs

Beans and soybean seeds damage caterpillars of the second and third generations of the acacia moth. The first generation of the pest develops on yellow and white acacia. In Ukraine, this species is most common in the Steppe and in the south of the Forest-Steppe, where it causes significant damage. At the end of the flowering of soybeans - at the beginning of the filling of beans, that is, in late July - early August, butterflies of the summer generation lay their eggs on soybeans and other legumes. caterpillars penetrate inside beans, where they live for a month, partially or completely eating away the seeds.

The number of moths and its harmfulness increases in dry years. The proximity of soybean crops to plantings of yellow and white acacia contributes to a greater colonization of beans.

If the pest began to appear, then you need to take immediate measures to combat it: first, carry out edge processing of the fields where they border on the settlement zones. By mass flight, all crops should be processed. It is necessary at least twice a week to travel around the fields and examine the state of settlement. Since the moth is a nocturnal moth, this is done at night: using a net, according to the methodology, the pest is accounted for. It is necessary to inspect the plants: is there an egg-laying there. It is also worth listening to the reports of plant protection stations, which carry out relevant observations and give recommendations.

Soybeans also damage caterpillars of the alfalfa cutworm, which is more common in the forest-steppe. Females of the pest of the first generation lay their eggs at the end of May, and females of the second generation - in the second half of July. In July-August, caterpillars feed mainly on the generative organs of various plants, including those on soybeans. The optimal conditions for the development of cutworms are hot, dry weather.

Settling by a scoop occurs when the predecessor culture was struck. The potential harmfulness of the cutworm is determined by examining the soil for the presence of pupae in it: in the period up to July 15-25, such studies can determine the presence and density of the population.

Under favorable weather conditions for pests, the acacia moth and alfalfa cutworm can destroy up to 50% of the crop within a week, which was shown in the 2007 experience. The reduction of losses from them will be facilitated by measures such as growing early ripening varieties, harvesting at optimal times and its rapid threshing, deep autumn plowing of fields after legumes, the right choice of crop rotations, chopping plant residues remaining on the field for the winter, and the use of recommended insecticides. At the beginning of the revival, caterpillars use preparations based on the active substance BI-58 new (dimethoate), zolon (fozalon), sherpa (cypermethrin). Processing is carried out with an interval of 7-12 days. With a large population of pests, up to three treatments may be required.

When planning measures to combat pests in soybean crops, it should be borne in mind that in the period after the closing of rows of crops, it is not advisable to use ground equipment (sprayers), there is a high risk of damage to the crops by the running system of the unit. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to the services of chemical aviation.


It is carried out in the phase of full ripeness at a moisture content of 14-16% in order to prevent injury to seeds at a lower humidity. Soybeans are harvested by direct combining.

Soybean is one of the most popular varieties of cultivated crops.

The volumes of soybean cultivation and processing reach enormous proportions. The raw material is used for many food purposes, as it is a versatile substitute for animal products. In addition, it is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Growing soybeans not only provides profit in the form of finished products, but also significantly improves the condition of the soil by processing nitrogen into a mineral form. This helps to increase the yield of crops that are planned to be grown after soybeans.

Composition and history

The chemical composition of soy is rich in vitamins and minerals. 100 grams of seeds contains:

  • calcium - 0.35 g;
  • potassium - 1.6 g;
  • magnesium - 0.23 g;
  • phosphorus - 0.6 g;
  • sulfur - 0.25 g;
  • chlorine - 0.06 g
  • zinc - 2 mcg;
  • nickel - 314 mcg;
  • silicon - 0.18 g.

In addition, it also contains vitamins of group B, vitamin PP, A, E. However, even this is not important in soy. The high yield of this agricultural crop, and most importantly, the increased protein content, explains the love for this plant from time immemorial.

According to scientists, soy began to be cultivated as a cultivated plant no later than the 10th-11th century BC. China is considered the birthplace of this culture. In later times, it came to the territory of Korea and Japan, and only by the end of the 17th century began to be grown in Europe, and from the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th - in America.

In addition, soy has proven to be a very convenient material for genetic modification. The transnational concern Monsanto, engaged in the release to the market of genetically modified crops, first introduced its products in 1996. And it was soybean seeds. Since then, work on the creation of genetically modified soy continues to this day.

Dates and rates of soybean sowing

Soy can germinate even at +6…+7°С. But too early sowing is also not recommended, as there is a huge risk of clogging with weeds, which inhibits the growth of soybeans and reduces the amount of yield obtained. However, if sown later than required, temperature stresses and droughts can significantly reduce yields. Therefore, the most optimal period for sowing this crop is the end of April - the beginning of May. However, in any case, it is necessary to focus on the climate of a particular region and the weather conditions at the time of sowing.
Seeding rates vary depending on the variety:

early - 700-800 thousand pieces / ha
mid-season - 700 thousand pieces / ha
late-ripening - 400-500 thousand pieces / ha

Soybeans do not like shading, so the width between the rows should be sufficient so that the bushes can grow normally. It can be grown on soils of any type with moderate moisture, except for heavy clay.

The process of preparing and sowing soybeans

Soybean sowing technology requires increased attention to soil preparation. The sowing campaign includes thorough plowing of the soil to a depth of at least 23 cm. It is necessary to properly clean the fertile layer from the remnants of the roots of the predecessors. After corn, the plowing depth increases to 27-30 cm. In the case of a large weediness of the field, layer-by-layer soil treatment with herbicides is used. During sowing, they try to keep the soil moisture as best as possible. In case of insufficient soil moisture during sowing, additional watering is carried out, for example, with the help of agricultural aviation. Soybean sowing can be done in the following ways:

normal lowercase - 15; 22.5 and 30 cm;
narrow row - 7.5 cm;
wide-row - 45-70 cm;

The most effective ways are wide-row and lowercase. This is especially true when sowing mid-season varieties that branch well and grow strongly. For early ripe varieties, the row spacing is reduced. Soybean sowing depth is 2.5-4 cm, but under conditions of insufficient moisture, sowing is carried out at a depth of 5-7 cm.
To increase the yield and resistance to diseases, it is necessary to carry out pre-sowing preparation of seeds. To do this, they are treated with drugs that prevent the reproduction of pathogens. The use of untreated seeds significantly reduces the quantity and quality of grown products. You need to choose the right predecessors. You can not sow soybeans after sunflower, legumes, rapeseed, buckwheat, Sudanese grass.
There is also the application of mineral fertilizers, which correct the chemical composition of the soil, making it more favorable for good growth and development of plants. Fertilizers are applied to the soil during the spring pre-sowing plowing, as well as in the autumn period of preparation for sowing.

Crop care

In order for soybean cultivation to give the best possible results, you need to monitor the level of soil moisture. Soy is drought tolerant, but overly damp soil is detrimental to it. To control weeds, it is necessary to carry out pre-emergence harrowing 3-4 days after sowing. Soy tolerates this process well. The first shoots begin in 7-10 days. After the appearance of two to four true leaves, if necessary, the cultivation of row spacing is carried out. In addition, care for soybean crops also includes pest and disease control. The most common types of diseases that can affect soybeans are:

  • yellow mosaic;
  • wrinkled mosaic;
  • cotyledon bacteriosis;
  • bacterial burn;
  • bacterial wilt;
  • soy phomopsis.

Symptoms of these diseases are manifested in the form of spots on the stems and leaves, twisting, wilting, drying out, blackening of the base of the stem. To combat these diseases, drugs Tyramine, Benomyl, fludioxonil + metalaxyl M are used. In combination with these protectants, biological preparations are also used that make chemical seed treatment safe.
In addition to diseases, soybean crops are attacked by harmful insects that can completely destroy all plants:

  • spider mite;
  • scoop-gamma;
  • stable scoop;
  • acacia moth;
  • soy leaf beetle;
  • meadow moth;
  • potato aphid;
  • soy yolk;
  • nodule fly;
  • soy codling moth;
  • soy aphid.

Most often, insects are activated during the dry period, with the wrong neighborhood of plants, with an excess of soil moisture, with improper fertilizer. To combat these pests, there are many insecticides, such as Karbofos, Zolon, Metaphos, Nurell and others. In addition, an effective way to prevent insect damage is high-quality, deep plowing of the soil, which destroys the nests of these pests.

