What is the difference between rank and degree? What are the types of academic degrees and their difference from academic titles. The difference between an academic degree and an academic title

The word “scientist”, like many others in our aging vocabulary, which does not have time to transform and follow vital changes in society, has long lost its original meaning. Logically, “scientist” means “trained,” “saturated with knowledge.” According to Vladimir Dahl’s “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,” a scientist is someone “who has been taught, learned,” and scholarship is “the state, the quality of a learned person, a thorough knowledge of the sciences, a complete study of them.”

Nowadays, when we say “scientist,” we mean by this a person who creates science, creates, discovers new knowledge and scientific truths, has an academic degree, and has defended a dissertation. By and large, the meaning of the word “scientist” becomes more intelligible when it is supplemented with the epithets “established”, “famous”, “outstanding”, “world famous”.

Such epithets involuntarily instill fear and surround the term “scientist” with an aura of inaccessibility for the average mortal who has studied “something and somehow.” One should not despair and take, say, the meaning of the phrase “famous scientist” literally, as known to the whole country, or even the world. After all, you can be famous on a much smaller scale, for example within an institute, university, or even a faculty. Or you can generally be guided by a common behavioral recipe: “The main thing is not to be, but to appear!” It seems much easier to be called a scientist than to actually be one. This is universally used by people for whom wearing the mantle of a scientist in the form of a degree and title is much more important than being a true scientist.

From the standpoint of statistics, any citizen who works creatively in science has the right to be called a scientist. But don’t forget one more important truth: “Without a piece of paper you are a bug, but with a piece of paper you are a person.” Especially in a society that ranks high in the world in terms of formalism and bureaucracy. So, if you want to be considered a scientist, present a certificate stating that you are a scientist. Such certificates are diplomas and certificates indicating the presence of an academic degree or title. So first you have to understand these very degrees and titles, the presence of which is documented by authorized scientific authorities.

Let's talk about the system of academic degrees and titles. According to the approved unified register of academic degrees and titles, two academic degrees have been introduced in Russia: the primary one is Candidate of Sciences and the higher one is Doctor of Sciences. Each candidate of sciences can be considered, following the apt expression of V. Vysotsky, “a candidate for doctor.” But unlike candidates for membership of the CPSU, who after a year completely became members, not every candidate of science goes on to become a doctor. Only about every tenth. The rest remain candidates for life. And the period of candidate experience is not a year, but usually from 5 to 25 years. Candidates, like wine, must be aged for a certain period of time, therefore those of them who strive to obtain the academic degree of Doctor of Science, without having previously been a candidate of science for several years, are looked askance by elderly doctors of science, who have been candidates for many years, who decide their scientific fate .

In principle, an academic degree is awarded on the basis of a public defense of a thesis to applicants for the corresponding degree. What a dissertation is and what its defense is is discussed in the following presentation.

Formally, according to established rules, the scientific degree of candidate of sciences is awarded dissertation council, i.e., a specialized council that is given the right to accept dissertations for defense for the corresponding academic degree. But the scientific degree of Doctor of Science is awarded only Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) on the basis of a petition from the dissertation council, accepted after the successful defense of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science at the dissertation council authorized to accept doctoral dissertations for defense (doctoral council). Doctoral councils have the right to accept both doctoral and candidate dissertations for defense. But even in the process of obtaining a PhD degree, the Higher Attestation Commission cannot be bypassed. The coveted candidate's diploma can be obtained only after a control check at the Higher Attestation Commission of the certification case submitted there for consideration by the dissertation council after the defense.

So, an academic degree and a dissertation are closely connected. To obtain an academic degree of candidate or doctor of science, you must first prepare and defend a dissertation, and this, after all, is a voluminous scientific work containing from 100 to 350 pages of text. Is it possible not to write a multi-page dissertation and still legally obtain an academic degree? It turns out it is possible, although not entirely simple. According to the regulations on the award of academic degrees, a doctoral dissertation can be completed in the form scientific report, representing a brief summary of the results of the research and development conducted by the applicant. The provision on this possibility is stated as follows: “A dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science in the form of a scientific report is a brief generalized summary of the results of research and development, known to a wide range of specialists.” The report must be supported by a set of scientific works previously published by the applicant in the relevant field of knowledge that are of great importance for science and practice. Rarely do any applicants follow such a non-trivial path. You need to have a lot of publications, be famous even before awarding an academic degree, and follow an untrodden, and therefore more risky, path.

Having received some primary information about academic degrees, let's move on to academic titles. In Russia, according to the unified register of academic degrees and titles, approved in 2002, the following titles are provided:

a) associate professor in a specialty according to the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers or in the department of an educational institution;

b) professor by specialty or department.

The system of academic titles is more confusing than the system of academic degrees. And not only because they distinguish between titles by specialty and department, but also because the degrees are, as it were, only scientific, but the titles are both scientific and pedagogical, teaching. Academic degrees are essentially awarded only by the Higher Attestation Commission, and all kinds of scientific titles are awarded by the Higher Attestation Commission, the Ministry of Education, and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Without aiming to systematize information about academic titles that is prone to change, we touch upon them only in an effort to distinguish between the concepts of “academic degree” and “academic title” and to prevent the often observed confusion in this regard.

Speaking about academic titles, one should distinguish title or simply a position held from an academic title, which one can have without holding a similar position. Thus, you can hold the position of professor or associate professor without having the appropriate title, confirmed by the presence of a certificate. But you can have the title of professor or associate professor, have the appropriate official certificate and work as a house manager, or even not work at all. I have to write about this not only out of a feeling of pity for professors with the title who, alas, work not as professors, but in a slightly lower position. The point is also that those who work as professors, but do not have such an academic title, tend to call themselves professors, although in reality they only hold a professorial position. It is curious that the military is more modest in this regard - a colonel holding a general's position does not call himself a general until he receives the rank of general.

You need to know that, along with the titles “associate professor” and “professor” supported by certificates, there are purely official titles that are not directly related to the conferment of an academic title. At the same time, in order to hold the position of a researcher (junior, simply scientific, senior, leading, chief) in a research or educational institution, it is desirable, and sometimes mandatory, to have academic degrees and titles. Academic titles are established for scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel according to the criteria of the state certification system.

Academic title of associate professor assigned to employees of scientific organizations for research activities and employees of higher educational institutions for scientific and pedagogical activities.

Academic title of professor awarded to employees of higher educational institutions and scientific organizations for scientific and pedagogical activities and training of graduate students.

Persons who have been awarded academic titles are issued corresponding certificates, which, by analogy with candidate's or doctor's degree provide official “certificates” of involvement in the world of scientists.

A legitimate question arises: “Why and who needs these cunning double signs, a double dimension of scholarship: by degrees and titles?” The most natural answer, in our opinion, is: “Everything that exists in the world is reasonable. So that's how it should be. As for tricks, in science you cannot do without tricks. Sometimes you can do it without knowledge, but you can’t do it without tricks.”

So it’s better not to waste your mental energy, but to finally understand how academic degrees differ from academic titles. For in general, as is clear from the previous presentation, the system of academic degrees and titles is so confusing that if you try to understand all the details, you become even more confused.

1. Academic degrees are awarded as a result of the defense of dissertations, and academic titles are awarded based on the results of scientific and pedagogical activities. The procedure and procedure for “awarding” and “assigning” are different. An applicant who wants to receive an academic degree proves that he has grounds for this in a “court” in the form of a dissertation council, which makes the initial decision to award the required degree based on the defense of the dissertation. An academic title is assigned by authorized bodies on the basis of a petition indicating that the applicant for an academic title has fulfilled the necessary conditions for this.

