Informatization of society is briefly the most important thing. Informatization and information society. Lectures and laboratory workshop

Currently, information is becoming the most important indicator of the level of scientific development, economic and defense power of the state. The more it is produced in the national economy, the higher the standard of living of the population and the economic and political weight of the country. Informatization of society is the widespread implementation of a set of measures aimed at ensuring the full and timely use of reliable information and generalized knowledge in all socially significant types of human activity. Currently, in terms of its social significance, the informatization of society is comparable to its industrialization. This new industry determines the technical level of the economy.

Informatization is a reaction of society to the significant growth of information resources and to the need to increase labor productivity in the information sector of social production. Informatization ensures not only the growth of economic indicators and the development of the national economy, but also the receipt of new scientific achievements in fundamental and applied sciences aimed at developing production, creating new jobs, and increasing living standards. Success in this matter is possible if there is a program for creating an information infrastructure.

Under information infrastructure understands the structure of the information support system for all information consumers, which provides them with the opportunity to use new information technologies based on the widespread use of information and computing resources and an automated communication system.

The exchange of information, its processing and storage is one of the most important tasks that humanity solves. The informatization of society has led to fundamental changes in people's employment, organizational structures and lifestyles. The era of the information society has arrived, replacing the previous agricultural and industrial societies. Informational society is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge.

We can highlight the characteristic features of the information society:

1. Information technologies have acquired a global character, covering all spheres of human social activity, humanistic principles of managing society and influencing the environment have been implemented.

2. The priority of information compared to other resources is ensured.

3. The basis of society is based on automated processes: generation, storage, processing and use of knowledge - the unity of all human civilization is formed.

4. The contradiction between the information avalanche and information hunger has been resolved.

The listed features of the information society give rise to the following problems:

 the problem of people's adaptation in the new information environment;

 the problem of selecting high-quality and reliable information;

 increasing gap between developers and consumers of information technologies;

 increasing influence of the media on society;

 violation of the privacy of organizations and people; and etc.

The other side of the coin of the growth in the volume of information can be called information hunger due to the inability to find and obtain the required information in time and in the required volume.

According to the A.A. Kharkevich, information grows in proportion to the square of the country’s national income. Information flows are growing exponentially. And an information barrier inevitably occurs when the complexity of the tasks of processing information flows exceeds human capabilities. Man, being the main carrier of progress, holds back its movement, being no longer able to perceive and process the entire amount of information necessary to make a timely decision.

Computers came to his aid, the methods of their use are constantly being improved. And only computerization makes it possible to process information to the required extent. Computerization is the massive use of computer technology and software.

The success of computerization can be ensured under three conditions: high quality equipment, software and well-organized service. From year to year, the requirements for high technical culture and computer literacy of people are growing. Therefore, in addition to historical and cultural knowledge, computer literacy is also included in the complex of the most necessary knowledge.

In the current situation, the main areas of informatization and computerization of society have been identified:

1. Organization of economic information at enterprises. The enterprise constantly needs reliable and timely information about the product range, prices and manufacturers, labor and sales markets, supply and demand in the country and abroad, etc.

2. Creation of a system of information services for the population using computers, which significantly saves time and frees people for self-education and creative work.

3. Organization of the healthcare and social security system using computers, which makes it possible to organize the work of computer consultation centers, create diagnostic computer expert systems, and establish registration and services for disabled, lonely, sick and elderly people.

4. Computerization of the education and science system, which will speed up and ensure the process of acquiring knowledge through the creation of training systems and accessible knowledge bases; the appearance of audio video cassettes with educational video courses, electronic book systems and magazines.

Technologies, focused on receiving, processing, storing and distributing (transmitting) information are called information technologies . Information technologies penetrate into all spheres of human activity. In their development they went through several stages , which can be roughly called: manual(storage and transmission of information using writing), mechanical(typography), electric(electric machine, copier), electronic, or computer. Speaking about the history of the development of information technology, we should not forget about the development of its important element - communication.

IN Unlike any engineering technology, information technologies allow the integration of various types of technologies, and the information that they process in various fields of activity is synthesized to accumulate experience and put into practice in accordance with social needs.

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Informatization of modern society


1. The concept of information technology

1.1 What is information technology

1.2 Stages of information technology development

1.3 Components of information technology

2. Modern information technologies and their types

2.1 Modern information technologies

2.2 Information technologies for data processing

3. Problems and prospects for using information technology

3.1 Obsolescence of information technology

3.2 Methodology for using information technology




The modern period of development of a civilized society is characterized by the process of informatization.

Informatization of society is a global social process, the peculiarity of which is that the dominant type of activity in the sphere of social production is the collection, accumulation, production, processing, storage, transmission and use of information, carried out on the basis of modern microprocessor and computer technology, and also on the basis of various means of information exchange. Informatization of society provides:

Active use of the ever-expanding intellectual potential of society, concentrated in the printed fund, and the scientific, industrial and other activities of its members;

Integration of information technologies into scientific and production activities, initiating the development of all spheres of social production, intellectualization of labor activity;

High level of information services, accessibility of any member of society to sources of reliable information, visualization of the information presented, materiality of the data used. social production information exchange

The use of open information systems, designed to use the entire array of information currently available to society in a certain area, makes it possible to improve the mechanisms for managing the social structure, contributes to the humanization and democratization of society, and increases the level of well-being of its members. The processes occurring in connection with the informatization of society contribute not only to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the intellectualization of all types of human activity, but also to the creation of a qualitatively new information environment of society, ensuring the development of the creative potential of the individual.

