Using a car filter for a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum cleaner motor filter - an overview of frequently asked questions. Required tools and materials

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Frequently asked questions and answers to them | Topic Author: Ingrith

This topic presents questions that our customers have already asked, as well as answers to them right away, perhaps you have already had similar questions and this topic will be useful to you

THOMAS (Yeardley)  I read in Thomas' product catalog that a "Bi-Turbo" system is installed, what is it and what are the benefits?
To save energy and increase the suction power of the vacuum cleaner, unlike most models on the market, a two-stage turbine is installed, i.e. with two impellers on one shaft, which increases suction power by 25-30%

THOMAS (Yeardley)  Which detergent concentrates are used for THOMAS vacuum cleaners
4 types of washing concentrates are used: ProTex - for textile coverings and polster furniture; ProTex-V - for heavily soiled textile coatings; ProTex-M - for the destruction of textile mites; ProFloor - for linoleum, tiles.

THOMAS (Yeardley)  What is the best way to clean pipes and hoses after washing carpets?
Empty the dirty water tank, fill the bowl with clean water in a volume smaller than the dirty water tank in your vacuum cleaner, turn on the suction and suck all the clean water into the vacuum cleaner, then pour it out. Can be repeated several times

THOMAS (Yeardley)  How high can nozzles be raised when cleaning windows?
The washing solution is supplied with a pressure of 4 bar (4 excess atmospheres), respectively, the height of the liquid will be about 40 meters, we hope that there will be no such high windows.

THOMAS (Yeardley)  Purchased vacuum cleaner Thomas Twin, which nozzle can be used to clean windows
For cleaning windows, all THOMAS washing vacuum cleaners use an adapter for hard surfaces, which is put on the nozzle for washing carpets, some models have an additional special nozzle

THOMAS (Yeardley)  What is the consumption of washing solution when cleaning carpets?
It all depends on how dirty the carpets are. With light wet cleaning, the consumption is approximately 1 liter of solution per 4-5 square meters. meters of coverage, with a thorough washing of the carpet, it can increase to 1 liter per 2 square meters. meters.

THOMAS (Yeardley)  How much carpet area will one liter of detergent concentrate cover?
Depending on the degree of soiling of the carpet from 120 to 250 square meters

THOMAS (Yeardley)  When washing linoleum, water is not completely collected, please explain why
Please note that the working part of the hard floor adapter consists of a brush and an elastic band. When moving away from you, lower the pipe a little lower to the floor - the brush works, when moving towards you - on the contrary, lift it up, collecting water with an elastic band

THOMAS (Yeardley)  Recently purchased a SUPER 30 S vacuum cleaner, already used the washing mode several times, the result exceeded all expectations, the carpets are like new. Today we decided to update the furniture, but the connecting hose of the nozzle turned out to be short, what's the matter?
When using a nozzle for washing carpets, the shut-off valve is attached to the attachment (adapter) between the hose and the pipe. When cleaning furniture, it must be removed from there and inserted into the groove directly on the nozzle for washing furniture (it is narrower)

THOMAS (Yeardley)  What is the difference between Thomas Twin XT and Thomas Vestfalia XT?
The Twin XT and Vestfalia XT models use the latest development of Thomas - Aqua-Box for dry cleaning, wet cleaning allows you to clean carpets and floors hygienically and efficiently. If you have parquet in your house, we recommend you the Twin XT model, as it is equipped with a nozzle for dry parquet cleaning. This nozzle can be positioned parallel to the floor, which is useful for cleaning under low furniture. And most importantly, it is equipped with a felt base and a pile of natural horsehair, that is, it cleans efficiently and takes care of your parquet. And if you are the owner of a cat or dog, pay attention to the Vestfalia XT model. The set of this vacuum cleaner includes a large and convenient turbo brush for dry cleaning. THOMAS TWIN XT is available in blue, THOMAS Vestfalia XT is available in black.

