Houses on the Canadian felling. Types of manual cutting, Russian, Canadian, Norwegian cutting. Filling frame walls

Canadian cutting allows you to build durable and energy-efficient houses and baths from logs of different diameters. Thanks to the internal spike in the bowl, the lock is self-locking, the walls are hermetic, the joints do not diverge in the corners. Such log cabins do not need repeated caulking! Carpenters from "ROYAL KEDR" have been building log cabins using Canadian technology since 2002.

The history of the appearance of the Canadian felling

In the middle of the 18th century, Russian settlers brought this technology to Canada. The local population (Indians and Eskimos) did not own this technique of building wooden houses.

In Russia, at the same time, architects preferred faster and less labor-intensive felling methods. Arriving in Canada, Russian craftsmen were forced to adapt Russian felling to local conditions, sacrifice speed and simplicity, giving preference to reliability and heat efficiency.

Now Canadian felling houses are popular not only in North America and Canada, but also in other countries, including Russia.


It is profitable to build houses and baths with "ROYAL CEDAR"! Only we:

  • We carefully select building materials. We have a production site and logging sites. We do not buy timber, we cut it ourselves in the Siberian taiga! Each tree is inspected by a foreman with twenty years of experience and checked with an ultrasonic flaw detector. For construction, blanks with good indicators of tapering, density and resin content are used. Our logs have no visible or hidden defects. Unsuitable specimens are rejected and used for the production of lumber.
  • We develop detailed projects. The draft part is a sectional log house, a layout with an explication of the premises and a foundation plan. All the documents necessary for production are contained in the constructive section: cutting charts for all types of lumber, schemes for laying crowns and developing walls. All design documents are created automatically, which eliminates errors. Our log cabins are cut in strict accordance with the design developments, and each position in the estimate can be documented.
  • We employ the best carpenters and finishers. We build turnkey houses and baths. We do not involve subcontractors in the work, we carry out all the design, construction and finishing works ourselves. The best Siberian carpenters and general-purpose finishers work in our staff, so we are confident in the result. All work is our guarantee!
  • We offer prices from the manufacturer. The projects from "KINGR KEDR" contain documents that allow you to save: maps for cutting wall material and specifications for all lumber. We are manufacturers and do not work with intermediaries. Our Customers pay only for the material and the work of our craftsmen. The remuneration of intermediaries and resellers is not included in the construction budget.

Canadian felling: technology features

  • Canadian felling combines the characteristic features of Russian and Norwegian styles. Logs of large diameter are suitable for construction, which are carefully adjusted to each other when assembling the structure.
  • Carpenters make a special "lock": a spike in a wedge-shaped bowl is cut out in the lower crown, and a bowl in the form of a trapezoid is cut out in the upper one. Under the weight of the logs during shrinkage, a tight wedging of the fastening occurs, due to which the complete tightness of the “lock” is achieved.
  • Full coincidence of the bowls in shape and self-jamming of the "lock" minimize the risk of opening connections over time. Atmospheric moisture does not penetrate inside the corner. The insulation located in the grooves retains its natural properties for a long time.
  • With Canadian technology, they make a double-sided seam logs at an angle of 45 degrees. The length of the notch is equal to twice the diameter of the log.
  • For Canadian log cabins, logs processed with a scraper are used. This tool allows you to very carefully debark the workpiece, leaving the sapwood intact. Such logs look original, and log cabins from them serve for a long time.
  • The grooves are made with an adze, the wood is pressed along the fibers. This allows you to clog pores and resin channels. This "preservation" increases the life of the wood.
  • For Canadian felling, it is recommended to use logs with a diameter of 400 mm or more. We build from cedar, pine and larch with a diameter of up to 700 mm.

Features of Canadian log cabins

  • Tightness. A log house with round bowls after shrinkage needs caulking or wall treatment with acrylic sealant using the “Warm Seam” technology. The occurrence of cracks is associated with a decrease in the linear dimensions of the log due to shrinkage. There is no such problem in the Canadian felling: the inclined edges of the lock and self-jamming under the weight of the rims and the roofing system maintain the tightness of the joints. No gaps appear in such a log house, the cut remains airtight.
  • The walls look monolithic. There are no gaps between the crowns, this remains throughout the entire period of operation of the log house. The insulation remains inside the log, it is not visible and is reliably protected from environmental influences.
  • Beautiful appearance. The notches on a log of large diameter look original. During the construction of elite log cabins, logs with expressive butts are used. The ends are made "under the wedge" or "in a run". French and straight cut ends are also available. Our carpenters own the author's method of drawing the butt parts. Widely used logs are large diameter, processed in the "wild" style or with partial debarking. The massive chopped farms that adorn the entrance group look original.

