Roof calculation. DIY roof design online 3D roof projects

A good visualizer should be able to work not only with interiors, but also be ready to model a house or a cottage. It is all the easier because the principles of creating windows, doors, walls and everything else are approximately the same both there and there. In today's tutorial I will tell you how to build a house in 3d max from scratch.

Visualization of a finished house in 3ds max always starts with a drawing. Well, when customers have a plan made in AutoCad or ArchiCad, then it will be easy to make a model from it. But, in principle, you can get by with a picture with the dimensions marked on it.

To practice skills, you can download a finished house on the site: a project with drawings and plans, and I did just that. We will not consider a wooden frame, I prepared a small cottage for work, with an area of ​​75 sq.m. Here is his plan:

So, we start by preparing the substrate on which we will build the walls. Open the program, configure . Then we create a Plane 10x15 meters in size - roughly the dimensions of my house. The number of plane segments is reduced to 1.

Now we switch to the Top view, turn on the Shaded mode and throw our floor plan onto the plane.

We check that the dimensions match the real ones: with the Box or Plane tool.

If your walls are smaller or larger than you need, apply the UWV Map modifier to the plane and adjust the dimensions.

Now click Create/Shapes/Rectangle and outline our walls.

Convert to Editable Spline and edit points.

Add new vertices using the Refine button, denoting windows and doors. It is very important that they are in the model in the same place where they were placed during the design.

Let's check if we missed anything. Apply the Extrude modifier to the spline.

Growing floors. I only have one, so I set the value to 3000 mm.

Making a plinth

Now let's designate the basement of the building. Select the walls, duplicate them.

Remove the extrude modifier. We get our original spline. In the Rendering tab, set the following values ​​for it:

We lower the base to the base of the walls.

By the way, according to this principle, according to the drawings, the foundation of the building can also be modeled.

Cutting windows and doors

Now we need to make windows and doors. Now we have their verticals, since we marked the width and location of windows and doors at the spline stage, but there are no heights. Right click on the wall box/Convert to/Convert to Editable Poly.

Go to the Edge editing level and select the lines related to the windows in pairs. Click the Connect Settings button (the square next to the button).

Set the value to 2, do not change anything else - click OK. We do this for all windows.

Switch to the side view and select all points in vertex mode that are related to the bottom edge of the window. Set their value along the Z axis to 800.

For the upper ones, we make this value 2000. Now the door. I made a mistake and forgot to insert it, but it doesn't matter. I removed the plinth from view, selected the top and bottom age and added verticals using Connect, fitting them according to the plan to the size of the door.

Immediately, while the ages I needed were active, I added another line for the top of the door using Connect. The value along the Z axis was set to 2000.

Now let's move on to the polygon editing level. Hold down Ctrl and select all the polygons of windows and doors and press them with the Extrude button 300 mm inward.

Now I also select the floor and the "lid" of the 3d model and delete these elements - we don't need them anymore.

Making the plinth visible again. Now there is no gap in it where the door is.

Let's make it. Go to the Top view, select the plinth, turn on the snapping and put points along the edges of the door.

We delete the segment between the points and now, everything turned out:

Now it remains to fill the gaps. There you can insert pre-downloaded ready-made models, or use those that the program provides. They are in the Create/AEC Objects menu.

Create a roof

According to the principle, as we did the walls, we throw the roof plan onto our substrate. Then we build a Plane along its contour. To make it more convenient to look at the plan, we make the plane of the future roof translucent with Alt + x. In the Plane parameters, I set two horizontal sections to indicate the junction of the two roof slopes.

Convert the blank to Editable Poly. In Edge mode, select the Cut tool and cut out the remaining outlines of the roof.

Select the Edge skate and pick it up. We also act with the part of the roof that is above the door.

Now let's add thickness to the roof. Apply the Shell modifier to it and set the Amount parameter to 100.

It remains only to close the attic, because now we have a hole between the roof and the wall. Turn on snapping, create a Plane by hooking it to the edges of the walls.

Convert to Editable Poly. Select its top two points in Vertex mode, press the Collapse button, move it to its place. By this principle, we fill in the second niche, under the visor above the door.

That's all, the modeling of the house is finished: as you can see, it is quite possible to build a 3d model on your own in a couple of hours. Only texturing remains, and as a visualizer, you can choose Vray or Corona Render.

Of course, these are just the basics, if you want to study the construction of a house in more detail, we recommend that you take a good video course.