It is extremely desirable, I would say, even obligatory, not to confuse the word “awarded,” which refers only to academic degrees, with the word "assigned", attributable only to academic titles. This is a common mistake, inherent, alas, even to those who have already become scientists. Such an error indicates either linguistic sloppiness or low scientific culture. In everyday life, the words “present” and “provide” are confused in the same way, having different meanings. By the way, if a petition is filed against a researcher to confer an academic title on him, then it is customary to say that he has been nominated for an academic title. But they do not provide an academic degree; it, as is clear from the previous statement, is awarded by authorized dissertation councils or special commissions based on the results of dissertation defenses.

2. The presence of an academic degree is evidenced by a diploma of a candidate or doctor of science, and the presence of an academic title is evidenced by a certificate of an associate professor or professor. So the certificates are called differently.

3. Usually, the award of the academic title of senior associate professor is preceded by the award of the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, and the award of the title of professor is preceded by the award of the academic degree of Doctor of Science, i.e., you must first obtain degrees, and then titles adequate to them, and therefore most often it is more difficult to acquire a degree than a title, which, if you have a degree, is relatively easy to obtain in a few years.

Hence it is clear that to obtain a title it is desirable to have a degree. Preferred, but not required. It is possible to obtain a title without a degree; to do this, you must be, as the regulations on academic titles say, a highly qualified specialist and hold a corresponding scientific position for some time. In the modern scientific unofficial lexicon, a researcher or teacher who has been awarded the title of professor in the absence of a doctorate degree is usually called a “cold” professor. Such a professor is not deprived of the opportunity to defend his dissertation and turn into a “hot one.”

Let us emphasize once again that when talking about academic titles, they should be distinguished from positions. You can hold the position of associate professor or professor without having the appropriate academic title. The difference between a title holder and a position holder is about the same as between a full-time car owner and a non-owner driver. The title is given forever, for life, and the position is given for a certain period. True, there are often cases when you have a position, but the position is occupied by a person without a title, even though you are an associate professor by rank, but you are forced to work as an assistant. Science is a tricky thing, a lot is possible in it. Title is one of these opportunities.

The range of scientific positions is wider than the range of academic titles. Thus, for two academic titles there is a whole set of positions. In higher education institutions this is an assistant, lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor. In scientific organizations - junior (to me), simply scientific, senior (to me), leading, chief researcher (the latter are jokingly called gnats). In addition, there are also high positions of heads of departments, departments, laboratories, sectors, and even higher ones - rectors, vice-rectors, directors. In general, we have enough scientific positions. Anyone holding such a position has the right to be considered a scientist.

Mention should be made of scientists, or rather, scientific titles beginning with the words “honorable”, “honorable”, but they are not intended for beginning scientists, but for those finishing their scientific career. Honored scientists and honorary doctors usually don’t need dissertations; they either have them or don’t really need them.

You can't ignore the titles corresponding member And full member (academician) of the Academy of Sciences. At first glance, it seems that this is also not for the young, although Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov became a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences at the age of 28, and an academician at the age of 32. And in general, a soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is a bad soldier, just like a graduate student who does not dream of becoming an academician. The chances are approximately equal, but in the future they are higher for graduate students, because the number of academic vacancies in recent years has begun to increase sharply due to the growth in the number of academies themselves.

Again, further clarification is needed to understand this issue. Nowadays, scientific academies in Russia form a whole pyramid, at the top of which is the Russian Academy of Sciences, created by Peter the Great in 1724, which includes about a thousand corresponding members and full members (academics). This is the holy of holies of science. Even the great transformer N.S. Khrushchev failed to replace the Academy of Sciences with a collection of branch academies. They say that the then president of the Academy of Sciences A.N. Nesmeyanov told Khrushchev: “Nikita Sergeevich, the Academy was created by Peter the Great himself and it is not for you to close it.” A L.I. Brezhnev and others like him were unable to achieve the expulsion of the freethinker A.D. from the Academy of Sciences. Sakharov.

The greatness of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) is determined by the fact that it includes the most outstanding scientists, generals and even marshals from science. But the fact of receiving a life annuity in the form of “scholarships” also plays some role. Before market reforms, academicians were paid 500 rubles in addition to their labor income. per month, and corresponding members - 300 rubles, which was approximately twice the average wage in the Soviet Union. In the conditions of the quasi-market Russian economy, academic “scholarships” initially sharply “lost weight,” but, starting in 2002, they increased significantly again and reached two to three times the average monthly salary of an ordinary Russian worker. This is not a great level, taking into account inflation, but the flow of those striving to become corresponding members and full members of the RAS does not dry out. After all, there are some other incentives besides monetary support.

At the second level of the academic pyramid there are state branch academies, such as the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, the Academy of Architecture and Construction, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Academy of Arts and, to some extent, the Academy of Natural Sciences (RAEN). They also include full members (academicians) and corresponding members, but their state “scholarships” are one and a half, or even two times lower, and only the Academy itself has the right to pay money to the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Well, at the third level, during the so-called transition period from an administrative-managerial to a market economy in Russia, so many non-state, public academies, academicians and corresponding members arose in Russia that they are countless. He himself became an academician of two academies at once. But in these academies they do not pay state money and, on the contrary, in order to become a member one must pay an entrance fee as a kind of payment for the right to bear the title of corresponding member of the Academy or full member.

So if you want to understand the real greatness of the title of academician, then you must first find out which Academy he belongs to. The newly-minted academicians of numerous man-made academies are reluctant to talk about this, calling themselves with pathos academicians, corresponding members, without indicating which academy they mean.

Getting into the very top layer of the elite requires special skill and luck. Although formally academicians are also elected as corresponding members, in order to become one, one must be elected in a different sense of the word. Members and academicians have their own Masonic lodge, their own laws of promotion, which, perhaps, are the only ones known to them. Neither dissertations nor scientific works play a decisive role here, although an academic degree is needed. It is much more important to get into the flow and get support from lodge members. The higher the level of the Academy, the more difficult it is, naturally, to get into it.

There is no doubt that the fierce competition (ten or more doctors of science are vying for one position as a corresponding member of the RAS), the desire to get a scientific apartment on the highest floor, closer to the sun, is due to some super-powerful incentive. Long tongues are spoken about the life annuity received from the public pocket by having an academic title in addition to other income. And also about the possibility of getting a new position later. Those striving for the top claim that they do this out of pure love for science, so that their undoubted scientific merits will receive public recognition, and they themselves will receive economic independence and freedom of scientific creativity.

And one more interesting detail. In Russia, many non-state educational academies, universities, and institutes have appeared, which sometimes have dissertation councils. The most “brave” of them sometimes dare to completely separate from the state in the person of the Higher Attestation Commission, awarding academic degrees of not just a candidate, but even a doctor of sciences without the participation of the Higher Attestation Commission, as is customary abroad in completely different conditions. After their defense, such quickly “baked” scientists are immediately issued sealed diplomas, called “crusts,” the forms of which are not particularly difficult to produce or buy. All that remains is to say to candidates and doctors of sciences certified in this way: “Walk, Vasya, along the scientific path, and, of course, receive a reward for your services.”

This is one of the consequences of the hasty liberalization of Russian science and education. I would still like to remind the “craftsmen” that, according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2002 No. 74, only diplomas issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation or other authorized state authorities are valid as documents for the award of academic degrees provided for by the state certification system organs.