Diamond bowl or Diamond zate

  • Building houses in a diamond bowl requires high skill from carpenters, because this is a very complex technology. The difference from the usual Canadian technique lies in the number of notches - they are performed not on one side of the crown, but on two:
  • In the cuts, a large number of faces intersect, which looks like a diamond. This is where the name of this method comes from, with which you can emphasize the natural shape of the butts and the beauty of the wood texture.
  • The pinnacle of craftsmanship tightly fitted (up to a millimeter) corner joints of crowns are considered.
  • Benefits of the Diamond Chalice the same as in the usual Canadian: complete tightness and no gaps after shrinkage of the log house.
  • The only downsidediamond cutting is a decrease in the width of the thermal groove. It is for this reason that it is advisable to choose this type of felling when a wooden house is being built from a log with a diameter of more than 460 mm. In large log cabins, the diamond cut looks especially elegant!

The composition of the house kit

  • Wall logs;
  • Lumber of natural moisture for:
    • floors;
    • truss system;
    • crates;
    • floor or ceiling;
  • Mezhventsovy heater "Klimalan";
  • Nagel from dry birch;
  • Ruberoid;
  • Protective compounds "Remmers";
  • Shrinkage jacks;
  • Hardware.

Construction time

The construction time depends on the complexity of the project, the diameter of the log and the workload of the production site.

On the one hand, the design seems to be not the most complicated. On the other hand, few people work with the Canadian bowl. Why?

Because it’s not enough to just make a trapezoidal bowl shape, cut a spike on the top log and a groove on the bottom one. It is necessary to optimally calculate all dimensions so that the parts of the castle fit as tightly as possible to each other. Otherwise, all the advantages of such a bowl will come to naught.

And only real professionals who have been working with hand-cut logs for years can cope with this task. At the same time, such a high-quality connection can be made only with the help of an excellent professional tool, which is quite expensive and not everyone has it.

What is the main plus of felling a log house into a Canadian bowl?

In the tightness of corner joints after shrinkage of the house. Unlike the classic Russian bowl, such a connection of logs does not dry out after shrinkage. It is still tight!

It turns out that the joints of logs in the Canadian bowl do not need repeated caulking? This is partly true. But not really!

It is impossible to predict how a tree will behave when it dries out. Therefore, it cannot be guaranteed that the Canadian bowl completely eliminates the need for subsequent caulking.

But it can be guaranteed that the amount of work on caulking after the shrinkage of the house will be minimal and experienced craftsmen will cope with the task very quickly.

Probably, many people dreamed of their own small country house, built from a wooden frame. Such huts will look great both on their own and will be a great addition to landscape design. In addition, log buildings have excellent thermal insulation. You can build such a house with the help of several technologies, among which the Canadian felling is the most popular. And this is not surprising, because winters in Canada are very cold and snowy, so Canadians certainly know a lot about building warm and cozy houses.

general information

Canadian felling, the technology of which will be described in the article below, is distinguished by its quality and practically has no drawbacks. It was invented about 50 years ago and during this time it has become widespread throughout the world. This is due to the fact that the technology is completely based on manual labor and does not require the use of specialized equipment, so the cost of log houses is relatively low. However, in order for the house to turn out to be of high quality, warm and durable, it is necessary to have certain skills and knowledge, because when installing logs, every millimeter is important.

Material selection

Before you figure out what principle Canadian felling houses are built on, you need to talk about the choice of materials. This is very important because the logs must meet certain standards. Their diameter at the top of the trunk must be at least 30 centimeters. This is due to the fact that their thickness after shrinkage and shrinkage of the structure will decrease. In addition, the larger the diameter of the logs, the better the building will retain heat. However, this material is more expensive. Therefore, when choosing a building material, you should take into account your financial capabilities.

As for the length, the Canadian cabin, the photo of which looks simply amazing, involves the use of logs 14 meters long. It is allowed to build houses from a log house of greater length, however, in this case, the joining of the logs must be carried out with screw ties, and the joints must be closed with a transverse wall without fail.

A few words about wood species

The best material for houses built using Canadian technology is coniferous trees, which are highly resistant to moisture and have a high resin content. Such houses will not be afraid of any climatic conditions. In addition, structures made of these types of wood will last for very long years.

In our country, for the construction of buildings using Canadian cutting technology, the following types of trees are used:

  • Pine has a high density and has a high resin content, so houses made of this tree will last for a long time, even if they are not lined with anything.
  • Larch in its density and amount of resin content surpasses even pine, so it is not only not afraid of moisture, but also not subject to decay.
  • Cedarwood is valued for its antiseptic properties.

These types of wood are considered traditional for houses built according to the Canadian felling, so it is best to use them.

Construction technology

Canadian felling of houses, the designs of which can be very diverse, is an ideal option for the construction of buildings from round logs in regions with severe climatic conditions and very frosty winters. Logs and insulation are stacked in such a way that the structure does not require cladding, retains heat well and eliminates the presence of drafts.

