Icon of the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth. Icon of Saint Galina Icon of Saint Galina meaning

Holy Martyr Galina

born in Corinth, Greece, at the beginning of the 3rd century AD. Righteous Galina and many other Christians -

Leonid, Nika, Vasilissa, Theodora, Hariessa, Kalisa, Nunekhia, were disciples of the holy martyr Kondrat.

They all suffered for the faith of Christ.

But not one of them renounced Christ, despite the terrible torment and execution ahead of them.

Like Saint Kondrat, they were all tortured to death,

and several people, together with Saint Galina,

thrown into the sea near the Gulf of Corinth.

But they did not drown, but walked on water,

singing spiritual hymns.

The angry tormentors caught up with them on a boat and,

hanging stones on their necks, they drowned the martyrs.

Galina Korinfskaya - heavenly patroness and intercessor of all women who bear her name. They pray to the holy martyr for calm on the water, strengthening in faith and piety.

Revered icons of the holy martyr Galina of Carinth, days of memory and relics of the saint

Celebrations in honor of the holy martyr Galina of Corinth take place twice a year - on March 23 (March 10, old style) and April 29 (April 16, old style). On March 23, the martyr Kondrat and his disciples are commemorated, and on April 29, the holy martyrs who died in the sea.
Icons and places of worship of the saint

Believers from all over the world come to bow to the holy martyr Galina of Corinth at the Corinth Canal, located very close to Athens and connecting the Ionian and Aegean Seas. It was here, in the ancient port of Corinth, that Galina accepted her martyrdom.

They tried to build the canal itself several times back in ancient times, but each time the construction was suspended for some reason. According to legend, when trying to dig a canal out of the ground, fountains of blood began to flow. The canal was finally built only in 1881 by a French company. Now, in essence, it represents a holy spring into which believers plunge in order to find God's grace.

There are icons of the holy martyr Galina in several churches in Moscow and the Moscow region:

In the Church of St. Tikhon Patriarch of All Russia in Moscow;
In the Assumption Church in Sergiev Posad;
In the Moscow district of Ochakovo-Matveevskoye at the Troekurovsky cemetery (in the chapel in honor of the martyr Galina of Corinth).
In Khimki, in the Novogorsk microdistrict, next to the 119th clinical hospital in the Church of Galina of Corinth, the temple was built in 2008 at the expense of Galina Strelnichenko.

Relics of the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth

The saint’s relics are kept in a functioning convent on a high mountain near the Corinth Canal. The bodies of the martyr Galina and the other seven disciples of the martyr Kondrat, who drowned in the sea, were found here on the coast, not far from the monastery. For many years, many miracles and signs have been performed at these relics.

In Russia, at the courtyard of the women's Mother of God Albazinsky St. Nicholas Monastery in Blagoveshchensk, in the church of the martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, particles of the relics of the holy martyr Galina are kept.

What does Saint Galina of Corinth help with and what should we pray for?

They pray to the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth for consolation, standing in faith, spiritual purity and the gift of piety. Saint Galina, who by the grace of God walked on water along with other martyrs, is also addressed to calm the sea elements; People traveling on water pray to her.

Saint Galina is God's intercessor and prayer book for all women called Galinas.

Prayers to the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth

Prayer to the holy martyrs Galina, Chariessa, Nika, Kalisa, Nunekhia, Vasilisa, Theodora, Irina, the holy martyr Leonid and others like them who suffered

O holy martyr!

Send your auspicious prayers to the Lord

and our Creator and beg His goodness to grant us (names) everything we need for eternal salvation,

also necessary for this temporary life:

We believe beyond doubt that everything is possible for you,

as His true saint.

Hey, holy wonderworkers!

Do not disgrace our hope,

but through your prayers make us heirs of the Kingdom of Christ,

Let us glorify the love of mankind in the Trinity of the glorified and worshiped God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your holy intercession, forever and ever.

Prayerful invocation of the holy martyr Galina of Corinth

Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Galina,

as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and a prayer book for my soul.

Troparion to the Holy Martyr

Your lamb, Jesus, Galina calls with a great voice:

I love you, my bridegroom, and seek you

I suffer and crucify myself,

and I am buried in Your baptism,

and I suffer for Your sake, so that I may reign in You,

and I die for Thee, and live with Thee;

but accept me as a blameless sacrifice,

lovingly surrendering to You.

Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

Life of Saint Galina of Corinth

The holy martyr Galina lived in the 3rd century AD, in the Greek city of Corinth. During the life of the righteous Galina, Corinth was the second most important Greek city, after Athens. In the first century, this is where the Apostle Paul lived and preached.

By the providence of God, Galina of Corinth became a follower of Saint Kondrat, to whom she came for many years with his other righteous disciples, and who converted her to the faith of Christ. Saint Kondrat lived for a long time in the desert and gave instructions to all Christians who came to him.

In those days, by order of Emperor Decius, terrible persecution began against Christians, and believers in Christ were subjected to cruel torture and execution. The military leader Jason came to Corinth to punish Christians, on whose orders Saint Kondrat and his disciples were captured and thrown into prison. They were tortured for a long time, trying to force them to renounce the faith of Christ, but the righteous steadfastly endured all the torture.

Having achieved nothing, Jason's servants threw the martyrs into a cage with wild animals, but the animals did not touch them. After which the angry tormentors tied the righteous by the legs to chariots and dragged them throughout the city, past crowds of people throwing stones at them.

Then some of the martyrs were sentenced to beheading with a sword, forcing them to approach the executioner one by one and bow their heads under the sword. Soon, at the site of the execution of the Corinthian martyrs, a source of the purest holy water appeared, as if a reminder of the torment of the holy righteous and the blood shed for Christ.

Another part of Kondrat’s students was also subjected to a terrible execution - someone was stabbed with a knife, someone was crushed alive in a stone mortar, someone was forced to throw themselves into the fire.

The remaining martyrs - righteous Galina, holy martyr Leonidas and the holy wives Chariessa, Nunekhia, Kalisa (Kalida), Vasilisa, Nika and Theodora - also suffered a cruel death for Christ. All of them could have hidden from their tormentors, but did not do this, imitating their teacher, Saint Kondrat. Their persecutors decided to throw them into the sea near the current Gulf of Corinth, but to everyone’s amazement the righteous did not drown, but walked on the water as if on dry land, chanting Christ. The enraged tormentors caught up with them on the ship and, tying heavy stones to their necks, finally drowned the holy martyrs.

Thanks to their great faith in Christ, not a single one of Saint Kondrat’s disciples renounced their faith, despite the most severe and cruel tortures.

According to some sources, the holy martyr Galina, together with other disciples of Kondrat, suffered for faith in Christ in 250-251, and according to others - in 258. According to some sources, all this happened on March 10, old style, according to others - on April 16, Easter.
source http://www.ikonu.ru/

Patron saint of wearers
name GALINA -
Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth

The Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth suffered for the Christian faith in the 3rd century. According to legend, the holy martyr Galina died on the first day of Easter in the year 258. She, along with other holy martyrs, was thrown into the sea. Holy
Galina of Corinth helps in all matters those who are baptized in the name Galina, and the holy martyr becomes the first helper and intercessor of those who are with her on the holy namesake.

Life of the Holy Martyr
Galina Korinthskaya

The names of the martyrs from Corinth - Cyprian, Dionysius, Anekt, Paul, Criscent, Dionysius another, Victoria, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, Seraphion, Papias, Leonidas, as well as the martyrs Galina, Chariessa, Nunekhia, Kalisa (Kalida), Basilissa, Niki, Gali (fallen name - Gali, emphasis on i) and Theodora did not disappear through the centuries thanks to the preserved feat of their mentor Elder Kodrat.

It is known about the holy martyr Galina of Corinth that she was born at the beginning of the 3rd century in Corinth, and from there her nickname Corinthian came. The Greek city of Corinth was second in importance after Athens, the capital of the central part of the country - Achaia, enlightened in Christianity in the 1st century by the supreme apostle Paul. Let us remember the Epistles of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians - how much fatherly love, how much tender and strict spiritual care is put into these words, thank God, sealed for us forever in the book of the New Testament. Here, among other Christians of Corinth, Saint Galina met the holy elder Codratus, who enlightened her in the Teachings of Christ and converted her to the Christian faith.

