Poems about fruits and berries card index on fiction on the topic. Poems for children about vegetables Quatrains about a fruit tree mix

Great ones about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: some works will captivate you more if you look at them closely, and others if you move further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creaking of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most susceptible to the temptation to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen splendors.

Humboldt V.

Poems are successful if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is usually believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion on a fence, like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. The poet makes our thoughts sing within us, not our own. By telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful poetry flows, there is no room for vanity.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in the Russian language. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. It is through feeling that art certainly emerges. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-...Are your poems good, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! – Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! – the newcomer asked pleadingly.
- I promise and swear! - Ivan said solemnly...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write in their words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, and because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Ancient poets, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times there is certainly hidden an entire Universe, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who carelessly awaken the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

I gave one of my clumsy hippopotamuses this heavenly tail:...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive away the critics. They are just pathetic sippers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let poetry seem to him like an absurd moo, a chaotic pile-up of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from a boring mind, a glorious song sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry that has rejected the word.

A pineapple

Pineapple is a wonderful gift from distant Africa,
It is completely soaked inside with aromatic juice.
In appearance, a pineapple looks like a big pine cone.
It doesn’t grow on Christmas trees - It’s a pity for the kids.


Maybe they kept the pears in honey,
That's why they became honeyed.
Every piece melts in your mouth.
It's a pity that my kitten doesn't understand
I ask you to eat a sweet piece,
But for some reason he doesn’t like pears.


Tanya has a cold in her throat.
Mom bought her a lemon
And treats with lemon
Tanya every evening.
Cuts thin circles
Sprinkles them with sand.
Lemon is still sour
But he is an excellent doctor.


Just divide the orange
It couldn't be simpler.
He has a lot of lobes -
Enough for a family.
Remove the peel - then
We'll take everything one piece at a time,
A slice of fragrant
Juicy, sweet and sour.


Pink-cheeked peach
Covered with soft fluff.
Gives compotes and juices -
We drink them with pleasure.
You bite into its sweet barrel -
And the pulp will melt like honey.
He doesn't like winter, guys.
It lives only in warm regions.


Everyone loves tangerines -
Adults and children.
They're like lanterns
They shine brightly, brightly.
Tangerines carry everything
In bags and baskets.
We don't celebrate New Year
We are without tangerines.


Not bananas, not coconuts -
Dad brought it to us yesterday
Golden apricots,
For jam, half a bucket.
Bones of you with skill
We'll get everything down to one.
With apricot jam
Very tasty tea in winter.


I am yellow, I am smooth and oblong,
I once hung on a green palm tree,
The monkeys willingly tore me down
And, having peeled the pulp, they threw in the peels.
All the sweet pulp just melts in your mouth!
Who can tell me quickly what they call me?

Poems about fruits and berries


Svetochka is very happy
An apple on a branch!
The apple tree is swaying
Sveta smiles:
- Svetochka, listen!
Eat an apple!
And the apple laughs -
It’s not given to your hands!

High on the tree the apples are ripe,
The ripe sides are soaked in the sun;
We've never eaten apples like this before.
And no one has tried, for sure.
Sweet and tasty, golden red,
The smell is amazing, warm in the hand.
The apple tree produced beautiful apples,
There are no tastier apples on our farm!

Take the apple quickly -
I'll give you the best!
Eat boldly, without timidity,
It is delicious! Yum Yum Yum!
Chew calmly
Without falling into leapfrog,
There are enough apples for you
It grew in our garden!

The watermelon has a round belly,
Striped leggings,
Striped jacket
And on the top there is a hook.
A. Bogdarin

Baba sowed peas
Outside the village near two roads,
Oh oh oh.
Baba sowed peas
Oh oh oh.
The onion has sprouted, not the peas,
Oh oh oh.
And thistle too,
Oh oh oh.
Grandma spread her hands
Oh oh oh.
Apparently my memory failed me,
Oh oh oh.
V. Kudlachev

How about cherry baby
They know everything firsthand.
They love this berry
Both girls and boys.
You will start picking cherries,
Fill the box with cherries,
And there will be palms too
Reminds me of cherry blossoms.
A. Bogdarin

