Bird cherry: planting and care in the open field, properties. FS.2.5.0049.15 Common bird cherry fruits Common bird cherry application

Common bird cherry is a plant that has received the name "beauty bride" among the people.

This name is associated with the charm of the white flower attire, in which the tree dresses up in spring.

Bird cherry is rightfully considered a forest orderly, and is also used in folk medicine.

Both the leaves and berries of this plant exude a strong aroma with phytoncidal properties. It allows you to exterminate pests and pathogens.

Description of bird cherry: what does a tree look like, and what kind of berries does it have

Bird cherry grows in the form of a tree or a large shrub, belongs to the Rosaceae. The average plant height often reaches about 6 m, and the maximum - up to 15-17 m.

The description of the bird cherry trunk is as follows: it often has a curved (arc-shaped) shape with an inclination to the ground. It is often about 0.4 m in diameter. The bark with which it is covered has a dark brown tint, dull, slightly cracked, dotted with brown and rusty spots on the surface. If the branches are still young, they are covered with a shiny, partially pubescent bark, on which one can observe elongated lenticels, which have a whitish tint and a strong bitter smell.

The leaves of the bird cherry are endowed with an obovate shape. Their length can be from 6 to 25 cm, width - about 7 cm, petioles - from 1 to 4 cm long. The color of the leaves depends on their age: the old ones have a dull green tint, and the young ones are greenish-golden.

After looking at how the leaves of the bird cherry tree look in the photo, you will be convinced of the accuracy of the above description:

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The plant has a dense and wide crown, drooping branches. Buds emerging in spring are covered with scales arranged in a tiled manner. Their shape is conical, narrow, the length is about 12-13 cm, there is no pubescence on the kidneys.

Bird cherry flowers appear in the last week of May and remain on the tree during the first 10 days of June. They are small in size, have a strong fragrant aroma, are painted in white, red, pink colors (depending on the variety). They gather in beautiful brushes drooping, like branches, about 12 cm long.

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The plant has scattered vascular wood. The sapwood is light yellow, the heartwood is brown. Various crafts used on the farm are made from it, since it has excellent elasticity and viscosity.

The bird cherry tree produces edible fruits that ripen in August and September. Berries, dried and ground to a state of flour, are used in cooking for filling pies and pies, they are also added to bread dough. Compote and jelly are brewed from them, tinctures, liqueurs and homemade wine are made, and they are used in folk medicine.

The fruits are round, fleshy, painted black, red (depending on the variety), have a glossy sheen, their diameter is 0.8 cm. If the tree is large, then in the most productive year it can provide about? c fruits. When asked about the taste of bird cherry berries, the answer is as follows: sweet, with a slight hint of bitterness, and an astringent aftertaste.

Common bird cherry is common in Siberia (except for the extreme northeast), Amur, Primorye, Sakhalin, Kamchatka. It also grows within the European part of Russia.

Types and varieties of bird cherry for the Moscow region with delicious edible fruits: photos, names and descriptions

In total, about 20 species of bird cherry are known, of which only 4 can be found on the territory of the country. One of them is the common bird cherry, to which this article is devoted and which you had the opportunity to familiarize yourself with in the previous section. It should be noted that this plant is known among the people under two more names - bird cherry and carpal. This variety is considered the most popular among gardeners, as it is characterized by unpretentious care, frost resistance, grows rapidly and gives the richest yields.

Breeders have bred such varieties of bird cherry with tasty fruits:

Tenderness: bred on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. A typical feature is small flowers of a bright red hue, combined into large brushes. The height of the tree does not exceed 3.5 m. The crown in diameter is no more than 4 m. The branches are distinguished by a high level of density, the crown is like a pyramid. Color "Tenderness" exudes a stable pleasant smell. Closer to the time of fall, instead of red, it acquires a pinkish-whitish hue. The fruits of this plant are medium, have a sweet taste. Such bird cherry loves soil saturated with moisture, takes root well in shaded areas, and is frost-resistant. It is also used in landscape design as an alley decor.

Bird cherry variety Tenderness is shown in the photo - evaluate the uniqueness of this plant:

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Dawn: bred by breeders in Siberia. Therefore, the main feature of the plant is a very high level of resistance to harsh winters. The tree grows low - its maximum height is 3 m, in connection with this, it is quite convenient to harvest from it. It is also an edible bird cherry, the fruits of the Rassvet variety are black, sour-sweet, with a slight hint of astringency. In terms of maturation, the culture belongs to a number of early ones.

What the plant and its berries look like, you can see in the photos presented to your attention:

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In memory of Salamatov: the tree is famous for its frost resistance, early fruit ripening and high yield. One adult plant is able to provide about 40-45 kg of berries with an average weight of up to 1 g each. The fruits of the bird cherry variety Salamatov's Memory are delicious, honey-like, without a single hint of astringency. Pay attention to the images and note for yourself how they look on the green tree.