THOMAS (Yeardley)  I accidentally forgot to put water in the aquafilter and dry cleaned the whole apartment. Is it very bad for a vacuum cleaner? What should I do now?
The water filter cannot work without water. This means that all the garbage and all the dust that you collected in your apartment got inside the device without filtration. If you didn't forget to put in a HEPA filter, then it took the whole blow. And most likely it will have to be replaced. You can try to clean it, as described in the instructions for your vacuum cleaner. Then put it in its original place, assemble the device correctly, aquafilter, pour 1 liter of water and turn it on. If the suction power has decreased, you will have to replace the filter, that is, it was so dirty that cleaning did not help.

In the vacuum cleaner, in addition to the bag, there are other filters. - BAGS FOR...

But besides the dust collector, in any vacuum cleaner of the classical scheme there are others ... At the same time, the remaining filters can be replaced with simpler and ...

Operating principle

Many people know what construction rubbish is and how difficult it is to clean, especially on an industrial scale. There are special construction vacuum cleaners on the market that have high power compared to household ones, but at the same time they have large dimensions and a considerable price. Therefore, masters of their craft create cyclone type chip blowers with their own hands, thereby improving their household vacuum cleaners and facilitating their work.

The filter is a design of two compartments: external and internal. Under the action of centrifugal force, all the rubbish entering the dust collector is sorted into large and small particles based on the cyclone principle.

About filters. The cyclone filter does not retain more than 97% of dust. Therefore, additional filters are often added to them. From English "HEPA" is translated as High Efficiency Particulate Air "- a filter for airborne particles.

Agree that even you cannot imagine your life without such necessary equipment as a vacuum cleaner? They cope not only with dust, but also with dirt.

Of course, vacuum cleaners can be used not only at home, but they are also different: rechargeable, washing, pneumatic. As well as automotive, low-voltage industrial, knapsack, gasoline, etc.

James Dyson was the first inventor of the cyclone vacuum cleaner. His first creation was G-Force in 1986.

A little later in the 1990s, he applied for the manufacture of cyclone apparatus and already assembled his center for the creation of vacuum cleaners. In 1993, his first vacuum cleaner, known as the Dayson DC01, went on sale. So, how does this cyclone-type miracle work?

It looks like the creator, James Dyson, was a remarkable physicist. Thanks to centrifugal force, it is involved in dust collection.

The device is two-chamber and it is divided into two types - external and internal. The air that swirls inside the dust collector moves upward as if in a spiral.

By law, large dust particles enter the outer chamber, and everything else remains in the inner chamber. And the purified air leaves the dust collector through filters. This is how vacuum cleaners with a cyclone filter work.

Do not opt ​​for those models that require little power. You will definitely not like such cleaning and most likely want to throw away such a device.

Interesting! How to cook semi-automatically with carbon dioxide, here!

Do not waste money in vain, but approach the purchase of a vacuum cleaner more seriously. One has only to contact the sales consultant and he will help you with the choice of one or another vacuum cleaner.

The device should be chosen, which is 20-30% more powerful than a bag vacuum cleaner. It is best to take the one with a power of 1800 watts. Almost all manufacturers of vacuum cleaners produce models with this filter, which is good news.

1.Skazhdym, probably, it happened when you accidentally found the item you needed in the dust collector? Now this is not a problem because it is transparent! And you will always be able to notice the items that you need to get out of there as soon as possible.

This is one of the most important pluses.

2. The power of such vacuum cleaners is maximum and does not slow down the speed and power, even with a clogged container. Cleaning is much more pleasant, power does not drop, cleaning is cleaner.

Such a vacuum cleaner is capable of detaining much more than you imagine. Up to 97%!!! Not likely, right? Although some are dissatisfied with this result, as they prefer vacuum cleaners with a water filter.

