Fortune telling Secret Pocket (online, free)

When the trust of one of the partners in an alliance begins to be tested, and the worm of merciless jealousy gnaws at the heart, the relationship can become a source of constant stress for each party.

It’s hard to torment yourself with ignorance and plunge into dark thoughts, and attempts to convict the other half of betrayal, constant checks and interrogations will further cool the feelings of the suspected party.

To help trust return to a relationship or to find out in time about the interference of a third party in your union, ask a question to the Secret Pocket Tarot layout.

There are also online layouts that can clarify the situation with the fidelity of a spouse. The choice is yours whether you can take them into account when it comes to peace and trust in a relationship.

It is worth remembering that the essence of the Tarot is alive, it comes into contact, gives you access to the flow of knowledge, but requires in return a respectful attitude and observance of rituals. By pressing the online fortune telling button, you will quickly receive an interpretation, but you will not be able to charge the deck with information from your biofield to receive a reliable answer.

Partner loyalty chart

Here are the important conditions, the observance of which will make any fortune telling reliable:

  • Silence, lack of fuss and rush.
  • Maximum concentration on the question.
  • If possible, visualize the appearance and characteristic facial expressions and gestures of the person for whom fortune telling is being performed.
  • When choosing cards, listen to the sensations on your fingertips and palms; quite quickly you will understand your individual change in sensitivity when your hand approaches the active card.
  • It is advisable to let your hair down and comb it, remove hats, hairpins, ribbons and elastic bands.
  • A short meditation with a deck in hand before the start of the session helps to switch to an intuitive way of perceiving and interpreting cards.

So, all the necessary setup procedures have been followed, the cards have been shuffled, and fortune telling can begin.

We place the first lasso of the layout in the center of the table from above. We place the next card to the left of the first, and place the third under the second column. To the right of the first is the position of the fourth card, the fifth takes place under the fourth.

The sixth, seventh and eighth are lined up in a column under the third from top to bottom, the ninth, tenth and eleventh go under the five in the same way.

Now we take out the twelfth card, this is the secret pocket. It takes place to the right of the second and third cards inside the two main columns. The thirteenth card must also be placed between two columns below the secret pocket, to the left of the fifth and ninth cards of the layout.


Now that the alignment has been completed, for ease of interpretation, you can look up the meaning of the arcana online for free; this will not reduce the reliability of fortune telling.

  • The first card will reveal the motives of the partner in your union.
  • The following cards from the second to the fifth characterize the feelings and attitudes of the person in question towards you.
  • From the sixth to the eighth they will tell about the actions and actions of your partner in relation to you.
  • The ninth, tenth and eleventh contain information about the partner’s intentions regarding you and the union in the near future.
  • The secret pocket, the twelfth, reveals the unsaid, exposes betrayals and intrigues.
  • The last card will explain the reasons for what is hidden in the secret pocket.

If the missus is involved in treason, then the king will appear in the 12th position, similarly, the lady in this position in the scenario for a man means his adventures.

The suit of the figured card will clarify, perhaps it is someone you know. The page or knight of cups will indicate betrayal with a younger partner or the fleeting nature of this relationship.

The major arcana, Judgment and Lovers, indicate infidelity; the minor arcana, the Three of Cups and Swords.

Attracting your desired destiny

If fortune telling brings bad news, all is not lost. The magical properties of Tarot cards have a two-way connection with the information space, they can tell about the future, but sometimes they can also influence it.

It happens that when fortune telling is bad, one trick works. Cover the unwanted card on top with the opposite in value of the positive one from the major arcana (Lovers, Peace, Sun). The position of the card must certainly be straight.

Immerse yourself in contemplation of the lasso, gradually slowing down your racing thoughts and worry about future events. Slowly remove the negative card from below and return it to the deck, continue contemplation for some more time.

After meditation, the card should be left for one night, then put into the deck and abandoned predictions for several days.