Colorata: this cultivar is known for its openworked, rounded crown dotted with purple leaves that tend to change to green-brown and pink with an intoxicating almond scent. The plant can grow both in the form of a shrub and in the form of a tree about 7 m high. It has a high level of frost resistance. Berries ripen in the first decade of August. The fruits are small, painted black, sweet in taste, but with a slight hint of astringency.

Examine the visually presented characteristics and description of the bird cherry variety Colorata in the photo:

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In addition to plant varieties with edible berries, decorative forms of bird cherry are also bred, which are used solely for the purpose of decorating garden flower arrangements in the field of landscape design.

These include forms of bird cherry, a photo and a brief description of which are given below:

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  • weeping (has branches of a drooping type);
  • variegated (the leaves of the plant are variegated: white with yellow spotting);
  • terry (flowers are decorated with light terry);
  • pink-colored (the color has a rich pink tint);
  • yellow-fruited (berries are painted yellow in a light shade);
  • pyramidal (the crown of the plant visually resembles a pyramid).

All of the above decorative forms of bird cherry are suitable for the Moscow region. Bird cherry varieties Tenderness, Red Shater, Purple Candle are also grown here.

In addition to bird cherry, three more types of this culture are common in Russia:

Virginian: differs from the ordinary one in that it has a much lower resistance to severe winter cold. The height of trees of this species is on average 5 m, but if the plant develops in the form of a shrub, then its height does not exceed 4 m. The color appears much later than in the previous variety, which means that it is not affected by recurrent spring frosts . The berries of the virgin bird cherry varieties are large, painted in dark shades of red, do not have astringency, are not prone to shedding and can remain on the branches until early January. Schubert is considered the most beloved variety of virgin bird cherry. Among the decorative forms, they distinguish undersized, weeping, loose-leaved, with irregular leaves.

The forms of this type of bird cherry with official names, see the photo:

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Late: The name was given to the species in connection with the late terms of the appearance of color - in the last days of May. The flowers are white and do not exude any fragrance. Trees prefer rich soils. They grow rapidly up to 20 m in height, have a spreading crown. Good for pruning, insensitive to frost. This is a general description of late bird cherry varieties such as Plotnokistnaya, Samoplodnaya, Sakhalinskaya stable, etc. They produce black edible berries with a bitter taste. Decorative forms of the plant are variegated, pyramidal, weeping, cartilaginous, willow, terry.

Maaka: all forms and varieties of bird cherry of this species are decorative and produce inedible berries, which birds and bears prefer to feast on. The fruits are very small, painted black. Plants have a maximum height of about 7 m, love open areas, are resistant to dry climates. Their crown is pyramidal, the color is white and odorless, the brushes are oblong. Thanks to these features, bird cherry belongs to a number of the most beautiful. Used in urban landscape design.

Photo gallery

Popular is Cerapadus, a hybrid obtained by crossing Maak bird cherry and Maksimov cherry.

Having an idea about the appearance, purpose and characteristics of the species common in Russia and the varieties of bird cherry bred within them, it is easy to navigate when choosing a tree for your backyard.

Cultivation of bird cherry: planting and caring for a tree in spring, summer and autumn

Growing common bird cherry is a simple matter. The main thing is to remember the key rules for planting a plant and put them into practice. Then the trees and shrubs will delight you with a rich harvest and decorative appearance.

  1. The plant takes root very well and develops in a sunny and spacious area.
  2. To get the maximum number of tasty berries, it is necessary to plant several varieties of crops on the site at once that bloom in the same period in order to provide an opportunity for cross-pollination.
  3. When planting several seedlings of bird cherry at the same time, it is necessary to maintain a distance between them of at least 5 m.
  4. The soil for the plant should be chosen slightly acidic or neutral. The soil moisture level should be moderate.
  5. A hole for a tree must be dug of such a size that the rhizome fits well into it.
  6. It is recommended to apply a minimum of mineral and organic fertilizers. If the allowable volume is exceeded, this will negatively affect the condition of the bark.
  7. Planting a bird cherry and further caring for it implies the proper organization of watering. During planting, it is necessary to water the seedling abundantly, and then irrigate no more than 3 times during the vegetative period. More frequent watering is necessary only in drought conditions.
  8. The planted plant must be covered with mulch, which can serve as peat or sawdust.
  9. After planting, it is recommended to cut the tree, leaving a trunk with a height of 50 to 70 cm.

Remember: bird cherry is planted in autumn or spring. Since most varieties are resistant to frosty winters, there is no need to cover them in case of autumn planting.

Bird cherry does not require special care. However, it is important to remember to sanitize the soil around the plant in spring, summer, and fall to remove weeds. At the same time, this will help loosen the earth, provide access to oxygen.

