What does a wolf tattoo on a man's arm mean? Wolf tattoo and its meaning. Wolf in a jump

A wolf tattoo can tell a lot about the character and habits of the owner. When I see a man with such a pattern on his body, I understand that this is a very tough and aggressive person. And for girls, the tattoo speaks of loyalty and devotion to the family. Let's consider all possible meanings of the symbol.

You should always be careful when choosing a tattoo. Now they have become fashionable, but few people know that a tattoo is always a mystical sign that can radically influence fate and character.

Wolf tattoo meanings from various sources:

  1. The wolf is a symbol of courage, self-confidence and incredible endurance. Therefore, if a person has these qualities, a tattoo will make them appear even more strongly. And if they are lacking, it will help to develop them.
  2. It is also a symbol of independence, strength and devotion. Despite the fact that a person often “walks on his own,” he always returns home to his family and friends. He will never cheat or betray, he highly values ​​the relationships he has. He is always ready to stand up for himself and takes revenge on his offenders mercilessly.

According to other sources, the gray beast is a symbol of a person’s family orientation. He always needs to “live in a pack”; he highly values ​​family ties. A monogamous person, if he has chosen a partner, will live with him until old age. She loves her children and will not allow anyone to hurt them.

Meaning for girls

If previously only men got tattoos, now no one is surprised by girls, even with large designs on their bodies.

What can a wolf or she-wolf depicted on the body of representatives of the fair half of humanity mean:

  1. Talks about devotion to his family. This is a sign that the woman has finally decided who her life partner is. And now she is ready to spend the rest of her life with him, to become a reliable support and support in everything. He will never betray or change.
  2. She is faithful not only to her husband, but also to her children, principles and loved ones. She always makes fair decisions, her deeds always correspond to her words, which she does not throw to the wind.

Girls often depict the image of a wolf or she-wolf surrounded by flowers and get colored tattoos. For them, it is more of a body decoration than a secret symbol. But do not forget that a tattoo can affect your life and character, so you need to be careful when choosing a design.

Meaning for men

Men often prefer black and white tattoos, especially if the body depicts a howling wolf or an animal in any other guise.

What can such a tattoo tell about its owner:

  1. If it is colored, it may indicate that the man is very aggressive and full of rage. He is very tough, uncompromising in his decisions. It is quite difficult to communicate with him. In achieving his goals, he spares no one - neither his loved ones, nor his subordinates, nor any other people who get in his way.
  2. The imprint of a wolf's paw on the hand speaks of the owner's unshakable character and incredible physical strength. This tattoo is best done on tall, stately men with an athletic build to emphasize their power.
  3. It is important to understand that if a man’s character is already aggressive and tough, a tattoo will force him to demonstrate these qualities even more. This can cause many problems in everyday life.

But if a guy lacks masculinity, drawing a wolf on his body will help develop this quality, get rid of excess softness, get away from the control of others and more easily achieve his goals.

Value per zone

Prison tattoos are special signs that can tell a lot about a prisoner.

As for the wolf, the meaning is as follows:

  • The tattoo indicates that the criminal does not care about law enforcement. He has been challenging them all his life. Often the wolf is depicted by prisoners who attacked police officers and could even be involved in murder.
  • It is also a sign of leadership, which indicates the prisoner's high position in the prison hierarchy. He is an authority, his opinion is always taken into account, he is respected and feared. He severely punishes everyone who goes against him.

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The image of a wolf, including in tattoo designs, is very strong, energetic and dynamic. Moreover, it is internally contradictory, woven from ambiguous moments. That is why it can suit quite a large number of people, if only you approach it wisely and carefully.

With 100% probability, this image will not suit either flighty or frivolous individuals (both girls and boys). But he clearly and convincingly illustrates:

  • fortitude;
  • the presence of an internal core (volitional, and in many ways moral);
  • willingness to endure difficulties;
  • willingness to fight for your life and freedom;
  • There is no need to enhance expressiveness by using captions.

Traditional understanding of the image

The wolf in almost all human cultures is closely associated with warfare and military valor. Both the ancient Roman Mars and the Scandinavian Odin were associated with him. On the other hand, pastoralists (and almost any people have gone through the corresponding stage) cannot help but recognize the wolf as a formidable enemy. Medieval Europe makes this beast the personification of greed and other vices. What does it mean these days? First of all, inner strength and steadfastness.

This is also important

The era of romanticism and subsequent changes in culture made the meaning of the wolf radically different than before, which was also reflected in the tattoo:

  • a slightly open mouth communicates the readiness to always “strike first”;
  • if it is closed, it speaks of generosity and caution, of giving the enemy the first chance;
  • the running wolf is an image of a risky person who loves high-speed driving, gambling and emotional, and in rare cases vengeful;
  • the beast's leap symbolizes unshakable determination and the intention to crush all obstacles on the way or bypass them.

