Oily skin on the face: tips and recipes. Oily facial skin - causes and care How to make oily skin normal

Very oily facial skin causes a lot of trouble: it looks unkempt, has enlarged pores, an oily shine and an unhealthy, sallow color. Very oily skin is so sensitive that the slightest unfavorable factors cause it to become inflamed and break out in a rash. What to do? Now we'll tell you!

Try to avoid fatty nourishing creams. Use gel and light facial care products with anti-inflammatory effects. The GARNIER “Clean Skin” series is very effective; gel, mask and scrub - three in one. The cost is within 300 rubles per tube of 150 g. It lasts a long time.

The GARNIER “Clean Skin” series is very effective; gel, mask and scrub - three in one.

The cost is within 300 rubles per tube of 150 g. It lasts a long time.

Choose caring lotions according to your skin type, and it is best to have skin care prescribed by a specialist - a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Don’t be too lazy to knock your heels on to the nearest beauty salon or visit a dermatologist at the clinic. Very oily facial skin often requires complex treatment.

  • An inexperienced person should not squeeze out pimples. If you are sure that you will not get an infection and treat the skin correctly, then you can remove small pustules yourself. Then treat the skin with Darsonval or a disinfectant and make a tightening mask. Everything should be as clean as possible! You cannot open deep acne on your own! We wrote about how to properly cleanse the epidermis here: .
  • If your facial skin is very oily, what else should you do? You can do a mini facial cleansing at home. Clean it thoroughly, steam over chamomile for 10-15 minutes, then wrap your fingers in gauze and remove the comedones by squeezing out. Then apply a tightening mask until dry. You can choose from these masks: "". Carry out the procedure no more than once a month.
  • Homemade masks for very oily skin, for problems with comedones, acne, and oily seborrhea should include an alcohol tincture of calendula, badyagu, aloe, tea tree essential oil, camphor and similar antibactericidal ingredients.
  • Care cosmetics For oily skin types, it is better to buy medicinal, non-comedogenic, anti-inflammatory, cleansing, and pigment-constricting. And buy cosmetics that are more natural and expensive, or better yet, make them yourself. Below we have described two homemade creams that are very effective for oily epidermis.

Proper care for oily skin

Proper care for very oily skin is a panacea for many skin problems. Choose cosmetics taking into account the time of year, visit a cosmetologist from time to time, exfoliate/scrub your facial skin at least once a week, drink plenty of water and don’t forget to eat vegetables and fruits. After all, the skin of the face reacts very subtly to what we eat. And here are some more tips.

1. Before going to bed, cleanse your skin with cosmetics with a pH of four or higher.

The editors of PhotoElf magazine have selected for you the best creams for very oily skin in different price ranges.

Creams for oily skin

  • Night face cream NATURA SIBERICA “Care and restoration”
    The price of NATURA SIBERICA is about 400 rubles.
  • Cream "KORA" for oily and combination mature skin
    The price of “Bark” is within 500 rubles.
  • Cream “KORRES C” which contains pomegranate extract
    The cost of “KORRES C” is approximately 2300 rubles.
  • “RW Laser Focus” - day smoothing cream SPF 15, for oily skin use cream labeled No. ZK54010000
    Price “RW Laser Focus” brand ZK54010000 from 4 thousand to 5 thousand rubles

And if you have the time and desire, you can make your own homemade creams.

Homemade creams

Making homemade facial skin care products sometimes takes a lot of time. Especially when they have a complex composition. But keep in mind that when you create a care product for yourself, you put a piece of your own energy into it, which means that what was created by your caring hands can help much better than expensive creams, tonics, peelings or lotions.

We present to you TWO options for very effective homemade creams for very oily skin., which have proven themselves 5+, judging by the reviews of women and professional cosmetologists.

1. For oily skin with enlarged pores

1. Grape seed (oil) - 15 ml
2. Kukui – 5 ml
3. Hazelnut - 5 ml
4. Rose water - 10 ml
5. Aloe juice - 3 ml
6. Bilobil - 1 capsule
7. Wax - 5 ml
8. Cedar oil - 5 drops
9. Manuka - 3 drops
10. Carrot juice - 4 drops
11. Rosemary - 2 drops
12. Tea tree essential oil - 5 drops

2. For mature combination skin prone to oily skin

1. Apricot oil - 10 ml
2. Grape seed (oil) - 5 ml
3. Kukui – 5 ml
4. Hazelnut - 5 ml
5. Wax - 5 ml
6. Rose water - 10 ml
7. Aloe juice - 5 ml
8. Bilobil – 1 capsule
9. Mumiyo - 1 tablet
10. Apilak – 2 tablets
11. Myrrh oil - 4 drops
12. Myrtle oil - 4 drops
13. Carrot juice - 10 ml
14. Rosemary - 5 drops
15. Sandalwood – 4 drops

2. Morning and evening creams should be different!

  • In the morning it is highly advisable to use light, fruit-based moisturizers
  • in the evening - creams with alpha hydroxy acids and glycolic acid.