Harvesting technology

Harvesting of soybeans begins with all signs of the onset of technical ripeness - the stem becomes dry and brittle, the pods are completely dry, but do not crack yet, the seeds make noise when the pod is shaken. Harvesting is carried out in a mechanized way, namely by direct combining with a low cut. Dry and warm weather is a must during this process. At the time of threshing, the moisture content of the seeds should be 14-16%. After threshing, soybean seeds are cleaned, sized and dried to a moisture content of 12-14%. With this indicator, soybeans are stored in a granary. If, for some reason, the humidity level exceeds the allowable value, a 5-6 hour forced drying of the grain is carried out.
The shelf life of soybeans directly depends on the air temperature in the storage, and the lower, the longer the period. At +4°C grain can be stored for up to 15 months, at +20°C - 12 months. Air humidity - not higher than 60%. The room must be clean, well ventilated, disinfected, protected from mold and insects.

Scope of soy

To this day, there are heated discussions of scientists about the dangers or benefits of soy. There is an opinion that it accelerates the sexual development of children, causes early aging, changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, and other very unpleasant consequences. Like it or not, scientists have to prove, but while they are arguing, soybean is taking an increasing place in the sown areas and finding new areas of application.
When preparing products from soy, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology. What can be made from raw materials:

  • sausage products;
  • margarine;
  • infant formula (milk substitutes);
  • soy flour (and from it soy milk, cottage cheese, bakery products);
  • a drink similar to coffee;
  • cosmetic products (shampoos, hair dyes, creams);
  • paint and varnish products;
  • drugs against anemia, dietary supplements to restore energy.

This is not the whole list of what can be made from soy. Cake, which remains after squeezing the seeds, is used as an additive in feed for various animals. Soy can also be grown right in the garden of your dacha, and eaten boiled, stewed. For diabetics, soy is a good food because it is low in carbohydrates. In addition, it is rich in calcium, which is beneficial to a person at any age. Soybean sprouts - salvation for beriberi. Naturally, it is possible to benefit from this crop only if it is grown and prepared correctly.
The most popular soybean varieties grown in Russia:

  • Sonata;
  • Lydia
  • Harmony;
  • Sunset;
  • Okskaya;
  • Altom;
  • Lyra;
  • Belgorod;
  • Medea;
  • Currency;
  • Annushka.

And this is not all varieties that are grown in the vastness of Russia. New ones are constantly being developed that are more resistant to diseases, optimized for frequent weather changes, and adapted to the conditions of certain regions.

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Botanical characteristics of soy

Soybean is an annual plant with a coarse tap root penetrating to a depth of 1.5-2 m. Long lateral roots extend from the tap root. Plant height ranges from 20 cm to 1.5 m and depends on the soybean variety and growing conditions. The stem is straight, thick or thin, curly in some varieties.

Lateral branches extend from the central stem in the lower half or third of it. In some forms they are located in one plane, in others in several. In some forms, lateral branches develop branches of the second order.

The stem and lateral branches end either in a rough top with a flower brush, or an elongated thin top bearing leaves. The first is characteristic of forms with straight, coarse stems and side branches, the second is characteristic of forms with thin curly stems.

The whole plant is usually covered with pubescence. Its coloration is yellow and white. The pubescence is short, felt, dense, long, spaced, very sparse, appressed.

The fruit is a bean; like the rest of the plant is covered with hairs. There are small beans, 3-4 cm long, medium - 4-5 cm and large, reaching 6-7 cm in length. Beans are straight, xiphoid and crescent. Mature beans are yellow, red, light brown, number per plant ranging from 10 to 400. Depending on the botanical form, the beans crack or remain closed when ripe.

A bean contains from one to four grains. Their absolute weight ranges from 38 to 520 g. The diameter of small grains is 5-5.4 mm, medium 6-7 mm and large 9.5-9.8 mm. Coloring is yellow, green, brown, black and two-tone (marble). The hem of the grains also comes in various colors: brown, black, brown, light brown or colorless. The shape of the grains is spherical or oval, convex or flat.

environmental requirements

Soy is a typical tropical plant, native to Southeast Asia with long frost-free periods and humid, warm summers. Therefore, soybean cultivation is best achieved in areas that, in terms of their climatic conditions, approach the areas of its main distribution area.

Soybean development requires a sum of temperatures from 2000 to 3000 0 C, with the number of frost-free days at least 120-150, at an average daily temperature of at least 15 0 C. The highest requirements forwarmth soybeans present during flowering and ripening of beans. For the normal passage of these phases, an average temperature of 18-22 0 C. A relatively high temperature is also necessary for seed germination: the optimum temperature is 15-20 0 C, and the minimum temperature is in the range of 10-12 0 C. Spring frosts at 1-2.5 0 With soy transfers easily and does not freeze, lingering only a few in growth. Autumn frosts beat the leaves, but if frosts occur shortly before ripening, then the latter ends normally.

Soy, as a southern plant, requires a short day. With a shortening of the day, it sharply shortens the growing season. With a short day, there is an acceleration of the flowering time, but the filling and ripening of the beans is delayed. With a long day, the flowering time is greatly slowed down.

Various influenceday length on the course of soybean development is expressed in the fact that the photoperiod determines not only the development process, but also growth phenomena, as well as processes associated with accelerating or delaying the aging of the plant's green tissue. Under the influence of a long day, received by the plant at the beginning of development or during the entire growing season, the yellowing and fall of the leaves are accelerated, and therefore the filling and ripening of the beans pass faster. Under long day conditions, the last phases of development pass faster than under short day conditions.

The change in the processes of development and growth caused by the length of the day has a strong influence on the productivity of the plant. With an increase in the length of the day, with sufficient nitrogen nutrition, the plant significantly increases the number of nodes and pods, and consequently the number of grains. However, the absolute weight of grains decreases with increasing day length.

Soy belongs to the group of crops that are moderately drought tolerant. During the growing season, it consumes 3-4 times moremoisture than wheat. Soybean plants tolerate excess moisture more easily than drought. However, when waterlogged, the nitrogen-fixing activity of nodules is sharply inhibited.

For swelling and normal germination of seeds, 130-160% of water is required from their weight. From germination to flowering, soybeans are less demanding on moisture and tolerate drought relatively well. Soybean makes the greatest demands on moisture, as well as on temperature, during flowering and filling of beans.

Optimum soil moisture for soybeans is 70-80% of the maximum field moisture capacity, air - 70-75%.

Areas of sustainable soybean crops are characterized by wet summers, especially in the second half of the growing season.

Soy works well on everyonesoils , except for solonetzic, heavy and acidic, as well as waterlogged. The culture can be successfully cultivated on chernozem, chestnut and soddy-podzolic soils of different mechanical composition, and with a sufficient amount of nutrients - on sandy soils. The optimal soil acidity for soybeans is pH 6.0-7.0.

Cultivated, rich in humus and lime, well-fertilized, loose, easily warmed soils are most suitable for obtaining high yields of soybeans.

The best soils for soybean are well-structured, sufficiently moisture-intensive, with a thick root layer, highly fertile with an optimal supply of mobile elements of mineral nutrition, able to easily warm up, rich in humus, with the composition of the underlying rock. Based on the biological characteristics of soybean plants, tillage should be relatively deep. However, on eroded lands and when re-sowing on stubble predecessors, it is necessary to resort to its minimization for this crop.

Soybean predecessors in crop rotation

Soybean crops are placed in tilled links of crop rotations, in fields that are free from weeds, with sufficient reserves of moisture and nutrients in the soil. Such predecessors include winter and spring wheat, winter rye, barley, corn, potatoes, and vegetables.

Soybean as a legume, when introduced into crop rotation, contributes to an increase in the culture of agriculture and the yield of subsequent grain crops.

Soy is one of the best precursors for many crops. It improves the physical properties of the soil and, thanks to the activity of roots and nodule bacteria, loosens the soil, which contributes to better penetration of moisture, its economical use and an increase in the yield of subsequent crops of the crop rotation.

Sudanese grass, sunflower, and legumes that have common pests are considered bad predecessors for soybeans.

Soy is a good predecessor for grain, industrial, forage and other crops. Therefore, its introduction into crop rotation, proper alternation with other crops can improve the composition of predecessors, and consequently, crop rotation productivity, soil nitrogen balance, increase protein content and forage quality. It is placed no closer than 500 m from plantations of white and yellow acacia, as well as from crops of legumes, which have common pests and diseases with it.


into the system basic tillage includes stubble plowing and autumn plowing with a plow with a skimmer.

