Eustoma room: cultivation and care on the windowsill. Eustoma perennial: description, planting and care Agrotechnics of eustoma

Eustoma flower (lat. Eustoma) or, as it is also called, "Irish rose" belongs to the mustard family. The homeland of this beautiful flower is the southern part of North America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Eustoma perennial fell in love not only with flower growers, but also with florists due to the fact that it is perfect for making bouquets. When cut, the flower can stand up to three weeks.

Every year more and more different varieties of Irish roses appear on the market. All of them differ in the shade of the inflorescences, the height of the stem and the method of planting. Lisianthus flowers can be grown not only at home, but also in the backyard, they will look very impressive everywhere. In addition to growing, care is also important. In order for the perennial eustoma to give abundant flowering, and the inflorescences to be large, it is necessary to follow simple recommendations for care.

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    Description of perennial

    Before you start growing, you need to find out the characteristics of the eustoma flower and its description. Irish rose eustoma is characterized by strong and graceful stems, the height of which can reach one meter. These varieties are suitable for planting in the garden.

    There are also dwarf species, they can be planted at home in flower pots. The leaves are covered with a thin wax coating. Foliage of a muted green hue, lanceolate oval shape. Stems begin to branch from about the middle, so even one stem can look like an independent bouquet. Up to 35 buds can be located on one stem.

    Inflorescences can be both simple and terry in delicate shades. Petals can be white, blue, pink, purple, lavender, or red. There are also variegated varieties.

    Purple eustoma is especially attractive. Shades can be from rich lilac to delicate lavender. Half-blown flowers have a slight resemblance to rosebuds, and fully bloomed ones look like double poppies. The inflorescences are large, about 7-8 cm in diameter.

    Popular varieties

    The plant can be of two types: annual and perennial. As a rule, an annual grows in Russia. At home, you can breed perennials.

    The most common varieties:


    • Eustoma "Sapphire" - refers to the Russian selection. The inflorescences are monochromatic, sometimes there are species with a double color. The height of the stem is not more than 15 cm.
    • "Matador" - characterized by terry inflorescences, very capricious in care.


    • "Flamenco" - non-double inflorescences, stem height can reach 70 cm.
    • "Magic" - refers to Japanese selection, terry inflorescences, stem height can reach 80 cm.

    Landing features

    Many gardeners are interested in how to grow eustoma in their area. In order for the eustoma in the garden to quickly take root, it is necessary to study the features of planting, follow certain rules:

    • Before planting eustoma with seeds, you need to choose the right place. She prefers diffused light. It is not recommended to plant a herbaceous plant in the shade. Open sunny areas are also not suitable. Bright sunlight is needed only during the germination period.
    • The soil must be prepared in advance. This requires humus from the bark and peat in equal parts.
    • Herbal rose is planted only by seeds. Planting a perennial eustoma root is not practiced.
    • It is not recommended to transplant the grass.
    • If eustoma lisianthus grows at home, then for abundant flowering it is best to put the pots in a cool room.
    • Due to the fact that the seeds are quite small, it is better to buy them in the form of granules.

    When is the best time to plant?

    When is the best time to plant an Irish rose?

    The most favorable time for landingeustomaat the end of February - beginning of March.

    The seeds planted during this period will be able to sprout quite early, and flowering will begin in July and end only at the end of August.

    It is best to sow seedlings from December to January. This is due to the fact that the bush begins to bloom 17-20 days after the appearance of the first shoots, therefore, in order to speed up the onset of this period, sowing should be done as early as possible.

    How to grow eustoma in open ground? The temperature for growing eustoma from seeds should be no more than +20 degrees during the day and +14 degrees at night. Planting dates depend solely on the region and climatic conditions. In the temperate climate zone, the most favorable time is mid-May, when four to eight leaves appear on the sprouts.

    When to sow eustoma for propagation at home? In the event that eustoma is grown from seeds at home, then it should be sown from July to September.

    How to choose the right place?

    First of all, it must be remembered that Lisianthus is a rather photophilous plant. It needs up to 12 hours of sunlight per day. But there is one caveat: the light should be diffused.

    While the lisianthus sprouts have not yet grown strong and are in the container at home, they need to provide additional lighting, for example, put it under lamps for a couple of hours.

    It is very important to choose the right soil. The land should be well-drained, rich in humus, and also have a neutral acidity. In addition, it is recommended that the soil is always moist.

    For planting in open ground, you will have to prepare the soil. To do this, you need to take earth, sand, lime, perlite and humus in equal parts. If the Irish rose is grown at home, then you can purchase perennial soil mix from a specialized flower shop.

    Planting seeds

    Chinese rose is grown mainly by seed. The bulbous planting method cannot be used. Eustoma does not form bulbs. The main disadvantage of growing Lisianthus from seeds is low germination. The main causes of this problem are poor-quality planting material and violation of agricultural technology.

    Growing eustoma from seeds:

    • First of all, you need to prepare the ground. It is advisable to purchase land for planting in a flower shop. The soil must be sterilized and have a neutral acidity. You can also buy peat tablets. They will need to be soaked for a day before planting the planting material.
    • It is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers and sellers. Before buying, it is advisable to make sure that the planting material has been processed by the manufacturer, and also sealed with a special gel. The presence of these procedures not only significantly increases the percentage of seedling germination, but also allows you to evenly plant seeds in the ground.
    • It is advisable to prepare a landing container in advance. To do this, it must be washed in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then filled with soil. Then the surface of the soil must be leveled and lightly tamped.
    • Planting material must be sown in a previously prepared substrate. The soil should be moist, but in no case wet, in structure - quite soft and loose. Seeds can not be heavily sprinkled with earth. Just lightly tamp.
    • It is recommended to water the seeds with a sprayer. And also it is necessary to ensure that the planting material does not fall into the ground.
    • After that, it is necessary to cover the container with cling film or a plastic bag. In order for the air to circulate and the soil not to become moldy, you need to make small holes in the film. As a rule, the first sprouts begin to appear 14-15 days after sowing.
    • To increase the percentage of germination, the container must be placed under lamps to provide additional light.
    • The temperature in the room where the container is located should be at least +20 degrees. Very often, violation of this parameter causes low germination of planting material.
    • Immediately after the first shoots appear, the film must be removed.
    • As the soil dries, the sprouts must be sprayed with a solution of phytosporin.
    • After about one and a half to two months, the seedlings should have the first leaves. After that, you can proceed to the dive procedure. The height of seedlings should be at least four to five centimeters. You need to dive very carefully, since the root system of the sprouts is very weak, it is easy to damage it.
    • About two weeks before planting the plant in open ground, the sprouts must begin to harden off. This is done gradually. In the first couple of days, the container must be taken out into the open air for several hours. It is advisable to avoid direct sunlight. You need to harden the sprouts only in warm and dry weather.
    • Before planting in open ground, the soil must be prepared. The earth should be weeded and cleared of weeds, as well as watered.
    • It is important to remember that after planting seedlings in open ground, they must be covered with bottles.

    Propagation with a root

    How to plant a Chinese rose by dividing the root? As a rule, in eustoma, the process of propagation by the root always fails. The root system of the plant is very delicate and easily damaged. Even the slightest careless action can harm the root.

    In most cases, with this method of planting, the lisianthus not only does not take root, but also dies. Therefore, it is recommended to abandon this method of growing and resort to growing plants with seeds.

    plant care

    Eustoma requires special care. Basic care procedures include:

    • Watering;
    • Loosening the soil;
    • Application of mineral and organic fertilizers;

    1. 1 Watering.

    Watering the plant is required as the soil dries. Watering should not be plentiful. In the event that the weather is dry, then their number is recommended to be increased.

    1. 2 Loosening the soil.

    It is desirable to carry out weeding once every two weeks, so that more oxygen penetrates the soil. In addition, it is important to get rid of weeds in time.

    1. 3 Application of mineral and organic fertilizers.

    The first top dressing is carried out after the seedlings have taken root in a new place. It is recommended to do this about a month after the dive. It is advisable to use high-quality mineral fertilizers that are completely soluble in water. For these purposes, you can use a series of dressings for flowering plants "Plantafol". In early June, Plantafol Growth with a high nitrogen content must be introduced into the soil. In July and August "Plantafol Budding". In this top dressing there is already less nitrogen, but more phosphorus. This type of mineral fertilizer from the entire series will promote abundant flowering and the formation of lush buds. Instead of "Pantafol" you can use the fertilizer "Kemira" or "Kemira Lux". It can be used under the root.

