Yellow brown curtains. Yellow curtains: examples in the interior. In various interior styles

Yellow curtains are a wonderful decor for many interior solutions, because this is a real symbol of the "star".

Yellow is offered by a colossal range of shades. The impression of the room directly depends on how correctly the tone selection is made, how yellow is combined with other colors.

Classic - a combination of two colors such as white and yellow. The most advantageous combination is yellow with blue, golden with green.

If you are a person who likes to experiment, decisive, then a bright and light yellow environment will also suit you.

The main thing is the choice of pastel colors. A bright spot in this case is furniture legs, decor, curtains.

Sand shades are ideal for an interior in a classic style, but if the interior is modern, then the choice of shade directly depends on the concept.

Amber curtains, golden, perfectly emphasize the luxury of such styles as empire or baroque.

Ornate modern can be complemented by curtains of yellow-peach tones, sand tones. If the interior is in a rustic style, in the style of Provence, then the curtains can be in pineapple color.

Advantages, disadvantages of color

The main advantage of yellow curtains in the interior is versatility. Such curtains will be relevant for absolutely any room.

In addition, with the help of curtains, it is also possible to visually expand the room, giving it airiness.

Such curtains look great in tandem with wide windows. If the room is cramped, small, then the yellow curtains seem to bring light.

A sunny shade will give a festive atmosphere, bring comfort, warmth. Such curtains are especially good for northern windows. Yellow works best with woodwork, creating an interesting end result.

Light yellow curtains stimulate the activity of the nervous system, excite a little. If the color is in excess in the interior, then the person becomes nervous and irritable.

If there is an excess of color, then the effect on the psyche is not the best.

Color in the interior

In order for the curtains to be appropriate in the interior, it is worth supplementing them with the right shade in the details.

The main accessory is the floor covering. Laminate, a beautiful carpet or linoleum is a little brighter than curtains, so that the room is brighter.

The space can be made more harmonious with the help of numerous stylish accessories.

Rug, pillows, photo frames, other details allow the space to give integrity. It is important to know the measure in the decor, so that the interior does not become like a kitsch.

Types of curtains

When decorating with yellow curtains, it is important not to be afraid to experiment with style or texture.

If the interior is classic, then it is better to choose straight curtains, roller blinds. Air curtains in the Austrian or French style are created from tulle fabric.

Curtains in the rooms

Yellow curtain - the decoration of any room in the apartment - a study, a bedroom, a hall, a nursery - a yellow tint will be relevant everywhere.

  • The living room should combine coziness, comfort and a presentable interior, and this effect can be achieved with the help of golden curtains.
  • The sunny mood fits perfectly into the interior of the nursery, in which they will look very appropriate. Thanks to this shade, the child is revealed both mentally and physically.
  • Sandy shades of the baby will give high spirits. Remember that the interior cannot be exclusively yellow, because you can lose control over the child.

It is not the best decision to choose yellow curtains for yellow walls, because in such an interior you can forget about relaxation. Shades should be gentle.

Solar curtains will perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen, because they will become an incentive for cooking culinary masterpieces.

Curtains of bright yellow color are varied and very diverse. They can be applied in various interiors.

Gives the right shade of festivity to the room, individuality, comfort.

Thinking over the design of yellow curtains, it is important to remember that the color goes well with white, delicate blue, light green.

The use of such curtains and curtains has both pros and cons. First of all, such curtains visually expand the space, adding a special lightness to it.

But still, the abundance of color stimulates the brain, not allowing you to fully relax.

Actually, if you look at the photo of the yellow curtains in the interior, you can see that the color is used very carefully.

Yellow curtains fit best into the interior of the office, kitchen, living room. The color property, as it were, activates working capacity, gives positive.

Photo of yellow curtains in the interior

Bright colors in the interior are the choice of active, creative and cheerful people. The yellow palette is very rich and includes more than 130 different shades: light, saturated, bright, calm. Yellows fit easily into a living room, bedroom, kitchen, or nursery, and pair well with just about every other color.