One of the directions of the process of informatization of modern society is the informatization of education - the process of providing the education sector with the methodology and practice of developing and optimally using modern or, as they are commonly called, new information technologies, focused on the implementation of psychological and pedagogical goals of training and education.

The process of informatization also affected economic sectors. Their radical improvement and adaptation to modern conditions became possible thanks to the massive use of the latest computer and telecommunications technology, the formation of highly effective information and management technologies on its basis. Tools and methods of applied computer science are used in management and marketing. New technologies based on computer technology require radical changes in the organizational structures of management, its regulations, human resources, documentation systems, recording and transfer of information.

New information technologies significantly expand the possibilities of using information resources in various industries, as well as in education.

1. The concept of information technology

1.1 What is information technology

Technology is a complex of scientific and engineering knowledge implemented in labor techniques, sets of material, technical, energy, and labor factors of production, methods of combining them to create a product or service that meets certain requirements. Therefore, technology is inextricably linked with the mechanization of the production or non-production, first of all, management process. Management technologies are based on the use of computers and telecommunications technology.

According to the definition, information technology is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, and engineering disciplines that study methods for effectively organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. Information technologies themselves require complex training, large initial costs and high-tech technology. Their introduction should begin with the creation of mathematical software and the formation of information flows in specialist training systems.

1.2 Stages of information technology development

There are several points of view on the development of information technologies using computers, which are determined by various division characteristics.

What is common to all the approaches outlined below is that with the advent of the personal computer, a new stage in the development of information technology began. The main goal is to satisfy a person’s personal information needs, both for the professional sphere and for the domestic sphere.

The main features of the division of information technologies:

By type of tasks and information processing processes:

Stage 1 (60s - 70s) - data processing in computer centers in shared use mode. The main direction of development of information technology was the automation of routine human actions.

Stage 2 (since the 80s) - the creation of information technologies aimed at solving strategic problems.

On the problems standing in the way of informatization of society:

Stage 1 (until the end of the 60s) - characterized by the problem of processing large amounts of data in conditions of limited hardware capabilities.

Stage 2 (until the end of the 70s) - associated with the spread of computers of the IBM/360 series. The problem at this stage is that the software lags behind the level of hardware development.

Stage 3 (from the beginning of the 80s) - the computer becomes a tool for the non-professional user, and information systems become a means of supporting his decision-making. Problems - maximum satisfaction of user needs and creation of an appropriate interface for working in a computer environment.

Stage 4 (from the beginning of the 90s) - the creation of modern technology for inter-organizational communications and information systems. The problems of this stage are very numerous. The most significant of them are:

Development of agreements and establishment of standards, protocols for computer communications;

Organizing access to strategic information;

Organization of information protection and security.

The benefits that computer technology brings:

Stage 1 (from the beginning of the 60s) - characterized by fairly efficient information processing when performing routine operations with a focus on the centralized collective use of computer center resources. The main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the created information systems was the difference between the funds spent on development and the funds saved as a result of implementation. The main problem at this stage was psychological - poor interaction between users for whom information systems were created and developers due to the difference in their views and understanding of the problems being solved. As a consequence of this problem, systems were created that were poorly received by users and, despite their fairly large capabilities, were not used to their fullest.

Stage 2 (from the mid-70s) - associated with the advent of personal computers. The approach to creating information systems has changed - the orientation is shifting towards the individual user to support the decisions he makes. The user is interested in the ongoing development, contact is established with the developer, and mutual understanding arises between both groups of specialists. At this stage, both centralized data processing, characteristic of the first stage, and decentralized one, based on solving local problems and working with local databases at the user’s workplace, are used.

Stage 3 (from the beginning of the 90s) - is associated with the concept of analyzing strategic advantages in business and is based on the achievements of telecommunication technology of distributed information processing. Information systems are aimed not just at increasing the efficiency of data processing and helping the manager. Appropriate information technologies should help an organization survive the competition and gain an advantage.

1.3 Components of information technology

Technological concepts such as norm, standard, technological process, technological operation, etc., used in the production sphere, can also be used in information technology. Before developing these concepts in any technology, including information technology, you should always start with defining the goal. Then you should try to structure all the proposed actions leading to the intended goal and select the necessary software tools.

It is necessary to understand that mastering information technology and its further use should come down to the fact that you must first master a set of elementary operations, the number of which is limited. From this limited number of elementary operations in different combinations an action is made up, and from the actions, also in different combinations, operations are made up that determine one or another technological stage. The set of technological stages forms a technological process (technology). It can start at any level and not include, for example, stages or operations, but consist only of actions. To implement the stages of the technological process, different software environments can be used.

Information technology, like any other, must meet the following requirements:

Ensure a high degree of division of the entire information processing process into stages (phases), operations, actions;

Include the entire set of elements necessary to achieve the goal;

Be regular. Stages, actions, and operations of the technological process can be standardized and unified, which will allow for more efficient targeted management of information processes.

2. Modern information technologies and their types

2.1 Modern information technologies

Modern material production and other areas of activity increasingly require information services and the processing of huge amounts of information. A universal technical means of processing any information is a computer, which plays the role of an amplifier of the intellectual capabilities of a person and society as a whole, and communication tools using computers serve to communicate and transmit information. The emergence and development of computers is a necessary component of the process of informatization of society.

