How to quickly get rid of moths with food and household folk remedies forever: ways to fight and preventive measures. How to find a mole in an apartment Moth in a house how to get rid of folk remedies

How to get moths out of the house - there are many ways in the fight. Depends on the type of pest. The most important thing is to start acting already when only 1 butterfly appeared in the house. And even better, while the moth has not yet had time to start.

Moth is a moth familiar from childhood. Only before they looked at him like a butterfly, but now he is a dangerous enemy. In nature, there are about 1500 varieties of this insect. Only a few of them live in residential premises. Simplistically, it can be divided into clothes and food. The difference is that the first spoils clothes made from natural fabrics, and sometimes does not disdain synthetics, the second - cereals, backfill and other food supplies.

The life cycle of an insect is almost the same. Caterpillars are the most dangerous. The butterfly drinks only water during its two-week existence. Before you start fighting harmful creatures, you should decide on its type. The means can be used the same, but the territory of the "war" is different. Every second family had to think about how to get rid of an insect. There are a lot of means, methods too. How to quickly defeat the enemy?

  • Do not spare stocks - throw everything in the trash. To kill the worms, you can fry the cereal in the oven or freeze it in the freezer. However, eating dishes with worms is not entirely pleasant.
  • All jars in which there was backfilling should be washed well with soda in hot water. Can be boiled over. Then dry well. Glass containers can be heated in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 10 minutes.
  • Clean out closets. Wipe the shelves with a solution of vinegar. 50 ml of vinegar is poured into 1 liter of water.
  • If the moth wound up in dried fruits, they must be placed in a saline solution for several minutes, then rinsed in plain water, dried in the oven.

It is necessary to buy backfill in stores with a good reputation. Store in jars with lids. You can get rid of moths with Velcro, a fly swatter. If there are too many moths, and the worms began to crawl along the ceilings, walls, furniture, carry out pest control with an aerosol.

How to get moths out of a wool carpet

  • Take the rug to the dry cleaners.
  • Wash by yourself using laundry soap. There should be a lot of foam so that it penetrates to the end of the villi.
  • Leave the carpet in the cold if it is winter. It will take at least 2 days to freeze. Leave in the hot sun in summer, also for 2 days.
  • Use a moth spray. It is good to process the carpet, you can right on the street. Wash in a day.

It makes sense to remove moths from the carpet if it is not badly damaged. With a large number of larvae, “bald” places form on it, the villi fall out. The carpet is fading.

The worst thing that can happen to a woman is if a moth "ate" an expensive mink coat. Meanwhile, it is the favorite delicacy of all types of woolly moth. However, it is not the wool itself that attracts moths, but the remnants of sweat, particles of the epidermis. This means that the fur coat was put away in the closet without prior preparation. You can remove the mole yourself or give the product to dry cleaning.

Most often, the pest starts in the summer. In winter, it is periodically taken out of the closet, it happens in the cold, so the larvae die before they have time to settle. Warming up a fur coat in the sun will not work, because the wool will not warm up to a high temperature. We'll have to use an aerosol from moths. It is good to process the entire product, pack it in a plastic bag so that the active substance remains viable longer. Then this smell must be weathered. Just take it outside, hang it in the sun.

Mink coat requires special care. You can’t just hang it in a closet after the end of the cold weather. Before this, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it, place it in a plastic bag, and tie it tightly. Currently, special bags are sold for storing fur coats immediately with insecticidal substances. In the closets where the fur coat hangs, only clean clothes should be stored. At least once during the warm time it needs to be taken out, ventilated. At the same time check for the presence of pests.

How to get moths out of kitchen cabinets

To bring out food moths in the kitchen, you need to put things in order in the cabinets.

For washing cabinets, solutions are used with the addition of various components with a strong odor. The product is prepared based on 1 liter of water at room temperature.

  • Vinegar - 50 ml;
  • Ammonia - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Essential oils of mint, lavender, citrus - 7 drops.

With a strong infection of the apartment, the larvae can get into another room. And although they do not threaten clothes, fur coats, carpets. They can go back to the kitchen again. In this case, it is necessary to carry out pest control throughout the apartment. One bottle of aerosol is enough to treat a one-room apartment. The doors of all cabinets are opened, food is hidden in the refrigerator, plastic bags, cling film.

Moths can get into the house through open windows and doors in the summer. Therefore, you should be aware of the danger all year round. Prevention from moths must be carried out all year round.

Methods of dealing with clothes pest

There are 3 ways to defeat the enemy and prevent damage to furniture, clothes and other things.

Physical method of struggle

You can notice the existence of an insect by the presence of small holes, bald patches on fur products. At the same time, the caterpillars weakly adhere to the fabric surface, their legs are practically not developed. Therefore, constantly pulling things out of cabinets and airing can protect against damage.