During this time, the lasso needs to be periodically visualized and tuned in to resolving the situation.
Author: Anastasia Tetereva

The most exciting question that sooner or later begins to torment anyone is betrayal. Even if the relationship is built on mutual trust, deep in the soul there may be a grain of doubt.

Tarot cards are able to deal with this problem by giving a monosyllabic answer, thereby confirming or refuting suspicions. The most popular layout for betrayal is considered to be the “Secret Pocket”.


Tarot readers claim that most often people turn to them specifically to determine whether a partner has someone on his side. Nobody wants to be deceived, so a variety of methods are used.

"Secret pocket" layout considered quite effective. In addition to the fact that he will give an accurate answer to the question of interest, he will be able to analyze the relationship. This knowledge will be relevant when choosing a model of behavior in a given relationship.

There are nine cards in the layout. Based on this, we can say that the fortune telling is quite detailed. It reflects not only the past, present and future of relationships, but also reveals position of each partner.

Also, not only physical betrayal is considered, but also emotional and even intellectual. If betrayal has already taken place, then the alignment will tell you about the possible reasons and tell you how to act in the future.

Ultimately, the layout provides the following opportunities:

  • Find out the degree of a person’s predisposition to cheating;
  • Determine the reasons why this may happen;
  • Identify areas where dangers lurk;
  • Predict the future of relationships;


The cards are thoroughly shuffled and placed in three vertical rows. Very important follow the schedule. The first card starts the left row, located on top. The second card is in the middle of the second row. The third card is located under the first.

There are more extended layout, consisting of thirteen cards. It is also in demand, but not every tarot reader can correctly decompose and decipher it.


Cards are deciphered as they increase, and not depending on their position in the layout. This condition must be met. Because it saves logical connection between the characteristics of the cards.

The first card in this layout talks about what is happening in the relationship today. The second card generally characterizes the partner. The third card shows how the partner treats members of the opposite sex. Already at this stage of fortune telling, you can understand what the likelihood of betrayal is in this case.

The fourth card talks about the possibility of physical betrayal. The fifth card touches on another type of betrayal - emotional. The sixth card speaks of opportunity intellectual treason. This includes spending time with friends or dedicating a person to work.

The seventh card examines possible causes of betrayal. The eighth card shows how the relationship will develop in the future. The ninth card tells us what the questioner needs to prepare for, what to expect from loved one.

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands card is a fairly strong, fiery card. She can both characterize the situation and talk about the presence of an outside woman in the relationship. It all depends on where exactly this card is located.

In general, when interpreting relationship layouts "Queen of Wands" considered a sign of love and respect. She emphasizes rich life experience. Most likely, the couple had already gone through a lot, which subsequently cemented the union.

Under the influence of certain factors, the presence of the “Lady of Wands” in a reading may foreshadow a revival of feelings and a transition to a new stage in the relationship. The reversed position of this card has the opposite characteristic. In this case we are talking about selfishness and stubbornness. It is for this reason that it is possible conflict situations in relationships.

Located next to the “Ace of Cups,” the “Queen of Wands” speaks of the speedy acquisition of offspring. In this case, there can be no question of any betrayal. The combination of this card with the “Six of Swords” indicates a sudden change of place of residence.

Most likely, this step will be a solution to problems in the relationship. "Eight of Cups" together with the lady, is a direct sign of the end of the relationship. In this case, it is possible that the partner will leave for another person.


The Jester card is considered truly controversial and unpredictable. So when it falls out in love scenarios, tarot readers prefer to postpone the alignment to another time because they do not consider it indicative. But some experts take on decoding in this case too.

This card predicts a series of strange events. They can go beyond the usual, surprise, and in some cases even shock. If the card is reversed, then there will be problems in the relationship. certain problems.

It is quite possible that the partner will be passionate about another person. But this will happen unconsciously, on the initiative of this person. How the situation is resolved largely depends on the questioner himself.

