Why does Anthurium have brown spots on the leaves and what to do about it? Home care for anthurium, diseases and methods for their treatment Black dots on anthurium leaves

- This is a tropical epiphyte, ideal conditions for it are tropical rainforests. Therefore, at room conditions, this plant is capricious, very demanding on soil, irrigation regimes, temperature and air, but this does not stop exotic lovers.

Sometimes the flower is sick, spots appear. The sooner you understand the cause of brown spots on anthurium leaves, the more likely the plant is to be cured. We hope this article will help you figure it out.

Good care rules

Anthurium is a record holder in terms of duration - under good conditions it can bloom for three or more months. The plant is spectacular, bright, grows well and quickly, under certain conditions.

Since anthurium comes from tropical forests, it is necessary to organize for it:

  • warmth and light
  • soil and good nutrition

Proper watering

So, in order: warm, warm and warm again! Below 18 degrees - this is already the north pole for him, in addition to air temperature, soil temperature is important - it should not be lower than the environment. If the flower is on the windowsill, then in winter, fit a piece of fabric, cardboard or polystyrene under the pots so that the roots do not cool. Direct sunlight causes burns, in the shade it can grow, but will not bloom. He needs diffused light.

The soil

Special for anthurium is not for sale, so you need to prepare it yourself:

  • take equal parts of the soil for the azalea,
  • and baking powder
  • add some pine bark and charcoal.

Anthurium is suitable for soil with an acidic environment, the soil for azaleas just meets these requirements. River sand is best suited as a baking powder, but any other (perlite, vermiculite) can be purchased at the store. To protect the roots from decay, drainage is necessary - at the bottom of the pot there is approximately a layer of 2-3 centimeters of expanded clay, broken bricks or small stones.

top dressing

Anthurium requires good nutrition - give it liquid fertilizer once every 2-3 weeks, but do not overdo it, otherwise it will turn yellow. To do this, take the dose of fertilizer recommended in the instructions three times less.

In winter, they reduce or do not carry out at all. Once a month, add citric acid at the tip of a knife to the water for irrigation so that the soil is slightly acidified.

The soil should be breathable, it should not be stagnant water. With stagnation, the roots quickly rot and the flower may die in a few days. The soil should be moist, but not wet, the water from the pan should always be poured out. Watering should be done after the topsoil is slightly dry.

Difficulties in growing

Not all amateur gardeners manage to grow the first time. A flower bought in a store at home begins to wither, if all the leaves are damaged, then the flower almost always dies.

To prevent this from happening, you need the right transplant:

  • It is better to transplant immediately after purchase
  • Transplantation only by transshipment

Many do not advise immediately transplanting plants bought in the store, but in vain. The roots are cramped in such small pots, the sooner the transplant is, the faster the flower will get used to the new conditions.

Most often, the plant suffers due to improper care for it, especially with regard to air humidity. The optimum humidity in the room should be at least 70%, but it is very difficult to achieve such a figure.

Usually, in residential premises, it barely reaches 30%, which, by the way, affects not only plants, but also people, especially small children. Anthurium is very fond of spraying, while the water should not be cold, room temperature or a little hot is best.

By the time you spray the water, it will have had time to cool down to a comfortable temperature. This should be done every day. When spraying, you need to cover the flower stalks, it is not desirable that water gets on them.

Another difficulty is to organize the right one so that the flower does not dry out and does not rot. Some amateur gardeners recommend covering the soil with moss or even replacing the entire soil with it. It has a lot of nutrients, it holds moisture well, while preventing the formation of mold and root rot.

Under the right growing conditions, anthurium grows strong, rarely exposed to infections or pests. And if this happens, then with the right treatment, he quickly recovers.

Mistakes in care

A healthy anthurium is always with bright, juicy leaves, grows well and blooms on time; if you have such an anthurium, then you are doing everything right. If something does not suit the flower, then damage may appear.

Brown spots may appear if the plant:

  • little heat - first brown dots appear, then they expand, forming spots, a draft also leads to a similar reaction
  • direct sunlight causes a burn, the leaves may first turn yellow, then darken
  • little water and dry air can also cause stains, there can even be holes from dryness
  • a lot of water - the roots suffer from this, they cannot breathe, it affects the whole plant, spots appear, the roots begin to rot and all this can end badly
  • there is not enough nutrition - deformation, yellowness joins the spots; with a lack of nitrogen, the lower leaves, young leaves grow weak, pale; lack of sulfur - the upper leaves turn yellow, excess - turn yellow along the edge, then the shade becomes brown, and they twist; a lack or excess of manganese appears as dotted yellow spots, the leaf gradually wrinkles and falls off.

In order to cure a flower, you need to eliminate all adverse effects and create comfortable conditions. If there is little heat, then the flower should be placed in a warmer place, but not near the battery, if it is dry, water and spray more often, wipe off dust.