Emperor Decius then ruled in Rome - it is believed that it was around the year 251 from the Nativity of Christ. To identify Christians and punish them, Decius sent the military leader Jason to Corinth. He quickly found Elder Kodrat with his disciples, and everyone, including Saint Galina, was taken into custody and taken to prison. All those taken were first tortured - here the Roman pagans were very successful in the fantasies of the executioners, but the faith of Christ was stronger, and, seeing that their efforts were useless, by order of Jason, the persecutors threw the martyrs to be devoured by wild beasts, but even they sensed the Holy Spirit of the Creator of all things in These people refused easy prey.

This miracle did not cool the ardor of the persecutors. Christians were given over to new torments, descriptions of which we will omit, because any horror film that we watch today is an easy spectacle compared to what the torturers did to the martyrs of Corinth. After all the torture, according to some surviving sources, they were beheaded.

Before the execution, they asked to be given a little time for the last prayer, they themselves went to the place of execution and lay down under the sword. This happened on March 10/23, approximately 251 A.D., and at the site of their execution a spring with wonderfully clear water appeared.

According to other sources, they died a little later, in 258, already under Emperor Valerian I. They tried to throw them into the sea together with Saint Leonidas, but the saints did not drown, but walked on the water singing hymns to Christ. This happened on Easter and was another evidence of the power and glory of the Lord. However, the persecutors caught up with them on a ship, tied a weight around their necks and drowned them in the sea waters.

How does an icon protect

In front of the icon of the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth, they pray for protection from temptations, for strengthening in faith, since all the martyrs of early Christianity are an expressive example of the firmness of spiritual convictions, their self-denial is difficult to comprehend for modern people. Not everyone in our times has the opportunity to make such a choice: one’s own physical life or a voluntary, moreover, sometimes joyful renunciation of it in the name of testifying to the superiority of spiritual life over physical life. Precisely because in our everyday life there is no place for the suffering that the early Christians went through, refusing to betray the name of the Lord, and the conditions in which they lived and believed are not comparable to ours, when there are no threats to the salvation of the soul, except those hidden within ourselves, reflection on their feat protects us from spiritual falls and transgressions before God.

What does an icon help with?

Saint Galina of Corinth helps in all matters those who are baptized in the name Galina, and the holy martyr becomes the first helper and intercessor of those who are with her on the holy namesake. Prayer before the icon of the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth helps us, modern Christians, to understand our spiritual weaknesses. When we read the lives of the saints of the first centuries of Christianity, we learn about their suffering in the name of Christ and executions, about the most severe persecution and persecution, about everything that the pagans committed, trying to uproot the seeds of the new, true faith.

How to pray in front of an icon

Your Lamb, Jesus, Galina calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and seeking You I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, so that I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with You ; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, offering myself to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

Prayer to the holy martyr Leonid and the martyrs Hariessa, Nika, Galina, Kalisa, Nunekhia, Vasilisa, Theodora, Irina and others like them who suffered

O holy martyr! Extend your favorable prayers to our Lord and Creator and beg His goodness to grant us (names) everything necessary for eternal salvation, and also necessary for this temporary life: we believe without a doubt that everything is possible for you, as His true saint. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not disgrace our hope, but through your prayers make us heirs of being the Kingdom of Christ, so that we glorify the love of mankind in the Trinity of the glorified and worshiped God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your holy intercession, forever and ever.

Prayerful invocation of the saint whose name you bear

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (name), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

When is the holy day of remembrance

The days of memory of the holy martyr Galina are celebrated:
March 10/23 - her teacher, the holy martyr Kodrat and others like him, is remembered;
April 16/29 - the holy martyrs who died at sea are remembered.

Which churches have an icon of the saint?

You can venerate Saint Galina of Corinth in the Church of the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth in Khimki (Moscow region), although in vast Russia there may be small churches and chapels built in her honor. You can find out about this from your diocese.

For home prayers, so that you can pray to your heavenly patroness more often, not only when coming to church for general worship, but at home, if the need for urgent prayer arises, simply spend time in prayerful communication with your heavenly patroness.

Meaning of the icon

About the holy martyr Galina of Corinth, like about most early Christian martyrs, we know very little, and this information is fragmentary. And, of course, an even greater number of names have sunk into Eternity, remaining unknown to us. But the exploits of those whose names we know also speak about those unknown people who suffered next to them. In the history of the Church, only one Saint Galina is known reliably, but there are certainly other holy women with this name who suffered for Christ. On occasion, let us pray for those whose lives remain unknown, but the Lord knows about them as those who brought their feat and their selfless love to the Throne of God.