Having become familiar with the Russian system of academic degrees and titles, a curious reader has the right to ask what it is like over there, i.e., abroad, in this regard. You understand that they cannot have such a strict and harmonious system as ours. There, whoever wants what, does it. And the government does not interfere in this matter, and there is no Higher State Attestation Commission, and the regulations and instructions are less than ours. True, self-discipline is usually higher there and self-responsibility is also higher. Universities, having the ability to independently award “their own” academic degrees, do not scatter them left and right, do not turn them into a subject of purchase and sale, or nepotism. At least they do this rarely, as an exception.

As a result, with degrees and titles it is too simple there, not like here. Complete primitivism, even boring. No candidates, no associate professors. True, there are doctors and professors. But their doctor is something like a domestic candidate. Therefore, our candidates, having gone abroad or entered into contacts with foreign scientists in their native land, immediately call themselves doctors. Although they call novice scientists bachelors and masters, the latter even have to prepare a dissertation.

Our attempts to reproduce the training of bachelors and masters in Russia have not yet been crowned with resounding success.

Again, they do not have a full set of our scientific titles. But professors come in different ranks: junior, just professor, and senior or full (not by size, of course, but by completeness of knowledge and recognition of merit).

Why do people need academic degrees and titles?

The problem of the purpose of life, human aspirations and needs, their distribution in terms of significance and importance has occupied and will forever occupy the minds of people. It is equally obvious that, despite all the efforts of philosophers and sociologists, no one will ever be able to completely solve this problem. Accordingly, there is no need to look for an exhaustive answer to the question: “Why and why do people strive to acquire academic degrees and titles, spending a lot of time, effort and money on it?” In the end, if a person is looking for something, it means he needs it. A need is something that people need, and one should think more not about the nature of such a need, but about how to satisfy it more fully at lower, limited costs. But still, it is necessary and possible, even necessary, to understand the meaning of the desires of those suffering to acquire an academic degree, because the degree of zeal with which the applicant achieves his goal depends on the desires.

According to the ideas of the American sociologist and psychologist Abraham Maslow, hierarchically structured human needs form a kind of “pyramid” consisting of five steps and levels. The needs arranged by rank form the following structure.

1. The need for self-realization, self-affirmation.
2. The need for respect from others and for self-esteem.
3. The need for communication, friendship, love.
4. Need for safety and assistance.
5. Physiological needs.

Let us consider how the satisfaction of the listed needs is related to the presence of a person’s academic degree and academic title. A scientist can satisfy his physiological needs more fully if, after successfully defending a dissertation, awarding an academic degree, or conferring an academic title, his income and access to material goods increase.

The safety of a scientist is somewhat higher than that of an ordinary citizen; Due to the historical veneration of scientists in Rus', they are killed less by bandits and criminal groups. Young male graduate students are given a deferment from military conscription while they complete their studies. Candidates of science are generally not conscripted into the army by force. More or less eminent scientists are assigned to special clinics; the state takes a little more care of their health compared to non-eminent ones, although in quasi-market Russia this opportunity has faded.

Joining a scientist's club undoubtedly develops communication and friendship; Additional contacts arise between scientists, they form unique clans, meet at conferences, seminars, events held by scientists’ houses, all kinds of scientific societies and foundations. Scientists often travel abroad and communicate with foreign colleagues. With the satisfaction of needs for love, the problem is not solved so clearly, but, in any case, the love of graduate students for their supervisors is an ordinary event.

Respect for scientists by others, as already mentioned, stems from historical Russian traditions, and although recently such respect has somewhat faded against the background of veneration for businessmen who know how to make money, it is still observed to a certain extent. But the need for self-esteem after receiving academic degrees and titles is obviously satisfied to a high degree. You don’t even notice how you begin to truly respect yourself and treat yourself with dignity.

And, of course, writing and defending a dissertation, acquiring and further using academic degrees and titles is one of the highest forms of self-realization and self-expression. In this respect, scientists are surpassed only by actors and politicians.

Scientists live relatively long, at least longer than people engaged in many other types of purposeful activities. According to expert estimates, a candidate's degree and the title of associate professor extend life by two to three years compared to non-degree ones, doctors and professors live longer by about five to seven years, corresponding members and academicians - by eight to ten. The lack of detailed and reliable statistics does not allow us to confirm the stated hypothesis with more reliable figures. And scientists find it easier to accommodate their children than to successfully prolong life in their children. This should be taken into account when striving for the first form of happiness - increasing life expectancy, prolonging it in one's offspring and ensuring a good life for one's offspring.

When it comes to the happiness of enrichment, scientists are also not the last people. Of course, in terms of income and material well-being, they cannot compare with successful entrepreneurs, oligarchs, and the highest nomenklatura. Even an academician is unlikely to win the competition. But a candidate of science can compete with a worker, office worker, engineer, doctor, teacher. And in terms of income, and in terms of cash savings, and in terms of property. An academic degree can provide a car and a garden plot, sometimes even a modest dacha. Not right away, of course.

In monetary terms, academic degrees and titles bring additional income both due to a slightly increased wage rate and as a result of receiving bonuses and extra income. Alas, the time when a candidate or associate professor received a guaranteed increase in salary in the amount of 50 to 200 rubles. per month, doctor of sciences - from 100 to 400 rubles. (and the ruble was close in value to the dollar) is a thing of the past. However, little by little, it seems to be coming back. Much depends on the ability to use degrees and titles as a tool for obtaining money and material goods, acting according to the formula: “academic degree - promotion to a position - gaining a position that allows you to receive income - receiving the income itself.”

There is no need to hide that the demand for scientific and intellectual products observed in the former Soviet country has dropped significantly; Often a scientific, spiritual product remains unclaimed by the system and society. At the same time, certain types of scientific, educational, and information products are highly valued in the modern Russian market of goods and services. It is possible to sell them abroad at an affordable price.

Let’s not make hasty, hasty, one-sided conclusions about the failure of the idea of ​​material, monetary happiness on scientific grounds. After all, they still pay. Free time, which a scientist has much more than other workers, also costs money; it can be used for additional commercial activities. And in the end, if you decide to grow and sell flowers, sell imported cigarettes, and maybe even oil, gas or metals, then an academic degree and title will not hurt in any way, and will also help in some ways. Academic degrees and the scientific image they generate are an excellent, extremely useful addition to the art of commerce, if not reinforcement.

Even if science is not the best or most effective way of material enrichment, it is a reliable path to spiritual wealth. It should be recognized that science, like art, provides inexhaustible possibilities in this regard. Knowledge of the innermost secrets of the universe and the very introduction to the world of people who create science, erect a majestic, never completed Building of Knowledge, gives extraordinary, incomparable sensations, special feelings. Personal involvement in replenishing the treasury of Eternal Science exalts a person and serves as a powerful source of self-affirmation, achievement of fame, and approach to glory. It is not for nothing that one hundred members of the Paris Academy of Natural Sciences are considered immortal.

Among the people, scientists, by analogy with writers, artists, artists, are considered by many to be noble, intelligent, intellectually gifted, or even the most intelligent people. I remember the deep respect my mother had for scientists. In the remote Ukrainian village where I spent my childhood, of course, they had no idea or even heard of academic degrees and titles. The word "scientist" was associated with the concept of "educated". My mother, who by some miracle graduated from high school in Odessa, was considered almost the most learned person in the village. My father, who barely completed two grades at a parish school, liked to say in defiance of his mother: “If everyone becomes literate, who will herd the pigs?”