King of Pentacles

This card talks about having a mature relationship. It is likely that we are talking about an older couple. However, maturity can also manifest itself in the very nature of the relationship. This means that the union is quite strong, tested by time and various situations.

The downside in this relationship is that there is no former passion in it. Love is based on respect and trust for each other. This union has well developed family values. Both partners look in the same direction. If a couple does not have children, then they will definitely appear soon.


What most often makes people in love or married people suffer from suspicion, suffer and worry? Of course, thoughts about whether your loved one is hiding something. What if he has an affair on the side or some kind of secret? When we become suspicious, it affects our relationships, and sometimes non-existent lovers and mistresses become the reason for real separation. To avoid tormenting yourself and your partner once again, perform the “Secret Pocket” Tarot spread - it will allow you to find out for sure whether your other half is hiding something.

Under what circumstances can you use the Hidden Pocket Tarot spread?

Fortune telling will be useful if you are tormented by any kind of doubts and suspicions. In the end, you will not lose anything: at best, you will breathe a sigh of relief when you find out that there are no secrets of the Madrid court behind your back; at worst, you will make sure that you have excellent intuition, since you were able to sense that your partner is hiding something important.

So, what will the “Secret Pocket” Tarot layout allow you to find out: does your other half have another partner, are there any other secrets that he prefers to remain silent about, how your loved one really treats you and what he is going to do

“Secret Pocket” layout: features and meaning of card positions

The “Secret Pocket” Tarot layout, the diagram of which is shown in the figure above, belongs to the category of medium complexity. The number of cards used is thirteen. A novice tarot reader who can already navigate the meanings of the Arcana quite easily can handle this fortune-telling.

Before laying out the cards, as usual, you need to ask the deck a question, shuffle it, and then pull out any thirteen cards, arranging them closed according to the presented diagram.

What do the positions mean?

  • 1 - The purpose of the person of interest relative to the questioner. The card describes what this person wants to achieve from the relationship, why he is near the questioner
  • 2, 3, 4, 5 - The true attitude of a loved one, his experiences, feelings, emotions, in a word - all the responses of his soul to this relationship
  • 6, 7, 8 - Real actions of your other half, his behavior, actions
  • 9, 10, 11 - Plans for the near future of the person you are interested in. How a person intends to act, what he is going to do, what he plans to do regarding the client and their relationship
  • 12 - That same “secret pocket”, a person’s secret, what he hides, what he doesn’t talk about, keeps silent
  • 13 - The reason forcing a person to remain silent

Many people are interested in how you can find out that a person is not hiding anything? But this already depends on the intuition of the tarot reader. In fact, if you understand human psychology, each of us has things that we prefer not to talk about even to our closest people. And this will not necessarily be a connection on the side. This may include secret fears, painful experiences from the past, some childhood grievances, or even family or inheritance matters that do not concern your other half.

An example of the interpretation of fortune telling “Secret Pocket”

To make everything fall into place, let’s imagine that a young man came to see us and was tormented by suspicions about his girlfriend’s infidelity. Suppose that a girl often leaves home under dubious pretexts, does not allow her to look at her phone, closes her page on a social network, in a word - she behaves very suspiciously.

We are doing a “Secret Pocket” Tarot spread for a young man and here are the cards we get.

1 - . Based on this card, it would be logical to assume that the girl has high hopes for this relationship. She wants to build a family, have children

2, 3, 4, 5 - , . All the fallen Arcana unanimously speak of sincere feelings, love, strong emotions, but the Lovers hint at some kind of choice that occupies the girl’s thoughts. And this choice is clearly related to relationships

13 - . Most likely, the girl is afraid to tell her loved one about this, because she believes that they are not yet old enough to join the family.

The most important thing in this layout is to try to feel the cards intuitively. Do not use book values. Believe that your gut instinct will tell you much more than any literature or brochure accompanying the deck.

at the Women's Club!