The meaning of the name Galina

The meaning of the name is “calmness”, “serenity”
Origin: Ancient Greek

Horoscope named after Galina

*Zodiac sign - Aries.
*Guardian planet is the Sun.
*Talisman stone - garnet.
*Talisman color - crimson, purple,
a combination of brick scarlet and blue-gray.
*Plant talisman - sweet pea, pine.
*The animal mascot is a jackdaw.
*The most successful day is Wednesday.
*Predisposition to traits such as -
persistence, pragmatism, inconstancy,
striving for a higher goal, openness

Copy the prayer by hand and always carry it with you, it will be your protection, you can read it at any time when you have problems, and also do not forget to praise your protector - the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth

The name Galina translated from Greek means “calm, serene,” but the life of the holy martyr Galina of Corinth was not calm and serene. She accomplished her feat of faith in the 3rd century; Some sources indicate the years 250-251, others indicate the year 258.

Galina's birthplace was the city of Corinth in the Greek province of Achaia, the largest after Athens, where the Apostle Paul once spread the Christian faith. A dramatic change in Galina’s life occurred after meeting the righteous elder Kondraty, thanks to which she converted to the true faith. It’s worth saying something special about him.

Memorial Days:

  • March 23
  • April 29

About the Holy Martyr Kondratiy

His mother, Christian Rufina, was forced to leave Corinth due to persecution for her faith. Finding refuge in the mountains, she gave birth to a son and named him Kodrat. Soon after the birth of the child, Rufina died, and the child miraculously escaped and spent all his childhood and youth in the desert. Having once met Christians, he was imbued with the teachings of Christ.

Kodrat studied medicine a lot and became a good doctor, but he spent more time in solitude, in the mountains, praying and thinking about God. Many followers flocked to him, listening attentively to his instructions. One of them was Galina.

Galina Korinthskaya's feat of faith

The persecution of adherents of the true faith did not stop. The Roman Emperor Decius sent his military leader Jason to Corinth to either return Christians to faith in pagan gods or destroy them.

The holy elder Kodrat was captured and thrown into prison along with his disciples. Galina was also captured and, together with her fellow believers, subjected to terrible torture, but she, like others, did not renounce the true faith. Then Jason ordered wild animals to be set on the righteous, but the animals did not touch them.

Enraged, Jason ordered them to be tied by their legs to chariots and dragged in this form through the entire city, while a crowd of pagans standing along the road threw stones at them. When the martyrs finally found themselves outside the city, where they were to be executed, they asked for only one thing - to be allowed to pray to the Lord. After the prayer, they took turns humbly approaching the executioner, who cut off their heads with a sword, and where the holy innocent blood was shed, a pure spring gushed out as an eternal reminder to the inhabitants of Corinth about the innocent righteous killed.

Galina, along with other wives, followers and students of Saint Kodrat, could have hidden even before prison, but chose to voluntarily go to torment for the sake of the Lord. According to one legend, all the holy women were beheaded; according to another, they were thrown into the sea along with Codratus’s disciple Leonidas, but they did not go to the bottom, but straight through the water, singing praises to Jesus. Then the Roman soldiers boarded the ship, caught up with the righteous women and drowned them, hanging stones on their necks.

The meaning of the icon of the Great Martyr Galina

Quite a few women bear the name Galina, and each of them should certainly have an icon of “St. Galina” this is their heavenly patroness, intercessor and first assistant. But this does not mean at all that this icon protects only those who are baptized with this name.

The meaning of the icon of Saint Galina: anyone who needs to strengthen their faith in order to avoid spiritual fall and not break God’s commandments can turn to the help of this saint.

They pray to Saint Galina to overcome their spiritual infirmities, to grant them perseverance and courage, to maintain firmness in their faith and their spiritual convictions.

Prayer before the icon of the “Holy Martyr Galina” makes us realize how incomparable the feat of this and other saints who laid down their lives for the true faith is with the insignificant sacrifice that is required of us today: to pray and keep fasts, while their lives were completely dedicated to the Lord, and the soul was always immersed in a state of prayer.

