Types of flat and round fish: description and features. Classification and characteristics of the main families of fish Semantic fish

Today we will tell you about the Praktik ER-6Pro echo sounder. This model is suitable for both summer and winter fishing; in general, it was originally created to work in extreme conditions, and this already says something. You can find a lot of sites where all its characteristics will be described in detail, but you must agree that one thing is a technical description of the device, and another thing is its functioning in real conditions. Therefore, I suggest you familiarize yourself with what other fishermen say about him and draw the appropriate conclusions from all this.

As practice shows, the echo sounder works stably under any conditions, all the necessary information is displayed on the screen in a timely manner. The device is so perfect that you can easily see even the weakest vibrations of small baits and detect the approach of fish in time. The only thing that may seem inconvenient to you at first is the sensitivity settings - but this is just so, minor quibbles. I really liked that the display has an anti-reflective coating, which is especially important when fishing under bright sun.

There have been cases when, as a result of careless actions, the echo sounder ended up at the bottom of the reservoir (it accidentally fell into a hole or a fisherman pushed it over the side of the boat). So, even after a long (up to 25 minutes) stay in the water, it continued to function. For this, it is worth saying a special thank you to the developers who protected the board with electronics with a layer of special varnish.

However, if you accidentally dropped your Practitioner ER-6Pro into water, I advise you to turn it off just in case, and upon arriving home, remove the cover, remove the board and carefully dry it. Still, electronics are very sensitive to moisture.

In addition to the listed advantages, it is also worth mentioning its small dimensions and light weight, which is especially important for winter fishing, where sometimes every gram counts.

Here is a short review, and the decision to purchase is yours. Happy fishing!

Description of trout species and their habits

Trout is a generalized name for several species of salmon fish that inhabit various bodies of water and are found throughout our country. It is of commercial value, as well as of interest to amateur fishermen and athletes. It is considered a noble underwater inhabitant, the catching of which is not easy and requires considerable skill and experience.

This representative of salmon has the highest culinary value. Its meat contains many vitamins and microelements that promote health. You can cook a wide variety of dishes from it. This fish is smoked, fried, stewed, salted, boiled and even eaten raw. Its caviar is considered a delicacy. In some regions, so-called amber trout baked in the oven is popular.

Types of fish

In our conditions, there are three main types of this fish:

  • Karelian trout or lake trout;
  • stream;
  • rainbow.

Karelian trout inhabits mainly deep reservoirs with cold water in Karelia and the Kola Peninsula, and is found en masse in Lake Ladoga and Onega. This is a large schooling fish that can live at depths of up to 100 meters. Grows up to a meter in length.

Brook trout is a freshwater form of sea trout, which is an anadromous fish. But unlike her, she leads a sedentary lifestyle, prefers streams and rivers with cold, clear water and a strong flow. It usually grows up to 1–2 kg, but there is information about individuals weighing 10–12 kg.

Rainbow trout are considered a freshwater form of Pacific steelhead. The most common type in our country. Many fish farms are engaged in its targeted breeding. This predator is stocked in paid ponds, where fishing with a spinning rod is especially popular.

Description of the fish

All trout species have a similar body shape. It is slightly elongated, laterally compressed. The head is medium-sized, truncated. The mouth is medium, the eyes are small. Males are slightly smaller than females, but have more teeth. As they age, their lower jaw may curve upward.

Trout is covered with dense small scales. There are two fins on the back - the main and false, which are also called adipose. This is common to all salmon. The abdominal, pectoral, anal and tail are of medium size.

The color of this fish is very variable and depends on the habitat and the specific species. On a light bottom, trout often have a silver body with small black spots and a light olive back. On muddy or peaty soil it is darker. The predator also changes color before spawning, its colors become more saturated.

Brook trout is brownish in color; its head and back may even be black. Numerous black and red spots are randomly located on the body. Sometimes it is called a pestle. Rainbow - lighter. It has a violet-red stripe along its lateral line. Thanks to her, this species got its name.


Trout spawn differently depending on the species and specific bodies of water. Ozernaya spawns twice a year: December–February and June–August. This process takes place at a considerable depth, sometimes up to 100 meters, and therefore has been little studied by ichthyologists. The female lays up to 1500 larvae, from which a fry up to 15 mm in size then hatches.

Brook trout reaches sexual maturity at 3–4 years of age. It spawns between November and December, when the water temperature is about 6 degrees. Eggs are laid in shallow rocky and pebble areas with fast currents. The female lays from 200 to 5000 eggs at a time. The fry hatch only in early spring.

Rainbow trout begin to spawn at 3–4 years of age. Under natural conditions, this process takes place in March–April. Large bottom caviar, up to 4.5–6.0 mm in diameter, matures in about two months. The fertility of the fish is about 2000 eggs.

Rainbow trout grow faster than brook trout. In addition, it tolerates increases in water temperature up to 20 degrees. Therefore, this particular species is bred in paid ponds and fish farms, since there is no need to create special conditions for keeping it.

What does it eat?

Trout is a predatory fish. At the beginning of life, its juveniles feed mainly on plankton, but as they grow older, they switch to a more varied diet, which consists of:

  • small benthic invertebrates (molluscs and worms);
  • crustaceans;
  • larvae of semi-aquatic insects;
  • frogs;
  • beetles, butterflies, grasshoppers and other insects falling into the water;
  • small fish.

Large individuals even attack small mammals that carelessly swim across a body of water. Trout can also eat plant foods. On many paid ponds it is caught using canned corn, dough, bread and others.

Where does it live?

Brook trout loves cool places, so they try to stick to places where there are springs and the water temperature does not rise. It can stand behind various shelters on riffles, as well as in areas with slow currents: before or after them.

The behavior of rainbow trout differs little from the lifestyle of brook trout. She likes to stand in the area of ​​some kind of shelter. These could be large stones or driftwood at the bottom, or various uneven terrain. On sunny days, the fish is usually inactive, but with the onset of cloudy weather its behavior changes dramatically, and the predator becomes active.

Lake trout inhabits deep lakes, where they stay at depths of 50–100 meters. The fish may be at the bottom or moving through the water column. In summer, it often approaches the coastal zone.

Spoons for pike - “shakers”

Spinner for pike in autumn. Oscillating spinners. Over the entire season, I caught a maximum of one and a half dozen “tails” using oscillating spoons. In a couple of previous seasons I caught maybe a little more, but the order of the numbers was the same. Nevertheless, I decided to dedicate the next issue of our series on lures to oscillating spoons.

After all, whether you like it or not, they continue to remain in first place in popularity, if we take into account not only the spinning players of Moscow and some other “advanced” centers in this regard, but also the most different parts of our country. “Voscillators” are more accessible than many others, and people believe in them, and this is a very important condition for success.

I decided to limit my review to only spoon-type spinners in their most classic design. Let’s leave out of our attention for now the spinners of the “Kastmaster” group (although they can also be classified as “spinning baits”), various “non-hooking” baits, there are many of them among the spinners of this class, as well as some other lures that have features similar to the “spinning baits”, but which, strictly speaking, are not them.

Jackson Сlionе

(2.3 cm, up to 1.5 g)

The very fact of the existence of this spinner is noteworthy. Firstly, its physical parameters - the “spinner” of size “00” has the same mass. Secondly, it belongs to the number of lures of the Japanese market, among which there is a great variety of things that confuse you when you try to understand what their scope of application is.

Among the main contenders for Clione, the manufacturer named Yamame and Iwana - Japanese endemic fish, as well as lake trout. I don’t know about the first two, but I managed to catch a couple of trout with this spinner. True, from the moment I got it, I didn’t have many opportunities to test it specifically on rainbow trout, but the spoon is definitely suitable for catching this fish. The only difference is that the size of the bait is, in my opinion, a little small.

I’ll name two “non-core” fish for Clione – perch and asp. I didn’t catch any of our other predators with it, but there were interesting moments with perch and asp. Several times I found myself in a situation where there was clearly a fish in the pond, but it didn’t take it, even if you turned inside out in front of it! But the Japanese “micro-oscillator” dramatically changed the situation.

True, the size of the fish matched the size of the bait, and the thought arose that the same spoon, but several times larger, would be just right. As I have noticed, Clione works best when retrieving slowly with short stops. It’s even possible that when you stop, you should release a little line with the tip of the rod.

(4.2 cm, 12.5 g)

I have caught six or seven species of fish with this lure, which is very impressive. If we can talk about any oscillating lure as the most universal, then Wob-L-Rite is the number one contender in this category. At the same time (this is the paradox of the situation) in catching each specific predatory fish, it does not occupy any high place.

For pike - it’s not the right size, for asp it would be better to offer “Kastmaster” or something similar, perch is generally not a particularly fanatical supporter of “oscillators”, etc. An analogy arises with a duck: it flies so-so, and walks anyhow, and swims - not so hot, but in “all-around” it turns out very well. In short, the Wob-L-Rite spoon should have a place in the bait box. It’s hard to guess in advance where, but it can really help out.

