Download mod for round trees 1 8. What the Better Foliage mod adds

Better Foliage Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 is a re-implementation of some features of . It makes your plant life a bit more verdant and fluffy by drawing some extra leaves on trees, and short grass on grass blocks.

This mod alters the appearance of leaves & grass.


Shader Mod Interaction

  • Better Foliage brings an important change to users of Shaders Mod. Wind effects that are commonly seen in shaders (for leaves, grass, wheat, etc.) will be applied to ALL blocks of a similar type. That means wind will “just work” for modded blocks, without having to edit your program.
  • By default, this also applies to double-height plants. If the disconnection between the top and bottom parts annoys you, you can turn it off.

Extra Leaves

  • Adds extra bits of leaves to leaf blocks at 45° angles. This will break up the rectangular outline, and make leaves look more dense and fluffy.
  • The textures used by the round bits are generated by Better Foliage. That means all resource packs are supported automatically.

Short Grass & Mycelium

  • Adds grass bits on top of grass blocks similar to Long Grass (the block). Make meadows forest floors look much more alive.
  • The list of blocks that are considered to be grass is configurable.
  • The textures used can also be generated by Better Foliage. This will help you achieve a consistent look even when using resource packs without Better Foliage support.
  • Works the same way with Mycelium blocks, but with a different texture.

Round logs

  • Makes wooden logs rounder (into octagons) by chamfering off the corners. This feature is highly experimental at the moment, and graphical glitches can occur.
  • Parallel logs in a 2×2 configuration will connect together, and the chamfer radius will be different. This can be turned off in the config.

Better Cactus

  • Adds a central rounded core to cactus blocks, plus smaller cactus arms sticking out the sides.

Better Lilypads

  • Adds roots sticking into the water for lilypads, plus the occasional flower on top.
  • Adds reeds on top of dirt blocks in shallow water. Makes rivers, lakes and coastlines look more interesting.
  • The list of biomes reeds are allowed to appear in is also configurable. By default, it will appear everywhere except cold or arid biomes.
  • If you have Shaders Mod, reeds can also be set to wave in the wind.
  • Adds algae on top of dirt blocks in deep water. Makes underwater scenery look more interesting.
  • The list of blocks that are considered to be dirt is configurable.
  • The list of biomes algae is allowed to appear in is also configurable. By default, it will appear in river- and ocean-type biomes.
  • Adds coral on sand blocks in deep water. Makes underwater scenery look more interesting.
  • The list of biomes coral is allowed to appear in is also configurable. By default, it will appear in river-, beach- and ocean-type biomes.

Netherrack Vines

  • Adds hanging vines to the bottom of netherrack. Gives the Nether a more dungeon-y feel.

Falling Leaves

  • Adds leaf particles that fall from the bottom of leaf blocks. Falling leaves will tumble slowly down, and react to the wind. The wind will occasionally change direction, and blow faster during storms.
  • The list of blocks that are considered to be leaves is configurable.
  • The amount of particles is configurable (the amount in the screenshot is exaggerated).

Rising Souls

  • Adds soul particles spawning from Soul Sand, rising upwards in a corkscrew motion.
  • The amount of particles is configurable.

Connected Grass Textures

  • Draws the sides of grass blocks with the top texture under certain conditions. Not available in 1.8 yet.
  • Classic mode works similarly as the connected grass feature in Optifine .
  • Aggressive mode will draw the whole block with the top texture, and draw the dirt block underneath as grass.

Block Types

  • Better Foliage has a configurable way to identify interesting blocks (grass, leaves, etc.) you can find in the configuration GUI. It works by matching the Java class name of the block againt a blacklist/whitelist pair. This is how support for modded blocks is added.


How to use:

The mod is client only, although it will not crash your server if you add it accidentally.

Extra leaves will be rendered for each leaf block that has at least one side touching an air block. Grass will be rendered for grass blocks with an air block above them.

There is a config GUI, opened by pressing F8 (configurable), or using the config button after selecting it in your mod list. Here you can set rendering options for grass and leaves.

  • On/Off: self-explanatory
  • size: size of the extra polygons, relative to block diameter
  • offset: how much off-center the polygons should be (relative to diameter), to break up the regularity. Separate horizontal and vertical value for leaves
  • offset mode: leaves only. In Translate mode, round leaves will be moved off-center, but have a perfect 45° angle. In Skew mode, leaves will stay centered, but the corners will be dragged around.
  • Height: for grass only, minimum and maximum values
  • Flower Chance: how many lilypads out of 64 should have a flower on them
  • Reeds/Algae Chance: how many suitable blocks out of 64 should have reeds/algae (approximate)

There’s some minor inconvenience with short grass: because mipmaps and transparency are not good friends, the grass looks darker than it should at a distance, and large flat patches of grass look a bit weird. If you have the horsepower for it, turn off mipmaps and crank up anisotropic filtering in the video settings.

Better Foliage Mod for Minecraft 1.12.1 / 1.11.2 - "Improve appearance" for trees. Trees and flowers are quite ugly in Minecraft because the developer is lazy to improve the model of these blocks. Better Foliage mod will improve this thing by changing those trees and plants more realistic and beautiful... Improved foliage mod and SEUS Shaders combined with making Minecraft look amazing! The best foliage adds small bits of grass, coral and falling leaves. SEUS v11 adds beautiful clouds, moving grass, clear water and waving leaves! These mods will make your Minecraft look amazing if you like to have good graphics and if you have a powerful computer.

(Note: the light in this shot is from the Shaders Pack, not from this mod. So if you install this mod without this beauty, don't blame! If you watch closely, you can tell that the leaves of the trees now look more "fulfilled"; Grass grows and is above its standard in Minecraft.In addition, some other details such as snow in tree leaves are edited to be more real.This is a lightweight mod that is easy to install and does not affect gameplay.You can download and set the beauty of nature, enjoy it!

Better Foliage is a new implementation of the Better Grass and Leaves mod. With it, additional vegetation is displayed on trees and grass blocks, which makes them more alive and voluminous.


The mod only works as a client, but it won't crash if accidentally installed.

Each leaf block that has at least one face adjacent to an air block will display with additional leaves. Each block of grass that has an air block above it is shown in turn with additional blades of grass.

By using the F8 key (you can set another key), you can open the configuration interface. The following options are available in it:

  • On/Off: enable/disable the mod.

  • Size: the size of the additional polygons relative to the block diameter.

  • Offset: offset distance of polygons from the center. Separate vertical and horizontal values ​​are available for leaves.

  • Height: For grass only, the minimum and maximum blade lengths.
  • There is a small problem with grass rendering: since mipmapping and transparency are not very friendly, the grass appears darker than usual in the distance, which makes large flat areas look strange. If you have a powerful enough computer, disable mipmapping and set anisotropic filtering to maximum in the video settings.

    The mod works great with the GLSL Shader mod. However, you will have to turn off the short grass: due to the resolution of the shadow map, the grass seems to be hovering over the block.

    No special textures are needed for the mod to work, as additional polygons are generated automatically for each individual type of foliage and grass: Better Foliage should work with any other mod and .

    The following mods have been confirmed to work correctly: BOP, Natura, and .


    How to install the Better Foliage mod:

    1. Download and install

    2. Download the mod

    3. Move the downloaded .jar(zip) file to C:\Users\Username\AppData\roaming\.minecraft\mods

    4. If this folder does not exist, create it

    5. Enjoy the game

    Mod name Better Foliage 1.12.2 and 1.11.2 speaks for itself, literally it means "Improved Foliage". This mod improves appearance plants and all flora, makes it all more realistic and pleasing to the eye.

    Logs with this mod will become more rounded (just like real ones), the grass will be very detailed, so that you can see every blade of grass. Beyond all this Better Foliage 1.12.2 compatible with shaders, which becomes the highlight on this "cake".

    What does the Better Foliage mod add?

    foliage. Yes, more leaves, trees become more voluminous and realistic. The mod itself generates additional vegetation from the installed texture pack, which avoids incompatibility with resource packs.

    Logs. Forget about strange square logs, now they will be like real ones, and you can build a real Russian hut.

    Now, what is called "cacti" in Minecraft really looks like them.

    By default, water lilies are pretty boring. This mod will make them prettier by adding flowers.