Prayer for help from the holy martyr Galina

Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Galina, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.

After the prayer invocation, the troparion is read to the holy martyr Galina

Your Lamb, Jesus, Galina calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and seeking You I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, so that I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with You ; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, offering myself to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

There is another prayer - not to Galina alone, but to everyone who died with her.

Prayer to the holy martyr Leonid and the martyrs Chariessa, Nika, Galina, Kalisa, Nunekhia, Vasilisa, Theodora, Irina and others who suffered with them:

O holy martyr! Extend your favorable prayers to our Lord and Creator and beg His goodness to grant us (names) everything necessary for eternal salvation, and also necessary for this temporary life: we believe without a doubt that everything is possible for you, as His true saint. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not disgrace our hope, but through your prayers make us heirs of being the Kingdom of Christ, so that we glorify the love of mankind in the Trinity of the glorified and worshiped God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your holy intercession, forever and ever.

The third century AD was a turbulent time for the Roman Empire. Uprisings broke out periodically and foundations were shaken. The new emperor Gaius Decius, who came to power, decided to return his fellow citizens to the religion of their ancestors. He probably thought that the gods were sending troubles because people stopped making sacrifices to them so often. The icon of Galina, who suffered during this period, recalls the many martyrs who died for the faith in the Roman provinces.


In that distant period, Christians did not have churches, although there were places where secret meetings took place. People learned about faith from their acquaintances, friends, or by accident. Not every community had a priest. Although the church as an organization existed, communication between cities was hampered by huge distances, persecution also did not improve the situation.

Many Christians suffered in Corinth, including Saint Galina. Her icons have preserved for the Orthodox the bright face of a young woman. She was a student of the hermit Kondrat. The community was not very large, but friendly. Many people gathered around the elder. The saint was from a Christian family; his parents were killed when he was still a baby. Kondrat grew up pious and often retired to the mountains to pray. History has preserved for us the names of other disciples of the Corinthian martyr:

  • St. Cyprian;
  • St. Dionysius;
  • St. Hariessa;
  • St. Nika;
  • St. Theodora and others

Church memory remembers everyone on one day, since they became famous together, and prayer is also common. In frequent prayer, you can ask your patron saint for any help.


When Decius ascended the throne, he decided to “restore order” to religion. An important point was regular sacrifices. But the inhabitants of the empire began to show negligence in this. The pagan emperor believed that this was why fortune began to turn away from Rome. He issued a decree according to which everyone was obliged to sacrifice an animal, taste its meat, after which the citizen was given a special certificate (libelus).

Since Christians refused to worship pagan gods, they were the first to be attacked. Saint Galina and other Christians, who are depicted on a number of icons together, were arrested. At first they tried to persuade them - many Christians actually made sacrifices and received libeluses, but not Kondrat’s disciples. They patiently awaited judgment in prison, preparing their souls for eternity.

The emperor's viceroy initially tried to convince the martyr to renounce his faith through conversation. St. Kondrat presented his arguments to him, but the boss did not want to believe that God could become a man. He ordered the saint to be tortured by hanging him upside down.

Torture and execution

Righteous Galina, along with others, was awaiting execution at this time. The icon does not convey those terrible hours when like-minded people were forced to watch the torture of their teacher. Before us appears the peaceful face of the saint, who has already found her eternal reward.

Saint Kondrat bravely endured trials, he found the strength to instruct and support his disciples. The reminder of their imminent meeting with the Lord consoled them: not one wavered, gave up, or renounced the faith. The icon does not depict what kind of execution the martyr Galina suffered. Most of the prisoners had their heads cut off, some were thrown into the fire, and torn into pieces with iron rods. Some of the women were drowned in the sea.

The cruel emperor did not rule for long - he himself was soon killed in battle, like his son. Decius's plans for world domination were not destined to come true; Constantine soon gained power, adopted Christianity and people found the true God.

Heavenly helper

For every Christian, the day of baptism is special; on this holiday, an image of the saint of the same name would be an appropriate gift. The meaning of the icon for babies baptized with the name Galina will be to receive heavenly protection. The icon must be placed in the home iconostasis. You can hang it near the crib, just so that the child cannot reach the shrine.