In connection with the periodic depletion of the soil, it is necessary to trim trees and shrubs. It can be root and non-root. You can add organic matter and mineral fertilizers to the soil when digging, or you can in the process of watering. For top dressing, ready-made mixtures for fruit and berry crops, available in the assortment of any specialized store, are suitable.

Growing bird cherry and constant care for it requires a fight against thickening. To this end, during the summer, it is imperative to carry out periodic removal of root offspring. The frequency of the procedure is determined by the degree and speed of regrowth of shoots.

Pruning bird cherry in spring and autumn

Another aspect of plant care is periodic pruning.

For bird cherry, it can be formative and rejuvenating (or sanitary):

  • The first is carried out with the aim of forming the crown of the plant in spring or autumn. It should begin immediately after planting the seedling in the ground. As mentioned above, the tree is cut to a height of 50-70 cm. This will contribute to the establishment of the skeletal branches of the first tier - it is necessary to leave no more than 4 well-developed side shoots spaced at an even distance from each other. After a year, the plant will need to be cut at a height of 50 to 70 cm from the level of the first tier of the main branches in order to allow the second to form. According to this principle, the tree is cut in the third year after planting to form the third tier.
  • The second type of bird cherry pruning is performed in the fall for mature adult plants annually. On the crown, those branches that are dry, diseased or broken are removed. In places of cuts, garden var is applied.

Bird cherry transplant in spring and site preparation in autumn

Another important issue that requires attention is the transplantation of a bird cherry tree or bush from one place in the plot to another. This procedure is recommended to be done in early spring, but preparation for it should begin in late autumn.

First you need to dig a hole of the required size, leave it until spring so that the soil settles.

When the thermometer drops to +5 ° C, and this air temperature stabilizes, it is necessary to dig around the trunk of the plant, which is planned to be transplanted in the spring, water it abundantly so that the rhizome goes into a state of winter calmness in frozen soil.

When spring arrives, care must be taken to ensure that the lump of soil does not thaw too quickly. To do this, the soil is covered with snow, which is still left, burlap and sawdust are laid on top.

Bird cherry, prepared in the fall, is transplanted when the snow has completely melted. The plant is dug out so as not to touch the rhizome, moved with a clod of earth into a pit for planting. So that the soil does not crumble, it is better to sprinkle the roots with water and tie them with burlap. You can not even remove it when planting - it will not become an obstacle to the growth of the root system, and at the necessary moment it will disintegrate itself.

So that the transplanted tree or bush does not die, it is necessary to create a shadow for them, it is worth watering the plants with the addition of a root development stimulator.

Propagation of bird cherry cuttings, root shoots and layering

Each gardener has the opportunity to get seedlings for subsequent planting in the soil, since bird cherry lends itself well to reproduction.

There are several ways to do this:

  1. From the root shoot: using this method, it is necessary to cut off coppice shoots in the spring from the mother bush. With the onset of autumn, you need to determine which of them are the most lively and strong. It is they who need to be dug up and moved to a place of permanent growth.
  2. From cuttings: the optimal time for cutting cuttings is the period when the shoots stop growing. Cuttings in length should not exceed 15 cm. Leaves must be removed from them, except for 1-2 leaves at the very top. Cutting is recommended in the early morning, when the weather is cloudy, but without rain. Further, in order to propagate bird cherry by cuttings, the latter need to be soaked in water for a day, you can add a growth regulator to the liquid. The next morning they need to be planted under the film - in a mini-greenhouse with a "fog" irrigation system. The soil must be nutritious. It should include peat, humus, river sand. The planting depth of the cuttings is about 3 cm. Manual watering is also acceptable. To do this, you need a watering can, in which the cells are of small diameter. You need to water the cuttings up to 9 times on a sunny day and up to 4 times on a cloudy day. In the last days of September, cuttings are transplanted into open ground for growing. They will need weeding, watering, nitrogen fertilization. In a year - for the next autumn season - seedlings will be ready, which can be planted in a permanent place.
  3. From the cuts: in spring, it is necessary to make the required number of small holes, the depth of which should vary in the range from 10 to 12 cm. These holes must be dug so that they diverge radially on the sides of the bird cherry. In each of them you need to put a shoot and pin it with stakes made of wood or metal. In the process of growing shoots of a vertical type, it is necessary to hill them by 1/3 using nutrient soil (two or three procedures during one summer). With the onset of autumn, the shoots should be cut off from the mother shrub. If the rhizomes have formed strong shoots, it is permissible to land on a place of permanent growth. Otherwise, like cuttings, they need to be planted for growing until next autumn.

Propagation of bird cherry seeds: how to grow a tree from a bone

Reproduction of bird cherry by seeds: this method is the most troublesome. It will be necessary to collect seeds from ripe fruits, prevent them from drying out, store until autumn in the basement (refrigerator chamber) in a container with wet sand, sow them in the ground at the end of September. The maximum sowing depth is about 1.5 cm, the distance between the furrows is about 15 cm.