Choosing curtains for the kitchen

Bright color is ideal for the kitchen - in the morning it will give a charge of positive and cheerfulness, fill it with energy. Yellow will add optimism during family dinners or friendly meetings.

Pros and cons of colors in the interior of the kitchen


  • improves appetite;
  • enhances mental activity;
  • causes a surge of energy and vitality;
  • visually enlarges the space.


  • so that the color is not tired, contrasting shades should be added;
  • for some psychological types of people, this color in the interior of the kitchen can cause irritation or depression.

Roller yellow curtains in the interior of the kitchen should be selected from a material that is resistant to various kinds of pollution.

To the nursery

One of the most interesting solutions for a children's room is yellow curtains. They will provide a great mood and a healthy sound sleep of the child. The baby's bedroom will seem cheerful and cozy even in the most cloudy and rainy weather. Sunny color in the room not only improves the emotional state of the child, but also has a positive effect on his mental activity and healthy growth.

A palette of delicate sandy, peach shades is ideal for a nursery. Do not give preference to very bright colors - they cause increased excitability. The room will seem even more spacious if you add white tones to the interior.

For the bedroom

In this room we end one day and start a new one. It is contraindicated to select too bright and colorful shades in a room intended for sleep and relaxation. Therefore, they usually opt for muted tones, combining them with white tulle. Roller blinds made of smooth yellow material in the bedroom will give the owners a charge of vivacity in the morning and pleasant thoughts before going to bed, they will “warm up” in cold and cloudy weather.

Yellow transparent tulle visually brightens the room. Due to the ability of color to reflect light rays, this range is ideal for windows that face east or north.

The yellow color in the interior of the bedroom is in perfect harmony with white, black shades. In combination with red, you can create interesting compositions, but for certain psychotypes, they will seem tedious and overwhelming. To emphasize the exquisite beauty of the bedroom, it is better to choose curtains that are lighter or darker than the furniture. Curtains made of dense fabric are usually hung in the relaxation room.

What colors cannot be combined?

The most inappropriate combinations in the design of the room are yellow and burgundy. Such a duet will not only make the room tasteless, but will also bring irritability and fatigue to the owner.

How to choose the right color

Of course, not every shade will be suitable for your home. The shade and material of the curtains are selected in accordance with the style and interior design.


The main features of the classical stylistic direction are traditionalism, nobility of fabrics, accuracy of proportions. In the bedroom, the windows are decorated with elegant lambrequin curtains, which, with their light folds, give the atmosphere of the room a romantic mood. Curtains lambrequins have a wide range of sizes and materials. Shades of yellow can be both dark and light.

The ideal shade of tulle for a kitchen decorated in a classic style will be pale yellow or golden. A sand-colored veil will make the children's room cozier and warmer.

Modern style

Most interior elements in this style are distinguished by a flexible and sophisticated form. For the design of the room in a modern style, soft-colored roller blinds will be appropriate - they will perfectly complement the sophisticated living room.


Bright colors and combinations are the main component of country style. Curtains in this design are made from the most practical materials. Roman pastel shades of yellow will be a spectacular addition.

The living room is best decorated with light-colored Roman blinds made of transparent material. Yellow lace tulle is suitable for a country-style bedroom. You can hang a lambrequin over a regular tulle curtain.

The sun, the beach, lemonade or a meadow of dandelions - all these pleasant creations of nature are united by a warm yellow color. And if you have never used it in an apartment before or have long dreamed of experimenting, it's time to try it. Today you will see that yellow curtains create harmony and comfort in the interior by viewing our selection of photos.

You will also learn about the merits of this imperial color and clarify what to combine with such unusual curtains.

Why is yellow more and more common in the interior and is considered one of the trendy ones? It has many shades and is combined with all other colors.

Characteristic of the modern style, canary or corn curtains are used as accents. Muted straw and fawn colors will be appropriate in classic interiors.

