Sports themed wallpapers for walls. Wall mural and football theme: how to combine. Football as a leading theme

247 Sports images in our photo wallpaper catalog. All images are specially selected for further interior printing and gluing to the wall or ceiling. Choose a convenient viewing mode:

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  • photo wallpaper sports in the interior.

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The catalog contains the minimum prices for the manufacture of products with this image. The minimum price includes the cost of the image itself (if it is not free) and the cost of its printing on one of the selected photo wallpaper materials.

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To buy the 3D sports photo wallpapers you like, just click on their image and send a request to our designer manager on the new page of the site.

Our designers have added to the "Sport" catalog only those images that are most suitable for most interiors. However, if you need the help of a professional interior designer, our specialists will help you choose the perfect sports-themed photo wallpaper specifically for your apartment, home, office or establishment.

This catalog is a selection of various thematic images for fans of sports and a healthy lifestyle, people who are looking for motivation to work on themselves. Photo wallpapers sports are the moments of your favorite sports, famous athletes, paraphernalia and much more. Such wall murals will give a work or home environment a uniqueness, create a dynamic atmosphere.

Sports-themed photo murals are widely used outside of gyms, dance studios and health centers. Such decor is chosen not only by professional athletes, but also by energetic active people, fans and sports fans to decorate their living and working spaces.

Sports murals in the interior - ideas for choosing a plot for printing

Our catalog is a collection of stories on various topics: from hockey to American football, from sports balls to the symbols of your favorite club, from young athletes to sports stars. Choose a plot that fits perfectly into the interior and will delight you, motivate you to new achievements.

Photo wallpapers of football, basketball or hockey themes will equally harmoniously fit into both home and work interiors, decorate the walls of a thematic institution or center. It is important to place such decor in the room of a child or teenager, in a study or office;

Fitness attributes and images with athletes are not only an element of decor, but also a visual motivation for athletes who work out in specialized centers, gyms, swimming pools;

Photo wallpapers with famous athletes and teams are a modern wall decoration in restaurant-type establishments: sports cafes, pubs and bars.

You can buy sports online on our website or by calling our manager by phone.

They are able to make the room bright and colorful, and the right plot will add style and originality. Today's photographic canvases are images that are applied to paper or a textile surface. With the help of such canvases, designers decorate walls, ceilings and even the doors of rooms, wallpaper is applied and on the surface of the furniture.

You can also add them to the external advantages of photo wallpapers. ecology, fire resistance and, which makes them possible to use in any room, regardless of its purpose.

Photographic canvases in a modern interior play the role of an accent element. They do not tolerate a large pile of furniture sets and extra accessories, but only free space. If you want your apartment or office to play in a new way, then you should design it in a minimalist style by adding a colorful photo panel as a bright accessory. The slogan under which modern canvases are produced can be quoted as follows: "Less furniture, more space."

Thanks to bright and colorful photo wallpapers you can easily zone the room, or make rooms smaller or lighter or darker.

The storyline of images produced by manufacturers is quite diverse and will appeal to even the most fastidious buyer: landscapes, still lifes, flowers and sports, and many others.

General trends in the use of sports themes in design

Photo canvases on sports topics are quite rare - less often than floral and natural images. And yet there are plenty of fans of such a plot, too. He is chosen energetic, active people, as well as zealous fans of a particular sport. Professional athletes also prefer such canvases, because with their help you can easily give a modern style and a special zest to the design of your apartment.

Photo wallpapers "Sport" decorate living rooms and bedrooms, often decorate walls with them in the rooms of teenagers or young people. On them, as a rule, images of not only individual fragments of sports.

In the abundance of storylines, you can observe a huge variety. For example, there is often an interesting version of pictures of sports equipment or facilities. sports complexes, simulators and classes on them from all angles.

Also, the theme of sports may be present in the form of a light accent on the background of a beautiful landscape. For example, a snowy slope and a speeding snowboarder against a blue sky, or sharp mountain peaks that will not overwhelm with their menacingness if you focus on the theme of mountaineering or snowboarding.

Important! People who want to decorate their room with sports photo wallpapers should not get carried away with too naturalistic images of people: it will not be very comfortable to be in a room with such canvases. Huge human figures will negatively affect the psychological state of the room's occupant.

You should also pay attention to the fact that large objects: cars, yachts, people or motorcycles - can visually reduce the space. This effect is greatly enhanced by the dynamics of the picture. For similar dynamic compositions, huge and spacious rooms are required: gyms and gyms.

If you choose sports murals for small rooms, then you need to stop your choice on graphics: the picture can be both , and color. Perfect fit silhouette paintings or watercolor images.

The use of sports motorcycles and cars in the interior is typical for decoration, guys or young men. You can give the image of the room more dynamics and freshness, using in interior design image of a surfer surfing the waves: with this canvas you combine drive and adrenaline against the backdrop of the blue ocean.

Advice. If there is a desire to apply a sports picture, then you should choose large-sized photo wallpapers in order to completely paste over the free wall with them.