The logs are joined together according to the "thorn-groove" principle. The spike is directed downwards, thereby achieving higher thermal insulation. The groove is cut in the same shape as the spike. Due to the identical shape of the thorn and groove, the logs are firmly fixed to each other, and after the wood has dried and the building has shrunk, there are no gaps between them. To prevent the penetration of cold air and moisture at the joints of the logs, a heater is placed in the cup.

Canadian felling of log cabins when cutting a cup involves cutting a log at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, the radius of inclination may slightly increase or decrease depending on the thickness of the logs. To achieve maximum fit of logs to each other after shrinkage, a small gap about 3 centimeters thick is hollowed out in the cup.

The size of the landing part of the spike depends on the width of the landing gap. Its minimum width is 9 centimeters. However, when cutting it, you need to try to ensure that it matches the groove in its shape.

Canadian cutting is based on these rules. A project built using this technology will last for several decades and will retain heat perfectly without replacing the insulation material.

Canadian and Russian felling: what are the differences

The Russian technology of erecting log houses differs from the Canadian one in that in it the shape of the nest has the same shape as the log, while in Canadian felling the bowl is trapezoidal. Thus, when joining logs according to Russian technology, gaps will form between them, which will have to be sealed, and this takes a lot of time.

However, the owner of a house built using Russian cutting technology will face the main problem approximately in the third year of operation of the building after it sits down. Quite large gaps will appear between the logs, which will have to be caulked. The Canadian cabin is free from this drawback, so the house will remain warm and protected from drafts for a long period of time.

The second significant difference lies in the ease of construction. Russian logging requires quite a lot of time and physical costs, since it involves multi-stage harvesting and processing of materials, as well as too complex technology for laying logs. Canadian technology is simpler, because there is nothing superfluous in it.

Benefits of Canadian felling

  1. The processing of materials and the construction of the building are carried out entirely by hand, so the quality of the house can be controlled at all stages of construction.
  2. Excellent thermal insulation. Due to the special technology of fastening logs and the absence of gaps between them, heat loss is minimized.
  3. Canadian cutting allows the use of logs that are not peeled of bark, which will provide better thermal insulation and additional protection from external factors and pests.
  4. After laying the logs and completing the construction of the house, the aesthetic appearance of the tree is preserved, thanks to which the buildings look very beautiful even without cladding.
  5. The technology is very simple, so people who do not have a construction education and similar work experience can master it.

In addition to all of the above, this construction technology is universal, therefore it allows you to implement any projects.

If you do not have any experience in construction and you have not trained as a carpenter, then when working with logs and creating a castle, it is recommended to use a saw and a chisel. First, notches are made on the log, after which all the excess is simply hollowed out. In order for all the locks to turn out to be of high quality, and the joints to be reliable, it is recommended to make a template in advance, according to which you will do all the work.


Canadian felling is one of the best construction technologies with which you can build a reliable, warm, cozy and durable log house. At the same time, during construction, you can independently control all processes, which will allow you to carefully work out everything to the smallest detail and create your dream home. During operation, the most important thing is to follow certain instructions and observe safety precautions.

At all times, the quality of log buildings was measured by their durability. The technology has been perfected over the centuries, the masters passed their art from generation to generation.

Canadian felling was invented by Russian settlers who set foot on American soil at the beginning of the 18th century. Solid and beautiful have gained wide popularity in Canada, hence the name of the method.

Canadian felling technology

Canadian felling is used in the construction of structures from massive logs of a round profile. The diameter of the logs varies from 30 to 60 cm, the thicker the log, the better. The “Canadian cup” log cabin is easily recognizable – the cup is in the shape of a trapezoid, there are side notches. This technology allows you to firmly jam the grooves and ensure that there are no gaps between the logs. In the process of shrinkage, the log house forms an almost monolithic wall. The best materials for building a Canadian log house are pine, larch or cedar, harvested in the winter.

Each log used is selected with the utmost care.
Processing is carried out exclusively by hand, this preserves the upper protective layer of wood fibers - sapwood.
Precise fit ensures that there are no gaps between the logs.
The layers of insulation are not visible, it creates the feeling of a solid array of wood.
Creating a comfortable microclimate indoors - the house is warm in winter and cool in summer.
Unpretentiousness in operation - no work on insulation and elimination of cracks and cracks is required.

Initially, the Canadian felling differed from the Russian and Norwegian ones only in the shape of the bowl, which, due to the trapezoidal shape, tightly fitted the neighboring log during shrinkage. However, over time, additional spikes and grooves inside the bowl began to be used, with their help it was possible to achieve a tight connection of the logs and an ideal pairing of the crowns. The junction of the inner groove and the spike is called a “tail tail”, in the process of shrinkage, the logs are tightly connected to each other, while the entire mass of the insulation remains inside, which improves the appearance of the building. To minimize defects that occur during the shrinkage process, a special technology is used - undercutting. A cut is made along the axis of the log, its depth ranges from 5 to 15 mm. Due to this, the log does not crack during shrinkage, and retains its original shape.

Economics of construction: comparing Canadian and Russian felling

The erection of a log cabin of a Canadian felling is an expensive process, but quite justified in terms of durability. You can visually distinguish the Canadian felling from the Russian one even in the photo by the presence or absence of characteristic cuts in the felling areas.

And yet, the main difference is the spike in the “Canadian cup” - it is he who guarantees the absence of gaps between the logs and the high heat-saving characteristics of the building.

The technology in this case is much more complicated, and the cost of a log house will be higher than when using a Russian felling. Time costs are also higher, this is due to the difficulty of fitting the spikes and grooves inside the bowl and careful grinding of the wood.

When choosing a felling option, first of all, the percentage of wood shrinkage is taken into account, because over time, the diameter of a log can become 10% smaller. This will lead to a violation of the proportions of the cup and the appearance of cracks. Natural shrinkage is an inevitable process, and even the highest quality logs sag, gaps form, which will have to be filled with tow or other specialized material. It is at this stage that the advantage of the Canadian felling over the Russian felling becomes obvious: the deformation of the cups will be almost zero, while cracks are formed extremely rarely. In addition, the shape of the cup prevents the accumulation of moisture, reducing the likelihood of decay and damage to wood.

The disadvantage of the Canadian felling can be considered the complexity of execution. All work is done by hand, so that the top dense layer of wood remains on the logs, which ensures high resistance of the building to environmental influences. The increase in money and time spent on building a house using Canadian technology will fully justify itself in 5-7 years, the cost of insulating and repairing a Russian log cabin will result in no less.

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Maintenance and operation costs after construction

The main expense in the operation of the log house is to ensure the tightness of the walls. The cracks that appear during shrinkage must be caulked. Houses built using Russian cutting technology require caulking 2-3 times a year for 10 years after construction is completed. Caulking is a process of filling the gaps formed with heat-insulating materials - tow or jute fiber. This is a very laborious task that requires special skills. Accordingly, the cost of work will be very high. The use of putties and sealants for caulking is unacceptable, since the process of natural air exchange in the layers of wood is disrupted, this leads to an increase in humidity and the development of mold and fungus.

Canadian felling does not provide for additional wall caulking during shrinkage. A layer of insulation is laid in the crowns during construction, while observing the construction technology, the walls reliably retain heat even in the most severe winter. Due to the special shape of the bowl, the dried upper log is tightly connected to the lower one, a monolithic joint is formed that does not require additional insulation. That is why Canadian log cabins are often not lined from the inside, while heat loss is minimized.

Cutting technologies originated and developed in different countries almost simultaneously. They had many similarities, but there were also differences. The craftsmen studied the experience of their foreign colleagues, adopted the best - this is how the Canadian felling technology appeared, combining the best features of Norwegian and Russian felling. Many log houses today are built using this technology. Let's get to know her better.

Canadian felling is done by hand. This is a laborious process, so you can’t call it cheap. But on the other hand, the owner of the log house receives many advantages that fully pay off all the costs.

Distinctive features of technology

Like other types of felling, Canadian felling has its own characteristics. The main feature is a groove of a special shape, with a hidden spike (tail tail), a bowl and an external groove. For a clear match of the elements of each log, it is necessary to cut the groove very accurately. The master must have not only experience, but also a special set of professional tools - a special compass for marking and an electric saw with which wood is selected.

Manual felling requires professionalism, impeccable knowledge of technology and many years of practice from the builder. Such craftsmen work in the construction company SPK Russian Izba. How we cut log cabins according to the Canadian method: a groove with notches is cut in the upper part of the log. A spike is carefully cut out on the bottom of the log. During the shrinkage of this design, the original “locks” self-lock, and the structure is very durable, without cracks and gaps. Let us consider in more detail all stages of the construction of Canadian log cabins.

Read also about Canadian technology

Sequence of work

The first stage of any construction is the procurement of material. We will not linger on it, because our other materials are devoted to the harvesting and drying of logs. Let's start with the stage of log selection and processing.

Before building a house using Canadian technology, you need to remember that the slightest violation of technology nullifies all the advantages of such log cabins. Therefore, do not take risks by contacting an unverified company. Masters guarantee you high quality at a reasonable price.

Canadian felling prices

Log diameter



linden, aspen

from 15000 rub/cu.m.

from 15000 rub/cu.m.

from 16500 rub/cu.m.

from 18000 rub/cu.m.


from 19500 rub/cu.m.

over 500mmpinenegotiable