Moth on a fur coat

chemical method

How a mole is removed in an apartment with the help of chemicals for sure, everyone knows. The stores offer a large number of aerosols, fumigators, sections. The effect will be better if you use several drugs at the same time. More details about how to remove moths will be discussed later.

Folk recipes

How to get rid of moths, advice from blogger Olga Papsueva

In a difficult struggle with harmful creatures, you can not do without folk remedies. Since ancient times, this insect has been bred in different ways, which have been passed down from generation to generation. Along with chemicals, they are used to this day. How is a mole removed in an apartment, without the use of insecticides?

When incomprehensible butterflies flutter around the kitchen, for many it remains a mystery where they came from and what to expect from them. After all, it is generally believed that she only eats clothes and lives in wardrobes. Then the hostess stumbles upon an unpleasant picture, when even in packed packages with cereals there are caterpillars and moths. How is the mole removed from the apartment in this case?

  1. First of all, you should review all food supplies that are available at home. The enemy can be anywhere: in rice, buckwheat, peas, flour, dried fruits.
  2. Make an audit and throw away, or rather burn, a heavily infected backfill.
  3. Where there were few pests, you can influence them with temperature. Place in the refrigerator or oven for a couple of hours.
  4. Wash the shelves with water and vinegar.
  5. Then you can turn to chemicals that will help get rid of butterflies.

Application of aerosols

How to remove a mole using a spray or aerosol can be read on the instructions that come with each tool. The principle of operation is as follows:

  • remove the contents of the furniture, whether it be clothes or cereals;
  • close doors and windows;
  • hide food;
  • bring out the animals;
  • spray treatment;
  • ventilate.

Before you start disinfecting your home, you should protect yourself with a mask or respirator, gloves. The best aerosols are Antimol, Dezmol, Phoksid, Armol.


How to remove a mole without disinfection? You can use fumigators. Sold in the form of spirals, which should be set on fire. Or in the form of small appliances that plug into an outlet. The best option would be to run an extension cord and install the device inside the cabinet. It is mainly used against mosquitoes, but this insect can also be removed from the apartment.


The easiest way to deal with this pest. Special plates are impregnated with repellents, laid out in cabinets. I work for a month, then you need to replace it with new ones. How is the moth removed from the house with such devices? Substances create an unfavorable environment for pests. The smell is so strong that the butterfly cannot lay eggs in this place. After 2 weeks, she dies, new caterpillars do not appear.

How moths are removed at home is now known. But it is better not to allow it to appear. It is necessary to carefully check the cereals when buying, to clean in places where backfill and clothes are stored. Place supplies in airtight containers.

Wardrobes should also be periodically inspected and ventilated. If you notice night moths at home, it's time to make an audit.

At least once in a lifetime, every person faced the problem of how to get rid of moths in an apartment. These annoying and harmful insects can cause great harm not only to your favorite things, but also to products. The appearance of a nondescript butterfly in an apartment can spoil the mood of all the inhabitants for a long time, because not only material values ​​​​are under threat, but also the family budget. Therefore, pest control is a priority at the first sign of its appearance in the room.

Moth - general information

  • wardrobe;
  • fur coat;
  • felt;
  • furniture;
  • carpet;
  • cereal;
  • and other varieties.

To simplify and generalize the classification, two most common subspecies can be distinguished - clothing and food moths. Adult representatives of these domestic insects are small in size, not exceeding 15 mm. They have an unsightly grayish color. Only males can fly, but they do not do it very skillfully. Females do not use wings. They are smaller in size than the males.

The main harm is caused not by the flying moth in the house, but by its larvae and caterpillars, which, thanks to their powerful mouth apparatus, can continuously eat everything and in large quantities. They live near a food source or directly in it. Everyone leads a sedentary lifestyle and spends all the time in one place before turning into a butterfly. Having turned into an adult, they stop eating, so their lifespan is too short. The rest of the time the moth spends only on reproduction.

An adult individual has the ability to mate already on the second day after its appearance. The female places the clutch in secluded safe places located in close proximity to the source of food, which is necessary for future larvae. Butterfly moths can lay up to 150 eggs at a time. For the appearance of an insect nest, one fertilized individual and comfortable conditions for reproduction are enough.

Causes and main signs of the appearance of moths

You will get rid of moths if you know the causes and signs that indicate the presence of a pest in the house. The main options are:

Finding insect eggs is difficult, but finding and getting rid of caterpillars, a lot of cobwebs and pupae in a closet with clothes or a jar of bulk products is not difficult. It is hard not to notice the flying moth. This is a sure sign that it is necessary to conduct a thorough audit in all cabinets with things, a kitchen set and start getting rid of pests by all known means.

Before deciding how to get rid of moths at home, you need to find out where it started. natural materials or some varieties of food.

