We select a round kitchen table. Dining table in the interior of the kitchen: the best ideas and photos Round dining table in the interior

Veneered MDF or "veneer", as they used to call this material, looks almost like wood, but costs ten times cheaper. Due to the absence of curved lines characteristic of natural wood, MDF has even more fans among those who want to choose a table for a certain interior.

Painted MDF is a versatile material from which you can make a beautiful dining group, but there is no need to talk about durability. A strong mechanical impact will damage the coating faster, leave a characteristic mark, for the kitchen - not very practical.

Laminated chipboard is a budget option and can be found in every store and in many kitchens. Due to its versatility (imitation of many textures), chipboard fell in love with buyers and designers. Unfortunately, the material is not very resistant to damage, moisture, so those who consider a durable option will spend more in the end.

When we imagine a round table for the kitchen, it seems that it will be bulky. But this is not so, on the contrary, such a choice saves space and is also suitable for a small area.

Doubts about the convenience of a round table are partly due to the fact that countertops of this configuration are not customary to move up to the wall, so some space is required around them, and the room must be wide enough.

This shortcoming can be corrected by the correct location of this piece of furniture. It turns out that a round table for the kitchen is not only more attractive, but also more functional than rectangular or square counterparts.

Advantages of round tables

Rounded tables have a number of advantages that are not very noticeable at first.

  1. Round kitchen countertops are great for small spaces because they don't have sharp corners (no one will hit them) and allow you to accommodate more people.

  1. Round tables for the kitchen are ideal for hospitable hosts, because during the feast each of those sitting will face everyone at once, and not just those who are sitting opposite. This helps create a cozy atmosphere.

  1. Under the working surface of rounded tables, more people can place their legs. As funny as it sounds, the advantage is undeniable.

  1. To the round table, you can pick up chairs with the shape of the back repeating its bends. By pulling the chairs up to the table, you can save a lot of space.

  1. Tables of this form look stylish and respectable. Interiors with their use attract attention, since not everyone dares to move away from the more standard form today and use just this option.

Features of using round tables in kitchen interior design

Rounded countertops for the kitchen have a number of features that must be taken into account when creating a design using them.

room shape

It is worth deciding for the rooms of what shape such furniture elements are ideal. If the kitchen is narrow and rectangular, you need to carefully consider the space where the round table will stand. In the center of such a room, he clearly has no place, he will interfere with free movement.

With a sufficient length of the walls, you can try to zone the kitchen and highlight the dining area, in which the circle will look organic.

For a round table in the kitchen, it is worth highlighting a separate area

The ideal shape of a room for a round tabletop is a square. But the area should not be small. A large round table for the kitchen will then be a stylish accent that attracts attention. This will add coziness and will have visitors.

In a square kitchen, a round table usually occupies a central position.

Table material

It is necessary to take into account the material from which the rounded table is made. The tree looks more representative (especially dark), but bulky.

Dark wood round top table

The impression of light tones is slightly lighter.

A light wood table does not look as massive as a dark one.

Still, it is better to use a round table made of such material for the kitchen when there is a little more space than usual.

What to do to visually reduce such a countertop? Choose glass or plastic transparent options that seem weightless, and it is impossible to accurately delineate their boundaries.

Glass top - a godsend for those who do not want to visually reduce the space

By complementing the glass kitchen table with transparent chairs, you can completely turn the entire dining area into a visually small one, although in reality the surface area will not change.

Set of transparent table and chairs

Plastic chairs are also selected under a wooden table. You just need to correctly combine these two parts of the kit. In this case, it will turn out to preserve the respectability of the image, and not clutter up the interior.

Chairs made of transparent plastic can be combined with a dark table

The unusual backs of chairs look exactly the same, designed to take up as little space as possible in space. In high-tech and minimalist styles, this effect is achieved optimally.

Chairs with unusual backs are a great idea to diversify the interior

Tables of this configuration look good when comfortable chairs move close to the table top and form a single line. Very compact and creative.

A set of a round table and armchairs that together form an integral design element

Remember one fact - the thinner the base of the table and the tabletop, the lighter and more elegant it looks.

The thinner the table top and leg at the round table, the more elegant it is.

How to properly arrange dishes on a round kitchen table

One of the problems that owners of rounded tables will have to face is the lack of space for arranging dishes during a feast. When the countertop is large, it may not be noticeable, but it will become more difficult to reach the center.