Stubble breaking is known to increase soybean yield. Peeling retains its importance if it is carried out correctly and in a timely manner: simultaneously with the harvesting of previous spike crops and no deeper than 5 cm. The best tool is a disc cultivator.

When carrying out the second work in the tillage system - plowing - the time and depth of plowing are of great importance for increasing soil fertility and soybean yield.

Autumn plowing is carried out with plows with skimmers (cultivated plowing), as early as possible. Late fall plowing reduces soybean yields.

The depth of autumn plowing is very important for soybean yield. Deep autumn plowing contributes to higher soybean yields than shallow, especially when carried out with plows with skimmers, in combination with preliminary stubble breaking.

Deeply plowed soil has a looser top layer throughout the growing season of plants, which ensures the conservation of soil moisture, good aeration of the soil and mobilization of nitrate nitrogen.

Also, deep plowing dramatically reduces the infestation of soybean crops.

Pre-sowing tillage.

A proper seedbed treatment system is closely related to a fall tillage system. On fallow-ploughed fields, the first tillage in early spring is carried out in order to create an insulating layer on the surface. The purpose of this layer is to retain soil moisture accumulated during the autumn-winter period.

On light and well-prepared soils since autumn, an insulating layer is created with a train or drags. These tools level the surface of the soil and do not spray it. In spring, they can be used earlier than harrows, shortly after the snow melts. On heavy, confluent soils, heavy harrows are used, which can achieve better cutting of the soil; both harrowing and sanding are carried out at an angle to the direction of the furrows.

In addition to this early spring tillage, in order to create a more powerful loose layer of soil for soybean sowing, cultivation is usually carried out with paw tools. Cultivation also clears the soil of weeds.

In areas with insufficient or unstable moisture, as well as in years with a dry spring, the topsoil often dries up. In these cases, when processing ploughland for soybeans, in addition to cultivation, rolling is used immediately before sowing. By rolling, the rise of water through the capillaries from the lower moist horizons of the soil to its upper layer is increased.

Seeds and sowing of soybeans

For sowing, it is necessary to use only well-sorted and evenly sized seeds with high germination and vigor of germination. Soybean seeds with a high content of protein and fat, under poor storage conditions, quickly lose field germination and reduce germination energy. Therefore, in the spring, the quality of the seed must be checked. Seeds must be well made, high specific gravity, free of quarantine weeds, live pests and their larvae that damage soybeans.

Large and medium seeds have higher sowing qualities and yields than small ones. For sowing, peeled seeds of the first and subsequent reproductions of zoned varieties are used. The highest grain yields are obtained when sown with seeds of the first class.

Sometimes after sowing there is a sharp decrease in temperature. Seeds and seedlings in cold soil are more affected by pathogenic microorganisms and do not germinate. To increase the field germination of seeds, they are treated against bacterial and fungal diseases with Fentiuram or other TMTD analogues before sowing. Soybean yield without seed treatment is lower than with seed treatment. Soybean seeds with moisture up to 14% can be dressed one to two months before sowing. Advance treatment with pesticides protects seeds from fungal and bacterial diseases, does not reduce germination and increases yield by 15%.

Plant growth stimulants and microfertilizers are also used for seed treatment. Such preparations help to increase the energy of seed germination, while soybean seedlings appear a few days earlier.

Since the treated seeds change flowability, it is necessary to check the setting of the seeder for the seeding rate. When using seeders with a pneumatic seed meter, seed treatment has little to no effect on the seed rate.

Sowing dates and seeding depth .

Soy is a thermophilic crop. Its seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 6 - 8 0 C. When sown in soil with such a temperature, the seeds swell quickly, but their germination is delayed and seedlings appear after 25-30 days. During this period, the Fusarium mycelium develops well and can cause Fusarium rot of seeds and seedlings. Field germination of seeds varies greatly depending on the timing of sowing. With excessively early or late sowing dates, 30.3 - 31% of the seeds do not germinate, so the crops are sparse.

Soybean sowing begins when the soil warms up well and the stable average daily temperature at the seeding depth reaches 10-14 0 C, bypasses the danger of spring frosts.

Sowing time depends not only on the temperature regime of the soil, the biological characteristics of varieties, but also on the duration of the growing season, rainfall, soil moisture and aeration. In conditions of good moisture supply, soybeans are sown at the optimum time, with good heating and soil moisture. In dry years, the best results are obtained by sowing early, which makes it possible to use the spring moisture reserves in the soil for swelling and germination of seeds. Late sowing in such conditions leads to the fact that the seeds fall into dry soil, some of them are affected by diseases, the rest do not germinate for a long time, the seedlings are sparse. With the optimal sowing time, the best development of plants is observed.

In addition, when sowing soybeans at the optimal time, the best conditions are created for weed control and the implementation of a complex of agrotechnical practices. The most effective herbicides for soybeans are Frontier 900 (1.2-1.6 liters per hectare), Harnes 90% (1.6-3.0 liters per hectare), Dual Gold 960EC (1.2-1.6 liters per hectare). hectare) and others. The noted herbicides are mainly used to control cereal weeds and apply them before sowing cultivation, or immediately before or after sowing (before soybeans appear) with harrows.

Fields that are free of weeds or when using high-performance herbicides can be sown earlier.

The value of the soybean yield depends on the combination of sowing dates, background fertilization and plant density.

The optimal soybean seed sowing depth in the main production areas is 4-5 cm, on light soils - 5-6 cm. When the top layer dries up on structural soils, it can be increased to 6-8 cm. during germination, soybean seeds are brought to the surface of the cotyledons. Deviation from the optimal depth dramatically reduces the yield.

Soybean seed sowing depth should be determined taking into account moisture, topsoil temperature, and seed quality. Shallow incorporation (2-4 cm) of seeds, as well as deep incorporation (8-10 cm), reduces the yield.

Optimum sowing time, combined with the correct depth of seeding and taking into account their sowing qualities, allows you to get friendly and full seedlings, good plant development, and a high grain yield.

Sowing methods and seeding rates.

Moisture conditions, biological characteristics of the variety, the degree and nature of the weediness of the field, the technical equipment of the farm determine the method of soybean sowing. It can be sown in wide rows with a row spacing of 45 cm with row planters or in the usual row method with grain or stubble planters.

The illumination of plants, the provision of moisture and nutrients depend on the area of ​​plant nutrition, which affects the leafiness and indicators of biometric measurements. With a decrease in the feeding area, the height of plants, their weight, stem diameter, the number of branches, pods and seeds decrease, and the height of attachment of the lower tier beans increases. With the optimal value of the feeding area, the main number of beans (61.5-70.6%) is formed on the main stem. On sparse crops, most of them (71.5%) are located on side branches. With an optimal feeding area, plants do not branch much, their shoots are formed in the internodes of the middle and upper tiers, where sunlight gets much more.

The biological requirements of the culture in relation to illumination are most consistent with ordinary row sowing due to the uniform distribution of plants over the area in comparison with wide-row sowing, where their mutual shading occurs due to the density of standing plants in a row (after 2-5 cm). This method is applicable to well-cultivated fields with a low degree of infestation and, as a rule, requires the application of effective herbicides to keep crops clean of weeds. Row sowing is more preferable for early ripe, weakly branched, low-growing varieties, especially in the northern areas of sowing, since it achieves more accelerated and uniform maturation of plants.

Crop care

For the good development of soybeans and obtaining a high yield, timely and thorough care of crops is of great importance. Throughout the growing season, care must be taken to ensure that the crops are clean from weeds, and the topsoil is loose. With such crop care, sufficient moisture and nutrients for plants are retained in the soil and good access to light and heat is provided. All this contributes to an increase in yield.

Depending on the conditions of the year, the weediness of the field and the possibilities of the farm, the care system may include a different set of agricultural practices:

- on wide-row crops without herbicides - 1-2 pre-emergence harrowing, 1-2 seedling harrowing and 2-3 row-spacing cultivation;

- with a large weediness, it is necessary to combine mechanical (harrowing, inter-row cultivation) and chemical (pre- and post-emergence application of herbicides) treatments;

– in a field clear of weeds, with conventional row sowing, it is only possible to apply harrowing before and after germination, but usually it is necessary to combine them with the use of soil (before germination) and auxiliary (after germination) herbicides.

Continuous cultivation of row crops, as well as harrowing, can be carried out if the length of the roots of the seeds does not exceed half the length of the seed and under the condition of deep seed placement. The cultivation depth is set to 2-3 cm shallower than the seeding depth and carried out along the sowing rows.