An audit in kitchen cabinets will allow you to find the source of the pest spread through rather characteristic cobwebs and small worms in cereals, flour or dried fruits. The best solution is to get rid of contaminated products. After that, you need to thoroughly rinse the kitchen set, ventilate and dry its interior. If the degree of food contamination is not very high, then it is recommended to heat it at a high temperature in an oven or other ovens. The thoroughness and accuracy of the measures taken will allow you to get rid of the food moth the first time.

It is also not difficult to identify the habitats of clothes or furniture moths. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

All these activities will be a reliable help in solving the extremely important problem of how to get rid of moths in an apartment.

The main methods of dealing with moths at home

The long-term struggle with a domestic pest has made it possible to develop a set of tools and methods to get rid of moths. The most commonly used are:

  • the use of insecticidal preparations and;
  • call for special services.

Heat treatment of the apartment

Harmful insects feel most comfortable in the temperature range, which is between -5°C and +45°C. If these parameters change drastically, then this will kill the entire brood. Thermal agents include:

  • Freezing the room for several hours. This tool will help get rid of adults and larvae.

    Important! Precautions must be taken to prevent damage to the heating system.

  • Processing with steam or washing things at the maximum allowable temperatures. Furniture and carpets must be treated with special household hair dryers or steam generators.
  • Place fur clothes in cold stores to get rid of moths.

These funds are quite effective and, with a small degree of infection, will allow you to get rid of moths in the apartment.


The best result in the fight against clothes moths can be obtained if you use effective insecticidal preparations at home on your own with the strictest observance of safety measures. There is a rich arsenal of products on sale, such as aerosols, fumigators and repellent sections. Consider in more detail the line of these devices:

Highly effective means allow you to permanently get rid of a household pest.

Folk recipes

You need to poison moths quickly using effective methods. But if there are small children, pets or people suffering from allergic diseases in the house, then in this case it is best to get rid of insects by using a folk remedy for moths. People widely use as natural repellents:

  • dried lavender grass with flowers, due to its specific smell, expels insects forever;
  • citrus peels, tobacco, wormwood, walnut leaves and chestnuts;
  • geranium will provide peace in the house;
  • lavender oil applied to tampons can kill adults.

Professional exterminators

If all the above methods and means did not help get rid of moths and the question of how to remove the pest remains open, then you will have to seek help from specialists. Professional exterminators know how to kill pests quickly and with a high degree of efficiency. To treat the premises, they use preparations based on natural oils that have an unpleasant specific odor. Specialists will competently select the remedy and carefully process the infected room, which will allow you to get rid of moths forever.

The appearance of a nondescript gray butterfly in the house can cause real panic, because everyone knows that an insect can quickly cause irreparable damage to property. Every housewife should know how to get rid of moths, and start destroying them as quickly as possible so that spoiled textiles or clothes do not have to be thrown away.

In this article we will talk about a harmful insect and how to get rid of it yourself at home.

What is a mole

To deal effectively with the enemy, you need to know what he is. The moth is a small butterfly, usually gray in color, whose larvae feed on keratin, which is found in natural tissues and materials. Other species of these insects feed on products, usually loose. Accordingly, the mole can be divided into two large groups: clothes and food.

For clothes and products, it is not the butterfly itself that is dangerous, but its caterpillars. Insects are very prolific: the female is able to lay 100-150 eggs at a time, from which the larvae then appear. They arrange nests closer to food sources, in dark and secluded corners. Yes, and the adult itself does not like bright light, most often prefers to live in closets, and you can see the flying moth in the dark.

Butterfly larvae are very voracious: in one day, such a caterpillar is able to gnaw through a sweater or seriously damage a fur coat. The waste products that pests leave behind also damage things. Food moth lays offspring in cereals, dried fruits, animal feed and other bulk products.

Ways pests enter the house:

  • laying with eggs and insect larvae can be brought along with food or things from the store;
  • a butterfly can fly into a room through open windows or doors from the street;
  • pests can pass to you from neighbors through ventilation ducts or through cracks.

A butterfly fluttering around the apartment is the surest sign that the moth is going to settle in your house or has been living in it for a long time, and therefore the fight against it must be started immediately. It is also impossible to ignore larvae, eggs or a thin cobweb found in bulk products. Finding nests of insects in clothes is more difficult, but if you find holes and waste products of larvae on your favorite sweater, take urgent action.

Ways to fight

To remove a mole in an apartment, you must first find its habitat. You will have to audit the wardrobes, review and shake up all the clothes, treat the shelves and walls with a solution of laundry soap, and then wipe them with a weak solution of vinegar and dry them properly. You should also carefully examine carpets and furniture upholstery made from natural materials.

The next steps will depend on which insect control method you choose. There are effective chemicals, as well as various folk ways to get rid of moths.

Folk methods

If you find pests on a fur coat, you can wrap it in a bag and send it to a freezer with a temperature of -15 ℃ for at least 1 hour. Neither eggs, nor larvae, nor adults will tolerate such treatment. In winter, in frost, you can carry out a complete cold treatment of the apartment by simply leaving the windows open for 1-2 days. First you need to empty the wardrobes and leave them open. The same should be done with cabinets in the kitchen.