Lingonberries have a special taste:
Either sour or not.
No matter how much you try it,
You won't find the answer to that.
And the green leaves
They do not turn yellow in winter either.
We brought it from the forest
Take this berry home.
A. Bogdarin
To the forest for berries
Basket of raspberries
In Alyonushka's hands.
And in Tanyusha’s basket -
On the bottom.
Tanyusha sighed
And she said to mom:
"I put raspberries in my mouth
I threw it out by mistake"
T. Dmitriev
Picking cherries on the cherry
For him,
For Mishenka.
Three in a bucket
Ten in the mouth...
It should be the other way around
Yes with you
I can't cope
And I finish my food in the bucket.
What a punishment!
I would have known in advance
I wouldn't take it under the cherry
Plush Mishenka.
G. Glushnev


There's a commotion in the yard
There's a commotion in the yard -
We scattered the peas.
Mother strictly ordered:
- Collect up to a pea!
An hour later we knock on the door:
- We collected everything, check!
Mom believes the kids:
- Oh, my good ones!
And in the spring in the yard
The peas have grown
I. Demyanov


In our garden
There is no more beautiful radish.
How juicy, red, round,
Don't look how small it is.
The turnip was also a success,
It lit up like a yellow sun.
Well, is the onion really bad?
An old man in a hundred clothes?
N. Nishcheva

Summer resident
Galya went out into the garden:
Is everything okay there?
He wipes away the sweat with his hand,
Checking the beds.
Look under the bushes,
How strawberries grow:
Berries for Galya
Didn't the birds peck?
Weeds didn't interfere
And slug snails?
The red ones are ripe!
Grew up. We made it.
N. Gorodetskaya

Clouds are roaming in the blue sky,
The yellow ray of sun goes out.
Red tomato is angry:
- Why doesn’t the sun burn?
Rad green cucumber:
- Wow, I'll finally get drunk.
You are clear water,
Rain, wash my cheeks.
E. Stekvashova


Dima grew melon.
A miracle, not a melon!
One cannot convey it -
Help Dima.
I. Antonova
Blackberry, blackberry!
Oh, so many!
Do not be shy,
Eat, baby
Afterwards you will treat your mother.
F. Bobylev

I'm a drop of summer
On a thin leg.
Weave for me
Bodies and baskets.
Who loves me
He is happy to bend over,
And she gave me a name
Native land.
Yu. Kushak

To this tiny girl
It's not boring to live on the edge of the forest
With spiders and bugs,
And sometimes behind the grass
With dear Mother Earth
You can retire here
And share secrets.
A. Bogdarin

- Tied her head,
Aren't you sick, cabbage?
Are you cold in summer too?
Are you wrapped up, cabbage?
- I wear a turban to protect myself from the sun.
I don't need heat at all.
K. Tangrikuliev

We planted potatoes:
Mom is in the field
I'm in the garden.
Mom - a lot
I a little bit.
I am just one coming.
So that mine grows faster,
I'm all day
I'm working on it.
I'm minutes
I don't sit near the potatoes.
Now further away, now closer
I'll transplant her.
- There will be a miracle garden, -
Neighbor Seryozhka says,
If potatoes grow,
Despite your departure.
E. Ostrovskaya

The strawberries are ripe!
The whole garden is on fire
So sweet to yourself
The aroma beckons.
- Grandma!
I will help you!
But you allow me
At least pick a strawberry.
V. Karizna

Like powdered sugar
In fine snow
Find you in the tundra
I won't be able to right away.
Do you like to pamper yourself?
Bide your time...
Jump, snowdrop,
In my little room.
L. Tatyanicheva

We will cook compote,
You need a lot of fruit. Here.
Let's chop apples
We will chop the pear.
Squeeze the lemon juice
We'll put in some drainage and sand.
We cook, we cook compote,
Let's treat honest people.
N. Nishcheva

What is "LI"?
What is "MON"?
The sounds have no meaning
But they barely whisper "LEMON"
It will immediately become sour.
G. Sapgir

I collected in the forest
I won't bring it home
Full cart.
Berry by berry,
Berry by berry -
Things are progressing
Berries are decreasing...
The sun is warming hot,
The road is long.
Should I try it again?
There are few berries.
N. Sakonskaya

With tomatoes
Grief for grandma.
To give them something to drink -
We need the sea:
On a hot day
And even
In bad weather
Drink and drink
From morning till night
Well, where
Get them some water
So many?
If only I were nearby
Or Volga.
The grandson confidently shouts:
- Grandma!
There will be sea now.
Where's the saucepan?
V. Karizna