    1. 4 Prevention of diseases and pests.

    Eustoma is prone to diseases such as:

    • Fusarium wilt.

    The disease is caused by fungal bacteria. They develop in the absence of sunlight, high temperature and high soil moisture. Fighting Fusarium wilt is quite difficult because the bacteria live in the soil itself. Affected plants must be immediately removed from the site. The soil should be sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with a mixture of ash and sulfur.

    • Gray rot.

    The first sign of the appearance of gray rot is dark gray spots on the leaves. To cope with this disease, the affected plants must be sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid. You can also use fungicides. If the leaves are severely affected, then such specimens must be urgently removed from the site so that the fungus does not spread to other crops.

    • Powdery mildew.

    The first sign of powdery mildew is a white coating. It appears on leaves and stems. Powdery mildew is caused by excess moisture. Fungicides can be used to control the disease.

    Eustoma can also be affected by various insects. Basically, these are flightless, mushroom mosquitoes and aphids. These insects feed on the sap of the plant, which causes it to wilt. Leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. If bugs and larvae appear on the bushes, they urgently need to be treated with insecticides. Larvae and adult insects can be harvested by hand.

    As mentioned earlier, the Irish rose is most often grown as an annual. To save the bushes, they can be dug up for the winter and planted in pots at home. And in the spring again land in open ground.

    This method has a significant disadvantage. The plant does not tolerate transplanting well, so it may take a month for it to adapt. A sharp change in temperature and a decrease in the amount of light can cause the bushes to begin to wither. To prevent this, Lisianthus should be transplanted into pots in late August or early September. So it will be easier for him to adapt to new conditions. In addition, you need to reduce the amount of watering. In a new place, the bushes will not be able to absorb a large amount of moisture, and the root system may begin to rot.

    In order for Lisianthus to quickly get used to the new environment, it is better to first place containers with it on a balcony or loggia, and bring them into the house after a few days. So he can get used to the decrease in the amount of sunlight.

    There is another common way of wintering. Before transplanting into containers, the stems must be cut to the very root. After such pruning, new basal shoots may form.


    Eustoma is a wonderful plant that is suitable not only for growing in the garden, but also for decorating flower arrangements and various bouquets. When cut, it can stand for a long time, up to three weeks, and not lose its original appearance. There are two types of plants - perennial and annual. On the territory of Russia, annuals are most often grown. Currently, many hybrids have been bred. Inflorescences come in various colors - white, pink, red, yellow, all shades of purple. The only negative when growing eustoma is that it is very capricious. Seed germination is very low.

    This planting method, like dividing the rhizome, is not suitable. The root system of the Irish rose is very fragile and easily damaged. It is advisable to buy planting material from reliable manufacturers. It is also very important to follow certain planting rules in order to increase the percentage of germination of sprouts. Planting eustoma seeds is a rather painstaking task. Care after planting in open ground is also very important. If various top dressings are applied in time, the plant will delight with abundant and lush flowering until autumn itself.

    Eustoma grandiflora - planting and care

    ​Related articles​​But in winter, eustoma needs slightly different conditions - more fresh air and light, cool temperature. At home, it will be very difficult to provide such a microclimate, so many flower growers grow a flower as an annual. Lisianthus seeds are small, therefore they are sold in the form of granules. In addition, the special composition from which the granules are made improves germination. In general, eustoma seeds do not germinate very well. A germination rate of 60% is considered good.

    A lot of diffused light, plants need to be shaded from direct sunlight.

    True, the process of taking root plants indoors from open ground does not go smoothly,

    . The leaves of the plant are gray-green, covered with a light wax coating.

    Eustoma, planting and caring for which is described in more detail in the video story, is a wonderful decoration for your garden!

    The period of filmless content is coming. In such conditions, the flowers remain until they are planted in the open field.

    The diameter of flowers of various colors reaches 6 cm. Based on this variety, a lot of hybrids with white, pink and purple flowers were bred. No less popular is perennial eustoma. Look at the photo of these varieties.

    Growing eustoma grandiflora

    During the period of budding or flowering, the plant can be attacked by mites and coccids. To avoid this danger, the plant should be treated prophylactically with suitable preparations.


    Eustoma grandiflora, also known as

    Eustoma is grown by many flower growers, since this plant is not capricious in its care. But some rules, in order to see a beautiful flowering, you still have to follow.

    Sowing seeds is carried out from January to March in light soil, well-permeable to air and moisture. At home, you can make it from garden soil, peat or vermiculite and sand in equal amounts. The earth is well soaked, the seeds are poured from above, without closing. Slightly pressed and sprayed from a spray bottle. Cover with a transparent film (package) and put in a warm (20-25 degrees) and bright place.

    When grown in the garden, eustoma can tolerate heat and drought, although it certainly looks better with regular watering. When grown in pots, overdrying can kill the plant, moisture must always be present in the soil. At the same time, eustoma is afraid of waterlogging, so the next watering should be done only after the top layer of soil has dried.

    adaptation to a new place can take up to 1 month

    Also, depending on the variety, the plant can be large - up to 1.5 meters in height or miniature, from 12 cm, which is convenient for growing at home.

    Eustoma or Lisianthus is a flowering plant that is grown both in the garden and at home. She began to gain wide popularity among flower growers relatively recently. There is

    Planting seedlings in the garden is carried out in mid-May. If the plant has 6-8 leaves, then it is ready for transplanting. Eustoma, planted in open ground, is characterized by intensive growth. It is recommended to plant plants in the evening. To do this, it is necessary to dig holes approximately the size of the pot where the eustoma grows. Water the dug holes well. Landing is carried out by the method of transshipment of an earthen coma. Each flower after planting should be covered with half a plastic bottle or a transparent jar. Such a shelter will protect the flowers from frost, and also retain the moisture they need so much. As soon as the threat of the last frost has passed, the covering material can be removed.

    The reproduction of the flower occurs with the help of seeds. Attempts to propagate eustoma by dividing the bush have failed. This plant reacts very poorly to the process of disturbing the root system. After division, all parts of the flower simply die. Therefore, the seed method is the most reliable.

    Preventive treatment with a broad-spectrum antifungal drug will prevent fungal diseases.

    Eustoma prefers good lighting. In the morning or evening, direct sunlight may enter the plant.

    Reproduction of eustoma

    Russell's liznanthus


    If sowing is done in January-February, additional illumination will not be superfluous, ideally when the seeds receive light for 12-14 hours a day. It is also good if it is possible to transfer the container with planted seeds to a cool room with a temperature of 14-17 degrees at night. These are the recommendations of experts, but often, sharing their experience, flower growers say that they manage to grow eustoma seedlings without additional lighting and a nighttime drop in temperature.

    When watering, you need to be careful. Water the plant under the root and

    Features of growing the delicate beauty of eustoma

    . With a sharp change in temperature from a cool street to a warm room, as well as a decrease in illumination, the plants begin to weaken and wither. Therefore, you need to start moving them indoors early, in late August - early September, when the temperature outside and at home is about the same. It is also advisable to place the plants first on a closed loggia, and only after some time in a room to give the eustoma time to get used to the lack of light. In addition to this, it is necessary to limit the watering regime until the plant gets used to the new conditions, it cannot absorb a large amount of water. Eustoma blooms luxuriantly, about 20 flowers can form on one plant. Their size can be from 5 to 15 cm, and they bloom gradually as they bloom, therefore

    Description of Lisianthus (eustoma)

    A huge number of varieties of eustoma

    This plant is very well suited for a sunny site for active growth and abundant flowering. As for the soil, it must be fertile.

    • ​Growing in this way requires little effort at the seed germination stage. Further care of the flower is not difficult at all. Sowing of eustoma seeds begins in the winter, based on the fact that the flowering of the plant begins at about 20 weeks from the moment the first shoots appear. Therefore, if you are planning to sow eustoma in the spring, it simply will not have time to bloom. The optimal period for planting will be November-February.
    • Eustoma is a very attractive plant with bluish leaves and funnel-shaped double flowers of various shades. Pink, white, lilac, lilac and bicolor large inflorescences can be 7-8 cm in diameter. These beautiful flowers in a half-blown form are very similar to a rose.