A few words must be said about naphthalene- a tool that our ancestors used to fight voracious insects. Its pungent smell is really capable of scaring away butterflies, but if the pests have already laid their eggs in things, the remedy is powerless. Naphthalene can be used as a preventive measure, but recent studies have shown that the substance is quite toxic, so it is undesirable to use it in residential areas.

Get rid of flying pests vinegar. You need to pour a few tablespoons of the solution into a hot frying pan, which is then placed in the closet where the butterflies were seen.

Popular and easy-to-use moth control agents are various aerosols. When using them, you must strictly follow the instructions and observe safety measures. You can get rid of moths in the house after the first application, provided that all insect nests are found and processed.

Perhaps the most famous and effective aerosol is "Dichlorvos" and products similar to it in composition. The tool quickly kills eggs, larvae and adults, but has an unpleasant odor. Manufacturers of more modern drugs are trying to improve their flavor by adding special flavors. Spray can "Armol" can be used for processing fur and woolen products, and the residual effect after use "Raptor" lasts for a year. An inexpensive remedy with the smell of lavender is "Clean house".

Fumigators have a wide spectrum of action, helping to rid the house not only of mosquitoes and flies, but also of all types of moths. It is best to use them in combination with other means. Brand drugs are popular "Raid" and Mosquitall. The plates should be changed every day.

There are also special sections (stickers) that are placed inside cabinets. In their action, they are similar to naphthalene-based products, but they have a pleasant smell and are not so toxic. Efficiency is maintained for several months.

When choosing industrial chemicals, carefully study the instructions and follow all safety precautions. Buy funds only in specialized stores, check the expiration date. Remember that drugs contain toxic substances that, if handled carelessly, can harm human health.

Prevention measures

Many are wondering how to prevent moths from breeding in a private house or apartment. It's simple: you need to try to prevent the insect from entering the house, and also create an environment in which it cannot take root.

The preventive measures are as follows:

  • check the products that you bring home from the store for moth infestation;
  • keep jars of cereals, tea and other groceries tightly closed;
  • thoroughly clean and dry clothing before storing;
  • store outerwear on hangers in covers with special means that repel insects;
  • regularly perform wet cleaning;
  • dismantle wardrobes with clothes at least once every six months, completely removing and shaking things, as well as wiping and airing the shelves;
  • use hangers made of cedar (moth does not like the smell of this tree);
  • old wardrobe items (from a flea market or attic) must be steamed or dry-cleaned before being placed in a closet;
  • use natural insect repellents;
  • lay out bay leaves in food storage areas;
  • do not buy a lot of bulk products for future use.

Fighting winged insects is not so difficult, the main thing is to notice them before they have time to cause serious harm. We hope that our tips will help you get rid of moths forever.


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Do you know that:

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Fresh lemon is not only good for tea: clean the dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly clean the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the wrong side for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

Moth is an unwanted guest. Her appearance signals that somewhere on the shelf lies an already spoiled woolen or fur thing, cereals and other products are spoiled.

The fight against this little butterfly is a long process, but the sooner you determine the method of how to get rid of the moth, the greater the chance of its complete destruction.

A huge range of industrial chemicals and folk remedies for moths used at home allows everyone to choose the best method of getting rid of moths.

What will help get rid of clothes moth

Household (aka clothes) moth - this tiny (only 100 mm) butterfly can bring a lot of trouble. More precisely, it is not the butterfly itself that spoils clothes, carpets, furs and other valuables, but its larva.

You can get rid of moths and their larvae using many proven methods in practice.

Conventionally, all methods of how to get rid of moths in an apartment can be divided into two groups:

  • using means of chemical production;
  • using folk remedies for moths in the closet.

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Modern drugs in the fight against moths

The first thing you can pay attention to when choosing a remedy for how to get rid of moths in the house is contact anti-moth agents. These are rather toxic, but effective drugs that are used to treat furniture, carpets and other interior items in which a small butterfly can settle.

The list of the most effective means includes:

  • Insecticide sprays (eg Raptor). The solutions are sprayed in the habitats of the insect, and after a day or two you can forget about the unpleasant residents. Important: insecticides are dangerous not only for insects, but also for animals and even people living in the house.
  • Dichlorvos is an aerosol with a very pungent, specific odor. It is recommended to use only for clothes moth.
  • Armol is detrimental to the pest on any surface (textiles, furniture).
  • Aerosol Clean House can only be used for furniture.
  • Insecticidal solutions Morimol, Phoxide are recommended for the treatment of upholstered furniture and carpets.

Further, traps for clothes moths are presented in a wide assortment on the shelves of hardware stores. This is a structure inside which there is an adhesive layer and a certain amount of female moth pheromones, which attract butterflies so much. Adult individuals, attracted by pheromones, fall into the trap. They pour and die. By the number of insects caught, it is easy to understand the extent of the moth infestation.