When the trust of one of the partners in an alliance begins to be tested, and the worm of merciless jealousy gnaws at the heart, the relationship can become a source of constant stress for each party.

It’s hard to torment yourself with ignorance and plunge into dark thoughts, and attempts to convict the other half of betrayal, constant checks and interrogations will further cool the feelings of the suspected party.

To help trust return to a relationship or to find out in time about the interference of a third party in your union, ask a question to the Secret Pocket Tarot layout.

There are also online layouts that can clarify the situation with the fidelity of a spouse. The choice is yours whether you can take them into account when it comes to peace and trust in a relationship.

It is worth remembering that the essence of the Tarot is alive, it comes into contact, gives you access to the flow of knowledge, but requires in return a respectful attitude and observance of rituals. By pressing the online fortune telling button, you will quickly receive an interpretation, but you will not be able to charge the deck with information from your biofield to receive a reliable answer.

Partner loyalty chart

Here are the important conditions, the observance of which will make any fortune telling reliable:

  • Silence, lack of fuss and rush.
  • Maximum concentration on the question.
  • If possible, visualize the appearance and characteristic facial expressions and gestures of the person for whom fortune telling is being performed.
  • When choosing cards, listen to the sensations on your fingertips and palms; quite quickly you will understand your individual change in sensitivity when your hand approaches the active card.
  • It is advisable to let your hair down and comb it, remove hats, hairpins, ribbons and elastic bands.
  • A short meditation with a deck in hand before the start of the session helps to switch to an intuitive way of perceiving and interpreting cards.

So, all the necessary setup procedures have been followed, the cards have been shuffled, and fortune telling can begin.

We place the first lasso of the layout in the center of the table from above. We place the next card to the left of the first, and place the third under the second column. To the right of the first is the position of the fourth card, the fifth takes place under the fourth.

The sixth, seventh and eighth are lined up in a column under the third from top to bottom, the ninth, tenth and eleventh go under the five in the same way.

Now we take out the twelfth card, this is the secret pocket. It takes place to the right of the second and third cards inside the two main columns. The thirteenth card must also be placed between two columns below the secret pocket, to the left of the fifth and ninth cards of the layout.


Now that the alignment has been completed, for ease of interpretation, you can look up the meaning of the arcana online for free; this will not reduce the reliability of fortune telling.

  • The first card will reveal the motives of the partner in your union.
  • The following cards from the second to the fifth characterize the feelings and attitudes of the person in question towards you.
  • From the sixth to the eighth they will tell about the actions and actions of your partner in relation to you.
  • The ninth, tenth and eleventh contain information about the partner’s intentions regarding you and the union in the near future.
  • The secret pocket, the twelfth, reveals the unsaid, exposes betrayals and intrigues.
  • The last card will explain the reasons for what is hidden in the secret pocket.

If the missus is involved in treason, then the king will appear in the 12th position, similarly, the lady in this position in the scenario for a man means his adventures.

The suit of the figured card will clarify, perhaps it is someone you know. The page or knight of cups will indicate betrayal with a younger partner or the fleeting nature of this relationship.

The major arcana, Judgment and Lovers, indicate infidelity; the minor arcana, the Three of Cups and Swords.

Attracting your desired destiny

If fortune telling brings bad news, all is not lost. The magical properties of Tarot cards have a two-way connection with the information space, they can tell about the future, but sometimes they can also influence it.

It happens that when fortune telling is bad, one trick works. Cover the unwanted card on top with the opposite in value of the positive one from the major arcana (Lovers, Peace, Sun). The position of the card must certainly be straight.

Immerse yourself in contemplation of the lasso, gradually slowing down your racing thoughts and worry about future events. Slowly remove the negative card from below and return it to the deck, continue contemplation for some more time.

After meditation, the card should be left for one night, then put into the deck and abandoned predictions for several days.

During this time, the lasso needs to be periodically visualized and tuned in to resolving the situation.

And the most important advice