    Herbaceous plant belonging to the Gentianaceae family.

    . For good growth and lush flowering, eustoma simply needs well-drained soil, since it will not survive stagnant moisture in the soil. The acidity of the soil should also be monitored. It should be in the range of 6.5-7. Of those fertile substrates that are sold in gardening stores, a mixture for Saintpaulia is suitable for growing eustoma.

    It has been noticed that with a later planting, in March-April, the plants give flower arrows earlier, but the rosette of leaves is formed worse and the bushes are less lush.

    Make sure that moisture does not get on the leaves

    Seed propagation of eustoma

    Some flower growers practice before transplanting into a pot, cut the bushes almost to the root and send them for the winter in this form. Often after such pruning on the plant

    The flower bed retains its decorative effect for a long time

    , Differing in color, flower size and bush height.

    Watering is carried out as the soil dries. Timely care of plants during the feeding period is very important. Once the eustoma is well rooted, it can be fertilized. This will be a month after landing in open ground. The best fertilizer for these flowers is specialized complex preparations for flowering plants. They should dissolve well in water, such as Plantafol, Kemira or Kemira Lux.

    For cultivation, you can use peat with the addition of a small part of sand and perlite. Then the earth will be more loose and permeable.

    Fully opened inflorescences look like poppies. Look at the photo of this beauty, and you will certainly want this plant to appear in your garden, especially since planting and care are not difficult.

    Eustoma seedling care

    Eustoma does not tolerate temperatures below 10-12 ° C, so she should always be indoors.


    It is valued for the beauty of its flowers, which are often used cut when composing compositions and bouquets.




    About once a day, seedlings need to be ventilated. The soil needs to be kept moist by spraying.​

    In cool weather, this can provoke fungal diseases. For the same reason, eustoma is not sprayed.

    root shoots are formed

    Planting seedlings in open ground



    It is important to remember that it is recommended to use a lower concentration for feeding eustoma than indicated in the instructions.

    You can also use specialized land for Saintpaulia. Sowing is best done in disposable small cups.​

    Eustoma has strong stems reaching 80-90 cm in length. Due to the dense branching from the middle of the shoot, each branch of the plant looks like a formed bouquet. Eustoma or Lisianthus began to be grown as a culture quite recently. At first, this flower was grown only as a houseplant. Then flower growers adapted it to open ground. Now eustoma, growing in the garden, is often grown as an annual plant. Absolutely all varieties of eustoma are suitable for cutting and stand cut for a very long time. They give very beautiful and long flower stalks. Thanks to these qualities, this plant very quickly gained popularity in Europe.


    Eustoma is a compact plant with large green oblong leaves with a bluish tint, smooth at the edges.

    • . Humidify the plant during its active growth should be plentiful. Immediately after the topsoil dries up, the eustoma can be watered again. When watering, do not use cold water.
    • Shoots, looking like tiny dots, appear after about 2 weeks. After that, watering is significantly reduced and, if possible, the plants are transferred to a cool (14-17 degrees) place. The optimum temperature for growing Lisianthus is 20-25 degrees during the day, and about 15 degrees at night. In winter, if possible, you need to move the plant to a room with a temperature of 10-12 degrees.​.​
    • The best time to plant eustoma in the ground is

    ​Interesting facts​

    Eustoma or Lisianthus. Planting, growing, care at home. A photo. | We grow plants!

    Eustoma blooms in July, and this process ends in October. On one densely branched branch, up to 30 buds can form. Flowers on one shoot may not fade for two months. But, if you cut it off, it will begin to grow again and give new flowers. After pollination, the plant produces seed pods. Seeds have high germination. Until the third generation, mother plants almost completely transmit their characteristics to their offspring. Seeds should be sown superficially, slightly pressing into the soil. You can put several seeds in one glass. Then they are covered with polyethylene, creating a greenhouse effect. In this state, they are until the moment of emergence of shoots. The ideal temperature for seed germination is 20-25 degrees. Under these conditions, after two weeks, the seedlings should sprout. The first months they grow rather slowly. To date, a lot of varieties of this colorful flower have been bred. When buying seeds, it should be borne in mind that plants are of two types:

    Watering should be regular. Allow the soil mixture to dry out between waterings. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced.

    Numerous large flowers grow on long stems originating in leaves.

    The subtleties of growing and using eustoma (lisianthus)

    Top dressing

    Further, the seedlings grow slowly, only after 1.5 months, when 2-3 pairs of true leaves appear, you can pick. In this case, eustoma is placed in separate small pots. For good branching, the tops of the seedlings are pinched when 3-4 pairs of leaves form on them, and after 3 months they, together with a clod of earth, are transplanted to a permanent place in the garden or in a separate pot for home maintenance. Landing in the garden can be done after the last frost, in the middle lane this is the end of May - the beginning of June.

    As a rule, plants are not transplanted, because Lisianthus has very fragile roots. If necessary, this can be done by transshipment, keeping the earthen ball in order to disturb the roots as little as possible.

    When taking plants from the garden, it is advisable to treat them from possible diseases and pests so as not to infect indoor flowers.

    beginning of July

    Eustoma grandiflora

    1. For growing in the garden, varieties of the Echo or ABC series are best suited. And in a pot culture it is convenient to grow compact varieties of the Florida or Mermaid series. Caring for this plant is not at all difficult, the main thing is to show a desire and timely care for the flower, and it will delight you with its decorative flowering. They do not need watering, because they are covered with polyethylene, which retains moisture. They need to be aired periodically, at least once a week. This is required in order to remove the condensate, and just to see if it is worth watering the young plants. If necessary, the seedlings are watered with a light stream of water along the edge of the cup, then covered again with a film.

    undersized (dwarf);

    Transplanting Their color depends on the variety and varies from classic purple and lilac to pink, yellow or white speckled in some hybrids. The time of maximum flowering is the middle of summer. To ensure lush flowering of eustoma, the plant needs to be fed. It responds well to mineral fertilizers. During the period of active growth, mineral complexes designed specifically for decorative flowers are applied under the bush once a week, but only in a slightly lower concentration than indicated on the package.

    Growing eustoma

    Planting and caring for eustoma in the garden

    The elegant flowers of terry varieties of eustoma resemble rose flowers, so the “folk” names of Irish, French, Japanese, Chinese, Mexican roses are firmly entrenched in it. Eustoma is fed with complex fertilizer for the first time 10-14 days after landing in a permanent place, then , while active growth continues 2 times a month and also during the period of bud formation and flowering with fertilizer for flowering plants. But even with long-term cultivation, after 4-5 years, plants have to be parted, by this time fewer flowers begin to form on the Lisianthus , the flowers themselves become smaller, and sometimes the plants die altogether, despite good care.

    . They plant it with seedlings, it is better to use a purchased one, since growing your own is quite difficult (how to do this is described below). By the beginning of July, seedlings acquire sufficiently developed shoots and roots and take root in the best way. Just at this time, the plants are already beginning to bloom and continue to bloom almost until frost.

    Wintering eustoma or how to prolong her life


    Usually, eustoma is transplanted in the spring every two to three years, choosing a pot slightly larger than the previous one. Note: Diseases and pests

    Another name for it is “prairie bell”, in nature it grows in Mexico, the US states of Texas, Colorado, Nebraska and in the northern part of South America. Vegetative propagation of eustoma If you want to grow eustoma as a houseplant, it is better to place it on an east or west window so that the scorching sun does not fall on it and try to move it closer to the glass to provide at least a small

    When planting in the garden, eustoma is placed in partial shade, direct sunlight is contraindicated for it. The distance between plants is 15 cm apart.​

    3. Outdoors, the plant is usually cultivated as an annual, although it is perennial in nature. In temperate climates, eustoma does not always winter well.

    Eustoma as a houseplant

    Actellik; Seedling care also implies the mandatory implementation of disease prevention. For the first two months, it is recommended to water young shoots with a solution of foundationol - half a teaspoon per half liter of water. For active growth and strengthening, seedlings can be periodically sprayed with Epin or Zircon. Tall varieties are intended for growing in gardens, and dwarf varieties for propagation indoors and on a balcony.