The seedlings are harrowed across the sowing rows in the phase of the first trifoliate soybean leaf at a plant height of 10-12 cm. The speed of movement should not exceed 4-5 km/h. It is best to carry out harrowing in sunny weather in the afternoon, when soybean plants are less brittle, and weed seedlings are well destroyed. The number of damaged soybean plants during harrowing before and after germination should be no more than 5 and 9%, and the number of dead weeds should be about 65-70%.

The first cultivation of row spacing is carried out 8-12 days after germination with good designation of rows to a depth of 5-6 cm with a protective zone width of 8-10 cm. During the first cultivation of row spacing, it is recommended to equip cultivators with one-sided razor blades and weeding harrows KRN-38. The second time the aisles are cultivated with lancet paws to a depth of 8-10 cm eight to ten days after the first, but no later than the formation of the second pair of trifoliate leaves, the protective zone is left 10-12 cm wide. The third and fourth times are treated taking into account weediness, precipitation, closing rows and compacting the soil. The last treatment between rows, which usually coincides with the beginning of soybean flowering, is carried out in combination with top dressing with mineral fertilizers.

The treatment of row spacing by cultivators not only destroys weeds, but also affects the formation of nodules on the roots of plants that fix nitrogen better under aerobic conditions and need good and constant air access.

Thus, the system of mechanized care of soybean crops includes pre-emergence harrowing of crops. After the emergence of seedlings and a good designation of the rows, a second harrowing is carried out with light harrows across the crop. The number of inter-row treatments and the timing of their implementation are set taking into account the presence of weeds: with a weak weediness and the use of effective herbicides, one or two treatments are carried out, with a strong weediness - two or three. During the first cultivation of row spacing, the soil is loosened in rows and protective zones with the help of row weeding harrows. Additionally, the soil is cultivated only when weeds appear or the topsoil is compacted.

In the processing of soybean row spacings, the most productive are wide-cut units, consisting of three mounted cultivators KRN-4.2 and a CH-75 hitch. When completing the units, it is necessary to match the working width of the weeding and sowing units.

With each treatment, the working bodies of the cultivators are set to a predetermined depth, adjusted and fixed. During operation, the razors and sweeps should completely cut weeds between rows, do not damage soybean plants, loosen the soil without forming ridges and furrows. Paws should overlap each other by at least 23 cm.

Chemical weed control

Herbicides make it possible to successfully control the main weeds in soybean crops. Pre-sowing, pre-emergence, post-sowing application of herbicides, as well as chemical weeding of predecessors are used. To date, a large number of drugs have been tested on soybeans. However, only a few of them destroy weeds without damaging cultivated plants.

Soybeans grow relatively slowly during the first weeks of their growing season. Therefore, weeds successfully compete with it for the consumption of moisture, nutrients, and the use of light. After the appearance of the first trigeminal leaf, the active formation of the soybean root system takes place. During this period, soybeans are especially vulnerable to danger from weeds. First, cereal species develop on its crops, then dicotyledons. Sowing is treated against dicotyledonous weeds when soybean has 1-3 trigeminal leaves, and against cereals - regardless of the phase of crop development, but usually to the phase of 5-7 leaves, that is, before flowering.

The following herbicides are used in soybean crops (l/ha): against dicotyledonous annual weeds - Bazagran, 48% w.r. – 1.5–3.0; Blaser 2C, 24% w.c. – 1.5–2.5; against annual grasses - Naboo, 20% a.e. – 1–3 l/ha; Poast, 20% a.e., 1–3; Prodifox, 28% a.e. - 3–3.5; Targa, 10% a.e. – 1–2; Furore, 9% a.e. – 0.8–1.2, etc.; against perennial grasses - Targa super, 5% a.e. – 2–3; Fusilad super, 12.5% ​​a.e. - 2–4, etc.

The recommended doses of herbicides for soybeans do not have a negative effect. Long-term, from year to year, the use of herbicides does not reduce the growth and development of soybean plants, the formation of nodules, the intensity of photosynthesis and productivity. Higher doses inhibit the nitrogen-fixing activity of nodules.

Soy pests and diseases

When cultivating soybeans, the fight against pests and diseases that affect this crop, worsen its living conditions and reduce yields is of great importance for obtaining high yields.

Soybean pests are extremely numerous - about 60 species, as well as diseases - 35 species. Viral diseases cause great metabolic disorders in plants, especially the protein complex.

- the most dangerous pest of soybeans. It damages plants especially strongly in dry years. Butterflies lay their eggs on emerging beans. Caterpillars after hatching gnaw through the valves and feed on young seeds. Acacia moth damages all varieties of soybeans. However, varieties are less damaged if the pod formation phase does not coincide with the period of the butterfly's summer and egg laying.

In spring, when seedlings appear, the beetles eat the edges of the leaves, the growing point and the cotyledon leaves. The larvae live in the soil and feed on the bacterial tissue of the nodules, which reduces the efficiency of nitrogen fixation, reduces the protein content in plants, and contributes to the damage to the roots by pathogens of various diseases.

Wireworm larvae gnaw through passages of various thicknesses in swollen seeds, seedlings and seedling stems, as well as in the basal part of the stem. In fields inhabited by this pest, the damage intensifies in years with a cold, long spring.

It settles and breeds mainly on the underside of the leaves, braiding them with a thin cobweb. It feeds on the juice of the leaves, causing them to turn yellow and fall off, accelerates ripening, reduces the weight of the plant, the number of beans and seeds in them. In the spring, overwintered individuals lay their eggs on weeds and cultivated plants, then move to soybean crops.

Soybeans are damaged by caterpillars. Eating the flesh of the leaves, they leave irregularly shaped holes, braiding them with a thin cobweb. The caterpillars hide in the leaves, rolling them up, making it difficult to fight them.

Bacteriosis of seeds and seedlings . The causative agent is chitonomus. This disease affects seedlings, leaves, stems, beans and seeds. Rounded spots with a dark dot in the center are first formed on the leaves, bordered by a narrow oiled or wider etiolated border. In the future, the spots merge. Drops of exudate appear on them from the underside in wet weather. Affected seeds have pale and yellow-brown, somewhat depressed spots and sores, a wrinkled shell without shine. Brown-brown spots also form on the hypocotyl knee. Seedlings from affected seeds thicken, bend and cannot break through to the surface. Sometimes affected seeds do not germinate at all. The bacteriosis is seed-borne and remains in the field with plant debris.

Fusarium.Several species are found on soybean crops, but most often - solarium physarium. This pathogen causes Fusarium shoots, seeds and root rot. With a strong infection, the seeds germinate and rot. Affected seedlings develop slowly, often dying before reaching the surface. When shoots appear from the affected seeds, large depressed brown ulcers develop on the cotyledons with sporulation on the surface. The development of the disease is facilitated by a decrease in temperature and soil compaction. Affected plants lag behind in growth, reduce productivity. Seed disease can also develop when stored in rooms with high humidity.

Ascochitosis.The pathogen infects seedlings, leaves, stems and leaves, stems and beans. Large rounded whitish spots with a dark rim appear on the affected plants. Somewhat later, dark fruiting bodies form in the central part of the spot - pycnidia with spores inside, which are usually arranged in concentric circles (a sign of the disease). When the fungus penetrates through the leaves of the bean to the seeds, they rot and become covered with mycelium. The development of the disease is promoted by increased humidity and thickening of the crop.

Sclerotinia, white rot . The causative agent is the fungus sclerotinia. White rot attacks stems, side branches, beans, seeds, or whole plants. Diseased plants wither and dry out, the tissue in the affected areas becomes discolored, rots and collapses. The beans become rotten, the seeds rot. In affected plants, the parenchymal tissue, core, and primary core rays are destroyed. The shape of the sclerotia is round, elongated and worm-shaped.

Rounded gray spotting. The causative agent is cercospora. On the cotyledons it appears as brown superficial spots or through brown ulcers with a dark brown rim. On the surface of the leaf there is a grayish coating of sporulation of the fungus. Rounded whitish-gray spots with a sharp brown rim are formed on the leaves, a dark gray bloom on the underside of the leaf. The spots on the stems are elongated, purple-red, darkening, with a grayish center and a brown rim, with weak sporulation. When the bean valves are affected by cercosporosis, the same spots develop on them as on the leaves. On infected seeds, irregularly rounded, convex or superficial yellowish spots of various sizes with a sharp brown rim are formed, or spots without a clearly defined border, dark brown with blurry edges. Sporulation appears only with an increase in seeds. With a strong development of cercosporosis, the spots merge, the leaves fall off, the germination of seeds decreases by 12-55%, the fat content - by 2-7, protein - by 4-5%.

