How to cook turkey steak in the oven. Turkey steak cooking recipes. Cooking on an electric grill

Steak recently entered the list of dishes frequently prepared by our compatriots. Mainly due to the fact that a thick piece of meat is thoroughly fried either on a grill, where an open fire is needed, or in a grill pan. Most ordinary Russians cannot boast of either one or the other. However, recipes are slowly adapting to our realities. And not only the cooking methods, but also the ingredients used, since cooking turkey steak is easier and faster than traditional beef.

For it, you can use both poultry fillets and commercially available preparations. Before cooking turkey steak, wash and dry the meat and rub it with salt and, if desired, pepper. The oven sheet is covered with foil, which must be greased with oil. By the way, for this recipe it doesn’t matter which one - vegetable or melted butter. The steaks are laid out, and a thick sauce made from Dijon mustard, heavy cream (take a quarter cup each) and mayonnaise, taken three times more than one of the previous ingredients, is poured onto each of them with a spoon. This volume should be enough for 6 pieces of turkey. On top everything is wrapped with another piece of foil. Its edges are wrapped under the sides of the baking sheet. This turkey steak will take about half an hour in the oven. It is important to control the process: if the sauce begins to drain from the turkey, it must be returned to its place with a spoon. This delicacy is eaten hot, with cherry tomatoes and fresh herbs.

They work better from fillet. The drumstick itself is juicy, but the bird’s breasts are somewhat dry. One and a half kilograms of fillet are cut across the grain into narrow, but not too thin plates. Two tomatoes are cut into thin rings, salted and peppered, and mayonnaise is squeezed out of a tube onto each of them. Exactly how much depends on how much you love him. But even if you don’t like mayonnaise, you can’t do without this sauce, since you won’t be able to cook turkey steak this way without it. Sour cream cannot replace the sauce here. The only thing you can do is make your own mayonnaise. Salted and peppered tomato slices covered with mayonnaise are placed on each turkey steak. The oven temperature rises to 180 degrees. The tray is placed in it for 50 minutes. It’s better not to take the dish out of the oven right away; let the meat “rest” in the warmth. But in just ten minutes, aromatic and juicy turkey meat can be served for dinner.

Our first two recipes were “oven” recipes. However, there is a recipe for how to cook turkey steak in a frying pan, and it is promised that the result will satisfy and inspire everyone. To do this, the blanks from the drumstick or thighs of the bird are shallowly cut with a grid on both sides. A mixture is made from finely grated or crushed garlic, a variety of ground peppers and salt. This “paste” is used to rub the steaks, and you have to try to get it into the cuts. Then the meat is put into a bag and hidden in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, the steaks are fried in vegetable oil, covered, for about twenty minutes. To prevent them from sticking, they must be turned over sometimes. To get the desired crust, just remove the lid shortly before it’s ready.

For a successful result, the meat will also have to be marinated, this time for only a quarter of an hour and in a mixture of curry, paprika, salt and ground peppers - red and black. Each turkey steak with a bone is fried in a thick frying pan in olive oil. When the meat becomes golden brown, right in the frying pan removed from the stove, you need to cover it with foil or parchment for a few minutes. Thanks to this trick, turkey steak with the bone becomes extremely soft and juicy. And in combination with vegetables - fresh or salted - your dinner promises to be unforgettable.

Before cooking a turkey steak, the purchased drumstick must be cut - right with the bone - across the leg. The result is these round pieces, very juicy and well-fried. You can, of course, buy ready-made “neck” steaks, but most supermarkets sell them frozen, which is much more boring than fresh ones. Two onions are cut into rings, a couple of garlic cloves are chopped very finely (you shouldn’t rub or press, it’s better to work with a knife). First, onion rings are simmered in a frying pan, and finally garlic is added to them. The steaks are rubbed with vegetable oil, seasoned with salt and pepper. To soften, they should lie in this form for about half an hour. The grill pan becomes very hot. If there is no special vessel, one with a convex grate at the bottom, like the old cast iron ones, will do. Place the meat in a dry frying pan, then brown it very quickly on both sides. After that, a third of a glass of water is poured into it, and it hides in the oven for half an hour. The meat is served with fried meat laid out on it and sprinkled with herbs. Note that turkey leg steak turns out juicier than fillet steak. It is almost impossible to dry it out.

Before cooking a turkey steak, you can soak it as follows: combine two tablespoons of vegetable oil, one of rose wine, the juice of one lemon, five crushed cloves of garlic, spices and chopped herbs. It is enough for the meat to remain in this marinade for only half an hour for the result to be tender and fragrant. Further - optional:

  1. Grill pan (if you have one). It simply fries marinated pieces of turkey on both sides.
  2. Lattice (if you are relaxing “in nature”). The principle is the same by which, for example, fish is cooked over a fire. The main thing is to periodically spray the “kebab”. Let's say beer. Otherwise it may burn and become hard.
  3. Or an oven is the most affordable option. In the latter case, the mold is greased with something, then the steaks are laid out and baked until crisp. The lid should not be closed, otherwise the meat will turn out boiled (or stewed) rather than baked.