    Eustoma: care

    The best time to buy this plant is spring. Choose a compact plant with lots of buds.​

    Basic rules for caring for eustoma


    . Eustoma is especially susceptible to fungal diseases, rot, Fusarium wilt, and powdery mildew. To prevent the spread of these "misfortunes", you need to regularly carry out preventive spraying of the plant. Here are used: Topsin, Saprol. As for pests, the enemies of eustoma are: whitefly, miners, mites, aphids.


    almost impossible difference between day and night temperatures At the end of August, the shoots can be cut, leaving two pairs of leaves on the stumps, then at the end of September - beginning of October


    4. Eustoma flowers for a long time (up to three weeks) retain freshness in the cut. Therefore, it is often used in the preparation of bouquets and is actively grown on an industrial scale for sale.


    top dressing

    After 2 months, young sprouts should be dived into separate pots. This procedure is very delicate. It is best to use a thin awl for this, with which you can gently pry young plants. In new pots or cups, you need to make indentations with a pencil and plant tiny sprouts. You need to deepen them to the very leaves, slightly pressing the soil. The soil must be well moistened. Then the planted plants should be covered again with polyethylene and left alone for a couple of weeks. Eustoma responds very well to such picks, it immediately begins to grow rapidly.


    Lisianthus can be an annual or biennial plant. This should also be indicated on the bag of seeds. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced gardener to grow a biennial plant. Therefore, it is better to choose an annual flower. The main care of the plant is to remove faded flowers and dry leaves. A suitable substrate for eustoma should consist of a mixture of drainage material, fertile soil and peat.

    Growing eustoma from seeds at home

    Unlike many other ornamental houseplants, eustoma does not reproduce by division. The flower practically does not tolerate violations of the root system, and the cut cuttings then do not take root in the soil. Therefore, the only possible way to breed eustoma is seeds.

    - an houseplant of unprecedented beauty, in its appearance capable of competing even with a rose, since it is very similar to it. The flower comes from Central America and belongs to the Gentian family. The height of many of its varieties reaches 70 cm. But indoor types of eustoma are much lower - a maximum of 35 cm. What colors of eustoma you will not find - from rich lilac to snow-white. If you provide this delicate beauty with proper care, the plant will decorate any room during its flowering period. Growing eustoma should not be any particular difficulty for the grower.

    . Cuttings do not form roots, and when dividing a bush, plants with a high degree of probability will not be able to take root, because. roots are easily injured.

    a new bloom will begin

    5. Lisianthus can be grown indoors throughout the year if you provide it with comfortable lighting conditions and the right temperature. A part of the stem with a flower is cut off, leaving two or more pairs of leaves on the lower part, after a while (about a month later) they give new shoots with flowers.


    In early spring, grown plants can be transplanted into pots with a diameter of 7-8 cm, by transshipment of an earthen coma. But before that, you need to put good drainage at the bottom of the pot. To do this, you can use expanded clay or crushed foam.

    1. Growing temperature: summer - warm content is preferred at a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C, winter - a cool dormant period at a temperature of about 12 - 14 ° C.
    2. Lighting: shading is possible during the day during spring and summer, in the morning and evening, direct sunlight on the surface of the leaves is not forbidden.
    3. Watering and humidity: regular and abundant watering during the growing season, in spring and summer, the soil surface is dried between waterings to a depth of 2 - 3 cm. In winter, they simply protect the soil from drying out. Increased air humidity without spraying.
    4. pruning: the formation of young bushes by pinching young shoots, a cardinal haircut after flowering - leaving only 20 - 25 cm of growth, cut the plant with a sharp sterile tool.
    5. Priming: Well-drained and nutritious soil with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH.
    6. top dressing: every 2 weeks during the spring and summer months, do not feed in autumn and winter.
    7. reproduction: seeds sown in spring, stem cuttings in spring and summer.

    botanical name: Eustoma.

    Eustoma flower - family . Gentian.

    Origin. The homeland of the plant is America, where it often grows in open spaces - for example, meadows.

    What does it look like, what kind of eustoma flower . Eustoma homea or lisianthus is a spectacularly flowering perennial, herbaceous, ornamental plant with erect thin stems.

    Leaves green, arranged oppositely, in pairs, oblong-ovate, up to 8 cm long.

    flowers attractive, abundantly cover the tops of the stems, can be simple and double, up to 5 - 7 cm in diameter, open sequentially, each flower remains open for about a week.

    The flowers are blue, white, pink, lavender, salmon or pink, sometimes yellow or red, bicolor varieties are often found.

    Half-opened eustoma buds are very reminiscent of a rose.

    Height. In nature, Lisianthus can reach a height 2 m. Modern cultivars grow to 15 - 60 cm.

    For growing at home, you should choose low, dwarf varieties that reach only 20 - 30 cm in height.

    2. Eustoma flower - planting and care

    2.1. Reproduction, growing from seeds

    Seeds are sown at the end of winter or in spring at a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C on the soil surface. Seed germination persists for 1-2 years, young plants develop very slowly.

    1. The seeds can be soaked in warm water for several hours beforehand. Cool stratification is not needed for seeds.
    2. It is not worth covering them with soil, as they are too small and need light for germination, which occurs within 10 to 20 days.
    3. As an exception, seeds can be sprinkled on top with a very thin layer of sand - it dries quickly after watering, but slightly retains moisture in the lower soil layer.
    4. Due to the small size, it is rather difficult to distribute the seeds evenly over the soil surface - for this you can use a toothpick or buy coated seeds.
    5. Moisten the tip of the toothpick a little and pick up the seeds with it.
    6. Crops are sprayed from a spray bottle and covered with a transparent plastic cap or glass to maintain the required level of humidity.
    7. Daily ventilation is carried out for several minutes, lifting the cap or glass for several minutes a day. The ventilation time is gradually increased and the shelter is removed when young plants have 6 - 7 leaves.

    With the appearance of the first 4 leaves, the shelter is raised for several minutes a day, airing the seedlings, and the temperature of the content is reduced to 18 - 22 ° C, and watering is carried out only at the bottom.

    When the first 4 true leaves appear, young specimens dive- seated in separate containers, and the first pinch is done in the presence of 6 - 7 leaves.

    Under such conditions, the first flowering of Lisianthus will be slightly delayed, but then the plants will form several side shoots instead of one central one.

    Seedling eustoma needs illumination, as the seeds are sown in the winter months, and for successful development, the plant needs a long daylight hours of 14 - 16 hours.

    pick they are carried out very carefully - after all, even the slightest damage to the root system will delay the development of young eustomas for a long time. Picked seedlings can be shed with a solution of rooting powder.

    It is not necessary to tighten the pick - a large root system is easier to damage during transplantation.

    Young plants should not be exposed to direct sunlight - use diffused light only.

    First top dressing are starting to 10 days after picking- fertilizers are chosen with a high content of nitrogen, potassium and calcium, for the development of the root system and the growth of green mass. Young plants will appreciate organic top dressing.

    The ground part of young plants develop rather slowly - in the first months the plants actively form the root system and bloom only after 7 - 10 months.

    Some flower growers advise immediately planting seeds in a permanent pot, as transplanting and picking takes a lot of effort and slows down the development of eustoma.

    Any delay in the development of seedlings leads to a delay in flowering - bushes can give buds only in the second year of life.

    With such a planting, it is worth carefully watering young plants, as loose soil absorbs moisture and turns sour.

    If, when growing young plants, the temperature in the room is kept close to 25 - 27 ° C - lisianthus can go to the outlet without forming the main stem. Such plants remain miniature, and erect shoots with buds are formed in them only in the second year.

    You can plant seeds in peat tablets- this procedure allows for a more careful picking, without disturbing the delicate root system.

    Vegetative reproduction stem cuttings 12 - 15 cm long. They are carried out in spring and summer. Rooting eustoma is not so easy. Cuttings often take a long time and are not always successful - they are more likely to be done by professionals.

    2.2. Eustoma transplant

    Plant does not tolerate transplant, therefore, it is worth carrying out only if it is necessary to change the soil or the size of the pot, in the spring, with the beginning of a new growth, but before flowering. Flowering plants are not transplanted.

    Better to use transshipment along with a clod of earth.

    1. For planting, use pots with large drainage holes. Planting in cramped pots can delay the development of the plant.
    2. A drainage layer is laid out at the bottom of the pot in the form of clay shards, fragments of bricks, expanded clay.
    3. The bushes are set in the center of the pot and gently sprinkled around the edge with fresh soil, lightly tamping it with your fingertips to remove air pockets.
    4. Transplanted plants are watered with water at room temperature and excess moisture is removed from the pan.
    5. If after watering the soil settles heavily, you should immediately add fresh soil to its place.