Informatization of society is one of the laws of modern social progress. This term is increasingly replacing the term “computerization of society,” which was widely used until recently. Despite the external similarity of these concepts, they have a significant difference.

When computerizing society, the main attention is paid to the development and implementation of the technical base of computers that ensure prompt receipt of the results of information processing and its accumulation.

When informatizing society, the main attention is paid to a set of measures aimed at ensuring the full use of reliable, comprehensive and timely knowledge in all types of human activity.

Thus, “informatization of society” is a broader concept than “computerization of society” and is aimed at quickly mastering information to meet one’s needs. In the concept of “informatization of society,” the emphasis should be placed not so much on technical means, but on the essence and purpose of socio-technical progress. Computers are a basic technical component of the process of informatization of society.

Informatization based on the introduction of computer and telecommunication technologies is society’s response to the need for a significant increase in labor productivity in the information sector of social production, where more than half of the working population is concentrated. For example, more than 60% of the working population is employed in the information sector in the United States, and about 40% in the CIS.

From a modern point of view, using a telephone in the early years of its existence looks quite ridiculous. The manager dictated the message to his secretary, who then sent it from the telephone room. The telephone call was received in a similar room at another company, the text was recorded on paper and delivered to the addressee. It took a long time before the telephone became such a widespread and familiar way of communication that it could be used the way we do it today: we call ourselves to the right place, and with the advent of cell phones, to a specific person.

Nowadays, computers are mainly used as a means of creating and analyzing information, which is then transferred to common media (for example, paper). But now, thanks to the widespread use of computers and the creation of the Internet, for the first time you can use your computer to communicate with other people through their computers. The need to use printed data to share with colleagues is eliminated, just as paper has disappeared from telephone conversations. Today, thanks to the use of the Web, can be compared to the time when people stopped writing down the text of telephone messages: computers (and their communication with each other via the Internet) are already so widespread and familiar that we are beginning to use them in fundamentally new ways. WWW is the beginning of the path on which computers will truly become means of communication.

The Internet provides an unprecedented way to obtain information. Anyone with access to the WWW can obtain all the information available on it, as well as powerful means of searching for it. The opportunities for education, business and increased understanding between people are simply stunning. Moreover, Web technology allows information to be distributed everywhere. The simplicity of this method has no analogues in history. In order to make your views, products or services known to others, there is no longer a need to buy space in a newspaper or magazine, or pay for time on television and radio. The Web makes the playing field level for governments and individuals, for small and large firms, for producers and consumers, for charities and political organizations. The World Wide Web (WWW) on the Internet is the most democratic medium of information: with its help, anyone can say and hear what is said without intermediate interpretation, distortion and censorship, guided by certain limits of decency. The Internet provides a unique freedom of personal expression and information.

Similar to the use of company internal telephones to communicate between employees and the outside world, the Web is used both for communication within an organization and between organizations and their consumers, clients and partners. The same Web technology that allows small firms to gain exposure on the Internet can be used by a larger company to communicate the current status of a project over an internal intranet, allowing its employees to always be more knowledgeable and, therefore, more responsive than smaller ones. , agile competitors. Using an intranet within an organization to make information more accessible to its members is also a step forward from the past. Now, instead of storing documents in a confusing computer archive, it is now possible (under the control of security measures) to easily search, describe, reference, and index documents. Thanks to Web technology, business, as well as management, becomes more efficient.

2.2 Information technologies for data processing

Information technology for data processing is designed to solve well-structured problems for which the necessary input data is available and algorithms and other standard procedures for their processing are known.

This technology is used at the level of operational (executive) activities of low-skilled personnel in order to automate some routine, constantly recurring operations of managerial work.

Therefore, the introduction of information technologies and systems at this level will significantly increase the productivity of personnel, free them from routine operations, and perhaps even lead to the need to reduce the number of employees.

At the operational level, the following tasks are solved:

Processing data on operations carried out by the company;

Creation of periodic control reports on the state of affairs in the company;

Receiving answers to all kinds of current requests and processing them in the form of paper documents or reports.

An example would be a daily report on cash receipts and disbursements by a bank, generated in order to control the cash balance, or a query to a personnel database, which will provide data on the requirements for candidates for a certain position.

There are several features related to data processing that distinguish this technology from all others:

Performing data processing tasks required by the company. Every firm is required by law to have and maintain data on its activities, which can be used as a means of establishing and maintaining control within the firm. Therefore, any company must have an information processing system and develop the appropriate information technology;

Solving only well-structured problems for which an algorithm can be developed;

Perform standard processing procedures. Existing standards define standard data processing procedures and require their compliance by organizations of all types;

Performing the bulk of work automatically with minimal human intervention;

Using granular data. Records of the company's activities are detailed (detailed) in nature, allowing for audits. During the audit process, the company's activities are checked chronologically from the beginning of the period to its end and from the end to the beginning;

Emphasis on the chronology of events;

Requiring minimal assistance in solving problems from specialists at other levels;

Data storage: Much data at the operational level must be stored for later use, either here or at another level.

Databases are created to store them.

Creation of reports (documents): in information technology for data processing, it is necessary to create documents for the management and employees of the company, as well as for external partners. In this case, documents can be created either upon request or in connection with a transaction carried out by the company, or periodically at the end of each month, quarter or year.