An older child can be taught a short prayer - “Saint Galina, pray to God for me.” Let the child pray near the icon in the morning and evening. The meaning of prayer is to expel all vanity and unnecessary thoughts from the heart. Having become accustomed to praying from an early age, the child will then easily enter the church environment. There it will be easier to resist the temptations of the world around us, to which more and more young people are succumbing.

In this simple way, the icon of St. Galina can help in educating the younger generation. You can pray for the granting of patience, increasing faith, and protection from enemies.

Prayer to the holy martyr Leonid and the martyrs Hariessa, Nika, Galina, Kalisa, Nunekhia, Vasilisa, Theodora, Irina and others like them who suffered

O holy martyr! Extend your favorable prayers to our Lord and Creator and beg His goodness to grant us (names) everything necessary for eternal salvation, and also necessary for this temporary life: we believe without a doubt that everything is possible for you, as His true saint. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not disgrace our hope, but through your prayers make us heirs of being the Kingdom of Christ, so that we glorify the love of mankind in the Trinity of the glorified and worshiped God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your holy intercession, forever and ever.

Prayerful invocation of the saint whose name you bear

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (name), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

In practice, the prayer to the saint is often pronounced differently, according to church custom - with the name of the rank of holiness of the heavenly intercessor, for example: “Pray to God for me, holy Archangel of God Michael...”; “Pray to God for me, holy prophet of God Elijah...”

In this part of the prayer rule it is also good to include a troparion to your patron saint, which should be known and understood.

Icon of St. Galina - what helps, meaning, meaning was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

Great article 0

Very little is known about Galina, after whom the women in Holy Baptism are named, but let’s try to reveal her feat in a little more detail in the context of the events of that time. We also know that in the church calendar the holy martyr Galina is commemorated twice: on March 10 (23) and April 16 (29). Many who bear the name Galina may think that these are two different saints, but this is not so. On both of these dates, the memory of the holy martyr Galina of Corinth, who suffered for Christ in the 3rd century, is celebrated (according to some sources - in 250 or 251, and according to others - in 258).

Saint Galina

The Holy Martyr Galina was born in Corinth (Corinth at that time was the main city of Achaia, consecrated by the Apostle Paul). Through the mercy of God, she met the righteous elder Kodrat, who converted him to faith in Christ. Kodrat treated bodily illnesses and healed mental illnesses with the word of God. Righteous Galina and other women, imitating Saint Kodrat and keeping his instructions in their hearts, voluntarily went to torment for Christ.
They could have hidden, but they didn't. March 10, old style they were beheaded... At the place where the Corinthian martyrs were executed for Christ, a source of clean water appeared - to remind Corinth of the suffering of the saints, they shed rivers of their blood.

According to another legend, the holy women Galina, Chariesa, Nunekhia, Kalis (Kalida), Vasilisa, Nika, Gali, Theodora - disciples of the elder Kodrat - died on April 16, according to Art. Art. in 258 (apparently this happened during the eighth persecution of Christians under Emperor Valeriani). They, together with the holy martyr Leonidas, were thrown into the sea, but they did not drown, but walked on the water as if on dry land, and sang spiritual hymns. The torturers drove them onto the ships, hung stones around their necks and drowned them. So, by the alms of God, all the names of the Corinthian martyrs were preserved.

That's all that is known about the holy martyr Galina of Corinth. But isn’t this enough for everyone, and not just Galina, to know about her feat in the name of Christ?