    During the week, transplanted plants should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

    First top dressing transplanted plants spend two to three weeks.

    Remember that the new pot should only slightly exceed the old one in size - about 2 - 3 cm in diameter.

    2.3.When it blooms

    Summer, flowering is very long and can take up to 2 - 3 months.

    Different varieties differ in different timing of flowering. Among other things, the onset of flowering depends on the timing of sowing seeds and weather conditions.

    Plants bloom for the first time 20 or more weeks. The flowering period itself will last another 16 to 20 weeks.

    Each flower stem can bear up to 30 large buds which are constantly changing.

    To prolong flowering time in a timely manner delete all stems with fading buds so that the plant throws out new flowers.

    Only the onset of winter can interrupt the flowering period, when severe and prolonged frosts and snowfalls will affect the plant.

    With proper care and timely pruning, you can wait re-bloom during the year, but it will be less plentiful.

    2.4. Diseases and pests of eustoma

    • fungal diseases occur when waterlogged.
    • powdery mildew often appears in poorly ventilated rooms with low temperatures and high humidity.
    • Brown spots on the leaf plates indicate a possible bay.
    • When grown in soil in an acidic pH, the development of bushes slows down, and signs appear on the leaf plates. chlorosis- the leaves turn yellow, remaining green only near the veins.
    • Young plants may be subject to blackleg and Fusarium rot.
    • In cool conditions and with high humidity, late blight and gray rot also appear.

    • Gray rot looks like a fluffy gray growth on the leaves and is treatable with antifungal drugs.
    • With stagnant moisture and insufficient drainage, the plant begins to rot roots- in this case, you can try to remove the bush from the pot, cut off the damaged tissue, and then plant the flower in a fresh substrate.
    • When fusarium it is impossible to save the plant - such specimens are destroyed.
    • Viral leaf mosaic.
    • If wet leaves are exposed to direct sunlight, this will lead to the appearance of burns because the moisture droplets act like a magnifying glass.

    From pests flowers can be attacked by mealybugs, nematodes, thrips and red spider mites. The leaves turn yellow and curl if the plant is affected by aphids. Sometimes a whitefly appears.

    Insects - pests

    insect name Signs of infection Control measures
    Small bright dots on leaf blades, yellowing and falling leaves. Disturbed white, small butterflies take off from the surface of the leaves Chemicals: Zeta, Rovikurt, INTA-VIR, Fufanol and even Karbofos, Aktellik, Aktara, Confidor, Commander, Tanrek. Folk remedies: soap solution, garlic solution, yarrow and tobacco infusion, dandelion infusion, sticky traps for adult insects
    The surface of the leaves and shoots is covered with a fluffy cotton-like white coating. Plants lag behind in development Folk remedies: spraying with soapy-alcohol solution. Infusion of tobacco, garlic, cyclamen tubers, alcohol treatments, and pharmacy tincture of calendula performed well. Chemicals: green soap solution, Aktellik, Fitoverm.
    Leaf blades turn yellow in places located between the veins, then turn brown, black. Eventually the leaves fall off the plants. When the root system is damaged, the plant becomes weak and withers before our eyes for no apparent reason. Folk methods: destruction of infected parts of plants, abundant watering with hot water at a temperature of about 70 ° C, hot bath - immersion of the pot in a large container with water at a temperature of 55 ° C for 20 minutes. Chemicals: anthelmintic drugs.
    Inconspicuous cobwebs on the leaves, yellowing and falling of foliage with extensive damage. The surface of the leaf plates becomes dead and covered with small cracks. Plant development slows down. Folk ways. Plants can be washed in the shower and left in the bathroom in a humid atmosphere for half an hour. Irradiation with an ultraviolet lamp every week for 2 minutes. Chemicals based on pyrethrum, sulfur powders, Fitoverm, Aktellik.
    Sticky droplets appear on the leaf blades, leaf blades curl and deform, tender buds and young leaves wither. On the tops of the shoots, buds or the underside of the leaf plates, insect colonies can be seen. The flowers of an aphid-infested plant may become misshapen. Folk ways: nettle infusion, decoction of rhubarb leaves, wormwood, soap solution, tobacco and dandelion infusion, onion, marigold, yarrow, tansy, wood ash dusting. Chemicals: Sulfur powders, treatment with green potassium soap of green mass without getting into the ground, Decis, Aktellik, Fitoverm.
    The appearance of yellow spots on the leaf plates, small brown dots can be observed on the underside of the leaves. When spreading, pests cause the leaves to turn yellow, dry and fall off. Folk ways. Increase the humidity of the air, wipe the surface of the leaves with soapy water to reduce the number of pests. Preparations based on pyrethrum - 2-fold treatment with an interval of 7-10 days, spraying with tobacco infusion, infusion of yarrow or Persian chamomile, decoction of cyclamen tubers. Chemicals: dusting with sulfur powders, the use of anabasin - sulfate in a soapy solution.

    • 2.5. Eustoma at home - care, pruning, pinching

      Growing potted eustoma requires compliance with certain rules of agricultural technology.

      P pluck tips of young shoots for good branching. Dwarf varieties specially designed for room culture do not need pinching.

      Do not place plants near heat sources.

      In a timely manner prune fading flowers to prolong flowering time.

      Tall stems often require supports.

      Take out the plants to fresh air during the warm season, but be sure to take it indoors if the temperature drops below 10°C during the night hours. When growing outdoors, protect plants from strong winds and rain.

      Remember that any change in living conditions should occur gradually - plants are accustomed to new conditions within 10 - 15 days.

      Completely faded shoots can be cut at a height of 20 - 25 cm, leaving 2 - 3 internodes on each stem - after this procedure, an attack is possible re-bloom after 4 - 6 weeks.

      Eustoma loves very much high air humidity, however, may react adversely to spraying.

      It happens that the plant after purchase for about six months retains its compact size and blooms profusely. After flowering, flower growers cut the stems, and then the eustoma begins to grow very rapidly. This happens due to the fact that plants in stores are treated with special chemicals that retard growth and development.

      2.6. Top dressing

      During a period of active growth feed 2 times a month water-soluble fertilizers in half concentration.

      Young plants need fertilizers with a high content nitrogen and calcium- such fertilizers stimulate the plant to form green mass and a strong root system.

      P Before the onset of flowering, fertilizing rich in phosphorus is already used - this will force the bushes to form a large number of buds.

      Excess nitrogen during this period leads to abundant growth of leaves at the expense of flowering.

      Eustoma responds positively to both mineral, so on organic fertilizers.

      Application organic fertilizers stimulates the work of soil bacteria, increases the overall fertility of the soil - add well-rotted cow manure, a weak solution of chicken manure, humus and small pieces of charcoal, as well as biohumus to the substrate.

      Eustoma are very fond of top dressing, but during the dormant period, when the bush does not bloom, they should not be carried out.

      As a general rule, feeding is carried out only after heavy watering- contact of the nutrient solution with the root system in dry soil can cause burns.

      Some flower growers advise adding solutions to fertilizers b vitamins, it is believed that vitamin B1 contributes to increased sap flow, B6 helps plants fight diseases and is involved in photosynthesis, and B12 helps plant cells absorb oxygen.

      Water during the growing season plentifully and regularly keeping the soil evenly moist. Mature plants tolerate a short drought.

      Between watering in spring and summer, you can dry the substrate to a depth about 2 cm. In autumn, reduce the frequency of watering slightly in accordance with the ambient temperature.

      Water the plants always under the root and only with water at room temperature, without getting on the leaves and flowers.

      Watering is desirable not to carry out in rainy and cloudy weather.

      If you use too cold water for irrigation, the plant may drop the buds.

      Watering with tap water contributes to the accumulation of salts in the soil and the plants begin to wither - water the flowers only with softened filtered, melted, rain or just well-settled water.

      Excess moisture that appears in the pan after watering is drained after a few minutes.

      During the winter months, if the plant is in a cool room during its dormant period, the frequency of watering is kept to a minimum, simply by not allowing the soil to dry out.

      2.8 Lighting

      well lit place without direct sunlight in spring and summer.