Let us now try to understand the driving forces that motivate Russians living in the conditions of a protracted transition period from a Soviet socialist to a market capitalist economy to write and defend dissertations. Life testifies that such incentives exist. After the obvious recession of the late 90s of the XX century. in Russia at the very beginning of the 11th century. There has been a rise in interest in defending dissertations and acquiring academic titles. What caused it and who did it affect?

There is an increasing number of young pragmatists who do not consider science the best, most profitable field of activity in the conditions of modern life, but who understand that a stock of scientific knowledge, supported by an academic degree, not only will not hurt, but may well come in handy. While engaging in entrepreneurship, participating in a more or less profitable business, or planning such participation, striving to establish themselves in the middle class, such young men and women understand at the same time that enrolling in correspondence graduate school, becoming an applicant, defending a dissertation is useful for strengthening their status and position in society, in life. They do not expect immediate benefits or advantages from an academic degree, but believe that all this will come over time. Well, this cohort of degree-seekers is certainly forward-thinking.

Another category of people seeking to acquire an academic degree is part of the “new Russians” who have acquired a decent financial fortune and position, have been honored to become worthy members of the Russian middle class and at the same time are looking for ways and means to strengthen their position in the name of a reliable future. These energetic people are looking for additional areas to apply their efforts and invest their available funds. One of these areas is science, or more precisely, obtaining an academic degree. A simple calculation or purely intuitive ideas convince such applicants for an academic degree that investments in scientific work, which do not represent such a significant part of their available resource potential, strength, energy, time, money, will certainly pay off. And even if they don’t pay off in monetary terms, the losses are not so significant and are quite tolerable. Even the very fact of long-term, or even lifelong, involvement in science through the acquisition of an academic degree serves as a worthy reward for such people and repays the resources expended.

The next group of Russians, eager to acquire the academic degree of candidate and doctor of sciences, and then, if possible, become a professor, are eminent and wealthy middle-aged citizens who emerged on the wave of market reforms and occupied a very decent, sometimes even very high, position in society. These are active, dynamic, intelligent people who understand their business, who, however, have a very indirect relationship with science, who are, as political economists like to say, in an indirect connection with it. Being sensible representatives of their class, they understand that nothing lasts forever under the moon, the sun has a habit of setting behind the clouds, and at any moment a warm place can become hot and they will have to leave it. It is then that an academic degree, coupled with a title, can come in very handy, and a decent position in a university department or in a reputable research institute - not disgraceful, but even worthy for a career at the end of one’s years and strength.

The main difficulty for these respected people is to compose and defend a dissertation. They have very few scientific works, or even none at all, with the exception of articles in newspapers, which are not considered scientific works. There is no time to write a dissertation, and I don’t really want to, besides, even the most talkative of them are not very good writers. You have to resort to the services of consultants and specialists. In the conditions of the Russian semi-market economy, when even in newspapers it is easy to find advertisements for “Turnkey dissertation”, the problem can be easily solved - if only there was money, as they say. In addition, since customers are most often people who know the matter well, they easily become involved with a dissertation written by someone else, and defend it more or less freely after some preparation and intensive coaching. And beyond the Higher Attestation Commission it is difficult to catch them, although in recent years attempts have been made to put slingshots and barriers in the way of these courageous people rushing into science. Their certification files, abstracts, and even dissertations are monitored by the expert councils of the Higher Attestation Commission with special care. The “martyrs” themselves are often called “on the carpet” to the Higher Attestation Commission, where they must appear one-on-one with qualified experts and prove their personal participation, the novelty of their research, the validity and applicability of the results of their work.

And finally, about another category of applicants who deserve the deepest respect, having earned their dissertation through years of persistently waiting in the wings and painstaking work. We are talking about those teachers of institutes and universities, employees of research and design organizations who, not possessing powerful talent and penetrating force, drop by drop put aside grains of their own developments or ideas found in scientific literature and build for years, or even decades your modest dissertation house. Most of these applicants are satisfied with a candidate's degree, but there are also more restless ones who, by the age of 50, are thinking about a doctoral dissertation, and closer to 60 they even defend it, having created it almost entirely with their own hands.

We needed to resort to a brief analysis and classification of different categories of applicants not only to convince you that the gunpowder in the powder flasks of the hunters for academic degrees and titles has not run out. The point is also that by defining his own classification group, the applicant will greatly facilitate the solution of the problem of choosing a rational (in the limit, even optimal) way to achieve the goal. And in our multipolar and multivariate world, making a well-founded, correct choice of course of action is already half the battle, or even more. Even if your choice is related to the need to rely on others, there is nothing wrong with that. Even the great Newton wrote that he was able to achieve success in science only by relying on the achievements of his predecessors, meaning, for example, Galileo. And we, simple sinners, cannot do without assistance.

Many people are confused about the positions, degrees and titles of teachers and researchers working at universities. And this is not surprising...

Let's figure this out.

The fact is that university employees are characterized immediately by four directions :

1. Academic position.

2. Administrative position.

3. Academic degree.

4. Academic title.

Table 1

List of academic positions

Full name

Abbreviated name

Full name

Abbreviated name

1. Graduate student


8. Researcher


2. Assistant


9. Teacher


3. Leading researcher


10. Professor


4. Chief Researcher


11. Senior teacher

senior teacher

doctoral student

12. Trainee


6. Associate Professor


13. Senior Researcher


7. Junior Researcher


14. Student


Positions are listed in alphabetical order. They give different rights and responsibilities to participate in the educational (academic) process. For example, a student can study, but cannot teach. The assistant can teach, but cannot independently develop his own training course, etc.

Table 2

List of administrative positions

Full name

Abbreviated name

Academic Secretary


Graduate student




Leading Researcher


Leading specialist

leading specialist

Vice President

Vice President

General manager

general director

General designer

general design

Chief Researcher



chief editor

Chief specialist

chief special





Doctoral student

doctoral student

Associate Professor


Head of the department

head of department

Station manager

station manager

Deputy academic secretary

Deputy Academic Secretary

Deputy general director

Deputy General Director

Deputy editor-in-chief

Deputy Chief Editor

Deputy dean

Deputy Dec.

Deputy directors

deputy director

Deputy chairman

deputy chairman

Deputy head

deputy manager

Deputy leader (manager, chief) of the group

deputy head of group

Deputy head (manager, chief) of the laboratory

deputy head of laboratory

Deputy head (manager, chief) of the department

deputy head of department

Deputy head (manager, chief, chairman) of the department

deputy head of department

Deputy head (manager, chief) of the sector

deputy leader of the sect.

Deputy head (manager, chief, chairman) of a center (scientific, educational, etc.)

deputy head of the center



Laboratory assistant


Junior Researcher


Scientific consultant

scientific cons.



Head of Department

start control

Head of the expedition

head of expedition















Leader (manager, chief) of the group

hand gr.

Head (manager, chief) of the laboratory

head of laboratory

Head (manager, chief) of the department

head of department

Head (manager, chief, chairman) of the department

head of department

Head (manager, chief) of the sector

leader of the sect.

Head (manager, chief, chairman) of a center (scientific, educational, etc.)

head of the center



Specialist (zoologist, programmer, geologist, engineer, etc.)


Senior specialist (geologist, zoologist, engineer, etc.)

senior specialist

Senior laboratory assistant


Senior Lecturer

senior teacher

Senior technician

senior technical



Senior Researcher






Scientific Secretary

academic secretary

Other positions


Positions are listed in alphabetical order. It is in accordance with administrative positions that university employees receive salaries, or rather, official salaries. The higher the position, the higher the salary. These positions are of particular importance to the HR and Accounting departments. They arrange all employees into a hierarchy of superiors and subordinates.