Peronosporosis, downy mildew . The causative agent is the peronospore fungus. One of the most common diseases On the affected cotyledons from the upper and lower sides, a delicate, quickly disappearing plaque of sporulation of the fungus is formed. A grayish-violet felt coating develops on the leaves from the underside, which forms locally or completely covers the leaf tissue. On the upper side of the leaves in the affected areas, the tissue is initially light green, later turns brown and breaks. A profuse greyish-purple coating develops inside diseased beans. A creamy, easily scraped film of zoospores of the fungus forms on the seeds. The strongest development of downy mildew is observed during the bean-filling period (mid-August). Varieties with yellow and green seeds are more affected than those with black or brown seeds.

Refers to viral diseases. When the disease is observed mosaic coloring and deformation of the leaves. Diseased plants lag behind in growth, the ovaries dry up and fall off, sometimes the affected leaves twist down and inward, later they become leathery and covered with chlorotic spots that increase in size. The veins on such leaves turn brown.

Pest and disease control measures.

To reduce damage by pests and susceptibility to diseases, soybean crops are placed after the best predecessors (wheat, corn, winter rye, vegetables), at a distance of no closer than 500 m from legume crops and plantations of white and yellow acacia. Plowing under soybeans is carried out to a depth of 28-30 cm. Healthy large seeds of immune varieties are used for sowing. Before sowing, the seeds are treated with fentiuram (3-4 kg/t), 80% TMTD (3-4 kg/ha) or tigam (3-4 kg/ha). During the period of formation and filling of beans, crops are treated with systemic poisons every 10-12 days. During the growing season, diseased plants are removed from sowing. After harvesting, the seeds are cleaned, dried and stored in disinfected warehouses.

Soy harvest

The final result of growing this crop depends on the correct and timely harvesting of soybeans: the quantity and quality of products. Poor and untimely harvesting of crops can lead to significant yield losses and a decrease in its quality.

In soybeans, indicators of the harvesting period of most varieties are yellowing and falling of leaves, yellowing and browning of stems and beans. The grains in the beans make a noise when the plants are shaken. Seeds acquire the characteristic color and shape of this variety. Soybeans are harvested when the beans are fully ripe with combines.

Soybean, which is highly hygroscopic, is very sensitive to changes in the relative humidity of the air during the day. At the same time, it dries much easier on the vine than after harvesting. Wet grain spoils quickly. This should be kept in mind because soybean harvesting usually takes place in a wetter (late) period of the year than harvesting, for example, cereal crops. Soybean grain is very easily split along the plane of contact of the cotyledons and is much more crushed by mechanical impact.

To accelerate the ripening of soybeans, it is recommended to use chemical defoliation of crops. Soybeans are treated with defoliants at different times: in the green bean phase at a grain moisture content of 76-78%, in the yellow bean phase and at the beginning of their browning at a grain moisture content of 63%. With early chemical defoliation, already on the seventh day after treatment, 86% of the leaves fall off.

Sowing late accelerates drying and leaf fall. Processing of soybean crops in the phase of green beans at a grain moisture content of 76-78% accelerates its ripening by 14-15 days, but reduces the yield. Defoliation into the green bean phase at a grain moisture content of 70% accelerates ripening by 12-13 days without reducing the yield. When sprayed in the phase of yellow beans and at the beginning of their browning, ripening is also accelerated without reducing the yield.

It is also possible to carry out chemical soybean crops, which helps to accelerate ripening by eight to ten days. After the application of desiccation, the leaves dry out and fall off faster, the seeds ripen, while maintaining sowing and yielding qualities.

The duration of soybean harvesting should not exceed 15 days. Combines used for harvesting soybeans must meet the following basic requirements:

Cut soybean plants no higher than 5–7 cm from the soil surface;

Provide harvesting with grain moisture changing during the day within 12-16%;

Give minimal grain crushing during threshing;

It is good to separate a heap of soybeans, completely highlighting the grain, with the least possible contamination.

The soybean legume, like all representatives of the culture, has a composition rich in proteins, vegetable fats, vitamins and trace elements. Culture-based products - soy milk, meat, sauce, flour - are in demand in the organization of human and pet nutrition, occupy a worthy place on store shelves.

Site Requirements

With equal success, the culture develops on chernozem, sandy, sandy, loamy soils. When choosing a site, factors are taken into account:

  1. The plant loves loose, well-fertilized soils. On acidic, compacted soils, the yield will be small.
  2. Alkaline, clayey, waterlogged soils are not suitable for the cultivation of the product, their structure will need to be improved.
  3. The location of the underground source should be at a depth of at least 2 meters. Moisture-loving culture does not like waterlogging. If the site is flooded for several days, the crop may die.
  4. Legumes are sensitive to soil acidity. For soybeans, neutral or slightly alkaline soil is suitable. Acidity level pH 6.0-7.0.

Light and heat-loving soybeans should be grown in flat, lit, fertile, weed-free areas.

The larger and smoother the legume feeding area, the better the illumination, the yield increases accordingly.

Potatoes, corn, grains are good neighbors for soybeans.

In some regions, it is planted directly among these crops.

Soil preparation

A decent soybean crop can be grown on well-prepared soils. The autumn and spring stages of preparation are carried out using various harrows (heavy, medium, light).

In autumn, deep plowing is carried out to accumulate moisture in the soil and eradicate weeds.

Treat the soil in one of the ways.

Semi-steam processing

Early plowing is carried out, then cultivation.
Improved tillage includes 2 stubble plowing (shallow plowing with soil turnover, incorporation of straw after cereals to control weeds and increase soil fertility) and plowing. The first peeling - to a depth of 6-8 cm, the second - to 10-12 cm.
It is effective to carry out the procedure in regions where, after the harvest of grain, another 2-3 months pass with regular rains.
After cereals, it is enough to go deep into the soil by 22-25 cm during plowing. After corn, by 30 cm.
Humus is introduced under plowing - 10-20 t/ha.

Normal autumn processing

Consists of one peeling and plowing to a depth of 25 cm.

1-2 years (in autumn) before soybean planting, liming of the site planned for soybean planting is carried out.

Perform before peeling the stubble.

Spring pre-sowing treatment

  1. Before sowing, the final leveling of the site, cultivation is carried out. Harrowing, cultivation to a depth of 4-6 cm.
  2. During cultivation, urea is applied at a rate of 20 g per sq. meter.
  3. Before sowing activities, the land is treated with herbicides for weeds on cereal crops (Frontier 900, Harnes 90%, Dual Gold 960EC).

Soybean planting rules

Sowing begins when the soil warms up, the air temperature reaches 10-14 degrees, there is no danger of spring frosts. As a rule, this is the end of April - the beginning of May, depending on the climatic zone. The earth is still wet, it should not dry out.

The optimal temperature for soybean friendly germination is 12-14˚C, development and ripening 21-26˚C.

For sowing, large and medium beans (6.5-7.5 mm) are used, not modified, grown in the conditions of this region. You can buy planting material in specialized stores for gardeners.
20 days before sowing, the seeds are heated, pickled.
Before sowing, the grains are treated with inoculants - biological products containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria, rhizotorphin, microelements, growth stimulants.
The material is sown to a depth of 4-6 cm, depending on the structure of the soil. The drier, lighter top layer, the deeper the landing.
The distance between cultures is 3-4 cm.

The yield of soybean depends on the fertility of the land, the optimal period, planting depth, plant density.

Soybeans are sown in two ways:

  • Wide-row - row spacing 45 cm, using tilled seeders; The density of plants after 2-5 cm. The method is used on well-cleaned sites.
  • The usual ordinary - grain seeders, stubble. Plant density is less. Row spacing 20-40 cm. The method is intended for low-growing, low-branched varieties, for the northern regions.

Row spacing depends on the soybean variety. For early varieties 20-40 cm, medium 30-60 cm. For spreading, large plants, a larger interval is used than when planting undersized ones.
After planting, the soil is rolled.

Soybeans are grown in fallow fields before sowing winter wheat. Planted for green fodder. Choose early, weaving species.