With large table sizes, it is advisable to place a decorative composition of fruits or flowers in the central part, which will serve as decoration and nothing more. And already arrange the dishes around it.

It is better to place a decorative composition in the central part of the round table

You should not make such a bouquet or fruit stand too high, because round tables bring together, and such an accessory can completely destroy this advantage.

All serving items need to be carefully considered so that they can be easily transferred to the other side, or it is worth completely abandoning extra plates on the table and offering guests already formed portioned dishes.

Arrangement of dishes on a round kitchen table

A round table for a small or large kitchen is a great solution. Let nothing confuse you in this choice, but encourage you to experiment in the field of interior design.

The table in the interior of the kitchen, as a rule, occupies a central place and is the main element of the interior. Therefore, it is very important that it is not only comfortable, but also beautiful, and organically fits into the style of the room.

Before you make a purchase, you need to decide on the design. She may be:

  • Folding
  • Stationary

A folding table is usually placed in a small kitchen. It takes up little space, in order for a small family to dine, its area is quite enough, and if guests arrive, it can be expanded.

The folding mechanism is:

  • Sliding: part of the tabletop leans back, and the resulting large tabletop is shifted relative to the legs until it locks.

  • Synchronous sliding (butterfly): it is necessary to pull on one edge of the tabletop, it will part in the middle and part. After that, it remains to get an additional part from the underframe and place it in the resulting gap.

  • Tilt and turn: the tabletop must be turned at a right angle and the upper part raised, and then lowered to the base.

  • suitable for very small kitchens. In the assembled state, the dimensions of the table do not exceed the dimensions of a cabinet or a small chest of drawers; a table-book in the interior of the kitchen occupies a small space.

  • this design, when assembled, looks like a regular coffee table, and when disassembled, it looks like a full-fledged dining table.

There are two drawbacks to such structures: due to the presence of a mechanism, they are quite heavy, and besides, they have a joint line in the middle, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Stationary, that is, non-folding tables in the interior of the kitchen look much more attractive. However, their size is limited by the size of the kitchen, and cannot be changed if necessary.

Dining table in the interior of the kitchen: main dimensions

To correctly determine the size of the table, it is necessary to take into account how many people you want to seat at the same time - while everyone should be comfortable. Ergonomics says that each requires at least 70 cm of table top length. Therefore, if two people must sit on one side, the length of the table cannot be less than 140 cm. Otherwise, you will have to "crowd".

Three people can be placed at a square table, one side against the wall, if the side length is at least 70 cm. A convenient rectangular table should be at least 75 cm wide, and a round one should be 90 cm in diameter. For a small kitchen, the optimal dimensions of the countertop are 60-80 cm, in large kitchen-dining rooms - from 120 cm.

Material of the kitchen table in the interior of the kitchen

From what material the countertop will be made, the appearance of the table and how it will look in the interior depends. The material of the underframe also matters, but it affects strength more than appearance. On the market you can find models whose countertops are made of the following materials:

  • MDF. This is the most budget option. The outer coating of the countertop can imitate natural materials. The table in the interior of the kitchen with an MDF worktop looks good, and has sufficient resistance to mechanical damage, as well as moisture, excluding joints with the edge. If water gets there, the chipboard that makes up the base can swell and deform. That is why such tables have a short service life.

  • Wood. The traditional and most popular option. The tree withstands moisture, has an attractive appearance, and when coated with special compounds, it acquires dirt-repellent properties. The interior of the kitchen with a large table made of wood looks solid and expensive. Wooden furniture lasts a long time, although it requires careful treatment and periodic restoration.

  • Stone (natural or artificial). The strongest and most durable material. A stone countertop can be of almost any shape, and in the case of using artificial stone, it can be of any color. This is a beautiful, damage-resistant material that does not absorb dirt. It is easy to wash, it does not form colonies of bacteria or fungi.

  • Glass. Glass tables in the interior of the kitchen occupy a special place. They look very elegant and can decorate any kitchen. In a large kitchen-dining room, they will emphasize exclusivity and add shine, and in small rooms, thanks to the “invisible” effect, they will not take up much space.

  • Ceramic tile. The tiled countertop looks very impressive. Maintenance of such a table is simple - just wipe it with a damp cloth. Tiles can imitate wood or natural stone, such as marble. The tabletop can also be decorated with patterns or mosaics of small tiles. An interesting interior solution is the tile on the countertop, which matches the tile on the kitchen "apron".