3. Problems and prospects for using information technology

3.1 Obsolescence of information technology

It is quite natural for information technologies that they become obsolete and are replaced by new ones.

For example, the technology of batch processing of programs on a large computer in a computer center has been replaced by the technology of working on a personal computer at the user’s workplace. The telegraph transferred all its functions to the telephone. The telephone is gradually being replaced by express delivery services. Telex transferred most of its functions to fax and email.

When introducing new information technology into an organization, it is necessary to assess the risk of falling behind competitors as a result of its inevitable obsolescence over time, since information products, like no other types of material goods, have an extremely high rate of replacement with new types or versions. Turnover periods range from several months to one year. If in the process of introducing a new information technology this factor is not given due attention, it is possible that by the time the company’s transition to the new information technology is completed, it will already be outdated and measures will have to be taken to modernize it. Such failures in the implementation of information technology are usually associated with imperfect technical means, while the main reason for failure is the absence or poorly developed methodology for using information technology.

3.2 Methodology for using information technology

Centralized information processing on computers in computer centers was the first historically established technology. Large computer centers for collective use were created, equipped with large computers (in our country - EC computers). The use of such computers made it possible to process large amounts of input information and obtain on this basis various types of information products, which were then transmitted to users. This technological process was due to insufficient equipment of enterprises and organizations with computer technology in the 60s and 70s.

Advantages of the centralized technology methodology:

The ability for the user to access large amounts of information in the form of databases and information products of a wide range;

Comparative ease of implementation of methodological solutions for the development and improvement of information technology due to their centralized adoption

Disadvantages of this methodology:

Limited liability of lower personnel who do not contribute to the prompt receipt of information by the user, thereby preventing the correct development of management decisions;

Limiting the user's capabilities in the process of obtaining and using information.

Decentralized information processing is associated with the emergence in the 80s. personal computers and the development of telecommunications. It has quite significantly supplanted the previous technology, since it gives the user ample opportunities to work with information and does not limit his initiatives.

The advantages of this methodology are:

Flexibility of the structure, providing scope for user initiatives;

Strengthening the responsibility of lower-level employees;

Reducing the need to use a central computer and, accordingly, control by the computer center;

More complete realization of the user’s creative potential through the use of computer communications.

However, this methodology also has its drawbacks:

Difficulty in standardization due to the large number of unique developments;

Psychological rejection by users of the standards of ready-made software products recommended by the computer center;

Uneven development of the level of information technology in local areas, which is primarily determined by the level of qualifications of a particular employee.

The described advantages and disadvantages of centralized and decentralized information technology have led to the need to adhere to the line of reasonable application of both approaches.

We will call this approach rational methodology and show how responsibilities will be distributed in this case:

The computing center should be responsible for developing a general strategy for the use of information technology, helping users, both in work and in training, to set a standard and determine the policy for the use of software and hardware;

Personnel using information technology must adhere to the instructions of the computer center and develop their local systems and technologies in accordance with the overall plan of the organization.

A rational methodology for using information technology will make it possible to achieve greater flexibility, maintain common standards, implement compatibility of local information products, reduce duplication of activities, etc.


Information technologies have firmly entered our lives. The use of computers has become commonplace, although quite recently a workplace equipped with a computer was a rarity. Information technologies have opened up new opportunities for work and leisure and have greatly facilitated human work.

Modern society can hardly be imagined without information technology. The prospects for the development of computer technology today are difficult to imagine even for specialists. However, it is clear that something big awaits us in the future. And if the pace of development of information technology does not slow down (and there is no doubt about it), then this will happen very soon.

With the development of information technology, the transparency of the world, the speed and volume of information transfer between elements of the world system grows, and another integrating global factor appears. This means that the role of local traditions that contribute to the self-sufficient inertial development of individual elements is weakening. At the same time, the response of elements to signals with positive feedback is enhanced. Integration could only be welcomed if it did not result in the erosion of regional and cultural-historical features of development.

Information technology has absorbed the avalanche-like achievements of electronics, as well as mathematics, philosophy, psychology and economics. The resulting viable hybrid marked a revolutionary leap in the history of information technology, which dates back hundreds of thousands of years.

Modern society is filled and permeated with flows of information that need to be processed. Therefore, without information technology, as well as without energy, transport and chemical technologies, it cannot function normally.

Socio-economic planning and management, production and transport, banks and exchanges, media and publishing houses, defense systems, social and law enforcement databases, service and healthcare, educational processes, offices for processing scientific and business information, and finally, the Internet - everywhere IT. Information saturation has not only changed the world, but also created new problems that were not foreseen.


1. Automated information technologies in economics: Textbook / Ed. G.A. Titorenko. - M.: UNITY, 1998.

2. Management information technologies: Textbook. manual for universities / Ed. prof. G.A. Titorenko. - M.: UNITY - DANA, 2003.

3. Makarova N.V., Matveeva L.A., Broido V.L. Computer Science: Textbook. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1997.

4. Neil J. Rubenking. Effective Internet search // PC Magazine. - 2001. - No. 6.

5. Robert I. Modern information technologies in education. - M.: Shkola-Press, 1994.

6. Talantov M. Searching the Internet: using names // Computer Press. - 2000. - No. 2.

7. CIES "Business Programs-Service" // Financial newspaper. - 2001. - No. 27.

8. Yadov G.B. Information and society // Around the world. - 2004. - No. 2.

9. Information systems. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

10. Information technology. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

11. Use of modern information technologies in working with the population. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

12. Reforming standardization in information technology. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

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Informatization of society. Information resources and technologies

A feature of the modern stage of development of society is the transition from an industrial society to an information society. The process that ensures this transition is called informatization.