Moth pills are laid out on shelves. The tablets have a very subtle, spicy flavor that repels moths. This tool is absolutely safe for humans and animals.

Fumigators are devices whose purpose is long-term control of insects. The device is plugged into the outlet and the plate with insecticidal substances begins to heat up, filling the air with fumes that are harmful to the insect.

The desired effect from the use of the fumigator can be achieved only on the fifth - tenth day.

Among all the well-known folk remedies for moths in the closet, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • herbs - rosemary, lavender. Tansy. All these herbs were used by our grandmothers in the fight against harmful insects. Herbs were dried and laid out in cloth bags. For those who do not want to bother with herbal bags, you can do it much easier: moisten a cotton swab in the essential oil of the desired plant and spread it around the room;
  • laurel and walnut leaves are effective in the process of removing insects from the wardrobe;
  • The peel of a lemon or orange is a good moth repellant (as long as the peel exudes a citrus scent).

Also, do not forget that the moth does not tolerate high temperatures (hang things out into the fresh air more often) and cleanliness. Clothes, before hanging in the closet, must be cleaned, washed, put in order.

What will help get rid of food moths

Barn, grain, fruit - these are all names for the same food moth. By laying larvae, this small insect can destroy large amounts of food in the house in a very short time.

The first thing to do to bring out the food moth is to carry out a general cleaning in the kitchen:

  1. Sort out all the grains very carefully. If you notice a product with larvae - ruthlessly throw it away. Advice that, after holding the infected cereal in the oven for a few minutes, the insect larvae will die and disappear, are groundless.
  2. Thoroughly clean all kitchen cabinets. A good remedy is useful for work, like a vinegar solution from food moths in the kitchen. After cleaning, the cabinets are wiped again with a damp cloth.
  3. Buy a special storage container. An ideal option for bulk products is a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.

To quickly eliminate the problem, special moth remedies in the apartment will help:

When thinking about how to remove moths from kitchen cabinets, it is better to abandon chemical industrial aerosol preparations in favor of non-toxic folk remedies.

How to get rid of moths with folk remedies, our grandmothers also knew:

  • Bay leaf. It is destructive for moths. The leaves are laid out on shelves around food containers, and also placed in jars of cereals (one or two leaves will be enough);
  • Garlic cloves will save food from moth larvae;
  • Acetic acid. It is diluted with water in equal proportions, and the kitchen furniture is wiped with the resulting product;
  • Dried citrus peels will not only scare away insects from food, but also fill the air with a pleasant aroma;
  • Tobacco leaves are an effective remedy in the fight against food moths.

Prevention measures

The following preventive measures will help prevent the appearance of moths and its larvae:

  1. Regular cleanings. Pests live in dark closed cabinets, and absolutely cannot tolerate fresh air and sunlight. Create unbearable living conditions for moths (ventilate the apartment more often, remove dust and debris, ventilate things from closets) and you will forget about it forever. Don't litter your apartment. Old unnecessary things are a breeding ground for moth larvae.
  2. Proper storage. Before long-term storage of clothing (especially woolen, fur), do not forget to wash and clean it. If there is no way to put things in order at home, on your own, dry cleaning will come to the rescue.
  3. Store fur and in special vacuum bags. The lack of oxygen is detrimental to moths. Carpets, pillows and blankets should be aired and beaten out at least twice a year.
  4. Review product expiration dates. Make it a habit to review the grains, nuts, and other foods stored in kitchen cabinets and pantries once every few months. The contaminated product must be discarded immediately. It is necessary to store bulk products in tightly twisted jars.
  5. Use folk remedies. Orange peels, lavender leaves and flowers, carnations repel moths with their smell.

Do not delay with the choice of moth remedies. The sooner the fight against this little pest begins, the more likely it is to destroy it.

The presence of moths in the apartment and house is reflected in the appearance of things, the quality of food. Among moth remedies, one must choose those that are suitable for a particular type of insect. It is necessary to get rid of not only adults, but to destroy the egg-laying, larvae.

You can determine the appearance of moths in the apartment by:

  • the formation of islands without fur on an expensive fur coat;
  • small holes in fabrics;
  • small grayish worms in cereals, flour;
  • oviposition in the corners of the wardrobe, on the furniture.

Eaters of things, products are larvae that need food for development. If the moth egg laying site is not eliminated, then the larvae will hatch further, and it will be very difficult to save a fur coat, books, and other household items from their voracity.

The main types of moth

There are several types of domestic moth. And the butterfly looks different depending on its nutrition, habitat in the house.

Clothes moth

The most popular type of moth in the world lives in the closets where the things of the owners of the house are located. Adults are a butterfly with a wingspan of 12 to 18 millimeters. Transparent wings are evenly colored in a light yellow hue. Front narrow with gray gloss and fringe.