  • Plastic. Increasingly popular material. Its advantages are lightness, ease of maintenance, relatively low cost, the ability to choose a table of almost any color or without it at all - transparent. Modern plastic is resistant to both moisture and temperature, and UV radiation, which means that its service life is quite long.

There are also models from combined and exotic materials, for example, from saw cut wood or a combination of glass and leather. Such tables are quite expensive and are used in kitchens with exclusive interiors.

The color of the table in the interior of the kitchen

The color of the countertop must be selected taking into account the style in which the kitchen is decorated. Often the color is determined by the material, but here there are options. For example, a wooden table can be left natural, covered with a protective compound.

In this case, the color of wood and its texture will be one of the decorative elements of the decor. This is appropriate in "rustic" styles, such as country, Provence, loft style, and some others. However, in the event that you want to get an interior in a strict and restrained style, for example, minimalism, you can paint the wooden table to match the color of the furniture and walls so that it does not stand out from its surroundings.

The dining group can be an interior dominant, while choosing a contrasting and fairly bright color for it. For example, with white walls and furniture, the table can be bright red or orange. It all depends on the chosen style and your taste.

The white table in the interior of the kitchen is the most versatile solution. It will look organic in both classical and modern styles.

The shape of the dining table in the interior of the kitchen

The shape of the table affects not only its performance, but also its perception in the interior. Consider the possible options.

  • Rectangle. The most traditional, roomy and comfortable shape. Quite a lot of people can be placed at such a table, it is convenient to put it against the wall, it takes up little space, especially when compared with round tables. You can put it in a corner or lean against one of the walls with its end side, thus dividing the room into conditional zones.

  • Oval. Tables of this form are of considerable size, since their width cannot be less than 90 cm, while their length exceeds 110 cm, and usually even more. They are only suitable for large kitchens, because there should be enough space for sitting or aisle (at least 80 cm) before the pieces of furniture.

  • A circle. The round table in the interior of the kitchen looks very elegant, but it is quite demanding on placement - on all sides from it to the nearest obstacle should remain, as in the case of an oval table, at least 80 cm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to move around.

  • Semi-oval. Such a table in the interior of the kitchen is not common, but in fact it is very convenient, primarily because it does not have sharp corners, which is especially valuable in small rooms. Usually semi-ovals are located in the center of the dining area, adjoining the wall with a straight side.

Tip: If you want your kitchen table to always look decent in the interior of the kitchen, follow the rules for caring for it. At least once a week, it is necessary to wipe not only the countertop, but also the underframe with a damp cloth, removing dirt with mild detergents. Never use a knife and other sharp objects without placing a special board under them - scratching the table is easy, returning it to its original appearance is difficult, and sometimes impossible.

A comfortable kitchen is a favorite room where households meet daily for meals and socializing. The convenience of the table for family gatherings ultimately determines the mood of each family member and the general atmosphere in the house. Picking up a table today is not difficult. Furniture centers offer customers a wide range of modern kitchen tables of any design, made of various materials.



The dominance in the interior and ease of use of the table is largely determined by the geometry of the tabletop. The surfaces of kitchen tables are most often rectangular, oval, semi-oval and round.

A popular form of a table-top - rectangular. Such a table for the kitchen can be installed in the center, moved to the corner, leaned against the wall on either side, using it for zoning the room. The advantage of the model is the low price due to the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of cutting material in comparison with options with rounded lines.

oval tables are large in size and are optimal in spacious kitchen or dining rooms, where there is at least 80-90 cm of space for passage and seating. For cramped kitchens, a semi-oval is more acceptable, although it is rare. Semi-oval consoles are usually adjacent to the wall with a straight side.

Round form looks good in the interior of any kitchen. Round, like an oval table, it requires a free space of at least 80 cm around it. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to sit down and walk near it. Round and oval models are convenient for use in families with children, as they do not have traumatic corners.

Rare table top triangular shape appropriate for a table standing exactly in the center of the room, or one of the sides attached to a wall or window sill. The design of such a small table would be an acceptable option for a single person or for a family of two without children.

For long-term operation and preservation of appearance, the table should be looked after. The surface after each meal should be wiped with a damp cloth. The inside of the table top should be cleaned at least once a week. If necessary, use a soapy solution. In order to avoid damage, in no case should you scrape the surface with a knife blade. Cutting should be done by placing a cutting board.