Brown spots most often appear from hypothermia and overflow.

If you realize that you have watered the plant too much and this causes brown spots on the leaves of the anthurium, what to do:

  • stop watering and spraying, it is better to just wipe the leaves of the plant with a damp cloth
  • observe if the spots appear in large numbers, then the roots are rotten and a transplant is required

Prepare the soil, treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide. Carefully remove from the pot, clean the roots from the ground, cut off all the damaged ones (healthy roots are white and elastic), treat the cuts with charcoal (the pharmacy activated one is suitable), dry for an hour. Plant in new soil, top with moss. At first, spots may still appear, but not so intense. Water rarely and a little, the flower tolerates drought better than overflow.

Infectious diseases and pests

But sometimes it can happen that anthurium has brown spots on flowers, leaves appear even under all growing conditions. Then it is worth suspecting infectious diseases. Most often, the flower is affected by fungal infections, less often bacteria and viruses.

Fungal diseases that cause brown spots on anthurium leaves and how to treat:

  • septoria - causes a fungus disease, with this disease the spots are dark, along the edges with a lighter or yellow tint. It is necessary to remove all affected leaves and treat with a fungicide. Phytosporin is suitable: 1.5 g per liter of water, spray, repeat after 10 days
  • Fusarium - the causative fungus, infection is usually through the soil, the disease spreads from the roots, then the stems and leaves are damaged. It is necessary to treat with a fungicide, the disease is dangerous, often all the measures taken do not lead to recovery

What mistakes in plant care lead to the appearance of spots, what conditions anthurium needs for a good life, how to properly prepare the soil and how to get rid of pests and fungi, you can see when watching the video:

One of the reasons for the wilting and drying of the leaves is the banal aging of the flower. This is a natural process to which all living organisms are subject, without exception, and it cannot be stopped. The tips of the old sheet dry, then the entire plate acquires a yellow tint, after which it turns brown and dries. It is better to cut such parts of the plant - they do not perform useful functions, but at the same time they pull nutrients and moisture from the flower. Scissor blades should be pre-treated with alcohol or any other antiseptic so that the wound does not become a breeding ground for infections.

True, one can talk about aging only in those cases when only a few leaves turn yellow and fall off in a month. If a similar phenomenon is observed often and affects young leaves, the problem must be sought in diseases or care errors.

Wrong lighting

Some flower growers believe that if the anthurium comes from tropical countries, it needs a large amount of light. On the one hand, this is true, but partial shade is considered the optimal conditions for keeping a flower. Intense lighting can burn the leaves, causing brown spots to appear on them. For this reason, the anthurium should be slightly shaded from bright light, especially in the summer. A special film that reflects ultraviolet radiation gives a good effect - it must be installed in front of the pot in the form of a screen.

If, along with the yellowing of the leaves of the plant, it loses its natural bright shades and blooms reluctantly, then the situation is reversed - it lacks lighting. In this case, the anthurium needs to be moved closer to the light, and it will quickly return to its former beauty.

dry air

For normal growth, anthurium requires not only proper lighting, but also sufficient air humidity - at least 70-85%. If the air is too dry, the leaves will begin to turn yellow, dry and fall off, and new leaves cannot unfold normally, remain twisted and deformed.

Most often, a similar phenomenon is observed at the beginning of the heating season, when the air humidity drops sharply, and the plant can no longer receive moisture from the soil. To correct the situation, you can:

  • use household humidifiers;
  • put water containers next to the flower;
  • pour drainage into the pan of the pot, fill it with water and place the plant so that its roots do not touch the water.

In addition, it is necessary to water the anthurium a little more often, but without flooding it too much.

The soil should be moist, but not swampy - excessive moisture harms the flower no less than lack of watering. Water the plant so that moisture does not fall on the leaves. Even small drops of water act as lenses - they focus the sun's rays, which causes tissue burns.

Wrong top dressing

To maintain a bright shade of leaves and an aesthetic appearance, anthurium needs top dressing, but an overabundance of nutrients is as harmful as their lack. The main trace elements required by the plant are potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. In addition, brown spots often appear on the leaves of the atrium due to calcium and magnesium deficiency. For top dressing, ready-made nutrient mixtures are used, which are bred according to the instructions. For weakened plants, a 25% concentration is sufficient, but top dressing should be done every week.

fungal diseases

Fungal infection is one of the most common causes of yellowing of anthurium leaves. The spots appear on the central part of the leaves, gradually expand and capture the entire plate, which gradually becomes brown in color and dries. When such a sign appears, you need to carefully remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots - fungi often multiply on the root system. If they have changed shade, become soft and slimy, you should immediately begin to deal with the problem. For this you need:

  • carefully remove the remaining soil from the roots;
  • remove the affected leaves and roots with scissors that have been disinfected, and sprinkle the slices with crushed coal;
  • spray the plant with a fungicide as directed in the instructions.