The female lays hundreds of white eggs during the season, from which a larva appears, similar to a grayish worm up to 7 millimeters long.

food moth

The food pest starts in the kitchen. If the cereals are in bags, then the moth makes its way there, laying eggs. In an adult butterfly, the wings are brownish or gray with light spots. Eggs laid in bulk products, dried fruits, nuts are visible to the naked eye. Then whitish larvae appear in the sacs. Butterfly caterpillars devour food, leaving excrement inside. You can’t eat infected cereals, flour.

  • under the shell of a walnut;
  • in dried fruits;
  • in the breadbasket;
  • inside cereals, pasta;
  • in flour;
  • in ground spices.

Sometimes they find a pest even in garlic.

Cereal moth

One of the varieties of food moth is cereal. She can live only in cereals, bypassing other foods. It is difficult to notice a grayish butterfly. She flies at night. Occasionally they notice her during the day, but she moves so quickly, throwing herself from side to side, that it is difficult to catch her. The pest is able to infect all the cereals in the closet in a short time. If you don’t catch yourself in time, you will have to throw away bulk products contaminated with eggs, waste products of the larvae.

Fur coat

A dangerous pest prefers to eat fur, felt. The wingspan of a butterfly is from 10 to 16 millimeters. The forelegs are golden with brown spots or dots. The front edge of the wings is pubescent with a light fringe. The fringe is darker on the hindwings.

Elongated-oval-shaped eggs are light gray, large. The fertility of a female butterfly is up to 120 eggs. From them, larvae appear, which build themselves a cover from the threads of the lining of a fur coat. In the spring, caterpillar worms pupate. Until that time, they harm fur products.


Previously, this type of moth was attributed to clothes, but over time it was differentiated. The butterfly has narrow and long wings. Their color varies from dark to light golden with a reddish tint. During the day, butterflies hide in gloomy corners, and fly out at night. The female lays yellowish eggs. The higher the air temperature, the faster the eggs develop. The development of caterpillars also depends on the air temperature in the apartment. The larvae prefer dry and dark places. They belong to the group of keratophages. Butterflies can damage furniture upholstery and book bindings.


A variety of furniture moth is a small butterfly with light yellow wings, a span of 9-14 millimeters. Egg laying can be found in woolen things. Then larvae with a brownish head and a white body appear in the closet on the 6th day after laying the eggs.

You can see butterflies in autumn when they emerge from pupae. Adults do not feed on keratids, and sedentary larvae are voracious. Their molting cases and excrement can be found in the folds of shawls and sweaters.


Pests of grain stocks can live in warehouses. The butterfly has a body length of 9 millimeters, and a span of narrow lanceolate wings up to 11-19. On the front wings, yellowish-gray, 2 black spots are determined. The hind wings are painted in light gray tones of a bronze tint, fringe is visible on them along the edges. It is difficult to distinguish the color of a butterfly from the color of wheat grains.

For a short life of 1-2 weeks, the grain moth lays eggs in heaps. The female's fertility is 150-200 oval, milky-white eggs. Pest caterpillars are born yellow-orange, and then change color to milky white. Gnawing through the shell of the grain, they penetrate inside, where they feed on the endosperm. Inside the shell of a grain, one half can be occupied by a caterpillar, and the other by its excrement. This is where pupation takes place. Moth for the summer in the barns gives 3-4 generations of pests.

What is dangerous moth

The harm that moths cause at home is associated with damage to:

  • wool and woolen products;
  • fur things;
  • books;
  • furniture upholstery;
  • stocks of crackers, cereals and flour;
  • nut harvest;
  • dried fruits.

Things and food become unusable. You have to get rid of them. Grain moth destroys grain stocks by 40% if the pest is not destroyed in time. Adults do not feed, but carry pathogenic organisms on their paws, contaminating food products. If the moth starts, then all measures must be taken to get rid of it.

Reasons for the appearance of moths

Where does a harmful insect come from in our homes, you need to know in order to take preventive measures. Most often, a butterfly flies into open vents, windows. If the conditions at home are favorable for its reproduction, then the moth climbs into secluded corners and lays eggs. Another way for insects to penetrate is ventilation odorants, cracks in windows. Butterfly eggs are brought along with products shared by relatives and grandmothers. Pest eggs are carried by domestic animals. When giving an adult cat, dog, you should carefully examine the coat. Indeed, in addition to fleas, ticks, you can find moth eggs.

When a flying pest starts up, you need to get rid of it as soon as you find it.

Fighting methods

Moth should be fought, sparing no time and money. But even the most effective remedy will not help to destroy the insect if there is a mess in the closets, and there is no proper care for clothes and shoes.


Chemical control methods are the most effective, so they are more often chosen by consumers. A popular drug for all types of household insects is Dichlorvos. It is used in, mosquitoes, ticks, cockroaches. It will help get rid of moths. But there are other effective pesticides made using the latest technologies.

Spray can

This method of treating premises from various types of pests is based on spraying the smallest particles of an insecticide. Prepare a solution for aerosols using hot and cold fog generators. The working solution is crushed to the state of aerosol particles. Usually they take poisons dissolved in trihydric alcohols or diesel fuel.

It is convenient to fight moths with aerosol insecticides, but before that you need to clean the room or closet from things and household items. It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning, cleaning the home.


The best tool was developed by employees of the Research Institute of Disinsection and Moscow State University. Controls the production of insecticide protective equipment laboratory in Switzerland.

Use the drug to kill butterflies at all stages of development, as well as for preventive purposes. The main substance, as a carrier of poison, permethrin is dissolved in isopropyl alcohol. Aerosol differs:

  • 100% destruction of the pest;
  • low toxicity to humans and domestic animals;
  • pleasant smell of lavender;
  • duration of action.

After processing pieces of furniture, clothes, the spray leaves no traces. Shake the can before spraying moth habitats. Irrigate damaged items before wetting, holding the bottle at arm's length. The procedure for processing the internal surfaces of cabinets, drawers, suitcases lasts 2-4 seconds.

After disinfestation, they leave the dwelling, returning after 30-40 minutes for airing.


It is better to destroy the pest with an instant preparation than by other means. Keratophages die after processing wardrobes with outerwear, furniture upholstery, carpets. Poison is used in warehouses, museums, workshops, archives, libraries. The drug belongs to the 3rd class of toxicity. At its core, the poison permethrin is combined with a hydrocarbon repellant.

Pesticide particles get inside insects, their larvae, exerting a nerve-paralytic effect.

The advantage of using aerosols is its safety for humans, animals, and fish. But for the time of pest control, it is better to remove the aquariums, take away cats and dogs, take out children and adults. After spraying, air after half an hour.

Antimol Stop mole

The remedy for flying insects, their larvae is an insecticidal spray packaged in aluminum cans of 125 milliliters. Particles of the solution act detrimentally, penetrating through the respiratory and digestive systems, the chitinous cover of the moth. Settling on the walls of furniture, the inner surface of cabinets, the pesticide protects the house from the appearance of a pest in the future. They are able to kill moths long after aerosol spraying.



For fumigation against moths, the drug is ideal. It works on plates and grout. The toxicity of the fumigant to humans is low. But it is not recommended to breathe poisonous vapors for a long time. It is necessary to turn on the fumigator, opening the cabinet doors in order to influence the butterfly hiding in the dark corners of the furniture.


Fumigators, powered by electricity, heat a plate soaked in pesticides. Liquid works in the same way. Its vapors are detrimental to moths and mosquitoes. It is necessary to turn on the device for several hours, taking a break in its operation. For the duration of the action of toxic fumes, it is necessary to remove pets and an aquarium with fish from the premises.


The drug acts like all fumigators. It is enough to plug the device into the network for 10-15 minutes, as the butterflies begin to die. As part of the liquid pesticide together with a solvent, an evaporator. The liquid belongs to the 3rd class of toxicity. The pesticide is effective against flying insects in the home.


It is necessary to use the fumigator of this brand in the same way as the others. Before processing the dwelling, it is necessary to remove children, pregnant women. You should remove the fish from the aquarium. It is worth turning on a high-speed remedy for several hours a day. It is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the moth. If the insect continues to multiply, then it is better to repeat the inclusion of the fumigator.

Pheromone traps

If clothes, wool moths can be fought with aerosols, then traps are better suited for food species. Pheromone adaptations work by attracting insects with favorite scents. Set traps on kitchen cabinets. Butterflies fly in, the larvae crawl there and die. Inside, the surfaces of the traps are covered with special glue or impregnated with an active insecticide.


The effectiveness of the anti-moth remedy is:

Within 3 months, the pests get inside the trap. So they get rid of them completely.


Glue-based bait is purchased to fight food moths. Female-type pheromones attract male pests. Hence the interruption of the mating of insects. The female will not be able to lay eggs, the life cycle of the moth is interrupted.

The trap is fixed with the sticky side on the surface of the kitchen cabinet, leaving it for a long time until the insect gets rid of.



Plates impregnated with insecticidal solutions are produced. They are inserted into fumigators or set on fire. During combustion, harmful insects are expelled from the apartment with smoke.

"Clean house"

Under this brand, various forms of moth insecticides are produced. The plates are used by inserting them into the fumigator. They act safely and gently, without causing allergic reactions. Butterflies under the action of an insecticide slowly die.


Long-acting plates are suitable for fumigators. The effectiveness of the insecticidal form has been tested by time. It is necessary to use plates, spirals only in the open air, if they are heated as a result of ignition with matches.


Sections of this brand help in the fight against moths and their larvae. But it is best to additionally use other means in the form of aerosols, solutions. Then it will be possible to completely destroy the pest.