      Eustoma can take sunbaths only early in the morning and late in the evening - the rest of the time it is slightly shaded from the direct rays of the sun. In autumn and winter, the maximum possible lighting.

      When grown in partial shade, flowering may not occur, and the plant becomes loose and elongated.

      If natural light is not enough - use for illumination fluorescent or phytolamps.

      Especially strong good lighting will affect the development of seedlings - when grown with lighting, the bushes will develop much faster and remain strong and compact.

      Lisianthus blooms most profusely during daylight hours at least 12 hours.

      2.9 Temperature

      Moderately warm content at a temperature of about 20 - 25 ° C in spring and summer, a dormant period begins in the winter months and the temperature at this time should be about 15 ° C. Cool wintering contributes to the accumulation of strength and the bushes will bloom very abundantly next season.

      Hot weather inhibits the formation of buds, and the flowering period in such conditions is usually reduced.

      Desirable diurnal temperature difference- at night, the temperature should not exceed 15 ° C.

      The duration of flowering directly depends on the temperature in the room - in coolness it is higher.

      does not tolerate frost, and when grown indoors, does not like sudden changes in temperature, so when airing a room in the winter months, take the plant to another room.

      Sowing seeds is carried out at a temperature of 23 - 25 ° C, and with the appearance of the first shoots, the temperature of the content is reduced to 17 - 20 ° C.

      If the temperature is too high at the time of sowing, the plant will not bloom in the first year, but will only form a leaf rosette.

      2.10. Primer for eustoma

      Nutritious, air- and moisture-permeable soil with good drainage, pH neutral or slightly alkaline.

      To improve drainage, perlite and coarse-grained river sand are added to the mixture.

      Adding a small amount of crushed charcoal to the substrate will slightly reduce the likelihood of root rot and provide additional nutrition to the plants.

      The mixture can be made up of peat, garden soil, humus. At the bottom of the pot, when planting, a drainage layer is necessarily placed.

      2.11 Spraying

      Plants will only benefit from regular spraying that take place in the morning hours. Spray only the leaves and in such a way that water does not fall on the buds and flowers - this will drastically reduce their attractiveness. Make sure that the moisture evaporates from the leaves before dark.

      Also, to increase the humidity of the air, you can use room humidifier or tray filled with wet pebbles.

      Can surround the plant pot well moss-moistened sphagnum- evaporating from its surface, water will humidify the air in a natural way for a long time.

      Eustoma loves good air movement - ventilate the room, but do not allow cold drafts to appear.

      2.12. Purpose

      Eustoma is an attractive flowering perennial that is only gaining popularity at the present time.Room eustoma flowers are often used as cut flowers, in bouquets, and do not lose their attractiveness in water for about 3 weeks.

      In recent years, eustoma has often been used in compiling brides bouquets, as well as for decorating banquet halls during celebrations.

      For use for cutting shoots with unopened buds are separated from the mother plant.

      Eustoma in the garden will decorate any flower garden, and undersized plants will look great at home on the windowsill or in the summer months in flowerpots, in the fresh air.

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    Eustoma is a beautiful flower with an unusual character. In an open type of soil, it does not need intense moisture and an abundance of light. The flowering of the culture occurs almost immediately after planting on the site, in July, and continues until October. These features have made eustoma one of the most popular indoor flowers. Experts give recommendations and photo instructions on how to properly plant a plant, organize care for it, carry out reproduction and prevent diseases.

    This flower is also called irish rose, although its homeland is the dry steppes of Central America. In Europe, eustoma has been grown for a long time, not only in the open field, but also in a room format, in pots. The most striking decorative properties have a large-flowered variety Roussel. The hybrid varieties Echo, Kyoto, Cinderella, Mermaid are also in demand. Eustoma characteristics:

    • height - about 60-90 cm, an adult plant looks like a bush;
    • flower size - an average of 7-8 cm in diameter, maximum - up to 15 cm;
    Eustoma - Irish rose
    • color - all shades of blue, white, pink and yellow;
    • flowers can be double or non-double;
    • leaves are bluish in color with a characteristic waxy coating.

    Attention! On one bush, eustoma can bloom up to 35 buds at the same time. Each of them looks like a blossoming poppy or a half-opened rose.

    The versatility of eustoma is that undersized varieties look attractive in pots or as border plants. Tall flowers are grown for cutting. In addition to being attractive, they have a high vase life. If the flowers are not cut, the eustoma will bloom for about 3 months, gradually releasing new buds to replace the faded ones.

    Attention! Under certain conditions of care, eustoma will be a two- or three-year-old plant.

    Features of planting eustoma in open ground

    The optimal time for planting seedlings of a plant on a site is the first days of July. In mid-summer, young specimens will reach their maximum readiness for rooting in outdoor soil and will bloom almost immediately.

    Eustoma shoots

    To make this happen, consider the following aspects when landing:

    1. Choose a place for eustoma without midday sunlight - shade or partial shade.
    2. Do not plant a flower near objects that will reflect the rays of the sun on it.
    3. The interval between sprouts is from 20 cm.
    4. The culture does not like high humidity and abundant watering. Do not plant it under the edge of a roof canopy or gutter so that when it rains, water does not form in the ground.
    5. Garden soil at the landing site should have good drainage and a neutral reaction. With increased acidity, wood ash added directly to the wells will help to cope.
    6. Apply flower fertilizer from the store or nitrophoska into the seedling holes.

    How to properly care for eustoma

    In caring for an ornamental plant, it is important to maintain the level of soil drainage by regularly loosening and removing weeds. It is not necessary to water the eustoma with large amounts of water: small but regular doses will suffice. Drip irrigation is ideal for this flower. After watering, be sure to cover the root zone with mulch. If sorted out with a volume of water, the root of the plant will certainly infect the fungus. If the soil is dry, the eustoma will drop the buds.

    Attention! Watering is carried out strictly on the plant.

    Other nuances of proper flower care:

    1. Up to two times a month, he needs light top dressing with complex fertilizers.
    2. The stems of tall varieties are not strong enough to hold a ripe bud. Tie them to a pole.
    3. To prolong flowering, check and remove faded or damaged buds.

    Blooming eustoma may need support

    The flower dies even with minimal frosts. To save the plant for next season, transplant it into a container with garden soil in October. Then there are two possible ways:

    1. Move the container to the room. Flowering may continue, although not as intense as in summer.
    2. Trim the flower stalks so that only a couple of internodes remain on them. Place the container in a bright room with low humidity at a temperature of about +10°C. Water while keeping the soil slightly moist. In February, increase the dose of water.

    In early summer, the flower can be returned to the site under the open sky. Be prepared for the fact that when moving from the street to a warm room, the plant may begin to wither. Don't worry, it's an adaptation. To help the flower overcome stress, reduce watering to a minimum.

    Attention! In the second season, eustoma blooms less.

    Features of growing eustoma in Siberia

    To get eustoma flowers in the open field in the Siberian climate, you need to sow them for seedlings in the fall. The technology for obtaining seedlings does not differ from the usual one. However, growing seedlings in winter requires additional lighting. Seedlings dive after the second leaf has grown.

    Advice. Use small pots in which you can transplant 3 sprouts. Also cover the containers with foil.

    Increase watering during the adaptation period. Then sprinkle a couple of lower leaves with soil. In March, seedlings require re-transplanting into wider pots with drainage. It is better to move the root with the help of transshipment. Wait for the right heat outside and plant flowers in open ground.

    Diseases and pests of eustoma

    A tropical flower attracts little pests, but in a neglected state it can be infected with whiteflies, thrips, slugs or spider mites. Eustoma is sensitive to some pathogens and fungal infections. The flower can be affected by fusarium, downy gray rot, powdery mildew, late blight, root rot, tobacco mosaic. Most of them appear when waterlogged, if water stagnates at the root. For example, in a rainy summer. Preventive measures: Eustoma in landscape design

    Reproduction of eustoma at home

    Eustoma seeds, as well as ready-made seedlings, can be bought at the store. Flower mix is ​​also for sale. Get a special substrate for Saintpaulia. You can cook it with your own hands by mixing:

    • 1/3 garden soil;
    • 1/3 coarse sand;
    • 1/3 humus;
    • a small amount of lime.