After harvesting the soybeans, the field will be enriched with nitrogen and prepared for grain crops in a quality manner. In regions with a long warm season, 2 soybean crops can be sown for green forage.

soy care

To provide access to the roots of light and heat, it is necessary to follow the technology of plant care: they perform the procedures of watering, thinning, weeding and loosening, mulching, feeding, sheltering.


Thinning sprouts at a distance of 5-10 cm is performed after the shoots get stronger.

Weed control

Grass weeds harm soybean crops, which develop slowly in the first month. Deprive them of light, nutrition, moisture. Weeds are controlled by chemical, mechanical (harrowing) and manual weeding.
Chemical treatments are performed 2-4 weeks before sowing, before cultivation; then after sowing, after germination. It is effective to apply herbicides with a short duration of action for predecessors.

  • 3 days after sowing, the beans are sprayed with herbicides, for example, Roundup, Treflan, Linuron.
  • Repeat a month later.

Various spraying methods are used: tape, directional, continuous. When combined with cultivation, the tape method is used, reducing the dose of the drug by 2 times.

Strengthen the effect of the herbicide moistening the soil.

Harrowing (or hand loosening) is not carried out immediately after sowing. During the growing season, it is performed 2-5 times, followed by a decrease in the depth of loosening. With cultivated soil, 1 harrowing, 2 cultivations are sufficient.

  • When 2 full sheets appear.
  • When 3 sheets appear.

Aisles pass 2 times.


After the emergence of seedlings, mulching is carried out with straw, peat or humus. Produced to increase the temperature of the soil during the germination of grains, retain moisture, reduce the formation of a crust on the ground, weed control. An effective method of weed control is to mulch crops with a transparent film, which on hot days concentrates solar energy at high humidity.


Temperatures above 30˚C and below 10-14˚C are borderline for soybeans. Crops in the flowering stage, the formation of ovaries are especially afraid of short-term frosts.
Having learned from the weather forecast about sharp temperature fluctuations, the crops are covered with a film, non-woven material.

Watering and feeding

Soy is a resistant crop to elevated temperatures, lack of watering.


Produce moisture during the flowering and budding of the plant.
Water abundantly, pouring 4-5 liters of water per square meter. meter.

Various irrigation methods are used: sprinkling, furrow irrigation and flood irrigation. In certain circumstances, saline water may be used alternately with fresh water.


Fertilization is regulated by the quality of the soil. Before sowing, 5-10 tons of manure are applied per 1 ha (there is an opinion about the need for 20 tons), 20 kg of nitrogen, 80 kg of potassium oxide, 20 kg of sulfur.
Nitrogen fertilizers are applied during cultivation, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers - during autumn plowing. Top dressing with molybdenum, boron, as well as the introduction of ammophos is carried out between the rows, which helps to increase the yield.
During flowering, they are fed with infusion of mullein 1:10.

The best precursor crops

Soybeans are planted after cereals, melons, corn for silage, potatoes, vegetables, perennial grasses.
Avoid fields that grew sunflowers, tomatoes, cabbages, legumes, corn for grain, sugar beet, Sudanese grass - plants that dry up the earth.
After some crops, the risk of plant disease with sclerotinosis is high.
On the site, at least 500 meters should be retreated from the site on which other legumes are placed, as well as from the acacia.
Soy enriches the soil, loosens it. After it, you can plant a variety of crops, except for legumes.
Soybeans are sown on one site for 2-3 years, then the site is changed so that degeneration does not occur.

Soy harvest

At the end of September, in dry weather, soybeans are harvested. How to determine the maturity of beans?
On the bushes, the leaves turn yellow, dry, begin to fall off, the stems and pods become brown. Ripe grains, when shaking the pod, pound against the walls. Seeds are easily separated from the walls of the fruit. You can harvest.
To accelerate the ripening of the beans, chemical defoliation is performed in the phase of green beans, yellow, at the beginning of their drilling. When carrying out the process, the degree of moisture content of the grains is taken into account (respectively 76% -63%)
The upper part of the plant is cut no higher than 5-7 cm from the surface of the earth, leaving the roots with nodules in the ground. They enrich the soil with nitrogen.

On the vine, beans ripen faster than when harvested. Undried beans spoil very quickly.

Cut plants are tied in bunches, hung to dry in the attic, balcony.
After a month, you can thresh the bunches and pour the beans into bags made of natural material. Sent for storage in a dry place.
With a large production, soybeans are harvested using a combine harvester (low cut - 60-70 cm), the beans are immediately cleaned and dried using mechanical heat drying for 6 hours at a temperature of 36 ° C, then raised to 40 ° C and dried for 6 hours. When the moisture content of the beans is 16%, the temperature is increased to 45°C and dried until completely dry.

Harvesting of soybeans for green fodder is carried out before the beginning of the yellowing stage after pouring the beans.
The rich composition of soy allows you to replace animals with soy products. By planting soybeans on the plot, you will enrich the land with nitrogen before planting other crops.