Color solutions in the interior

When choosing an important element of a modern kitchen, it is not at all necessary to perfectly match the color of the countertop with the color of the headset. Depending on the decision of the space and the taste of the owner of the dwelling, the dining group can be in tone or contrast with the surrounding furniture and wall decor.

If a table in a kitchen finished with light materials plays a key role among furniture with white facades, it can be, for example, black, red or orange.

A table with a visually weightless frame made of glass and metal can complement the kitchen of any color. A universal color solution will be a white countertop, which is organically combined with classic and modernist style trends.

For styles such as "loft", "country", "Provence" table decoration will become indispensable, carefully preserving the natural color of wood of various species or stone. Minimalism often implies a complete match of the shade of the facades with the discreet coloring of the countertop.

For a small kitchen

When choosing a model for a small kitchen, you should use the recommendations of experts:

  • when planning a eating area opposite the stove, you should choose a table of such size that the distance that ensures freedom of movement is at least 60 cm;
  • the dimensions of the table should be proportionate to the room, a wide heavy tabletop with thick legs will not look organic in a cramped kitchen;
  • hanging edges of a thick textile tablecloth will make even a small table cumbersome, so it’s better not to cover the table top or use an openwork tablecloth or a light napkin;
  • a model with transparent inserts will make the kitchen more spacious, visually pushing the boundaries.

Modern manufacturers offer different options for solving cramped kitchens, allowing you to save precious square centimeters of space, abandoning the classics with four legs and solid countertops.

A convenient option would be a rectangular or semi-oval plane, fixed to the wall with a folding mechanism. For stability, the plane rests on a spacer leg. After a meal, the tabletop can be easily raised to a vertical position.

The traditional model in a small kitchen combined with a living room can be replaced by a trendy bar counter. The variant with the possibility of access from any side can be used for full meals, light snacks and drinks, as a work surface for cooking.

An original solution would be a kitchen table made of plastic or wood board, built into the windowsill. In the space of the kitchen-corridor, it will be convenient to have a roll-out table on roller supports or a micro-table that can be pulled out from the underframe of the cutting table.

Transformers have become a godsend for a miniature kitchen. You can install models familiar to everyone: a sliding one with an internal insert or a folding book, which, when folded, occupies a minimum of space and allows you to adjust the number of seats by raising one or both parts of the tabletop to a horizontal position. Samples of engineering thought allow turning a compact cabinet into a full-fledged dining table.

When choosing a transformer, you should pay attention to the layout method and try out several models with different mechanisms. It is important to find a model with reliable mechanisms that can successfully complement the kitchen set so that transformable elements: wings, inlays or sliding boards can fully realize their functions in a limited kitchen space.

What to look for when buying

When buying an element of kitchen furniture that is convenient for eating, you first need to decide on its size. The surface area should be chosen based on the number of family members, adding 1-3 people of possible guests, considering that each person will need approximately 60-70 cm of tabletop length. If it is planned to seat two people on one side of the table, then the length of the tabletop should be 120-140 cm.

A square table against the wall will seat three people. This means that the size of the countertop should be 75 × 75 cm. For a small kitchen, a length of 60-80 cm is sufficient, a large kitchen implies a table length of 120 cm or more. The diameter of the round surface should be at least 90 cm.

The material from which the plane and supports are made will determine the appearance and harmonize the piece of furniture and the style of the kitchen space. The quality of the front and back surfaces, as well as the number of supports affect the strength of the entire structure and are responsible for long-term operation. Models are available in the following materials.

Natural wood is the most popular material. It has unique aesthetic, environmental and operational properties. A wooden table can last indefinitely. A model with a large tabletop will successfully complement the classic interior. Expensive material requires careful handling.

The pattern of the MDF countertop can skillfully repeat the texture of wood. Eco-friendly wood MDF is resistant to mechanical damage. The MDF model is suitable for the interior of any style. The disadvantage is a short service life due to insufficient resistance to moisture changes. If moisture gets into the MDF structure, there is a high probability of its deformation.

Tabletops made of high-quality colored plastic have become a recent trend. Plastic does not require complex maintenance; tables made of this material are distinguished by an affordable price. Modern polymers perfectly tolerate changes in humidity and temperature without losing their original appearance. The service life of the furniture will be long in the absence of exposure to direct sunlight.