3. Don’t get carried away with creams and cosmetics in general with salicylic acid

Although it dries out very oily facial skin perfectly, it can cause irritation.

4. We recommend using Obagi cosmetics for oily skin types

After using Obagi cosmetics, within 2-3 weeks very oily facial skin is restored and acquires a beautiful, natural color. And if the skin had pigmentation, shine, enlarged pores - these troubles become noticeably less.

But what would we do without home care! We advise you to take a comprehensive approach to caring for oily skin and use these useful homemade face masks and compresses.

Masks and tinctures for oily skin

Depending on their composition, homemade cosmetic masks and tinctures can reduce the production of sebum, give the skin a matte appearance and relieve it from severe inflammatory manifestations.

1. Tincture with calendula (compress)

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of calendula alcohol tincture (sold in pharmacies)
  • 300 ml. still mineral water
  • 2 drops tea tree essential oil

Stir the tincture in water, soak a cotton cloth or several layers of gauze in the solution, squeeze out a little and apply to the face, except for the skin around the eyes. After 15-20 minutes, remove the fabric and wipe your face with a dry cotton pad. The compress helps to cope with oily shine well.

Use no more than TWO times a week. The course of treatment is a MONTH.

2. Tightening mask with egg white

  • 1 raw chicken egg white or 4 quail egg whites
  • 1 teaspoon camphor alcohol
  • 5-6 drops of lemon juice

Mix the ingredients without beating the egg whites. Apply the mixture to very oily facial skin in four layers, giving each layer time to dry. After the latter has dried, wash off the mask first with warm water, and then rinse your face with cold water. The mask has a slight lifting effect and perfectly tightens the facial oval.

Use 2-3 times a week for a month. The effect will be visible within a week.

3. Berry mask for oily skin with very enlarged pores

      • 10 red currants
      • 10 white currants
      • 1 tbsp. spoon of potato or oat flour
      • 10 ml. amaranth oil or shea butter
      • 2-3 drops tea tree essential oil

Mix potato flour with mashed berries and oils. Apply the mask to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water and use your favorite moisturizer.

4. Mask that reduces oily skin, made from bran, tomato and apilac

      • 2 teaspoons bran, finely ground in a coffee grinder
      • pulp of one medium sized tomato
      • one crushed apilac tablet

Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face, neck and décolleté for 20-30 minutes. Lie down in a calm environment, relax, then rinse with lukewarm water.

Speaking about the use of apilak in masks and creams for very oily skin, one cannot fail to mention its truly magical properties:

The drug is based on royal jelly, a secretion produced by the allotrophic glands of worker bees. The secretion contains B vitamins, folic acid, 23 amino acids, including essential, macro- and microelements, as well as biological substances that stimulate cellular metabolism.

When choosing ingredients for masks, you need to remember the characteristics of oily skin

      • sebaceous glands produce a lot of sebum, leading to an oily sheen
      • the stratum corneum is quite thick
      • there are often enlarged pores clogged with sebaceous gland secretions
      • very oily facial skin is prone to inflammation

Why is skin oily?

There are several main reasons for increased oily skin:

      • hereditary predisposition
        consumption of large amounts of spicy and salty foods, sweets and carbonated drinks, baked goods
      • insufficient water intake
      • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine and digestive systems
      • influence of external environmental factors
      • improper skin care

Most causes, with the exception of hereditary predisposition and various disorders in the functioning of internal organs and systems, are easily correctable. Adequate water consumption, a diet with a predominance of plant foods and dairy products, and a well-chosen care program help if your facial skin becomes oily very quickly.

How to care for very oily skin

You should choose products that contain a large number of natural ingredients:

      • extracts of medicinal herbs: chamomile, sage or plantain, soothe irritated skin
      • essential oils of tea tree, grapefruit or orange have an anti-inflammatory effect
      • salicylic acid dries oily skin, reducing greasy shine
      • vitamins A, E, C nourish the skin
      • zinc actively fights acne

It is better to wash your face with warm or cool water using a special cleanser.

A toner or lotion for very oily skin should contain alcohol, which removes excess sebum.

Regular use of peelings and scrubs is necessary, preferably with fruit acids. Such products regulate lipid metabolism in epidermal cells and dissolve sebaceous plugs, that is, those same blackheads.

But you shouldn’t get too carried away with exfoliating procedures, since the skin perceives such an impact as aggressive, and as a protection, the sebaceous glands begin to work in enhanced mode!

Cosmetics stores offer ready-made products for very oily skin. However, lovers of natural products often prepare them at home. After all, homemade cream prepared using technology has a number of advantages over ready-made cream.