After that, it is necessary to disinfect the pot well and transplant the plant into fresh soil - it should be loose and nutritious. In the first time after transplantation, the anthurium will need careful care, otherwise the weakened flower may die.


If insects are found, the plant must be treated with tobacco or garlic tincture, as well as soapy water. If there are a lot of pests, it is better to use complex insecticide preparations. When working with them, care must be taken, and after a day, wash off the remaining solution from the leaves to protect the anthurium from toxic effects.

Let's summarize

  1. Brown spots and drying of anthurium leaves are considered the norm only when this occurs due to the aging of the flower.
  2. When brown spots appear on the leaf plates, it is first necessary to eliminate errors in care and provide the plant with normal conditions.
  3. If the spots appeared due to fungal diseases or pests, you must immediately treat the flower with special preparations, otherwise it may die.
  4. For the prevention of anthurium diseases and the preservation of its attractive appearance, it is necessary to provide it with good care and optimal conditions.

Anthurium - the flower of kings, which pleases with a long noble flowering, regardless of the time of year. Red, white, pink, purple plates appear on a mature bush and last for several months without characteristic signs of aging. But only a healthy plant can please with abundant and rich flowering. That is why every grower should know not only how anthurium grows, but also study leaf diseases (see the photo below) and ways to treat a bush so as not to lose the plant completely.

Anthurium flower diseases, as a rule, arise as a result of violations of the rules of care. The flower with all its appearance asks for help, signaling a loss of comfort. Common causes of trouble are:

But it happens that brown spots appear on the leaves of the anthurium due to the invasion of insects or the presence of diseases. It is worth noting that despite the presence of third-party negative factors, it is improper care that leads to a general weakening of the supporting forces of the plant and to the development of infections.

In order to avoid questions about what to do when the leaves of the anthurium turn yellow, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for keeping your green pet.

Signs of noncommunicable diseases:

Non-infectious diseases of anthurium occur when agricultural technology is violated. The plant reacts especially painfully to drafts in winter.

Infectious diseases of popular culture are caused by the introduction of spores into the body of a plant. Microbes develop very rapidly and can destroy not only the infected specimen, but also their neighbors on the windowsill. In a closed space, fungal spores multiply and are transmitted from plant to plant very quickly. Therefore, at the first signs of infection, treatment with special chemicals is necessary.

Causes of fungal infections:

The development of fungal infections is much easier to prevent. For these purposes, professionals recommend adding charcoal to the ground or using the prolonged Glyocladin remedy, which will help protect against phytovtora, fusarium and other troubles.

Fungal diseases of anthurium and their treatment

With a decrease in immunity, the plant may be subject to fungal diseases, such as:

A healthy plant is extremely rarely exposed to fungal infections, and therefore the grower should make every effort and create optimal conditions for the bush.

Leaf yellowness

Yellow spots on anthurium leaves are the first signs of grower errors. The most common reasons for their appearance are:

  • Illiterate watering or the use of hard, cold water.
  • Irregular application of nutrients.
  • Dryness of the ambient air, especially in winter when the central heating is turned on.
  • Content in a dark place.

As a result of keeping the flower in a room with the wrong conditions for a long time, it is depleted, yellowness spreads and fungal infections occur or rot forms.

But before determining the disease of anthurium and the way how to treat the trouble, one should observe the nature of the leaf drying out. Perhaps this is the natural aging of the leaf plate. Age yellowness starts from the edge of the sheet and spreads to its center. Over time, the leaf plate loses its juiciness, turns brown, dries and falls off. Many gardeners are interested in: is it necessary to remove yellow leaves? Professionals recommend using a clean tool for the procedure, and sprinkle the cuts with crushed charcoal. It is necessary to remove the yellow plates, as they not only reduce the decorative effect, but also draw nutrition from the plant.

If the leaves of the anthurium turn yellow, and the reason is improper care, the grower should improve the conditions of detention as soon as possible and help the plant renew its strength. If the cause is fungal infections, then you can’t do without the use of chemistry.

Foliage blackening

Improper maintenance of anthurium leads to the appearance of diseases. One of the most common is the blackening of the sheet plate. Causes of twisting, blackening and drying of the leaves of a flowering bush:

Insects - pests of anthurium

Anthurium or the flower of "male happiness" is quite resistant to pests. However, it can become a "home and dinner" for:


Anthurium is a plant from the aroid (aronic) family, belongs to one of the numerous genera, numbering about 900 species. Translated from Latin, the name of the plant means "tail"; perhaps that is why it is also called the "flamingo flower".


Anthurium is native to the tropics and subtropics of America, northern Mexico, Paraguay and Argentina. The overwhelming majority of species are erect grasses growing in tropical forests. With evolution, these plants turned into creeping plants - epiphytes and creepers with aerial roots. Anthurium is also grown at home. It is popular for its veils, which are shaped like a large petal that fits snugly into the inflorescence. Inflorescences form cobs in the form of thick tails.

