Certificate of provision of services form sample from 1s. Certificate of acceptance of completed work. Download the service provision form

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Certificate of completion of work is a primary document confirming the completion of a certain amount of work or services. This is a two-sided document that is drawn up by the contractor and signed by the customer. Properly executed and certified on both sides, it proves that the work or services were performed to the extent specified therein and the customer has no complaints about the quality of their performance.

The certificate of completion of work is drawn up in two copies - one for each of the parties.

There is a regulated form of this document. Also, any organization can develop and approve its own form in its accounting policies. At the same time, it must contain a set of details required for the act:

Document's name;
date of its registration;
full name of the organization that drew up the work completion certificate and the organization that accepted this work;
name of the work performed or services provided;
their expression in physical and monetary terms;
the names of the positions of representatives from both sides responsible for the delivery and acceptance of work or services;
personal signatures.

The certificate of completed work is also certified by the seals of the organizations - the contractor and the customer.

The need to draw up a certificate of completion of work is often indicated in the contract as a mandatory condition. Properly executed and certified with seals and signatures on both sides, it confirms that the contractor has completed the scope of work specified in the contract, and the customer has accepted them and has no complaints about the timing or quality.

On our website you can download for free both the officially recommended form itself and a sample of how to fill it out.

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Certificate of provision of services, certificate of work performed, certificate of acceptance and delivery of work- this is all the same document, which is drawn up between the customer and the contractor. This document is necessary to confirm that the customer performed the work in proper quality. It is immediately worth noting that today, a unified form of certificates of work performed (services provided) has not yet been approved, with the exception of construction and installation work, for which it is approved and used.

There is a mandatory list of data that is required in the work completion certificate and must be present. These include:

Date of drawing up the act.
information about the customer and contractor (full name, company name, contact information, according to registration documents, payment details).
serial number of the act for its subsequent registration in the accountant’s journal.
contract number and date of its conclusion, where all conditions for the work are stated.
list of works that the contractor must perform.
deadlines for completing these works.
the cost of performing the specified work, according to the contract.
signature and seal of the contractor and the customer.

The act of providing services- a bilateral agreement, so the document must be drawn up in two copies. One copy remains with the contractor, and the other is given to the customer. Both acts must be signed, and the signature must be certified by a seal, if the parties have one.

According to the certificate of completion of work, the customer has every right to change the amount for work performed if the latter was performed poorly or with defects. Relations between the customer and the contractor are usually regulated through negotiations between the parties. If a compromise is not found, then it is necessary to go to court and make an examination of the work performed, according to which the court will decide whether the work was done of good quality or of proper quality.

In order to correctly and without errors draw up a certificate of work performed, below is a sample certificate of service provision and a blank form. If you need a sample certificate of completed construction and installation work, below is a sample of filling out the unified form KS-2 and a blank form that is current as of November 3, 2016.

An example of filling out the unified form KS-2:

The acceptance certificate for completed work is drawn up after the contractor has fulfilled its obligations. The act is not an independent document, but serves as an annex to the work under the contract. It is part of the procedure for accepting the results of work and serves as the basis for final payments under the contract agreement between the customer and the contractor.


Rules for drawing up an acceptance certificate for completed work

This document does not have a standard, legally approved, uniform template, so it can be drawn up in free form or according to a template developed at the enterprise. The act is printed on a regular A4 sheet in two copies - one for each side. After all work is completed and cooperation on the project is completed, the act is transferred to the accounting department of the customer enterprise for the preparation of financial statements based on it, including accounting for expenses incurred and reducing income tax.

When drawing up the act, you should adhere to the rules and regulations of office work developed for this type of document. In particular, the standard act must necessarily contain

  • information about both parties to the contract,
  • brief information about the contract itself under which the work was carried out,
  • Name of works,
  • date of work,
  • quality and cost of work performed.

The act must be signed by the heads of both organizations and stamped with seals (since 2016, the presence of seals and stamps for legal entities is not a legal requirement, so the absence of a stamp is not a strict necessity)

In the case of a large volume or special complexity of the work performed, a specially created commission, which includes representatives of the contractor and the customer company, may be involved to assess their quality, as well as draw up a report.

If absolutely necessary, a third party may be involved in the form of experts or representatives of regulatory government agencies. Their work must be recorded in a document, and each expert must also sign the document.

Why is this act needed?

The work acceptance certificate is a kind of guarantee against the occurrence of legal disputes and disagreements. If such proceedings nevertheless arise, the act becomes an evidentiary document. The court may regard the absence of an act as a disregard for the legally established procedure for the delivery and acceptance of work, which in turn may lead to the imposition of penalties by regulatory agencies.

A table is drawn up from the list of completed works. The document also states that the work was completed properly and the customer has no complaints against the contractor.

In cases where the customer is dissatisfied with the quality of the work performed, this should also be reflected in the report with a detailed listing of the identified deficiencies, as well as an indication of the time frame for their elimination.

Instructions for drawing up the acceptance certificate for completed work

After signing the acceptance certificate for the work performed, all claims can only be considered in court.

When concluding an agreement for the provision of any services, the act of recording the fact of such provision is usually an act of provision of services.

This act has important legal significance as confirmation by the contractor of the fulfillment of his obligations under the contract.

Such an act refers to the primary accounting documents as the basis for the organization’s expenses.

The procedure for concluding an act on the provision of services

The act is signed by both parties and must necessarily contain the cost of services, as well as the time frame within which the service was actually provided. It is distinguished from an act of completion of work, first of all, by the fact that the result of the work must be transferred from the contractor to the customer, while the fact of provision of services is simply recorded as an event that occurred.

In practice, there is a very thin line between service and work; the main difference should be that the results of the work have a material expression, and the service is consumed in the very process of its provision. Therefore, the act only certifies the fact of its provision and the time frame within which it was completed.

Rules for drawing up an act on the provision of services

The law today does not provide for strict forms for such acts, so they can be drawn up in any form and are part of the main agreement.

Its text must include:

    the time frame within which the services were provided;

    the act must be assigned a number;

    there must be a reference to the main agreement and its details;

    the invoice number that was generated on the basis of fulfilled obligations for payment by the customer;

    full names or titles of legal entities - parties to the agreement, their signatures and seals.

By signing this act, the customer agrees with its contents, confirms acceptance of the services provided, and certifies that there are no claims against the contractor. But he also may not sign it if he is dissatisfied with the quality or volume of services provided. Such an act has legal significance, therefore it can be the basis for legal proceedings, as well as the calculation of the statute of limitations.

As a rule, in the contract itself, the parties indicate the form in which the contractor will report on the work done and which will be intended to record the result. And, usually, such a document is an act, which is also important for the financial statements of the organization, if it is available and a document that confirms payment for the specified services.

Below is a standard form and a sample certificate of work performed under a service agreement, a version of which can be downloaded for free.