We planted a garden in the spring,
And Semyon was lying by the ridges.
Here we are eating an apple
But we won’t give it to Semyon:
We don't need lazy people here!
Come out of the garden, Semyon!
I. Demyanov

Our garden
Our autumn garden is beautiful.
It contains plums and grapes.
On the branches like toys
And apples and pears.
And by night the chill blows,
And the yellow leaf rustles at my feet.
We will collect the fruits in the morning
And we'll call all our neighbors.
And let's wave to the sun,
"Thank you, autumn!" - let's say.
W. Rashid


Well, I guess I'll take a chance:
I'll try the strawberry.
One for myself, one more,
Perhaps for my sister.
Two berries are such a trifle,
Nobody will notice.
But everything turned out wrong
Now I'm on a diet.
And it turned out like this - whatever one may say,
There is no escaping the truth, brothers.
I didn’t wash the berries, and so
The mud made my stomach hurt.
E. Stekvashova

There are many beds in the garden,
There are turnips and salad.
Here are the beets and peas,
Are potatoes bad?
Our green garden
It will feed us for a whole year.
A. Prokofiev

Together in grandma's field
There are beds in the vegetable garden.
Well, I’ll water it in the evening
All of them in order.
So that the peas curl their mustache,
To come out big,
So as not to dry out
The borage is lush.
And I'm harmful cabbages
I'll drive you away from the cabbage,
May November crunch
The stalk is delicious.
F. Gurinovich

Look at the cucumber
Cucumber is such a tricky one!
Dresses deftly
Hidden under the leaves.
I'll rake the leaves with my hand,
I'll pick a cucumber from the garden.
I'll break it in half,
I'll salt it thickly.
I grow cucumbers myself,
Come and I’ll treat you!
K. Tangrikuliev

Good autumn has come,
She brought us gifts:
Fragrant apples,
Fluffy peaches
Golden pears
Autumn has arrived.
V. Volina

Grandpa and I
A peach was planted in the garden.
For three years he grew
In our sight.
When will the fruits come?
I can't wait...
And finally -
Each peach is the size of a fist.
I stroke the furry skin,
I take the bowl.
The first, ripe,
Red, sweet
I'll take it to grandpa.
K. Tangrikuliev
A piece
morning dawn
Green branches -
Like a star
On a bright dress
N. Goncharov

After the rain
After the warm rain
The potatoes have grown
Tomatoes cucumbers,
Even me a little.
T. Dmitriev


Look at Irinka:
Irinka is eating a tangerine.
Irinka will eat a tangerine -
Throws the crusts into the basket.
A. Starodubova

Traffic light
A tomato stood in the garden
Red, like a traffic light.
Goats see red light:
There is no road to the garden.
L. Klyushev

Plum, plum, my plum,
You are beautiful and delicious.
A lot of pulp, amazingly
Well, there’s only one bone.
A. Bogdarin


Like in a hare's canteen:
In the clearing there is a pine stump,
Lunch is on the tree stump,
And what’s not there!
And cabbage and potatoes,
A pile of fresh peas
And a little parsley!
And to the little bunnies -
Sweet grass in the mountain
One carrot at a time.
After all, carrots from the garden
Sweeter than chocolate!
I. Muraveiko


Three apples from the garden
The hedgehog brought it.
The most rosy
Gave it to Belka.
Gladly a gift
Got a squirrel.
Count the apples
A hedgehog on a plate!
V. Volina

You guessed it right
I climbed into the garden
A green umbrella grows there.
Someone cunning under an umbrella
I found a shady house.
- Hey, who are you? –
I'm looking, I'm calling,
I'm raking up the tops.
Here he is, here he is
My cunning -
Delicious, ripe cucumber!
D. Chuyako


Lariska has two radishes.
Alyosha's -
Two potatoes.
At Seryozhka the tomboy -
Two green cucumbers.
And Vovka’s -
Two carrots.
Yes, even at Petka’s
Two tailed radishes.
V. Volina

Cunning berry
Strawberry bead
Lounging in the garden
At the little berry
Cunning habits
Cunning habits -
Hide the sweet forelock.
Covered herself with a brown leaf,
Turned herself invisible
Like, come find me...
Well, minx, wait a minute!
I. Melnichuk