Informatization of society is an organized socio-economic and scientific-technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and realizing the rights of citizens, government bodies, local governments, organizations, public associations based on the formation and use of information resources.

The inevitability of informatization is due to the sharp increase in the role and importance of information. For the normal functioning of an organization of any scale, it is no longer enough to have only traditional resources for an industrial society (material, natural, labor, financial, energy); it is necessary to know how to use these resources most effectively and to have information about technologies. Therefore, information has become an essential resource. Information resources are currently considered as a separate economic category, the most important strategic resource of society.

Information resources - individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other information systems).

An information system is an organizationally ordered set of documents, information technologies, including the use of computer technology and communications that implement information processes.

In general, information resources are understood as the entire amount of information available in an information system, alienated from its creators and intended for public use.

The main feature of information resources is that, unlike other types of resources (material, natural, etc.), they are practically inexhaustible; As society develops and information consumption increases, their reserves do not decrease, but grow.

This specificity of information resources is well illustrated by the following statement: “If you have an apple and you exchange them, you will again have an apple, but if you have an idea and you exchange them, then everyone will have two.” Moreover, in the process of application, information resources are constantly developing and improving, getting rid of errors and clarifying their parameters.

There are passive and active forms of information resources. The passive form includes books, journal articles, patents, data banks, etc. Examples of active forms are: model, algorithm, project, program, etc.

State policy in the field of formation of information resources and informatization is aimed at creating conditions for effective and high-quality information support for solving problems of socio-economic development. The main directions of state policy in this area are:

■ ensuring conditions for the development and protection of all forms of ownership of information resources;

■ formation and protection of information resources;

■ creation and development of federal and regional information systems and networks, ensuring their compatibility and interaction in the unified information space of the Russian Federation;

■ creating conditions for high-quality and effective information support for citizens, government bodies, local governments, organizations and public associations based on state information resources;

■ promoting the formation of a market for information resources, services, information systems, technologies and means of supporting them;

■ formation and implementation of a unified scientific, technical and industrial policy in the field of informatization, taking into account the current world level of information technology development;

■ creation and improvement of a system for attracting investments and a mechanism for stimulating the development and implementation of informatization projects;

■ development of legislation in the field of information processes, informatization and information protection. The basic technical component of the process of informatization of society is computerization.

Computerization refers to the development and implementation of a technical base - computers that ensure prompt receipt of the results of information processing and its accumulation.

The scientific foundation of the process of informatization of society is computer science, designed to create new information technologies and systems to solve the problems of informatization. \

Technology (from the Greek techne - art, skill, skill and Greek logos - word, teaching) - a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products carried out in the process of production.

The main components of material technologies are: preparation of raw materials and supplies, production of a material product, marketing of manufactured products to consumers.

In information technology, information serves as the source material. The final product is also information, but this is qualitatively new information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon. In this case, the main components of information technology are: data collection (primary information), data processing, obtaining resultant information and transmitting it to the consumer.

There are several generations of information technologies: the most ancient - “rock-birch bark”;

■ “paper”, associated with the invention of the printing press (mid-15th century);

■ “paperless” or “electronic”, relating to the advent of computers (mid-20th century);

■ “new information technology” associated with the introduction of personal computers and telecommunications (since the mid-80s of the last century).

New information technology (computer information technology) is a technology based on the use of personal computers and telecommunications. 

In the process of informatization of society, information technologies penetrate into all spheres of society, including those related to making responsible decisions.

At the same time, information technologies are already having a decisive impact on many areas of activity of people, human groups and society as a whole. However, this impact in some cases can also be negative.

Firstly, computer technology is increasingly being introduced into control systems for such technological processes, the exit of which beyond the regulated limits threatens not only major accidents, but also large-scale catastrophes (control systems for weapons, nuclear reactors, etc.). A distinctive feature of such control systems is the need to carry out complex types of processing of large volumes of information in an extremely limited time frame. Because of this, the complexity of systems is steadily growing, and it is almost impossible to guarantee the absence of errors in software amounting to many tens of millions of machine instructions. In addition, there may be malfunctions or failures of equipment, provocative and sabotage actions of personnel, infection of computers with electronic viruses, etc. It is not difficult to imagine the possible consequences of such events in a military system. In other words, in modern conditions it is necessary to protect both information processing systems from the influence of the external environment, and the environment from the influence of information located in the processing systems. Not only the security of information accumulated, stored and processed in systems must be ensured, but also information security of the environment, i.e., prevention of negative impacts on the environment that may occur as a result of unintended (erroneous or malicious) types of processing.

Secondly, the massive use of computer technology in various fields of activity sharply increases the potential for violation of civil rights and human freedoms, since with the widespread introduction of new information technologies, the possibilities of maintaining dossiers on people, eavesdropping on telephone conversations, unauthorized reading of e-mail, monitoring deposits, carrying out computer surveillance, etc.

Thirdly, the danger of violating copyright and property rights, primarily in software products, is increasing.

In many cases, software, both by individual users and entire organizations, is acquired as a result of illegal copying, i.e. theft.