From the point of view of the impact on the human psyche, this color:

  • conducive to communication, so yellow curtains will be most welcome in the interior of the living room;
  • stimulates mental activity, which makes it suitable for decorating office windows;
  • develops creativity and helps to concentrate, so it should definitely be added to the children's room;
  • like white, it is able to visually expand the space - for example, in the bathroom;
  • radiates light and heat, perfectly illuminating and warming cool rooms with little daylight.

A rich, light or dark yellow window decoration is acceptable in many contrasting interior styles. Lovers of Provence, loft, fusion, eco and neoclassic will easily find the right shade and shape for themselves.

Living room

Yellow curtains will create a warm, festive atmosphere in the hall. The basic color scheme and interior design will help you choose the best shade and design of curtains for the living room.

Light yellow curtains will look organically against the background of walls of any color - however, as well as bright, flashy curtains. But not everyone dares them.

Together with yellow framed windows, light green, turquoise, coral, burgundy or blue tones can take part. After all, textiles do not have to be monophonic.

To create a harmony of several colors, fashionable striped or plaid curtains will help. Yellow, with a beige pattern or monograms, curtains will be a moderate, less colorful option.

Double curtains, consisting of several canvases, are very popular today. Volumetric, multi-layer compositions are appropriate in spacious rooms with a small amount of furniture and decor.

You can not underestimate the role of accessories that are in harmony with furniture, walls, floors and other details, as in the photo. Exquisite fringe and lambrequins will decorate discreet fabric and emphasize the sophistication of luxurious classic interiors.

And chic curtains decorated with patterns or embroidery will perfectly do without additions. or roll models will fit perfectly into interiors in the style of minimalism or hi-tech.

By the way, eyelets allow you to drape curtains with large or small folds. Roman or roll models are suitable for small or non-standard windows.


When choosing curtains for a room for sleeping and relaxing, it is important to choose calm, relaxing shades of yellow. Exciting, saturated colors, you see, are not the best choice for a bedroom.

Brightness may be present in the form of small inclusions - patterns on the tulle. The saturated color will smoothly turn into white or any other on the gradient veil. A gentle and appropriate mood for the room will be created by combinations of filament curtains with tulle.

For complete blackout, non-translucent thick curtains are suitable. Pay attention to the night curtains made of blackout fabric. Yellow curtains in the interior of your bedroom will complement sofa cushions or bedspreads, and if you want, a lampshade leg of the same color or a knitted fabric shade.

Two-tone fabrics - yellow with a gray, brown, blue or green pattern - will provide a unified color ensemble with walls, carpet or sofa. Large windows will become taller if you hang long light-colored curtains on the ceiling cornice. On small windows, Roman blinds with soft vertical draperies will look better. To install them, you do not need a standard cornice that takes up space.

The asymmetry characteristic of Art Nouveau will help to create soft or openwork lambrequins. As in fashionable clothes, it is important to combine different materials. The lower part of the curtains, made of dense fabric, will act as a weighting agent and straightener.

Kitchen and bathroom

In the interior of the kitchen and bathroom, everything should be, as they say, “on business”. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon beauty. It is better to make it as practical as possible.

In addition to a suitable shade, it is important not to make a mistake with the material and design. Curtain fabric should not absorb moisture, and even better - dirt and grease. All these properties are provided by special impregnations.

If neither the kitchen nor the bathroom can be called mansions in terms of size, Roman or roll models will be the best way to decorate windows. Short and compact, they will not tangle under your feet and provide you with a free window sill. Practical will be shortened sliding curtains, curtains in the form of an arch or a semicircle, slightly framing the window.

In spacious rooms, you can afford long multi-layered compositions with lambrequins. Combined curtains will look good in a room with a balcony.
Using different models of curtains, you:

  • adjust the proportions of the room;
  • decorate windows of non-standard shape;
  • get a lot of combinations for an extraordinary design;
  • save space and waste fabric.

Examples of such combinations are roller blinds and curtains-threads, elegantly tied with a boutonniere or clip, Roman curtains and organza tulle.