The name Galina, despite its Greek origin (galene ≈ peace, quiet, calm sea) is perceived as exclusively Ukrainian. Perhaps none of the female names has become so popular in songs, sayings and jokes; in dialects of the Ukrainian language the name Galina has more than 70 variants. At the same time, according to statistics, in Ukraine from 1995 to 2015, out of 30 newborn girls, one was not named Galina. This is such a rare name today. However, its owners, as a rule, wear it with pleasure, and I am no exception. Since childhood, we feel how much warmth and tenderness there is in him. Mothers, and everyone around us, rarely repeated themselves when addressing us: Galya, Galinka, Galochka, Galusya... You can continue ad infinitum.
True, we, Galina, sometimes feel a little sad that our name day, the day of remembrance of our saint, is not celebrated as noticeably among the Orthodox as, for example, Tatiana’s Day, or as the day of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helen, Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, or other women, more famous than Saint Galina, glorified by the Church.
The secular interpretation of the name Galene - Galina - along with the characteristics of peace and quiet, attributes to its owners passivity, indifference, coldness and other, not very pleasant, character traits, which is difficult for us, Orthodox Galina, to agree with: we would really like to correspond to the original meaning of our name, that is, to always be in a peaceful state of mind.
Many of us were named Galina, knowing nothing at all about the lives of those saints whose name we bear. Why saints? Because the church calendar mentions Galin three times: February 10/23, March 10/23 and April 16/29. Usually, having already become a church member, we learn that on these three days the Orthodox Church commemorates only two different saints - the righteous saint Galina and the holy martyr Galina of Corinth. Usually, the life of the second ascetic is more widespread and famous, and we will take a closer look at it at the end of March, after the first saint is remembered only in the context of the biography of Saint Charalampios, whose memory also falls on February 23. Today we will try to tell you everything that we managed to collect from available sources about the heavenly patroness Galin, who were born in January-February, and therefore are under her prayerful intercession. So, who is she, righteous Galina, and how did she deserve honor before the Lord among the saints?
It is known that Saint Galina lived in the 3rd century and was the daughter of the Roman ruler Septimius Severus. The ancestor of that same Alexander Severus, during whose reign Saint Tatiana received the crown of martyrdom. From the day the young ruler ascended the throne, the empire was expecting changes: in the palace of the new head of state, icons of Christ stood next to sculptures of Roman gods. At first, it seemed that he was not an open fighter against God - he simply considered Jesus another of the pantheon of his gods. But, obviously, the eparchs of the State Council, together with the emperor, led the country, were still able to convince Septimius of theirs, and from a passive observer the North became a cruel persecutor of Christians.
In the city of Magnesia, a southeastern region of Ancient Greece, lived a bishop named Charalampius, a successful missionary and preacher. Rumors about his success in

Saint Galina

The spread of the faith of Christ came to Lucian, the ruler of the region. The military leader Lucius brought the saint to trial, where he refused to sacrifice to idols. The 113-year-old bishop was subjected to terrible torture, and he gratefully addressed the executioners: “Thank you, brothers, you have renewed my spirit!” Two warriors, Porfiry and Vaptos, as well as three women, who immediately laid down their heads for confessing the name of Christ, became witnesses to the elder’s firm faith. The enraged military leader first rushed in to strangle the bishop, but later begged for forgiveness: his arms were lost and his head returned. The ruler of the region, recognizing his own powerlessness, handed over the indestructible old man to the emperor's court. Septimius Severus ordered to bring Saint Charalampios to him, dragging him by the beard. And again the terrible torment that only the sick imagination of a god-fighter could dream up. But the power of God helped Saint Charalampius, and he remained unharmed. Through his prayers, miracles began to happen: a dead young man was resurrected, a demon-possessed man was healed, and people en masse began to profess faith in Christ the Savior. When Emperor Septimius began to openly blaspheme, an invisible force lifted him into the air, and together with Eparch Crispus they hung in limbo, confused and frightened. And over their heads, lightning struck over and over again, and thunder rolled.

And here, finally, life gives us a meeting with Galina, the daughter of the emperor. The program does not give us information about what the girl looked like, what character or habits she had. Instead, the actions of the blessed one speak. Obviously, Galina believed, along with many of her subjects, having seen the miracles that Charalampius performed in the name of the Lord. One can only imagine what was going on in the soul of the poor girl when she realized the horror of her situation: her father was torturing a holy man. Try to put yourself in his place - and you will be horrified. “Father, no one can resist God: for Christians He is hope, but for the wicked He is death. Believe in Him, and He will protect you and free you from those invisible bonds by which you are bound. The one who bound you is the eternal and omnipotent God,” Galina turned to Septimius with hope, hoping to take advantage of her father’s confusion. Charalampia fell to her knees before the saint: “I beg you, servant of God, pray to the Lord Christ and with your prayer free my father from invisible fetters.”
After liberation, Sever and his retinue did not leave the palace for three days. Galina prayed, hoping for her father's understanding. The vision that was revealed to her finally confirmed him in faith. “It seemed to me,” she told Saint Charalampios, “that I saw a large fenced garden in which various trees were planted; Among them grew a beautiful vineyard, and in this vineyard stood a tall cedar tree, with a spring flowing at its roots. Here stood a formidable guard who did not allow anyone to enter this garden. Nearby I saw my father and Eparch Crispus, whom a guard was driving away from this place with a fiery sword. I was gripped by great fear and only prayed that this guard would allow me to stay there. He said: “Come here, and I will carry you on my shoulders with honor into this garden.” And when I was already at the source, I heard a voice: “This place has been given to you and those like you.”
Saint Charalampius explained the vision as follows: “The abundance of water is a gift of the Holy Spirit, but a fenced garden is paradise. The vineyard signifies the repose of the righteous in paradise, and the fragrant trees signify the faces of the saints. The tall cedar symbolizes the glory of Christ on the cross, the source is eternal life, given by Christ to the human race. And the guard who received you on His shoulder is the Lord Christ, who, leaving ninety-nine sheep in the mountains, began to look for the lost one and, having found it, took it on His shoulders (Luke 15: 4-5). Your father, together with the eparch, will be expelled from the paradise of God, because they - now grateful to God - will soon again fall into the devil’s shackles.”
And so it happened. The bishop was again sent to be tortured, as Galina asked for mercy on him. The girl just prayed and mentally prepared for the worst. And my father went crazy: “Make a sacrifice, Galina!” The girl agreed, hoping that maybe with her humility she would soften the tyrant’s heart. She was ready to do anything just to stop the torture. The North triumphed: now he will wipe the nose of that stubborn Christian - his own daughter will also bow to the gods. Meanwhile, Galina went to the temple of Action and Apollo and told the priests that she had come to bring repentance to the gods. Entering the temple, the girl laughed in despair: “Which idol should I throw down first - Action or Hercules, or maybe Apollo?” While the frightened priests were persuading her, Galina approached Action: “If you are a god, then how could you still not see that I came to crush you?” So all the statues fell under their feet. “Someone is blessed!” — The priests looked at each other in shock. The ruler, having learned about his daughter’s pranks, secretly ordered the production of new idols, saying that they were resurrected like Christ.
Galina, entering the temple in the morning, laughed: “It’s easier for me to destroy new idols than old ones.” - And, turning to Action, she added: “Jupiter, risen from the dead, I command you: go again to death.” And again the floor of the temple was littered with fragments from broken idols. The enraged Septimius stamped his feet: “Make a sacrifice to the gods, you seeds of evil, not my child!”

Galina, for the first time in her life, not afraid of her father’s frantic screeching, smiling, answered: “I have already made a sacrifice to them, to the best of my ability, but, if you want, I can do the same with your other gods.” The emperor even recoiled: it was not his daughter who stood in front of him - she became like those out-of-this-world Christians whom he drowned in his own blood, and they only prayed and praised God. Some even thanked him for his torment and blessed him. “The same smile, blissful...” Sever shuddered. He no longer touched Galina, but he could not admit to himself that his daughter - the powerful Septimius Severus - professes Christianity and also seems to have gone crazy.
And Galina... The frank admission of herself as a Christian, her father's cruelty, the condemnation of the townspeople, even the whispering of the servants in the palace - completely unsettled her. Only prayer saved me. Only the Lord saw at what cost Galina had to pay her confession of faith. The Life sparingly reports that it was the daughter of the emperor-executioner who collected the remains of her mentor: “Blessed Galina, the king’s daughter, begged from him the body of the martyr and, taking it, wrapped it in a clean shroud, anointed it with incense and precious myrrh and, glorifying the Lord, put it in a golden the ark. The king was afraid to judge and punish his daughter, seeing that the Lord was with her, he left her to live in Christian piety, according to his will.”
That's all: a few lines, and behind them is the life of the righteous Galina. We do not know for sure that life lived through the holidays and how many years the Almighty gave it. But we know for sure: the feat of confession of faith, which she bore in the eyes of the Savior of the world, is worth the most precious rewards. Galina is blessed, Galina is one of the saints of Christ, next to His throne she prays for us. Isn’t this enough for everyone, not just Galina, to know about her feat in the name of Christ?
Holy blessed Galina, pray to God for us!