Sharpen a drill for metal with a grinder. How easy it is to sharpen drill bits for metal yourself, a description of simple devices for controlling sharpening, plus useful tips. General information about self-sharpening drills

Tools eventually become unusable: they become dull, break and crack. It is not possible to eliminate all the consequences of use, which is why you have to purchase new devices, but some can still be restored and given a second life. This is especially true for drills, which during use can not only break, but also become dull.

Types of drills for metal

To make a hole in non-ferrous metals, steel, cast iron today will be possible without the use of special equipment. For such purposes, you only need a high-quality drill and good drills.

This type of product is produced in different forms. For example, a cutting tool in the form of a spiral, which is formed by several longitudinal grooves that remove chips. Such a device is called a spiral.

Methods for sharpening drills for metal

Single plane processing at home. This option is resorted to when it is required to sharpen products no more than 3 mm.

The disadvantage of this sharpening is that chipping of the edge may occur during operation. This technique needs special care. Its essence is that the drill is applied to the circle and moves parallel to work surface.

Sleeve or two-plane sharpening

This option is widely used by craftsmen to sharpen products. In this case, special bushings are used. First of all, you need to take the drill in your left hand by the working surface, then it should be brought to the intake cone, holding the device by the tail with your right hand.

The cutting edge of the product will snuggle up to the butt grinding wheel and as a result, the drill with the help of the right hand will rotate around its own axis. In this way, the back surface of the tool will be sharpened.

The main thing is to save when rotating the tool correct angle formed between the end face of the grinding stone and its slope. It is for this that special bushings are used in order to observe the angle of sharpening the drill for metal.

Sharpening in a conical way

When they start sharpening twist drills with their own hands, they first process the back, and then the cutting part. The work is done as follows:

Using nozzles for sharpening drills for metal

This convenient method involves the use of special devices for sharpening products. The advantages of this method include ease of use and versatility. This device has a cylindrical shape.

It has, on the one hand, a connecting unit, with which the nozzle is put on the drill spindle, and on the other hand, there are recesses for installing drills of a certain width. For processing, it is necessary to insert the product into the hole, after which it remains to set the device in motion with the drill engine and observe the sharpening angle.

Finishing after sharpening the drill

Without finishing the product, it will not be possible to eliminate roughness and achieve a smooth surface. In addition, drills subjected to finishing, acquire wear resistance.

It is advisable to perform it with grinding wheels made green silicon carbide. When finishing, it is important to observe the symmetry of the axes. In order to avoid mistakes, it is better to check correct sharpening of the drill angle with a template, which can be made independently from such materials:

  1. Aluminum.
  2. Copper.
  3. Steel.

Sheets of them should have a thickness of approximately 1 mm. Steel products are the most durable. Using the template, it will be possible to find out the length of the edges for cutting, as well as the angle between the jumper and the cutting part. It should be done before starting to use a new tool in order to transfer the necessary angles from the last one.

The easiest way to determine the correctness of the subpoint is - carry out test drilling. When the cutting blades are not sharpened evenly, the less loaded part of the chip will come out of the hole in a small amount. Sometimes it flies out only through one recess. Moreover, the diameter of the recess made may exceed the thickness of the drill.

After sharpening the drill for metal, you need to pay attention to its symmetry. To make sure the job is done right, you need a regular drill. Plastic is drilled with such a tool, and then they check which side will have more chips. It is this line that needs to be improved.

Rules for storing new and sharpened products

In the process of carrying and storing drills for metal, it is necessary to ensure that they do not rub against each other. Remember that when taking the device out of the common box, the cutting edges will blunt against neighboring products.

Therefore, it is better to make individual bushings or storage holes them in a vertical position. On top of that, it is recommended to sign the dimensions so that the search for a drill of the required size does not take much time. Of course, it is necessary to control the humidity in the room in order to avoid corrosion of products.

Spiral products should be processed along the trailing edges. They should get exactly the same after work.

Moreover, it is not so easy to do this, especially in manual mode, since it is necessary maintain a certain shape and angle tool while sharpening.