Tables have become fashionable, in which the tabletop is made of thick durable glass. Moreover, the glass surface can be of any type: matte, with photo decor, colored glossy and colorless transparent. Large glass models will decorate a spacious room, a small elegant table with an "invisible" effect will visually expand the horizons and add coziness to a small kitchen.

Solid models made of natural or artificial stone can be of any geometric shape. Stone is an ideal material that resists the formation of fungus, the absorption of odors, grease and dirt. The table is easy to clean, not subject to mechanical damage.

No apartment or private house is complete without a table. This piece of furniture is multifunctional, and it is placed not only in the kitchen, but also in the bedroom, living room or children's room. Today there are a great variety of tables of various shapes, but elegant round models deserve special attention.

Variety of designs

Today, the choice of round tables is greater than ever. You can choose the right option for every taste and budget. Recently, multi-tasking products with various mechanisms and functional designs have been very popular.

Such models have a number of features for which they are so loved by modern consumers. It is worth getting to know them better:

  • Perfect for small spaces functional folding table. This model does not require a lot of free space. When folded, this furniture seems very compact and neat, but if you unfold it, you will see a spacious and comfortable table top, which can comfortably accommodate at least 5 people.
  • A good alternative to folding are sliding models. Such furniture can have different designs, but most often there are products in which one half of the tabletop is folding.

  • Mobile and comfortable to use are tables on wheels. Such models are more often placed in the living room, and it can be not only an ordinary apartment, but also a studio. Many consumers choose options on wheels, as they can be moved to another place at any time without any extra effort or damage to the flooring.
  • Collapsible is popular book table. Often, such models are purchased for small rooms, as they have a non-bulky appearance and medium-sized dimensions. In the assembled state, the dimensions of such tables rarely exceed a small chest of drawers or cabinet. Today in furniture stores you can meet mini-book tables, which are complemented by wheels.

  • The trend of recent years is fashionable table with a rotating center. Such furniture will not only update the interior design, but will definitely attract the attention of your guests. Most often, spinning options are made of artificial or natural wood. With this modern and original piece of furniture, you won't need to prepare multiple salads or appetizers for friends and family at once, because all the food can be simply placed on a moving podium, from which everyone can get what they want.
  • Very popular with today's buyers are swivel round tables. In these designs, the tabletop turns at a right angle, and the upper part rises. After these manipulations, you can safely lower the furniture underframe.

  • Synchronously sliding are round tables with a mechanism called "butterfly". To expand such furniture, you need to pull on one edge of the tabletop, after which it will disperse in the center and disperse. To do this, you just have to get an additional element from under the base of the table and install it in the free space that appears.
  • They are very convenient to use tables with adjustable height. Such designs can have not only dining, but also computer models. It is very convenient to work behind them, since you yourself can make them high or low as you wish.

In many adjustable instances, it is possible to change the angle of the table top. As a rule, such structures are made on a durable metal frame that will not fail even after many years of use.

Also, round tables can have various supports. The most common are products with four legs. These models have good stability. If you are looking for a more original and sophisticated option, then you should look at small round tables on one dense leg.


The diameter of a round table directly depends on the number of seats:

  • 3-4 places - 90-100 cm, 120 cm.
  • 5-6 seats - 120-140 cm.
  • 7-8 seats - 140-180 cm.

The smallest are tables with a diameter of 60-80 cm (for 2 persons).


Modern round tables are made from various materials. Let us consider in more detail the distinctive characteristics of each model.


Wooden structures are environmentally friendly and durable. This solid and attractive material is able to bring notes of warmth and comfort to any interior. The leading positions in the modern furniture market belong to models made of oak, rattan, pine, birch, hevea, alder and walnut. Recently, unique products have become very popular. from slab. In such designs, the countertop is a solid piece of wood with a natural shade and pattern. This furniture belongs to the "eco" category.

It is also worth highlighting the original round wicker tables rattan. Such options look organically in the conditions of country and private houses. They can be placed not only in the dining area, but also on the veranda or near the pool, complete with rattan chairs. But such products must be regularly looked after.