  1. Soybean is a plant of the legume family, which is appreciated and loved by many gardeners and businessmen. There are several reasons for this. Among them: unpretentiousness to the soil, good yields, as well as high protein content in soybeans. However, in its cultivation in the garden at home and in the fields there are a number of features. In this article, we will analyze in detail what exactly they consist of. General information about the features of cultivation of culture There is a myth that this legume is very unpretentious in cultivation. It's not like that at all! For the success of cultivating a plant, the following points must be considered: Light-loving. With insufficient lighting, the stems of the plant begin to lengthen. The cuttings, in turn, are also gaining length. As a result, lateral shoots and fruits cannot form, and the resulting ovaries simply fall off. The need for warmth. This is especially important during the flowering period. For soybeans at this time, the optimum temperature is about 22 ° C. If the temperature drops below 14 ° C, then the growth and development of the plant may stop altogether. During other growth phases, the need for increased heat is not so pronounced. Up to the ability to transfer frosts up to 3.5 ° C. Increased need for moisture. True, in this criterion it is also necessary to take into account the growth phase of the plant. In principle, the special need for watering before flowering in a plant is weakly expressed. Although in such a situation, poor development of the lower beans is possible. As for the period of appearance of the ovaries, then the presence of moisture is fundamentally important. The area of ​​the plant, from which the evaporation of moisture occurs, during this period increases markedly. Thus, in addition to watering, soybeans also need moist air. Otherwise, the plant will be forced to shed the "excess", reducing the green mass that needs moisture. New flowers and fruits simply will not form. Growing season In order not to make mistakes when cultivating a crop, you need to know how it grows. The main phases of plant growth and development include: Germination - the time elapsed from sowing a seed to the very first shoots. Seedlings - the period from the time of the appearance of cotyledon leaves to the development of primordial ones. The latter appear under good conditions in the period from 6 to 9 days after sowing. Branching, during which the green mass greatly increases in volume, and the roots and nodules also noticeably grow. The period begins with the appearance of the first trifoliate leaf and ends with the appearance of buds. Flowering, after which the growth of the plant stops, and new leaves no longer appear. The formation of directly pods, which, however, cannot be strictly distinguished from flowering. Often, by the very end of flowering, there are already beans with pouring seeds in the lower part of the soybean. fruit formation. The appearance of wilted flowers on the top of the stem is considered to be the beginning of fruiting. Gradually, the plant begins to shed its leaves. In what regions is it better to grow and is it possible in the north? This legume has its own preferences for the territory. Yields and ease of cultivation vary by region. For this crop, the choice of soybean variety plays an important role in choosing a region (we have given a detailed description of the best soybean varieties in a separate article). So the Far East has the largest number of sown areas of this plant - more than 80%. We are talking about the territories of Khabarovsk and Primorsky, as well as the Amur region. The varieties cultivated here that give a good harvest include Venus, Primorskaya and others. Good for soy and medium region. If earlier soybean as a heat-loving crop was grown only in regions with a warm climate, now the situation has changed with the creation of early-ripening varieties. Early and mid-ripening varieties have become suitable for their cultivation in this area. Belgorodskaya, Svetla, and Luchezarnaya are just some of the names of suitable varieties. The most early-ripening and high-yielding varieties are: Belor; Okskaya; Mageva. You can also call: Viliya; Magev; Yaselda. The North Caucasus region has the most favorable conditions for plant growth and development. That is why the yield indicators there reach 45 centners per hectare. The territory of the Urals for the plant is not the most favorable, given the arid climate of the region. As a result, the harvest is also not high - a little more than 15 centners per hectare. Such indicators are approximately equal to those of wheat. And given the high protein content in soybeans, growing a crop in this region seems to be more profitable than wheat. More information about soybean yields in various regions of the Russian Federation can be found here. How to grow in the field? Seed preparation Before sowing, soybean seeds should be treated. This is done with the help of rhizotorphin, i.e. nodule bacteria. Standard inoculation equipment is not suitable for soybean seeds. This is due to the large size of rhizotorphin particles, which do not pass through the component parts of the equipment. As an alternative to traditional pickling machines, for example, a concrete mixer can be used. Or carry out the procedure in the back of a truck. True, then you have to break the resulting lumps with a seeder. There is also an alternative course of action, in which nodule bacteria are not used. In this case, before sowing, it is necessary to add ammonium nitrate to the soil. Although this is a more expensive option, it will increase yields. Soil preparation It is necessary to take care of the preparation of the soil for the plant. There are many features here. In autumn, it is necessary to cultivate the soil with special devices - cultivators. The depth to which they are applied will depend on what crops have grown on this soil before. If it was grain, then we will talk about a depth of about 25 cm. And if corn - from 25 to 30 cm. With the advent of spring, the soil is harrowed. If we neglect the autumn preparation, then in the spring it will be necessary to carry out cultivation work at a depth of up to 8 cm. compact and level its surface. All of the above will help increase the temperature of the soil layer by a couple of degrees. This means that the weeds will quickly germinate and can be easily removed. The main purpose of soil preparation is the removal of weeds from it, as well as the preservation of valuable moisture. It should be noted that pre-sowing tillage requires the use of steam or beet cultivators with flat-cut shares. The soybean planting field should be as level as possible. This is due to the fact that the beans of the plant are quite low, and therefore harvesting from an uneven soil surface will be difficult. The application of fertilizers to the soil is also necessary after sowing. Up to the emergence of shoots, herbicides are applied to a depth of at least 3 cm. When to start planting? As for the timing of plant sowing, usually the culture is sown in the third decade of April or the first or second decade of May. At this time, the soil already has time to warm up to 15 ° C degrees. Late-ripening varieties are sown first, and only then - early-ripening. How to sow? It is very important to know exactly how to plant a plant and what row spacing to observe. Sow seeds in the soil at 450 - 700 mm. The best row spacing for sowing is at least 40-60 cm. The sowing depth is no more than 4-6 cm. The last parameter is very important, because. the specified maximum value must not be exceeded. If the sowing depth is more than 6 cm, then there is a risk of not getting a crop at all, or severely spoiling the seeds. The average sowing density is up to 40 seeds per meter of soil. The following parameters influence the sowing rates: Soybean variety. Sowing method. Weed control method. In the event that the pre-sowing preparation was carried out correctly, the seeds were treated, the sowing dates were observed, then the seedlings should be expected in the interval from 5 to 20 days. The exact time depends on factors such as temperature, soil moisture and, of course, the correct planting depth of the seeds. Experts have prepared other publications about soy. Including, on our website you can learn about the dangers and benefits of this plant for the human body. Care in the open field If soybeans are grown in the open field, then it is worth pointing out some features of this process. Fertilizer application technology Soybean's demands on rich soil saturated with boron and molybdenum are associated with the presence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the roots. In the event that the seeds have not been inoculated, then complex top dressing is required. It should contain: potassium; calcium; phosphorus; nitrogen. During the active growth phase, soybeans should be fertilized with carbamide, i.e. urea containing more than 45% nitrogen. It is also necessary to feed the leaves to improve the synthesis of chlorophyll. Otherwise, the leaves will be pale green with a yellow tint. Such top dressing is carried out with the help of Kas or Nitrafos fertilizers. They are diluted in the proportion of 50 g of the product per 10 liters of water. Foliar top dressing of the plant is carried out just before sowing. This is done using saltpeter or ammonium sulfate. This is necessary for the active growth of the plant. Watering Soya especially needs regular and abundant watering at the stage when buds are forming and the flowering process is underway. When it is hot and there is clearly not enough moisture either in the air or in the soil, soybeans should be watered daily in the evenings. If this is neglected, then the fruits of the plant will form worse, or not form at all. At the same time, excessive moisture should not be allowed during the rainy season. If there is one, then excess water should be diverted from the place where the culture grows. Diseases and Pests Grass weeds are one of the biggest threats to soybeans. These pests “take away” precious moisture, light and useful elements from crops. To prevent this from happening, soybeans are treated with such preparations that contain: Bentazon. Imazamox. Cletodym. Imazetapir. The bean also has other pests. These are aphids and spider mites. Folk methods can help in their destruction: a decoction of bitter red pepper or a decoction of wormwood. Bacterial spot disease is very dangerous for crops. All infected plants should be destroyed. In rainy, humid weather, there may be prerequisites for the appearance of powdery mildew or gray rot. In the fight against such enemies, it is useful to irrigate plants with copper sulfate. If the humidity in the air is increased, then there is a risk of angular bacteriosis. The disease will very quickly affect healthy soybeans. That is why, at the first signs of the disease, all infected plants are removed from the site and destroyed. When to harvest and how to store soybeans? The crop begins to be harvested after the leaves fall. At the same time, the beans will turn a grayish hue. For personal farming, the best option is to thresh the beans: Before threshing, the beans should be laid out in the sun. From its rays, the pods will open and the beans themselves will be husked. Then they should be winnowed and put into bags. Soybean stalks should be pulled out of the soil before digging up the site. And the leaves of the plant should be buried in the ground to speed up the process of humus. When growing soybeans in large farms, harvesting is carried out using special equipment or a combine. Although soybean harvesting should take place in a fairly short time (up to 5 days for some varieties), this is not easy to do on a large farm scale. This is due to the practical difficulty of harvesting the machine. If the beans are too wet at harvest, they should be dried using special equipment. Although this increases costs, it is necessary. In the matter of crop storage, the main condition is a certain level of humidity - no more than 15%. And best of all - 12%. If we are talking about long-term storage, i.e. more than a year - the level should be lowered to 11%. Thus, it is possible to prevent the harmful effects of bacteria, fungi. Any appearance of foreign odors during storage indicates the beginning of spoilage of the beans. Soy is increasingly gaining popularity as a product with many uses and at the same time with high nutritional properties. This plant can be used: in cooking; in food production; and also as animal feed in agriculture. If we take into account the peculiarities of its cultivation, soil, climatic and other preferences, then a bountiful harvest will not be long in coming.

Soybean is a plant of the legume family, which is appreciated and loved by many gardeners and businessmen. There are several reasons for this. Among them: unpretentiousness to the soil, good yields, as well as high protein content in soybeans. However, in its cultivation in the garden at home and in the fields there are a number of features. In this article, we will analyze in detail what exactly they consist of.

General information about the features of cultivation

There is a myth that this legume is very unpretentious in cultivation. It's not like that at all!

For the success of cultivating a plant, the following points must be considered:

  • Light-loving. With insufficient lighting, the stems of the plant begin to lengthen. The cuttings, in turn, are also gaining length. As a result, lateral shoots and fruits cannot form, and the resulting ovaries simply fall off.
  • The need for warmth. This is especially important during the flowering period. For soybeans at this time, the optimum temperature is about 22 ° C. If the temperature drops below 14 ° C, then the growth and development of the plant may stop altogether. During other growth phases, the need for increased heat is not so pronounced. Up to the ability to transfer frosts up to 3.5 ° C.
  • Increased need for moisture. True, in this criterion it is also necessary to take into account the growth phase of the plant. In principle, the special need for watering before flowering in a plant is weakly expressed. Although in such a situation, poor development of the lower beans is possible. As for the period of appearance of the ovaries, then the presence of moisture is fundamentally important.