Before proceeding with the sharpening of the cutting tool, it is advisable to practice first on non-working products. It is also worth considering the fact that it is the side edges of the fixture that perform the drilling.

Sharpening is carried out to return the factory shape of the cutting part of the product. Worth while working stick to the ground rule sharpening tools with brazing of various alloys: the harder the material of the processed drill, the lower the sharpening speed.

Reading time ≈ 5 minutes

If you are interested in the question - how to sharpen a metal drill at home, then this article is for you. For those who are closely associated with metalworking, it is extremely important to have a good tool. To drill a specific metal part, you need a drill that is good, and most importantly, correctly sharpened.

A drill is an indispensable assistant in metal processing

What is the difficulty?

The drill is a cutting tool and the cutting edge becomes dull over time. Indicators that the drill needs to be sharpened are:

  • characteristic sounds that a worn instrument makes, including an unpleasant hum and creak;
  • poor quality of the holes made;
  • The drill gets very hot during operation.

Features of chip exit at different sharpening

Important: the operation of a drill that is incorrectly sharpened is, first of all, ineffective, and also very dangerous for the master himself. The fact is that the working part of the drill lends itself to high loads. Therefore, an incorrectly sharpened drill can simply break, and at the same time its particles scatter in all directions at high speed. And this is fraught with serious injuries for the master and damage to the workshop.

Important criteria in sharpening drill bits for metal

In industry, for sharpening metal drills, a special emery machine is used, on which a special grinding wheel with the required hardness is installed. You can also sharpen at home. Of course, mass-produced machines are preferable for the application, but home-made options are also great for the task at hand. The drill is useful to.

Types of sharpening for a twist drill for metal

If you don’t have a specialized machine, you can make a device yourself that will allow you to return the drill to working condition. The quality of the result will depend on the performance of such devices.

The most significant criteria, without which it is impossible to make an independent correct sharpening, include the following:

  • the angle of placement of the rear zone of the tool to the drilling plane;
  • the length of the jumper on the cutting side, which is located transversely;
  • the angle of the tip of the tool that is cutting;
  • the angle of sharpening the surface in front of the cutting side;
  • edge length.

Criteria for correct operation

For a complete sharpening of a drill for metal, it is necessary to organize the correct supply of the drill to the place where it will be processed. It is important to observe the working angle here. To achieve this, various devices that are equipped with sharpening machines will help.

We must not forget that if the drill is not processed correctly, you can not only break the working tool, but also get injured.

Basic Toolkit

In order to organize a good sharpening of a drill in artisanal conditions, which is used for processing metal parts, you must first decide. It is important to understand why you need it. At industrial enterprises, the sharpening process takes place with the help of specialized equipment that provides maximum results and speed. But in a home workshop, you have to turn on ingenuity in order to achieve a result similar in quality.

How important is it to maintain the correct sharpening angle

Even the simplest sharpening kit should include:

  • emery machine;
  • a container where the liquid for cooling will be located. It can be plain water or machine oil;
  • grinding wheels, which have a different level of hardness. In the future, it is necessary to choose the level of hardness of the circle, taking into account the material from which the sharpened drill is made;
  • additional devices that allow you to provide the required sharpening angle for each specific sharpening process.

In order for the technology to be sustained and give positive results, the following parameters must be observed:

  1. The angle of the cutting zone in front is 20 0 .
  2. Back angle - 10 0 .
  3. The vertex angle is 118 0 .

The ratio of the angles at the top based on the variety of materials

Regardless of the equipment used and the material of the drill, you need to remember your own safety during work. It should be noted that when sharpening sheaves of sparks are formed. They can cause burns, so open areas of the body should be covered. Special protection should be provided to the eyes. The process also involves working with unusually sharp tools. Therefore, work without protective gloves is prohibited. And the formation of chips at high speed can also damage exposed skin.

The machine with emery, on which the grinding wheel is mounted, belongs to universal designs. With their help, even at home, you can produce high-quality drill sharpening. The main task is to choose emery and follow a few simple rules.