By color, the curtains can be in harmony with the pattern on the tile, kitchen set or its elements, refrigerator, pencil case, tablecloth, towels, candy bowls, sugar bowls and other large or small items. If the room is tiny, do not hang curtains with large images in it. Stop the choice on curtains with a pattern of small sizes.

Do you think that the use of the cage is limited to country style and a couple of other trends? We are ready to dissuade you with these photos. Curtains in a cage are very diverse and will decorate any interior.


Yellow curtains are especially good in the interior of the nursery. They are suitable for both girls and boys, guaranteeing an upbeat, positive mood. The best choice, according to psychologists, will be pale yellow, sandy shades that go well with pink, blue, blue, purple and green.

Of course, the material for the curtains must be natural and free of harmful impurities. Kids will surely like curtains with pictures in the form of butterflies, animals, fish, cars, balls or balloons.

Every child dreams of becoming an adult. Therefore, once again changing the decor of the nursery, try to coordinate the design of the window with your child - at least the color scheme. And together with your daughter, you could decorate the curtains with decorative elements like fringe, beads, sequins and accessories.

If the interior of the nursery needs to be updated at least 2 times a year, then adults need updates a little less often, but still they are needed. And how long ago did you change something in the hall, in the bedroom or in the kitchen?

Believe me, beautiful new curtains are an affordable and hassle-free way to freshen up the environment, leaving everything in its place.

We wish you inexhaustible inspiration and home warmth!

No one will object that the color of the curtains plays a significant role in the interior of any room. It depends on him what the situation as a whole will turn out to be. Curtains are one of the design elements. They are an integral part of modern home life, reliable protectors from prying eyes and bright sunlight.

Today, more and more people prefer to use yellow curtains to decorate their windows. They have an amazing ability to create a cozy and cheerful atmosphere. Shades of the sun provide an opportunity to relax, but if necessary, can stimulate mental activity.

Curtains in yellow will be a wonderful addition to many design ideas, because yellow is a symbol of the sun, energy and joy. And among the ancient Chinese, in general, he was associated with the power and strength of the emperor.

The specifics of the solar range

Yellow comes in many different tones, from amber gold to pastel pineapple. How competently the color scheme of each detail of the situation is chosen affects the opinion about the interior as a whole.

A variety of yellow shades go well with a dark background. Curtains in this color will perfectly complement the cold palette and add lightness and mood to the atmosphere.

The combination of snow white and sunny yellow is a classic. Combinations of yellow with blue and green look no less successful. Curtains of a rich golden color will be appropriate in a room decorated in turquoise or aquamarine tones. If you are brave, resolute and not afraid to take risks, then an interior completely designed in a yellow palette will suit you.

In this situation, it is important to use muted shades, and with bright strokes you can highlight individual details, such as the legs of a table or sofa, decorative elements, curtains. It is better to add curtains of calm, muted tones to the yellow tulle in such an interior.

From the photo of the yellow curtains, it can be seen that if the decor is made in the style of the classics, then the warm sandy color will be the best choice for the curtains. Modern style accepts more saturated shades.

Curtains in the color of gold or amber will look decent in baroque and empire interiors. In a room designed in the direction of Art Nouveau, it is best to hang curtains in sand or yellow-peach colors. For eco-style, Provence and country, the pineapple shade is optimal. And styles such as minimalism and hi-tech do not accept yellow curtains at all.

Advantages of yellow curtains

Benefits of gold colored curtains:

  • This color is considered universal. Curtains of this range will look great in any interior.
  • They visually increase the space, fill it with light and air.
  • Curtains of this shade are perfectly combined with natural wood furniture, and also go amazingly well with a room with a wooden floor.

To create harmony, it is necessary to correctly combine the yellow curtains in the interior with the rest of the furnishings. They must be combined with wallpaper and floor. By choosing laminate or linoleum in a more saturated color than curtains, you can make the room look much lighter.

How to choose amber curtains for different rooms

The living room is the main room in any home, because it is a gathering place for all household members. Therefore, its arrangement requires a particularly careful approach. Solar curtains in the living room will be very relevant, as yellow shades cheer up and charge with positive.

