Willy car games. Games red wheelie car Virtual service stations and features of their work

Who likes to stand idle? This tedious task is not even to the liking of cars, as Willy's machine games online speak eloquently.
Called to plow the expanses of roads, the red small car was waiting for its buyer in the showroom for a long time, but for some reason no one wanted to become its owner. Give everyone luxurious salons with electronic control, and no one takes miniature cars with manual control seriously anymore. But it's not fair!
Willy has been waiting for his finest hour for a long time. When they offered him a 10% discount, he was hopeful that he was about to be bought, and he would feel the delight of a ride on a rolled track. But all this didn't happen. The owners of the car dealership went to the extreme, dropping the cost by 50%, but even in this case there were no people willing to make a bargain.
The dream of racing became unrealistic, and then Willy decided to take a desperate step - to escape from the store and get to the rally on his own.

Games Car Willie: the adventure begins

Start playing Willy's car for free and help the hero realize his racing fantasy. You are waiting for the most exciting games Car Willie with a lot of puzzles, after passing which you will improve your logic and ingenuity, become more confident in solving complex problems, develop ingenuity and thinking. To advance in the levels, you have to:

  • Rotate knobs
  • Push buttons
  • lower platforms
  • Overcome dangerous areas
  • open doors

You will not stay long at each level - it is worth making the right decision and using the mechanism in time, as the stage is passed, and three stars fall on your account.

Romance is the engine of fantasy

Continuing to play Willy's car online, you will learn about other events and adventures that the brave car embarked on. One day, Willy met a pink lady of his own brand, and he fell in love with her selflessly. But it was not possible to establish a close acquaintance, since the sparkling beauty was taken to another store. Willy could not accept the breakup and went in search of her, full of new experiences. You are waiting for interesting tasks and puzzles to overcome with honor.
The hero managed not only to find a girlfriend, but also to establish a relationship with her by entering into a marriage. Now Jolie's pink car has become his wife, and this is a new story. Now Willy is puzzled by his wife's desire to change the wheels, and goes to squeak a gift. New events, although taking place in different conditions, remain the same in content. During the game, Car Willie again has difficult sections in front of the hero, and it is possible to cope with them by using the levers at a certain time in the right direction.

Danger at every turn

During the game, the car Willie 5 will have to escape from the meteor shower that hit the city. In order to survive, you must quickly think in which direction to turn the wheels and which platform will be saving. Along the way, he maneuvers between cars on the road, loads on a washed-out rural path and asks for help from a local tractor, almost misses a departing boat, encounters a flood, but safely reaches a safe zone, where he will face new problems. Perhaps the most impressive adventure awaits you during the game Willie 4, when the hero finds himself in the Jurassic period with dinosaurs. It all started when he went to a friend's auto repair shop, but on the way he landed in a temporary funnel. Now you need to go back to your time, avoiding a collision with lizards and wooden prehistoric machines. Save the hero by playing Car Willie and prove that civilization wins even in wild times.

The authors of the new entertainment called the light car "Willy" in the showroom, but the main character of the amazing story turned out to be not assiduous, and even offended by the lack of attention of buyers. After standing for a long time, the car decides to break out of the routine of a car dealership and go on an interesting and dangerous journey. But the sellers made numerous attempts and strenuously offered it to visitors. The scriptwriters decided to promote an unusual product and offered a discount, which gradually reached 50 percent, but no tricks helped.

He decides to find the owner of a kind and attentive small car on his own, and one day our hero leaves the hospitable, but boring car dealership and goes on a long journey. At first glance, the proposed game may seem simple and even elementary, players who are not ready for the sharp turns of a virtual adventure will be amazed at the difficult obstacles that will need to be overcome. There will be a lot of them on the path proposed by the scenario, so the participant in the game needs to work hard and help the hero in gaining freedom, so long-awaited and beautiful. The indefatigable "Willy" sets himself the main task and overcomes it on his own, the journey resembles a real car race that allows you to test your endurance. During the races, a small car with great capabilities must demonstrate the steepness and all that it is capable of.

Scenario features of the game "Willy"

Participants of the exciting game are invited to go through numerous levels, complex, intricate, radically different from each other. At each stage, a meeting with complex and masterly conceived obstacles is conceived, with which problems arise. At first, the easiest levels are offered, which gradually become more difficult and in order to overcome them it is worth reflecting on your actions. Tips are organized to help players, they are noticeable and save the situation when passing through a particular section. They are conceived very interestingly, they become effective in the presence of the logical abilities of the participant.

The game scenario is conceived to be cheerful and cheerful, the unusual talkativeness of the Willie car will help to really have fun. This ability of the machine will surprise you in everyday life, but will attract you in virtual entertainment. Thanks to such fun trifles, virtual heroes become the best friends of young hackers and help pass the time in a beneficial way for the brain convolutions.

Who is the main player in the game, the participant or the hero?

During the game, the quick-witted boy "Willy" is released by the players into an independent voyage and receives complete freedom, which he so dreamed of. All his expectations and future victories are connected with the hope for his skillful master, thanks to whom he will move mountains and overcome all levels competently and victoriously. The proposed game options with the participation of "Willy" are controlled with the mouse, allowing you to do this instantly. The amazing red car "Willy" becomes not just a friend to the participant, but an equal partner in all game scenarios.