With this visual builder, you can choose the colors and materials that go well with each other for your real home project.

Choosing the color and design of the facade, roof and other elements of the exterior design of the house (exterior) in our free editor can be truly exciting. At the same time, it will help you decide on the choice of almost all exterior finishing materials.

Surely you want to see how the brand new roof will look in combination with the facade. To select the color of the roof and facade, simply click on the appropriate icon on the left and select the type of material, color and shape of the cut. Combine all the ingredients to create your own designer home decor styles.

For a simple selection of the roof color, go to the appropriate section of the design constructor and, after choosing a wave or cutting, select one of the proposed colors from the RAL or RR palette.

Use the button on the left "CHANGE CAMERA"! This will allow you to see your design and materials from a closer and slightly different angle.

Right below the main image is a list of your selected active content. To send them all at once to us for calculation, use the "Submit Request" button. After that, the manager will call you back, consult and we will discuss our further cooperation.

At the moment, the designer of a country house contains a huge number of images based on real photographs.

  1. 8 shingle brands (over 70 lines and over 400 roofs)
  2. 8 lines of cement-sand tiles (more than 40 roofs)
  3. 40 lines of ceramic tiles (more than 250 roofs)
  4. 10 lines of composite tiles (more than 50 roofs)
  5. 20 lines of metal tiles (more than 160 roofs)
  6. Also seam and slate roofing
  7. More than 500 facade finishing options (clinker, siding, plaster) in more than 30 lines
  8. Possibility to change the colors of the drain, junctions, window frames, chimney of decorative elements. Change the material and color of the fence. More than 50 options for hemming the cornice (wood, plastic, profiled sheet, soffit). Customizable entrance group (porch). More than 80 natural stone plinth options. There are more than 20 options for paving stones

In addition, we are constantly modeling and supplementing this functionality with both new materials and new sections. List of updates.

Create your own home!

Our company also provides services for modeling and visualization of exteriors!

You might expect to find an online 3D house, free CAD house design, or downloadable program on this page, but it's just a fun 2D virtual house with lots of switchable layers. We hope you enjoy it and call us for ordering materials or a comprehensive consultation on products, architecture, design or installation.

Good luck in your endeavors and financial well-being!

Graphics for the project are modeled and rendered in Blender with Cycles renderer. Project created: Stanislav Kirichenko(The grafical part), Irina Petrushkina(software part) under the leadership of the trade and construction company site.

Many owners of private houses are engaged in construction on their own. The final stage of the construction of the building is the design of the roof. Much depends on the correct design: thermal insulation properties, protection from external sounds, proper snowfall in winter, as well as an aesthetically attractive appearance.

Two issues need to be taken into account in particular:

  • roof structure - slopes, ridge height, visor, etc .;
  • materials from which the floors will be made, as well as the outer coating.

All stages of planning are currently conveniently performed on a computer. This applies both to the property owners themselves, who want to do everything themselves, and to construction teams. In this article, we will tell you more about the design of the roof, as well as give examples of programs for calculating the roof.

Varieties and configurations of the element

First of all, we will pay attention to the types of coatings for private houses, but some options are also suitable for complex, multi-storey buildings.

There are two main types of roofs:

  • straight;
  • pitched.

The former are rarely found in Russia, they are more often used in countries with a warm climate and minimal rainfall. They have undoubted advantages - a small amount of building materials and simplicity of design, however, in a snowy winter, a large amount of snow will accumulate on such roofs. This can lead to subsidence, rotting of materials, and in the long term - to the rapid flow of water.

Therefore, in Russia and countries with a climate close to us, pitched structures are more often built. The difference in the roof surface (from the highest to the lowest point) must be at least 10%. At the same time, in a number of varieties, an attic is provided, somewhere it is even large spacious attic rooms, and the latter do not have areas available for use.


  • Shed - the simplest option, which is more often used for outbuildings - sheds, garages, however, you can occasionally see this type in a country house, cottage. The point is that the surface itself is flat. It is mounted on walls that have different heights. The advantages of this option are that you yourself can choose the direction of the slope, as well as you will spend the minimum amount on design and construction work. The appearance of such a roof is most often unpresentable. The downside is also the inability to use the attic space, which is practically non-existent. The angle of inclination should be made not less than 20-30%.
  • Gable - the most common construction schemes. They are also called the “house of cards”, because outwardly they resemble this simple structure - two planes are connected by a ridge (upper point), and the slopes descend symmetrically on two sides. Sometimes one edge is made more sloping, a little longer. This is done either for practicality (a porch can be located under the sloping side) or to improve the appearance. The advantage is ease of construction, and the disadvantage is the standard design. Under the roof you can place an attic. It will be bounded on both sides by slopes, and on the remaining sides by gables (brickwork up to the ridge).