The sandpiper got wet in the swamp:
- I got sick with the flu, like...
- Here, sandpiper, garlic for you -
He helped a lot of people.
V. Luksha

In plain sight of passers-by
An apple hung in the garden.
Well, who cares?
The apple was hanging.
Only the Horse said
Which is low.
And the Mouse is high.
Sparrow said,
What's close
And the Snail is far away.
And the Calf is preoccupied
Because it's an apple
And Chicken is the one
What very
Big and heavy.
But the Kitten doesn’t care:
- Sour – why is it?
- What do you! –
The Worm whispers, -
He has a sweet side.
G. Sapgir

The apple is ripe, red, sweet,
The apple is crunchy, with smooth skin.
I'll break the apple in half
I'll share an apple with my friend.
Y. Akim

Apple above your head
Gold, liquid!
You were bathed in dew,
The sun was wiping it off!
A. Pysin

Walked along the path -
They found the boletus.
Boletus boletus
He buried his head in the moss.
We could get through it
It's good that we walked quietly.
A. Prokofiev

What kind of roar is there all over the area?
What kind of scream?
It was Misha who flew in
For boletus.
Taller than Misha! What luck!
What a mushroom!
If you don't pick him up, he cries.
Already hoarse.
We wiped away Misha's tears.
Let's carry it away
Boletus from under a birch tree
Seven of us!
A. Pysin

A boletus was born in the forest.
He raised his hat
Got proud.
So that you don't turn up your nose
High boletus,
The mushroom picker plucked the proud man
And hid it in the box.
F. Bobylev

Fat Boletus
Went out onto the path
Fat boletus -
He tripped me up.
Fat boletus -
A fabulous wonder
He pushed his hat to the side,
He looks proud.
I'm a mischievous fungus
More often than not I won’t leave,
I'll find him a friend
In the meantime -
Dive for now
Naughty guy, add it to the basket.
I. Melnichuk

In the forest
We'll find a hundred mushrooms in the forest,
Let's go around the clearing.
We won’t take you in the box
Pale toadstool.
We'll search all the oak trees,
Fir trees and aspens
And good mushrooms
Let's collect them in baskets.
N. Gladkov

In cramped conditions
There are a hundred honey mushrooms on the stump.
- It's very crowded here! - they scream. –
Call a mushroom picker
Collect honey mushrooms from stumps.
E. Serova

The little ones are worried:
- What can we do without a tub?
All the mushrooms are in tubs!
Forgot about the waves!
Look for the waves!
Very tasty mushrooms!
Yu. Kopotov

I walked along the path,
I found a white mushroom.
I walked along the edge of the forest -
I found three waves.
I went along the fishing line -
Moss fly under a leaf.
And she stepped straight -
I saw a boletus.
V. Shulzhik

This mushroom is called:
Raincoat, or grandfather's tobacco.
Just touch him on the side,
And he starts smoking tobacco.
V. Shulzhik

Egor and the fly agaric
Shel Egor
Through the forest
The fly agaric has grown.
- Even though it’s beautiful, I won’t take it, -
Yegor said out loud in the forest.
- You said it right, Egor! –
This is how Boron answered him.
A. Prokofiev

Who sowed chanterelles?
Klim asked Alexey:
- Who sowed chanterelles in the forest?
Wild animals or birds?
- Well, it’s clear who – foxes.
I. Melnichuk

fly agaric
Near the forest on the edge,
Decorating the dark forest,
He grew up as colorful as Parsley,
Poisonous fly agaric.
E. Alekseev

fly agaric
It’s not worth bending your back over him,
It won't decorate the basket...
People have known for a long time:
The fly agaric is inedible!
V. Shurzhik

Fly agarics
The children went out early
Pick mushrooms in a distant forest
And we came across a toadstool
Yes to the red fly agaric.
Know, standing in the middle of a clearing,
And there are only toadstools around.
Sister says to brother,
Flushed from walking:
"You don't have to touch them,"
These are bad mushrooms!
Neither for breakfast nor for dinner
The fly agaric is not needed at all."
P. Potemkin

Oak trees grow on the mountain,
Mushrooms grow under the mountain:
White is old, he didn’t take it,
The moss is small and lethargic.
The breast warms the side in the sun.
Go to the box, fungus!
I. Demyanov

From such noise and scream
All the blueberries fell off,
The catfish turned over in the river,
The maple bent
The oak staggered!..
What's happened?
What kind of scream?
Well, what's the big deal?
- It's me!
Found it
I. Gamazkova
Honey fungus
The honey fungus climbed onto a stump,
I stayed for one day
And then he bowed down
Almost fell over
Thin, thin,
The leg is like a straw!
A. Prokofiev

For mushrooms
The old man was out picking mushrooms,
But I didn’t understand mushrooms...
Don't get confused -
He took a book about mushrooms.
The old man was sitting by the Christmas tree,
I moved my hand along the line,
And the wolves whispered around:
- Look, you are so literate!
V. Shulzhik

For mushrooms
A mushroom picker walked from afar
And there’s not a fungus in the basket!
Not a single mushroom -
Only grass and leaves.
The mushroom picker is tired
And he sat down on a tree stump.
- You tell me, forest,
Are you with or without mushrooms?
Looked at the mushroom picker
The forest is dense from above.
I swayed - creaking and creaking! –
He showed me a mushroom under the tree.
“I’m with mushrooms,” said the forest, “
Are you with or without eyes?
V. Shulzhik

Under a spreading pine tree
Found a squirrel
An unknown forest mushroom.
Mushroom, not a mushroom - a plate!
- He looks very strange, -
The animals tell her. -
- Maybe it's poisonous?
We should check it out.
But he laughs back at them
Forest squirrel.
- There is not a drop of poison in it,
I know this mushroom.
And there’s water in it, so be it,
It's even convenient to drink.
This mushroom is called milk mushroom.
It's quite edible!
V. Kozhevnikov

Cleverly hid
Under the birch tree.
Don't hide
So diligently -
I will find you
E. Serova

The mouse sat on the oil can...
The little mouse sat on the oil can,
And the oil can is a sticky mushroom,
So the mouse stuck.
Ay-ay-ay, ay-ay-ay!
Mom, mom, help me out!
A. Laptev

Morel, morel,
Old man from birth.
He grew up on the edge of the forest.
Hat on top of head.
The wind blew... and the morel
Fell on his side,
All covered in wrinkles -
Old man!
A. Prokofiev

Old mushroom
He raises his collar.
Near the hummocks he shudders,
He shudders and worries.
He wants to grumble.
He gathered his children
And mutters: - On Saturdays
Hide, children, from people.
Who will be covered with leaves -
He will remain alive.
And the one who opens his mouth -
People will instantly make a purchase!
A. Laptev

The rain rushed over the clearing,
To the russula
Got captured...
And the insects fly in a hurry
Go to the russula for water.
V. Shulzhik

Under the pine tree
In red needles
Don't look for saffron milk in the spring.
Red saffron
Not for nothing:
Ryzhik –
September Bulletin.
V. Musatov

Sometimes a child refuses to eat this or that dish, and then the mother exhorts in an edifying tone: “Eat, there are a lot of vitamins!” And what kind of invisible creatures are these, these vitamins?.. And why do they live in food?.. It is difficult for children of preschool and primary school age to explain the complexity of the structure of the human body and the processes of obtaining useful substances from food. It’s easier to do this in a playful way, using poems about vegetables and fruits and the benefits of vitamins.


I am a carrot, a red tail.
Come visit more often.
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks turn red,
Eat carrots, drink my juice,
You will only be healthier!

I'm a fat red tomato
I love kids from a long time ago.
I am a chest of vitamins,
Come on, take a bite of the barrel!

I am both fresh and salty.
All pimply and green.
Don't forget me, my friend,
Stock up on your health for future use.

And I am a juicy cabbage,
I'm proud of my vitamins.
In cabbage rolls, borscht, salads
I'll certainly come in handy.
And how delicious
My cabbage soup!

In a black hat - top and top -
A bean is jumping along the path.
He twirled his mustache: why am I bad? Not bad at all.
The bean tells him:
- You, pea, are our king.
We legumes are proud
That we are suitable for different porridges,
That the fruits are in our pods,
Like in magic chests.
But healthy proteins
We don't hide things under lock and key.
Those who have been friends with us since childhood,
They grow up to be heroes.

Fruits and berries

I am not a small bird.
I am a useful strawberry.
Who will make friends with me -
Don't catch a cold in winter!

I am strong, crispy,
The miracle is real.
Yellow and red -
The skin is satin.
The apple is ruddy
All the best for children!

And more about the apple:

Apple is a wonderful fruit
I'm growing here and there
Striped, colored
Fresh and bulk
My juice is also good for everyone,
helps against diseases.

They call me a pear.
I'll tell you, and you listen:
Love me, children!
I am the most useful person in the world.

And I am a melon - yellow side.
Who here, children, is sick?
Delicious, honey, I will drive away the illness.

I'm round and smooth
Big, heavy, sweet.
My flesh is red -
The medicine is wonderful.

I am an overseas guest, banana,
I swam across the ocean.
The sun asked me
Transfer my power to you.

We shared an orange.
There are many of us, but he is alone!
This slice is for kittens
This slice is for ducklings
This slice is for the hedgehog,
This slice is for the swift.
And for the wolf the peel.
He is angry with us - trouble!
Run away in all directions!

I have a prickly side
On the top of the head there is a crest.
Wonderful taste
I'm called Pineapple.

P.S. It is advisable to tell the story when the child sees a carrot, tomato, or banana with his own eyes. You can learn with your mother in the kitchen or country house, looking at vegetables and fruits, describing their shape, color and taste. Rhymes will be remembered faster if the child has a “living example”.

Another great poem by Irma Fink:

Vegetables and fruits

All sizes and colors
Vegetables and fruits.
Enough for ten mouths
Stock up on food.

Wonderful fruit - pineapple,
And big, too.
If you eat it all at once,
There's no need for dinner.

Is this an optical illusion?
Blue, blue -
A thick eggplant is ripening,
It is long in shape.

The garden is proud of its grapes,
The branches bent.
When the grapes ripen,
Come on, kids!

Both jam and compote
From ripened cherries,
Red juice stained my mouth -
All questions are unnecessary.

Fragrant and sweet
Yellow pear.
I ate three, now I'm full
Little Ksyusha.

An acorn is ripening on the oak trees -
This is pig food.
Crunches juicy on the teeth
At Dinky Pig's.

Nose tickles the aroma
Warming the spring garden
Sun glare.

Yellow, sunny lemon,
It is useful with tea,
And without tea it is sour -
We know about this.

Carrots sleep underground.
What is she dreaming about there?
Let's threaten with a frown
- Show yourself, girl!

Filled with ripe juice
I made my way to her with a basket
Nice girl.

Cucumber, cucumber,
He's lying in the garden
The daredevil winked at me -
Everything will be fine.

Not a ruddy bun
rosy cheeks,
This is a peach barrel -
My daughter's favorite fruit.

What kind of tree is in bloom?
Fruit, not fruit, but a miracle!
I’ll tell you, kids,
The plum is ripening.

Foreigner persimmon
It will fall on our saucer,
How good is it?
But it's a little sticky.

We'll bake a big pie
with apple filling,
Apple juice in a glass
Irinka and I are full.

Poems about vitamins

A short scene in verse about vitamins:

Vitamin A

Remember the simple truth -
Only he sees better.
Who chews raw carrots
Or drinks carrot juice.

Vitamin B

Early morning is very important
Eat oatmeal at breakfast.
Black bread is good for us -
And not just in the morning.

Vitamin C

For colds and sore throats
Oranges help.
Well, it's better to eat lemon,
Although it is very sour.

Vitamin D

Fish oil is the healthiest!
Even if it's disgusting, you have to drink it.
He saves from diseases.
Without diseases, life is better!

I never lose heart
And a smile on your face
Because I accept
Vitamins. A B C

Poems about which foods contain which vitamins

Vitamin A"

Where can you find vitamin A?
To see and grow?
And carrots and apricots
They carry the vitamin within themselves.
It is found in fruits and berries.
We can't count them all.

Vitamin "B"

Beets, apples, potatoes,
Turnip, pumpkin, tomato...
Vitamins "B" have
And they will be able to give them to us.
“B” - in the outer part of the cereals,
Although it is not the same there.
It's not a problem at all
Group "B" is always there.

Vitamin C"

But we eat “S” with cabbage soup,
And with fruits, vegetables,
It's in cabbage and spinach,
And in rose hips, in tomatoes,
Search on the ground -
And in salad, in sorrel.
Onions, radishes, turnips, rutabaga,
And dill, parsley, cranberries,
Both lemon and orange
Well, we eat “C” in everything!

“C” is the vitamin in cauliflower,
In dill, fresh vegetables;
He will put it into action again
A cheerful row of tired cells.

I think these sentence poems will quickly give your kids an appetite. Grow up healthy!

A selection of poems for children in the younger group of kindergarten for the Harvest Festival or the Autumn Festival.
It was a custom among our great-grandmothers that autumn begins with the harvest festival. We celebrated this holiday in September with a magnificent feast with a loaf of bread, welcoming autumn.
Below you will find poems about harvesting, poems about vegetables and fruits, poems about the vegetable garden and about the harvest season - autumn. You can choose a poem about your baby's favorite vegetable or fruit and learn it together. Memorizing poetry is excellent.

Cherry earrings

T. Shorygina

A little cherries
Looks like earrings.
Dark scarlet, like rubies,
With a bone in the middle.

Ripe apple

Ripe apple
Crisp apple
with skin
I'll break the apple in half
Apple with his friend
I'll split it.


Potatoes are the most delicious vegetable -
They bake and fry, put in soup.
Yes from him in the kitchen mom
Prepares hundreds of different dishes!


"Sunshine" in the garden
Standing on the leg:
Lots of black grains
Very proud look!


A. Prokofiev

She was a sprout and drank all the water.
She turned white, got fat,
It's like sugar has crunched.
I lived through the summer, saved a lot of leaves,
Dressed, dressed,
But I couldn’t undress.

Turnip in the garden

T. Shorygina

Turnip in the garden
Sits firmly in the garden
The kids are beckoning:
Who will pull the tail -
He will pull out a turnip,
Yellow, smooth,
Delicious, sweet!


T. Shorygina

Zucchini, zucchini
I lay down on my side to take a nap.
You look like a pig:
The tail is a thin curl.
But where is the patch?


T. Shorygina

Dill is added
In brine, in marinade,
Fragrant and pleasant
His scent.

Pickled cucumber
Looks so strong
It smells like dill
And it crunches deliciously!


K. Tangrikuliev

Look at the cucumber
Cucumber is such a tricky one!
Dresses deftly
Hidden under the leaves.
I'll rake the leaves with my hand,
I'll pick a cucumber from the garden.
I'll break it in half,
I'll salt it thickly.
I grow cucumbers myself,
Come and I’ll treat you!


S. Kaputikyan

Here's a stripe - one, two, three,
The pulp is ripe inside.
- This, mommy, is a watermelon,
It tastes like sugar!

I painted for an hour.
And now we have watermelon!
Just this, you know, mom,
I won't give it to you.

You finish the soup first,
And then cut the watermelon!

Carrots and radishes

Girlfriends growing up close
Carrots and radishes,
On the outside there is a fluffy tail,
And the heads are in the ground.
They hid the “norushki”
Rosy tops,
And girlfriends will meet
On the kitchen table.


E. Trutneva

Golden, quiet
Groves and gardens,
The fields are productive,
Ripe fruits.
And there's no rainbow in sight
And you can't hear the thunder.
The sun goes to bed
Earlier every day.


A. Prokofiev

There are many beds in the garden:
There are turnips and salad here,
There are beets and peas here.
Are potatoes bad?
Our green garden
It will feed us all year round.

In the garden

S. Polyakova

Olya wanders in the garden,
But he doesn’t find carrots,
Only green grass...
- This, Olechka, is tops.
You are for this tops,
For green grass
Pull harder
Look at the roots!


I. Vinokurov

Autumn is coming in our park,
Autumn gives gifts to everyone:
Red beads - rowan,
Pink apron - aspen,
Yellow umbrella for poplars,
Autumn gives us fruits.

What will autumn bring us?

L. Nekrasova

- What will autumn bring us?
What will autumn bring us?
—Ruddy apples, sweet honey,
Rosy apples, sweet honey!

- What will autumn bring us?
What will autumn bring us?
- The garden is full of different vegetables,
The garden is full of different vegetables!

- What will autumn bring us?
What will autumn bring us?
- Golden bread for the whole year,
Golden bread for the whole year!

A bowl of fruit

T. Shorygina

A tall vase stands on the table.
Rays play in blue crystal.

We will put a fragrant banana in a vase
A gift from distant tropical countries.

Add lemon, orange, tangerine.
And after lunch we will eat fruit!