4. No need to constantly change paper bags for vacuum cleaner.

5. Power. She is not lost from fullness.

6. It can be washed well with water and dried.

1. One of the disadvantages of these vacuum cleaners is not very pleasant. This is washing and cleaning the filter. Of course, you don’t have to clean the container every day with a brush, but still, this is one of the minuses. Laziness is present in every person. Yes, it is certainly unpleasant to face the fact that you need to get your hands dirty.

2. Noise. The noise from this type of vacuum cleaner is much greater than from a conventional one.

3. Power consumption. It is also much higher than from a conventional vacuum cleaner. This is a small tornado.

Buy this little miracle or not, it's up to you. In fact, all its advantages cover those not many of its shortcomings. Cleanliness in the house is much more pleasant than not fully completed tidy, agree?

Personal impressions

Compared to the old vacuum cleaner, the cyclone dust collector looks quite modest in size. It is impossible to believe that such a little one is capable of something serious. Now the old vacuum cleaner can only be used for wet cleaning.

I take out the accessories, at the first use, I insert a pipe that is not large in diameter, I turn on the device, and what really surprises me is that the brush cleans carpets much better than my previous assistant.

He cleans everything. Dirt, the hair of our pets. Previously, it was necessary to make no small effort to cope with such “little things now”.

I have laminate flooring in the hallway and it was just as easy to clean. The fact is that I have another brush in stock, harder than the previous one for carpets, so I just coped with this task. You know, and the sound of this vacuum cleaner is not as loud as they wrote about it on the Internet.

I am pleased with this device because it is light and not so loud. I also liked the compartment for storing all the necessary nozzles, it is very convenient that it is built into the vacuum cleaner itself.

Once I knew what this little tornado was capable of, it was time to clean the container. Thank God, when I began to shake out the garbage from the dust collector, it fell in dense large lumps.

Since the debris was tamped down by the air flow. There are no balls of dust to be seen, and it did not rise into the air! So I finished my first cleaning with my cyclone vacuum cleaner. I washed the container and that was the end of the cleaning!

All vacuum cleaners are designed for one purpose - cleanliness. We are talking about all vacuum cleanersIndustrial and construction vacuum cleaners are usually used on machine tools or for cleaning any premises. These vacuum cleaners are expensive, since the principle of operation of the cyclone filter vacuum cleaner must be selected carefully.

You should also know that most often industrial devices are used during repair and construction. Keep your work area clean.

We make a cyclone filter for a vacuum cleaner with our own hands - A selection of excellent videos from

If a person has his own workshop, then one of the most important issues is cleaning the premises.

But unlike dusting in an apartment, an ordinary household vacuum cleaner will not help here, since it is not designed for construction waste and sawdust - its garbage tank (dust collector or bag) will clog very quickly and become unusable. Therefore, a home-made cyclone filter is often used, which, together with a household vacuum cleaner, will help clean the workshop.


Wood dust and other technical debris, although it seems harmless at first glance, in fact, they are fraught with many different dangers, both for the master and for the equipment.

For example, prolonged work without protective equipment to prevent dust from entering the respiratory system can cause serious complications with the respiratory tract, worsen the sense of smell, etc.

In addition, a tool that is in the workshop under the influence of dust can quickly fail. This happens because:

  1. dust, mixed with the lubricant inside the tool, forms a mixture that is completely unsuitable for lubricating moving parts, resulting in overheating and further breakage
  2. dust can impede the rotation of the moving parts of the tool, which leads to additional loads, overheating and failure,
  3. dust clogs the air ducts designed to ventilate the heated parts of the tool and remove heat from them, as a result of overheating, deformation and failure again.

Thus, the issue of the quality of removal of sawing products and, in general, cleaning of the premises is very acute. Modern power tools are equipped with systems for removing dust and chips directly from the sawing area, which does not allow dust to spread throughout the workshop. In any case, a vacuum cleaner (or chip blower) is needed for the dust removal process!

There are good industrial vacuum cleaners, and if possible, it is better to choose the best option for price and quality and buy a construction vacuum cleaner.