  • Four-pitched hipped roofs. These are roofs that do not have a ridge at all, since all 4 sides are assembled in equal triangles into a neat, symmetrical pyramid. This is an ideal variety for a home that has a smooth rectangle or square perimeter. There are "tents" and tripartite ones. This is a more complex structure, but the appearance looks very non-standard.
  • Four-slope hip. An interesting option, where instead of gables there are additional two slopes in the shape of a triangle, hips. The undoubted advantage of this design is greater resistance to any type of precipitation. There is a low probability that during a strong wind it will blow away part of the coating, which is often the case with gable types. But designing is much more complicated, you will need a specialized program for computer calculation of the roof of a house in 3D. The company "ZVSOFT" offers CAD options for designing ramps.
  • Half hip. Interesting combination composition. It is very attractive to designers and architects, since such an idea not only looks great from the outside, but also makes it possible to equip an excellent attic from the inside. The peculiarity lies in the fact that on the outer sides the pediment is combined, which has the shape of a truncated triangle, or trapezoid. The top of the figure is covered with a half-hip. This allows you to create a full-fledged window at the top, which can be placed in the front. Another design idea is to make the hip not from above, but from below, so the slope will be smooth, and above it there will be a triangular section of the pediment, which can become a dormer window.

  • Multi-forceps. They can also be called cruciform because they have 4 ridges that come together, and when viewed from above, the structure resembles a cross. Very difficult to build, but often used by lovers of the Gothic style - precise symmetry and sharp corners.
  • Attic, or broken. The peculiarity is the desire to use the space under the roof as functionally as possible. To do this, the slopes, as it were, break in half, first they go gently from the ridge, and then sharply increase the angle of inclination.
  • Dome. They look like a cone. Turrets are often covered with such elements. Rarely seen in everyday life, only as decoration.
  • Combined. When creating such a roof project, it is impossible to do without a computer program for constructing a roof. The slopes can have different shapes, be on different tiers, and the areas under the roofing will be used differently. However, these types are the most interesting for designers and architects. The combination of varieties contributes to the consideration of many nuances.

Initial data for drafting a project

Before proceeding with the design, it is necessary to consider the following indicators:

  • Building plan - the location of the bearing walls, accurate calculated data.
  • Estimated roof loads. They are taken into account depending on the place of residence - the amount of precipitation, average and maximum gusts of wind in this area, the risks of hurricanes are taken into account.

With this information, you can start preparing the project.

How to design the roof of a house on a computer - steps

It is worth adhering to the following algorithm of actions:

  • Determining the type of roof We have presented all common options above. It should be noted that some of them are the most durable, others have a beautiful appearance, and others are cheap and easy to build.
  • Selection of materials. Traditionally, rafters and supporting structures are made of wood. This has its positive aspects - wood is lighter than metal, has an acceptable cost, is easy to handle, and environmentally friendly. To cover the building material, you can choose from a wide range of offers. The selection criteria will be discussed below.
  • Schematic sketch. Before proceeding to complex calculations, we advise you to schematically display the desired view. This will help you make the final choice. It is most effective to do this in specialized programs that will help design the roof of a house. Suitable basic CAD systems for automating the work of engineers or narrow-profile software.
  • Calculation of maximum loads. Here it is worth considering the amount of annual precipitation. If there are a lot of them, then it is worth increasing the slope of the slopes so that the snow descends freely, and does not accumulate with heavy weight. For frequent rains, it is important to provide a water drainage system. Also calculate the wind level.
  • Sections of rafters. These are the basic building blocks. In importance, they can be compared with the load-bearing walls of a building. The maximum load will be imposed on the rafter system - weather conditions plus the mass of the coating itself. Consider the location of the wooden supports, they should be evenly distributed over the entire area.
  • Creating a drawing. For difficult configurations, it is best to use programs with 3D support, as this will allow you to zone the space in detail. At this stage, it is necessary to accurately position all the structures, to impose a schematic roof. If the software supports visualization, as, for example, from ZVSOFT, then it is worth visualizing the result for clarity.