List of academic degrees

Russia has introduced two academic degrees:

1. Candidate of Sciences - primary. For example, a candidate of medical sciences - candidate of medical sciences - candidate of medical sciences.

2. Doctor of Science- higher . For example, Doctor of Biological Sciences - Doctor of Biological Sciences - Doctor of Biological Sciences.

In order to obtain such a degree, it is necessary to create a special scientific work called “a dissertation for the academic degree of a candidate of such and such sciences” or “a dissertation for the academic degree of a doctor of such and such sciences.” In addition, this dissertation still needs to be “defended” in a specially designated place - the Dissertation Council. Specialists in a related scientific field there will decide whether the submitted dissertation corresponds to the desired degree. So an academic degree may or may not be awarded. Writing and defending a dissertation is not a simple and easy job, therefore the scientific and organizational value of candidates and doctors of science is clearly higher than that of them, but before defending their academic degree.

True, we are threatened by the emergence of several more degrees, modeled on Western ones, but, naturally, in the Russian way.

Bachelor- in fact, this is our same graduate of a technical school or a dropout student from a university with an “incomplete higher education”, but who defended his thesis, for which he receives a bachelor’s “degree”. This is the lowest possible academic degree.

Master- in the recent past, this was simply a university graduate who defended his thesis, and not just passed state exams. But now the student's thesis began to be called the VKR ("graduate qualifying work") and ceased to give a master's level. Now you will have to spend an additional 2 years (for additional money) at the university and do, essentially, a second thesis, now a master’s thesis. Only then will it be possible to be called a “master”. And this work will be called a “master’s thesis”, like a candidate’s or doctoral dissertation. A master's degree is an academic degree that reflects the appropriate educational level of the graduate, readiness for research and scientific-pedagogical activities. The master's degree is awarded based on the results of the defense of the master's thesis.

"Doctor of Philosophy" or "PhD"- a degree popular abroad, in terms of scientific weight it is something intermediate between a graduate thesis and a classic Soviet candidate's dissertation. True, pessimists fear that over time they will begin to demand a hybrid of a higher level - something between a candidate’s and doctoral dissertation. Life will show what will actually hatch from this gilded egg: a chicken or a crocodile...

An approximate analogue of the academic degree of Doctor of Science in countries with a “single-stage” system of academic degrees is the Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree, in countries with a “two-stage” system (for example, in Germany) - a habilitated (habilitated) doctor. After completing the habilitation procedure, i.e. defense of the second doctoral dissertation (more significant than the first), the applicant is awarded the title of habilitated doctor (doctor habilitatus, Dr. habil.)

There is also a system of academic degrees for “professional” rather than scientific research work. Thus, for example, Doctor of Laws (DL), Medicine (DM), Business Administration (DBA), etc. degrees are considered in many countries to constitute a professional rather than an academic/research doctorate, i.e. the holder of such a degree is expected to engages in relevant practical activities, not science. Because these degrees do not require independent scientific research, a professional doctorate is not generally considered an advanced degree. Whether a degree is classified as a professional or research doctorate varies by country and even by university. For example, in the USA and Canada the degree of Doctor of Medicine is professional, and in Great Britain, Ireland and many countries of the British Commonwealth it is research.

Honorary degree
There is also a workaround for obtaining an academic degree without scientific work. This is the so-called “honorary degree” of Doctor of Science (Honor Doctor or Honor degree or Doctor honoris causa). It is issued by universities, academies or the Ministry of Education without completing a course of study and without taking into account mandatory requirements (for publications, defense, etc.), but who have achieved great success in business and have gained fame in any field of knowledge (artists, jurisprudence, religious figures, businessmen, writers and poets, artists, etc.). Such people are attracted to teaching and give lectures at the best universities in many countries around the world. An honorary Doctor of Science degree is not awarded in medicine. An honorary degree may be awarded or withdrawn.

So, an academic degree confirms the scientific qualifications of its holder and his ability for fruitful scientific activity.

List of academic titles

In Russia, according to the unified register of academic degrees and titles, approved in 2002, the following are provided:academic titles:

1. Associate Professor by specialty according to the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers or by department of an educational institution.Academic title of associate professor assigned to employees of scientific organizations for research activities, and to employees of higher educational institutions - for scientific and pedagogical activities.

2. Professor by specialty or department.Academic title of professor awarded to employees of higher educational institutions and scientific organizations for scientific and pedagogical activities and training of graduate students.

3. Corresponding Member(corresponding member) of the Academy of Sciences.

4. Full member (academician) of the Academy of Sciences.

System academic titles more confusing than the system academic degrees . So, there are different titles by specialty And by department. In addition, there are only scientific degrees (scientists), and titles - both scientific and pedagogical (teaching). Academic degrees are officially registered only by the Higher Attestation Commission (Higher Attestation Commission), and all academic titles are officially registered by the Higher Attestation Commission, the Ministry of Education, and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

How can we distinguish between the concepts of “academic degree” and “academic title” in order to reduce the often observed confusion in this regard?

Speaking about academic titles, one should distinguish title or simply the position held from academic title, which you can have without holding a similar position. Yes, you can borrow job title professor or associate professor, but not have the same ranks, confirmed by the presence of a certificate. On the contrary, you can have rank professor or associate professor, have the appropriate official certificate, but work not as a professor, but, for example, as a house manager, or even not work at all. So professors with the title of professor can work, alas, not as professors at all.

The matter is further complicated by the fact that people who work as professors, but do not have the same academic title, tend to call themselves professors, although in reality they only occupy professorship. It is curious that the military is more modest in this regard: for example, a colonel holding a general's position job title, does not call himself a general until he receives a general's title rank.

So, ranks "Associate Professor" or "Professor"supported by official certificates. Purely job titles "Associate Professor" or "Professor", are not associated with the official assignment of the same academic title.

At the same time, in order to occupy a decent position in a university or research institution, it is desirable (and sometimes mandatory) to have academic degree. The presence of an academic degree, position and required activities in this position give the right to receive academic title.

Academic degrees are awarded as a result of defending dissertations, and academic titles assigned based on the results of scientific and pedagogical activities.

About availability academic degree testifies diploma candidate or doctor of sciences, but about the availability academic title - certificate associate professor, professor. So official supporting documents for degrees And ranks are called differently.

Non-state degrees and titles

And you should definitely know about one more interesting detail. In Russia there are many non-state educational institutions: academies, universities, institutes, which sometimes have their own non-state dissertation councils. Some of them dare to completely separate from the state in the person of the Higher Attestation Commission and begin to award academic degrees, not just candidates, but even doctors of sciences without the participation of the Higher Attestation Commission , in the same way as is customary abroad, but in completely different conditions. After protection like this "non-state" Scientists are immediately issued diplomas sealed with seals, popularly called “crusts,” the forms of which are not particularly difficult to produce or buy. The question of their legal force raises reasonable doubts...

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2002 No. 74, only diplomas issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation or other authorized state bodies are valid as documents for the award of academic degrees provided for by the state certification system.

Academicians and Corresponding Members

Now in Russia scientific academies with their academicians and corresponding members form a whole pyramid.

On first level, at the top of this academic pyramid is created by Peter the Great in 1724. Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) , which includes about a thousand corresponding members and full members (academics). This is the holy of holies of Russian science.