However, there are times when you already have a household vacuum cleaner and it is easier to upgrade it and solve the problem of collecting construction waste in the room. To do this, you need to use a cyclone filter - it is done in half an hour with all the necessary elements.

Principle of operation

There are a great many different designs of cyclones, but all of them are united by the same principle of operation. All designs of cyclone chip blowers consist of three main parts:

  • household vacuum cleaner
  • Cyclone filter
  • Waste container

Its design is such that the flow of intake air is directed in a circle and its rotational movement is obtained. Accordingly, the construction debris contained in this air stream (these are large and heavy fractions) is affected by centrifugal force, which presses it against the walls of the cyclone chamber and, under the action of gravity, it gradually settles in the tank.

The disadvantage of a cyclone vacuum cleaner is that only dry garbage can be collected in this way, but if there is water in the garbage, then there will be problems when sucking such a substance.

The vacuum cleaner must be powerful enough, since in its normal operation it is supposed to suck air through a standard hose.

Since the design turns out to be as maneuverable as a separate vacuum cleaner, the length of the last hose must be sufficient for comfortable work.

As mentioned above, you can make a cyclone filter for a workshop in half an hour, but for this you need to check the availability of everything necessary for the production of a chip blower with your own hands, namely: tools, materials and consumables.

The following tools will be needed to carry out the work:

  1. electric drill,
  2. screwdriver,
  3. jigsaw,
  4. compass,
  5. clamps,
  6. crosshead screwdriver,
  7. pencil,
  8. core drill for wood (50-60mm),
  9. set of drills.

Materials and fasteners

Materials can be used both new and used, so carefully review the list below - you may already have something in stock;

  1. The air duct (hose) for the vacuum cleaner is corrugated or in a textile braid.
  2. A sewer pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 100-150 mm, at one end of which the air duct of your household vacuum cleaner should be inserted.
  3. Sewer outlet 30 or 45 degrees, 100–200 mm long, at one end of which the air duct specified in paragraph 1 will be inserted in the future.
  4. Bucket ("large") plastic 11-26 liters with a hermetically sealed lid.
  5. Bucket ("small") plastic 5-11 liters. Note. It is important that the difference between the two maximum bucket diameters is approximately 60–70 mm.
  6. Plywood sheet 15–20 mm thick. Note. The sheet size must be greater than the maximum diameter of the Big Bucket.
  7. Self-tapping screws for wood with a flat wide head and a length of 2/3 of the plywood thickness.
  8. Gel sealant universal.

Probably, every housewife will agree that one cannot do without such an important thing as a vacuum cleaner in the house. Among the great variety of models, experts advise in order to get a better cleaning result. Such models absorb dust more efficiently. They have become more and more popular in recent years. If your model does not have a device that contains water, which allows you to clean more efficiently, then you should not be upset.

How is the water filter

Even if you recently purchased a vacuum cleaner without a water filter, or if you have a slightly outdated model at your disposal, don’t worry, below we’ll look at how you can make a water filter for your vacuum cleaner model with your own hands.

Vacuum cleaners with water filters: pros and cons

Recently, vacuum cleaners where water filters are installed are incredibly in demand. With their help, it is really possible to clean not only, but even the air. When you use a water vacuum cleaner, it is not at all necessary to ventilate the room, because the air becomes completely clean after cleaning.

Perfect cleansing with water

Some modern models can form a large amount of foam, but this problem can be easily solved, it will be enough to have a quality defoamer. Before you purchase or independently convert an ordinary vacuum cleaner into an aquatic device, you should know all its features and advantages. The main ones include the following:

  • device reliability
  • sufficiently long service life
  • multifunctionality
  • water vacuum cleaner perfectly cleans the air, makes it moist
  • has a high power rating
  • does not require additional maintenance, which has a high cost
  • there is no unpleasant odor during operation
  • its very convenient to use.

Also, water vacuum cleaners have some drawbacks, but they are minor and it is quite possible to put up with them. The disadvantages of the device include:

  • sufficiently large parameters
  • these vacuum cleaners are heavy
  • are expensive
  • may make loud noises.