Wolf for men and women

It can be romantic to get a tattoo of a formidable predator, but you should remember that it is still more masculine than feminine. The animal can be depicted on the chest, back, stomach; other parts of the body do not fit very well, since it is not so easy to make a sufficiently large and clear pattern on them.

It is unacceptable to depict a wolf’s head framed by a star or inscription, the word WOLF, an image from “Well, wait a minute” on the stomach and thigh - all these are elements of a criminal tattoo that can lead to major troubles (simply because anyone who does not belong to the “narrow circles” ", stuffing them is considered unacceptable). As a last resort, you can put small pictures where they will not attract attention.

When depicting a wolf, men prefer monochrome realistic pictures that are very aggressive and assertive. The animal in the Celtic style looks good. The weaker sex must take into account that the beast should not be white, that it emphasizes the desire for justice, for the protection of the weak and devotion. If you already have tattoos, make sure that the wolf will be compatible with them in meaning, or at least neutral.

You can see what beautiful photos with drawings of wolves look like below. The past famous bearer is Tatyana Ovsienko, the current one is Valery Nikolaev.

If you turn to any tattoo artist with a question about which tattoo themes are in greatest demand, he will answer without any doubt - a tattoo with a wolf. There’s nothing surprising here, because wolves have fascinated people’s minds for a long time; they evoke fear, respect and admiration, which is why they are so popular in art.

Due to this, tattoos with a wolf received their meanings in various groups and communities; in our case, this is a tattoo with a wolf in the zone. In prison culture, a wolf tattoo has the meaning of contempt for law enforcement, that is, the police, prison guards and everyone who has something to do with this. It also sometimes implies an abbreviation in the style of “Thief Shortness of Breath – Cop Cover”.

Also, a tattoo of a wolf in prison can mean that the one who wears it is the leader. In such a situation, the wolf means independence, inner strength and fearlessness before the law. Such a person is definitely a fighter, he will not obey any legitimate authority, so people with such a tattoo are held in great respect. The wolf is depicted in different ways, with a grin, in a fighting stance, or in any other possible way, like other animal tattoos.

The place where the tattoo is placed can be anywhere; it is not uncommon for tattoos to be drawn on the entire chest or back, since a large tattoo better reflects what the prisoner wants to convey to others.

At all times, wolves were feared, hated or idolized. They were competitors of humans in obtaining food, hunted only early in the morning or at night, and communicated by howling. All this made them symbols of dark forces and evil. No one remained indifferent to this formidable animal. For example, they considered him a god, and on tattoos, which in those days were a symbol of a warrior, the wolf was depicted with orange or blue stars instead of eyes. In America, he is still considered a mentor and assistant to the shaman. This is such a strong and ambiguous beast.

Therefore, when choosing a “wolf” tattoo for yourself, you must remember that if you are a weak and weak-willed person, have an indecisive and soft character, then it simply will not suit you. And if you have perseverance, determination and inflexibility, such a tattoo can become a kind of talisman in life. “Wolf” is not suitable for those who cannot decide on a permanent partner. An animal by nature is a loyal family man, which means it’s worth thinking about. After all, if a she-wolf dies, the male remains alone forever. That is, a womanizer will definitely not get a tattoo of a wolf on his shoulder, the meaning of which is not inherent to him by nature - there will be no happiness.

Wolf image

The wolf is most often depicted howling - this seems to be an indicator that the person is lonely and independent. An animal in a jump is a symbol of determination. A pack of wolves is a sign that a person is loyal to his family and is ready to do anything for it. A running predator can mean both speed and vindictiveness. If the wolf is on fire, then this means the presence of a demon. That's how many image meanings there are, and that's not all. There is also a “wolf grin” tattoo, the meaning of which, according to the beliefs of many peoples, means debauchery and demonic powers. Let's take a closer look at other interpretations of this body pattern.

The meaning of the wolf tattoo

It is worth remembering the main thing - no matter what image the wolf was made on your body, it was and will remain a guide in the world. It was not for nothing that in ancient times many people considered it one of the images of the devil.

But at the same time, there is another meaning of the “wolf” tattoo - it is a protector from the evil forces of the other world. It would seem, what is the connection between such different interpretations? But this is what this beast is by nature: both enemy and friend in one person. He always has his own opinion on any issue. True, in the mind of a wolf there is a division only into black and white, which means that he understands only good and evil. There is no middle ground. That is why such a tattoo will be an ideal complement to a straight and unbending person. He will never destroy someone else’s world, but he won’t let anyone into his own either. By the way, girls also need to find out the meaning of the “wolf” tattoo. After all, very often they just like the picture, and what it symbolizes does not matter. So, the meaning of a “wolf” tattoo for a woman is a female predator. She is faithful, devoted, and in the event that her male dies, she lives only for revenge. But at the same time, the she-wolf is the standard of a mother; she is gentle, caring and loving. In life he can forgive almost everything, except betrayal. So if you fully comply with this interpretation, then you can get a tattoo. She will only emphasize these features and strengthen them.