Fun is a logic game that is free and makes the convolutions work, which will allow you to overcome obstacles and reach the final in time. Driving the red car is not difficult at all and is accessible to the youngest players. The mouse allows "Willy" to accelerate to the maximum, slowing down at certain points. Achieve a victorious finale by fast driving will help the player's own ingenuity and improvised means.

Each version of the game "Willy" is distinguished by a separate plot, which can be found even before the start of the journey through the virtual field. The red car is invited to start the race in the first part, get a girlfriend in the second, for which they go across the country. Next, "Willy" must independently acquire colossi and present them to his beloved for her birthday.

Logic games about the red car "Willy" are intended for inquisitive boys, as well as girls who are interested in racing. The special attraction of the next children's entertainment is due to the presence of elements of the quest. Another advantage is the provision of four of the five proposed games in Russian, which makes it easier to get acquainted with the menu. Today you can play "Willy" with great pleasure online and without obligatory payment. A friendly machine is waiting for its partners and enjoys every game.

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Cars are always fun

Who at least once watched a father choosing a toy car for his baby was most likely able to pay attention to how reverently an adult man treats such a choice. And he is far from interested in the color of the car itself, but in the totality of the mass of various characteristics. The love of cars is in the blood of boys, and this is partly a worthy explanation for the fact that games about cars are so popular in the computer world. By the way, cars are found in proposals of different directions. Many of the games are arranged in the form of competitions with a mass of race tracks, all kinds of obstacles and crowds of enthusiastic spectators, and there are also those in which cars will literally have to be assembled in parts. Such games resemble a virtual car service and are also very interesting for young repairmen.

The youngest gamers will be attracted by bright and colorful coloring pages or puzzles depicting cars, mahjongs that help develop memory and attention, games from the three in a row series. There are quite a lot of platform games among the offers with cars, there are also quest games here. Just imagine how long you can search for this or that part in a virtual workshop. A special place among the proposals for cars is occupied by games in which the gamer does not watch the car from the side, but clings tightly to the steering wheel and sees a pseudo reality around him, very reminiscent of the picture that the owner of a real car is watching from the driver's seat.

virtual world racing cars

A variety of cars take part in numerous computer games in racing races. There are a lot of drawn cars here, driven by fairy-tale characters, for example, a cartoony Daddy Pig or restless Smeshariki, here you can see a glamorous car of a little Barbie or a rarity on which the Mario brothers drive around. And there are cars that look as cool as in prestigious salons and the control panel is made in them masterfully like real ones. In any case, all these vehicles have one thing in common - each of them takes part in the race. In general, for the game of cars you can choose for every taste.

Tracks in computer games, you can pick up a variety of. You can drive around the city at night on the selected car, or you can go to a world-class rally and feel like a car pilot. You can arrange cartoon competitions, or you can find a simulator for the game. It all depends on the taste of the gamer and his desire. If you want to watch the machine from the side, please, if it is cozier and more comfortable behind the wheel, you are also welcome. It all depends on the desire and on the chosen game.

Virtual service stations and features of their work

Sometimes with tenderness one can watch how bewitched children are watching their father, who opened the hood of the car. The boys just dream of getting dirty in fuel oil like dad, and if they are allowed to hold some detail, then their pride simply has no limits. According to their plot, the games of cars are different. In many of them, the equipment has to be not only repaired, but even pieced together from the designer. It will take the work of a well-coordinated team of technicians during all kinds of racing races, because it is very important to change the tires in time and check the engine. From all this will ultimately depend on who will come to the finish line first.

Taking care of cars is exciting and interesting. Agree that to come up with a car yourself, assemble it from scratch and make it go is a very difficult task. This is where you can show not only ingenuity, but also design abilities.

Cars - that's what they are

What kind of machines you will not meet on the Internet. Among them there are even those that can be filled with milk instead of gasoline or even compote. Some cars can smile or wink, start smart conversations with each other. In principle, this is not surprising, because many of the games are based on the plots of animators. For example, famous cars, all kinds of smiling trucks, tractors, taxis and other four-wheeled friends.

Perhaps someone will not believe it, but in the world of animation, even an intersection in the jungle is not a problem to organize, which means that fans of computer games can easily choose for themselves an offer with such an unusual plot. There would be a desire, but you can easily find a good game.
Hurry up to choose a four-wheeled friend for yourself and boldly go on a variety of trips on it, remember that it will never let you down. And if you suddenly fail to win the race the first time, do not despair, because in the virtual world you can always start the race again.

Wily's Car games are so diverse that everyone will find a story to their liking. It is enough to play at least once to understand that you are worthy of this entertainment.

All parts of Wheelie's game are dedicated to one character. This is a nice red car - simple and even unprepossessing. It's not perfect, which is probably why no one wants to buy it. Not wanting to reconcile with fate, Willy goes to the big city. His goal is global - to change himself and become a wonderful racing car.

The path to victory is thorny and long. Willy will have to change the wheels, the engine, learn how to drive fast ... There are enough obstacles on the way to the goal, but the little red car does not give up. The kid knows that these are temporary difficulties, and soon he will achieve what he wants.

The path of a small car from a simple car dealership to racing rallies is thorny and is represented by many stories. Each player will find a suitable goal for themselves and will definitely achieve it together with Willy when passing the game.