Thanks to the autumn planting, you can get abundant shoots in the spring. They need to be thinned out, leaving a distance of 7 cm between adjacent seedlings. Seedlings should be transplanted to a place of permanent growth no earlier than two to three years later. Another option for growing bird cherry from its seed is to use those seedlings that were formed under the tree due to the germination of berries that fell from the tree.

Bird cherry propagation by grafting: how to graft a plant

Propagation of bird cherry by grafting: The ideal time for copulation (grafting cuttings) is winter or early spring. If budding (grafting of the kidneys) is preferred, then the procedure should be carried out in mid-July - early August. Seedlings of various varieties of bird cherry can serve as a stock - they take root well on all other varieties of this plant.

For copulation - that is, grafting cuttings - ideally, it is necessary that both the stock and the scion are the same in thickness. They need to be cut, attached to each other, carefully bandaged with insulating material. If the graft has a larger diameter than the stock, then it is better to use the "split" graft. In this case, the cutting should be cut from below so that a sharp wedge is formed, and about 10 cm should be cut on the rootstock in the middle and the cutting should be inserted into this split with a sharp wedge. The vaccination site should also be isolated.

When budding bird cherry - that is, grafting the kidneys - the eye with the kidney must be inserted into an incision made on the bark of the tree to which the grafting is carried out. This area must also be tied tightly and left to winter. But it is important to consider that the method is effective only in those regions where there are no severe frosts and return frosts.

Whichever of the above methods of reproduction is chosen, the planting material will require careful care - watering, weeding, fertilizing with nitrogen substances.

Diseases and pests of bird cherry leaves: photos, names and treatment of plants

This plant, in comparison with many fruit and berry crops, has a high level of resistance to the development of diseases and pest attacks. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know what diseases threaten bird cherry, and what is the treatment.

Berry pockets and colors: the key cause of occurrence is waterlogging, and the main symptom is a change in the color of the fruit to brown, the shape is elongated with a pointed top in the absence of seeds. The outer surface of the berries is covered with a coating, which consists of bags of pathogenic fungi. If the disease affects the color, then the fruits are not tied at all. To exterminate the fungus, it is necessary to destroy the affected berries, and then treat the plant with copper-containing preparations. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to treat the bird cherry with such a remedy even before the buds open - in early spring.

Powdery mildew: also a fungal disease that affects the leaves. The main symptom is the appearance on their surface of a plaque in the form of a whitish web. It is necessary to remove and destroy all the foliage that has fallen, and spray the plant itself with foundationazole or Bordeaux mixture - 2-3 times during the summer.

Red spotting: the appearance of this leaf disease in bird cherry is evidenced by large red spots on both sides of the leaf. With the advent of autumn, they turn brown and cause premature leaf fall in the plant. Treatment is the same as for powdery mildew.

Cercosporosis: due to too wet summer, white-gray micronecroses appear on the front surface of the leaves, and brown on the back. When the disease progresses, individual spots merge into one, and the affected area simply falls out. Treatment is the same as powdery mildew and red spotting.

Rust: small brown-red pustules appear on the leaves, and with the onset of autumn they are complemented by the appearance of purple and crimson pustules. Foliage infection occurs during the growing season. The affected plant must be treated with vitriol, also sprayed nearby spruce trees (hotbeds of the fungus), destroy their cones.

Cytosporosis: develops on foliage, trunk, branches, leads to complete drying. The main symptom is the emergence of small bumpy growths, from which, under wet weather conditions, red threads come out. It is necessary to cut off the affected areas, clean and wash the places of concentration of fungi with a solution of copper and soap, disinfect and treat with garden pitch.

Wood rot: the cause is the penetration and reproduction of fungi in the wood (for example, through broken branches), and the consequence is premature aging and death of plants. The affected plant must be uprooted as soon as possible, and the hole should be burned out.

Look at the signs of the bird cherry diseases described above, in the photo with the names, in order to be able to recognize the problem in a timely manner:

Photo gallery

In addition to diseases, bird cherry is also affected by pests, the most common of which are the following insects:

  • sap-eating plants (bug, coccida, leaf flea);
  • eating leaves (butterfly caterpillar, sawfly larva, leaf beetle, bird cherry moth);
  • miners growing inside the leaf;
  • galls (felt and gall mites);
  • intrastem pests (bark beetle, wood borer).

To exterminate insects, you need to treat the plant twice with karbofos or kinmiks. If the tree is very badly affected, a third treatment may be necessary.

For young seedlings, it is recommended to give preference to folk rather than chemical means: spraying with a solution of soap and tobacco infusion. Such treatment is also suitable as a prevention of the appearance of pests - in early spring and after the color has fallen.

Bird cherry is able to become an ornament of any garden and a source of medicinal and tasty fruits, without requiring painstaking care. The main thing is to adhere to the basic recommendations, and difficulties can be avoided.

Syn: bird cherry

A tree or large shrub with tart but edible fruits. Good honey plant. Known as an ornamental plant in landscaping. It has some healing properties, in particular, astringent, diuretic, diaphoretic, etc.

Ask the experts

flower formula

Bird cherry flower formula: *CH5L5T∞P1.

In medicine

At present, in scientific medicine, mainly the fruits of bird cherry are used in the form of a decoction as an astringent and antiseptic for diarrhea and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A decoction of bird cherry bark is also used as a diuretic. In gynecological practice, bird cherry is used for whites and chronic colpitis. Infusion and decoction of fruits are used for diarrhea in pregnant women.

Bird cherry fruits are included in the choleretic collection, which is used in the form of a decoction as an astringent.

In cooking

Ripe fruits are edible, used both fresh and processed, they are used to make jam, marmalade. Dried fruits in Siberia are ground into flour and added as a filling to pies and cheesecakes. Dried bird cherry is also used to make jelly and as a surrogate for brewing tea. In some areas, bird cherry flour is added to bread to give it an almond flavor.

Also, freshly picked ripe fruits are used to prepare various soft drinks, liqueurs and tinctures. The berry juice of the plant is used to color confectionery and wine.

In the alcoholic beverage industry, bird cherry fruits are used in the manufacture of bitter tinctures.

In other areas

Used in landscaping parks and settlements as an ornamental plant.

Bird cherry wood is quite strong, hard, fine-grained. It is brownish-yellow in color and is used in the manufacture of crafts. The bark of the tree is used as a dye. It colors fabrics and skins green and reddish-brown.

The essential oil of the leaves of the plant was previously used as a fragrance in the manufacture of perfumes.

Bird cherry flowers and leaves secrete phytoncides in large quantities, which purify the air, destroy pathogenic bacteria, and also repel mosquitoes and mites. However, the high content of phytoncides can cause a headache and therefore it is not recommended to bring bird cherry bouquets into the house.


Bird cherry or bird cherry (lat. Pádusavium Moench) belongs to the genus bird cherry (lat. Pádus), plum subfamily (lat. Prunoideae), Rosaceae family (lat. Rosaceae). The bird cherry genus unites more than 100 species widely distributed in Eurasia, North and South America.

Botanical description

Tree or large shrub 5-18 m tall, with brown fissured bark and white-yellow lenticels. Leaves (6-15 cm long and 2.5-5 cm wide), short-petiolate, alternate, oval or oblong, pointed at the apex, rounded-wedge-shaped at the base. At the point of transition of the plate into the petiole, there is a pair of glands. The flowers are fragrant white (1-1.5 cm in diameter), collected in dense long drooping brushes. The bird cherry flower formula is *CH5L5T∞P1. The fruit is a drupe (6-7 mm in diameter), with a woody inner and juicy leathery outer layers of the pericarp, and has a strongly astringent taste. All above-ground parts of the plant have a characteristic bitter smell. Blooms in April-May. The fruits ripen in August - September.


In the European part of Russia it is found everywhere, rarely in the Far North. It occurs in mass quantities in various types of forests. It grows on the edges, clearings and lighted places. It grows in floodplains, forming impenetrable thickets. For growth, it prefers rich loamy, moist, but not waterlogged soils. Cultivated as an ornamental plant, including in the non-chernozem zone of Russia.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

In scientific medicine, cherry fruits collected during the period of full ripening serve as medicinal raw materials. Ripe bird cherry fruits are harvested in dry weather, cleaned of impurities (leaves, twigs, stalks) and dried in the sun or in a dryer at a temperature of 40-50 °. It should be remembered that the bones must remain intact in order to avoid the extraction of amygdalin from them, which can cause poisoning due to enzymatic cleavage into benzaldehyde, hydrocyanic acid and glucose. Shelf life up to 5 years.

The bark and flowers of bird cherry are also used for medicinal purposes. The bark of the plant is harvested in early spring. It is dried in air or in dryers at a temperature of 40ºС. Bird cherry flowers are harvested in May, dried in the air, in the shade.

Chemical composition

In the pulp of bird cherry fruits, sugars (up to 5%), organic acids (up to 0.57%: malic, citric), tannins (up to 0.48%), dyes, vitamin C, carotene, macro- and microelements (accumulates copper, cobalt). The seeds contain up to 1.5% of amygdalin glycoside, the hydrolysis of which produces hydrocyanic acid. The leaves contain ascorbic acid (about 200 mg%), hydrocyanic acid (up to 0.06%), amygdalin and prunosin glycosides (gives a fragrant smell to the plant). The bark contains amygdalin (up to 2%), free hydrocyanic acid (about 0.1%), glycoside prulaurazine, tannins (up to 3%). All plant tissues contain phytoncides, which cause the death of many microbes, as well as multicellular organisms. Due to the phytoncidal properties of bird cherry, there are almost never blood-sucking mites on it. There is an assumption that the phytoncidal properties of bird cherry are mainly determined by hydrocyanic acid, a substance that blocks oxygen consumption by tissues.

Pharmacological properties

Bird cherry fruits have a fixing effect and are used in the form of a decoction as an antidiarrheal agent in the treatment of non-infectious diarrhea and other disorders of the stomach and intestines. The main pharmacological action is exerted by tannins - condensed tannins contained in berries. In addition, the fruits contain the cyanogenic glycoside amygdalin, which at low concentrations can have an antitumor effect.

Mature fruits of the plant also have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and vitamin effect, normalize the work of the stomach and intestines. Plant anthocyanins have P-vitamin activity and have a capillary-strengthening effect.

The bark of the plant has antipyretic and diaphoretic properties. Bird cherry leaves have a fixing and vitamin effect, and flowers - anti-inflammatory, volatile and wound healing.

Application in traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of bird cherry are widely used in folk medicine. In addition to fruits, traditional healers use the leaves, flowers and bark of the plant for medicinal purposes. A decoction of the dried bark of the bird cherry is used as a diaphoretic, diuretic, antidiarrheal agent. Outwardly, a decoction is used for eye diseases. Tincture of the bark is used for rubbing with sciatica. Leaves in the form of tea or water infusion are taken for inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi, colds, rheumatism, scabies. Leaf infusions can also be used for rinsing in diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Whole leaves are applied to boils.

Historical reference

The generic name of the plant Padus from the Greek. (pados - the name of the bird cherry or cherry), presumably derived from the name of the river Po (Padus) in Italy, along the banks of which there were a lot of bird cherry. The specific name racemosus is from lat. (racemus - branch; grape bunch) indicates the similarity of the inflorescences, and then the fruits, collected in a thick abundant brush, with a bunch of grapes. The Russian name of the plant is associated with the dark color of the fruits and bark: from the ancient Slavic "cherem" - swarthy.


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  3. Turova A.D. "Medicinal plants of the USSR and their application". Moscow. "Medicine". 1974.
  4. "Phytotherapy with the basics of clinical pharmacology" ed. V.G. Kukes. – M.: Medicine, 1999.
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Name: Common bird cherry.

Latin name: Padus avium Mill.

Family: Rosaceae (Rosaceae)

plant type: Large shrub or tree.

Height: Up to 10 meters.

Leaves: Oblong, passers-by on cherry.

Flowers, inflorescences: The flowers are white, collected in fragrant brushes.

flowering time: One of the first blooms in spring, in April - May.

Fruit: Globular, black, shiny drupes.

ripening time: Aug. Sept.

Smells and tastes: Fruits are edible, astringent taste.

collection time: The fruits are harvested mature, the bark is harvested in early spring, during the period of sap flow; leaves - after flowering, and flowers - during the period of budding and blooming.

plant history: During the Great Patriotic War, fresh juice was used to treat festering wounds.

Spreading: In Russia, bird cherry is found in the European part (except for the Lower Volga region), in the Caucasus and in Western Siberia; in Ukraine - throughout the territory.

habitats: It grows only where groundwater comes close to the surface - along the banks of rivers and lakes, along ravines and edges, in damp forest glades, loves islands and water meadows.

Culinary use: Bird cherry fruits are consumed fresh and dried. Bird cherry flour is prepared from dried and ground fruits. It is widely used in the confectionery industry, is a good food product, and is even used as a dough filling. Cheesecakes and pies are baked from flour. Fresh or dry fruits are suitable for making jelly and compotes, berries serve as a filling for pies.

medicinal parts: Fruits, leaves, bark and flowers.

Useful content: Fruits contain carbohydrates, organic acids, carotene, cyanogenic compounds, phenol carboxylic acids, essential oil, nitrogen-containing substances, vitamins C, E, P, flavonoids. The bark contains carbohydrates, tannins and aldehydes. Leaves abundantly secrete phytoncides.
All raw materials, except for fruits, contain toxic substances - amygdalin glycoside, which, when decomposed, gives a strong poison - hydrocyanic acid, and in the leaves it is contained in a free state.

Actions: In scientific medicine, cherry fruits are used, which have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, exhibiting phytoncidal activity.
In the form of an infusion, they are used for enteritis and dyspepsia of various etiologies (for infectious colitis and dysentery, they are prescribed as an adjuvant). Instead of infusion, you can use jelly or fruit drink.
Diluted infusion is douched with chronic colpitis and leucorrhoea. The fruits are part of the antidiarrheal gastric tea.
Bird cherry is used much more widely in folk medicine: an infusion of the bark is drunk as a diuretic, diaphoretic and remedy for fever; infusion of fruits, flowers, branches or leaves is used as a lotion for conjunctivitis and keratitis.


Healing recipes:

Instructions for use:

Common bird cherry is a shrub up to 15 meters high.

The trunk of bird cherry is distinguished by cracking black-gray bark. The branches of the plant are quite thin, so they always sag towards the bottom. In winter, bird cherry buds are covered with peculiar cilia. They are round and spherical. Bird cherry leaves are bright green, oblong, elongated. Bird cherry flowers are known to many of us for their bright, unique aroma. A brush with white flowers is the bird cherry inflorescence.

Bird cherry blooms from April to June. Bird cherry loves the sun, therefore it does not develop well in the shade. Bird cherry grows in nature along the banks of rivers, on forest edges, in thickets of shrubs.

The most common folk names for bird cherry are the following:

  • Cheremshin;
  • Glotiha;
  • The bell.

Composition and useful properties of bird cherry

Bird cherry has long been recognized by many, thanks to its medicinal properties. Almost all parts of this shrub are used in traditional medicine, as the list of useful properties of bird cherry is extremely wide. Thus, bird cherry is rightfully considered a pantry of beneficial properties for human health.

The main value of bird cherry is the components that make up its composition:

  • vitamins;
  • Tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • glycosides;
  • acids;
  • Anthocyanins;
  • saccharides;
  • Rutin;
  • Oils;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Phytoncides.

In addition, quite rare substances in bird cherry are free hydrocyanic acid and benzoic aldehyde.
Due to such a rich composition, bird cherry has numerous properties used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases:

  • diaphoretic;
  • Diuretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiscorbutic;
  • Contraceptive;
  • sedative;
  • Tonic;
  • Hemostatic.

The use of bird cherry

All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. But the fruits of the bird cherry are considered the most valuable and most of all used.

In traditional medicine, the fruits of bird cherry are used as a remedy that has the following effect:

  • general strengthening;
  • Astringent;
  • bactericidal;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • fixing;
  • Normalizing.

The fixing and normalizing properties of bird cherry are especially relevant for pathologies of the stomach and intestines.

Bird cherry bark also has considerable benefits. So, this part of the plant is often used for the manufacture of drugs belonging to the following pharmacological groups:

  • Diuretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • Antipyretic.

Preparations based on bird cherry are excellent for colds, flu, sore throats. In addition, an infusion of bird cherry fruits will help strengthen the immune system and resist infections in the autumn-winter period.

Bird cherry leaves have a powerful fixing property. A decoction of bird cherry leaves is used for diarrhea, intoxication, disorders and digestive disorders.

Bird cherry flowers are extremely useful for all kinds of inflammations, especially those associated with cuts, wounds or burns. Common bird cherry is quite capable of helping a person with vitamin deficiency, loss of strength and a decrease in the body's defenses.

The list of diseases in which the beneficial properties of bird cherry effectively help is extremely wide:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Decreased sexual function;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Fever;
  • Anemia;
  • Gout;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Venereal diseases.

Regular consumption of bird cherry can increase potency in men, normalize bowel activity, and quickly cure any cold. The excellent anti-inflammatory property of bird cherry is due to the presence of phytoncides in its composition. These substances actively fight against harmful microorganisms:

  • Microbes;
  • bacteria;
  • Fungi;
  • Mold
  • Insects.

The use of bird cherry inside and outside (on the skin) leads to the fact that insects (flies, mosquitoes) stop biting a person. The same method of prevention can be used against ticks.

A decoction of twigs and leaves of bird cherry helps to get rid of rheumatic pains. To do this, you need to drink it regularly and adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle. This remedy is suitable for both articular and muscular rheumatism.

Skin problems such as furunculosis, dermatitis, ulcers on the body are treated with an infusion of the stems and leaves of bird cherry. This infusion should be regularly washed with the affected areas of the skin.

Common bird cherry has a valuable property to have a beneficial effect on the state of human vision. So, with a strong load on the eyes, for example, when working at a computer for a long time, you need to make lotions from a decoction of bird cherry. To prevent eye diseases and relieve stress, you can do this procedure once a week. But in the treatment of an existing disease or deterioration of vision, of course, treatment should take place much more often. Prevention of vision problems with the help of such lotions and ingestion of the infusion of bird cherry fruits, its leaves and flowers will allow you to maintain excellent vision for life.

The beneficial effect of bird cherry on human skin is also manifested in its ability to cleanse acne. So, regularly using a decoction of bird cherry twigs and bark as a lotion, you can get rid of rosacea, dermatosis. In addition, masks of bird cherry fruits and ingestion of a decoction provide a rejuvenating effect. Thus, the appearance of wrinkles and skin aging can be avoided.

Common bird cherry is used not only in pharmaceuticals, but also in cosmetology, food industry, and perfumery.

Traditional medicine has many recipes using bird cherry. Doctors focus their patients on compliance with the dosage of such a medicine.

Contraindications and harm from bird cherry

When carrying out treatment with drugs based on bird cherry, its decoctions and infusions, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the attending physician. You need to be especially careful with doses of medications containing seeds, bark and leaves of the plant. The fact is that these parts of bird cherry contain amygdalin glycoside. This substance has the property of decomposing as a result of a chemical reaction that occurs in the human body into hydrocyanic acid and glucose. Glucose is necessary for a person and is beneficial, but hydrocyanic acid is considered poisonous. Therefore, its excessive formation in the body can lead to poisoning (intoxication).

Some danger may be a combination of active ingredients in the composition of bird cherry with other drugs that a person uses. Therefore, before using it for treatment, you need to consult a doctor. An absolute contraindication for taking preparations from bird cherry is pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Pharmacotherapeutic group. Astringent.

plant description




Rice. 9.23. Common bird cherry - Padus avium Mill.

Bird cherry fruits- fructus padi
- padus avium mill. (= radius racemosa gilib.)
Sem. Rosaceae– rosaceae
Other names: glotikha, bellflower, wild garlic.

Small tree or shrub height 2-10 m.
Bark matte, black-gray; on young shoots - brown with whitish-yellow lenticels. The inner layer of the bark is yellow with a characteristic smell of almonds.
Leaves alternate, petiolate, elliptical or obovate, serrated along the edge, dark green.
flowers five-membered, white, fragrant, collected in many-flowered drooping racemes 8-12 cm long.
Fetus- black spherical single-drupe with a diameter of 7-10 mm (Fig. 9.23).
Blossoms in May-June, fruits ripen in August-September.

Bird cherry composition




The chemical composition of bird cherry

Bird cherry fruits contain

  • 4.5-8% tannins,
  • organic acids (malic, citric),
  • phenolic acids (chlorogenic),
  • anthocyanins (cyanidin 3-rutinoside, cyanidin 3-glucoside),
  • pectins,
  • Sahara.

Leaves, flowers and seeds contain

  • cyanogenic glycosides: amygdalin, prulaurazine, prunazine.

Amygdalin is highly soluble in water, insoluble in ether, and upon enzymatic cleavage gives benzaldehyde, hydrocyanic acid and glucose.

The aroma of the plant is due the presence of prunazine glycoside.

Properties and uses of bird cherry




Pharmacological properties of bird cherry

  • Astringent and anti-inflammatory properties bird cherry due to tannins.
  • Anthocyanins, showing P-vitamin activity, have a capillary-strengthening effect.
  • The combination of tannins and anthocyanins provides sustained anti-inflammatory action.
  • Bird cherry phytoncides have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

They have phytoncidal properties leaves, flowers, bark and fresh fruits of bird cherry. The role of phytoncides is performed by hydrocyanic acid contained in all organs of bird cherry.

The use of bird cherry

Due to the presence of tannins, bird cherry fruits are used as an astringent for

  • enteritis,
  • dyspepsia of various etiologies,
  • and also as an aid in infectious colitis, dysentery.





Spreading. Widely distributed in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of the country, Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Isolated locations are found in the Caucasus, in the mountains of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Often cultivated in gardens as an ornamental plant.

Habitat. Along the banks of rivers, in riverine forests, along forest edges, in bushes.

Procurement and storage of raw materials




blank. Mature fruits are harvested in dry weather in the morning, after the dew has gone, or at the end of the day. Collection is carried out in buckets or baskets. The collected fruits are cleaned of admixture of leaves, twigs and stalks.

Security measures. Bird cherry fruits can be harvested in the same areas every year. It is unacceptable to cut branches when collecting fruits, break them off during flowering.

Drying. Dry at a temperature not exceeding 40-50 ºС, in dry weather, you can dry in the sun, scattering the fruits in a layer of 1-2 cm on cloth or paper, stirring occasionally. Drying in Russian ovens is allowed. Before drying, the fruits are dried in the sun for 1-2 days.

Standardization. GF XI, no. 2, art. 36.

Storage. Raw materials are stored in dry, clean, well-ventilated areas, in bags weighing no more than 50 kg on racks. Shelf life 3 years.

External signs of raw materials




Rice. 9.25. Black fruits:
A - the fruit and stone of bird cherry; B - the fruit and stone of black elderberry; B - the fruit and seed of blueberries; G - the fruit and seed of black currant.

Fruit- single-drupe spherical or oblong-ovoid, sometimes somewhat pointed towards the apex, up to 8 mm in diameter, wrinkled, without a peduncle, with a rounded white scar at the site of its falling off. Inside the fruit there is one rounded or rounded ovoid, very dense, light brown stone up to 7 mm in diameter with one seed. The surface of the fruit is wrinkled, the stones are transversely ribbed (Fig. 9.25, A).

fruit color black, matte, rarely shiny, sometimes with a whitish-gray or reddish coating on the folds.
Smell weak. Taste sweet, slightly astringent.