When working with such structures, it is first necessary to process the back zone of the tool. This technology is considered the most rational. The drill being processed must be held so that the part that cuts is strictly parallel to the surface of the grinding wheel. This technology must be observed for sharpening all types of drills with d less than 10 mm.

Emery machine in a conventional workshop

If necessary, sharpen drills with d over 16 mm. it is more rational to work on an emery machine with a special device. This technology guarantees the control of a constant sharpening angle with the highest work safety. This is suitable for both large size drills and drills that have carbide inserts. Your sharpened drill is sure to come in handy if needed.

And even more practical tips on how to sharpen a metal drill at home can be seen in the video below. The main thing is to work in accordance with the recommendations and observe safety precautions.

High-quality processing of materials such as metal and stone is impossible without the use of drills made of good materials, the geometry of the cutting part of which fits the required values. During operation, any, even the most durable drill, wears out sooner or later, losing the sharpness of the working surface. In such a situation, you need to decide whether to purchase new material, or look for information on how to sharpen a drill bit for metal.

Drill wear

Improper storage of the tool leads to the beating of the blades against each other, the sticking of particles of the processed surfaces and the general contamination of the spiral. This factor negatively affects the service life of drilling tools, so it is recommended to store them in special cases and stands.

In addition to storage conditions wear time depends on the purpose of the tool and the surface it treats. For example, drills designed to work with wood retain their working surface for several years due to the fact that wood is a relatively soft material.

Due to the fact that metal is a harder and more durable material, drills for working with it wear out much faster. Working with a blunt tool is unacceptable, since the holes will be made longer, more difficult, and will not turn out even. The drill itself will be very hot, and therefore further wear occurs even faster and will certainly lead to the fact that the tool will break. In addition, breaking is often accompanied by a scattering of small fragments at high speed, which can lead to various injuries. Signs that the drilling tool is dull are:

  1. Squeaks and other non-standard sounds made during operation;
  2. Strong heating of the tool;
  3. Poor quality of the created holes.

Working with a blunt drill is difficult, often impossible. In addition to the fact that it does not drill the workpiece, the use of a worn drilling tool threatens to break it, which often leads to damage to the workpiece and to the difficulty of removing the broken part of the tool that is stuck inside the surface.

In order to extend the life of the drilling tool and return the correct geometric surface, a procedure such as its sharpening is performed. Any craftsman who often works with a drill should know how to properly sharpen drill bits for metal.


The work described below is hazardous, therefore You need to follow a certain set of rules:

Sharpening process

It is advisable to sharpen the drill bit for metal using special tools and machines. Unfortunately, in a home workshop, such equipment is not always available, and usually do-it-yourself sharpening of drill bits for metal is done on an electric grinder with abrasive materials, for example, on stone circles. Sharpening is carried out along the back edges, while all the teeth should be sharpened absolutely identical. At the same time, it is difficult to manually maintain a given angle and the desired shape, and it is easiest to sharpen only spiral and crown tools at home.

Work surface angles

In order to know how to sharpen a metal drill on a grinder, you should remember a number of important parameters applied to the cutting part, the implementation of which guarantees a quality result:

  • The angle of the rear part of the tool in relation to the drilling plane = 10 °,
  • Front face angle = 20°
  • Tool nose angle = 118°

In this case, the angle at the top can change, depending on the material to be worked with:

  • For stainless steel, cast iron and hard bronze - 115−118 °;
  • For aluminum - 130−140°;
  • For copper - 125 °;
  • For soft bronze - 130°.

As you can see, the softer the material in which you want to drill a hole, the dumber the angle should be. So, for stainless steel, 118 ° is enough, and for softer metals, the angle reaches - 140 °.

There are several types of sharpening used for various purposes. the most common are:

In the process of sharpening, you should try to maintain the original factory surface of the back so that it retains the angles set for it. After sharpening, it is desirable to carry out fine-tuning, which will smooth the surface and remove small notches.

Finishing the material after it has been sharpened

Finishing is carried out on special finishing circles. Their difference from conventional grinding wheels is that aggressive material handling is combined with a good surface finish.

Due to the softness of the material and high-quality abrasive, such wheels are ideal for eliminating scratches and other surface defects, they are eliminated without changing the geometry of the working part of the material. Usually, such circles are installed on a grinder or drill, which allows you to more conveniently and accurately process the drill clamped, for example, in a vice.

In addition to finishing circles, you can fill the work surface with the help of emery, located on the disk of the same grinder.

Surface undercut

Correctly performed sharpening of a drill for metal with your own hands on a tool with a diameter of up to 10 mm is quite enough for work; for wider ones, it is recommended to further sharpen the front surface.

The meaning of this treatment is that by increasing the angle of the cutting edge and reducing the rake angle, resistance to chipping increases, which leads to an increase in the life of the drill. In addition, the width of the transverse edge is reduced, so that the material in the central part of the hole is not drilled, but scraped, which facilitates the process of drilling metal. For a drill with a small clearance angle, the flank can be resharpened to reduce its friction inside the hole.

The use of special devices

The sharpening process according to the above method is suitable for tools with a diameter of not more than 10 mm. In order to qualitatively sharpen larger drills, especially if they have a complex shape or are supplemented with special carbide tips, it is better to use a machine with a special tool.

The use of this equipment allows you to control the angle of sharpening, and the work will be done as safely as possible for the master. The use of such grinders is recommended for sharpening tools that:

  • They are used for drilling blind holes, they are characterized by a decrease in cutting force along the axis.
  • They are characterized by increased strength and quality of the alloy.
  • Used for making very deep holes.
  • Differ in the insignificant size of a subpoint.

From a conventional machine, these devices differ in the correct orientation of the cutting part of the drill in relation to the grinding wheel. To accomplish this task, the design of the fixture has a special base plate, on which a machine with a circle and a rotary column is installed, fixing the tool. The use of this column allows you to place the cutting part of the drill in any position at any angle to the surface of the abrasive wheel.

The movement of the processed tool is performed by a drive connected to the engine. After fixing the drill in the column, it itself is brought to the circle and all the corners that need to be formed will be automatically maintained. The disadvantage of such a machine is that it has large dimensions and high cost, so its purchase is impractical for home use.

Drill attachment

One of the compact devices for sharpening a drill is a cylindrical attachment machine, which is mounted on the working shaft of a conventional drill, from which the grinding wheel of the nozzle is driven. On the other side of the cylinder there is a special cover with holes of various diameters, into which the cutting part of the drill needed for sharpening is installed.

This nozzle is easy to use, handling it does not require special skills, and drills that have been sharpened on it retain all their geometric parameters.

Restoring a Pobedite Drill

A drill with a pobedite tip can become dull over time and will require a diamond wheel to sharpen. Before starting the sharpening process, you need to make sure that the height of the remaining cutting part is at least 10 mm in order for sharpening to be possible. Work should be carried out at low speeds of the grinding wheel.

The drill with brazing is sharpened by analogy with conventional ones, of small diameter - sharpening the back. In this case, the surface should be ground down to the soldering itself. It is also desirable to sharpen the front surface, especially if the insert has worn down to the very drill. The front surface is processed in such a way that the thickness of the soldering in the center becomes smaller. Work carefully to avoid unnecessary cutting of the working surface.

Care must be taken to ensure that the drill does not overheat during processing, as this threatens to crack or even break the plate at the soldering point. Any coolant, such as plain water, will work to cool the overheated handpiece. However, if the metal is red-hot, then in no case should you dip it into water - the drill will instantly crack.

The process of restoring the geometric surface of drilling tools for metal and concrete is necessary, since these materials quickly kill the factory sharpening of the tool. Theoretical material on the question of how to properly sharpen metal drills is not enough, but everything is not so difficult and comes with experience.

The use of a special nozzle for a drill allows you to save all the geometric surfaces of the tool and is ideal for those who do not have experience in manual sharpening and are afraid to spoil the drilling tool.

What type of metal will be drilled affects the angle of the required sharpening, and for working with stone and strong alloys, a drilling tool with victorious nozzles is suitable.

We should not forget that in addition to correct and timely sharpening, proper storage in special cases and stands will help extend the life of the tool.

The wear of the drill in the first stage can be detected by a sharp creaking sound. An experienced worker accurately determines by sound the moment when the drill begins to become dull. When working with a worn drill, the cutting temperature rises sharply and the drill wears out quickly.

In total, there are 5 types of drill wear:

  1. back surface wear;
  2. jumper wear;
  3. corner wear;
  4. chamfer wear;
  5. front wear.

2. How to sharpen drills?

After we have determined that the drill can no longer work, we need to get down to business.

2.1. How to hold a drill in your hands when sharpening

The drill is sharpened manually as follows: with the left hand, the drill is held by the working part as close as possible to the cutting part (cone), and the shank is grasped with the right hand, slightly pressing the cutting edge against the surface of the abrasive wheel so that it assumes a horizontal position, adjoining the back surface to the circle.

Sharpening is carried out with cooling with a water-soda solution.

With a smooth movement of the right hand, without taking the drill away from the circle, turn the drill around its axis and, observing the correct inclination, sharpen the back surface. At the same time, make sure that the cutting edges are straight, have the same length and are sharpened at the same angles.

2.2. Types and angles of sharpening

The sharpening angle significantly affects the cutting mode, drill durability and, consequently, productivity.

Drills with cutting edges of different lengths or with different angles of their inclination will drill holes larger than their diameter. When sharpening a twist drill for drilling steel, it is necessary to obtain an angle at the top of 116-118 °. The machine has a holder for fastening drills, located at an angle of 58-60 ° to the axis of the circle (Fig. 269), which makes it possible to maintain an angle of 116-118 ° at the top of the drill. In addition, the holder is inclined in another plane by 13°, which allows sharpening the clearance angle of the cutting edge.

To improve the working conditions of drills, there are 5 main types of sharpening, depending on the material being processed and the specifics of the work performed:

  1. single (normal);
  2. single with jumper point;
  3. single with a jumper point and ribbons;
  4. double with jumper point;
  5. double with a jumper point and ribbons.

2.3. Sharpening quality check

The quality of sharpening drills is checked with special templates with cutouts.

The most advanced design for measuring the elements of cutting tools is the device of V. A. Slepnin, which consists of two disks rotating on an axis.

The advantage of the device is its versatility, which allows measuring the sharpening angles and elements of various cutting tools - drills, chisels, crosscuts, etc. Its use eliminates the need to manufacture a large number of special templates, speeds up the verification process.

The shape of the sharpening affects the durability of the twist drill and the cutting speed allowed for this drill. Drills with conventional sharpening have a number of disadvantages. They have a variable rake angle along the length of the cutting edge. Moreover, at the jumper, it acquires a negative value. In very difficult conditions, the transitional part of the drill (from the cone to the cylinder) works, since the greatest loads act in it, while heat removal worsens.

Types and sharpening of drills

Twist drills are used to drill holes. A twist drill (Fig. 64) consists of a working part, a shank, a neck, a foot, or a leash. The drill shank is fixed in the chuck of a pneumatic or electric machine or in the machine spindle.

Rice. 64. Twist drill and its parts

Drills are made with ordinary and double sharpening. Drills with ordinary sharpening have one transverse and two cutting edges on the cutting part. Drills with double sharpening differ in that they have a double angle at the top; their cutting edges are made in the form of a broken line. Drills with ordinary sharpening with a diameter of 0.25 to 12 mm are used for drilling steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and their alloys. Drills with ordinary sharpening with a diameter of over 12 to 80 mm are used for drilling steels with a tensile strength of up to 50 kg / mm2. Drills with double sharpening with a diameter of 12 to 80 mm are used for drilling steels with a tensile strength of more than 50 kg / mm2.

Rice. 65. Sharpening and checking of spiral drills: a, c-drill is sharpened incorrectly, b-drill is sharpened correctly, d, e - checking the angle of inclination and length of the cutting edge, e - checking the angle of inclination to the axis of the transverse edge, g - checking the value of the removal angle occiput

For normal operation of a twist drill with ordinary sharpening, it is necessary that the angle at the top be 118 ° (Fig. 65.6).

If the angle at the top is greater than 118 ° (Fig. 65, a), the drill, having shortened cutting edge dimensions, will become unstable, it will easily move and break holes or break, since it cannot quickly go deep into the metal when it is acted upon. feed force. If, on the contrary, the angle at the top is less than 118 ° (Fig. 65, b), there will be too much pressure of the tip on the material being processed, which also often leads to breakage of the drill.

Both cutting edges are sharpened strictly at the same angle to the drill axis, the edges must be equal in length, otherwise the drill will beat and the hole will turn out to be wrong, i.e., larger than the diameter of the drill. In addition, a single-sided sharpened drill blunts faster, as it works with one edge.

The angle at the top of the drill, equal to 118 °, is to a certain extent universal - suitable for drilling steel and cast iron. When drilling holes in other metals and alloys, drills are sharpened at the following angles: brass and bronze - 130-140 °, red copper - 125 °, aluminum and duralumin - 140 °.

Manually sharpening a drill correctly is difficult, so drills are sharpened on special machines.

To check the sharpening of drills, special templates are used (Fig. 65, d, e, f, g), which make it possible to determine sharpening with sufficient accuracy.

Technology for sharpening drills of various types

Drills during operation inevitably lose their original properties. This is due to a change in the configuration of the cutting edges. But it is not always necessary to buy new ones. If the drill is sharpened in a timely manner, the operating time of the tool increases.

Drill sharpening principles

In order to develop a technology for processing the cutting edge of this type of tool, it is necessary to know the principle of its operation. During rotation, the cutting parts of the drill form a cone. The bottom of the blind hole acquires the same configuration.

The determining condition for the correct execution of this process is the observance of the configuration of the cutting edge, which is located at the ends of the end face. In the event of a change in geometry, defects will inevitably appear. Most often, this is excessive heating of the drill for metal, the formation of uneven walls of a blind or through hole. In order to avoid the occurrence of these defects, it is necessary to sharpen in a timely manner.

The basic principles of restoring the configuration of the cutting edge of the drill:

  • determine the drill configuration. Its structure and material of manufacture will directly affect the choice of sharpening technology;
  • choose the right tool to perform this procedure. The best option would be to use special machines. In case of their absence, you can use universal grinding and grinding equipment;
  • coolant is recommended. It will reduce the degree of heating of the cutting edge during processing, and also minimize the likelihood of internal or surface tension.

The use of personal protective equipment is mandatory. Even if a special machine has a transparent shield, there is always the possibility of small chips flying out or a drill breakage.

For processing small drills for metal, you can use a grinder. In this case, it is rigidly attached, and sharpening is carried out using a small cutter.

Twist Drill Processing Technology

Grinding technology on an abrasive wheel

For sharpening this type of brought together, you can use an abrasive wheel mounted on the motor shaft. Then you need to calculate the angle between the cutting edges. They must form a conical blind hole during operation.

For proper forcing of the cutting part, it is necessary to focus on the configuration of the spiral grooves along which the chip is removed. During sharpening, the edge of the drill should be parallel to the axis of rotation of the abrasive. First, one edge is processed, and then the second. The distance from the cutting part to the grooves must be the same for both sides.

The angle between the edges must be equal to the original. If there is no similar new drill for metal, you can navigate according to the following data, which depend on the processing material:

  • for steel - 140°;
  • for processing bronze, brass - from 110° to 120°;
  • drill bits for aluminium, wood or plastic - from 90° to 100°.

In the case of machining universal drills, the angle between the cutting edges is 120°. To improve the quality, it is recommended to make or purchase a ready-made template. It should be noted that its configuration may be different depending on the type of drill being processed.

The final stage of editing is the formation of the back surface. Processing also takes place on an abrasive machine. Quality control is carried out using a conventional washer.