You can vary its composition by individually selecting ingredients taking into account the needs and skin condition of a particular person.

In addition, there is no doubt about the naturalness of its composition. This is very important for people prone to allergic reactions.

Finished cosmetics contain large quantities of various preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and fragrances. Very oily facial skin needs care using natural cosmetics. Using high-quality natural ingredients, you can be sure of the usefulness and safety of homemade cosmetics.

The absence of preservatives and all kinds of chemical additives is another undoubted advantage of homemade cosmetics.

By combining various components, everyone can come up with the formula for their ideal product, which will solve the specific problems of very oily facial skin, reveal and preserve its natural beauty.

The article turned out to be quite voluminous, wasn’t it? But also facial skin care is not a very quick process, and we at PhotoElf wanted to cover this topic in as much detail as possible, mentioning not only folk, time-tested masks and tonics, but also making a brief review of store-bought and homemade face creams.

Who among us would not want to have smooth, matte, blemish-free skin that does not require constant care? But the reality is that a third of all women are concerned about the problem of oily skin, looking for a way to combat this phenomenon. And, despite the fact that wrinkles attack problem skin much later, it does not need the constant use of nourishing creams, not a single representative of the fairer sex wants to walk around with an oily face covered with blackheads.

Why does skin become oily?

The first reason lies in the intense functionality of the sebaceous glands with a naturally thick epidermal layer. Problematic skin is also caused by a hereditary tendency.
Another reason may be excess testosterone. This usually applies to teenagers, when rapid hormonal changes occur in the body. Usually after 25 years this problem goes away.
The third reason is disruption of the body’s functioning - intestines, thyroid / pancreas. Ongoing stress can also cause your skin to become oily. In this case, you need to get rid of everything that puts you in a depressive state and provide the necessary care; you can use a mask of parsley.
If a woman does not want her skin to become oilier than it should be, then she better forget about fast food, fatty and sweet, and start eating rationally. It’s good if buckwheat, bran, kefir (low-fat) and, of course, vegetables appear among regular dishes. Of course, it is difficult to adhere to such a diet, so it is advised to simply monitor how the intestines work and eat oatmeal instead of breakfast.
Cosmetologists warn that you should not get too carried away with active cleaning products that contain alcohol. After all, if you constantly wipe the skin with lotions/tonics, the epidermis begins to produce even more oil in order to restore the balance, and in the end it produces it even more than before. It would be better to use an ice cube made from chamomile infusion and a quick oatmeal mask (made from flakes).
Excessive exfoliation can worsen your skin condition. Women, seeing an almost instantaneous and, moreover, very noticeable result after mechanical or chemical cleaning, begin to resort to this method more often than they should. As a result, the skin becomes inflamed, as the epidermis receives microtraumas, and sebum is released more strongly.
If you take proper care of your face, it will look great under any conditions.

How can you make oily skin look normal?

Firstly, there is no need to immediately panic. Secondly, you need to start (or systematize) regular skin care, for example, wash it with foam/gel (but the most gentle one) 2 times a day. At the same time, you need to wash with your hands, and not with a cotton pad or washcloth. The gel is good for children. It’s great if in the morning a woman puts rye bread on her face in the form of a mask, which will help even out the skin texture and refresh its color.
As for nourishing creams, you can only use those that are suitable for this type of skin (with high oil content), usually containing a lot of water and without lipids.

You should resort to the peeling procedure no more than 2 times a week. It is better to use scrubs that contain polymer particles that do not violate the integrity of the skin, as opposed to those containing crushed bones.

Masks for oily skin

Masks have the best effect on the epidermis. And although this is quite a troublesome task, it gives amazing results. The only caveat is that in order to achieve the desired effect (not temporary), you need to apply the mask more than once, but in courses (from 10 to 15 days, depending on the condition of the skin).
The most famous masks are yeast and apple masks, as well as masks made from parsley, honey, black clay, bodyaga, masks with boric acid, apricot, potatoes, cucumbers, oat flakes, rye bread, lemon. Now about each in order.

Clay mask

What you need:

  • black clay (2 tbsp.),
  • warm water,
  • polyethylene film.

How to use:
Fill the clay (from the pharmacy) with water and leave for 2-3 hours. Apply a homogeneous, well-mixed mass to the skin of the face, then cover it with film for 20 minutes. With this procedure you can overcome inflammation and blackheads with acne.

Cucumber mask with boric acid

  • fresh cucumber juice,
  • boric acid from the pharmacy.

Mix and put on your face for twenty minutes, and then wash your face with warm water and nourish with a special cream. The mask will help whiten and dry the skin. The ratio of juice and acid is 6 to 1.

Apple mask

  • sour juicy apples (2 pcs.),
  • egg white (1 pc.).