On second level academic pyramid are state branch academies , such as the Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, the Academy of Architecture and Construction, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Academy of Arts and, to some extent, the Academy of Natural Sciences (RAEN). They also include full members (academicians) and corresponding members, but their state academic “scholarships” are one and a half, or even two times lower than in the Russian Academy of Sciences, and in the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, in general, only the Academy itself has the right to pay money, without state support.

On third level so many have already arisen non-state , public academies , and in them"public" academicians and corresponding members that it is not easy to count them. But in these"academies" state academic scholarships are not paid at all, and even, on the contrary, in order to become a participant, one must pay an entrance fee - as a kind of payment for the right to bear the title of corresponding member or full member of such a non-state public Academy.

Related « public academies» the abroad our former compatriots. They quickly trade in titles, diplomas and certificates, making money on this, and not on science. And in Russia the number is growing"foreign academicians ", having beautiful"candy wrappers ", with notes in a foreign language, as if confirming their mythical international scientific status...


1. ACADEMIC DEGREES……………………………………………………..2

2. ACADEMIC RANKS……………………………………………………….....7

3. POSITION OF BACHELOR’S AND MASTER’S DEGREES IN RUSSIA………………………………………………………………………………...8

4. WHY DO YOU NEED AN ACADEMIC DEGREE……………………………………………………….9


7. HONORABLE DEGREE……………………………………………………12

8. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………….12

9. LIST OF REFERENCES……………………..…13


Academic degrees and titles are a qualification system in science and higher education that allows ranking scientific and scientific-pedagogical employees at individual stages of their academic career. Currently, in the Russian Federation, academic degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences are awarded and the academic titles of associate professor and professor are awarded (by department, by specialty). The academic title of associate professor is assigned, as a rule, to candidates of science, and the academic title of professor is assigned, as a rule, to doctors of science.

  1. Academic degrees

Academic degrees awarded in different countries vary significantly in titles, qualification requirements, award and/or approval procedures.

In the USA, Great Britain and a number of other European countries that have joined the Bologna process, the nomenclature of academic degrees is being harmonized, suggesting the establishment of uniform requirements for three degrees in each field of knowledge:

    bachelor or licentiate

Bachelor (from the Latin baccalarius - “young man”, in turn from the Latin bacca lariu - fruit of the laureate) is an academic degree or qualification awarded to students after mastering the basic training program. It first appeared in medieval universities in Western Europe. In Russia, this level of training was introduced in 1993. The standard duration of the bachelor's training program (for full-time study) is 4 years. The qualification is awarded based on the results of the defense of the final work at a meeting of the State Certification Commission and gives the right to admission to the master's program. After December 31, 2010, bachelor's and master's qualifications will become the main qualifications for applicants to Russian universities.

    master's degree

Master (from Latin magister - mentor, teacher, leader) is the highest academic degree, qualification (in some countries - an initial academic degree) acquired by a student after completing a master's degree (mastering a special training program). Master's degree is a stage of higher professional education, following the bachelor's degree, which allows you to deepen specialization in a certain professional area. In 1993, the term “master” returned as a qualification for graduates of educational institutions of higher professional education. The position of master's programs in the modern Russian education system is dual. On the one hand, this is a system of advanced training for bachelors and specialists, on the other hand, the “master” qualification is equal to the qualifications of university graduates. The standard duration of the master's program (for full-time study) is 2 years. However, the student must first complete a bachelor's (4 years) or specialist (5 years) training program. The qualification is awarded based on the results of defending a master's thesis at a meeting of the State Attestation Commission and gives the right to enroll in graduate school. After December 31, 2010, bachelor's and master's qualifications will become the main qualifications for applicants to Russian universities.

    Doctor of Philosophy (here philosophy means science in general, and not philosophy itself; in parallel, there are similar degrees of Doctor of Law, Medicine, Theology, etc.)

Doctor of Philosophy (lat.Philosophiæ Doctor, Ph.D., PhD, usually pronounced pee-ah-dee) is an academic degree awarded in many Western countries. The actual analogue of the academic degree “Doctor of Philosophy” in the Russian education system is the academic degree “Candidate of Sciences”. The qualifying work of the degree applicant is a doctoral dissertation (English Ph.D. Thesis) Despite the name, currently the degree has no practical relation to philosophy (historical only) and is awarded in almost all scientific fields, for example: Doctor of Philosophy in literature or Doctor of Philosophy in physics. This situation is associated with traditions dating back to the times of medieval universities, the standard structure of which usually included faculties of philosophy, law, theology and medicine. Therefore, in addition to the Doctor of Philosophy degree, there are a limited number of other doctoral degrees of the same rank; Doctors are awarded the degree Doctor of Medicine, lawyers - Doctor of Laws, theologians - Doctor of Divinity, and everyone else - Doctor of Philosophy.

In Russia, the system is currently mixed: partly the new system is used with the graduation of bachelors (4 years) and masters (6 years), partly the old one with the graduation of certified specialists (5 years). Instead of the highest single Western degree of doctor (philosophy, etc.), the German-style system inherited from the Soviet Union is used, in which there are two degrees:


Candidate of Sciences - first-level academic degree (doctor of science) in the USSR, the Russian Federation and a number of CIS countries. Established by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated January 13, 1934. In Russian universities, a candidate's degree is one of the sufficient conditions for participation in the competition for the position of assistant professor. Award procedure: in Russia, the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences is awarded by the dissertation council based on the results of defending a candidate's dissertation. Then the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia decides to issue a candidate of sciences diploma.

Scientific branches:

Candidate of Architecture (Arch.)

Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph.D.)

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Military Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Geographical Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Art History (Ph.D.)

Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Cultural Studies

Candidate of Medical Sciences (Ph.D.)

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph.D.)

Candidate of Political Sciences (Ph.D.)

Candidate of Psychological Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Sociological Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Ph.D.)

Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Chemical Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD)

Candidate of Legal Sciences (Ph.D. in Law)

    Doctor of Science

Doctor of Sciences is an academic degree of the second, highest level (after Candidate of Sciences) in the USSR, Russia, a number of CIS countries and in some former socialist countries. In Russian universities, a doctoral degree is one of the sufficient conditions for participation in the competition for the position of professor.

Scientific branches:

Depending on the specialty in which the doctoral dissertation is defended, the applicant is awarded one of the following academic degrees:

Doctor of Architecture (Doctor of Arch.)

Doctor of Biological Sciences (Doctor of Biological Sciences)

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences (Doctor of Veterinary Sciences)

Doctor of Military Sciences (Doctor of Military Sciences)

Doctor of Geographical Sciences (Doctor of Geographical Sciences)

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences)

Doctor of Art History (D.C.)

Doctor of Historical Sciences (Doctor of Historical Sciences)

Doctor of Cultural Studies

Doctor of Medical Sciences (MD)

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences)

Doctor of Political Science (Doctor of Political Science)

Doctor of Psychological Sciences (Doctor of Psychology)

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Doctor of Agricultural Sciences)

Doctor of Sociological Sciences (Doctor of Social Sciences)

Doctor of Technical Sciences (Doctor of Technical Sciences)

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences)

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Doctor of Physics and Mathematics)

Doctor of Philological Sciences (Doctor of Philological Sciences)

Doctor of Philosophy (Doctor of Philosophy)

Doctor of Chemical Sciences (Doctor of Chemical Sciences)

Doctor of Economic Sciences (Doctor of Economics)

Doctor of Law (Doctor of Legal Sciences)

In this case, the degree of Candidate of Sciences is awarded by the dissertation council and approved (a decision is made to issue a diploma of Candidate of Sciences) by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, and the degree of Doctor of Sciences is awarded by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission based on the petition of the dissertation council.

