Bryophytes as biological indicators. Moss is a natural indicator of pollution II.2. Measurement of projective cover

Indicator plants are in great demand in gardening, they will tell you how best to equip the site. Although almost any cultivated crop, the state of the stems, foliage, root system or other organ can tell us about the lack or excess of nutrients in the soil and its moisture content. The ability to correctly determine what exactly the plants are signaling about will help to correct the situation in time and improve the yield.

Indicator plants in the country

To save yourself from the need for constant diagnostics of cultivated plants, you can turn to those that grow on the site without your participation, the so-called indicator plants. Look around and you will definitely find them. Year after year, they grow well on their own, no matter how often you harvest them.

Determining the condition of the soil is one of the important factors for gardeners, helping to determine in advance and more accurately what fertilizers should be applied, what exactly is better to plant in a particular place.

Groundwater indicator plants

soil moisture

Plants are xerophytes. They easily tolerate drought, are able to do without moisture for a long time:

Plants are mesophytes. Forest and meadow grasses growing on moist soils, but not waterlogged:

Plants are hygrophytes. Prefer richly moist, waterlogged soils:

A place with abundantly moistened soil, if the territory allows, is better to equip as a decorative part of the site, for example, make a secluded corner for relaxing with a small pond. In the absence of such an opportunity for growing vegetables, you will have to work hard on drainage.

Such a place is not suitable for trees and shrubs; for good growth, they need a groundwater level no closer than one and a half or even two meters from the soil surface.

groundwater level

The owners of a site, especially a new one, are wondering about the availability of water, for example, for arranging a well or a well, an automatic irrigation system or plant distribution. This is where vegetable indicators come to the rescue. Explore the site and look for plants that determine the presence of groundwater.

Two types of sedge will indicate a depth of water from 10 cm - soddy and vesicular, 10-50 cm sharp sedge and purple reed grass, from 50 cm to a meter meadowsweet and canary grass. When water passes at a depth of 1–1.5 m, plant indicators will be sagittarius-grass, meadow fescue, many-flowered vetch and field grass, more than 1.5 m - creeping wheatgrass, red clover, large plantain and sharp fire.

Soil indicator plants

Plants - oligotrophs indicate a low content of useful elements in the soil. These are lichens, heather, cranberries, deciduous mosses, wild rosemary, lingonberries and blueberries. As well as antennaria, white-bearded and sandy cumin.

Medium-fertile soil suitable for plants - mesatrophs, for example, green mosses, male shield and drooping tartar, wild strawberries, oregano, ranunculus anemone, oak maryannik, two-leafed love, etc.

Plants are indicators of enriched soils - eutrophs and megatrophs. Moss, two types of nettle (stinging and dioecious), female fern, wood lice, horsetail and moonwort. As well as ostrich fern, forest carrot, Ivan-tea, hoof, quinoa, black nightshade, etc.

Plants - eurytrophic grow in soils with different levels of fertility, so they are not indicators. This bindweed (birch), yarrow.

Nitrogen is the most important element in plant nutrition and development. From the lack of this element, plants wither, slow down in growth.

Soil nitrogen indicators

  1. Plants are nitrophils(nitrogen rich soil). Common marigold, quinoa, purple yasnotka, motherwort, burdock, perennial hawk, hops, yaskirka, marigold, bedstraw, bittersweet nightshade and stinging nettle.
  2. Plants are nitrophobes(nitrogen poor soil). In such places, almost all legumes grow well, as well as alder, sea buckthorn and jida (jigida), stonecrop, wild carrot, navel.

There are also observations on plants indicating the density of the soil. The dense earth on the site is overgrown with goose cinquefoil, creeping ranunculus, plantain, creeping wheatgrass. Creeping ranunculus and dandelion thrive on loam. Loose soil with a high content of organic matter is loved by nettles and burnet. Sandstones prefer mullein and medium chickweed.

Plants-indicators of soil acidity

In excessively acidic soils, the normal growth of cultivated plants is hindered by an excess of aluminum and manganese, they contribute to the disruption of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, which threatens with a partial loss of yield or complete wilting of plants. To calculate the composition of the land on your site, take a closer look at wild plants.