Photo wallpapers on a sports theme will allow you to get aesthetic pleasure every day, and will also give an additional incentive not to forget about the physical beauty of the body and the need to constantly keep yourself in good physical shape.

Important! If you decorate a child’s room with sports canvases, you can easily instill in him a love for sports, a desire for sports achievements.

Sports-themed photographic canvases can be used not only in residential areas, but also in gyms, fitness clubs, sports bars and even cafes. In office premises, it would also be appropriate to decorate the walls with them, they will make a bright accent on the aggressive policy of the company, which is aimed only at dynamic movement forward, achieving only the best results and all sorts of victories.

If you cannot find a suitable image for yourself, then custom-made photo wallpapers based on your photo will come in handy. For example, a photo taken while riding a skateboard or racing car. Such photo canvases will give the apartment exclusivity, chic and originality, and guests who come to you will be amazed by the unusual decor of the home.

Football as a leading theme

No game brings together representatives of various professions like football, and zealous fans of this sport tend to surround themselves with football symbols. Therefore, it is not surprising that football wall murals are in great demand among football fans.

Canvases with symbols on a football theme can be either accent in design, so become great addition to sporty style in design.

Wall decoration in the form of large-format posters, which depict bright and memorable moments from football matches, successful ball rally combinations or very well-aimed goal. All these shots will decorate not only the bedrooms of avid football players or their fans, but also ordinary people, the main thing is to take into account the common style of the room with photo wallpapers.

Photo wallpapers of a football theme will be a good gift for relatives or friends. Seeing such an image, bought by you as a gift to a friend or brother, husband, you certainly will not lose in your choice: any football fan will only be happy to decorate his personal room in a sporty style.

Hockey stories

Football fans are countless, but there are other sports, such as hockey. Photo wallpapers "Hockey" are not in such great demand as football canvases, but still a narrow circle of fans of this sport decorates their rooms and apartments with them.

When decorating a room on a hockey theme, you can give your home a personality, using sports accessories: sticks, pucks, helmets, and if a person is seriously involved in sports, then awards on the shelves.

Read about how it is done - all the secrets and subtleties of the gluing technology are described in detail.

Watch the video on how to glue Komar wall murals: the German quality of the canvases will ensure a long service life if the image is pasted correctly.

The use of sports themes in the interior allows you to create a dynamic and positive environment. In what cases is it appropriate to buy sports photo wallpapers? If you bring up an active teenager and introduce him to physical development, the canvas will become an additional incentive for him to new achievements. Often, spouses share sports hobbies, so choosing a product becomes a kind of ritual for them. 3D sports wall mural on the entire living room wall is a win-win choice for a bachelor's apartment.

Varieties of photo wallpaper

Three-dimensional pictures recreate the realism of events and movements, allow you to feel like a participant in an event or a specific process. The computer technology of production endows materials with wear resistance and durability without loss of external qualities.

Conventionally, sports-themed wall murals are divided into many categories, the most popular of which are:

  • football - differs in the peculiarities of the location of the canvases, depending on the purpose of the room. In the recreation area, it is desirable to fix wallpaper with paraphernalia, football fields and neutral details that promote relaxation. If you are engaged in physical activity at home, then in this part of the apartment you can hang an energetic pattern;
  • hockey is a rather aggressive sport due to the peculiarities of the gameplay, it is most often used in the home of a brutal and strong man;
  • water plot - universal wallpaper suitable for all age groups and characters of people due to the aesthetics of the drawings, a pleasant palette that does not burden the psyche.

For fans of any sport, the ideal solution for decorating the design of a room can be sports murals depicting stories or characters from their most beloved sport. The video shows instructions on how to create a sports room with your own hands, at low cost, since the price of even custom-made photo wallpapers is not so high.

Photo wallpapers with a sports theme are suitable not only for a child's room or a teenager who is keen on sports. They will also fit well into the bachelor pad of a young male or female athlete. Even family people decorate their interiors with sports photo wallpapers, especially if the passion for sports is shared by all family members.

Sports photo wallpapers are good for their motivation for everyone, because it's no secret that in order to achieve victory, you need to work hard and move only forward, like athletes. Sports photo murals are well suited for energetic active people who know what they want to achieve in life and stubbornly strive for their goals.

Sports theme on photo wallpaper

There are a lot of sports, both active and more relaxed. We can all watch active sports at the Olympic Games, both winter and summer. Calm sports, for example: chess or billiards, are not considered by many as sports at all.

Most often, photo wallpapers depict such active sports as football, hockey, basketball, skiing and many others. The most popular in our country are, of course, football and hockey, no matter what sports you prefer, you must also follow these.

The most common sports depicted on photo wallpapers are:

  • Football.
  • Hockey.
  • Basketball.
  • Volleyball.
  • Wrestling types.
  • Ski views.
  • Water views.
  • Racing types.
  • Horse types.

As well as other sports, but you have to look for them.