    Start work in February-March. Prepare small containers and fill them with slightly moistened soil. Make a hotbed of film or glass for the seeds. The optimum temperature for good development of seedlings is + 22 ... 25 ° C during the day and approximately + 20 ° C at night. Place the seeds on the surface of the earth, at a distance of about 15 cm from each other.

    Advice. In warm regions, where the soil warms up earlier, seeds can be sown directly into the soil on the site. The technology is the same.

    Expect the first sprouts after 1.5–2 weeks. Air them out once a week. After the seedlings have a third leaflet, it can be dived. This happens about 6-8 weeks after the seedlings hatch. Work very carefully, as the root of a young plant is easily damaged.

    Eustoma will bloom only 90-120 days after germination. If flower shoots are cut off at the end of summer, then after about a month you can wait for re-blooming.

    Growing eustoma from seeds: video

    eustoma, also called lisianthus or "Irish rose". Belongs to the gentian family, considered the homeland of the southern regions of North America.

    Eustoma will decorate your garden

    Eustoma is a very attractive plant with bluish, as if covered with wax, leaves and large funnel-shaped simple or double flowers of delicate shades. Flowers in eustoma grandiflora reach 7–8 cm in diameter. They come in a wide variety of colors - white, pink, purple, purple, white with a colored border, etc. Half-blown flowers look like buds, and when they open completely - large. The stems of the eustoma are strong, 80–90 cm in height, branching strongly from about the middle, so that one plant looks like a whole bunch. On one plant, I once counted 35 buds. All varieties of tall eustoma produce long peduncles and are suitable for cutting. And cut flowers last a long time in a vase.

    Eustoma is gradually conquering our hearts and gardens. Its high decorative qualities, long-term preservation of cut flowers contribute to the fact that eustoma quickly became popular in Europe. For example, in the Netherlands, among the flowers intended for cutting, it occupies a place in the top ten. And in Poland, at summer flower shows, eustoma is valued quite expensively.

    Modern varieties and hybrids

    Every year more and more seeds of different varieties and hybrids of eustoma appear on sale. Seeds have now become available not only for professionals, but also for amateur flower growers. When buying eustoma seeds, you need to know that it can be tall and short (dwarf). Tall eustoma is grown in gardens, as well as for cutting, and undersized is intended for planting in balcony boxes and growing as a room crop.

    The second thing you need to pay attention to: on a bag of eustoma seeds, “annual” or “biennial” is indicated. Of course, choose an annual one, since only professional gardeners with greenhouses can grow a two-year-old eustoma. It will not suit an amateur florist, unless it is undersized to grow it in an apartment.

    Eustoma flowers can be simple and double. Eustoma with double flowers, of course, is more beautiful than with simple ones. As for the color, you can take any: they are all very beautiful.

    The seeds of eustoma are small, therefore they are sold mainly in coated form. So they are clearly visible and easy to sow.

    I really like the ABC F1 terry variety series: varieties Misty Pink, Misty Blue, Purple, Blue Rome and terry variety series Echo F1: varieties Champagne, Deep Blue, Rose Picoti other. The eustoma of these series is distinguished by early flowering, strong shoots 80–90 cm high, on which beautiful large double flowers seem to be planted.

    Growing seedlings of eustoma at home


    Unfortunately, eustoma does not reproduce by dividing the bush - this, as a rule, ends in failure. Since the adult lisianthus does not tolerate the violation of the root system, all resulting divisions may die. Cut eustoma cuttings do not take root either. Therefore, the main and most reliable way to propagate this beautifully flowering plant is by seeds.

    It is believed that growing eustoma from seeds is not easy, and in culture it requires special skills and knowledge. But it is not so. From personal experience, I was convinced that it is easy to grow eustoma, it is only difficult for the first two months, when it is necessary to create certain conditions for seedlings.

    Sowing dates

    Amateur flower growers begin sowing eustoma seeds in winter (December - January). This is due to the fact that eustoma blooms on the 15-20th week after germination, so when spring sowing, it simply does not have time to bloom. I sow eustoma seeds from the end of November until the first days of February. It makes no sense to sow later, I was convinced of this when my first eustoma with buds was covered with snow. So I didn't get to see them bloom.

    More about sowing

    I sow eustoma seeds in disposable cups (50 g) with light, moist peat soil, to which I add sand or perlite to make it more loose and breathable. From purchased substrates, ready-made soil for Saintpaulia is suitable. I sow the seeds superficially and slightly press them into the soil, I put 3-5 seeds in each cup, because in a month and a half I still have to do a pick. After sowing, I put plastic bags on the cups to create a greenhouse effect and wait for the emergence of seedlings.

    Our readers suggest another landing option: I plant seeds in peat tablets, soak the tablet in water and put the seed in the recess without pressing it down and put it in a disposable transparent container with a lid, periodically opening it. After such a planting, the plant does not get sick during transplantation, the roots are not injured. I advise you to try it very convenient.

    Lighting and temperature

    The first two months after sowing, eustoma seedlings need bright diffused lighting so that they grow compactly and do not stretch. Such lighting can only be created using fluorescent lamps. Since I grow various indoor flowers at home on shelves with artificial lighting, my eustoma seedlings grow on the shelves for the first two months. And at the end of February, I put them on the sunniest window sill in the house, because sunlight for eustoma is still better than artificial. As soon as the sun begins to warm, the eustoma grows faster.

    If you don't have shelving, no problem. Buy a fluorescent lamp and hang it over some shelf - that's the corner for growing eustoma seedlings.

    The optimum temperature for germination of eustoma seeds is 20–25°C; small seedlings appear in 10–15 days; they develop slowly for the first two months.

    Watering seedlings

    For the first two months, I practically do not water the seedlings, because immediately after sowing I put plastic bags on the cups, and the humidity remains under the bags for a long time. Once every one and a half weeks I take off the bags, turn them on the other side and put them on again. This procedure is necessary to remove the resulting condensate, and at the same time check whether the seedlings need to be watered. If watering is necessary, I water moderately along the edge of the cup, and then put the bag back on for one and a half to two weeks. As experience shows, eustoma seedlings growing in such greenhouse conditions need watering only once every 2-3 weeks, and even then not plentiful.

    Seedling disease prevention

    For the first two months, I water (if necessary) eustoma with foundationazole (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Fundazol prevents eustoma seedlings from getting sick, and it grows healthy. In order for the seedlings to develop well, you can spray them at least once with epin or zircon. Seedlings after this becomes strong and quickly grows. These drugs also prevent blackleg.

    Picking seedlings

    Small seedlings of eustoma a month and a half after germination must be dived into separate cups. This procedure is jewelry and I don’t really like it, but what can you do, it is necessary for better and faster growth of eustoma. Therefore, I take a thin awl, put a tiny plant on it and easily take it out of the peat soil.

    In a separate cup, I make a recess with a pencil or pen and insert the seedling there up to the very leaves, slightly pressing the previously moderately moistened soil on the sides. After transplanting, I put a plastic bag on the cup and leave the plant alone for one and a half to two weeks.

    It should be noted that only I don’t like this procedure (every time I worry so as not to damage thin roots), but eustoma really “likes” it, because tiny seedlings take root perfectly (which cannot be said about adult plants). A week after the pick, the seedlings double in size, grow "right before our eyes."

    In late February - early March, I transplant the already grown young plants by transshipment, without destroying the earthen coma, into pots with a diameter of 8 cm. I always pour a thin layer of drainage from expanded clay, zeolite or just finely crumbled foam onto the bottom of the pots. I put the transplanted plants on a windowsill well-lit by the sun and gradually, removing the packages and accustoming to the sun, I adapt the seedlings to a film-free content. So eustoma grows in these pots until the seedlings are planted in the garden.

    Growing in the garden

    In mid-May, I plant seedlings in a flower bed. Eustoma is ready for transplanting when it has 4-8 true leaves. This year, my seedlings were much smaller than last year, but still bloomed earlier. I noticed that as soon as you plant eustoma in open ground, it immediately starts growing. So in a month it is no longer recognizable.


    I try to plant eustoma in the evening. I carefully remove each plant with a clod of earth from the pot and lower it into a well-watered hole, fill the cavities with earth. It is necessary to plant eustoma no deeper than it grew in a pot. After planting, I cover each plant with half a plastic bottle. Such a shelter protects against night frosts and does not allow moisture to evaporate quickly, which is simply necessary for young plants in the first three weeks. Then I remove the bottles.