To obtain the degree of candidate or doctor of science, it is necessary to prepare a dissertation and defend it at a meeting of the dissertation council. Academic degrees appeared in the USSR in 1934 (introduced by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On Academic Degrees and Titles” dated January 13, 1934, which actually restored the academic degrees that previously existed in pre-revolutionary Russia). The largest number of candidates and doctors of science are in technical, medical, physical and mathematical sciences.

The analogue of the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences in most countries is the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D., pronounced “pee-ah-dee”; not to be confused with Doctor of Philosophy) and numerous (but more rarely awarded) degrees equivalent to it. An approximate analogue of the academic degree of Doctor of Science in countries with a “single-stage” system of academic degrees is the degree Doctor of Science (D.Sc.), in countries with a “two-stage” system (for example, in Germany) - a habilitation doctor.

This article is, rather, informative in nature, and will be useful to many students and teachers who rightfully call themselves comprehensively developed individuals. On the agenda is a simple question: what is the difference between an academic degree and an academic title.

Some will say that the difference is fundamental, but it is a fatal mistake on the part of the teaching staff not to know such basic things.

Some terminology on the topic

So, academic degree And rank– this is the sequence of teacher qualifications. It’s like in the navy: each officer has his own rank and, according to it, occupies a certain position, receives a salary with allowances, and so on. In the field of pedagogy, everything is similar, only titles and degrees are called slightly differently.

Accordingly, each teacher strives for an extraordinary award of an academic degree or title, which will have a beneficial effect not only on his prospects for the future, but also on the family budget.

However, as in the navy, it is impossible to get such privileges for beautiful eyes; you need to not only confirm your high qualifications, but also complete mandatory work in writing.

To understand in more detail what’s what, it’s worth finding out what academic degrees and titles there are in the Russian Federation, and only then discussing issues of privileges and rewards.

Types of academic titles

All academic titles, as well as the procedure for obtaining them, on the territory of the Russian Federation were approved back in 2002, and since then no amendments or adjustments have been made to the legislative document.

So what are your options?

Associate Professor- This is the most common title at the university. Most often, associate professors are teachers - lecturers.

In addition, these may be research assistants and other teachers of higher educational institutions who were selected by the faculty’s academic council.

What does this mean?

A teacher may hold the position of associate professor, but not correspond to this title. This appointment responsibility is assumed by senior management based on the ability and competence of the applicant.

This is a good start for a teacher, since by holding the position of associate professor, you can soon receive this academic title.

How is this possible?

To improve your qualifications and be awarded such an honorary title, you must:

Work as an assistant professor for at least a year;

It is mandatory to have at least 5 years of scientific and teaching experience;

Professor is a teacher of a high level of competence with in-depth knowledge in a particular field of science or art.

It is also possible to obtain this title, but this requires:

To be a scientific and pedagogical worker;

Teach at universities;

Have your own scientific achievements;

Be an employee of state academies of sciences according to official certification documents.

In general, you need to have not only teaching experience in your work, but also a “head on your shoulders” - to make discoveries, introduce know-how, publish reference books and didactic material, and also rapidly progress in the field of education being studied.

So it’s not at all easy to get such an honorary title, but it’s not difficult to lose it.

In conclusion, we can add that both academic titles of “Associate Professor” or “Professor” must be supported by an official document.

If the teacher simply holds the position of associate professor or professor, then he does not have the appropriate documentation; Moreover, he can be shifted to another position when hiring a certified professor or associate professor.

Among the academic titles also known corresponding member And full member of the Academy of Sciences.

We will not discuss these titles in detail, since they do not occur so often in student life.

Types of academic degrees and their features

With academic degrees, the situation is much simpler, since there are only two of them, and they are well known to everyone - Doctor of Science(high) and PhD(primary degree).

All interested teachers can obtain one of the degrees, but in this case it is necessary to additionally defend a dissertation.

Several more degrees have appeared in domestic pedagogy, following the example of their Western colleagues.

These are bachelor's, master's and PhD degrees, but they relate more to students than to senior teaching staff.

Bachelor's degree You can become one after graduating from a technical school or vocational school, as well as after university, when you simply didn’t have enough energy for a master’s degree and an extra two years of study. This is the lowest of all existing academic degrees.

Master differs from a bachelor's degree by two additional years of study. The student’s task is to continue his studies after the bachelor’s degree, and based on the results, successfully defend his thesis project and pass all state exams.

"Ph.D"- This is generally a European degree, which is more popular abroad. But in recent years, it has gotten along well in domestic pedagogy, and is the next step after the master’s degree.

What is the best choice?

As practice shows, obtaining an academic degree is much more difficult, which is why the vast majority of teachers opt for an academic title.

To understand all the difficulties and pitfalls, it is important to always remember the following characteristics:

1. If the applicant brilliantly completed and defended his dissertation, then he is awarded an academic degree; and if he has acceptable experience, knowledge and position in teaching practice, then he is entitled to be awarded an academic title.

2. A certificate of a professor or associate professor confirms an academic title, while a diploma of a doctor or candidate of sciences confirms an academic degree.

3. Getting a degree is more difficult.

And now everything is the same, but in accessible language! So, if you work as a teacher at a university, you definitely have to “grow up.”

This requires obtaining an academic degree and academic title. Let me clarify right away that this is not a matter of one day or even a month, but if desired, it is quite achievable.

Of course, the first five years of your teaching should be devoted to gaining experience, but during this time it is recommended to take an active part in scientific developments, participate in conferences and study your dissertation in depth.

Then everything depends on abilities and ambitions, but it’s worth clarifying right away: An academic degree is a colossal work in terms of intellectual activity, and an academic title is, rather, gratitude for the years of work and great luck.

If we speak in the language of sailors, military rank is given for length of service, and an extraordinary rank (in our case, an academic degree) is given to those who have distinguished themselves unplanned.

As practice shows, most domestic teachers choose academic titles and strive to write a dissertation, but do not even think about scientific works.

Here, to each his own: it’s up to the teacher to decide! In any case, to holders of an academic degree are treated with more respect, but they don’t always pay attention to titles.

Honorary degree: what is it and who is it awarded to?

To obtain an advanced degree without much hassle, another option is an “honorary degree” of Doctor of Science.

It is issued by academies, higher education institutions or the Ministry of Education without completing a course of study and without taking into account mandatory requirements.

But what's the catch?

The fact is that the applicant for an honorary degree must distinguish himself greatly, or achieve unrealistic success in his specialty.

If, again, we compare it with the nautical theme, then this is a presentation for an extraordinary title or award.

Such teachers are always in good standing, and many universities around the world are ready to provide them with work at any time.

Having an honorary diploma is the greatest success in life, which allows you to fully realize yourself in your chosen field of knowledge.

It’s worth mentioning right away that such a diploma is not issued in medicine; and an honorary degree can either be assigned or be removed in the future.

In any case, an academic degree confirms the scientific qualifications and competence of its owner, as well as his abilities for successful scientific activity.

Academic degrees and non-state titles

There is one more detail that must be known when selecting teaching staff.

The fact is that in the modern education system, many non-state educational institutions have appeared and are successfully functioning.

These are institutes, academies, and universities; in which the management prefers to permanently separate from the Higher Attestation Commission.

Such self-proclaimed commissions independently award academic titles and degrees, and this can be not only a candidate of sciences, but also doctors of sciences.

Moreover, after completing an illegal dissertation defense (it is possible that it is fake), the newly minted “doctor or candidate of sciences” receives a diploma with signatures and seals.