One of the cheapest and easiest ways to fight is used when single specimens of butterflies are found in an apartment. Wide stripes are applied with dust on the doors of cabinets, chest of drawers, along the seams on upholstered furniture. The procedure is carried out with gloves, after which the hands are thoroughly washed with soap under running water.

Temperature treatment

ultraviolet irradiation

The action of the sun's rays on moths is detrimental. After all, therefore, insects hide in dark corners where ultraviolet does not penetrate. Destroy larvae and oviposition of moths with quartz or ultraviolet lamps. They process clothes, and then the surfaces inside the wardrobe.

Folk remedies

Moth tansy

Harvest tansy flowers in summer. Grass is hung in bunches in the kitchen. Dried inflorescences can be placed in linen bags and laid out on the shelves of the cabinet. The smell of tansy repels insects, but does not kill them.

wormwood grass

The strong bitter smell of wormwood effectively affects insects in the apartment. They leave the human home. Butterflies will not fly into the window if there is a smell of wormwood coming from there.


Lavender flowers have an excellent deterrent effect. Sachets with dried herbs can be laid out in the dressing room. It is useful to keep bags of lavender in the kitchen.


Sprigs of mint spread the aroma throughout the apartment. It is worth putting bags of dried grass next to a fur coat stored on a hanger, inside woolen blankets, clothes. Moth will never settle where it smells of mint.

orange peels

Don't throw away citrus peels. Fresh, they spread the fragrance throughout the house. Lepidoptera insects do not like this smell. If a gray moth is wound up, then it will quickly leave the apartment.

caucasian chamomile

Dry chamomile flowers from the Caucasus have a strong smell. Inside the plant is the poisonous substance pyrethrum, which is used against many domestic pests. But it is safe for humans. Chamomile powder is poured into the hidden corners of the cabinet to destroy the moth, its larvae.


Geranium has a deterrent effect. Often flower pots help to cope with pests of the house, plants. Repels the scent of flowers and moths. It is unlikely that a butterfly will fly into a house where geraniums bloom on the windowsills. Therefore, it is necessary to use a flower to protect against insects.

horse chestnut

When the chestnut blossoms, white candles are harvested. They are ground into powder, placed in bags. Arranged on the shelves and chestnut nuts. During the year, they will protect clothing and food from moths.

Vinegar and garlic

Fragrant tobacco

Tobacco flowers have a pronounced aroma, which allows the plant to be used in pest control. Plants are dried and filled with pillows, bags. They are suitable for unfolding on shelves in all areas of the house.

odorous herbs

Many plants that are pleasant to humans do not tolerate flying insects. They do not like the aroma of eucalyptus, strawberries, pine needles, citrus fruits. Instead of a sachet, you can put soap with the appropriate smell inside the wardrobe.

Essential oils

Used in the fight against insects aromatic oils. They are filled with special lamps to freshen the air. Wetting cotton pads with 1-2 drops of eucalyptus, clove, lavender, fir oils can protect your home from harmful insects.


Naphthalene balls are still in demand to fight moths. But if earlier the clothes were saturated with the smell of the powder, now flavors are added to the preparation.

Burnt honey

The mole leaves the apartment if it smells the smell of honey heated on fire. If you overheat the product a little above the norm, then the pests will fly away from the house.

How to get rid of eggs and moth larvae

Since things suffer from the voracity of larvae, and not adults, it is first necessary to destroy them:

  • washing clothes after long wear;
  • having given a fur coat, a sheepskin coat to a dry-cleaner;
  • disinfecting woolen and fur things under a quartz lamp;
  • ironing outerwear with a steam iron;
  • placing clothes infested with larvae in the freezer.

If butterflies are found indoors, then you need to shake out all the clothes in the closet, dry them in the open air. Put sachets with fragrant herbs on the shelves.


To prevent the appearance of moths in the apartment, it is necessary that the clothes be folded and hung in the closet in their pure form. When putting shoes in boxes, remove the insoles.

Fur coats are best hung in isolation from other clothes. Before cleaning, they must be dried, ventilated in the fresh air.

Store cereals, flour in airtight containers. You should look into it more often. If worms appear, you need to throw away the grits. Rinse and dry containers. It is better to buy bulk products in stores, and not from hands. Moth lays eggs in nuts. Therefore, it is not necessary to store them for a long time. It is better to buy fresh products, not expired ones. It is impossible that there was high humidity in the room. So the mole will start up for sure. If products are sorted out often, then pests do not start.

You can put cigarettes in the pockets of winter clothes, their smell will help to avoid a butterfly attack. Fragrant herbs, orange peels are placed in cabinets. These herbal remedies will become a reliable protection against the appearance of moths in the house. You can put dried orange peels in bowls by mixing them with pepper. To protect blankets, blankets from moths, use a bay leaf wrapped in gauze.