Fourthly, informatization can also be a source of social tension. Thus, production automation leads to a complete change in technology, which entails a change in the range of professions and a reduction in the number of personnel. However, not all people can easily master a new specialty or find a new job.

Such a somewhat unusual aspect as the danger of profanation of art also deserves to be noted, since the wide capabilities of modern computers make it possible to significantly intensify the creative process, and its intensification beyond a certain extent will inevitably affect the quality of the work. In addition, according to some scientists, managers and specialists who regularly use computer technology in the course of their activities for a long time, experience and intuition regarding their important functions atrophy.

The negative aspects of information technology must be taken into account when solving informatization problems. These problems should also become the subject of study of modern computer science.

2. The concept of “computer science”

Various ideas and theories related to information, its types, properties, etc., were transformed into “informatics” - a science that studies the laws and methods of accumulating, transmitting and processing information.

The term “informatics” (French - “informatique”) appeared in French in the early 1960s and designated the field of automated information processing.

In the 1970s, in the English-language literature, the science of information processing based on the use of computer technology was called “Computer Science”. That is, we are talking about science related to computer technology. In England and the USA, this term refers to the science of computing and computing, or computational science.

In the minds of some experts, “computer science” is interpreted as the science of the laws and methods of obtaining, measuring, accumulating, storing, processing and transmitting information using mathematical and technical means. Computer science usually includes three main components: technical, software and algorithmic (technological) tools.

In the first half of the 1980s, the term “computer science” came to a number of countries in Eastern Europe. In Russia, since the 1990s, it has meant a large scientific field that studies methods of representing, accumulating, transmitting and processing information using computers.

The emergence of computers played a decisive role in the formation of computer science as a science, but the computer itself, its creation, operation and application is also the subject of the study of computer science. Practice has shown that the use of computers has sharply increased labor productivity in production and science and has had a strong impact on scientific and technological progress. At the same time, there is also a reverse influence - the tasks of science and practice impose requirements on designers and program developers to create new, more high-performance computers focused on solving specific problems.

The term “computer science,” previously used in Russian, associated with the narrowly specific field of study of the structure and general properties of scientific information transmitted through scientific literature, in modern conditions takes on a broader meaning - the name of a complex scientific and technical discipline designed to create new information technologies and tools to solve problems of informatization in various areas of human activity: production, management, science, education, trade, financial sector, medicine, etc.

Informatics is a comprehensive scientific and technical discipline that deals with the study of the structure and general properties of information, information processes, the development on this basis of information technology and technology, as well as solving scientific and engineering problems of the creation, implementation and effective use of computer equipment and technology in all areas of public practice .

The largest changes that have occurred in the information development of society can be noted in five revolutionary stages.

First revolution. The emergence of speech communications, ensuring group behavior of people, preserving accumulated knowledge based on oral communication.

Second revolution. The invention of writing is the basis of the most important leap in the development of society; the possibility of long-term preservation of knowledge and its transmission from generation to generation has become possible.

Third revolution. The invention of printing, which made it possible to realize the mass distribution of written information, changed the culture and organization of mutual activities, and ensured the large-scale development of science and education.

Fourth revolution. The invention of electricity and related information transmission technologies (telegraph, telephone, radio, television), which make it possible to quickly transmit information, replacing direct communication between people. In parallel with these changes, means of quickly recording events (photography and sound recording) appeared.

Fifth revolution. The emergence of electronic computers and automated technologies based on them. Penetration of information technologies into all areas of activity (industry, management, culture, etc.). The emergence of the Internet. Creation of a tool base for intelligent systems.

All these transformations are not one-time events - as a rule, these are quite long evolutionary processes. Therefore, it is possible to indicate the time periods for each of the above transformations rather conditionally. Even the appearance of printing cannot be associated only with the invention of Gutenberg, who for some reason is credited with the invention of the printing press. Real historical analysis shows that imprint technologies were known in very early cultures (for example, ornaments), and imprinting on paper, when a stamp was cut out on a linden board, was the basis for mass reproduction long before the 15th century.

Currently, the next stage in the development of civilization is undergoing - the transition to information society. Concept " Information society"as a modification of the concepts of post-industrial society emerges in the second half of the 1960s. Post-industrial society, which is already characteristic of most developed countries of the world and in the economy of which, as a result of the scientific and technological revolution and a significant increase in household incomes, priority has moved from the primary production of goods to the production of services , creates the basis information society. Already at this stage of development, information and knowledge have become a production resource, scientific developments form the main driving force of the economy, the most valuable qualities are the level of education, professionalism, learning ability and creativity of the employee.

Knowledge and information have always been essential components in people's lives. Knowledge is a means of liberation from the influence of spontaneous objective forces, the basis for the formation of personality. But in conditions information society knowledge takes on a new meaning; to a certain extent it becomes an independent force, a central factor in technical and social development. Most importantly, knowledge can be used to produce new knowledge. It becomes possible to obtain new knowledge about reality based on existing experience. This leads to the growth of theoretical sciences, forecasting and practical research based on preliminary assumptions. Mathematical methods penetrate into all spheres of human activity.

During the transition to information society Any organizational structure increasingly uses information in order to increase efficiency, stimulate innovation, and strengthen competitiveness. Information is becoming a subject of mass consumption among the population, and the information sector of the economy is being intensively formed, which is growing at a faster rate than other industries.