Choose the way you like to cook turkey steak. And don’t doubt it – you will return to it more than once.

Recipe: Turkey leg steaks with vegetables – A very juicy dish.

turkey steak – 1 kg;

onions – 2 pcs;

green onion – 1 bunch;

mayonnaise – 150 gr;

Sunflower oil – 150 g;

spices - to taste

In our area there is a farm where they raise turkeys and, accordingly, you can buy various things in the trading pavilions. So I recently purchased turkey steaks. You understand, turkey is a very large bird and the meat pieces are the same. I’ve already written about turkey legs, but now it’s time for the next dish.

Generally speaking, a steak involves a huge half-roasted piece of meat, but preparing a turkey steak this way is equivalent to chewing on a black boot. Therefore, we will stew these huge pieces with vegetables and herbs so that they are soft, aromatic and juicy.

We prepare all products. We peel the carrots and onions, rinse the steaks well, and run to the garden for some greens.

Pour a little sunflower oil into the frying pan and place the steaks. Salt to taste.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for about thirty minutes, naturally, in the interval you need to turn the steaks over to the other side.

While the steaks are stewing, let's start with the vegetables.

Three carrots on a grater for Korean salads or in thin long strips.

Cut the tomatoes into slices, about 3-5 mm thick.

Finely chop the onion and dill.

Mode: onion strips.

Prepare 2-3 tablespoons of dry roots.

After simmering over low heat, juice appeared in the pan. Now add the dry roots and simmer for another ten to fifteen minutes so that the excess juice evaporates.

Don't forget about spices. I took my favorites - turmeric, ground paprika, a mixture of peppers and bay leaf.

Variations with spices can be different, it all depends on your taste. But I advise you to definitely add turmeric. It will never make the dish sour, even if the room is warm.

There is no juice left in the pan, you can start seasoning with vegetables.

Pour mayonnaise onto each steak.

Lay out the onion strips.

And add carrot strips.

Sprinkle with spices and place a bay leaf on each steak.

Cover this entire structure with tomato slices.

We make a mesh from mayonnaise.

I always use lean mayonnaise.

Sprinkle generously with chopped herbs.

Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for another thirty minutes over low heat. We don’t mix or turn anything over.

That's all, the dish is ready. Juicy and colorful.

Finished steaks can be served as a separate dish.

Turkey steak in the oven

Vegetable oil – 30 g

Salt, black pepper - to taste

Garlic – 2 cloves

Cooking Instructions

Turkey is an excellent dietary meat that cooks quickly. I like everything from turkey: cutlets, chebureki, frying and much more. Today I will cook turkey steaks in the oven. You can bake steaks in foil, or in the “turbo grill” mode, but I will bake them in a sleeve. The result is excellent - the meat is soft and tender with a crispy crust on top.

I will cook a turkey steak with a bone in the oven in a simple and quick marinade of vegetable oil, garlic, salt, pepper and thyme.

We buy the steaks already cut at the butcher shop, wash them and pat them dry with paper towels.

Rub the pieces with salt and pepper and sprinkle with dry herbs. Add garlic and vegetable oil. Let the meat marinate for 20-30 minutes.

Place the steaks in a ceramic baking dish, and the dish in a baking sleeve and close the sleeve with a stapler. Place in the oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 230-240 degrees. Then carefully open the sleeve and let it fry for 15 minutes.

Serve turkey steaks baked in the oven piping hot.

You can serve the dish with any side dish. Bon appetit!

Juicy turkey rump steak

The main thing is to emphasize the natural taste of the products: fried turkey and piquant tomatoes with spicy herbs. Simple, but tasteful!

  1. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and green onions into rings. The brightness of the taste of tomatoes depends on what type of vinegar is used. If you don’t have balsamic vinegar, you can use wine or apple vinegar and add Provençal herbs.
  2. Chop the parsley (or basil) and pass the garlic cloves through a press.
  3. Add balsamic vinegar, olive oil, a little sea salt to the prepared products and season everything with a pinch of sugar.
  4. Mix. Spicy tomatoes are ready!
  5. Remove the skin from the steaks and pat dry with a paper towel.
  6. Attention: To keep the meat juicy, fry the steaks on both sides over high heat. In this case, the protein quickly coagulates, forming a dense crust. The juice stays inside. Fry them for 2 minutes on each side. If after this you continue to fry for another 2 minutes on each side, you will get a golden brown crust and a “bloody” center. After 3-4 minutes of frying on both sides, the meat will become pink inside. In order for the meat to be completely fried, the frying time should be increased to 6 minutes.
  7. When frying, hold the steaks with a spatula so that they do not turn out.
  8. Salt and pepper the steaks only after frying.

