Ball of fate yes or. Crystal ball of fortune telling. Tarot cards are a message to mankind

Hello Ekaterina! I am very late with the review, but I also want to share with you my impressions of the last marathon "Change Life in 100 Days". Lots of new and useful information. Of course, I was already familiar with something, but it was not always possible to use knowledge in life. But, I will say right away, I did not do all the tasks, and not very systematically. But! What she did has already given a huge impetus to change herself. I began to treat myself with greater understanding and love, I had more energy for things that I had been putting off all the time. Yes, and the desire to make them has become much greater, because now I do everything for my beloved) There are more new pleasant acquaintances, it has become much easier to get what it was even scary to take on before. Thanks to your marathon, I found the strength to fulfill a very old and very important desire for me. I used to be frightened by the reaction of others, but now I suddenly realized that I myself am the mistress of my life and I myself know what is best for me. And now, when the process started, I realized that everything is much easier than I imagined, the main thing is to start. So the desire to move forward and change for the better is growing every day) Special thanks for the practice of shavassana and "Preview". They helped me a lot. I am very glad that I decided to participate in this marathon, it gave a new impetus to my further development. Thanks a lot!!!
Let's change lives in 100 days. Detox of body and mind. Personal Energy Course >>
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13-05-2018. Lenochka
Hello, dear participants of the New Life marathon, incl. and future, and our beautiful leading fairy-inspirer Svetlana! Because I am running this marathon for the second time, then I report for 5 months of doing the exercises. Over the past time, I began to look much younger, I lost 9 kg and now my weight is ideal, the skin of my face has become clean and healthy. My women's health improved (back in December, the doctor told me about the need for an urgent operation, and already in March I became completely healthy). Also, my children stopped getting sick. Relations with my husband are becoming more and more similar to those that I described in one of the tasks (I see that my magic box is already working!). And in general, I began to receive more gifts, flowers, compliments, surprises than before. I have more vitality, a sparkle in my eyes and a taste for life returned! From an exhausted, grumbling housewife, mother of three ever-ill children, I turned into a beloved wife, the best mother, a role model, a luxurious woman, and these are not my words)))) Thank you, Svetlana, for wonderful effective exercises, they really change lives for the better! I wish you great happiness, love, success and inspiration!
Marathon "New Life" >>
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15-05-2018. Elena the beautiful
Svetlana, thank you for such a cool marathon! I love meditation and visualization. A lot of emotions. Morning meditations generally carried some incredible charge of energy. And now to the results. My boyfriend proposed to me. Our relationship has reached a new level. I feel like a queen. Received many welcome gifts. The skin became even, acquired a beautiful healthy color. The figure is even better. I can't calmly walk past a mirror. I'm all flirting with myself. And the attitude to life has also changed. I enjoy not only the results, but also the process. I am happy to go to training, take care of myself, meditate. And this is very important for me, because before, apart from the results, nothing pleased me. I will continue. I'm looking forward to the "Love Yourself" marathon. After all, self-love is the key that opens any door.

Internet fortune-telling "Yes-No" allows you to get an unambiguous answer to a question posed in an appropriate way. According to one version, this is a kind of modification of fortune-telling "Eagle-Reshka", which arose relatively recently, while another version says that such fortune-telling appeared in Ancient Egypt. Fortune-telling "Yes-No" allows you to find out what the future has in store for us, and decide on the adoption of a particular decision.

It can be used any number of times. The only limitation is the undesirability of posing the same question two or more times. In case you were not satisfied with the received answer or you considered it inaccurate, you need to try to tell fortunes later or formulate the question differently.

Of course, this fortune-telling will be perceived by most as entertainment. However, one should still try to resort to it only when a reliable answer is really needed. A minimum of doubt is a condition that allows you to increase the number of miracles and magic in your life.

To get a prediction, you should ask something so that only two answers are possible - “Yes” or “No”. Then you should click on the "guess" button. Each question will be answered correctly only once, so there is no point in asking the same thing a second time.

Concentrate on what interests you at the moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of divination.

Are you ready?
Then click the "Continue divination" button!

Today, almost every person wants to know what awaits him in the near future, and in order to get this information, he turns to fortune-telling. One of the most powerful, accurate and quite popular fortune-telling for every day is one old fortune-telling, which is called the "Ball of Predictions".

Thanks to such fortune-telling, a person can find out what awaits him in the coming day, as well as what awaits him tomorrow. In order to obtain the most accurate information, it is best to carry out the fortune-telling ritual only in the morning, since at this time the human consciousness is still clean and not loaded with a variety of negative thoughts and a large number of everyday questions. This is a very important condition, if you are performing a fortune-telling ritual precisely in order to be able to find out about your future and get an answer to the question that worries you the most, then you only need to guess in the morning.

You need to close your eyes and concentrate on the question that interests you. You need to think about it for at least ten seconds, after which you can proceed to the fortune-telling ritual, since now the cosmos knows your thoughts, so the result will be as accurate and reliable as possible. It is very important to take into account, during fortune-telling (also when fortune-telling in any other way), that only the first prediction will be as accurate as possible. Therefore, it is better not to tempt fate and not guess five or six times in a row. If you want an answer to your question, then ask a question and get an answer. It is very important - guessing is allowed only once during the day.

Online fortune-telling Ball of predictions will help you get an answer to almost any question that concerns any area of ​​​​life - whether it's a love relationship, meeting a chosen one, or perhaps this is a question that concerns your career. Thanks to this fortune-telling ritual, you will be ready for absolutely any life situation, even if it is some kind of nuisance. After all, it is much better to be fully prepared than to be afraid of trouble.

The ball of predictions is an oracle that can give you an exact answer that does not need interpretation, or perhaps it will only give a subtle hint and you yourself must decipher the answer and understand what awaits you in the future and what to expect from the coming day. Very often ambiguous answers are given, which are very difficult to understand.

Ball of predictions, this type of divination, which is one of the most interesting and most accurate. The ball of predictions knows the secrets of everyone and gives accurate answers to the questions posed. If you have a specific question that concerns you, then the Ball of Predictions will give you an accurate and comprehensive answer. But to get an answer, you need to tune in correctly and ask an exciting question.

The magic ball is able to feel what interests each questioner and is able to reveal the secret of the future. The main thing is to put the question correctly and not to tempt fate very often.

Fortune telling on a crystal ball belongs to one of the most ancient. The first spheres for prediction were ordinary vessels with water, in which light was bizarrely refracted. Later they began to make balls of crystal, glass or transparent stone, in which soothsayers could see signs from the past or the future. This method of divination is good because everyone can join this type of predictions, using an ordinary glass of water with smooth walls instead of a magic sphere. However, if you are serious about prophecy, you will need a more advanced tool.

For fortune telling, select an arbitrary part of the ball and click on it

How to guess on a glass ball?

Fortune telling on a magic crystal is one of the most mysterious. But preparation for it will not take much time:

  1. The crystal ball should be washed, wiped dry and placed on black or white velvet. This will be a kind of screen in which you will see various images.
  2. The surface of the ball must be free from damage and cracks that would interfere with observation.
  3. Next to the sphere, you need to install a light source or position yourself so that light falls on it. The natural illuminator can be the sun or the moon. In the latter case, the atmosphere will be even more mysterious and magical. If for some reason this is not possible, place a lamp with dim light, an oil lamp or a candle near the ball.
  4. First of all, the soothsayer must clear his mind of extraneous thoughts and focus on his desire. For this, reading a prayer, spells or meditation is suitable. Any automatic monotonous utterance of phrases is a way of clearing the mind.
  5. Carefully peer into the depths of the crystal, trying to think of nothing but the question asked. The images that will arise as a result of the play of light must be carefully considered and interpreted. They can concern both the past and the future.

Fortunately, there are now many places where you can buy a crystal ball and try fortune telling yourself. And even if it is not possible to predict events, freeing yourself from thoughts and focusing on one subject will be a good workout.

What can be seen in the ball of predictions?

Most often, the predictor turns to divination for future events. People most often seek to know their fate and receive instructions for achieving good luck. However, it is often impossible to solve the problem without analyzing the past. To view the events that have already happened, clairvoyants advise to put two small candles behind the sphero, put one large candle next to you, and place a small pyramid of crystal or glass on your left hand. You need to conduct a dialogue with the ball, which begins with the phrase "What happened? ..". The better you can "talk" the ball, the more detailed information you will receive. Events that have not yet happened are predicted in the same way, but the pyramid must be moved to the right, and ask "What will happen ...". It is important to ask questions clearly and unambiguously so that the images seen are as clear and interpretable as possible. If you can’t get a clear picture, don’t stop trying to establish a dialogue with the ball: buy a thick notebook and write down everything you see there for further analysis. Get in the habit of playing solitaire to concentrate faster.

Ball of predictions online

Now there is an opportunity to get advice from the oracle directly on the Internet, in just one click to find out your fate and tell fortunes for the future. This divination takes a few seconds. The resource offers to focus on the question of interest, select the subject of divination and simply click on the button.

Fortune telling The ball of predictions is a kind of oracle. His peculiarity is such that he can give an unambiguous answer, he can hint, but some of his answers cannot be called food for thought.