    Location, soil type

    Eustoma prefers sunny places where she fully reveals her beauty, so I plant her in the sunniest place in the garden. As for the soil, it grows very well on our black soil. I have no information about other soils.


    Eustoma requires moderate watering as the soil dries. This season, I hardly watered it. For the first two weeks it was under a bottle shelter, where moisture is retained for a long time, and then it was watered with rains, which at times were too plentiful. To protect against diseases, I had to spray the plants with foundationazole a couple of times.


    Fertilizing eustoma should begin after a good rooting of seedlings, about a month after planting. To do this, you can use high-quality mineral fertilizers for flowering plants, which are completely soluble in water. For example, a series of fertilizers "Plantafol". First (in June) I take "Plantafol Growth" with a high nitrogen content, and then (in July, August) - "Plantafol Budding" with a lower nitrogen content and a higher phosphorus content. Top dressing with fertilizers for flowering plants contributes to more lush and long flowering. If you do not find Plantafol, then it is quite possible to use the Kemira or Kemira Lux fertilizer, it dissolves well in water and is suitable for watering at the root. However, whatever fertilizer you choose, apply it in a lower concentration than indicated on packaging.


    Eustoma flowering begins in mid-July and ends in October. First, the eustoma stem, approximately in the middle, begins to branch strongly, then many buds form - 20-35 on one branch, such a stem-bouquet with beautiful flowers opening one after another, which you can admire for quite some time. One eustoma can bloom for two months if you do not cut it and put it in a vase. And if you cut it, it will begin to grow again from the root and bloom again. Unfortunately, in our area it is not always possible to wait for the re-blooming of eustoma, it all depends on how warm the autumn will be. But in the Crimea, this will not be a problem.

    Seed collection

    Eustoma is easily pollinated and over time, boxes are formed with many small seeds with high germination. It is quite possible to collect seeds if you are growing an F1 hybrid eustoma. The second generation of eustoma is basically similar to the parent plants, but some distinctive features may already appear. The third generation will have stronger splitting. Therefore, I try not to grow third-generation seedlings - I collect seeds only from F1 queen cells.

    Diseases and pests

    To protect eustoma from diseases during the growing process, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive spraying with fungicides. If the summer is rainy, spray the eustoma with fundazol (or Ridomil Gold). This is a good prevention and treatment for, and, which are especially dangerous for eustoma. You can spray 2-3 times with different preparations.

    The main pests of eustoma are slugs. Against them, I use the drugs Confidor, Aktara, Fitoverm, Aktellik.

    Wintering eustoma

    I read that eustoma can be transplanted into a pot in the fall and placed in a cool (10 ° C) and bright room, and planted again in open ground in the spring. Such information interested me, although it is not known how effective this method is, it needs to be checked.

    You bought eustoma - what's next?

    Landing dates

    The timing of planting seedlings is December-February, that is, taking into account that hybrid varieties begin flowering 20 weeks after germination.

    For indoor cultivation, sowing can be done at any time.


    Seeds are laid out on the surface of loose soil with slight pressure, moistened from the sprayer. A shallow wide container is covered with glass or film. Plastic cups are quite suitable for sowing. Several seeds are added to each.


    Mixtures are suitable as soil: for violets, Saintpaulia, peat with a small amount of sand and perlite.

    Germination conditions

    The optimum temperature for seed germination is 23°C. Germination time is 10–21 days. After 5 days, it is necessary to open the film (the first time for 10 minutes, then adding 10 minutes every day). Upon reaching 3 hours, the shelter is removed completely. Before the formation of sprouts, airing is carried out once a week to prevent the accumulation of condensate.

    Alternative sprouting method

    Another way to grow from seeds is picking. It is carried out when the seedlings reach 2–2.5 cm. They are divided into separate containers of 3–5 pieces and kept for 5 days in the shade, watered abundantly. The main thing is not to injure the roots during transplantation. It is better to do this in peat pots up to 5 cm in diameter. The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight and dry air from the battery, it needs sources of moisture, spraying (3 times a day), placement on the north or west window.

    About watering

    If the plant is grown only in room conditions, then drops of water should not fall on flowers and buds. This can lead to decay. Watering - moderate, drying and waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to 1 liter of water.

    Transplanting into a pot

    Before planting in a container, it is necessary to organize drainage. For example, pre-boiled pebbles, fine gravel or foam pellets.

    Transplantation in open ground

    Regardless of the chosen method of cultivation, planting in open ground is best done when the temperature at night does not fall below 18 ° C.

    What does the root of eustoma look like?

    Seed propagation of eustoma is a long and painstaking process, you can save time and minimize effort by buying seedlings. But at the same time, it must be remembered that eustoma rhizome strongly branched, fibrous, with thin fragile roots, which are easily rotting, are also affected by aphids.

    Thin suction roots spread in the upper layer of the soil, are almost not deepened, with improper digging along a small perimeter, the plant loses a significant part of the root system, wilts and dies from lack of moisture.

    It is best to buy a eustoma bush in a specialized store, and when buying a seedling on the market, you should refuse specimens with bare roots. A plant with a closed root system, with proper planting and careful care, will take root well and will delight with delicious flowers all summer.

    Buying a eustoma seedling from hand, you can return home with another plant, for example,. To prevent this from happening, you should carefully look at the leaves - in phlox they are oblong, and in eustoma they are round or ovoid and slightly pointed at the ends. In addition, phlox develops more actively and gives strong shoots faster, while eustoma is more whimsical, slow and looks a little flimsy.

    A common mistake is to buy bulbs from an unscrupulous seller, under the guise of which there can be any kind of bulbous species - from to, except for the bulb itself. eustoma, which is not a bulbous plant. The best time to buy is the second half of May; eustoma is planted as soon as possible after purchase.

    Features of the division of the rhizome

    A strong bush grown in a flower bed in autumn can be transplanted into a wide voluminous pot, cutting off the stems and left to winter in a frost-free room, watering from time to time. A temperature in the range of 8-10°C is desirable. In the spring, tender sprouts will appear from the roots, and as soon as the threat of frost has passed, it is worth propagate eustoma by dividing the rhizome.

    A clod of earth is moistened with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, left for a couple of hours, and then, the bush is gently shaken out and divided into 2–3 divisions with sprouts and full-fledged roots with fingers. The secateurs are resorted to as a last resort, cutting the holding root or stem. Broken roots are sprinkled with crushed charcoal or foundation, which will significantly improve survival rate - wetting the root system with Kornevin.

    They also inspect and process the roots of the acquired seedlings, trying, if possible, not to expose the root system, cutting and sprinkling only noticeably damaged roots with a fungicide.

    Rules for planting eustoma seedlings

    For eustoma, not deep, but rather wide pits are needed - at least 40 cm in diameter, which are filled with light nutrient soil from a mixture of soddy soil, perlite and humus. The addition of neutral peat is acceptable - the plant does not like acidic soils. It is better to purchase a ready-made mixture, avoiding contamination of the soil with fungi and pests at the initial stage.

    Drainage must be laid at the bottom, since stagnant water is the most common cause of root rot, which leads to wilting and death of the plant. That is why many flower growers believe that it is impossible to propagate a beautiful flower by dividing the rhizome. On the contrary, foreign flower growers successfully use this method.

    The seedling is placed in a hole, gently straightening the roots, immediately sprinkled with moist, loose soil, compacting and watering abundantly to squeeze air out of the voids in the soil. The root neck should not be buried. After planting, the well is watered with a solution of foundationazole, repeating the procedure after a week.

    The next day, the top layer of soil is loosened, improving air access to the roots, and mulch (peat) is placed with a layer of 2–3 cm or lutrasil. In the future, the soil is loosened very carefully, remembering the shallow location of the roots.

    Young shoots are sure to shade from the scorching sun. Despite the fact that the flower comes from hot South America, the juicy tender shoots suffer from heat, getting burnt and stopping in growth. This rainforest resident requires regular weekly watering. Uneven moisture will lead to weakening and deterioration of flowering. It is good to grow tall varieties near moisture-loving, thick curtains of which will further obscure the soil surface, improving the microclimate.

    Video about planting and transplanting eustoma seedlings

    Beautiful silky eustomas are a wonderful decoration of a flower garden and a tempting acquisition of a collector. And although their reproduction by dividing the rhizome is still not very common, this method deserves attention.