  • Drawing up a budget for the project. At this point, it is also worth using the program to calculate the material for the roof of the house. This will save you from inaccuracies, surpluses and shortages. Be attentive to the stock, given that there will definitely be errors during the construction process - they sawed off the corner incorrectly, got defective building materials, etc.
  • Distribution of internal space. After you have done the main thing, that is, the base of the roof, you can move on to what is under it. You can leave the area under the attic, storage room, or you can equip the attic there.

Load calculation

Consider a few points:

  • If the slope angle is less than 60 degrees, then the influence of snow should be taken into account in the range from 180 kg/m2 to 400 kg/m2, depending on the climate. For more gentle angles, this parameter is not taken into account at all.
  • For wind, the average value is consistently taken - 35 kg / m2.
  • It is also worth considering the deformation properties of materials.
  • To increase the strength of the rafters, use special compounds to protect against decay, and also strengthen them with metal inserts.

How to design a roof depending on the number of rafters and their length

Let's turn to geometry using the example of a gable structure:

Additionally worth considering:

  • the length of the cornice extension, that is, the element that extends beyond the walls, on average, is 55 cm;
  • at a steep angle of inclination, it is advised to make an overhang of no more than 45 cm.

Material calculation

When choosing building materials, you should be attentive to the following factors:

  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • moisture resistance from leakage;
  • protection from mechanical influences;
  • high thermal insulation;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • heat resistance and fire resistance;
  • weight of materials, it is desirable that it be no more than 250 kg / sq. m;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation;
  • appearance.

Programs for designing a roof from the company "ZVSOFT"

ZWSOFT developers offer powerful programs for roof calculation. We will offer you a list of the most common platforms.

This is basic CAD. It is an analogue of the popular AutoCAD software, but has a lower price and a flexible licensing system. Its undoubted advantages are the configuration versions:

  • Standard. Suitable for amateurs and private companies. It has a wide range of tools, fully adapted for Russian-speaking users.
  • Professional. The widest functionality that captures all aspects of construction. Compatible with a large number of specialized add-ons.
  • Classic version. Modest option. The software does not support updates, but is convenient for use at home.

The most complete is development. Her virtues:

  • models can be created in both 2D and 3D;
  • visualization;
  • the function of comparing drawings on one screen;
  • convenient shading with different colors and structures;
  • input of coordinates and values ​​integrated with project documentation;
  • Intuitive interface in black.

The software has several options:

  • free;
  • mobile version.

Consider the possibilities of a standard modification -. The software is used by architects, builders and interior designers. This is a powerful software product with 3D modeling functionality.


  • Easy-to-learn interface, which consists of a working window and a toolbar. Any models can be designed and edited in a few clicks.
  • Creation of organic shapes of objects. Rounded lines and smooth transitions will accurately reflect the future interior.
  • A separate tool for creating and quickly changing the structure and type of roofing.
  • Visualization in three-dimensional space. The reality of structures, easy viewing, quick transition to editing mode will help you quickly design the roof of your house.

Engage in roof design with software from ZVSOFT.

Before starting the calculations, you need to understand that the roof and the roof are not identical concepts. By “roof”, we mean the entire system that stands on the Mauerlat: rafters, lathing and counter-lattice, all kinds of insulation and, finally, roofing material, that is, the “roof” itself. The online roof calculator with drawings allows you to get data for both the roof and the roof - in a format convenient for you.

The finished calculation of the rafter system and metal tiles on the roof (as well as other types of roofing) can be saved both in the form of simple numbers by the number of building materials, and in the form of drawings and 3D models. You can save the result on the PC or mobile device from which you entered the data, as well as send it by e-mail to yourself or to the specialist who designed your facility. By the way, before purchasing, it is recommended to consult with him or with a professional estimator: the online calculator for calculating the roof with roof drawings is designed for standard initial data - your object may have features that the service does not take into account.

Using the service, you can make calculations:

  • single-pitched, gable, four-pitched, including hip roofs;
  • any of the listed types of roofs, taking into account the attic;
  • any of the listed types of roofs, given the different angle of inclination;
  • roof area.

All data is entered in centimeters - for example, the length of the roof along the ridge, which will be 12 meters, must be indicated as 12,000 centimeters; The service also gives results in centimeters.

If necessary, checkboxes can be ticked under the main data to take into account additional materials: mauerlat, counter-battens, waterproofing and insulation. The service takes into account the most used types and brands of materials.