Juicy turkey rump steaks with spicy tomatoes and herbs, arrange on plates and serve. You can decorate with basil.

Prepare the ingredients for turkey steak in a frying pan according to the list.

Rinse the turkey fillet and pat dry with paper towels. Remove films, if any. From the thick side of the fillet, cut 4 steaks (or another number, depending on what size fillet you have) with a thickness of two to four centimeters. The thickness of the cut will depend on the desired size of the steak itself.

If the steaks are small in size, then you can either beat them slightly (only for this purpose you need to use a hammer with a flat side or, alternatively, you can use a regular rolling pin so as not to damage the surface of the meat), or cut them in the center into two halves, without cutting through the fillet to the opposite edge and open it like a book. At the end, the thickness of such a steak should be 2-2.5 cm.

Season each turkey steak on both sides with pepper and salt (optional, you can also add a mixture of your favorite spices).

Heat the pan well. This rule is extremely important! Add a little oil and place the seasoned steaks on the hot surface. Do not overload the pan; the steaks should lie freely. Fry turkey steaks on each side over high heat for 1-2 minutes until crispy.

Then reduce the heat to medium, and fry the steaks over moderate heat for about five more minutes on each side until they are fully cooked. Five minutes before the meat is ready, add 1-2 tbsp to the pan. l. butter, thyme sprigs and one or two cloves of garlic, crushed with the flat side of a knife (as soon as the cloves are browned, they need to be removed so that they do not give off bitterness). Drizzle melted butter over top of steaks. Garlic and thyme add extra flavor and flavor to turkey steaks.

Any turkey steak is an incredibly tasty and healthy dish. The composition of the product is characterized by a high content of proteins, vitamins and microelements. This is a great alternative to classic steak. In addition, lean meat is very easily digestible and is considered dietary. Find out how to quickly and deliciously cook turkey meat.

How to cook

Thanks to its beneficial properties and excellent taste, turkey meat has long won the hearts of housewives. Nutritionists around the world advise eating this low-calorie meat. Cooking turkey steak is a great substitute for fatty pork chops and beef steaks. You can prepare juicy meat in many ways and from different parts of the bird’s body. Learn the most common recipes.

In the oven

Almost every housewife has an oven. A special feature of cooking in it is the absence of direct contact of products with the cooking surface and fire. Meat takes longer to cook in the oven, but it is tender and has excellent taste and does not require fat for frying. He will not lose a single gram of vitamins. You can bake turkey meat in the oven directly with a side dish. They can be potatoes, buckwheat, wheat and rice. The side dish always turns out juicy and tasty.

In a frying pan

It is not customary to cook turkey meat with blood. Turkey steak in a frying pan has a golden crust, under which the tender and juicy flesh remains. If you choose this cooking method, you need to take into account the nuances. You need to know how long to fry until a golden brown crust forms. Don't keep it in a frying pan for too long over high heat. At the same time, to prevent the steak from being too soft (stewed), you should not expose it to low temperatures for a long time. How to fry meat so that it doesn't turn out dry and tough:

  • select medium temperature;
  • use the lid until the product is ready.

In a slow cooker

A good way to please yourself and your loved ones is to prepare a delicacy in a slow cooker. This method allows you to get a delicious dinner and save time. With the right choice of spices and following the recipe, the meat turns out truly royal! In kitchen appliances, thanks to the built-in modes, you can get a fried, steamed or stewed steak. No matter how the poultry meat is prepared, even a gourmet will enjoy it.


  • Cooking time: 145 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 263 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

This recipe involves marinating the meat before frying. To know how to brine turkey so it tastes good, you need to follow a step-by-step guide. This is done in advance (2-4 hours in advance). Poultry fillet is best suited for steak. Boneless meat from the chest area is universal. It has good compatibility with various side dishes and vegetables. Marinade using mustard makes the meat more juicy, and the use of spices adds spicy notes.


  • turkey breast – 1 kg;
  • mustard seeds – 30 g;
  • peppercorns – 20 g;
  • mixture of herbs (oregano, marjoram, basil) – 36 g;
  • olive oil – 20 g;
  • salt – 7 g;
  • sunflower oil (for frying) – 50 g.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the fillet into pieces about 2 cm thick.
  2. Lightly beat the pieces with a hammer.
  3. Make the marinade. To do this, mix olive oil, mustard seeds, black pepper, a mixture of herbs and salt in a container.
  4. Rub the turkey pieces well with the marinade. Leave the meat to steep in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. Place portions on a hot frying pan greased with sunflower oil.
  6. Fry on all sides: first over high heat for 3 minutes, then over low heat.
  7. Check readiness. Its signs are the presence of a uniform golden color and a crispy crust.

Try doing this too. You will find interesting recipes for poultry dishes.

Turkey leg steak - recipe

  • Cooking time: 126 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 193 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: difficult.

To prevent the turkey leg steak from turning out too dry, it will need to be marinated and baked in the oven. A spicy marinade will add zest to the finished dish. This recipe will appeal to lovers of spicy meat. If desired, you can prepare a more delicate version without adding pepper and garlic. A step-by-step recipe with photos will help novice cooks.


  • poultry drumstick – 1-1.5 kg;
  • ginger root – 20 g;
  • soy sauce – 36 ml;
  • chili pepper (chopped) – 7 g;
  • sweet paprika (chopped) – 23 g;
  • garlic – 2 medium heads;
  • salt – 7 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • rosemary and thyme - several sprigs each.

Cooking method

  1. For the marinade, grate the ginger root on a fine grater. Chop rosemary and thyme with a knife. It is advisable to take fresh herbs, but in the absence of such, the dried version is also suitable.
  2. In a non-metallic container, mix soy sauce, grated ginger root, chili pepper, sweet paprika, salt, garlic and add chopped rosemary and thyme.
  3. Finely chop two onions and add to the marinade.
  4. Take the turkey drumsticks and wash them. Dry with napkins or towels.
  5. Carefully remove the thick skin from the turkey legs, but not completely.
  6. The resulting bare drumsticks, unlike chicken drumsticks, have a thick film. It will interfere with the marinating of the meat. To avoid this, use a sharp knife or metal skewer to pierce some areas of the drumstick.
  7. Rub the drumsticks well with the spicy marinade. Pull the skin back over the drumsticks and generously grease the top as well. Leave to soak for an hour and a half in a cool place.
  8. Place the drumsticks in a baking dish and place in an oven preheated to 180°. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

In the oven in foil

  • Cooking time: 97 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 263 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium

To make a turkey meat dish tasty, you will need a juicy, boneless breast. The meat should not be beaten, only slightly shaped. Steaks baked in the oven using this method are very tender and dietary. 10 minutes before complete readiness, the foil must be removed, then a juicy, appetizing crust will form.


  • turkey breast – 800-1200 g;
  • mayonnaise – 340 g;
  • onions – 3 pcs.;
  • salt – 14 g;
  • black pepper – 3 g;
  • nutmeg – 4 g.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the fillet across the grain into thin slices. They should be no more than 3 cm thick.
  2. Finely chop the onion.
  3. In a bowl, mix mayonnaise, onion, a pinch of salt, black pepper and nutmeg.
  4. Dip the turkey breast steaks well into the resulting mayonnaise sauce.
  5. Wrap the steaks in foil and bake in a preheated oven.
  6. After 36 minutes, open the top layer of foil and brush the meat with the remaining seasoned mayonnaise. The dish will be ready in 10 minutes.

In the oven with potatoes

  • Cooking time: 105 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 365 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium

Cooking turkey steaks in the oven with potatoes is an excellent alternative to dishes from expensive restaurants. By placing meat on top of potatoes, we get an unforgettable aroma and taste. This dish will save time for a good housewife, because both the side dish and the meat are prepared at the same time. This recipe makes it easy to learn how to cook turkey so that it turns out juicy and spicy.


  • poultry thigh fillet – 1 kg;
  • potatoes – 1200 g;
  • salt – 7 g;
  • sunflower oil – 20 g.
  • garlic (chopped) – 5 g;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the fillet, washed and dried with napkins, into portions.
  2. In a preheated frying pan, fry turkey thigh fillet pieces in sunflower oil for 3-4 minutes on each side (until golden brown).
  3. Peel the potatoes and wash them. Small ones can be placed entirely on a baking sheet, large ones can be cut in half. Salt and pepper the potatoes.
  4. Place browned turkey steaks on top of potatoes. Sprinkle with spice mixture and chopped garlic.
  5. Place the dish in an oven preheated to 190 degrees until cooked.

With cheese

  • Cooking time: 95 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 157 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Even a novice cook can master this easy dish. Turkey meat pieces with cheese in the oven turn out unusually tender. Orange zest will add a refined note. Any part of turkey is suitable to create a masterpiece: fillet, thigh, drumstick or portioned pieces. When served, these breast steaks are more impressive. Cheese must be taken from hard varieties.


  • breast – 600 g;
  • cheese – 226 g;
  • orange zest – 30 g;
  • wine – 200 g;
  • salt – 8 g;
  • thyme – 5 g.

Cooking method

  1. Wash the fillet. Cut into portions 2-2.5 cm thick.
  2. Make the marinade. To do this, heat the wine to a temperature of 60 degrees, add chopped thyme and half the orange zest.
  3. Marinate the semi-finished product for half an hour, after wrapping it in cling film.
  4. Place the pieces on a baking sheet greased with butter. Salt and pepper. Send to bake for 30 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Add the remaining orange zest.
  6. Cover the top of the steaks with a mixture of grated cheese and zest. Leave in the oven for another 10-15 minutes until done.

On the bone

  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 185 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The best way to cook turkey meat on the bone is in an air fryer. This recipe with photo will really appeal to people who keep their body in shape. Unsurpassed aroma and fruity flavor are the distinctive features of this dish. Cherry juice, honey and lemon will help with this. It is best to buy ready-made turkey meat with bone. This is worth doing so as not to suffer later when cutting it. When grilled, the dish turns out very tasty.


  • turkey fillet on the bone – 900-1300 g;
  • cherry juice – 40 ml;
  • liquid honey – 50 ml;
  • large lemon – 1 pc.;
  • dried basil – 20 g;
  • salt – 8 g.

Cooking method

  1. Make the marinade. To do this, heat the honey in a water bath to a temperature of 40 degrees. Add sweet cherry juice and the juice of half a lemon.
  2. Marinate the workpiece for 1 hour.
  3. Prepare the air fryer. Line the bottom rack with foil to prevent sauce from dripping down.
  4. Place steaks on the grill. Salt and season with basil.
  5. Preheat the air fryer to 200 degrees and cook for 30-40 minutes until done.


  • Cooking time: 98 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 285 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

It is best to prepare a stewed meat dish with the addition of tomatoes. Vegetables should be taken of sweet and sour varieties. Tomato paste is absolutely not suitable for this treat. The sourness of tomatoes gives the bird a specific taste. This dish can also be consumed by children and people on a low-calorie diet. This is an excellent option for the daily menu. For cooking you will need a grill pan.


  • breast – 700-900 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • large tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • cream – 100 g;
  • spices - to taste;
  • salt – 8 g.

Cooking method

  1. Wash turkey breast. Cut into slices 2.5-3 cm thick. Beat with a hammer.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Chop the onion into small rings.
  3. Place steaks on a heated grill pan. Cook over low heat. Fry on one side.
  4. Turn the meat over to the other side and place tomatoes and onions on top. Fry for 3 minutes and pour in cream. Salt and add spices to taste.
  5. Simmer covered for 30 minutes.

Read on to find out how to choose the right one.

With mushrooms

  • Cooking time: 106 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 385 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

This very light meat dish with mushrooms in the oven will appeal to all family members. You can use a variety of mushrooms. Preferably champignons, chanterelles, milk mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, and white ones. By baking turkey meat with mushrooms in the oven, you will get a hearty, healthy and tasty dish that will be appreciated.


  • turkey fillet – 1 kg;
  • mushrooms – 500 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • cheese – 200 g;
  • salt – 8 g;
  • ground black pepper – 7 g;
  • mixture of fragrant herbs (basil, rosemary, parsley) – 30 g.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the turkey fillet into thin portions. Add salt.
  2. Bake in the oven for half an hour.
  3. In a grill pan, fry one large onion and coarsely chopped mushrooms. Salt and pepper.
  4. Place mushrooms on top of meat. Bake for another 10 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, coarsely grate the cheese. Mix it with a mixture of herbs and black pepper.
  6. Sprinkle the cheese and herb mixture over the turkey. Leave in the oven for another 10-15 minutes (until done).

With vegetables

  • Cooking time: 80 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 235 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

This dish is easy to prepare and has good taste. It doesn't take much effort or skill to learn how to cook turkey steak with vegetables in the oven - any seasonal vegetables are a good addition to tender turkey. This dish can be eaten by small children. They will be happy to eat a delicious steak.


  • turkey breast – 900 g;
  • carrots – 500 g;
  • onion – 300 g;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 50 g;
  • milk – 30 ml;
  • salt – 9 g.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the breast into portioned steaks.
  2. Prepare the batter. Mix milk, flour, egg. Add finely chopped onion to the batter while stirring. Coarsely grate the carrots.
  3. Dip the steaks in the batter and place them on a baking sheet. Pour the remaining batter on top.
  4. Bake in the oven at 200°C for about 40 minutes.

In sour cream

  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 201 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

From this recipe you can learn how to fry the most tender turkey steaks in sour cream. This easy, low-calorie dish is a favorite among many. Sour cream adds delicacy to the bird. If desired, you can make the meat in the sauce by seasoning the cream with a mixture of peppers, herbs, sweet paprika or dried mushrooms. The best side dish for steaks in sour cream is mashed potatoes with milk or boiled spaghetti.


  • turkey fillet – 800-900 g;
  • sour cream 15% – 500 g;
  • salt – 7 g;

Cooking method

  1. Cut turkey fillet across the grain into slices.
  2. In a well-heated frying pan, squeeze on both sides for 5 minutes.
  3. Reduce heat to low and pour in sour cream.
  4. Add salt and simmer for 40 minutes.

For a couple

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 161 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Steamed turkey steak in a slow cooker retains all the beneficial vitamins and microelements. Poultry is the best dish for a strict protein diet or when cutting athletes. If you adhere to proper nutrition, this recipe is just a godsend for you. Steamed turkey turns out aromatic and very tasty. You can serve it with vegetables and cream sauce.


  • turkey fillet (breast) – 625-750g;
  • salt – 7 g;
  • water – 203 ml.

Cooking method

  1. Rinse the turkey fillet well under running water. Dry with cotton or paper towel.
  2. Cut into pieces 2.2-2.6 cm thick. Lightly beat them into the correct shape.
  3. Place a container of water in the multicooker bowl. Place a food preparation container on top.
  4. Place steaks on the grill. Lightly salt.
  5. Select the required mode. The turkey will take about 30-40 minutes to cook.

  1. The meat must be cut across the grain.
  2. It is not advisable to pound turkey steak. If the recipe calls for this step, wrap the steak in cling film and lightly pound it. This way the meat will remain juicy and healthy.
  3. To get a golden crust on top of the steak, but not allow dryness inside, you need to fry it first over high heat, and then turn it down to low heat.
  4. Rinse the steaks in dry wine before frying - this will add an interesting taste.
  5. Cooking turkey in the oven, air fryer, or steam retains much more vitamins in the meat than frying it in a grill pan.
  6. Pre-marinated turkey cooks faster than regular turkey.


AND . Today I’ll tell you how to fry a turkey steak in a frying pan. Turkey meat, like chicken meat, is dietary, it is low in fat, and otherwise the nutritional value is not inferior to other types of meat.

To cook turkey steak in a frying pan, we will take poultry fillet. In its structure and appearance, turkey fillet resembles chicken fillet, but it is much larger. Chicken fillet is thin, and we cut it lengthwise for a chop or steak. But the turkey fillet is already quite massive and large. Its thickness allows us to cut meat across the grain.

The cross-sectional area is small, but we can make the thickness as we need - about 2 cm.

Lightly beat these pieces with a hammer. We don't need to soften the meat, it's already tender. It’s just that the steak marinates better this way.

Salt the turkey steaks on both sides, pepper and sprinkle with your favorite seasonings. Marjoram is good for poultry meat.

To enrich the taste of the meat, we will prepare a marinade of mustard and soy sauce for it. We'll only need a little bit of it.

Brush the turkey steaks on both sides and leave for half an hour.

Pour sunflower oil into a frying pan, heat it and place the steaks. We should hear a hiss. Over medium heat, quickly sear the turkey steaks on one side. By frying this way we seal the meat juice inside. It doesn't leak out and our steak turns out juicy.

Turn the meat over and fry the steaks on the other side just as quickly. Then reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and fry the meat for another 7-10 minutes.

Turkey steak cooked in a frying pan can be served with any side dish, sauce, or vegetables.

Poultry meat is an ideal option not only for replenishing the body with useful substances, but also for preparing an almost unlimited number of delicious dishes. Craving a delicious turkey steak? Yes, no problem! A little desire and culinary skill, and you won’t notice how soon a hot dish will be on your table.

The easiest and fastest way to cook well is to fry a steak in a frying pan in the classic style.


  • mustard - 10 g;
  • turkey fillet - 600 g;
  • fresh cream/sour cream - 60 g;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, spices, seasonings.

Cooking method:

  1. We thoroughly wash the fillet, blot off excess moisture with paper napkins, be sure to cut off all the films and tendons, and divide the piece into steaks.
  2. To obtain a juicy and tender dish, it is advisable to marinate the fillet. Turkey meat goes well with curry, turmeric, a mixture of peppers, basil or savory, so choose the spices according to your preferences.
  3. Mix oil (lean or olive), salt, mustard and seasonings in a bowl. Coat the prepared layers with the resulting sauce, marinate the product for 30 minutes, covered.
  4. Heat a frying pan with oil that completely covers the bottom of the container. Place pieces of meat in hot fat, placing them loosely in a non-stick pan. The ideal container for getting a classic steak is a grill pan.
  5. Fry the layers for 3 minutes until golden brown, turn them over, and repeat the heat treatment process. Cook the meat for another quarter of an hour, covered, by simmering. At the same time, reduce the heat to minimum.
  6. Open the dish, increase the heating intensity, fry the pieces until the liquid has completely evaporated and appetizing crusts have been restored on both sides of the meat.

Serve golden turkey steaks to the table!

Cooking in a slow cooker

Multifunctional household appliances have become a pleasant bonus for us, a guarantee of excellent quality of prepared dishes. A few minutes and the turkey steak will appear in its most delicious and attractive form.

Grocery list:

  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • salt, pepper, dry Provençal herbs;
  • turkey fillet - 500 g;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • oil (olive or sunflower).

Preparation procedure:

  1. Thoroughly wash the poultry meat and dry it with paper towels. We remove all films and tendons so that the steaks retain their shape when frying. Cut layers up to 2.5 cm thick.
  2. Mix Provençal herbs, lemon juice, chopped garlic without peels, oil and salt in a bowl. Place the pieces in the prepared mixture, coating each part of the meat with it. Leave the product in this state for 2 hours.
  3. Once again, pat the turkey slices dry with napkins. We treat the multicooker bowl with oil and set the “Baking” program. Warm up the container, lay out the marinated meat so that the pieces do not touch each other.
  4. Close the appliance, cook for 20 minutes, then turn the steaks over and continue the process for another quarter of an hour. In this way, fry the rest of the meat, after which we leave the food on the heating mode for 15 minutes.

Place the steaks on a beautiful plate, serve with aromatic herbs and a ready-made side dish.

With potatoes

A delicious turkey dish, skillfully prepared with root vegetables, perfect for a Sunday lunch or a romantic dinner. The fan's heart will melt along with the first piece of delicious meat!

List of components:

  • salt, spices and seasonings;
  • vegetable oil;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • potatoes - 800 g;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • onion and carrot;
  • thigh fillet - 1 kg.

Cooking steps:

  1. We process the meat in the usual way, divide it into portions, lightly beat it with a culinary hammer, giving the slices the same shape.
  2. Mix the sauce, spices, selected seasonings, and vegetable oil in a convenient bowl. Lubricate the pieces of meat with the resulting mixture and leave to marinate for 30 minutes.
  3. Chop the peeled and washed potato tubers into large pieces. We remove the peel from the onion and chop it into half rings. Chop the carrots into round slices. Pass the garlic cloves through a press.
  4. Place the prepared vegetables in the cooking sleeve, place the marinated steaks on top, and season the food with pepper and salt. To get a dish with a crispy crust and an appetizing golden hue, simply do not tie the bag, providing access to hot streams to the food being prepared.
  5. Place the food in an oven heated to 190°C for an hour.

Place the steaks and potatoes in a beautiful serving bowl and serve hot. See how successful your culinary creation will be!

Tender turkey steak in the oven

We continue our delicious research into the best ways to bake poultry. Let's learn how to cook turkey steak so that the meat turns out to be the most juicy and tender.

Required ingredients:

  • soft cheese - 150 g;
  • garlic cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • turkey breast - 1.4 kg;
  • heavy cream (at least 15%) - 400 ml;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper, dill.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the poultry fillet thoroughly. As always, we free it from tendons and films, then cut into layers (certainly across the fibers) up to 2 cm thick.
  2. Rub the steaks with salt, pepper, a mixture of dry herbs, grease with olive oil, and place in a baking dish. Place the pieces in one layer and place them in an oven heated to 220°C for 40 minutes. We expect a soft golden crust to appear on the meat.
  3. Peel the garlic cloves, chop them, grind them together with soft cheese until smooth, then pour in high-quality cream. We get a thick and flavorful sauce.
  4. We take out the baked meat, treat it with the prepared garlic mixture, and return the food to the oven. Reduce the heating temperature to 180 °C and continue the process until the meat is completely cooked.

If you have never tried such tender turkey steaks, you will be pleasantly surprised by the wonderful taste and aroma of the resulting dish.

Step-by-step cooking in foil

Metallic paper will help us create a win-win option for perfect steaks in foil. Step-by-step preparation will make the process correct and consistent.

List of products:

  • mixtures of peppers, salt, saffron, grated nutmeg, paprika, curry - 2 g each;
  • turkey fillet - 700 g;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • half a lemon;
  • sprigs of greenery.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. We wash the poultry fillet and pat it thoroughly with towels, removing excess liquid. We divide a piece of meat into layers up to 3 cm thick. Do not forget about the method of cutting across the grain. By the way, juicy steaks can be prepared not only from fillets, but also from poultry drumsticks.
  2. Mix chopped garlic, spices and seasonings, squeeze out the juice of half a lemon. Add some citrus zest. We carefully process each piece of meat with the resulting mixture, put the products in a pan, and close the container. Marinate the turkey for at least half an hour.
  3. To make the food as tender as possible, take the product out of the spicy mixture, lightly blot it, beat it a little, and quickly fry it in hot fat in a hot frying pan until well browned. In this way we “seal” the meat juices inside the piece.
  4. At the next stage, we wrap each future steak in foil, making it as airtight as possible. We crimp the packaging into shape, wrap the edges tightly and lift.
  5. Place the pieces on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 50 minutes (180°C).

10 minutes before the end of the process, open the paper, bake the layers of meat until golden brown and serve with herbs. We choose the side dish according to our preferences.

With mushrooms

A completely simple recipe for delicious poultry steaks with mushrooms and other delicacies. Despite the simplicity of the cooking method, the dish turns out very tasty and surprisingly elegant.


  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh champignons (preferably small ones) - 400 g;
  • turkey fillet - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices, high-quality mayonnaise.

Cooking technology:

  1. To get the desired result, we need boneless steaks. We buy already separated layers of meat or cut the poultry fillet ourselves. In any case, the product must be washed, dried with napkins, lightly beaten with a hammer, and sprinkled with selected seasonings and spices.
  2. Place the prepared slices into a frying pan heated with oil. Quickly fry the pieces without turning them over, then place them raw side down on an oiled baking sheet.
  3. Chop the peeled mushrooms into slices, pepper and salt, mix with mayonnaise, place on slices of meat in the shape of a neat slide.
  4. Cover the champignons with slices of chopped tomatoes and sprinkle with cheese shavings. Place all this culinary delight in the oven (180°C) for a quarter of an hour.

When the crust on each portion is browned, we remove the meat “pyramids” from the oven and taste the fruits of our culinary skills.

Turkey steaks with bone

These disc steaks can be purchased packaged or you can select the desired piece of turkey meat on the bone and cut it at the butcher shop.

List of products:

  • poultry steaks with bone - 5 pcs.;
  • olive oil - up to 50 ml;
  • thyme;
  • garlic cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • pepper, salt, seasonings.

Cooking features:

  1. Thoroughly wash the layers of meat and pat dry with paper towels. Mix 50 ml of vegetable oil with crushed peeled garlic cloves, a mixture of peppers and thyme. Coat the turkey with the resulting mixture and marinate for up to half an hour.
  2. Place the prepared meat in a ceramic baking dish, then place the dish in the cooking sleeve and secure it with clips.
  3. Place the workpiece in the oven for 30 minutes, heated to 230 °C. A quarter of an hour before the end of cooking of the products, carefully, so as not to get scalded, open the packaging and brown the layers.

Serve the turkey steaks with the bone hot.

Dietary steamed recipe

Some lovers of delicious food are clearly prejudiced against cooking meat using the presented method. However, one must understand that healthy steamed food is not only a dietary dish, but also an indispensable rule of modern cooking.

Required components:

  • tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • half a lemon;
  • wine (preferably dry) - 500 ml;
  • turkey breast - 800 g;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, spices (savory, oregano, basil), herbs.

Cooking process:

  1. Divide the prepared fillet into slices up to 2 cm thick.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and cut into medium-sized pieces. Peel the onion and chop it into half rings.
  3. Place the processed vegetables in a pan, add layers of meat to them, pour in wine, squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Season the food with salt, pepper, spices and seasonings, and leave to marinate for half an hour.
  4. We put the components of the dish into the basket of the kitchen appliance, set the “Steam” program, and cook the food for an hour.

The presented dish is suitable even for those people whose diet is limited for medical reasons. Your mood and health will be perfect!

Cooking on an electric grill

Home cooking is becoming more and more automated, and the quality and presentation of dishes is approaching restaurant levels. A turkey steak on an electric grill deserves just such a rating.


  • olive oil;
  • juice of ½ lemon;
  • turkey fillet - 700 g;
  • salt, pepper, dry oregano, ground cumin.


  1. We wash the poultry meat, pat it dry thoroughly, and very carefully cut off all tendons and membranes. Divide the fillet into portioned steaks and beat lightly.
  2. Combine olive oil, spices and seasonings in a bowl, squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Place the turkey pieces in the marinade and place in the refrigerator for two hours.
  3. Turn on the electrical appliance to the “Meat” program, select a cooking time of 6 minutes and a heating temperature of 200 °C. We press the “OK” button and wait for the indicator to finish its “winking”, warning with a sound signal that the plates have already heated up.
  4. We take out the meat slices and pat them lightly. Open the unit, lay out the pickled product, close the device. Further events do not depend on us - “smart” automation will do everything in the best possible way.
  5. Remove the prepared layers under foil. This means that we place the finished dish on a plate and cover it with metal paper so that the meat reaches the required condition.

Turkey steaks “rhyme” into amazingly delicious culinary creations. Each of us can become the author of such masterpieces, because we so want to live long, “tasty” and happily!