In order for a wooden table to serve for a long time and not lose its presentation, it should be treated with special impregnations that will protect the natural material from drying out and cracking.

chipboard, MDF, plywood

More affordable are concise tables made from materials such as chipboard, MDF or plywood. Such raw materials are quite wear-resistant and often imitate natural wood, but they are much cheaper and simpler. Instances of plywood can even be made with your own hands.

It is worth noting the fact that inexpensive chipboard is a toxic material, since it contains formaldehyde adhesives.

Such substances are hazardous to human health, so experts recommend paying a little extra and buying safer E-1 class chipboard products or veneered options.


Due to the strong construction and reliable fastenings, metal tables are the strongest and most durable. Such models do not require special care and look very attractive, especially if they are complemented by properly selected metal chairs. Cast iron tables with wooden tops look original. Most often, such models are located in street and indoor cafes. They usually carry a lot of weight.

If you want to choose a fashionable option for an interior in a modern style, then you should familiarize yourself with chrome tables, and in more refined and elegant ensembles, an elegant forged table.

The choice of the optimal option largely depends on the style of the room.


Stone tables look expensive and elegant in many interiors. The material can be both artificial and natural. With the help of such furniture, you can give the interior a special luxury and draw attention to the excellent taste of the owners of the home. However, most often such models are not cheap, especially for chic marble options.

Such tables can be arranged in frilly and pompous ensembles, as they have a unique elegance and rich design.


Plastic round tables are the most affordable. Products made from this inexpensive material will last a long time without causing any trouble. Plastic does not rot or crack.

But do not place plastic colored tables in direct sunlight. Under such conditions, the material may lose color saturation.


Glass round tables are distinguished by their exquisite and attractive appearance. Such models look especially harmonious in modern interiors. It is necessary to treat glass options as carefully and carefully as possible so as not to damage the fragile material.

Also, such countertops need to be wiped more often, as they are easily soiled, and fingerprints easily remain on them, spoiling the look of the furniture.

In the modern furniture market, there are not only stone, metal, wood or glass, but also spectacular ceramic and models decorated with colored tiles. Today, consumers can choose the right option for the interior of any style, whether it is an exquisite classic or a shocking avant-garde.

Shape Benefits and Care

Round, semi-circular or oval tables have an elegant and neat design. With the help of such furniture, you can soften and add sophistication to even the simplest or rough interiors. In addition, it is worth noting the uncluttered appearance of such furniture. This is especially true for attractive folding or sliding models.

However, not every round table can be conveniently placed against the wall because of its non-angular shape. For these purposes, it is better to purchase an original corner table, which will be as comfortable to use as possible.

Depending on the material, round tables require different care, but almost any model can be wiped with a soft, damp cloth. It is better to do this more often, since on the countertops (especially in the kitchen) there are often traces of dishes.

If you want to update the design of the old table, then only restoration will help you with this. For this, polishing of coatings or hauling of upholstery materials is often performed.

Modern design solutions

Round tables look organic in many stylish interiors. Below are a few modern design solutions:

  • Both well-polished and neat and rough models of tables fit perfectly into the "attic" interiors in the "loft" style, since this direction is a mixture of details inherent in different styles.
  • A beautiful Scandinavian-style interior can be complemented by a round table in a cool or snow-white shade. So that the ensemble with such furniture does not seem too “cold”, it should be diluted with wooden brown chairs and decor in warm colors (chocolate, pale green, cream).
  • The classic style provides for the presence of natural and high-quality furniture in the interior. In such an ensemble, a wooden table with carved details and curved legs will look good. In addition to the classics, an antique lacquered table is suitable for such an interior.

  • The airy Provence style can be complemented with a beautiful light or pastel table made of natural wood. On the tabletops of Provencal products, floral decoupage can flaunt.
  • In vintage style, an old (antique) or artificially aged table will look most harmonious. It may have exquisite forged elements or wooden details of elegant shapes.
  • For an interior in the Art Nouveau direction, it is worth looking at an elegant round table with supports of perfectly regular shapes and lines. They can intersect with each other, forming geometric compositions.

  • A charming light brown option will look organic in a delicate interior, made in neutral, light and soothing colors. If you complement it with matching upholstered chairs, the set will look especially attractive and cozy.
  • A luxurious table in a trendy wenge color is best placed in rooms with light wall finishes. Against such a background, such furniture will effectively stand out and attract attention. On the floor, you can put tiles or laminate in dark chocolate, dark gray or light colors. In such color conditions, a wenge round table will look most harmonious.