Plants - acidophiles (indicators of soils with high acidity pH less than 6.7)

Limit acidophiles growing on soils with a pH of 3–4.5:

Medium acidophiles– pH 4.5–6:

Weak acidophiles(pH 5–6.7):

Plants are neutrophils that identify neutral and slightly acidic soils with a pH level of 4.5–7.0

Plants that prefer soil with a pH of 6.7-7 - regular neutrophils: Hulten willow and mosses pleurocium and hylocomium.

Soil with a pH of 6–7.3 is ideal for paralinear neutrophils: cicute cicute, clover, meadow batlachik, bunch and common goatweed.

Plants - basophils (indicators of alkaline soils with pH 7.3–9)

Soils with a pH of 6.7–7.8 are ideal for neutral plants - basophils:

In soil with a pH of 7.8-9 - grow common plants - basophils, such as red elderberry and rough elm, as well as calciphiles(falling larch, oak anemone, six-petal meadowsweet) and plants are halophytes, such as small-flowered tamarix, immortelle and some types of wormwood.

Most vegetable crops grow in soils that are low in acidity and neutral, so for good growth and a bountiful harvest, increased acidity must be neutralized. There are many options for this, it all depends on the desired result and the crops grown, because there are plants that slightly acidic soil does not prevent from developing well, for example, radishes, carrots and tomatoes. And especially potatoes. On alkaline soil, it is strongly affected by scab and the yield drops sharply.

Cucumbers, zucchini, squash, onions, garlic, lettuce, spinach, peppers, parsnips, asparagus and celery prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH 6.4-7.2). And cabbage and red beet, even on neutral soil, respond well to alkalization.

Plants that are not indicators

Not all types of plants can identify the soil, the best in this matter are precisely those that are adapted to certain conditions and are intolerant of any of their changes (stenobionts). Plant species that easily adapt to changes in the composition of soils, as well as the environment (eurybionts) cannot be called indicators.

Indicators are not those plants whose seeds were accidentally brought to the site. Usually they give single shoots, and with timely harvesting they no longer appear.

It turns out that most of the plants that we fight and are used to calling weeds can be indispensable helpers in soil diagnostics. Indicator plants allow you to save time and effort on complex experiments, because all you need to do is just find them in your area and recognize them.


It has been experimentally shown that leafy mosses can be used as bioindicators of environmental pollution by oil products.

leafy mosses

oil pollution


1. Gusev A.P., Sokolov A.S. Information-analytical system for assessing the anthropogenic disturbance of forest landscapes // Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. - 2008. - No. 309. - S. 176-180.

2. Zheleznova G.V., Shubina T.P. Mosses of natural middle taiga plant communities in the southern part of the Komi Republic // Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ekologiya. - 2010. - No. 4. - P. 76–83.

3. To the organization of integrated monitoring of the state of the natural environment in the area of ​​the fall of the separated parts of launch vehicles in the Northern Urals / I.A. Kuznetsova, I.N. Korkina, I.V. Stavishenko, L.V. Chernaya, M.Ya. Chebotina, S.B. Kholostov // Proceedings of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - 2012. - No. 2(10) . – P. 57–67.

4. Serebryakova N.N. Influence of xenobiotics on the physiology and biochemistry of leafy mosses // Bulletin of the Orenburg State University. - 2007. - No. 12. - P. 71–75.

The development of fundamental research related to the stability and change of natural biocenoses under the influence of various anthropogenic factors, including rocket and space activities, does not lose its relevance. The need to predict changes in the environment and the consequences caused by them increases in proportion to the increasing impact on natural complexes. Equally relevant is the search for ways to prevent negative consequences. However, these issues can only be resolved by determining the very fact of the existence of an impact and its degree. This study is devoted to the study of the ability of mosses to saturate with oil products and the possibility of using them as bioindicators in assessing the anthropogenic impact, in particular, oil pollution in the area where the separating parts of Soyuz launch vehicles (fuel - aviation kerosene) fell when launching spacecraft to the sun. -synchronous orbit from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

The research area is located on the border of the Sverdlovsk and Perm regions, the coordinates of the center of the impact area (RP) are 60° 00’ N; 58° 54’ E, area - 2206.4 km2. During the period of operation of the territory as a fall area, 6 launches of launch vehicles (LV) took place: in December 2006, November and December 2007, September 2009, July and September 2012. Fragments of separating parts of launch vehicles (OC LV) were found at Olvinsky Kamen (N 59º 57', E 59º 12'), on the eastern slope of Sennoi Kamen (N 59º 59', E 59º 06') and in the upper reaches of the . Uls (N 59º 59’, E 58º 59’). When carrying out launches of launch vehicles, environmental support is provided for receiving fragments of the OC LV, which consists in assessing the content of oil products before and after the fall of the OC LV in the main depositing media (soil, snow, water of water bodies). The results of these works did not reveal any changes in the state of the natural environment after the launch of the launch vehicle, both in the visual assessment and in the assessment of pollution by rocket and space fuel. The results of background monitoring of the content of oil products in depositing media confirmed this conclusion. The same results were obtained during the follow-up of the 2012 launches: no differences in the content of oil products in the tolerance and post-launch water and soil samples were found.

In 2011-2012, studies were carried out on the possibility of using green leafy mosses as bioindicators in monitoring the state of the natural environment and quickly assessing the changes taking place during aerogenic pollution with oil products. Their ability to accumulate oil products under atmospheric pollution has been experimentally established.

The wide distribution, morphological and physiological properties of mosses, their ability to tolerate adverse environmental conditions and high sensitivity to ecotoxicants make it possible to use these plants as bioindicators. Moss "accepts" all microimpurities from the atmosphere, retaining and accumulating them throughout its lifetime. Despite the fact that in 3-5 years the green (photosynthetic) part of the moss is completely renewed, the moss itself lives much longer. Mosses do not have a root system and, therefore, the contribution of sources other than atmospheric fallout is in most cases organic. Using modern methods of chemical analysis, it is possible to establish the elemental composition of atmospheric precipitation at the collection site and to quantify the concentration of a particular chemical substance accumulated by moss over a certain period of time. The use of mosses as indicators of atmospheric pollution has significant advantages over traditional methods, since the collection of samples is not difficult, does not require expensive equipment for sampling air and precipitation; the process of collecting, transporting and storing moss is less labor intensive.

Most often, for bioindication, it is recommended to use epiphytic mosses growing on the bark of trees and practically not associated with the soil (they are practically not affected by the heterogeneous composition of soils). However, when controlling pollution of the natural environment by products of rocket and space activities, which equally affect all components of the natural complex, this feature of ground mosses does not interfere with the solution of the problem.

Material and research methods

In 2011-2012 experimental studies of the adsorption capacity of green leafy mosses to accumulate oil products have been carried out. Samples for research were selected at the main monitoring points of the OC LV impact area, since it was immediately supposed to use the obtained values ​​as background values ​​for further research during environmental support of launch vehicles. The places of sampling are given in Table. one.

Table 1

Leaf moss sampling sites

Sampling location


Chr. spruce mane

N 60º 07' 17"

E 59º 18' 10"

N 60º 06’ 55”

E 58º 53' 20"

Chr. Kvarkush slope

N 60º 07’ 30’’

E 58º 45' 25"

Chr. Kvarkush plateau 1

N 60º 08' 21"

E 58º 47' 54"

G. Haystone

N 59º 58’ 34’’

E 59º 04’ 59’’

Main Ural Range

N 60º 05' 27"

E 59º 08' 16"

Chr. Kvarkush plateau 2

N 60º 09’ 33’’

E 58º 41’ 30’’

G. Kazan stone

N 60º 06’ 41’’

E 59º 02' 53''

G. Olvinsky stone

N 59o 54’ 10’’

E 59o 10’ 10’’

G. Konzhakovsky stone

N 59º 37’ 59’’

E 59º 08’ 26’’

For chemical analysis, samples of leafy mosses of the family Polytrichaceae (polytrichaceae) were taken. When determining the content of oil products, the moss samples were extracted with hexane, the concentration of the oil product in the extract was determined on the device "Fluorat-02" according to the method PND F 16.1: 2.21-98 Fluorate-02"). Separately, the moisture content of the moss was determined and the concentrations of oil products were recalculated for the dry matter of the sample.

The experiment on the saturation of moss with kerosene was carried out by the static method. A weighed portion of kerosene was placed in a sealed container. After its evaporation, its content in the vapor phase was determined, then a sample of moss was added to the container with the kerosene sample. Since it was assumed that the dead and living parts of plants can adsorb oil products in different ways, in the first year of work, the samples were separated according to this feature, and the dead and living parts were analyzed separately. After exposure for 5 days, the content of kerosene in moss samples was determined. The separation factor was calculated as the ratio of the concentration of kerosene in the moss sample to the residual concentration of kerosene in the vapor phase.

Research results and discussion

In table. Figure 2 shows the obtained values ​​for the content of oil products in dry samples of moss: from 0.008 to 0.056 mg/kg of dry samples (average - 0.028 mg/kg) at a humidity of 23-56%.

Taking into account that samples for determining the content of oil products were taken during periods not related to the operation of the territory in rocket and space activities (i.e., outside the launches of launch vehicles), on the territory not subject to anthropogenic impact, the obtained values ​​can be regarded in further research as background.

table 2

The results of background monitoring of the state of leafy mosses in the area of ​​the fall of the OCh RH

In 2011, a study of the adsorption capacity of mosses began, and first of all, an analysis was made of the ability to saturate with oil products of living green and dead parts of moss. The differences found are insignificant and irregular (Table 3), which allows them to be neglected and the entire moss sample (without division into living and dead parts) to be used as an analyzed sample.

Table 3

The results of an experimental study on the saturation of leafy mosses with kerosene vapor

Sampling location

Separation coefficient of oil content in dry moss (solid phase) / in the vapor phase

the upper (green) part of the moss

the lower (dead) part of the moss

total moss sample

Chr. spruce mane

Chr. Kvarkush slope

Chr. Kvarkush plateau 1

G. Haystone

Chr. Kvarkush plateau 2

G. Kazan stone

G. Olvinsky stone

G.Konzhakovsky Stone

The results obtained convincingly confirm the possibility of using leafy mosses as bioindicator organisms in the rapid assessment of atmospheric pollution of the natural environment by oil products. The fact that living green and dead parts of moss respond equally to saturation with kerosene vapor greatly facilitates the work of using mosses in managing the complex ecological state of the natural environment.


As a result of the experimental studies, the background values ​​of the level of oil content in leafy mosses, which are widespread in the Northern Urals, including in the area where the separated parts of launch vehicles fall, were obtained. On average, moss tissues in the natural environment contain 0.028 mg/kg dry weight at a humidity of 23-56%. A high adsorption capacity of green mosses has been established: after a five-day exposure in kerosene vapor, the content of oil products in moss samples increases by an order of magnitude. The obtained results confirm the possibility of using leafy mosses as bioindicators, at least when assessing atmospheric pollution with oil products. The determination of the background values ​​makes it possible to recommend the use of this object in the environmental support of the upcoming launches of launch vehicles both in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region and in all other areas of the OChRN impact located in the forest and mountain forest zone.

The work was carried out under the project of oriented fundamental research within the framework of cooperation agreements between the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and state corporations, research and production associations No. 12-4-006-KA.

Bibliographic link

Kuznetsova I.A., Kholostov S.B. Leafy mosses as bioindicators of oil pollution of the natural environment in the area where the separated parts of launch vehicles fell. Advances in Modern Natural Science. - 2013. - No. 6. - P. 98-101;
URL: (date of access: 02/26/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

USE OF X-RAY FLUORESCENCE ANALYSIS FOR BIOGEOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CHANGES IN THE VEGETATION COVER OF THE SOUTHERN BAIKAL REGION Matyashenko GV, Chuparina EV, Finkelstein AL. Institute of Geochemistry. A.P. Vinogradov SB RAS, Irkutsk, e-mail: [email protected] Mosses are successfully used as bioindicators of pollution of terrestrial ecosystems. Due to physiological characteristics, they are able to absorb minerals both from the air and from the humus layer of the soil. Therefore, mosses are used to assess atmospheric pollution, as well as to test the condition of the topsoil. In the Baikal region, the mosses Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium splendens are widespread, which served as the objects of study in this work. We determined the content of essential and potentially toxic elements in the mentioned mosses collected in the region of Southern Baikal in order to assess the possibility of their use as biomonitors. Mosses were sampled on the northwestern macroslope of the Khamar-Daban Ridge on the previously established (1972) permanent sample plots of 50 × 50 m, at different distances from the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill (BPPM). The collection took place in early July 2011. Mosses were also selected on Olkhon Island (Lake Baikal), which belongs to an ecologically clean area. At each point (BTsBK, Solzan village, Golan spring, Olkhon island), combined samples were taken from 5-10 clumps. After drying at 40°C to constant weight, the samples were cleaned of debris and dead material, leaving only the green segments of the last three years. Part of the pre-prepared material was submitted for analysis. The elemental composition of mosses was determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF). Plant samples were ground in an electric coffee grinder. Regrinding was carried out in a manual coffee grinder. In this case, the required particle size (less than 100 μm) was achieved. From a sample of 1 g of crushed material, an emitter was pressed on a boric acid substrate with a force of 16 tons. The intensities of the analytical lines of Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, Sr, Zr, Ba, and Pb were measured using X-ray wave spectrometer S4 Pioneer (Bruker, AXS). The standard deviations characterizing the intralaboratory precision of measurements did not exceed 5%. The correctness of the results was assessed by comparing the XPA results with the certified values ​​of element concentrations in the Polish standard material for the grass mixture composition INCT-MPH-2 and the Chinese RM (standard sample) for the composition of leaves and branches of shrubs (GBW 07602). Detection limits were calculated using the 3σ criterion using standard samples with a low content of the element. The limits of detection were, in µg/g: Na (30); Mg (10); Al, Mn and Fe (5); Cl, Ti and Ba (4); Si, Zr and Pb (3); P, S, K and Sr (2); Cr (2.6); Ca, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br and Rb (1). The content of some elements in mosses collected in areas with different technogenic load is given in the table below. The table shows the minimum and maximum contents of elements in mosses. The last column of the table presents the range of content of elements that were established for mosses collected in European territories with different anthropogenic pressure. As can be seen, the content ranges of most elements taken from publications are wider, both from the side of minimum and maximum concentrations, compared with the data of our studies. This fact is explained by the fact that the literature data on different types of mosses from different natural areas differ in the degree of technogenic influence. Comparing the maximum concentrations, we can assume that the mosses of the Baikal region are less subject to anthropogenic impact compared to samples from European territories. Table Contents of elements in mosses Element Content range P, % S, % Cl, % Fe, % Mn, µg/g Ni, µg/g Cu, µg/g Zn, µg/g Sr, µg/g Ba, µg/g PB, MKG/g 0.079-0.195 0.062-0.125 0.0010-0.0345 0.080-0.345 170-420 3-14 3-10.5 31-66 11-62 3-7 Literary data 0.070-0.283 0.061-0.202 0.0045-0.38 0.0068 -2.073 22-2200 0.1-93.9 3-200 7.9-877 0.5-339 4-250 2.1-12.2 1a and 1b show the distribution of elements in mosses depending on the place of sampling. For both species of moss, it was found that the concentrations of elements in samples from background areas are significantly lower than the values ​​obtained for sampling sites subject to anthropogenic influence. The difference in the contents of essential elements in the background and contaminated zones is much less than the difference in the content of trace elements. Therefore, the use of trace elements in mosses is preferable when assessing atmospheric pollution of territories. BPPM 0.6 key Golan Solzan 0.5 Cr *10 Cu *10 Zn Sr C, % BPPM BPPM key Golan Solzan Olkhon b 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Ti Pl. schreberi 0.4 Olkhon Olkhon Olkhon BPPM Olkhon BPPM Olkhon 40 BPPM BPPM a Olkhon 80 Olkhon Olkhon C, μg/g 120 BPPM 160 BPPM Pl. Schreberi Ba Pb *10 0 Na *10 Mg P S K Ca Fig. 1. Distribution of toxic (a) and essential (b) elements in a Pleurozium schreberi sample depending on the place of sampling Thus, the X-ray fluorescence method of analysis provides the necessary data on the elemental composition of mosses. An analysis of these data showed that mosses are informative plant species that indicate the state of the environment.

Lemyaskin Pavel Viktorovich, Malikov Mikhail Vitalievich, 6th grade



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2009 TOPIC "Indication of air purity with the help of epiphytic mosses" Grade 6 EDUCATIONAL PROJECT Moscow region Ramensky municipal district MOU Ganusovskaya secondary school

identification of the dependence of the growth of epiphytic mosses on the ecological state of the environment; conduct the necessary research through observation; create and present a multimedia project. OBJECTIVE: OBJECTIVES: to assess the level of air pollution by the growth rate of epiphytic mosses

Material and technical and educational equipment: tape measure, square grid, magnifying glass; a computer with Internet access, a camera, a scanner, educational and educational literature

We were faced with the task of assessing the degree and level of air pollution in the territory of our village, located 4 km from the highway connecting Kashirskoye and Ryazanskoye highways. It is known that epiphytic lichens and mosses are biological indicators of aerotechnogenic pollution. They do not have a root system and absorb toxins not from the substrate, but from the atmospheric air. Mosses are good accumulators of sulfur and heavy metals. The methodology of the research was divided into 2 stages:  1st stage - field research,  2nd stage - processing of data and results of the work.

Survey sites were identified that were along a line perpendicular to the highway. In total, 3 sites were selected, located at different distances from the highway:  1st - near the road,  2nd - 2 km from the road (Ganusovo village),  3rd - 4 km from the road (Ryleevo village). 1 stage of work

On each tree, a description of mosses was carried out from the base to a height of 1.5 m. At the same time, the vitality of the moss cover was visually assessed. At each site, a trial plot of 30 * 30 m was laid and 10 separate old, but healthy, vertically growing trees were selected

To assess the vitality of mosses, a 3-point scale was used: 1 point - good (full) vitality - the moss develops well, has sufficient moisture to the touch; 2 points - satisfactory vitality (oppression) - the plant is oppressed, which is expressed in smaller sizes of adults; 3 points - unsatisfactory vitality (severe oppression) - the moss is oppressed so much that there is a sharp deviation in the appearance of adults.

At least 4 counts were carried out on each tree using a grid: 2 at the base of the trunk (from its different sides) and 2 at a height of 1.4 m - 1.6 m. A square-grid 20*20 cm in size was used to carry out the counts. Applying the grid to the tree trunk, we calculated the area occupied by epiphytic mosses. First, we counted the number of small squares that completely covered the moss-covered areas (A). Then they counted small squares partially occupied by mosses (B). The area of ​​the stem colonization by mosses was determined by the formula: S = (A + 0.5B) / 4

The data obtained were presented in the form of a table. Stage 2 of work Ecological state and distribution of mosses on a birch Tree number Moss vitality, points Area covered with mosses (m 2) 1st plot 2nd plot 3rd plot 1st plot 2nd plot 3rd section 1 - 3 1 - 0.02 0.26 2 - 2 1 - 0.04 0.39 3 3 2 1 0.02 0.04 0.38 4 - 3 2 - 0.02 0.40 5 - 2 1 - 0.12 0.52 6 3 2 1 0.04 0.08 0.46 7 - 2 2 - 0.14 0.38 8 - 3 1 - 0.06 0.48 9 - 3 1 - 0.04 0.44 10 - 3 1 - 0.02 0.50

As a result of the conducted research, we made a conclusion about the degree of air pollution in the area of ​​the test sites. The air pollution level was assessed on a 5-point scale (see the table on the next slide).

Influence of air pollution on the distribution of epiphytic mosses Air pollution zone Occurrence of epiphytic mosses Air pollution assessment 1. _______ No mosses on tree trunks Very severe pollution 2. Plot No. 1 No epiphytic mosses. On the northern side of the trees there is a greenish coating of algae. Strong pollution 3. Plot No. 2 At the base of the trees there is an insignificant amount of mosses. Medium pollution 4. Plot No. 3 The appearance of mosses on tree trunks throughout the surveyed height. Slight pollution 5. _______ High species diversity of epiphytic mosses throughout the surveyed tree height Clean air

Thus, at site No. 3 (Ryleevo village) there is moss on tree trunks throughout the surveyed height, which indicates low air pollution, while at site No. 1 (near the highway) there are no mosses on tree trunks, which is a consequence of severe air pollution . CONCLUSION: To assess the contamination of territories, it is possible to study epiphytic mosses, which, as can be seen from the results of the study, make it possible to clearly identify contaminated territories even with a “weak pollution category”.

Worked on the project: Pavel Lemyaskin - 6th grade student Mikhail Malikov - 6th grade student Project manager - biology teacher Milyaeva Maria Panayotovna

References: Nadein A.F., Tarkhanov S.N. Ecology of the Northern Territories of Russia // International Conference, Arkhangelsk, 2002. Litvinova L.S., Zhirenko O.E. Moral and ecological education of schoolchildren // M.: 5 for knowledge, 2007. Pasechnik V.V. Biology. bacteria. Mushrooms. Plants. M.: Bustard, 2005 . Erudite series. Plant world. M .: LLC "TD" Publishing House "World of Books", 2006.

Plants are much more aware of the state of the soil than people. We have already talked about how they can be used to determine nutrients (including which ones) in our beds; learned how to identify soils by growing wild plants on it. Today we have an equally important topic - how to determine the type of water regime on a land plot with the help of plants.

It is important for plants how much melted snow water the soil can store, how often it will rain in summer, what temperature the roots will have to absorb moisture. Not all water makes them happy.
Everyone is familiar with the concepts of "mountain swamp" and "tundra". It would seem that in these natural lands there is always an abundance of water, the soil is always wet. But the plants there are really thirsty. Tundra mosses do not allow heat to pass through, they are like insulators - it is always colder under them than above them. Because the water under the moss is cold, it is poorly absorbed by plants. Yes, and dissolved humic acids make it too acidic. No wonder experts call such soil physiologically dry. What is the result? Plants of raised bogs and tundra are forced to conserve water, as plants of arid regions do. And it does not matter that many of them are literally standing in the water.

Even in swampy places there are droughts, so cranberries disappeared from the swamp in the Voronezh region after a dry period. For her, the lack of moisture turned out to be more destructive than its eternal excess.

What grows where

There are floodplain meadows that are flooded with spring floods. They grow, reeds, gravel,. And in the higher meadows, which are flooded with water only in the summer for a short time, there are growing, thistle, Phrygian cornflower. In flood meadows in dry years, there are horse sorrel, meadow sorrel. On them, but in lower places, bubbly and spicy, cereals, reed cane grow. And along the water's edge, broad-leaved, reeds and even marsh ones settle.

On well-moistened (but not swampy) soils grow (frying), timothy grass, rank, club moss, sorrel. The common goldenrod loves sandy soils, from which the water drains quickly, and the Canadian goldenrod also prefers meadow soil, but heavy, moist.

Marsh marigold grows in long strips along the banks of rivers and streams, but certainly where the soil is swamped, the plots are low. In such conditions, it is equally good both on the northern islands, where gulls nest and bird markets are noisy, and in the much warmer climate of the Altai Territory.

ground water

Sometimes they are very close, only 10 centimeters from the surface. You walk along the path, and squelching under your feet. In wet years, water may be at ground level. In dry weather - a little lower, about half a meter down.

Another level of groundwater depth is from a meter to one and a half. Here, from a simple step on the path, pits are not formed, and water does not appear in them. However, the roots of plants get to it easily.

A deeper level of groundwater - from one and a half meters.

And there is also a top. In a dry area in spring (after snow melts) or in summer (after heavy rains), puddles suddenly appear on the soil surface. This happens when a layer of clay is located under the soil, which does not allow water to leave. Mini swamps are formed, the soil is acidified. Although the lowland is about the size of a plate, and there is only a cup of water in it.
Then you need a well or a small pond in the lowest place of the land.

Can you tell how deep the water is?

Yes! Plants talk about it. If the groundwater is close, then the place is decorated with horsetail and marigold. If groundwater is located within half a meter - a meter, then this is the place of meadowsweet. It is common on the banks of rivers, in the lowlands. If the waters hide at a depth of a meter to one and a half, mouse peas, meadow fescue, rank, bluegrass will grow on the site.

When groundwater is located below one and a half meters, they settle in these areas (it can only grow on soils where groundwater is deep!), Bonfire, licorice naked,.

And shrubs, vegetables, flowers can be grown at a groundwater level of 1-1.5 meters from the surface of the earth, at a level of 0.5-1 meter - only vegetables and flowers, and then in the beds.

If the water is even closer, then it is required, and not in a single country country, but in all gardening. A separate independent country can pour soil on its territory so that the level becomes acceptable for plants.

If groundwater is deeper than two meters, you can grow and. If the soil contains not pure water, but mineralized (that is, brine), then it should not rise above 3.5 meters. Good for a gardener and a gardener when there are four meters to the water. Then both apple trees and pears will grow!


There are other ways to recognize the proximity of groundwater. For example, come to the site early in the morning and see if there is dew, how abundant it is. Or watch the appearance of fog in the evening, he will tell you where the lowest places of the site are.

You can dig a deep hole (1.5 meters). Or force the site with three-liter jars in the evening, and in the morning see if a lot of water in the form of condensate has accumulated on the walls - this is how aquifers are looking for. All of these methods are time consuming.