Chest, shoulder, shoulder blade, less often thigh, calf

According to Zonov's concepts, the grin of a wolf means - DISAGREEMENT WITH THE REGIME, WITH THE ADMINISTRATION, WITH THE AUTHORITIES. A person wearing such a tattoo is embittered towards the authorities, he
despises her!

The wolf’s grin itself has the meaning “ denial": power, law, regime, government, environment with its rules of behavior.

The bared fangs of a wolf indicate that a person wearing such a tattoo on a certain part of his body does not agree with the opinions of others, and
There is no need to convince him otherwise. Having his own opinion, he will defend it to the bitter end, as evidenced by the wild grin that, according to mystical
believed to protect against evil spirits. “Don’t touch and they won’t touch you!!,” says the tattoo.

Abbreviation WOLF- The thief's shortness of breath, the cop's cover.

- symbolizes toughness, rage and fearlessness in any situation.

Often people wear a wolfish grin to express their aggressiveness, cruelty, secrecy, that is, to emphasize their negative qualities,
demonstrate the presence of the beast within you.
Thus, if you are a strong, cunning and unpredictable person who likes to show aggression, this tattoo is made for you.

A wolf tattoo signifies bravery, endurance, adaptability, loyalty, devotion, courage and victory, these qualities he received because of his
the ability to unite into a cohesive pack.
The wolf is a strong, intelligent, swift animal, and has always been treated with respect.

Symbolizes loneliness. Wolf paw tattoo is also associated with fidelity, devotion, and the ability to adapt. Men with such a tattoo are very
It takes a long time to choose a companion, but once chosen, they always remain faithful to her.

Proud loneliness, independence from the rest of society and magical night power.

The most powerful symbol in the world of black magic, the ability to transform your physical body into an astral double.

Wolf in a jump

With such a symbol, you will overcome any obstacles with the help of powerful inner strength.

This tattoo personifies a demon, awakens and subjugates the most powerful dark entities.

White Wolf

A bright, extraordinary personality, capable of becoming a friend among strangers and a stranger among his own. This is a warrior, a fearless lone warrior.

This symbol is suitable for lovers of extreme sports, risk and speed. But it also means vindictiveness, a readiness to destroy everyone who
interferes with the implementation of plans.

This tattoo is suitable for a recognized leader, a noble leader who will protect his family and friends until his last breath.

A symbol of supreme justice and devotion. After all, a wolf fights for his beloved only once and his partner must have pure
with a devoted heart and follow your leader to the end.

  • Intelligence
  • Cunning
  • Friendliness
  • Devotion
  • Generosity
  • Compassion
  • Freedom and individuality
  • Love for family
  • Valor, Bravery and Endurance
  • Ability to adapt to new conditions
  • You get along well with other people
  • You are a true friend

A wolf can be depicted with a grin - then the tattoo contains an element of aggression; a wolf can also be depicted with an outstretched paw or at the moment of a jump and have the same meaning.

A sketch of a wolf howling at the moon is a symbol of loneliness, sometimes betrayal, perseverance in completing assigned tasks, often a symbol of the loss of relatives or loved ones (see.
Tattoos in honor of the dead).


These tattoos are mainly done in the style of realism, more often in one color, skillfully playing with shadows. But sometimes there are also
color tattoos wolf Also, images of a wolf are sometimes stylized as tribal or
Celtic patterns.

Wolf tattoos reflect the power and strength of these beautiful animals, especially among the Indians. Wolves have a dual nature: fearless but kind, loyal but independent. These animals are very common in
mythology and various parables, for example, the she-wolf who suckled Romulus and Remus.

They have become so popular for many reasons: they are elegant creatures, fierce hunters, representing freedom, mysticism, individuality, courage and devotion.

For North American Indians, wolves were teachers and trackers. Wolves were considered loyal, intelligent, fearless, loving their family.

According to Indian legend, a wolf could turn into a human to save people in trouble.

Wolves also symbolized darkness, fear of the night, and even demonic possession. In Celtic myths, the wolf was the source of lunar power,
symbol of the moon. The wolf ate the sun to allow the moon to rise.

To understand the symbolism of the image of wolves, you need to understand their heart - after all, they have experienced many false misconceptions and misunderstandings.