Sharpening victorious models

Pobedit drill design

Sharpening drills with pobedite soldering is a more complex procedure. For its implementation, it is necessary to correctly select the processing tool and adhere to the rules for performing the work.

As a processing tool, special diamond wheels must be used. First you need to make sure that the drill can be sharpened. If the length of the cutting part is more than 10 mm, it can be sharpened.

Rules for sharpening pobedit drills:

  • the average value of disk revolutions. With their increase, overheating of the edge may occur, which will lead to delamination of the winning soldering;
  • minimum disc pressure. The material removal rate from the cutting edge of these models is high. You need to constantly monitor the configuration;
  • uniform sharpening. In the event of a difference between the dimensions of the edges during operation, unevenness in the hole will inevitably appear, and play of the tool is possible.

It is difficult to achieve the ideal state of a victorious drill. Unlike metal tools, carbide tips can be made from various alloys, which will inevitably affect the complexity of tool processing.

If during processing the cutting edge is heated, it is not necessary to lower it into oil or other coolant. Cooling should be natural. Otherwise, delamination of the victorious soldering is possible.

The video material clearly shows the technology by which the drill is sharpened:

From the author: hello dear readers! Any master and owner keeps the instrument carefully and with great love. After all, the service life and quality of work depend on the condition. Some parts wear out and are easier to replace with new ones. And other tools must be properly sharpened, then they will serve you for a long time. Here you can draw an analogy with a kitchen knife - it would never occur to anyone to throw it away after a month of purchase, it is easier to sharpen and successfully use it further.

But back to the tools needed for construction and repair. Let's find out how to properly sharpen a drill if we have a dull one on our hands. What are the ways and how to apply them to a beginner? What are they? Are there any secrets of mastery? You will learn about this in our article.

What is a drill

One of the most popular helpers in everyday life is an electric drill, it is a reliable companion in many household chores. Each drill has a specific set of drills, depending on the needs of the master. Of course, drills, like any cutting tool, must be kept in perfect order - monitor the condition, sharpen in time.

This element can be used not only to create new holes in the base material, but also to increase existing ones - the so-called reaming. The design of the drill consists of a working and tail parts, a neck, and a foot.

The working part can be of various shapes, the most popular is screw (spiral), there are also flat ones, for deep drilling, one-sided cutting, stepped, etc. It is she who becomes dull, and we will sharpen her. The tail part can also be different in design - with a cylindrical, conical, trihedral shank, etc.

Special purpose

According to the material being processed, the drills are divided as follows:

  • universal;
  • for metal and alloys;
  • on concrete, brick, stone;
  • on glass, ceramics;
  • on wood.

From this list it is already clear that drills are an invaluable thing in the household, you can work with almost all materials. So we take care of the instrument correctly, and it will serve us faithfully for a long time!

If you are reading this article, then you already have a drill or drills that have lost their sharpness, with a broken geometry of the working part. Go through all the available tools, let's put the workbox in order. And the next time the need for drilling arises, you will deftly and quickly cope with the task to the delight of yourself and your household.

Preparation for work

Let's start with preparatory measures, take care of safety. No matter how important it is to urgently and quickly put everything in order, nevertheless this must be done not at the cost of health. Therefore, let's see what we need to have: goggles or a mask, a container of water (for cooling). The drill (or several) also lies and waits for the acquisition of sharpness. And now is the time to look: what are we going to sharpen? What are the options at home?

There are several possibilities for sharpening: a grinding (aka grinding) machine and a Bulgarian saw. In home use, as a rule, drills of small diameter (up to 16 mm), so you can do without the help of professional production machines, on your own.

Signs of a dull drill

Now you need to select the elements that you need to work on. When the sharpness of the tool is lost, this can be understood during operation by the sound - there is a rumble and creak of worn material. The holes themselves are already unsatisfactory in quality. And if you touch the drill (of course, turning off the drill first) immediately after work, you can get burned - it heats up so intensely. All these signs together lead us to the decision to stop work and start sharpening.