Name " Information society" first appeared almost simultaneously in Japan and the USA. The creation of the term itself " Information society" attributed to Y. Hayashi, professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Outlines information society were outlined in reports submitted to the Japanese government by a number of organizations.

The main meaning of the concept information society formulated in these works can be represented by the following theses:

  • most of the population of developed countries is engaged in information activities;
  • information becomes one of the main social values ​​that unites society; information becomes the main product of production and the main commodity;
  • power in society passes into the hands of the information elite;
  • the class structure of society becomes meaningless and gradually gives way to an elite-mass structure. The proletariat disappears, and with it all the contradictions, the “cognitariat” and a new computer generation of free people - “homo intellectus” - appear.

This technocratic definition may raise certain questions, but to date, despite the abundance of publications, there are no clearly formulated signs of a transition to information society. Frank Webster described this situation quite correctly: “Reading the literature about the information society, one is simply amazed at how large the number of authors are who operate with undeveloped definitions of the subject they are writing about.” It is difficult to formulate these characteristics, since we ourselves are direct participants in this complex, dynamic, multidimensional and, most importantly, developing process. The need to understand the changes taking place is indicated by the fact that scientists working at the intersection of disciplines such as sociology, mathematics, philosophy, economics and geography are joining this work.

The most concise definition characterizing the barrier to transition to information society, formulated similarly to the definition of a post-industrial society, in which the word “services” is replaced by “information and intellectual services” and sounds like this: If in a society more than 50% of the population is employed in the field of information and intellectual services, the society becomes information. This socio-economic aspect of employment is illustrated by the observations proposed by Poret in the form of a diagram, which is presented in Fig. 5.1. The 50% employment level is passed twice: the first time during the formation of a new social formation, the second time when the next wave of development covers the social needs formulated at the previous stages with a smaller number of workers.

One of the founders of ideas information society Castells characterizes the evolution of employment with the following parameters:

In more detailed definitions information society, making an attempt to identify and formulate the main characteristics information society, the following criteria are traditionally studied.

Technological: are analyzed information Technology, which are widely used in production, institutions, the education system and in everyday life.

Social: processes that act as an important stimulator of changes in the quality of life are studied.

Economic: information is a key factor in the economy as a resource, service, commodity, source of added value and employment.

Political: freedom of information leading to a political process characterized by increasing participation and consensus among different classes and social strata of the population.

Cultural: recognition of the cultural value of information.

The most clear list of 12 signs characterizing Information society, presented in Don Tapscott's The Electronic Digital Society.

  1. Knowledge Orientation. Mental work becomes the basis for creating material values, generating income and profits. The center of gravity shifts from muscle power to thought power. Knowledge becomes a component of products. Knowledge-oriented technical tools are spreading. Management information systems are evolving into knowledge systems.
  2. Digital form of object representation. Documents are converted into electronic digital form. Communication between people takes the form of ones and zeros. Transition from analog technology to electronic-digital technology (communications, event recording systems, copying).
  3. Virtual nature. Physical objects and organizations can become virtual. Virtual stores, warehouses, workplaces, teams. Data virtualization, “virtual reality” systems with an impact on all senses.
  4. Molecular structure. The end of the administrative-command hierarchy. Individual workers and teams are given freedom of action and the opportunity to create value. Components of the "Lego" type are created, suggesting multiple and multifunctional use.
  5. Integration. Internetworking. A new type of enterprise is a network element. Modular independent organizations are emerging, constituting a single network of services and production. The creation of wealth, trade, and social life are based on a global public information structure.
  6. Elimination of intermediaries. Elimination in business activities of agents, brokers, wholesalers, partly retailers - everything that stands between the manufacturer and the consumer, everyone who served as a signal amplifier in the communication channels of organizations.
  7. Convergence. Convergence of key sectors of the economy. Convergence of organizational structures.
  8. Innovative nature. Innovation is the main driving force of economic activity and business success. The main source of value becomes human imagination, rather than traditional success factors - access to raw materials, productivity, scale, labor costs. Innovations in marketing strategy and management methods.
  9. Transformation of the "manufacturer-consumer" relationship. Blurring the lines between manufacturer and consumer. Knowledge and consumer information are used when creating a product, especially when information systems development, software products. The consumer can monitor, adjust and even participate in the creation of a product tailored to his specific wishes.
  10. Dynamism. The new society operates in real time. Trading becomes electronic, communications are carried out instantly, obtaining a true picture of the process with all the necessary parameters ensures direct control and management. Product life cycles are shortened.
  11. Global scale. Knowledge knows no boundaries. The economy is becoming global. The organization of mutual work and cooperation is not limited by space and time. The work can be done in a variety of locations, including at home. The interdependence of countries is increasing.
  12. Presence of contradictions. Massive social contradictions arise between workers and laid-off workers, whose knowledge has become unnecessary, knowledgeable and ignorant, with and without access to the information highway.

As mentioned above, transformations associated with the transition to new social, economic, technological and other conditions require new knowledge from a person and efforts to adapt to changes. At the same time, society tries to support a person in the processes of adaptation, creating specialized educational structures, forming a system of incentives. The most significant changes in human social life are constantly monitored and analyzed. If the ongoing changes contribute to the progress of society, then it creates a favorable situation for accelerating these transformations.