Vacuum cleaner with water filter

Why do you need an aquafilter

The essence of the water filter is that it not only fights dust, it also performs wet cleaning at the same time, helps in the fight against bacteria, pathogens, pet hair, mites, and also fills the room with freshness, cleanliness and humidifies the air.

The essence of the aquafilter lies in the tank, which is filled with water. The device has a separator that works on the principle of a cyclone, thus setting the water container in motion. The mechanism sucks in air polluted with dust and dirt and passes it through the water in the tank. Thus, dust particles bind with water, the flow passes further through additional filters, and at the exit we have clean humidified air.

Unlike a conventional dry vacuum cleaner, it must be cleaned after each use. To do this, rinse the container and dry all the filters that it contains. If this is done poorly, there is a possibility of bacterial growth.

Varieties of aquafilters

There are two types of water filters:

  • Separate.

The work of this type of aqua filters is to separate air from dust particles due to centrifugal force. The polluted particles that enter the filter remain in the water without getting into the indoor air. The main advantage of vacuum cleaners of this type is a higher cleaning quality compared to others, and they are also durable. However, separate models are not cheap.

Separate filter

  • Hookahs.

Vacuum cleaners of this type have a fairly simple design. These devices cope better with coarse dust, but they have a hard time with fine dust. However, this shortcoming can be easily corrected by installing additional filters. One of the inconveniences of using a hookah filter is the need for its frequent systematic washing and high-quality drying. In addition, it is equipped with a fairly small reservoir for liquid.

Aquafilter in a vacuum cleaner

Things to Consider When Choosing a Water Filter Vacuum Cleaner

  1. Pay attention to the power of the device. It must be at least 200 watts.
  2. Choose a vacuum cleaner whose body is made of more durable and reliable materials.
  3. Opt for devices with a large fluid design. Thus, you will not need to change the water in it too often.

Do-it-yourself water filter for a vacuum cleaner

Among all the advantages of vacuum cleaners with a water filter, its main disadvantage is its cost. For this reason, many "jacks of all trades" make an aquafilter for different vacuum cleaner models with their own hands. You can save not only on buying a vacuum cleaner, but also make the filter itself from materials that are always at hand.

How to make a filter for a modern vacuum cleaner with your own hands

If you decide to make a filter for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands, and the power of your home vacuum cleaner wants to be better, at the same time you can correct it. What to do with it? First of all, it is necessary to replace the paper component with a foam rubber component on the incoming filter. This will enable the unit to suck up dirt and dust with greater force. In most inexpensive vacuum cleaner modifications, suction power is lost due to the dense material on the filter. Therefore, it can also be replaced with a less dense one, thus increasing the overall power of the device. But at the same time, small particles of dust will linger on the filter no worse.

Before starting the assembly of a homemade aqua filter, you need to prepare all the materials that you will need. Among them:

  • Aluminum saucepan.
  • Six-liter plastic eggplant from under the water.
  • Three screws.
  • Metal adapter.
  • Flexible hose.
  • Screws in the amount of four pieces.

So, let's start by cutting out a circle in the bottom of an aluminum pan. Its diameter should be less than the diameter of the pan by about 3 cm. Next, you need to attach this structure to the vacuum cleaner with screws in the place where the air comes out. First you need to drill holes in the pan.

Simple materials - great end result

We take a plastic bottle and put it in a saucepan. Several holes must be made in the eggplant so that clean, filtered air can escape. Pour about 1-1.5 liters of water into it. By analogy with a purchased vacuum cleaner, dust-contaminated air will penetrate water, in which dirt will remain.

With metal adapters and screws, this entire structure is attached to the exhaust outlet of the vacuum cleaner. On the one hand, we attach the corrugated hose to the adapter, and on the other, we make a slot in it, which will give the effect of a whirlpool inside the eggplant.

The second version of a homemade filter is a separate one.