But do not overdo it, otherwise the situation will look too frivolous. Remember one more thing - on warm summer days, golden-yellow curtains contribute to an increase in the temperature level in the room by 1 - 2 ° C.

The bedroom is the place where people relax after a hard day's work. The use of yellow in its design requires special care, as it has an exciting rather than calming effect.

Despite this, the curtains of golden shades in the bedroom are quite appropriate. If the bedroom interior is designed in light colors, then you should give preference to bright yellow curtains. But it is not advisable to use them if the walls are decorated in the same palette.

The kitchen is probably the most suitable place for solar curtains. They invigorate and energize for the whole day. In addition, amber-yellow curtains in the kitchen have a beneficial effect on digestion.

Curtains of various yellow shades, with the exception of golden, will look good in the office. Such a palette stimulates brain activity and improves memory.

Curtains in the nursery should be chosen very carefully. The abuse of yellow has a negative effect on the child's psyche. The baby can become overexcited, become nervous. But, thanks to a well-chosen shade of curtains, you can create an incredible atmosphere in a child's room, full of joy and positive.

Varieties of yellow curtains

If you decide to use yellow curtains to decorate your windows, try to work with texture and style, and not just with a color scheme. In a room decorated in the direction of the classics, straight curtains made of dense fabric, as well as roller and Roman-style curtains, will be appropriate.

Curtains made in the French or Austrian style of the finest tulle will add lightness and airiness to the atmosphere. Lambrequins can serve the same purpose.

A curtain with an ornament, for example, with images of flowers or a geometric pattern, will look quite unusual. Such a thing will wonderfully fit into a rustic or modern style.

Yellow is a shade of sunshine. Therefore, if you are a positive, cheerful person, then curtains of this color will be the best choice.

Photo of yellow curtains in the interior

Yellow is the color of the sun and good mood. It energizes and dispels the blues. Curtains of this color can make the room bright and cozy, but at the same time they can spoil the style of the interior and look unnatural.

solar shades

When choosing curtains for a room, it is important to choose the right shade of yellow.

There are opportunities for this - the color palette is extensive:

  • gold;
  • amber;
  • honey;
  • pineapple;
  • citric;
  • canary;
  • pale yellow;
  • wheat;
  • sand.

Each shade has its own function, light colors give the interior lightness and airiness, and bright colors fill the space with energy. Of great importance is the texture of the fabrics from which the curtains are made. So, light chintz curtains will make the house cozy, and heavy curtains will add luxury.

In various interior styles

For an interior in the Empire and Baroque style, you should choose curtains in amber, honey or gold. These shades will bring the necessary share of pomposity and solemnity. Curtains should be weighty and heavy, so the material for them must be chosen high-quality and dense. Expensive fabrics are suitable: silk, velvet, satin, brocade. Drapery is obligatory, as well as decoration with lambrequins and fringe.

Yellow curtains will look good in the interior of eco-style, country and Provence. Both natural, muted tones and bright, sunny ones are allowed. The material must be environmentally friendly: mat, canvas, cotton, linen. A pattern is welcome on the curtains: a cage is good for country, and flowers and floral patterns are good for eco style. For an interior in Provence style, curtains are decorated with an abundance of ruffles. Bright shades: lemon and canary, ideal for the avant-garde. In this style, the main thing is unusualness and contrast. Therefore, curtains can be with a catchy original pattern: paintings, geometric shapes and animal prints.

All yellow shades will not fit into high-tech and minimalist interior styles at all. Here, the emphasis is on simplicity, and any sunny tone will stand out from the calm and strict accents of the apartment.

Dilute with other colors

Currently, there are many interesting options for tailoring curtains. In the course - flips, weaves, frills, hard and soft lambrequins, as well as layering. The use of these elements will give the curtains a special charm. Yellow curtains do not have to be monochromatic, you can dilute them with other colors, creating multi-layered, decorated canvases.