From a legal point of view, such a document is not valid, but these teachers can dishonestly occupy prestigious and highly paid positions, enjoy respect and be role models in public universities.

That is why it is important to be vigilant in this matter, and when hiring, be able to promptly recognize a legitimate document from a “linden” document.

The decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved on January 30, 2002, states that “as documents on the award of academic degrees, only those diplomas that were issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation or authorized state bodies have legal force.”

Conclusion: On this note, I end my publication, but I advise everyone not to get lost and be able to correctly distinguish an academic degree from a title. For some this is very important.

Now you know about What is the difference between an academic degree and an academic title?.

It is not easy for a mere mortal to understand all the categories that make up the scientific “career ladder.” Associate professors, professors, graduate students, candidates of sciences – you can hear different scientific titles, and it is especially easy for a student who has just started at a university to get confused.

What do these academic degrees mean in Russia, how are they arranged in ascending order, who receives them, how do they differ from academic titles, and how not to confuse them with scientific positions - we will look at this in our article.

An academic degree is a qualification of an achieved professional level, awarded for scientific research achievements.

An academic degree is awarded for achievements in science

An academic degree can be obtained at a university or research institute (the so-called Scientific Research Institute, we use this term to denote various scientific organizations).

A positive or negative decision on the award is made by a special body - the dissertation council.

A degree is a professional title that does not depend on position, teaching or experience and determines exclusively scientific “rank”.

It allows you to qualify the level of theoretical knowledge and practical achievements in the field of science.

This title, once obtained, remains with the individual for life, unless he receives a higher degree or is disqualified.

In Russia, two scientists have been approved by special regulations: a candidate of sciences and a doctor of sciences, used back in Soviet times.

This two-stage system is a legacy of the German scientific hierarchy, applied even before the revolution.

Today, in most countries that have joined the Bologna process, one degree of postgraduate qualification is used - Doctor of Philosophy, where philosophy is equal to science in general.

Since Russia also signed the Bologna Convention, aimed at bringing scientific and educational systems to a unified order, perhaps changes in this area will soon await us.

Academic degrees: list in ascending order

Currently, two academic degrees are awarded in the Russian Federation:

  1. Candidate of Sciences is the first qualifying degree.
  2. Doctor of Science is the second and highest qualification degree.

The scientific hierarchy is limited to these two ranks.

Bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees - the levels that indicate the volume of education received at a university - do not correlate in any way with an academic degree in our country.

A degree can only be obtained in a specific scientific field; there is an official list limiting the list of sciences. For example, the name of the full academic degree of a teacher of criminal law may look like this: Candidate of Legal Sciences (PhD) in specialty 12.00.09 “Criminal Procedure”, where the specialty code is indicated by numbers.

The difference between an academic degree and an academic title

If you are not directly involved in the scientific world, then it is not surprising to get confused in academic degrees and academic titles.

To clarify all doubts, let's outline how these “scientific ranks” differ.

To obtain this scientific title, experience, the number of published works, and the number of “mentees” - undergraduate and graduate students conducting their research under the guidance of a teacher - are important.

The academic title is awarded for achievements in scientific and pedagogical activities

In Russia, two academic titles are awarded:

  1. Associate Professor;
  2. Professor.

If you want to show off your education in a society of scientists, do not forget that a degree is “awarded”, and an academic title is “assigned” - this designation is accepted in the professional lexicon and in regulatory documents.

Until recently, the title denoted two concepts: the above-described scientific title and the affiliation with which the employee worked. Since 2014, it can only be obtained as a qualifying rank.

From now on, only the Ministry of Education has the right to confer an academic title, based on length of service and professional merit; previously this was the prerogative of the Higher Attestation Commission (the Higher Attestation Commission - a competent body authorized by the Ministry).

The procedure for obtaining the title has also changed - if previously a “professor” could be obtained immediately, now a mandatory condition is three years of experience in the rank of associate professor.

Traditionally, scientists first receive a degree and only then are awarded a title.

That is, in most cases, what happens is this: a researcher receives a degree, say, a candidate of sciences, and then the title of associate professor.

Thus, doctors of sciences mostly become professors.

But, since this is not prescribed by law, you can meet a professor without a doctorate. In the scientific lexicon, such professors are usually called “cold”.

Academic degrees in universities

It is important not to confuse the academic title with the official position in which the employee works.

In educational and scientific organizations, the terms “associate professor” and “professor” also refer to the names of job levels. Both the degree and the title are confirmed for a person for life - they assume a position only for a certain period.

The job ladder is determined by the internal regulations of the university approximately according to the following hierarchy:

  • laboratory assistant;
  • senior laboratory assistant;
  • assistant;
  • teacher;
  • senior lecturer;
  • associate professor;
  • professor;
  • head of the department;
  • dean;
  • vice-rector;
  • rector

That is, you can hold the position of professor, but not have any academic title, or have the academic title of professor, but work as an associate professor.

Often, a teacher holding a professorial position does not always have the title of professor, and the head of the department may only be an associate professor by rank.

Most often, the title itself is assigned after work experience in the position of the same name.

This transfer of rights has caused heated debate in scientific circles. Many believe that the lack of government control over the award process will lead to corruption and the “grinding” of these categories.

In order for you to be able to apply for the first degree - candidate of sciences, you must have a specialist or master's degree behind you; a bachelor's degree is not enough.

It is believed that a master’s degree is the first step on the path to graduate school, since master’s students defend a dissertation, which can then “grow” into a candidate’s thesis.

To obtain the rank of Candidate of Sciences, a necessary condition is passing the candidate minimum - exams in the specialty, philosophy and foreign language.

To be admitted to defend a dissertation, you must pass exams.

Examinations are admission to the defense of a candidate's qualifying work - a dissertation.

A candidate's dissertation is a qualifying work that has value for the scientific field, representing new practical scientific achievements or resolving theoretical scientific problems.

On the main ideas of the dissertation, it is necessary to publish several articles in scientific journals (at least two publications).

To write a dissertation, 3 months of vacation are given if the applicant works in a scientific organization.

Most applicants for a candidate of science degree study in graduate school - the first level of postgraduate education. There are postgraduate schools at universities and scientific organizations, and at research institutes there are many times fewer.

The duration of postgraduate study is 3-4 years. Graduate students are assigned one of the junior research positions and assigned teaching or other responsibilities.

Those who do not want to devote themselves to science and teaching have the opportunity to defend their dissertation work in the form of a free competition - that is, take exams on their own and write a research paper without enrolling in graduate school.

According to statistics, out of three applicants, only one receives a PhD the first time. Many people manage to defend their dissertation only on the second or third attempt.

A doctoral dissertation is a qualifying work that represents an important scientific achievement or solution to scientific problems of great political, economic, and cultural significance for the scientific community and the state as a whole.

Only someone who already has a PhD can become a Doctor of Science

For comparison, when awarding a scientific title, a certificate of its conferment is presented.

Thus, today in the Russian Federation there are two academic degrees: candidate of sciences and doctor of sciences.

To achieve the award of a degree, it is necessary to defend a dissertation that meets high requirements.

If you are going to build your career in science, you cannot do without an academic degree - it confirms your qualifications in the scientific field, and in most cases precedes the award of an academic title.

Obtaining a degree also affects the amount of wages - its holders are entitled to a higher official salary.

In recent years, many top managers and senior executives in government agencies have also sought to obtain a title confirming a high level of education - this increases their personnel value; in large companies, the demand for employees with such qualifications is growing.

In this video you will learn how to write a dissertation correctly: