Calculation of interfloor stairs. How to calculate the stairs to the second floor: optimal parameters. We determine the safe and comfortable slope of the stairs

The creation of a staircase is preceded by the project development stage. During the design phase, the engineer:

Of course, it is better to entrust any work to professionals. But if there is a desire to save 30-40% of the cost of the stairs, then the described work can be done independently using special software.

Online 3d calculation constructor

Everyone can develop a 3d model of the staircase of their dreams. For this, there are online services on the Internet.

They work quite simply. The user must set the following parameters:

  • type of stairs;
  • march length;
  • the width and height of the step;
  • construction material.

Additionally, you can choose the color of the tinting and the decorative design of the structure from the proposed list.

Similar programs can be found on the websites of ladder manufacturers. In this case, you can not only look firsthand at the staircase created on your own, but also find out how much it will cost to manufacture it from a particular manufacturer.

DIY design - calculator program

Well, if you need to design a staircase from scratch, then you need a calculator program. To date, there are programs that specialize in the design of stairs. These include StairCon, Stair Designer, Compass/ND, Consultec Stairon.

With their help, you can:

As a rule, in order to get a finished project, the following initial data is sufficient for the program:

  • type of stairs;
  • opening width and length;
  • opening height;
  • cover thickness.

Construction calculator Zhitov

The described programs, of course, will facilitate the design task and allow you to save a rather large amount, but they themselves are not cheap.

Alternatively, you can use Zhitov's construction calculator, which will help you calculate a wooden, metal or reinforced concrete staircase online.

The design of a single-flight staircase begins with the fact that the program requests the following data:

  • desired step sizes;
  • dimensions of the protrusion on the steps;
  • opening dimensions;
  • the minimum width of the stringer;
  • the position of the initial step in relation to the floor level of the 2nd floor;
  • lift direction.

Based on these data, the program draws a drawing indicating the main dimensions of the structure and the angles of the steps in relation to the bowstring, with the marking of the main dimensions of the steps.

It should be noted that the design in the program is carried out taking into account ergonomic requirements. In accordance with which, the slope of the stairs should be 30-40, the height of the step - no more than 25 cm, and the depth of the step - 28-31 cm.

Well, if there is a desire to be creative in the process of creating a staircase for your own home, then armed with a calculator, pencil and paper, you can perform the calculation and drawing yourself.

How to correctly calculate the stairs

Screw metal

The design of a spiral staircase begins with measurements of the height of the room (H) and the size of the opening (D 1). The height of the room is measured from the level of the finished floor of the lower floor to the level of the floor of the upper floor. The size of the opening determines what diameter (D 2) the ladder can be installed.

The diameter of the stairs is taken slightly smaller than the opening. In order for the stairs to be convenient and safe, the diameter is 1500-2000 mm.

Having determined the diameter, find the step length (D 3): D 3 \u003d D 1 / 2-d, where

d is the inner diameter. It is accepted taking into account the diameter of the support column. Usually this value is 100-200 mm.

For further calculations, it is necessary to determine the angle of rotation of the stairs. If the entrance and exit from the stairs are on the same line, then the turn of the stairs is 360 0 .

At the next stage, the length of the march is determined by the formula: L \u003d 2πR, R \u003d D 2 /2. Since it is necessary to determine the length of the march along the line of ascent, and it recedes from the edge of the room by 2/3, the formula takes the form: L = 2 * 2 / 3πR.

Knowing the length of the march and choosing the depth of the tread (h 1), you can calculate the number of steps (n): n \u003d L / h 1. In this case, the optimal tread depth is 25-27 cm. If an odd number is obtained during the calculation, then it is rounded off. As a rule, the level of the upper step coincides with the floor of the upper floor, so it is not taken into account in the calculation.

If you divide the height of the room by the number of steps, then we find out its height. The height of the steps is 17-18 cm. If the height is higher, then it is necessary to increase the number of steps.

To make sure that the ladder fully complies with ergonomic standards, it is necessary to calculate the depth of the tread along the line of movement and along the outer edge. To do this, divide the length of the march by the number of steps. The resulting value of the tread depth along the line of motion should be 20-25 cm, and along the outer edge - 30-35 cm. The tread depth inside the march can be calculated or taken as 100-200 mm.

Based on these calculations, a drawing of a spiral staircase is built and the required amount of materials is calculated.

How to correctly calculate a wooden staircase to the second floor

Rotated 90 0

Before being taken into account, measure the height from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor and the dimensions of the opening in which the staircase will be installed.

And the width of the step (b) should be within 27-30 cm. You can check how comfortable the staircase turned out after the calculations by multiplying the height of the steps by two and adding the width. The resulting value should be in the range of 600-650 mm. Using the same formula, you can calculate the step width using the formula: b \u003d 650-a * 2

In order not to rest against the ceiling with your head while climbing the stairs, it is necessary to observe the height of the clearance within 1900-2000 mm. You can understand whether the designed structure meets this requirement by performing the following calculations:

  1. Subtract 70 cm from the length of the opening and divide by the width of the steps. The resulting number is the number of steps located above the opening.
  2. Multiply the value from the first paragraph by the height of the step.
  3. Subtract the value obtained in the second paragraph from the floor height. This number will be equal to the height of the gap.

If the number turned out to be less than the norm, you can do the following:

  • enlarge the opening;
  • reduce the number of steps, thereby increasing their height.

If it is impossible to increase the opening, and reducing the steps will lead to the fact that the slope of the stairs and the height of the steps will not correspond to the norm, it is better to design the staircase with a turn of 90 0.

This design consists of two marches located in relation to each other at an angle of 90 0 . This allows you to enter the staircase even in a room with a small area and with a small opening.

Marches can be connected to each other by a platform or winder steps. The first option is much more convenient, and the calculation in this case is not much different from the one already described. The main task is to determine at what height from the floor level it is necessary to arrange an intermediate platform.

First, they consider how many steps are needed for the upper march, located between the platform and the second floor. To do this, the required clearance height (2000 mm) is divided by the accepted step height (15-18 cm). The resulting number is rounded up to integers and reduced by one (since the upper frieze step coincides with the floor level).

To find out at what height the platform will be, the height of the steps is multiplied by their number and this number is subtracted from the height of the floor.

The number of steps for the lower march is calculated in the same way. In this case, the landing in the calculation is considered a step. The width and length of the site is taken equal to the width of the stairs.

With a rotation of 180 0 and a platform - drawings

It is customary to install a two-flight staircase with a turn of 180 0 at a floor height of more than 3 m.

For convenience, the calculation is performed simultaneously with the construction of a drawing on graph paper. First, draw a staircase.

Knowing the width of the staircase, calculate the width of the march. To do this, the gap value (100 mm) is subtracted from the width of the staircase and the value is divided by two.

Well, to find out what height is assigned to each march, the height of the floor is divided by two.

Further calculation is connected with the calculation of the number of steps. To do this, again, it is enough to divide the height of the march by the height of the step.

Well, in order to determine what the length of the march will be, and to build its horizontal projection on the plan, it is necessary to multiply the number of steps by the width.

The resulting dimensions are transferred to the plan. And then draw a section of the staircase.

Having drawings in hand, it will not be difficult to break down the structure in the house.

Online 3d calculation constructor, do-it-yourself staircase design - calculator program, Zhitov, how to correctly calculate a spiral, metal, wooden staircase to the second floor with a turn of 90, 180 and a platform - formulas, drawings


A simple online calculator will calculate the number of steps, the depth of the steps, the height of the steps for a 180° U-shaped staircase with two landings. Start calculating stairs!

Calculate a ladder with two flat platforms

The famous French architect Francois Blondel wrote a formula for the convenience of stairs, this formula for calculating stairs is based on the length of an adult human step of 63 cm.

Blondel formulaS = a + h*2: tread width + 2 riser heights = 60-65 cm.
Safety formula:a + h= 46 cm
Convenience formula:ah = 12 cm

s is the value of the average step
a - tread width
h - step height (riser)
These 3 magic formulas make it possible to calculate the convenience and safety of the stairs.
Please note that the width of the tread (value a) should be within 25–30 cm. And the height of the step (value h) should be within 15–20 cm.
P.S. with other given parameters, the stairs will not be convenient, in other cases, even dangerous.
Program for calculating a three-flight ladder will give an accurate calculation of the number of steps, the depth and height of the steps, as well as the angle of inclination of your stairs and by how much, your staircase with 2 platforms is comfortable or uncomfortable, and ultimately safe. Depending on the results you get, you can always “play around” with the values ​​and polish them to the ideal parameters. Vary the number of steps, choose the most suitable number of steps for your 3-span staircase. Do not forget that the width of the stair turntable is equal to the width of the stairs, which you yourself specify in the calculator.

Professionals recommend making the number of stairs for 3 flights not even, so that when you go up and down you start your move or always end with the supporting leg, as it is much more convenient. Design a wooden staircase so that there are always at least 3 steps in the flight of stairs. For the safety of the stairs, it is necessary to take into account that the height of the railings of the wooden stairs must be higher than the center of gravity of the person, so the safe height of the railing is 90-120 cm.

Ladder drawing

The online calculator program will automatically draw a drawing of a 180-degree staircase with turning steps according to the specified parameters. It will also show recommendations related to the number of steps, the angle of the bowstring and the length of the opening, if the calculator deems it necessary to give them, relative to the values ​​​​you specified. The program for calculating wooden stairs makes it possible to save the final calculations and a drawing of a staircase with winder steps to your computer.

When building a house, our clients sometimes face a problem when the measurer's call may not coincide in time with the client's free time, and you need to know the approximate configuration of the stairs right now. And in general, having basic knowledge in the construction and calculation of stairs is very useful if you want to be fully equipped in a dialogue with a contractor. Your interlocutor will immediately understand that you will not be able to hang noodles on your ears that "it's difficult, it's not possible, but it's possible, but it will cost you sooooo much."

After spending some 10 minutes reading the article, you will quickly be able to independently calculate the stairs.

  1. Measure the dimensions of the room
  2. Select the expected number of steps
  3. Select step step and stair configuration.

1. We will start with an independent measurement of our premises.

To do this, arm yourself with a pencil or pen, a piece of paper and a tape measure.

The first dimension that we need to take is the height of the opening from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor. If the flooring has not yet been completed, then these distances must be taken into account (thickness of the screed, substrate, linoleum, laminate, tile). And, attention! When we have this size, then we can calculate the approximate number of steps.

2. We consider the estimated number of steps. The number of steps we have will be directly related to their height. You need to choose the height of the steps based on common sense and your budget.

Option 1. The height of the steps is from 15 to 19 cm. This is the most comfortable height for any person. A height of 15 cm is an unattainable ideal for most modern openings. To make a staircase with such a step height, you need an opening of 4 * 2 meters.

Option 2. Height from 19 to 22 cm. This is a good solution if you have limited space for stairs or a limited budget. It is convenient to climb such stairs. Less steps - lower price.

Option 3. Steps with a height of up to 25 cm. Such stairs are used either in places with a very small opening, or in places that are not needed every day, and you need to save space and money for more useful things. Usually such stairs lead to the attic, attic, or to the basement.

Example: Let's say that the height of our opening from floor to floor is 3 meters or 3000 millimeters.

We assume that the step height will be 190 cm.

3000/190=15.7 steps.

Round up or down to an even number.

I chose 16 steps, and their conditional height turned out to be 187.5 millimeters.

3. We choose the depth of the tread and the configuration of the stairs.

When we know the conditional number of steps and their height, we can begin to calculate the configuration of the stairs.

We take a tape measure and measure the length of our opening. First of all, it will depend on its length - what our staircase will be like: straight, L-shaped, U-shaped, spiral. I note that in the conditions of a private house there are very few rooms with sufficient length for the manufacture of a straight marching staircase. A straight staircase is the most convenient and comfortable. It is convenient for people of all ages to walk along it, it is convenient to bring furniture along it. Other configurations are used in conditions of limited space.

Important: The width of the step and the width of the tread (aka the depth of the step) are different things! The step is usually driven one under the other. And if, for example, the full width of the step is 300 mm, then the tread can be from 225 to 280 mm. This is important when descending stairs. The smaller the tread, the less comfortable it will be to descend from it. When ordering stairs, pay attention to this point. The most comfortable step depth is from 250-280 mm.

Example: We measured the length of the opening and found out that we have it 4.5 meters or 4500 millimeters.

We divide our 4500 mm into 16 steps

4500/16=281 mm

Yes, it's just the perfect ladder!

But, it must be borne in mind that with such a calculation, our ladder will rest directly against the wall. There is an exit. We either reduce the tread to 250, or we make the three extreme steps with a 90 degree turn.

But let's consider another option, when the dimensions of the room do not allow placing a straight terry staircase. Then we also need the width of the opening. We measure it too.

Example: The length of our opening is only 3.5 meters or 3500 mm.

Obviously, if we try to place our 16 steps on such a length, then their depth will turn out to be 218mm. Not enough for a comfortable descent. Therefore, we do the following: We immediately subtract 1 meter from 3.5 meters. We will need it for the reversal part. On it we will have either a platform or three winder steps.

3500-1000=2500. The length of the march from the platform to the 2nd floor

2500/9=277 These are 9 lifts from the platform to the 2nd floor with a tread of 277 mm. Fine! Now it remains to calculate the number of steps from the platform to the floor of the 1st floor.

To do this, we subtract from the height of our opening (3000 mm) the height of our 9 steps, which are located from the platform to the 2nd floor (9 * 187.5 = 1687)

3000-1687=1313 mm. We got the height from the floor to the platform. We find out how many lifts we will have TO the site.

1313 / 187.5 = 7 we got nine lifts: These are 6 steps and 1 platform. Now it will not be difficult for us to find out the length of the stairs after the turn and compare it with the length of our opening.

In view of the fact that the tread of the upper march turned out to be 277 mm, then on the lower march we take the same as the basis.

277*6=1662 mm and +1 meter platform.

The length from the first step to the wall is 2662 mm.

Also, instead of a platform, we can place three winder steps. This will reduce the length of the lower flight of our stairs by two steps or by 554 mm.

According to our calculations, we got a staircase of the following dimensions Width * Length * Height 2662 * 3500 * 3000 mm with a platform, or 2180 * 3500 * 3000 mm with winder steps.

If we again do not pass in width (the width of our room is smaller), then further we can change the number of steps and tread.

When calculating a U-shaped staircase, we simply add one more landing meter by meter or three rungs to save space.

So, let's briefly summarize:

  1. We measure the height from floor to floor and calculate the desired number of steps.
  2. We measure the length and width of the room, count the number of steps to the platform, which we have a meter per meter. Condition: steps are desirable in increments of 220 to 300 mm. The golden mean is 250-280 mm.
  3. We calculate the number of steps from the floor of the first floor to the platform and the width of the march
  4. If we do not pass along the width of the march, then we reduce the number of steps and their depth and return to point 2. We do until we fit the stairs into our opening.

Important: There is one caveat in the calculation of L-shaped and U-shaped stairs: you need to take into account that if the opening under is not wide enough, then, when rising, you can rest your head on the ceiling. In places where the ceiling overhangs over the steps, it is necessary to calculate the height of this overhang. A person of average height should, when rising, not touch the ceiling. There are critical cases when you have to cut through part of the ceiling.

In some cases, the calculations may seem complicated to you. But if you master the basic principles of construction and follow all the steps described above in turn, you can easily make an approximate calculation of the stairs yourself. After that, the conversation with the contractor will be much more productive, and you will be able to make the right decision in choosing the stairs to your home. And if you still have other questions after reading, we will be happy to answer them. Give us a call or give us a call and we'll work with you to design a ladder that's right for your home.

Stability, reliability and aesthetic appeal are among the most important characteristics of a quality interfloor communication.

To ensure the safety of movement in a multi-level private house or cottage and create a complete interior, it is worth ordering a practical and functional staircase to the second floor - the FEB company specializes in the manufacture and installation of inexpensive, but comfortable wooden and metal structures. To equip a two-story apartment, it is not necessary to spend time searching for technical literature and studying books on repair and construction, since you will find all the necessary information in this article. From it you can learn:

  • how to install a wooden staircase to the second floor simply and quickly;
  • independently calculate the dimensions of the staircase and use the calculator online;
  • what options for stairs to the second floor are especially popular today (wooden, metal, forged, screw, with a turn, straight, and so on).

The first thing you need to do when starting to calculate the parameters of the staircase to the second floor is to determine its functional purpose and location. The selection of the most suitable option should be based on these criteria. Also, when choosing a particular type of product, the layout of the room and the availability of free space should be taken into account. If the dimensions of the space allotted for the structure are more than 1600 mm x 1600 mm, then it is better to order the installation of a mid-flight staircase to the second floor, and if its dimensions are insufficient, the best option is to buy a spiral staircase. At the same time, one should not forget that, despite their compactness, spiral staircase structures are less convenient.

In order to do the calculations of the data of the future stairs with your own hands, you will need to find a number of parameters. If you do not know the basic design rules, you can make serious mistakes, which in the future will affect the safety and convenience of the design. To facilitate the task, standard characteristics were derived and special formulas were developed.

Construction types

  • straight single-march;
  • single-march with winder steps;
  • two-march with an intermediate platform;
  • swivel 90 degrees (L-shaped);
  • swivel 180 degrees (U-shaped);
  • with arbitrary degree of rotation.

Do-it-yourself calculations of staircase parameters for a beginner can seem like a daunting task. In order to prevent significant errors, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic indicators, established norms and formulas for calculations.

Design options stairs to the second floor

SNiP standards

Before calculating stairs for climbing to the second floor, you need to familiarize yourself with the SNiP and GOST standards. If you decide to completely make the entire structure with your own hands, this stage is mandatory.

First of all, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • bias. Reflects the angle of inclination of the flight of stairs, for residential premises this indicator should be in the range of 30-40 degrees.
  • Number of steps. The exact value depends on the length of the span and the number of flights, the minimum number is three, the maximum is 16 for two-flight models and 18 for single-flight models.
  • Site size. If a two-flight structure with a platform is equipped to climb to the second floor, the width of the latter should be no less than the width of the marches leading to it.
  • Tread width. The distance from the edge of the step to the riser, the optimal distance is -29 cm, fluctuations of +/-3 cm are allowed.
  • Riser height. The distance between the steps, the standard is 17 cm, however, the interval of 14-20 cm does not go beyond the norm.
  • Step. The total distance covering 2 treads and 1 risers, the ideal value is 62 cm.
  • Ladder width. The distance from one edge of the step to the other, for an ordinary staircase to the second floor, is at least 80 cm.
  • Dimensions of the staircase. The area of ​​the cage should be sufficient so that you can easily open the door or miss each other.

If the ladder meets all the above standards, it will be safe and very convenient for movement.

Scheme for calculating the optimal angle of inclination of the stairs that meets the standards

In some cases, in particular when the house has already been built and it is not possible to make changes regarding the height of the ceilings and the layout of the room, deviations from the standard indicators are allowed, the main condition is that the changes made should not seriously affect the safety indicator of the staircase.

Opening and dimensions of steps

You can calculate the stairs, or rather, the steps, only if you have all the formulas available and the base indicators are defined. To begin with, they are selected intuitively, based on the standards of SNiP. You also need to measure the opening, in the future you can adjust the parameters if some deviations and mismatches are detected. Since you can calculate the dimensions of the opening for the stairs using a simple tape measure, first measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling, and from the entrance to the second floor to the position of the first step.

In order to calculate the stairs in the house, as well as determine what size the opening should be, you first need to know the number of steps in the march. Based on this figure, you will calculate the size of the riser and you can use the formula to determine the step. So, consider how to calculate the standard step of the stairs. To do this, take the width of the tread and the height of the step. The formula for calculating the step of the stairs is as follows:

2а + в = 60…65

In one step, a person can overcome an average of 60-65 cm. This is a comfortable step size, on the basis of which you can calculate the width of the tread (a) and the height of the riser (b).

Measurements necessary for the correct calculation of the stairs to the second floor

Also, these indicators can be defined in a slightly different way. To do this, you need to take as a basis such parameters as the height of the rise, the length of the projection and the slope of the stairs. First you need to calculate the height of the lift:

h = H + D

In other words, you need to summarize the height of the room and the thickness of the ceiling. From here you can find out the number of steps:

Based on the number of steps and the height of the tread, it is possible to calculate the length of the projection of the stairs, focusing on the opening. We calculate the length of the projection of the stairs:

If you know the height of the rise and the length of the stairs, you can find out the slope or steepness of the straight staircase:

Based on these data, it is possible to calculate more accurate indicators for a straight staircase:

a = h/n

Convenience and safety

In addition to the dimensions of the structure itself for climbing to the second floor, there are several more criteria for evaluating convenience and safety that must be taken into account. Therefore, it is not enough just to correctly calculate the ladder according to the indicated formulas, it is necessary to determine the degree of compliance of the calculated parameters with the required standards. This can be done with your own hands using the simplest tricks.

Calculation of a safe and comfortable stair step for private use

First of all, the formula for calculating the safety of the stairs is used:

a + b = 46

Such a sum of the dimensions of the tread and the riser indicates that the preliminary calculations were made correctly and comply with the standards.

There is also a special formula for determining the degree of convenience of the stairs:

a - b \u003d 12

If the difference between these two indicators is 12 units, then it will be very convenient for the average person to climb such a staircase to the second floor. The opening must also meet the requirements of convenience and safety, provide free access and not obstruct access to the second floor.

It is not necessary to recalculate the entire project, if there are minor deviations of a couple of centimeters, this is quite acceptable.

Winder steps, platforms and cages

Separately, it is worth considering the situation with the design of a non-standard staircase structure. So, let's figure out how you can calculate the stairs with your own hands, if you plan to use a running structure to climb to the 2nd floor. Standard formulas are only suitable for straight marching models. But the calculation of the dimensions of the winder ladder is made by a graphical method. In this case, the calculation of the staircase and intermediate platforms is carried out separately, if any.

Schematic representation of the design of stairs with winder steps

Let's consider how to calculate a two-flight staircase in a house with your own hands. If an intermediate platform is used, the calculation of such an interfloor staircase is carried out in two stages. First, the position of the site or intermediate cell is calculated. Then, up to this mark, the parameters for the standard march are calculated, and then for the second same section. The calculation of the dimensions of the staircase is based on the width of the last step leading to the second floor and the size of the passage.

Now you know how to correctly calculate the stairs in the house and the opening for it. If you are experiencing some difficulties with the design, you can use online programs, but you should not trust them one hundred percent, the calculation of stairs this is a very important stage and in this case it is better to order the finished work from a professional.

Stairs are special engineering structures that serve to move people between the levels of a room. And, since human safety directly depends on them, these systems require especially careful calculations in accordance with existing requirements and standards. We will talk about how to correctly calculate the number of steps in the structure and the distance between the stepped elements in the article containing detailed calculation instructions, many high-quality photos and an informative video.

The comfort and safety of the system depends on how correctly the calculations were made to determine its main dimensions.

Correct calculation is an important step in the construction of stairs

Walking up stairs requires a person to spend twice as much energy as when moving on a flat surface. That is why it is very important to make the design not only safe, but also comfortable and convenient for long-term operation. This goal can be achieved if the number of steps is calculated accurately and without errors.

Before starting construction, make a sketch of the structure on paper and make basic calculations, guided by generally accepted GOSTs and requirements

During the large-scale production of stairs at specialized enterprises, their compliance with the established state standards and safety requirements is most carefully checked. Therefore, the calculations of these systems are carried out exclusively by qualified specialists with an engineering education.

If the structure is manufactured at a specialized enterprise, its calculation is performed by professional engineers and architects

But what if you decide to make a staircase for your home or cottage yourself? Is it possible or not to make a correct calculation of the steps of the stairs, to calculate their number and basic distances on their own? If you strictly follow the instructions below and the existing GOSTs, then this is not impossible.

Even such a magnificent staircase you can make with your own hands, if you apply maximum patience and effort to this.

Estimated characteristics of stairs

Before starting the computational work to determine the number of steps and their dimensions for a ladder structure, first we will deal with the definitions that we will need to apply.

The photo clearly shows the main parameters that must be determined before proceeding with the manufacture of stairs

So, we need to calculate the following parameters:

  • step depth (tread);
  • tread height (riser);
  • step width;
  • thickness (in the presence of additional overhead elements);
  • the number of steps in the march.

Now let's take a closer look at how the calculation of the required values ​​\u200b\u200bis carried out.

The total length of the stairs is dependent on such values ​​as the height of the room, the width of the step and the height of the riser

Step calculation

The calculation of the dimensions of the steps is carried out according to a special formula, according to which the safety and convenience of the design assumes the equality of the sum of the height of the riser multiplied by two and the depth of the tread with the average step of an adult.

The calculation of the staircase structure is a rather laborious task, so if difficulties arise, you can involve professionals to solve them.

For normal straight marches

It is known that the step length of a person moving horizontally is 60 - 65 centimeters.

We get the formula:

2A + B \u003d 60 cm (65 cm), where A is the segment between the steps, B is the depth of the tread.

For a comfortable location of the entire human foot on the steps of the stairs, it is necessary that its width (depth) be in the spectrum between 20 and 32 centimeters.

Calculating the main parameters for ordinary straight marches is not difficult - it is enough to adhere to generally accepted standard values

However, when calculating the staircase structure for your home, you must also take into account the physiological characteristics of your family. For example, if there are children, elderly or disabled people in the house, then make the width of the tread wider and the height of the steps small for more comfortable movement.

When calculating the size of the steps, use the special universal formula

Tip: do not narrow the steps, as this will make the stairs less safe for movement, and it will be difficult to descend them.

If, for some reason, you cannot make a sufficiently wide step, then tread overhanging the lower surface. However, keep in mind that according to the requirements of GOST, such an overhang should not exceed:

  • 3 cm - if the step is made of wood;
  • 5 cm - if the tread is made of reinforced concrete.

When building stairs, you can always use ready-made drawings with all the necessary calculations.

All of the above applies to simple ladder systems. When designing a system with winder-type steps, it should be taken into account that the depth of the closest stepped part should not be less than 10 cm, and its overhang above the surface should not exceed 5 cm.

Calculating the dimensions of treads for a conventional straight ladder system does not require special knowledge and even a beginner can do it.

For winder steps

To calculate the running products, you will have to work harder, but first you need to draw the future system on paper.

A staircase with winder steps is a rather complex structure that requires preliminary accurate calculations.
When building a system with winder steps, special attention must be paid to calculating the size of the treads.

Calculation of the number of steps

After the necessary calculations have been made, indicate the values ​​\u200b\u200bfound on the finished drawing, and then, when manufacturing the stairs, clearly follow your calculations.

If all calculations for determining the main dimensions of the stairs are performed correctly, then the finished system will be comfortable, convenient and functional.

Related videos

The video below will help you get more information on our topic.

Where to buy a finished staircase

In the event that you do not have the proper building skills for the independent construction of a staircase system in your house, or simply do not have a lot of free time to carry out these works, take advantage of the offer of our Super Staircase online store and purchase a ready-made high-quality and stylish ladder for your home.

A stylish and modern staircase from the "Elegant" lineup will become a real decoration of your home, the price of the finished structure is only 50,390 rubles

When designing a cottage or a country house on your own, you will definitely have to face the problem of calculating the stairs. The task is not so difficult, but you should know the basic techniques for calculating different types of stairs.

What parameters does the calculation technique depend on

To perform the calculation, you need to decide:

  • with the type of construction;
  • tilt angle;
  • the number of steps;
  • the width of the steps;
  • other design features.

First of all, you need the following parameters:

  1. Ladder height.
  2. The presence of sufficient space for a certain type of structure.
  3. The type of material used to build the stairs.
  4. Operating conditions depending on the composition of the family. If there are elderly people, then a steep climb, they simply will not overcome. This design is also dangerous for small children.
  5. Is it supposed to carry heavy furniture up the stairs? The screw design completely eliminates this possibility.

First of all, you need to decide which stairs you specifically want to see in your house, and only after that enter the data for the calculation. You will have to choose among these types:

  • screw with steps located around the rod in a spiral;
  • cross-country, where there is no intermediate platform;
  • straight line with a turn of 900 with an intermediate platform;
  • with a turn of 180° with the obligatory presence of an intermediate platform.

You should also take into account such nuances as the location of walls, partitions, doorways, the area of ​​​​the room, the distance between the floor of the first floor and the ceiling.

The staircase is straight, made in the style of "Modern". Its cost is within 116 tr.
Ladder in the style of "Modern" turning cost 120 t.

Calculation of stairs to the 2nd floor using an online calculator

There are many online calculators on the network that make it as easy as possible to calculate the stairs and quickly solve all issues.

The basis of programs for online calculators are the requirements for stair structures and the norms regulated by GOST. An example of one of the good calculators is

It works simply, just enter data such as the height, length of the opening, number, thickness of the steps, the height of their edge, the maximum width of the stringer, as well as the direction of the rise and the orientation of the first step relative to the floor of the 2nd floor to get:
staircase drawing;
the length of the upper bowstring;
angle of inclination of the structure;
the size of the step between the cuts under the steps on the bowstring;
height and depth of steps;
the height of the blubber;
recommendations for changing parameters to improve the comfort of the stairs.

Another free online calculator With its help, you can calculate the most acceptable design, get recommendations for improving its ergonomics.

To do this, you only need to select the type of stairs, enter the required overall dimensions and data on the steps, the calculator will do the rest.

A good ladder calculator It is easy to use - you just need to pay attention to the prompts and enter the parameters required by the system.

This online service allows you to perform design calculations. There is also a material calculator here.

The program will also issue a drawing of the stairs, where the main dimensions will be indicated, the marking of the upper points of the steps on the bowstring, the angles at which the steps are located relative to the bowstring, and other defining dimensions.

Formula for calculating the convenience of stairs

Sometimes online programs for calculating staircases give a verdict that a staircase made according to the dimensions you entered will be inconvenient.

You can draw such conclusions yourself by making a simple calculation based on the average stride length.

Usually a person takes a step 600-660 mm long, which means that the average value is 630 mm. The convenience design parameters must conform to the following formula:
2h + S = 630±30 mm, where:

  • h - step height, fluctuating within 200-250 mm;
  • S - its depth, corresponding to 45 foot size, which is from 280 to 300 mm.

As for the most comfortable slope, it is 30-40 °.

The disadvantages of the depth of the stairs are easily removed due to the ledge.

To obtain accurate data, measure all the parameters entered into the online calculator program with one tool.

When determining the main dimensions of the steps, you can use the table compiled by specialists based on their own experience and regulatory requirements:

Symbol for the required parameters of a straight staircase made of wood

Usually in the online calculator, the parameters are indicated as follows:
Y - opening height.
X - opening width.
H - minimum stringer width
Z - step thickness.
F - step protrusion.
SP - the location of the 1st step, relative to the floor on the second floor.

Online staircase designer program

There is a program Consultec Staircon, developed in Sweden, which allows you not only to calculate the staircase to the second floor, but also create its project in 3D format. And besides:

  • By entering parameters such as the width, height of the stairs, the number of steps and turntables, you can build a very accurate drawing.
  • Select a fence.
  • Choose the material for the stairs as a whole or for its individual elements.
  • Choose a finish option.

To develop a project, it is convenient to use the Mastercam program, which allows, among other types of work, to model flights of stairs. There are many similar developments, but not all can bring to the finished result. The online constructor program allows you to select the parameters of enclosing structures

After creating the project and calculating the stairs, you can place an order on the website. The technical equipment of our production allows us to reduce the cost, reduce the time for manufacturing stairs with their consistently high quality.

  1. Avoid height differences in stairs. All of them must be exactly the same.
  2. The landing in width should be equivalent to the width of the march.
  3. A rectilinear fragment with degrees in length should not be less than 1.5 m and not exceed 3 m.
  4. The size of the steps depends on their number.
  5. The minimum width of the stairs is 0.7 m, which provides access for 1 person.
  6. The formation of the angle of inclination depends on the parameters of the steps, but it must necessarily ensure a proportional advancement of the person forward.
  7. Less space is occupied by a staircase with a large angle of inclination, but it is more difficult to climb it.
  8. Ideally, the width of the railing should be equivalent to 10 cm.
  9. The optimal height of the railing is 90 cm, and the height of the baluster is 80 cm. At the same time, if it is supposed to be installed in a groove, then this figure is slightly increased by adding the depth of the groove.
  10. The support posts in height should be equal to the corresponding size of the balusters, but if they are installed not on the steps, but on the floor, then the distance from the steps to the floor is added to this height.
  11. The length of the railing and the flight of stairs are equivalent to each other.

Competent calculation will save you from mistakes and unnecessary rework, save time and money.