(4.3 cm, 4 g)

Apart from the chub, I don’t remember that I caught more than one or two “tails” of each species with this unusually shaped American “spreader”. But then the idea somehow came to my mind to treat it to the chubs walking near the surface - and a miracle happened. They began to race after the spoon, as sometimes happens with perches, which in a flock, plowing the surface of the water, rush after the popper!

It’s worth mentioning right away that this is not the case everywhere. Necessary conditions: the flock of chubs should be quite large (not a couple, but at least five), the current should also be present and the fish should be determined to attack the surface bait. However, such a combination of conditions is not uncommon.

The tactic is this: you throw a school of chub and immediately, without allowing the spoon to go deep and positioning the rod vertically, bring it to planing. Thanks to its successful shape, Thomas Eel can be easily brought to the surface without ultra-fast wiring. And this is exactly what is required. Behind the “whiskers” radiating from the spinner, you notice other “whiskers” that are more powerful.

And soon you feel contact, or even more than one. There are quite a lot of empty bites. I don’t know why, but even when catching chub, for example, with a wobbler, their share is sometimes very high.


(4.5 cm, 14.5 g)

A compact but rather heavy domestic spoon-type lure. In its geometry and parameters it is close to Wob-L-Rite. Except that the periods of fishing with both lures turned out to be separated for me. I used the Dvina in the 80s to catch pike in peat bogs, and mainly as bait for operational reconnaissance.

Imagine a large area in which open water alternates with islands of grass on unsteady ground, and progress towards the intended goal is given with considerable difficulty. Then, instead of using the usual lightweight spinners or wobblers for such conditions, you use a long-range “Dvina”, which can easily reach the desired point.

And there, if the pike is there and intends to peck, it either sits on this spoon, or, which happens more often, indicates the fact of its presence with an attack, which is clearly visible. Then you still find an opportunity to get closer to the point, change the spoon to a lighter one and the pike will attack it with a greater guarantee. To some, the situation described may seem somewhat far-fetched, but those who often fish in such conditions will understand me.

Often, a tactical replacement of bait here gives the desired result. Why Dvina? But because it can be retrieved at an average or slightly higher speed close to the surface, whereas most other compact-heavy spinners require a higher retrieve rate. As a rule, even a slight increase in the speed of movement of the bait negatively affects the reaction of the pike to it.

In addition to pike, the Dvina turned out to be in demand in asp fishing. At first it happened somehow by accident - I set a spoon and quickly caught it. Then I began to use the “Dvina” in the hunt for asp purposefully, and the result turned out to be very good, especially when I had to fish in the coastal zone with oblique casts in relation to the coastline.


(4.6 cm, 20 g)

I have more than once come across the statement that the asp feeds on chased fish, so it obviously bites best on narrow, oscillating spoons. What you see is a direct refutation of this kind of theoretical speculation. Several dozen asps were caught using this strange-looking spoon.

Let me note that this particular spoon is the most beautiful of the entire series of similar “pieces of iron”; the others are simply terrible, irregularly shaped stumps of thick metal with two drilled holes. It is clear that there is no need to talk about any uniformity of play with such spinners. But this is probably not required. The main thing is to realize that the game in this case is secondary.

There was an interesting story connected with one of these spinners. Once on the Oka I crossed paths with a fisherman who turned out to be the chief engineer of a military plant near Moscow. Two asps caught on a “clumsy piece of iron” made an impression on him.

At that time, the word “conversion” was on the lips of many people, and a new acquaintance asked me for a spinnerbait as a sample, intending to start producing spinning baits - instead of mortars, probably. I don’t know how it ended, but it looks like they will still produce mortars more profitable.

(5.5 cm, 22 g)

When products from European fishing brands flooded into the Russian market ten years ago, there were many remarks like:

“Excuse me, this is our “Storling”!”

Others specified:

“Firstly, not “Storling”, but “Storlek”, and secondly, not quite ours.”

A spinner of this geometry, perhaps the most popular among “spinning spoons,” was born many years ago in Germany. The look of the spinner, now produced under the DAM brand, is as close as possible to the original. The “Storling”, familiar to almost everyone, for example, has a slightly shallower stamping depth, which leads to a wider spread in the wiring.

Somehow, more than twenty years ago, a spinning player, who was probably old enough to be my grandfather, drew my attention to this. He caught pike in ponds exclusively with spinners of the “Storling” shape, but made with his own hands using a stamp that gave the spinner a steeper bend in the back.

According to him, when the pike is hungry, it doesn’t care which spoon to throw at, but when it’s sluggish, a spoon with less spread gives more bites. If we talk about the modern perception of the FZ Classic spinner, I would classify it as one of the baits that provokes so-called “impulsive bites” (reaction strikes).

Those who do a lot of fishing in shallow “toadfish” have, of course, noticed that pike bites when the bait falls into the water (maximum in a second) in such conditions are far from uncommon. Moreover, when fishing with “oscillators”, impulsive bites occur more often than when fishing with “turntables”. And this is especially true for FZ Classic spinners and similar ones.

Apparently, the very slap of such a spoon when it falls into the water turns out to be very naturalistic. When fishing with “shakers” of this type, you must definitely try step-by-step fishing in the water column. For example, you are fishing in a lake with a depth of 2-3 m. You move the lure at an average pace, but after every ten revolutions you stop reeling for a second and a half.

This method often gives many times better results than monotonous retrieving, and is practiced by many strong spinning players, including two-time Russian champion Alexander Neustroev.

(5.6 cm, 13 g)

In the mid-90s, I had the opportunity to fish on the Volga in the company of spinners from Penza. One of them, Andrei Serebryakov, gave me a glitter. The first thought was that it was a trinket, a souvenir. However, Andrei Nikolaevich, anticipating my reaction, said:

"Do not rush to conclusions. This “shaker” will “do” many others by a large margin. Be sure to try it on a lake or pond!”

I tried it. “Luga” showed miracles of performance! I didn’t catch any large fish with it, but the sizeable pike - from seven hundred grams to one and a half kilograms - really liked it. After the third fishing trip, only memories remained of the red-green enamel - the coating had been torn off by the teeth of predators, like sandpaper.

The reason for such popularity of “Luga” among the pike population of various “toad fishers” cannot be explained logically. At least when it was lying on the counter among other pieces of hardware, it was the last thing people paid attention to. Then “Luga” disappeared. The Baltika plant stopped its production, but only those few who managed to appreciate this nondescript spoon-bait regretted this.

When my only “Luga” (sooner or later this had to happen) “died in action,” it seemed impossible to make up for the loss. However, the situation was saved by my friend from Chisinau, Alexander Palchikov. He found one in his stash - it’s the one you see in the photo.

Interestingly, this spoon made a long journey along the route Leningrad - Romania - Chisinau - Moscow. Soviet-made “oscillators” were once supplied to many countries. The result was a kind of “re-export”. Recently there was information that the production of “Luga” will be resumed, but it is not yet on store shelves. So rummage through your bins - what if you find one or two?!


(6.4 cm, 14 g)

Another spinner with the name of the river as its name. I didn’t fish at all on the Dvina and Luga; I did catch on the Neman, but not on the “Neman”. But I fished with him on the Oka, and very well. Until I switched to jig fishing, the Neman was my main means of catching Oka pike and pike perch. I don’t know why, but I believed in this spinner, and it brought stable results. Here is a typical picture.

Cool summer day. Near edge with a depth difference from 2 m to 3.5 m. Weak current. You don’t need to throw too far - everything is nearby. We throw the edge over, let the spoon fall to the bottom and begin a slow, even retrieve. If you want to learn everything about baitcasting reels, then this is the place for you.

Passing the edge, the spinner strikes along it. But immediately before or immediately after this, bites most often occurred, and pike perch and pike pecked alternately, as if forgetting that they were “enemies.” It was possible to catch pike perch quite well on the “Neman” on wide sandy stretches with currents and underwater ridges. Here the spoon was simply thrown into the distance across the current and was carried away by the stream with almost no reeling.

The line back then was monofilament, spinning rods were made of fiberglass, there was no sensitivity, so the pike perch simply hung on stupid Kolyubaka tees, which became even dumber from constant “edging” in the sand. It can therefore be assumed that there were several times more bites than I noticed. But the result was still very decent.


(6.4 cm, 21 g)

As you can see, there is practically nothing left of the black back. This suggests that this specimen is the most combat-ready. The spoon showed itself very well in catching pike in deep sand pits - Belopesotsky and Biserovsky. It was on “Chernospinka” that I managed to catch the most pike there, weighing 2 kg or more.