    The area of ​​the plant, from which the evaporation of moisture occurs, during this period increases markedly. Thus, in addition to watering, soybeans also need moist air. Otherwise, the plant will be forced to shed the "excess", reducing the green mass that needs moisture. New flowers and fruits simply will not form.

growing season

In order not to make mistakes when cultivating a crop, you need to know how it grows. The main phases of plant growth and development include:

  1. Germination- the time elapsed from sowing the seed to the very first shoots.
  2. seedlings- the period from the time of the appearance of cotyledon leaves to the development of primordial ones. The latter appear under good conditions in the period from 6 to 9 days after sowing.
  3. branching, during which the green mass greatly increases in volume, and the roots and nodules also noticeably grow. The period begins with the appearance of the first trifoliate leaf and ends with the appearance of buds.
  4. Bloom, after which the growth of the plant stops, and new leaves no longer appear.
  5. Shaping directly beans, which, however, cannot be strictly distinguished from flowering. Often, by the very end of flowering, there are already beans with pouring seeds in the lower part of the soybean.
  6. fruit formation. The appearance of wilted flowers on the top of the stem is considered to be the beginning of fruiting. Gradually, the plant begins to shed its leaves.

In what regions is it better to grow and is it possible in the north?

This legume has its own preferences for the territory. Yields and ease of cultivation vary by region. For a given crop, the choice of variety plays an important role in choosing a region (we have given a detailed description of the best soybean varieties in).

So The Far East has the largest number of sown areas of this plant- more than 80%. We are talking about the territories of Khabarovsk and Primorsky, as well as the Amur region. The varieties cultivated here that give a good harvest include Venus, Primorskaya and others.

Good for soy and medium region. If earlier soybean as a heat-loving crop was grown only in regions with a warm climate, now the situation has changed with the creation of early-ripening varieties. Early and mid-ripening varieties have become suitable for their cultivation in this area. Belgorodskaya, Svetla, and Luchezarnaya are just some of the names of suitable varieties.

The most early-ripening and high-yielding varieties are:

  • Belor;
  • Okskaya;
  • Mageva.

You can also call:

  • Vilia;
  • Magev;
  • Yaselda.

The North Caucasus region has the most favorable conditions for plant growth and development. That is why the yield indicators there reach 45 centners per hectare.

The territory of the Urals for the plant is not the most favorable, given the arid climate of the region. As a result, the harvest is also not high - a little more than 15 centners per hectare. Such indicators are approximately equal to those of wheat. And given the high protein content in soybeans, growing a crop in this region seems to be more profitable than wheat.

You will find more information about soybean yields in various regions of the Russian Federation.

How to grow in the field?

Seed preparation

Before sowing, soybean seeds should be treated. This is done with the help of rhizotorphin, i.e. nodule bacteria.

Standard inoculation equipment is not suitable for soybean seeds. This is due to the large size of rhizotorphin particles, which do not pass through the component parts of the equipment.

As an alternative to traditional pickling machines, for example, a concrete mixer can be used. Or carry out the procedure in the back of a truck. True, then you have to break the resulting lumps with a seeder.

There is also an alternative course of action, in which nodule bacteria are not used. In this case, before sowing, it is necessary to add ammonium nitrate to the soil. Although this is a more expensive option, it will increase yields.

Soil preparation

It is necessary to take care of the preparation of the soil for the plant. There are many features here. In autumn, it is necessary to cultivate the soil with special devices - cultivators. The depth to which they are applied will depend on what crops have grown on this soil before. If it was cereal, then we will talk about a depth of about 25 cm. And if it was corn, from 25 to 30 cm.

With the advent of spring, the soil is harrowed. If we neglect the autumn preparation, then in the spring it will be necessary to carry out cultivation work at a depth of up to 8 cm. compact and level its surface. All of the above will help increase the temperature of the soil layer by a couple of degrees. This means that the weeds will quickly germinate and can be easily removed.

The main purpose of soil preparation is to remove weeds from it. and retain valuable moisture.

It should be noted that pre-sowing tillage requires the use of steam or beet cultivators with flat-cut shares.

The field for planting soybeans should be as level as possible.. This is due to the fact that the beans of the plant are quite low, and therefore harvesting from an uneven soil surface will be difficult.

The application of fertilizers to the soil is also necessary after sowing. Until the emergence of shoots, herbicides are applied to a depth of at least 3 cm.

When to start boarding?

As for the timing of plant sowing, usually the culture is sown in the third decade of April or the first or second decade of May. At this time, the soil already has time to warm up to 15 ° C degrees. Late-ripening varieties are sown first, and only then - early-ripening.

How to sow?

It is very important to know exactly how to plant a plant and what row spacing to observe. Sow seeds in the soil at 450 - 700 mm. The best row spacing for sowing is at least 40-60 cm. The sowing depth is no more than 4-6 cm.

The last parameter is very important, because the specified maximum value must not be exceeded. If the sowing depth is more than 6 cm, then there is a risk of not getting a crop at all, or severely spoiling the seeds.

The average sowing density is up to 40 seeds per meter of soil. The following parameters influence the sowing rates:

  • Soy variety.
  • Sowing method.
  • Weed control method.

In the event that the pre-sowing preparation was carried out correctly, the seeds were treated, the sowing dates were observed, then the seedlings should be expected in the interval from 5 to 20 days. The exact time depends on factors such as temperature, soil moisture and, of course, the correct planting depth of the seeds.

Outdoor care

If soybeans are grown in open ground, then it is worth pointing out some features of this process.

Fertilizer technology

The exactingness of soybean rich soil saturated with boron and molybdenum is associated with the presence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the roots. In that case, if the seeds have not been inoculated, then complex top dressing is required. It should contain:

  1. potassium;
  2. calcium;
  3. phosphorus;
  4. nitrogen.

During the active growth phase, soybeans should be fertilized with carbamide, i.e. urea containing more than 45% nitrogen.

It is also necessary to feed the leaves to improve the synthesis of chlorophyll.. Otherwise, the leaves will be pale green with a yellow tint. Such top dressing is carried out with the help of Kas or Nitrafos fertilizers. They are diluted in the proportion of 50 g of the product per 10 liters of water.

Foliar top dressing of the plant is carried out just before sowing. This is done using saltpeter or ammonium sulfate. This is necessary for the active growth of the plant.


Soybean especially needs regular and abundant watering at the stage when the buds are forming and the flowering process is taking place. When it is hot and there is clearly not enough moisture either in the air or in the soil, soybeans should be watered daily in the evenings. If this is neglected, then the fruits of the plant will form worse, or not form at all.

At the same time, excessive moisture should not be allowed during the rainy season. If there is one, then excess water should be diverted from the place where the culture grows.

Diseases and pests

Grass weeds are one of the biggest threats to soybeans.. These pests “take away” precious moisture, light and useful elements from crops. To prevent this from happening, soybeans are treated with such preparations that contain:

  • Bentazon.
  • Imazamox.
  • Cletodym.
  • Imazetapir.

The bean also has other pests.. These are aphids and spider mites. Folk methods can help in their destruction: a decoction of bitter red pepper or a decoction of wormwood.

Bacterial spot disease is very dangerous for crops. All infected plants should be destroyed.

In rainy, humid weather, there may be prerequisites for the appearance of powdery mildew or gray rot. In the fight against such enemies, it is useful to irrigate plants with copper sulfate.

If the humidity in the air is increased, then there is a risk of angular bacteriosis.. The disease will very quickly affect healthy soybeans. That is why, at the first signs of the disease, all infected plants are removed from the site and destroyed.

When to harvest and how to store soybeans?

The crop begins to be harvested after the leaves fall. At the same time, the beans will turn a grayish hue.

For personal farming, the best option is threshing beans:

  1. Before threshing, the beans should be laid out in the sun. From its rays, the pods will open and the beans themselves will be husked.
  2. Then they should be winnowed and put into bags.

Soybean stalks should be pulled out of the soil before digging up the site. And the leaves of the plant should be buried in the ground to speed up the process of humus.

When growing soybeans in large farms, cleaning is carried out using special equipment or a combine. Although soybean harvesting should take place in a fairly short time (up to 5 days for some varieties), this is not easy to do on a large farm scale. This is due to the practical difficulty of harvesting the machine.

If the beans are too wet at harvest, they should be dried using special equipment. Although this increases costs, it is necessary.

In the matter of crop storage, the main condition is a certain level of humidity - no more than 15%. And best of all - 12%. If we are talking about long-term storage, i.e. more than a year - the level should be lowered to 11%. Thus, it is possible to prevent the harmful effects of bacteria, fungi. Any appearance of foreign odors during storage indicates the beginning of spoilage of the beans.

Soy is increasingly gaining popularity as a product with many uses and at the same time with high nutritional properties. This plant can be used:

  • in cooking;
  • in food production;
  • and also as animal feed in agriculture.

If we take into account the peculiarities of its cultivation, soil, climatic and other preferences, then a bountiful harvest will not be long in coming.