Classics are curtains of a sunny shade and white tulle. This combination will harmoniously fit into any interior. White color extinguishes the brightness of yellow and makes the atmosphere in the apartment softer. In this win-win option, you can use any tones of yellow. Successfully combines yellow with blue, blue and turquoise. At the same time, you can play with shades, both delicate tones and rich bright ones will do. Weaves of bright lemon pelmets and blue curtains will look very lively and bright.

The yellow-violet combination is suitable for bold, original interiors. For example, yellow tulle with purple curtains will look interesting. Or a multi-colored version: the right curtain is yellow, and the left one is purple.

Yellow also harmonizes with colors such as green, brown, gray, pink and fuchsia. Shades of yellow can also be combined with each other, for example, sand lambrequins and amber curtains. Under the bright, juicy, honey-colored curtains, you can hang a tulle of a light fawn shade.

The kitchen is a place of spiritual gatherings

Often, it is the kitchen that is the main place in a modern apartment. There they prepare and eat food, arrange evening family gatherings for fragrant tea. In addition, in the morning with a cup of coffee, it is important to properly tune in to the upcoming day, so this place should charge you with optimism.

Yellow curtains on the windows, a great solution for the kitchen. They invigorate, whet the appetite and create a great mood for the whole day. They go well with wooden materials, will be in harmony with the straw chandelier, which is often located in the kitchen.

Curtains with bright yellow prints will look cheerful: lemons, sunflowers, ethnic patterns. In this case, the wallpaper and the kitchen itself should be designed in plain colors. For example, wallpaper with a pattern and curtains with flowers will create a kind of overabundance.

It is good if the tablecloth and potholder match the color of the curtains. Dishes and decor elements can also be in tone with the curtains. A green plant in a pot or vase will look great on the windowsill.

Bright curtains in the living room

The living room is a place for family rest and receiving guests, choosing curtains, you should take into account the overall interior of the room. Solar curtains placed on the north side of the window will create a feeling of warmth and add light and cheerfulness to the interior. Also, such curtains can visually expand the space.

Using yellow curtains in the interior, pay attention to the decor elements:

  • throw some yellow throw pillows on the sofa;
  • arrange photo frames to match the curtains;
  • put on the floor, depending on the style of the interior, gilded massive or light straw vases;
  • place decorative ears of wheat;
  • lay a small yellow rug on the floor;
  • decorate the shelves with gilded or wooden figurines.

The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise it will turn out tasteless. A chandelier with gilded fittings and gilded door handles will also be in harmony with the yellow curtains.

Brightness is welcome in the living room. Yellow curtains can create an interesting contrast and accentuate the color of the furniture. Designers recommend combining them with furniture made in blue and blue tones. In addition, yellow curtains perfectly complement the green furnishings of the apartment.

Bedroom in pastel colors

When choosing curtains for the bedroom, you should be more careful with the yellow color. It activates the nervous system and prevents you from relaxing, but you can choose gentle pastel shades of yellow. Also, in order to soften the invigorating effect of yellow curtains, you can add white: a discreet white pattern or white tulle.

It is better to refrain from excessive decoration of curtains in the bedroom, in this room the main thing is their functionality. They should cover the window and reliably protect from the sun's rays. Heavy, dense curtains made of fawn or wheaten linen are perfect here. These muted tones can be combined with any color of the furniture, it is enough to add a few light yellow accents to the interior: a picture of the desert or a soft fawn plaid with a large pile.

Summer mood in the nursery

Where yellow is really needed is in the children's room. Yellow curtains will protect the baby from thunderstorms and rainy weather, he will not be scared. In addition, rich yellow tones increase the mental activity of the child, which has a positive effect on learning. But still, in the nursery, too bright colors should be avoided, because for the child it is also a bedroom. To avoid excessive saturation, yellow curtains can be combined with white or light beige furniture.

Yellow-green solutions will look good in the nursery. You can use light shades of green, for example, a fresh grass-colored rug is perfect for lemon curtains. These natural colors will create a feeling of summer, and images of kind cartoon characters on the curtains will make the environment comfortable for the baby.

For information on how to determine the size of curtains, see the following video.