The apples are grated, then combined with whipped egg whites and this mass is applied to the skin of the face. After 20 minutes it needs to be rinsed with water. This procedure will help tighten pores and have a soothing effect on the sebaceous glands.

Oat and parsley mask

  • parsley (1 bunch),
  • oatmeal (2 tbsp)
  • water (1 tbsp.).

Tear the parsley, add water, boil for about 10 minutes, and then cool. Pour 15 ml of parsley broth over oatmeal, stir into a paste and apply to your face. After a quarter of an hour, the mask should be washed off with water (preferably warm). You can use the rest of the decoction as a tonic, after freezing it.

Oat mask

  • ground oat flakes,
  • egg white.

The ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin for 10 minutes. After the time has passed, you need to wash your face with warm water.

Honey and sour cream mask

  • honey (2 tbsp.),
  • sour cream / yogurt (2 tbsp),
  • lemon juice (2 drops).

All ingredients are mixed and applied in a thick layer. After 20 minutes, all this should be washed off with warm water. This mask will make your skin cleaner, softer, fresher and more velvety.

Apricot and sour milk mask

  • ripe apricot,
  • sour milk.

Mix the ingredients in a 1 to 1 ratio and apply the resulting mixture to the skin for a quarter of an hour.

Bodyaga mask against blackheads

  • pharmaceutical bodyaga (2 tbsp.),
  • 3% boric acid.

A paste is made from the indicated components and placed on the face with light rubbing movements for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off with cold water. This mask is best for those who have acne problem.

Lemon mask

  • lemons juice (from a medium-sized fruit),
  • linden honey (2 tsp).

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed on the face for 10 minutes (this version of the mask will come in handy for increased pustular inflammation).

Yeast mask

  • flower honey (1 tbsp),
  • fresh baker's yeast (1 tbsp),
  • sour juice or milk or water (2nd and 3rd option for inflammation-prone skin
  • 1 tbsp).

The components are thoroughly mixed, and then applied to a clean, dry face for a quarter of an hour (no more). This way the sebum output is well regulated.

Classic cucumber mask

The cucumber is cut into thin slices and applied to the face. After a quarter of an hour, the mask is washed off with cold water.

Raw potato mask

  • raw potatoes (1 medium size),
  • egg white (1 pc.),
  • salt (pinch).

Mix grated potatoes, egg white and salt and apply to skin. Keep for 30 minutes. This option

  • the most gentle for the face.

    Bread mask

    • rye bread,
    • warm milk/water.

    Soaked bread in milk or water is placed on the face and left for about a quarter of an hour, at the end it is washed off with warm water. Thanks to this procedure, excess fat is removed, and the skin becomes velvety, with an even color.

  • Oily facial skin is a problem that many people suffer from. It provokes annoying shine and acne. To eliminate oily facial skin, drying cosmetics are usually used, the manufacturers of which promise a quickly achievable effect.

    However, they will provide a stable result if the cause of oily skin is eliminated. Therefore, the first step in solving a dermal problem is to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

    Signs and origins of oily facial skin

    Oily skin is the result of overproduction of oil by the sebaceous glands. These glands are located under the surface of the skin.

    Sebum is a substance made up of fats. It's not too bad as it protects and moisturizes the skin and keeps the hair on your head shiny and healthy.

    Too much sebum, however, can lead to oily skin, which can lead to clogged pores and acne.

    The occurrence of comedones (blackheads), fatty gland cysts, etc. is also not uncommon. The skin is similar to an orange peel because it has pores.

    An undeniable advantage for people with oily skin is that wrinkles begin to appear later.

    The epidermis shiny from grease is an unpleasant phenomenon for its owners. Due to the excessive work of the fat glands, a rough, porous texture with an unhealthy tone and a greasy sheen is formed on the skin; the surface of the skin can be overdried, like parchment.

    Genetics, hormonal changes, or even stress can increase sebum production.

    Oily tissue on the face is localized in the T-zone: forehead, chin and nose. On the body, the greasy epidermis is located on the back and chest. The properties of oily skin also appear on oily hair on the head.

    This happens for the following reasons:

    1. Genetically determined. Under these circumstances, the epidermis is oily throughout life.
    2. Adolescence. Teenagers are familiar with the manifestations of oily skin, which by the age of 25-30 becomes combination.
    3. Intensive work of fat glands. This is associated with an inherited predisposition to oily skin, disrupted processes in the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, colitis, constipation), and hormonal changes. The reason for the excessive productivity of fat on the skin surface is diet (addiction to spicy, fatty, starchy foods, alcohol, soda), work at elevated temperatures, being in a room smoked by cigarettes, under UV radiation.
    4. Hormonal. This happens during puberty and the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle. Hormonal disruption occurs during menopause, pregnancy, and stress. This also occurs due to treatment with hormones or their sudden use, or prolonged use of oral contraceptives.
    5. Disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system. This occurs when, with hypothyroidism, both dry skin and oily epidermis on the face are noted.

    Reduced immunity also affects the appearance of the sebaceous surface of the epidermis.

    7 diseases that cause oily skin

    The doctor will be able to find out why the patient’s facial skin is oily. Because sebaceous epidermis also appears in patients:

    • diabetes mellitus;
    • cachexia (exhaustion);
    • obesity;
    • with tumors, polycystic ovary syndrome;
    • hyperandrogenism;
    • hypertrichosis;
    • with liver diseases.

    Poor hygienic care with the use of aggressive cleansing of the skin surface with alcohol-containing cosmetics contributes to the appearance of excess fat on the skin.

    This can also be caused by the use of scrubs, regular degreasing of the epidermis, consumption of fatty creams, etc.

    You should not rely only on your own knowledge. It is better to trust a dermatologist who will determine the cause of excessive greasiness on the surface of the skin. This will prevent serious health problems.

    What to do if your facial skin is oily? How can you help yourself?

    10 rules for oily skin

    You should adhere to rules aimed at preventing diseases of the oily skin surface. Here is their list:

    1. Eliminate (limit) consumption of fatty and fried foods. It is better to say “no” to salty and smoked, pickled and sweet foods. Preferred menu items include dishes made from lean fish and white meat, vegetables and fruits, and bran.
    2. Cosmetics are chosen with a reduced lipid content and those in which antibacterial and antiseptic substances are represented by ethanol up to 10%.
    3. Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.

    It is preferable to purchase hypoallergenic cosmetics that include plant extracts to soothe sensitive and irritated skin.

    Choose all care products labeled “for combination or oily skin.”

    Compliance with the following rules is also important:

    1. Choose the right wash (gel or foam, milk is best avoided). The use of soap, washcloths, and hot water is prohibited.
    2. Once every 7 days, use regular peeling, facial cleansing (for example).
    3. Use UV protective cream UVA and UVB all year round (for example, Bioderma AKN).
    4. Do not use foundation frequently, reduce its use to twice a week.
    5. Decorative cosmetics should be chosen wisely, for example, powder with minerals.
    6. It is permissible to use homemade masks no more than 1-2 times every 7 days. For the procedures, white, green, blue clay, apples, kiwi, and lemon juice are used. A positive result is achieved with a mask of porridge-like fresh potatoes.
    7. Sea salt lotions work effectively. They are performed once every 7 days, using 500 ml of melt water and 1 tsp for the solution. salt. Leave the product on for 5-10 minutes.
    8. Moisturize your skin only with creams and serums designed for combination or oily skin.
    9. Consider products with retinol. The drug with vitamin A accelerates cell turnover, making it one of the best ways to combat aging. It also works wonders on acne. Differin recently became available over the counter without a prescription.
    10. Going to the sauna helps.

    Green pharmacy (5 healing herbs)

    How to get rid of the problem at home? It is advisable to treat sebaceous skin with herbaceous plants.

    The presence of flavonoids, tannins, saponins (nitrogen-free and alkali-free organic natural substances), silicic acid, plant hormones and microelements have a positive effect on the sebaceous epidermis.

    1. Chamomile is a natural antiseptic with anti-inflammatory effect. Its extract can cleanse and soften the skin surface of the face, restore elasticity and smoothness.
    2. Salvia officinalis has bactericidal, soothing, regenerating powers. Calendula officinalis has the ability to heal and restore damaged epidermis.
    3. Oak (birch) bark is famous for its antiseptic and tanning qualities. Tricolor violet extract is aimed at cleansing, stimulating metabolic processes and ridding the body of harmful substances.
    4. Green tea extract has the role of an antioxidant, which reduces the effect of free radicals on the skin.
    5. An extract from dandelion root increases the body's protective powers, helps in the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, and kidneys. The plant extract is involved in releasing the body from metabolic products, which has a positive effect on the surface of the skin.

    Each patient selects an herb that is effective on the oily dermis individually. Replace water when washing with herbal infusions of chamomile, mint, nettle, and linden blossom.

    Oils for oily skin

    Oil formulations are used instead of night cream. They are applied in a thin layer to a clean skin surface.

    Oils act on pores clogged with dirt and hard fat, regulate sebum production, and affect cell regeneration.

    Which oils to use? Here is their list:

    1. Hazelnut in pure form or as part of other oils. Under the influence of the product, the surface of the skin is cleansed, smoothed and restored, the pores are tightened.
    2. Grape seeds, after which the surface of the dermis looks moisturized and without noticeable pores.
    3. Berries, buds, black currant leaves - the product is endowed with antibacterial properties, the skin after it becomes elastic, the tone increases.
    4. Sesame seeds, which influence the normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, narrowing of pores.
    5. Almond kernels, which cope with cleaning pores and irritation of red spots.
    6. Tea tree leaves - the oily composition saves from acne and normalizes the condition of the dermis.
    7. Lavender restores dullness to the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the dermis.

    Use hazelnut oil (50% of mixing) with the addition of 10% of other selected oils. If you take essential oils (from sandalwood, rosemary, juniper, bergamot, grapefruit, cedar), add 1-2 drops to the base oil composition.

    Cosmetic treatments for oily skin

    What to do if your skin is oily and acne appears? To eliminate the problem of oily skin, it is permissible to include the following measures:

    • using scrubs (from almond, apricot, salt, clay, etc.), this will even out and cleanse the skin;
    • use (lactic, pyruvic, trichloroacetic, glycolic, etc.), this will reduce pH, regulate sebum production and reduce the fat content of the dermis;
    • consumption of masks (mud, clay, seaweed based), and this will disinfect, soothe the skin surface and remove excess fatty formations.

    Question - answer

    Of course, oily skin also needs regular moisturizing. With this type of skin, fat interferes with normal cell respiration, pores become clogged, and even collagen production deteriorates. This is why it is important to cleanse the skin surface and then remember to moisturize it.

    To do this, you can use special special napkins. They gently wipe the face, which removes excess sebum without spoiling the makeup. It is also worth carrying powder with you, which after a while can hide the flaw.

    This is explained by the fact that after using a paper towel, a person immediately throws it away. But the towel often remains too wet, and this is an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply. As a result, they end up on the skin surface, which, especially on oily skin, can lead to inflammation.

    TOP 5 treatment methods

    Skin with excess oil content that is prone to peeling requires additional treatment prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

    The course of treatment is determined by a specialist after receiving the results of a blood test (glucose, hormones), familiarization with hereditary predispositions, medical history, etc.

    The skin surface can be cured of oiliness using hardware measures:

    1. . The beam induces photochemical transformations in the dermis. During the sessions, the epidermis is smoothed, renewed and regenerated. Its elasticity and tone change for the better.
    2. Microdermabrasion of the dermis. Based on the action of an abundance of microscopic particles. They will polish the skin without pain, eliminate wrinkles, tighten pores, and reduce stretch marks.
    3. Iontophoresis. It acts on the sebaceous dermis. As a result, blood flow to it, nutrition and microcirculation improves. The treatment restores the skin surface due to deep diffusion of nutrients and eliminates oiliness.
    4. Cavitation (ultrasonic) peeling. With a shock wave, it cleanses the skin without pain, removes excess sebum from the pores of the hair follicles, and cleanses the keratinized dermis.
    5. Based on mechanical vibrations. The procedure achieves massage, destruction of fibrous tissue, lymphatic drainage (removal of excess fluid). The technique prevents oil from clogging the hair follicles and reduces skin rashes and irritation on the dermis.

    Aisha Baron

    plastic surgeon

    To wash your face, use gels, foams suitable for your skin type, and cold water. Use toners, and moisturize your skin with cream before applying cosmetics. I also recommend not to forget about sunscreen. Cleanse your skin daily in the evening to remove dirt and makeup. And apply the cream again, only at night. These are simple rules, but they will help maintain the beauty of your skin.

    Proper care and a healthy lifestyle will eliminate excess oily skin. It makes the surface of the dermis attractive, eliminates acne and greasy shine. At the same time, it is not difficult to maintain the visual youth of the face.

    To do this, you should follow simple rules and take care of your skin. If you cannot solve the problem of excess fat on your own, you should consult a doctor.

    Oily facial skin causes many emotional problems. Its owners are constantly worried about the quickly appearing shine and untidy, shiny appearance. Unattractive black dots are often added to this.

    It is possible to bring your skin condition back to normal, but it is not so easy. It is necessary to restore the optimal functioning of the sebaceous glands, narrow pores, eliminate formed comedones, and cure acne. But these problems are typical only for. Therefore, the torment due to oily skin does not last forever and it goes away with age.

    When skin cells change and no longer retain moisture, there will be no trace of the oily film left. As a result, the pores will narrow on their own and the inflammation will disappear. It will even have its own advantages. Oily skin retains youth longer, while dry and even normal skin develop wrinkles earlier. But you shouldn’t wait until adulthood to say goodbye to a boring problem. If you take appropriate measures, you can noticeably improve the condition of your skin in your youth.

    The main cause of increased oily skin is gastrointestinal diseases

    What products are used for oily skin?

    Caring for oily koi comes down to the use of drying agents, as well as anti-inflammatory and disinfectant cosmetics. You can’t stop your choice on just one product. All of them must act in a comprehensive manner.

    Products for oily skin care are available in abundance. However, this is not a reason to refuse homemade ones.


    For washing it is better to use gels and foams for oily skin. They are united by the absence of alcohol, softness, and delicate consistency. The pH level should not be higher than 4.5. Many gels include essential oils of lemon, tea tree, and basil. If you want to use home remedies, take fermented milk products, for example.


    A mixture of sugar and milk is an excellent facial scrub.

    You should use scrubs 2 times a week. They remove dead skin particles, eliminate blackheads, and allow the skin to breathe unhindered.

    A mixture of salt and ground coffee. Take equal amounts of salt and ground coffee. The components are mixed and applied to a damp face. Massage the skin for 2 minutes and wash off the composition.

    A mixture of sugar and milk. 2 tablespoons of brown sugar are mixed with cold milk, it is taken in the amount of 3 tablespoons. This composition is used for facial massage. Duration – 2 – 3 minutes. Then everything is washed off.


    The face mask has a beneficial effect on the skin

    After using the scrub, you need to make a mask that will have a beneficial effect on the skin. Standard exposure time is 10 – 20 minutes.

    • Black clay. Excellent for drying the skin. Black clay powder is diluted with water. Next, the resulting paste is applied to the face and left for 20 minutes.
    • Lemon with cream. Low-fat cream is mixed with lemon juice. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities, mixed, and applied to the face.
    • Oat flakes with egg white. Grind 3 tablespoons of flakes and mix with beaten egg white. The composition is applied and kept for 15 minutes.
    • Camphor oil with protein. The egg white is beaten and camphor oil is added in the amount of 15 drops. The composition is infused for 10 minutes. This mask can be used once a week.
    • Lotions with a drying effect. Lotions are needed to wipe the skin after using cleansers. They can be completely replaced with ice cubes.
    • Wine cubes. To prepare such cubes, take white wine, volume 100 ml. It is better if it is semi-dry. Next you need to prepare a decoction of sage and St. John's wort. Plant raw materials are taken in equal quantities - 2 tablespoons per 10 ml of boiling water. The broth is cooled, filtered, after cooling, mixed with wine, poured into molds and placed in the freezer. You need to massage your face with these cubes for about 2 minutes.
    • Boric acid. A lotion based on boric acid is prepared with the addition of water (a glass per teaspoon of boric acid), glycerin (20 drops) and 350 ml of vodka.
    • Mint. Mint leaves are crushed, take a tablespoon of raw material, brew 20 ml of boiling water, cool, filter.
    • Grapefruit peel. The peel is removed from the fruit, placed in a porcelain container, and filled with cold water. In this form, the peel should stand overnight. In the morning you can wipe your face with this lotion.
    • Medicinal herbs. For a liter of boiling water you need a spoonful of sage, a spoonful of coltsfoot, a spoonful of eucalyptus, a spoonful of chamomile, a spoonful of yarrow. The composition is boiled for 15 minutes in a water bath. Leave for 4 hours. Then add 50 ml of alcohol tincture of calendula and eucalyptus, which are sold in pharmacies, to the mixture.
    • Crema. Oily skin needs special creams. They should be light, well absorbed, and not leave a film. They are applied after using lotion or immediately after washing.
    • Lanolin with berries. The berry component is strawberry and currant juices. They are taken 1 spoon at a time. Lanolin is taken in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Before mixing, it must be melted in a water bath. Berry juices and a spoonful of oatmeal are added to the melted lanolin. This mixture is used as a cream.
    • Nourishing cream. The base of the cream is vegetable oil (4 tablespoons). Add a spoonful of glycerin, melted beeswax, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 20 drops of boric acid. The components are mixed while heated in a water bath. Lemon juice is added last. It can be replaced with cucumber juice. Glycerin and juice should be poured very slowly.
    • Warm compresses. Herbal compresses applied warm to the skin significantly improve the condition of the skin. They help remove horny masses from the pores. Compresses can be used twice a week.

    For a compress, you can take yarrow, calamus, St. John's wort, calendula, coltsfoot, horsetail, and eucalyptus. When the herbs are taken in equal quantities and mixed. You need to scoop 2 tablespoons from the mixture. This amount of herbal mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water.

    The herb will infuse for 15 minutes. Then a cloth (gauze folded in several layers, a towel) is dipped in the hot broth and the cloth is placed on the face. Next, you need to wait until the fabric cools down, remove it and wipe the skin with ice. The cold will help tighten the pores. It is more convenient to carry out this procedure while lying down.

    Oily skin is not a death sentence. If desired, the situation can be corrected and you can enjoy the blooming appearance of healthy facial skin. There is no point in living with a greasy shine and unpleasant appearance.

    You will see how to cope with oily skin in the thematic video:

    The skin performs important protective and thermoregulatory functions. Skin problems are a reflection of internal malfunctions in the body. Pathologies of the endocrine and digestive systems and other functional abnormalities affect the fat content and structure of the skin. Very oily skin on the face leads to blockage of the sebaceous ducts, peeling of the epidermis and can cause acne. What should be the cosmetic care for oily skin, what should you do to normalize the activity of the exocrine glands and give your facial skin a well-groomed appearance? These issues are discussed in this article.