Now we will figure out how to make a water filter, which is considered separate. For him, you need to prepare the following:

  1. Separator
  2. A container that will contain water
  3. modern version of the pump
  4. small fan
  5. details with which you can fix all the elements.

When everything is ready, install the cover directly on the dust collector. Next, you need to carefully attach the pump, on which there will be a rubber ring. In order to significantly reduce the noise from the device, which occurs directly during operation, it is enough to glue a small amount of polyethylene to the bottom of the vacuum cleaner.

Use of improvised materials

As you can see, with a little time, a minimum of effort and financial costs, you can build yourself a pretty good water filter for the most ordinary vacuum cleaner. There is nothing complicated in such work, you do not even need to have any special knowledge. It is enough to follow the instructions provided by us and you will definitely get a high-quality water filter, which in its characteristics will not differ much from a purchased and more expensive device. If the assembly process was successful, then you can immediately try the fruits of your labors.

In addition to a bag or container for collecting dust, other filter elements are provided in a vacuum cleaner of any model.

Additional filters are designed to protect the motor compartment from dirt and clean the air coming out of the vacuum cleaner.

Clogging or damage to any of the filters is fraught with overheating of the motor and failure of the device. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of all vacuum cleaner filters and change them regularly in case of wear.

Where is the motor filter located in the vacuum cleaner and how often should it be changed?

In a modern vacuum cleaner with a classic design, there are 3 filters:

  • The main dust collector (container or bag), which retains more than 99% of all sucked dust;
  • Final air filter (at the outlet). It cleans the outgoing air stream from the smallest dust particles, which may contain various allergens;
  • Motor filter. It is located at the entrance to the engine compartment and is designed to protect the engine in case of incorrect operation of the main filter.

Depending on the brand and model of the vacuum cleaner, the design of the motor filter may differ. In budget options and in models of the middle price category, the filter functions in most cases are performed by a flat microfilter made of pressed fine-fiber material or a sponge.

In more expensive models, the so-called HEPA filters are more common (HEPA is an abbreviation for the English High Efficiency Particulate Absorption, which can be translated as “highly effective dust retention”).

Premium brands, as a rule, equip their vacuum cleaners with activated carbon filter elements - they not only trap microparticles of dust, but also purify the air of unpleasant odors.

Where is the engine filter located?

It is installed on the air inlet path directly into the vacuum cleaner (between the dust collector and the vacuum cleaner motor).

To remove the motor filter of a Samsung, LG vacuum cleaner, etc., just open the cover, remove the bag (or remove the container) and pull the filter housing.

How often should the motor filter be changed?

signal of the need engine filter maintenance there will be a decrease in suction power, difficult operation of the engine, rapid heating of the vacuum cleaner literally immediately after turning it on.

You can temporarily solve the problem by flushing or purging the filter element.

However, such measures do not give a significant effect, since it is not possible to completely clean the filter microstructure.

How do you know if the filter is the problem?

To do this, remove the filter. If without it the suction power is restored, and the body does not heat up, then the filter needs to be replaced.

Is it possible to buy a universal motor filter for a vacuum cleaner?

There is a huge variety of motor filters of different geometric shapes. They can be rectangular, square, round or oval.

At the same time, there are no standards - each model has its own filter dimensions, which greatly complicates the search for the desired product.

To find a suitable consumable, you need to know its article number, otherwise it is likely that the filter will be the wrong size.

In this regard, it is much easier, faster and cheaper to make the necessary filter element yourself from universal sheet material.

One of the most popular such materials is the canvas from Swirl, which is produced in the size of 16.8x24 cm.

In terms of its filtering ability, the pressed microfiber cloth is not inferior to the original products.

To make a filter for an electric motor, it is enough to cut out a contour of the desired shape and size with ordinary scissors. Swirl recommends changing the filter twice a year.

What to make a vacuum cleaner motor filter

You can make a motor filter for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands not only from the Swirl universal canvas. Household appliance stores sell inexpensive sheet filter media labeled FST 0001.

The size of the sheet is 28x41 cm, if necessary, you can make a filter of the required shape from it in a couple of minutes.

For this you need:

  • Remove the old engine filter from the vacuum cleaner, shake off the dust;
  • Attach the old filter to the filter material;
  • Circle with a marker or pencil along the contour;
  • Cut out the new filter with scissors;
  • Install the filter in place.

Filter material FST 0001 is suitable for making flat filters for any vacuum cleaners.

Any attempt to vacuum without filter material endangers performance Your, possibly purchased for a lot of money device.

If it is impossible to purchase either disposable or reusable bags, you can at your own risk try build your own filter.

The vacuum cleaner has become for many housewives an indispensable assistant. An important condition for high-quality cleaning is. It is there that all the dirt, dust, small particles of debris collect. The filter is also responsible for the purity of the air that comes out of the vacuum cleaner, leaving all the collected impurities in it.

The better the filtration of your vacuum cleaner, the more dirt settles on the walls of the filter.

On a note! You can use not only purchased consumables for a vacuum cleaner, but also make them yourself.

So you will not only save money, but you will also be sure that it is reliable and efficient. Let's remember what types of filters exist:

  • Membrane;
  • Water;
  • Cyclonic.

Membrane filter

The first kind of filters is created very thick fabric. Its easy enough to make.

Important! know the size suitable for your bag model, buy material of suitable density at the hardware store and sew the bag according to the model of the original dust collector designed by the manufacturer.

To increase the density of the membrane tissue can be folded into two or more layers. The base for mounting can be cut out of thick cardboard or plastic. There are several ways to attach the bag to the base.

First, we need glue. With it, we simply fix the mouth of the bag between two pieces of cardboard.

In the second case, we will take ordinary slippers. The first half of the Velcro should be glued to a plastic or cardboard base, and the second half should be sewn to the neck of the bag. Your dust bag is ready to use.

Water filter

Popularity aquafilter not only in the fact that with its help cleaning becomes more efficient, but also in humidifying the air. All suctioned debris passes through the water container.

Such a filter able to hold even fine dust and pollen. This feature of the vacuum cleaner is appreciated by people who are allergic to dust.

Attention! Due to the water compartment located in the body, the vacuum cleaner becomes heavy.

When choosing this kind of home assistant, try whether it will be easy for you to move around the house with it.

You can make this kind of filter yourself. What can be made from:

  • Separator. With its help, the garbage will be divided into large and small;
  • Water tank with sealed lid;
  • Fan small size. When choosing, focus on its noise;
  • water pump.

We take a baking powder, a casing and a drive to install all these parts on the dust collector of a vacuum cleaner.

Zinc plated fasteners will serve as fasteners.

Do not forget to put polyethylene at the bottom of the filter. It will act as soundproofing.

Install the pump last. You can fix it using a rubber ring.

Important! Keep an eye on the water level while using the filter.

Cyclone filter

This type of vacuum cleaner is popular for over thirty years. The case itself is lighter than that of vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter, since it is empty inside. essence such filtering is in the effect of centrifugal force on the garbage sucked in. Large and small particles of pollution are deposited in different containers by a hurricane of wind. After shutdown vacuum cleaner from power supply, you have enough remove the container from the body and clean it.

For such a homemade filter we need:

  • Plastic container with a sealed lid.
  • Two corrugated or plastic pipes two meters long.
  • Cone (you can buy a regular car cone in the store).

We cut off the bottom from the cone and connect it to the pipe. To get a sealed hole, we close all holes and cracks with plywood. We connect the cut off part of the cone to the pipe, into which all the garbage will fall. The end of this pipe should go into a plastic container. Seal with a piece of plywood. Connect to the vacuum cleaner with an outlet pipe. We attach it to the inlet of the vacuum cleaner with a hose.

Useful video

DIY cyclone filter

How to make your own water filter