This spoon, despite its rather large mass, remains attractive to pike even on a slow, even retrieve. There are also a lot of bites on the stepped one, but still, judging by my experience, it is better to carry out the “Blackback” without stopping.


(6.5 cm, 10 g)

One of those oscillating spoons that I mainly fished on polder canals and peat bogs in the Oka floodplain. Made of thin (1 mm) brass, it casts poorly, but allows for a very slow retrieve with minimal depth, which allows you to catch pike in a variety of phases of activity.

On the outside, the spinner is tinned, but not with pure tin, but with solder with a fair amount of lead, so the surface hardly shines, it is grayish-dull. The inside of the spoon is left as the original metal plate was, that is, a brownish-yellow color of tarnished brass.

If we were talking about the production of spinners for sale, then this version of their surface would immediately receive the label “non-commercial”, because the average buyer is greedy for something shiny. At that time, I was confident that my version of the spinner surface was obviously preferable to polished chrome and nickel. And now my position is not very different: solder and dull brass are at least no worse.

(6.8 cm, 23 g)

Both the name itself and the very characteristic shape of the Lithuanian spoon leave no doubt that the Atom-2 spinner, very popular in the Soviet Union, was used as its prototype. If in the 80s, surveys were conducted among spinning anglers on their favorite lures, then “Atom-2” would have at least entered the top three, and most likely would have been in the first position of the hit parade.

But I myself didn’t really share the popular love for this spoon - I caught it with it, of course, but without being overly enthusiastic. The Baltic incarnation of the same “oscillator” definitely improved the assessment of this model as a whole. Atomas differs from “Atom-2” in greater mass and slightly in the geometry of the rear part. As in the case of the DAM FZ Classic, the Lithuanian spoon has a slightly deeper stamping with all the accompanying effects.

Aise Atomas is available in two versions: thin metal and thick. The 23 g spinner presented here is made of thick metal. Such a spinner flies very far (this is also facilitated by the center of gravity shifted back), plays stably at a wide variety of fishing speeds, in currents and in still water, while the game itself is as narrow as possible for such a wide “spinner”.

Perhaps it was the last feature that was the main reason for the popularity of “Atom-2”, because, as already mentioned, the reaction of pike to spinners with a small spread is consistently positive, and pike perch even more so.

(7.4 cm, 12 g)

The Toby in the photo is the only “real” spinner of this very recognizable shape that I have ever owned. But there were about a dozen “fake” ones, and mostly very close to the original. At one time I was convinced that pike, especially in still water, should be caught with a wide “oscillator”.

But somehow I crossed paths with a guy on the quarry bay who was fishing with Toby (albeit not “native” - that’s not that important), and the score by the end of the day was 4:0 not in my favor! Of course, this could have been an accident, but nevertheless it forced us to reconsider our views on geometric priorities. As a result, I came to a conclusion that was confirmed more than once.

By analogy with “spinners”, when in one body of water a predator, for inexplicable reasons, prefers Aglia, in another, very similar one - Long, in some places the pike is clearly better suited for “oscillators” of chased shapes, although it would seem that logic and experience require spinners of a different shape . This should be kept in mind, and at the slightest suspicion of such a situation, try fishing with narrow spoons. Toby in this context is, although not unique, but certainly one of the best.

(7.6 cm, 17 g)

When a “shaker” appears in the assortment of a “turntable” company, this is a significant event. Such a “hesitation” simply cannot be ordinary. Syclops, the idea of ​​which was proposed at one time by Henri Limousin, fully confirms this idea. In this regard, we recall a similar story that took place more than half a century ago in our country.

Alexander Laputin, a spinning player of no less stature than Limousin, offered the production workers a “Universal” spinning spoon. However, what came off the factory assembly line had very little in common with the author’s development. With Syclops, everything was done both wisely and according to accepted civilized norms.

Therefore, this spoon is produced strictly in its original form. In our country, Syclops has not received due popularity for two reasons. This includes price competition from domestic spinners, and the almost complete absence of “left-handed” spinners of this type, which would help to form a more or less adequate idea of ​​the original.

After all, unlike the same Toby, you are unlikely to find something as similar to Syclops in the assortment of a randomly chosen Chinese or Polish company. In terms of performance, the Syclops is definitely designed with purpose. When retrieving, the front part of the spoon practically does not deviate from a straight line; the game is mainly achieved due to the oscillations of the rear part.

This gives stability to the movement of the bait and ensures its better cross-country ability when compared with other “shakers” with an open tee. Therefore, Syclops performs very well when it comes to fishing through sparse grass. The size 76 mm is the most pike. But on Syclops No. 0 there is excellent brook trout fishing.

DAM Heintz Blinker

(8.9 cm, 15 g)

Many years ago I was given the original of this spoon for one day. I quickly made a stamp from the materials at hand, but when I tried what I came up with, I was somewhat disappointed. The spinner did not play. If other “oscillators”, more or less similar to a “spoon”, very actively rolled from side to side or even walked with a fair amount of drag along a steep spiral, then my copy of Heintz’s swayed slightly to the right and left, and that’s all.

The second acquaintance with the old spinner took place in the mid-90s of the last century. She was no longer a homemade copy, but “native” - there was no doubt about that. First of all, I checked her in the bath and made sure that even if she played, it was very sluggish. So that's how it should be. Now all that was left was to find a method to serve Heintz to the fish.

An opportunity presented itself during training before the competition in Krasnodar. On the last day before the start it was on the main estuary, so we fished on the neighboring one. And that’s when Heintz “shot”! Of the two options, I had the light one - made of thin metal. On the very first cast, on which I tried a “step” retrieve in the water column, a pike landed on the Heintz, and after another ten minutes - two in a row.

Then I began to alternate this oscillating spoon with others. There were consistently more bites on Heintz. And many of them are on pauses in wiring. Thanks to its characteristic bend - with minimal longitudinal curvature, the Heintz was weakly scattered on a straight retrieve, and thanks to its lightness, it hung longer on pauses.

It was spring, and the pike, it seemed, was not yet completely ready to attack the nimble baits. And the competition itself took place in a different water area, where there was less pike, so we had to rely on rudd and perch. Heintz was left out of the game that time, but I remembered the fishing on the neighboring estuary.

Subsequently, Heintz confirmed the reputation of the spinner for catching inactive, sluggish pike, which (so it sometimes seems) is too lazy to move its tail once again and open its mouth wide in order to grab a too fast bait. This happens primarily in spring and late autumn. The last note concerns the additional tee with which this spoon is equipped.

The thing is that in those distant years when the Heintz Blinker was born, it was the norm to equip spinning lures with a large number of hooks. For example, on some rare American wobblers you can count up to six tees. Nowadays, ideas about hook weapons are significantly different. That's why I usually remove the front tee from the Heintz. And I advise you.

(9.2 cm, 27 g)

Several years ago, I was given a parcel from Klaipeda with new products from a Lithuanian company that is now well known to many. There was a lot of interesting stuff there, but one “position,” as I immediately thought, was sent to the wrong address. The oscillating spoon with a name that is impossible to remember if you are not Lithuanian was clearly from the trolling category: large, wide, thin.

I didn’t try this “piece of hardware” right away. I took her with me on the North Urals expedition. And there, on a remote taiga lake, the spoon suddenly turned out to be objectively the best bait, and not in any trolling, but in casting fishing!

What was completely surprising was that Aise Zvynuotoji was far superior in performance not only to any of the baits in its class, but also to “spinners” and even wobblers, which, as it seemed to me, in such conditions (still water, depth 1.5-2 m, grass) should invariably outperform the “oscillators”. Later, I was able to verify the operational merits of Zvynuotoji a couple of times on the Volga reservoirs.

Pike even there, in shallow bays moderately overgrown with grass, clearly preferred it to other “spiders”. One can only guess what this advantage of the Baltic spinner is due to. Probably, not the least role here is played by its significantly larger surface area, when compared with medium-sized oscillating spoons.

On the other hand, jerkbaits, for example, have even larger dimensions, and the waves from them are no less powerful, but on the same Ural lake, although pike pecked on jerkbaits, they were still not as zealous as on a large green “spoon” ” by Aise.

And further. At Zvynuotoji I always came across pike weighing strictly 1.5-2 kg, that is, the kind that is usually caught with medium oscillating spoons. There were no “crocodiles” yet. And this is another reason to think about the phenomenon of this spinner, unfamiliar to most of us.

(6.8 cm, 12.5 g)

Sometimes we notice some things only after someone we know brings them to our attention. This is what happened with this Canadian spinner, which is very difficult to distinguish among dozens of various “spinning spoons”. But one day Semyon Shadrin calls me and literally begins to breathlessly tell me about a certain spinner that does something incredible.

I had certainly seen this lure before, but no more. If this were the opinion of an abstract fisherman, I would probably have turned a deaf ear to it, but Shadrin is a well-known person in the fishing world and an expert in “shakers,” and this already radically changed the state of affairs. As it turned out, Wabler really deserves the most flattering epithets. What is very unusual for oscillating spoons, the shape of this bait is patented.

And the main thing here is the characteristic longitudinal rib. According to the manufacturer, it ensures stabilization of the bait's movement. In my opinion, the matter is not limited to the role of the rib here - the general shape of the spoon (with a uniform one-sided bend) also contributes to the regularity of the bait's oscillations in a wide range of retrieve speeds - from very slow to medium-fast.

As a result, pike can be successfully caught on the Wabler in a variety of activity phases. What else is remarkable about this “oscillator” is that on a stepped drive it descends with constant rotation around its axis; this is a very good and repeatedly proven provoking factor when catching sluggish pike.

Finally, what came as a complete surprise to me was some kind of “unnatural” catchability of the Wabler when trolling from ice on ponds. I myself am not keen on this type of fishing, but from different people I heard a story about how a man, with the help of Wabler, several times in a row, on a bet, “outdid” his competitors on pay-sites near Moscow by a large margin, and it was about catching pike at the same time , and trout.

Dardevlet Clicker

(7.4 cm, 21 g)

One of the impressions I took away from my trip to the ICAST exhibition was connected precisely with oscillating spoons. As soon as I approached any stand that had an assortment of “oscillators,” the presence of the word “Russia” on my “badge” invariably became the seed for a long conversation.

The essence of the conversation boiled down to approximately the following: it is they, the southerners, who are all obsessed with bass, and we, the residents of the northern states, Canada and, of course, Russia, must catch the fish that unites us all, that is, pike; and for pike there is no better bait than a “spreader”, try ours...

Oscillating spoons, which are popular among pike anglers in North America and Europe, are somewhat different in type - not, of course, because pike have different tastes here and there, but more because of tradition. The difference is difficult to convey in a few phrases, but the basic shape of Dardevle spinners exactly reflects the most characteristic type of American pike “spinning spoons”.

As for the Clicker model, I fell for it several years ago - after Alexey Andreev described this type of “oscillator” as the most popular in the Baltics. I tried it - and after several fishing trips I had no reason to doubt it.

At an average speed, the spinner moves very steadily, without swaying from side to side, which is very useful when we are fishing along a wall of reeds or a drop-off from shallow water into the depths. If you speed up the retrieval and raise the tip of the spinning rod higher, then the Clicker is easily brought out for planing along the surface.

This method gives good results when catching pike on heavily overgrown “toad beds”, only the tee there should be replaced with an “offset” with a twister. What cannot but raise questions is the presence of two metal tails on the spoon: what is it – “jewelry” or functional elements? Most likely, it is the latter.

Firstly, the petals stabilize the motion of the spinner, and, for example, the option with planing wiring without them is more difficult to implement. Secondly, I have had many opportunities to see that something small located immediately behind the bait often acts as a decisive factor when it comes to catching a sluggish predator - think about the trailers (extra tails) on spinnerbaits.

Thirdly, the petals (this is clearly audible) jingle when wiring. I’m not ready to say that this always helps to increase the number of bites, but it certainly doesn’t make things worse.

Planet Pisces

Neptune, the god of the deep sea, is considered the patron planet of Pisces. This planet symbolizes the area of ​​the unconscious, rules the kingdom of mysticism and illusions.

Those born under this sign are distinguished by high spirituality and generosity, they are sensitive to other people's pain and compassionate. But they are too carried away by their dreams and ideas about events as they think they should be.

To say that they look at the world through rose-colored glasses would not be too much of an exaggeration. Many Pisces immerse themselves in art and other forms of creativity, seeing it as a way to achieve balance, and in doing so they show a lot of talent.

Element Pisces

Pisces is associated with Water. They are able to feel a lot, but are just as often prone to making mistakes. Pisces are susceptible to outside influences and can make you cry if circumstances allow.

They are romantic and can endow their lovers with non-existent ideal traits. They are kind and sociable people, although discreetly shy. They are modest to the extreme. They like to live in their fictitious bright world.

Fish is a sign of limit and eternity, since this is the last, twelfth, sign of the zodiac and carries within itself a mixture of all other signs. This is another dual sign, its symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions, so such a person constantly suffers from conflicting desires.

These are selfless, spiritual people who are focused on their inner world. They attach great importance to their feelings.

Wealth does not attract their attention. Some of them have money, but most often when they inherit it.

Helping others is the basic instinct of Pisces. They rarely occupy positions of responsibility and rarely stay in one place. They don't seek power. Pisces are born tired, they do not have the energy to remove obstacles, to make daily efforts to overcome petty worries.

Pisces are very good-natured and calm and are rather indifferent to reality. They are characterized by carelessness about tomorrow. In life, Pisces are rarely successful. The reasons are that they prefer to work independently but despise hard work. In any endeavor, if you want to succeed, you deliberately expose yourself to difficulties. Pisces instinctively look for the easy way. They do not like to fight and overcome environmental resistance, so they follow the path of least resistance. They prefer to go with the flow rather than fight it. But Pisces has no shortage of talents. Among them there are many creative and artistic people.

They have good manners. They are lazy, kind and indifferent to other people's opinions. And in general, this sign is indifferent to many important things. Very little can make them act. Of course, Pisces have character. If angered, they can be sarcastic and mocking. But this irritation quickly passes.

Pisces are easiest to meet in the center of a company, surrounded by admirers. People are attracted to their charming manners and unobtrusive friendliness. Like Scorpio and Cancer, Pisces love alcohol. Many of them drink more than normal, so among Pisces there is a large percentage of alcoholics.

Fish prefers to live in his watery greenhouse world. Many people consider Pisces to be dreamers and mysterious people, and they are right: those born under the sign of Pisces feel comfortable in the world of fantasy.

When they are haunted by failures, instead of looking at the situation realistically and making the right decision, they try to hide deeper into their illusory illusions.

They have the gift of attracting people. They are receptive and often see people not as they are, but as they would like to see them. Their character defies any clear description. It is difficult to understand their strange plans and emotions.

The difficulty is that it is difficult for them to see reality, so they assess the situation incorrectly and distortedly. Pisces idealize the person they love and will put up with a lot because they do not see his negative sides.

There is very little that can set them off. However, this does not mean that they are not capable of indignation. Pisces cannot tolerate any criticism or hostility. They become prickly, sharply sarcastic, and irritable, although not for long.

Pisces have the ability to sense. They often see strange dreams, which, as a rule, come true. They have correct premonitions. Therefore, if Pisces says that you should not fly by plane or drive a car, believe them.

They make subtle observations. They have an excellent memory. They are stronger and wiser than they realize. So it is advisable to listen to their advice.

Typical Pisces never take care of themselves. They spend most of their energy helping family and friends.

Pisces have an internal resistance to disease. But they are tender and susceptible to all sorts of diseases that can strike them unexpectedly and seriously. Therefore, they take care of their health. Like Virgos, they take precautions in a timely manner and begin to look for symptoms of the disease at the first news of the flu. However, carefully studying medical journals and manuals, they often mislead themselves.

Since their metabolism is slow, they often walk around half asleep and eat little, which sometimes causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They don't have a very good liver and weak lungs. They are prone to colds and pneumonia. However, if necessary, Pisces can mobilize and overcome malaise.

Humor is one of Pisces' secret weapons. It can be either warm and harmless or cold and hard. They grin to hide their tears.

They often speak evasively for no particular reason. Those associated with them never know how they feel about him. Eventually you realize that they don't have much conviction. They are ready to listen to you with genuine attention, but in fact their mind is occupied with something completely different, most likely with abstract dreams. But no one can feel this. Pisces love to hide their essence too much, playing to the public.

The main advantages of Pisces— their devotion and generosity. These people love to help others and know how to do it. It is these character traits that especially attract people.

Pisces men

He can be everything you want and everything you don't want. The sign of Pisces can be called the most difficult sign of the zodiac.

Pisces men find it difficult to concentrate on one thing. They tend to engage in several activities at once. For some, this is expressed in the fact that they work several jobs, and these jobs are in no way connected with each other.

However, this does not show weakness, but rather the dreaminess of Pisces. They are dreamers, and all their dreams are unrealistic. Pisces are torn between reality and unreality with their introspective nature. The wandering between the conscious and the dreamy-unconscious is associated with their intuitive, almost telepathic nature. This is why it is difficult to pin Pisces against the wall.

They have a vivid imagination. In doing so, they rely extremely heavily on intuition. Therefore, many consider Pisces to be dreamers and mysterious natures.

But when they get serious about making a living, their intuition combined with intelligence can bring both recognition and wealth. However, if a man has not achieved success by adulthood, then, frankly speaking, his future is not very promising.

Most of these men live what they consider to be quite tolerable lives. All they need is lazy daydreaming, a glass of wine and a loaf of bread. And they are quite happy. There is only one way out: to live easily with such a husband, you need to be a very rich heiress. Or work for two: for yourself and for him.

All Pisces men are great romantics. They are emotional and unstable. Any surprises are possible with them.

But if a Pisces man has found his path in life, this is a real find for a woman. He has a lot of possibilities. He can become a truly great man.

If you have attracted their attention, by any means allow Pisces to take control of the conversation. If you are unfamiliar with this topic, they will be happy to help you understand it. This is their favorite activity.

A Pisces man should relax around you. He is very sensitive and easily offended. But it is almost impossible to imagine him deeply offended, like, for example, Taurus.

However, he needs long periods of rest. His soul must at times remain alone in order to be freed from all troubles and find peace. Never scold your Pisces when they are silent. They just need moments like this.

The Pisces man's timidity comes from a painful understanding of his limited capabilities. Calm his vivid imagination and encourage him constantly.

Be very careful with his ever-changing emotions and, moreover, try to constantly influence him. Pisces rarely lose their temper, but it does happen. However, their anger quickly passes and life becomes peaceful again.

The Pisces man easily understands other people, he is difficult to fool, he sees right through you. However, he can fool you if he needs to, as he is good at hiding his feelings and thoughts.

He is not a supporter of marriage ties. Life together with such a man can be very happy or, conversely, very unhappy, depending on whether he manages to “ride” the crest of the wave or finds himself stranded. If he sees his chance, shows determination at the right moment and forgets his unrealistic dreams and dreams for a while, he will truly achieve great heights. Anyone who misses his wave can only blame himself.

You won't get any outbursts of jealousy from him. Even if he is jealous of you, he will be able to pretend that he doesn’t notice anything. But don't expect too much dedication. This is not his style. He is too receptive and easily influenced by others.

You will have to teach him to be frugal and careful with money. Pisces tend to take money lightly. They can easily spend their entire salary on some thing they like, and then live in debt.

Create a cozy nest for him, and you will be happy all your life. In order for Pisces to feel comfort in everyday life, special importance should be attached to the little things. Often they convince themselves that they are comfortable only because others like it. They may be driven by habit or empathy for loved ones.

Children will have a lot of fun with it. For them it will be a living book of fairy tales. They might even adore him. You will punish them, and he will listen to their problems and develop their minds.

His hopes and dreams must be met with understanding. He needs to be supported by a happy family life.

Pisces usually understand everyone except themselves. All his life he can search for his own “I”, moving by touch and stumbling, not knowing how to perceive his “I”. Pisces is led and controlled by the hidden side of life.

Pisces is a sign of relaxation. It may make you nervous and scared, but that's how it is. You can help him get ready.

Pisces woman

She has, of course, negative traits, but at first glance, she is the woman every man dreams of. It is ruled by Neptune, the planet of beauty and mystery. She is very feminine, sensual, receptive, with good intuition. It is femininity that hides all her shortcomings, and most often she is soft and dreamy.

She rarely tries to outshine a man, whether married to him or not. She has no desire to dominate him. However, this is a very dependent nature. She will become very attached to the person who will play the main role in her life, and will listen to all his troubles.

She believes that any man can change the world. And this confidence of hers is transferred to men, and they feel the way they would like.

The Pisces woman is a cozy, calm, quiet haven for a proud man. A simple conversation with her is enough, and the man instantly relaxes. But this is a mystery to others. No one can say with certainty what step she will take. Although she does not try to be a mystery to others, the lifestyle that the Pisces woman chooses is very individual. Walking along her path, she seems to say that it is the only possible one for her. It's hard to know which direction it's going. However, secretive and sometimes deceptive, this woman can be quite strong inside, while maintaining a defenseless and gentle appearance.

After marriage, she will demand a lot, sometimes she can be caustic and sarcastic. But still more often she will be gentle than scandalous. Never try to deceive her. She has an extraordinary gift of seeing right through you.

Pisces love to tease and use all the feminine charms to interest a man. This helps her feel more confident and aware of her attractiveness. She has an uncanny ability to surround herself with influential, necessary people. Because she looks and feels helpless, she draws strength from them.

She always looks somewhat thoughtful and detached. Experience had taught her that premonitions were often justified. Her moods often change. She falls in love too easily and is often indecisively torn between two men. At the same time, she is terribly sentimental.

Sometimes she becomes depressed. If her fears go far, she withdraws from everyone. At such moments, you should compliment her and support her with kind words. She constantly needs to be told that she is loved. She, in turn, will thank her partner with the devotion of her sensual soul.

The most difficult thing for her is to overcome her timidity and doubts. From time to time she covers her vulnerability with barbs and witticisms.

But this is just a veil.

Pisces make good loving wives. They have an amazing gift of making everyone around them happy. A good housewife, she loves children, although she is prone to spoiling them. She gives her whole heart to her children, but due to her lack of firmness, she is unable to establish discipline.

She is impractical and poorly versed in money matters. People with an inferiority complex are attracted to her because they need understanding and help.

Perhaps these are the most devoted and affectionate people of all the zodiac signs. You want to take them with you, soothe their pain, help them find themselves, take their hand, lead them out of the fog, but they rarely allow you to do this.

They cling to their suffering, which they mistake for reality.

Mutual compatibility


Aries is dominant, but this is exactly what Pisces wants. Nevertheless, this couple needs mutual tact. Pisces are very sensitive to criticism, and Aries is often too harsh. If they manage to smooth out these contradictions, the marriage can be successful.


Pisces needs special attention, which earthly Taurus cannot always show. Pisces can suffer if they are treated too prosaically. If these problems can be overcome, the marriage will be happy.


Gemini is too fickle, and Pisces is too sensitive. Gemini's carelessness will offend Pisces. Both of them are too self-centered to make efforts and adapt to each other. But a completely peaceful marriage is also possible.


Cancer takes on a leadership role and makes major decisions. Despite some quarrels, in general they satisfy each other's emotional needs and take care of each other's feelings. Excellent compatibility.


Neither of them focuses on the other. Sensitive Pisces begin to get on Leo’s nerves and thereby force him to look for entertainment on the side. Communication will be difficult, marriage will not bring satisfaction.


Pisces will not receive satisfaction from a reserved Virgo. Virgo rejects the excessive claims of Pisces and becomes overly critical and picky. Virgo makes plans, while Pisces acts under the influence of inspiration. The prospect of constant quarrels, a sad marriage.


Libra will not provide the leadership Pisces needs. Both love luxury, but neither wants to work to acquire it. The relationship will disappoint, the marriage will fail sooner or later.


The power of Scorpio comes to the aid of Pisces. Pisces will not initiate Scorpio's jealousy, and Scorpio's possessive instincts will be fully satisfied. Great connection, great marriage.


The sluggish behavior of Pisces causes boredom in the active Sagittarius, who is always looking for something new. Sagittarius will make fun of the sentimental torment of Pisces. The relationship is unsuccessful, the marriage is hopeless.


A strong, domineering Capricorn can give Pisces a sense of security. Pisces, in turn, introduces a romantic note into the deep, emotional life of Capricorn. They complement each other, without which there can be no harmonious marriage.


The individualism of Pisces has little in common with the sociable, open nature of Aquarius. An independent Aquarius will not waste his efforts to give Pisces firmness. Aquarius tries to solve problems logically, Pisces - expansively. Marriage has little prospects.


They are united by mutual sympathy and excellent understanding of each other. Sometimes they can be one of the best couples in the zodiac. But with mutual claims they will gradually destroy the original romanticism. A calm and happy marriage is doubtful.

Born under the sign of Pisces

John Steinbeck, George Washington, Victor Hugo, Enrico Caruso, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Albert Einstein, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Auguste Renoir, Elizabeth Taylor, Fryderyk Chopin, Pyotr Ershov.

Pisces has a moist, surprised, somewhat magnetic gaze, turned inward. These people are capable of intuitive thinking, have a wild imagination, are receptive, capable of compassion, prone to change and at the same time indecisive, obsessed with anxiety, even fears, and often divorced from reality. They love to listen more than to talk, they are hypersensitive, and appear enigmatic and enigmatic to others - also because of their subtle intuition.

Describing the zodiac sign Pisces, we can say for sure that they are capable of making sacrifices for the sake of others, often far from the most worthy people. Sometimes they are prone to intrigues in which they themselves become entangled. Other shortcomings are impracticality, excessive shyness, stiffness, lethargy of character, and a tendency toward pessimism.

1) The first type of Pisces. Element - Fire. People of this type have a solid, representative appearance, and they are often prone to being overweight. People are sociable, they even like to be in the center of events (Jupiter in the monastery). People of the zodiac sign Pisces of the first type are good organizers, they also have an entrepreneurial spirit - despite their shyness, they will get an “extra ticket” to a fashionable performance. They are good teachers because they love children and know how to work with them. They are eloquent, but they know how to avoid sharp corners in conversation. Not vindictive, unlike other Pisces. They love to spend money on pleasure. They periodically fall into apathy and even melancholy, and are disappointed in their strengths and capabilities. They can find solace in religion.

2) The second type of Pisces. Element - Air, Mercury in its fall. The people are lively, with sharp features, thin, talkative. They love intrigue, deftly adapt to the situation, and can play anyone. There are good actors among them.

3) The third type of Pisces. Element - Water, Neptune in the monastery. Strange people, detached from everyday life, among them there are many musicians and poets; perhaps they will try to escape their life even further with the help of drugs. Absorption by higher matters prevents them from starting a family, however, they do not really need it.

4) The fourth type of Pisces. Element - Earth, Proserpina in exile. People of the fourth type of the zodiac sign Pisces, having practically no bright features, their own opinions, their own principles, live like everyone else around them. They can completely transform themselves. The best type is Chekhov's "Darling".

Fish- one of the most valuable food products, which has been the main component of the human diet since ancient times. Compared to meat, fish is digested by the body much faster (this process takes at least half as much time). Fish contains an incredible amount of useful substances that allow a person to protect himself from various diseases, look young and not complain about health. Let's figure out what the beneficial and harmful properties of fish are, find out how to choose it and store it at home.

The benefits and harms of fish

The benefits of fish for people are very great, but there is also harm (which is discussed below). The tasty product contains phosphorus, calcium, iodine, sodium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins D, E, B1, A. Fish contains components that help normalize metabolism, regulate blood pressure, relieve headaches and prevent the development of diseases such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, improve brain function, and eliminate joint pain. The benefits of fish don’t end there. But it is also determined by the habitat of underwater inhabitants.

River and lake

River and lake fish are one of the dietary dishes. The proteins of this product are perfectly absorbed by the body, transforming into protein. That is why such a delicacy is recommended for athletes and those who plan to build a beautiful and toned body, as well as get rid of fat deposits.

The following useful components can be identified in the composition of river fish:

  1. Vitamin D. It strengthens teeth and bones, helps calcium be absorbed by the body. This vitamin is useful for fractures, accelerating bone healing. The vitamin also prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis. Vitamin D is especially necessary during pregnancy.
  2. Vitamin A. It can improve visual acuity and rejuvenate the skin both outside and inside. With regular consumption of fish, you can notice the appearance of radiance, even out the tone and eliminate wrinkles on the skin. Vitamin A is especially beneficial when combined with omega-3 fats.
  3. Methionine. It helps reduce bad cholesterol levels, improves overall tone, acts as a preventive measure for Parkinson's disease and helps fight extra pounds.
  4. Zinc. It is especially necessary for the male body to normalize the functioning of the male reproductive system, improve potency and sexual life in general.
  5. Magnesium. It helps reduce nervous tension, provides protection against the possible consequences of stressful situations, and also allows you to restore proper sleep. With regular consumption of river fish, a person’s general well-being improves, aggressiveness and irritability disappear.
  6. Other components of fish. They are able to support the functioning of the cardiovascular system, minimize the risk of oncological diseases and normalize blood sugar levels.

The harm to river fish is usually represented by the fact that they can live in a polluted environment. As a result, its tender meat absorbs pesticides, heavy metals and radionuclides. It is better to avoid using such a product. In any case, river fish requires good heat treatment, which will prevent infection of the body with worms.

The characteristics of the most common types of river fish are given in the table.

Fish name

Benefits for the body

It lives in clean reservoirs that are rich in oxygen. The meat is usually light, practically free of fat, and quite pleasant in taste. It contains many useful components: chlorine, sulfur, cobalt, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, vitamin P. This makes the product useful.

Eating pike perch normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, activates brain activity, rejuvenates the skin, increases visual acuity, reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood, supports the functioning of the thyroid gland and some other organs.

The diet usually includes small fish. The meat is very similar to pike perch fillet, although it is softer. It contains an almost similar set of components.

This fish is accustomed to living exclusively in clean waters. It can be found not only in rivers, but also in lakes and ponds. When you include this product in your diet, it is possible to normalize blood sugar levels, improve the condition of mucous membranes and skin, regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and calm the nervous system. Perch meat is an excellent antioxidant. It is worth noting the significant phosphorus content in it.

The chemical composition (folic acid, sodium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, choline, vitamins B and A) of this fish indicates a variety of beneficial properties. Pike meat is low in calories and protein due to its low fat content. Pike meat is perfectly absorbed by the body, saturating it with essential macro- and microelements. Pike meat will be delicious in any form: boiled, stewed, baked, fried, stuffed.

This fish belongs to the perch family. Accordingly, its use can bring similar benefits to the body. Such a fish is rarely found due to the fact that its habitat is limited.

Most often you can find this fish in rivers, lakes, ponds and reservoirs. Interestingly, its color directly depends on the shade of the water in the reservoir. Externally, the roach is similar to the rudd. This fish is most often used for frying or salting.

Bream is famous for its taste and beneficial composition. The fish lives mainly in stagnant water, where there is practically no current.

The fish grows slowly, choosing reservoirs with calm water to live. It is believed that fried and boiled meat is tasteless and contains a large number of bones. Gustera is usually consumed smoked and salted.

Carp usually grows quite quickly, gaining its full mass in a third of its life. The fish is quite filling and is used everywhere in cooking.

Carp lives in any reservoir with a muddy bottom in different parts of the world. In China, carp is a food fish, and in Japan it is a decorative fish.

This is one of the most popular fish species, found everywhere. Externally, crucian carp resembles carp, but it does not have a mustache. The benefits for the body when eating crucian carp are enormous, but it is better to give preference to fish grown in an ecologically clean area.

Tench lives in bodies of water where there is dense duckweed and vegetation. Tench is famous for its amazing nutritional qualities, and is often called the king fish. This fish makes an incredibly tasty fish soup, and it can also be prepared in any convenient way.

This is a representative of the carp family. It is semi-fat and saturates the body (with regular use) with all the necessary components.

You can find this fish everywhere, and thanks to its unique properties, it is very popular in the human diet.

This is a representative of the carp family. Its distinctive feature is its dark bluish-gray color. The benefits of the product are enormous.

This inhabitant of reservoirs is characterized by rapid growth and weight gain. It has a gray or yellow color.


This fish is similar to a roach, so these types of fish are often confused. Rudd is healthy because it contains phosphorus, vitamin P, chromium, fats, minerals and proteins.

The fish lives in reservoirs throughout Europe. It is becoming a frequent component of people's diet due to its prevalence.

White amur

This is one of the common fish of the carp family. It is distributed in all corners of the world and is characterized by accelerated growth.

Silver carp

The fish lives in large quantities in China and Central Asia. Due to its rapid growth, it is important in industrial breeding. Often fish are grown artificially. This is a bright representative of the carp family, which has corresponding beneficial properties for the body.

This is one of the largest freshwater fish, capable of reaching a length of up to 3 meters and weighing up to 400 kilograms. Catfish is incredibly beneficial for the human body, having a beneficial effect on almost all organs and systems. Most often, catfish is used for making fish soup, frying and boiling.

Channel catfish

This is a representative of the catfish family, characterized by its modest size.

The river eel is found in freshwater bodies of water. Outwardly it resembles a snake. This fish has a variety of beneficial properties. Used for various purposes.

A representative of the cod family, it is a commercial fish species. It is very popular and is often an integral part of people's diet.

A distinctive feature of this representative of the salmon family is that the meat does not decrease in volume during frying or boiling. The composition contains fatty acids (omega-3), necessary to counteract inflammatory processes.


This is a hearty fish that tastes like mackerel. Sterlet is considered an important industrial fish and can provide great benefits to the human body if consumed regularly.

Brook trout

This is a fatty fish that is good for the body. Eating it can support you in stressful situations, normalize the functioning of internal organs, and give you a great mood.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the river fish without bones - sole. This is a flattened fish that is often called a delicacy. This product contains a lot of amino acids, fatty acids, digestible proteins, copper, iron, iodine, phosphorus, fluorine, vitamins, manganese, zinc. Due to its significant taurine content, fish becomes an excellent blood pressure regulator.

River fish is delicious baked, fried and boiled. It is salted, canned, smoked, canned fish and even medicines are made. All this testifies to its enormous benefits for the body.


Sea fish is a unique product with a huge number of different useful components. With frequent consumption of this tasty product, you can expect the following results:

  • improvement of the thyroid gland;
  • normalization of the functioning of the digestive system due to the easy digestion of fish;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing various problems in the field of oncology and inflammatory processes, which are caused by a lack of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins (especially E and B);
  • stabilization of cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • activation of brain activity;
  • improved vision;
  • normalization of the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reducing the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks.

Regular consumption of fish is an effective fight against extra pounds. By the way, scientists have found that those people who often include fish in their diet (especially fatty varieties) have a longer life expectancy than people who eat only meat.

Sea fish may be contraindicated in the presence of allergic reactions, as well as in cases of increased activity of the thyroid gland due to the high iodine content.

It is important to understand that each type of fish has its own beneficial properties. You can find out more about them from the table.


Benefits for the body

Herring (Danube and Kerch)

and other herrings (herring, sprat, zalom, anchovy, Baltic sprat, puzanka)

The product contains a significant amount of protein, microelements, vitamins, amino acids and oleic acid. This allows you to activate brain activity, strengthen the body’s immune system, and eliminate age-related vision loss. Also, the benefit of fish is that it can increase hemoglobin, improve the condition of the skin, and normalize blood pressure.

This is a small fish that is inexpensive. This product contains a lot of polyunsaturated acids, protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12 (fish contains more of it compared to pork or beef). Fish can improve insulin production. The only contraindication when taking such fish is gastrointestinal dysfunction. At the same time, you cannot include smoked and salted products in your diet, but boiled or baked ones are possible.

Salmon and other salmonids (whitefish, nelma, taimen, pink salmon, brown trout, Far Eastern and Caspian salmon, brown trout, trout)

This fish is often called king fish, as it saturates the body with easily digestible protein, vitamins and microelements. Thanks to fish, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes is normalized, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and aging is slowed down. Fish is also useful for people who experience heavy physical activity.

Pike-perch and perch (sea bass)

The benefits of this product have been confirmed by scientists from all over the world. This fish can be fed even to small children. It is indicated for people to recover from injuries and operations, overwork and stress. Fish contains many microelements and vitamins. As a result, it is able to normalize the functioning of the endocrine system, improve hematopoiesis, strengthen the human immune system, and restore the normal functionality of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system.

Sturgeon (sterlet, thorn, beluga, kaluga, sturgeon)

These types of fish are indicated for people who have high cholesterol levels, as well as for any problems during menopause or menstrual dysfunction.

Codfish (navaga, cod, vakhnya, burbot, haddock)

The benefits of cod fish cannot be underestimated. They saturate the body with amino acids, stimulate insulin production, and regulate blood sugar levels.

Flounders (halibut, galkan, yellow-striped and yellow-bellied flounder)

They are ideal for those people who are on diets. These fish are a valuable source of protein and protein. As a result of their consumption, the body receives the necessary vitamins and minerals in the required quantities.

Other species (sea gobies, red mullet, sea bream, halibut, tuna, eel, mullet, mullet, blue and spotted catfish, pike, redfish, haddock, catfish, Pacific and Atlantic mackerel)

They are able to saturate the body with iodine and other equally useful substances. Many varieties prevent the formation of blood clots. They also generally protect the heart and blood vessels from the effects of free radicals.

Regular intake of sea oil is an opportunity to provide the body with protein, which is quickly absorbed, and unsaturated fatty acids. As a result, the benefits to the body are obvious.

Seafood (shrimp, lobster, oysters, mussels, lobsters, crabs)

Their beneficial properties are similar to those of sea fish, and their composition helps normalize metabolism in the body.


Caviar is a delicacy that is enjoyed by many. Caviar is represented by a composition with a large number of useful substances, which in their benefits are equal to fish. The following categories of caviar are distinguished:

  1. Black - sturgeon caviar, most often sterlet, beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon.
  2. Red - salmon caviar, especially chinook, chum and salmon.
  3. Pink. This is the caviar of marine representatives of the underwater kingdom, including pollock, whitefish and vendace.
  4. Yellow or partial. This is the name given to the caviar of the inhabitants of lakes and rivers, in particular pike perch, pike, roach, mullet and ram.

This is interesting! In terms of nutritional qualities, both caviar and fish meat are identical.

Partial caviar, compared to red or black caviar, is less valued in industry, but its price is also more affordable. By the way, partial caviar has the least fat - about 1.5%. The black product contains 16% fat, and the red product contains 12%.

Caviar, when consumed regularly, promotes overall strengthening of the body and prevents the development of various diseases. But it cannot become a medicine. Caviar has a special effect on human skin, activating the production of enzymes, saturating the skin with the required substances. In addition, any caviar is a source of:

  • “elite” protein, since it consists of “deficient” amino acids, so after eating fish a person feels a surge of strength;
  • iodine, allowing for the prevention of thyroid diseases (in fatty caviar the substance has a higher iodine number than in the fat of the meat of the same fish);
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids, preventing or delaying the development of atherosclerosis;
  • vitamin A, which strengthens the immune system and blood vessels, helps eliminate toxins and improve vision;
  • vitamin D, necessary for the formation of the skeleton and strengthening of teeth and bones;
  • vitamin E, which normalizes metabolism in the reproductive system, removes waste from adipose tissue and rejuvenates cells.

Dried and cured

Dried and dried fish are very healthy. Its benefit lies largely in the content of a significant amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated acids. In addition, we can highlight the following positive qualities of dried and dried fish:

  1. Fighting cancer cells. This is due to the presence of two types of omega-3, which helps reduce or slow the formation of cancer cells.
  2. Preventing the development of depression, especially in pregnant women.
  3. Prevention of dementia (senile). Stockfish and dried fish are very useful as a means to prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease.
  4. Preventing heart attack.
  5. Reducing the risk of premature birth.
  6. Protection against a variety of cardiovascular diseases.
  7. Fighting wrinkles.
  8. Normalization of sleep.

Harm to the body from such fish is excluded when consumed in doses..

Harm and contraindications

The fish has no contraindications as such. The only thing is the presence of an allergic reaction to fish. However, all people should avoid eating old, diseased, stale fish. Especially for women while pregnant (stale or low-quality fish can cause disturbances or deviations in the mental or physical development of the baby). During gestation and lactation, only safe fish, for example, caught in an ecologically clean area, can be included in the diet.

The main contraindications include:

  • fishing in water bodies that are polluted;
  • eating sick fish;
  • the use of various chemicals for growing fish;
  • repeated freezing and defrosting.

Fish should be a must in children's diets. But it must be a high-quality and fresh product. In this case, it will help strengthen bones, improve the functioning of the immune system and the overall intellectual development of the baby. You can begin to gradually introduce fish into your baby’s diet from 8-9 months. It is advisable that these be low-fat fish varieties (choose young fish) with white flesh and a delicate taste. Young cod, sea bass, notothenia, perch, blue whiting, and ice fish are excellent. However, it should be remembered that fish can also cause harm to the body if there is an individual intolerance.

How to clean, cut, gut?

How to clean, cut, gut? This is a pressing question, since fish need to be cleaned correctly. For cutting, it is enough to arm yourself with an ordinary kitchen knife. You can also prepare a fish scaler, grater, and kitchen scissors. The work is best done with rubber gloves.

To easily and accurately clean mucus from fish, you need to do one of the following:

  • The fish carcass should be immersed in boiling water for 15-20 seconds to remove the mucus;
  • Rub the fish with salt before cleaning;
  • when fishing, sand can play the role of salt;
  • You need to dip the carcass into the vinegar solution - and the mucus will be easily cleaned.
  • cut off the fins;
  • grab the fish by the head;
  • with the other hand, using a fish scaler (you can use a grater), you need to start cleaning the scales from the tail;
  • rinse under running water.

To prevent scales from scattering around the room, it is recommended to clean the fish over the sink.

To cut fish, you need to use a sharp knife. It is necessary to carefully pry the belly and cut it. Next, you should gut the insides. If necessary, you can remove the skin from the fish. To do this, you need to cut the fish into portions. In this case, skin removal will be easier. This concludes the fish processing.

Cooking fish

Cooking fish is represented by an incredible variety of recipes. Cooking may involve the following actions:

  • frying (on the grill, in a frying pan, in a convection oven);
  • cooking;
  • stewing;
  • pickling (in its own juice, in marinade, in salt);
  • smoking (with different wood);
  • baking (in the oven, in a slow cooker).

In addition, any fish can be used as an independent dish or together with a side dish.

The most common cooking technologies can be found in the table.

Type of cooking


Frying in a pan

  1. The fish must be cleaned of scales and bones (if possible). Small fish are fried whole. Remove the skin if you plan to fry in batter.
  2. Prepare batter for cooking cod, pollock, pelengas, hake, pike perch, but red fish should not be cooked in batter. The batter is made from eggs, flour, mayonnaise, sour cream, and spices.
  3. Dip the fish into the batter and place it in a preheated frying pan (pour a little vegetable oil onto it).
  4. Frying whole small fish takes five minutes on each side. Fish fillets are fried for 3 minutes on each side. Small fish are fried for 2-3 minutes, turning over several times during this time.

Deep frying

  1. You need to heat the deep fryer, pour the required amount of vegetable oil into it.
  2. Pieces of fish are dipped in batter and sent to the deep fryer.
  3. Frying takes 2-3 minutes.


  1. You need to clean the fish and cut it into pieces if necessary.
  2. Pieces or carcass of fish are rubbed with spices (“fish” spices are thyme, paprika, coriander, turmeric, dried vegetables) and salt. You can also grease the top with vegetable oil (this is not required for fatty varieties).
  3. Frying continues for 10-12 minutes, the fish must be constantly turned over.

Cooking in water

  1. You need to clean the fish and cut into pieces.
  2. Pour water into the container so that it lightly covers the fish.
  3. Small fish are thrown into boiling water.
  4. Whole fish are placed in cold water to prevent the skin from bursting.
  5. Cooking continues until done. You can drop a little milk or wine into a pan of water for taste.


  1. It is necessary to clean and cut the fish (you can rub it with spices).
  2. Water is poured into the container and put on fire. Place a steamer on top. You can also use a special electric steamer, if available.
  3. Place the fish on the steamer and cook until done.
  1. It is necessary to prepare the fish and cut into small pieces.
  2. The fish is placed in a pan and half the volume of the fish is filled with water.
  3. You can add spices, sour cream or sauce to taste.
  1. It is necessary to remove the entrails from the fish, rinse it well and dry it.
  2. Next you need to coat the fish with salt.
  3. If the fish is large, it is placed under pressure for 2-3 days.
  4. After this time, the fish must be strung on threads and hung to dry (usually this takes 5-14 days depending on the place of drying and the size of the fish).


  1. You need to prepare a smokehouse and firewood.
  2. The firewood is placed in a suitable container (inside the smokehouse) and lit to create smoke.
  3. The fish (cleaned or whole) is placed on a special baking sheet or strung.
  4. The smoking process takes from 40 minutes.


  1. You need to prepare the fish for baking.
  2. The product is rubbed with spices and salt. You can put it in a sleeve or wrap it in foil (depending on the type).
  3. Next, the product is placed in the oven (preheated) or multicooker and cooked until done.

In addition to cooking the fish as a whole, it can be used to make numerous other dishes, such as cutlets.

Remember that each type of fish requires its own cooking time. Also consider the types of fish when choosing spices and garnishes.

  1. Fish should be cooked over low heat. If you smell fish in the room, it means the fish was cooked over high heat or took longer to cook than expected.
  2. If you want to preserve the amazing aroma of fish, it is better to bake it in the oven, grill it (air grill) or steam it, stew it in sauce or broth.
  3. You cannot salt the fish before stewing or boiling, as its amazing taste will be lost.
  4. Remember that overcooked fish absorbs a lot of fat.
  5. Check the readiness of the fish with a knife by piercing the thickest part. If the fish is ready, the fibers will easily separate from each other.
  6. Improve the flavor of dry fish with onions, mushrooms, peas, cheese or green beans. Milk and tomato sauce are suitable for these purposes.
  7. Combine fish with different types of seasonings; lemon and gooseberries complement fish dishes especially well.
  8. Prepare side dishes or vegetable salads in advance so you can serve the fish when done. It will not be possible to maintain its warm state for a long time, and in the future it will simply lose its taste.
  9. Pour the sauce over the fish if you haven't had time to prepare a side dish or salad. This will allow you to reheat it without losing its taste.
  10. To ensure good attachment of the breading, use lezone (salt, milk, eggs, water).
  11. Bread the fish pieces so that the product does not lose liquid and its nutritional properties.

For treatment

Fish and its individual components are used very often for treatment. Fish oil is considered the most valuable product. It is quite tasteless, so today it is most often found in capsules. They can additionally add components of seafood and medicinal plants. Fish oil is used to maintain the beauty of hair, nails and skin, as well as for general rejuvenation of the body. It is recommended to take 2 grams of fish oil daily for an adult for 2-3 months.

You can fight fatigue and loss of strength with the help of herring. It is enough to eat a few pieces of fish - and your mood and well-being will immediately improve, and a person will feel a surge of vital energy.

In folk medicine, powdered pike heads are often used. It can be used to treat urinary incontinence. The recipe is very simple. You need to pour the powder prepared from one pike head into a glass of boiling water, cool slightly (the water should be hot, but drinkable) and drink in one go.

Fresh fish will help relieve foot pain and heel spurs. Traditional healers advise preparing minced fish from one fish, dividing it in half, placing it in different bags and putting them on your feet. You need to put on warm socks and go to bed. In the morning, you need to wash your feet and repeat the procedure again in the evening. Complex treatment lasts 9 days.

How to choose fish?

How to choose fish? This question is asked by any person who decides to cook fish in the kitchen, make a fish kebab in the fresh air, smoke a delicious product, or simply salt it. When choosing, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  1. Pay attention to the outlet. It is better to purchase goods in trusted stores rather than on the street. In particular, you cannot purchase fish near stops or directly on the highway.
  2. Consider the size of the fish. The larger the fish, the older it is. This may also indicate that the fish will contain harmful impurities, since it grew in an ecologically polluted area. It is best to give preference to small-sized fish, as they contain fewer toxins.
  3. Carefully examine the fish's eyes. In quality specimens they are shiny and clear. The presence of cloudiness on the mucous membrane, as well as various stains, indicates that the product in front of you is not the first freshness.
  4. Examine the skin and scales. A small amount of mucus is allowed, but it should have no color or odor. Everything else indicates poor quality and staleness, which can lead to poisoning.
  5. Pay attention to the gills. If you have fresh fish in front of you, then its gills will be dark red and uniform in appearance. The presence of mucus indicates that the fish has been stored for a long time.
  6. Assess the elasticity of the fish body. You need to press lightly on the carcass. There should be no dents or marks left on it. A fresh product quickly restores its original shape.

At home, you can conduct an additional test to determine the freshness of the fish. It is necessary to place the product in a bucket or other container with water. Fresh fish will remain at the bottom, and those that were caught a long time ago will begin to float to the surface.

How to store fish?

How to store fish? Not every person knows about this. This is why everyone puts fish in the refrigerator. However, storing fresh fish is allowed at a temperature of 0-2 degrees, and in the refrigerator the temperature is higher. It is impossible to set it suitable for fish, as this will lead to spoilage of other products. It is recommended to store fish in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-5 degrees for no more than two days. If you need to leave the product in a cooler bag, the storage time is reduced to 8-12 hours.

You can set a suitable temperature in a separate compartment, if available. If not, you can place fresh fish in an airtight container and cover with ice. An airtight container will prevent the penetration of fishy smell into other products.

You can take a closer look at other non-standard ways of storing fish:

  1. In winter, the product can be left on the balcony. If the temperature there does not exceed 2 degrees, then the fish will remain fresh for two days.
  2. It is possible to put the fish in a ventilated place. In this case, you need to immediately get rid of the fins, gills and entrails. And the carcass itself should be wiped with a rag (it cannot be washed), rubbed with black ground pepper and salt. The fish will remain fresh for three days.
  3. You can sprinkle the fish with salt and wrap it in a towel (it should be soaked in a solution of vinegar and sugar). It will retain its freshness for two days.
  4. When fishing, fish can be stored in a bucket of water, which is placed in a deep hole. Cover the top of the container to prevent insects and direct sunlight.

By the way, fish can be coated with vegetable oil before storage. This will extend the period during which it remains fresh. You can replace the oil with marinade. But the last method is only suitable if you have already decided on the cooking method.

Fish can be stored in the freezer for no more than three months. However, it must be frozen correctly:

  • the fish is cleaned of entrails, gills, scales, fins, and the head is cut off;
  • if necessary, immediately cut the carcass into pieces;
  • place the carcass or pieces in an ordinary bag and seal it tightly;
  • put in the freezer.

If you plan to freeze fish, then this should be done after purchase, and not after the product has been lying on the refrigerator shelf for some time. The product must be defrosted at room temperature. You can speed up this process by placing the fish (in a bag) in warm water. Fish cannot be re-frozen.

Sun-dried fish should be stored in the refrigerator. There it can lie for up to six months (provided that it is wrapped in wrapping paper). You can store such products in the freezer, they will remain fresh throughout the year. If it is not possible to store in the refrigerator and freezer, you can use airtight or vacuum packaging. The freshness of the dish will remain for 2-3 months.

Fish is a nutritious and valuable product that must be present in the people's diet. It saturates the body with essential vitamins and minerals, making it healthier. Constant consumption of fish is a guarantee of preventing a significant number of diseases. And during the cooking process, fish allows you to use your imagination, because it can be baked, stewed, fried, boiled, salted, smoked, pickled.