    Causes of skin problems

    Beautiful skin and a well-groomed appearance are not compatible with any dermatological problems. Therefore, changes, especially systemic ones, on the surface of the skin or in the layers of the dermis cannot be ignored.

    The amount of secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands determines skin types (oily, dry, normal). Cosmetologists classify oily skin as normal, however, with intense secretion of sebum from the ducts, a more complex problem may arise - seborrhea. Improper care for oily skin aggravates the situation and leads to inflammation of the sebaceous glands and roughening of the skin.

    The main factors that increase the production of sebum by the glands are:

    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, respiratory and circulatory system;
    • unbalanced diet and sedentary lifestyle;
    • hormonal imbalance during adolescence, menopause, pregnancy;
    • improper cosmetic care and low-quality cosmetics;
    • disturbances in the activity of the nervous system (long-term stress);
    • bad habits (alcohol and tobacco consumption);
    • insufficient exposure to fresh air.

    IMPORTANT! Skin problems usually arise from the combined action of several factors. The fight against pathological oily skin should be comprehensive. First of all, it is necessary to normalize the functioning of internal organs, change the diet and systematically use high-quality medicinal cosmetics.

    It should be remembered that cosmetics do not eliminate the problem, they only minimize the negative consequences of increased oiliness of the epidermis. Therapeutic efforts should be aimed at eliminating the cause of the dermatological disease. The increased production of sebaceous glands that occurs against the background of seborrhea contributes to pustular rashes and deeper inflammation of the ducts. This is due to the fact that the composition of the sebaceous secretion changes (the amount of unsaturated fatty acids decreases) and the bactericidal protection of the skin decreases.

    Improving the functioning of internal organs and body systems will have a positive effect on the structure of the skin and its color. Since there are no isolated systems in the body, restoring the functional balance will inevitably launch the processes of skin renewal and regeneration and will help avoid acne.

    Healthy lifestyle and beautiful skin

    What needs to be done to prevent oily skin on your face? First of all, it is advisable to draw up an individual comprehensive program to normalize the activity of the exocrine glands.

    It is important to start by implementing the following principles of a healthy lifestyle:

    IMPORTANT! Changing your lifestyle based on the principles of a healthy lifestyle should take place gradually, with slow adaptation of the body. It is important to combine this transition with proper cosmetic skin care, prevention and treatment of dermatological problems. Improving the body’s health launches skin renewal programs, which leads to normalization of sebaceous secretion production in the glands. The result immediately affects the appearance of the skin: it becomes smoother and more elastic, and a healthy complexion returns.

    Rules of cosmetic care

    Increased secretion production by the sebaceous glands requires special use of medications and cosmetics. This is necessary to prevent the development of seborrhea and improve biological processes in the layers of the epidermis and dermis.

    In addition to a healthy lifestyle, the following recommendations from cosmetologists will help turn very oily skin into normal skin, remove acne on the forehead and other areas of the face:

    • use high-quality cosmetics from well-known manufacturers (preferably from the same line), since in this case a complex effect and maximum results are achieved;
    • choose cosmetics (creams, lotions, foams, gels) taking into account special labeling: “for oily skin”;
    • do not use a sponge when washing your face (you must clean your face with neutral detergents, lightly massaging the skin with your hands);
    • When washing, do not use too hot water, as this increases the production of sebum - it is better to wash with warm water, followed by a contrast dousing with cold water;
    • do not use products containing alcohol, since drying the epidermis gives only a temporary effect - in the future, the production of sebum by the glands will increase;
    • It is better to choose decorative cosmetics with clay components and zinc oxide (these substances absorb sebum, prevent inflammation, and even out the surface);
    • do not use creams with a dense texture; give preference to products with a light consistency (gels, emulsions, foams);
    • choose foundation cosmetics, powder, blush taking into account their mattifying effect (apply with a sponge), avoid liquid masking cosmetics;
    • apply cleansing procedures daily (facial steam baths with chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort).

    The listed methods of cosmetic care can make the skin less oily, restore its color, elasticity and firmness.

    If cosmetic methods of facial care do not bring the desired results and problems persist, it is advisable to contact a specialist at a cosmetic clinic. Professional methods for regulating sebum production and eliminating acne are: mechanical and hardware cleaning, vaporization, treatment with low-frequency currents, liquid nitrogen, massage, therapeutic masks.

    Video about caring for oily skin

    Lasting cosmetic results arise only with an integrated approach: a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, prevention and adequate cosmetic skin care. Such efforts will definitely lead to success - the skin will be even, smooth without greasy shine and rashes.