A set of measures to facilitate the transition to information society, and the process of transition itself is usually called the informatization of society. According to the definition of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” of January 25, 1995, informatization is “an organizational socio-economic and scientific-technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and realizing the rights of citizens, government bodies, local government bodies, organizations, public associations based on the formation and use of information resources."

As is the definition of " Information society", the definition of informatization has several complementary formulations.

The term "informatization" was first used in the report "Informatization of Society", prepared in 1978 by a group of specialists commissioned by French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing. In the domestic periodical press, the term "informatization" was one of the first, in 1987, to be used by A I. Rakitov Subsequently, he defined informatization as a process in which social, technological, economic, political and cultural mechanisms are not just connected, but literally fused, fused together. At the same time, it is a process of progressively increasing use of information technologies for production. , processing, storage and dissemination of information. According to Rakitov, the process of informatization should not be so much technocratic as it should be aimed specifically at solving the problems of social development, significantly increasing the intellectual level of society, and the most priority of them is the problem of the survival of humanity.

Sociological approach, when informatization is considered as a process that covers all spheres of human activity, affecting the person himself - his knowledge and morality, economic and spiritual interests, his development as an individual. At the same time, the informatization of society appears as a set of interrelated technical, economic, social, political, spiritual and cultural factors. They ensure the development and large-scale receipt, exchange and application of information in society for the purpose of further development and improvement of society and its members.

Thus, informatization is a technological, social and even cultural process associated with significant changes in the lifestyle of the population. Such processes require serious efforts not only by the authorities, but also by the entire community of users of information and communication technologies in many areas, including the elimination of computer illiteracy, the formation of a culture of using new information technologies, etc.

The informatization process includes the following interrelated technical and technological components.

  1. Electronization is the spread of electronic technology to a variety of spheres of human activity: production and management, education and science, social and cultural spheres.
  2. Mediatization is the process of improving the means of collecting, storing and distributing information, in which electronic media becomes the main carrier of information and data. Mediatization allows you to transmit information without moving a person, increases the speed and expands the range of possibilities for this transmission.
  3. Computerization is the process of improving the means of searching and processing information based on the introduction of computer technology. The computer is becoming the main means of human communication, a means of getting rid of routine operations. Computerization is not only a technical and technological process, but also sociological transformations associated with the development of computer technology by almost the entire population.
  4. Intellectualization is the process of developing people's knowledge and abilities to perceive and generate information, which naturally leads to an increase in the intellectual potential of society, including the possibility of using artificial intelligence tools.

As for automation and robotization of production, they are the technical basis of informatization. Automation and robotization began long before the informatization of society and they should not be directly included in the process of informatization of society; they are, as it were, the forerunner of the informatization of society, contributing to the development of electronic technology. On the basis of automation and electronic devices, mechatronic devices are designed - a hybrid of mechanical and electronic equipment.

By the end of the 20th century, human communication capabilities were replenished with the advent of the Internet, which determined the formation of another component of the informatization of society, which is often called internetization. This term refers to the rapidly developing world information system, the technical basis of which is now the Internet. This global network has covered almost all countries, penetrated into all spheres of people’s lives, and has become a “habitat” for a significant number of people. It has a huge and growing influence on industrial and financial market, the functioning of culture and the policies of various governments. The Internet is the real force that stimulates the complex and highly controversial process of globalization.

It becomes quite difficult for a person to navigate it. There is an increase in document flow. Mental workload increases. Due to the huge amount of data, people simply cannot take full advantage of it, since their capabilities are often quite limited. As a result of the information revolution, a crisis occurred, and people were faced with the need to overcome it. This is why informatization of society is necessary. This means the need to carry out activities aimed at improving conditions for meeting the information needs of people in all spheres of society. Insufficient literacy, low level of information culture, and lack of desire complicate the process of informatization. In this regard, states are striving to improve the quality of education, increase investment in research, and improve the quality of work.

Development of computer technologies

With the advent of computers, the informatization of society became possible. Therefore, great importance is attached to the computerization of the population. Thanks to computer technology, you can find everything you need among a whole stream of information. The development of other industries is closely interconnected with digital technologies. That is why the informatization of society has led to an increase in labor productivity, and it has become possible to systematize and store the necessary data.

A company is considered an information company if the following conditions are met:

  • anyone can obtain the information they need for their life activities, free of charge or for a fee, at any convenient time;
  • modern information technologies are produced and available to every individual in society;
  • the presence of developed infrastructures that ensure the creation of information resources necessary for scientific and technological progress;
  • automation occurs in the areas of management and production;
  • The scope of information activities is expanding.

The role of informatization in the development of society

Over the course of history, there have been several information revolutions, which resulted in dramatic leaps in the development of mankind. The first arose due to the invention of writing, which led to the possibility of transferring knowledge to subsequent generations. The second information boom occurred in connection with printing, which significantly increased people's knowledge.

After the invention of electricity, the telephone, telegraph, and radio appeared, which made it possible to transmit information efficiently and quickly. The emergence of computers gave a strong impetus to development, which led to the accumulation of new knowledge, the ability to quickly search for necessary data, exchange of experience, etc. Informatization of society can also have negative consequences. In particular, the media has a great influence on it, which leads to the manipulation of public opinion. In addition, not everyone keeps up with developments; many find it difficult to adapt to constant changes. Posting certain information on the Internet may have a negative impact on people's privacy. Informatization of society is currently a necessity. The large flow of information does not allow us to perceive it fully. That is why the state must allocate funds for the constant development of information technology.