Roof construction is a rather complicated process that requires some knowledge and skills. It is much easier and faster to develop a roof in a special program, which itself calculates the amount of materials, the slope angle and many other design nuances. However, it should be understood that there is a specialized program for roof design, which can only be understood with the help of a manual or a specialist. If we talk about simpler and more affordable free software, which even a beginner can understand, then the maximum that you get is a three-dimensional model of the roof, but you must calculate and arrange all the structural elements yourself.

If we talk about specialists in the field of design, architecture and constructors, then they are used to using special programs that need to be bought when designing a roof. These include AutoCad (AutoCAD), ArhiCad (Arhikad), 3D Max, ArCon (Arkon).

The first three programs from the listed list allow not only to build a 3D model of the future structure, but also to complete its plans, sections, as well as other structural and architectural drawings. In these programs, not only the exterior of the house is developed, but also its interior.

However, it is very difficult for an inexperienced person to master this software, and even more so to find its free version. The situation is much simpler with the Arkon program, which is successfully used by builders, designers and architects to develop a house or its individual elements, such as a roof. However, the most important advantage of this software is its availability. Even people far from construction and design can master this program.


In Arkona, when designing the roof of a house, at the initial stage, the user can choose the desired type of roof. After that, he can make the necessary changes and refinements to the selected design. At the same time, it is not necessary to draw the truss system from beginning to end, it is already included in the software. You have the option to choose one of the following roof shapes:

  • single-sided or double-sided;
  • free form;
  • hip or semi-hip design;
  • attic with a pediment at the ends;
  • attic-hip variety;
  • spherical;
  • flat roof;
  • gable with a rail for fastening.

Important: the user has the opportunity to combine different types of roofs. In addition, in Arkona you can independently design the design you need.

If you go to the editor, you can change the typical design. To do this, you need to set your numerical values ​​​​in the window with the value of the angle of inclination of the slopes, the height of the gables, the location of the gutters. By clicking on the view button, you will immediately see the result.

By going to the "Info" section, you will receive all the detailed information about the design you have developed, namely:

  • rafter lengths;
  • roof area;
  • length of gutters;
  • skates;
  • wind gables;
  • roof ribs;
  • lumber volumes;
  • data is displayed in several versions (without dormer windows, separately for these windows and general indicators);
  • if necessary, you can get an indicative list of lumber by clicking on the "List" button.

Tip: before you start using the program, you need to understand the basic terms and concepts. This will make it easier for you to work and communicate with the contractor.

It should be borne in mind that all lengths are rounded up to 5 cm. The same type of lumber after rounding will be combined into one section. But in the catalog they will be divided into varieties, dimensions, section.

To determine the height of the attic floor with a support, you need to use the "Assistant" button. If on the tab that opens, go to the "General" section, then there you can find out the height of the attic floor and other values. In addition, the software allows you to choose the type of roofing. You can choose the color, texture and material.

Other programs

If we talk about roof design, then Arkon is the best program for this. But if you do not aim to design the roof to the smallest detail, but only want to see an approximate three-dimensional result, then you can use the following available software:

  1. Google SketchUp is designed to model three-dimensional objects, including roofs. There are practically no presets, so you can develop a custom design. Different planes can be moved sideways and along a given curve.
  2. Envisioneer Express is software used for 3D modeling. In this software, you can first make a two-dimensional plan of the future structure, and then convert it into a three-dimensional image. After creating a three-dimensional structure, the future structure can be viewed from different angles in a photorealistic form and as a translucent frame, which is very important when designing roof structures.
  3. Home Plan Pro is different in that its database contains many ready-made elements and objects (windows, doors, dormer windows, roof details). Working in the program, you can use the layering mode, standard figures and metric systems.

  1. Dom-3D is most often used for three-dimensional design of interiors, houses and their individual structural elements. This software is constantly being improved, new convenient functions and features appear.
  2. FloorPlan 3D features simple graphics and clear functionality. In this software, your possibilities for creating a three-dimensional image are practically unlimited. The most important advantage of this program is that it can be used not only by specialists, but also by beginners who want to see a model of the future house, its roof or other structural part of the building.
  3. Another software that people without special knowledge can use is VisiCon. Here you can not only quickly create a model of the future roof, but also choose different roofing textures. Thanks to the simple and clear functionality, the program can be quickly mastered.

If you need more serious software for free, you can use the NanoCAD software. In fact, this is the basic level of computer-aided design systems.