Ornamental - These are flowering subspecies that have become commercially available. Used as a garden or cut and house plant. What is the difference between anthurium and other plants and what is its specificity? This is what we will talk about today.


The first thing to say when discussing the rules of care is that the plant is poisonous. You need to be careful when working with a flower. Get gloves that will protect your hands from poisonous juice. Make it so that children or animals cannot reach the flower pot.

Room temperature

The main growth problem is foliage diseases. Black spots appear on the leaves, they dry out and curl due to improper care or due to pests. To prevent this, it is necessary to ensure the optimal temperature regime. It is 16-15 degrees in winter. In spring and summer, the temperature in the room can be from 20 to 25 degrees.

The plant should not suffer from drafts and wind, it needs to grow in conditions reminiscent of the warm climate of its homeland, all year round. If you want the anthurium to start blooming earlier than usual, then gradually increase the temperature to 23–25 degrees. This is done in January.


Anthuriums love good diffused light, tolerate shading well. Shading from direct rays is necessary, otherwise dark spots will begin to appear on the leaves or they will dry out. Place plant pots on east or northwest windows.


Humidity should be increased, especially in autumn and spring, when growth is most active. At the same time, you need to provide abundant watering. Spray the flower using room temperature water. This procedure must be repeated twice a day. But do not allow water to stagnate in the soil!

The mistake of many flower growers in watering is waterlogging, which provokes rotting of the root system. To prevent rotting, fill the pot with a drainage layer that will control the liquid level in the container. It is better to grow in a pot that is not too deep, but wide, - the plant has a superficial root system. Due to the air roots, it receives the necessary moisture from the air, so wrap the roots with sphagnum moss, spraying it periodically.

Improper watering provokes problems: dry leaves appear, brown and yellow spots on them, the root system rots. Allow the top layer to dry slightly between waterings. However, do not allow the earthen coma to dry out. In order for the plant to bloom profusely, reduce watering slightly in winter and autumn. Use soft, rain water. If you use tap water, then it needs to be softened, since it contains a lot of lime.

Anthuriums love high humidity, from 85 to 95%. Many plants in this genus suffer from dry indoor air, especially species with brightly colored, thin leaves (majestic or crystal). To maintain the necessary humidity in the apartment, place the pot on a pallet filled with wet gravel. Expanded clay can be used instead of gravel. Pots can be placed in sphagnum moss, which should also be damp.

Not bad if you make a room greenhouse. Dust from the leaves is best washed off with a soft sponge dipped in warm water. In summer, you need to regularly spray the foliage with warm water, but with flowering you need to be careful with this. When spraying, make sure that water drops do not fall on the flowers, as this will cause brown spots to form on them.

top dressing

Don't forget about proper feeding. Fertilize in spring and summer, once every three weeks. Anthuriums are also very sensitive to excess lime and minerals. Fertilizers should be diluted. As a complex fertilizer, use azophoska at a ratio of 1 g/l, adding potassium humate (300 mg/l). The most effective foliar top dressing affects the leaves.

Organic fertilizers also give a very good effect, but they are not always available. They need to be applied to the surface of the substrate. This can be leaf humus in the form of mulch or cow or horse manure (semi-rotted). Once a month, you need to water it using an infusion of chicken manure or mullein.

For growth to be successful, you need the right soil. When growing in a pot, use loose, coarse-grained substrates. The substrate should be breathable and have a neutral PH, between 5 and 6. The substrate should contain large particles that will hold the plant well and retain moisture and all nutrients.

The substrate should not quickly cake and decompose. No seals should appear here. At the bottom of the pot, place a drainage layer consisting of one layer of sand and cuttings. You can make a substrate from chopped moss (two parts), peat (two parts) and turf (one part) or hardwood and peat, adding a little bark of coniferous trees. Due to a poor-quality substrate, flowers and leaves can suffer: yellow spots appear on them, they curl and lose their shape.


Not very demanding. Not subject to severe pest attack. In industrial culture, such plants are attacked by scale insects and mealybugs, aphids and mites. Scale insects are dangerous for anthurium, the reproduction of which occurs quickly, and serious efforts are required to destroy them.

It suffers from root, stem destructive rot, which provokes a waterlogged substrate and too low temperatures. Anthracnose is another disease. In what way does it manifest itself? Dark spots appear on the leaves, they dry out from the edges. In the event of a severe defeat, the anthurium is depleted and dies.

The fight against anthracnose is a serious process that requires perseverance and time. You need to start treatment as soon as you notice the first signs mentioned above. Treat the plant with fungicides. You need to use systemic varieties of fungicide.

Problems with growth and darkening of the leaves may appear due to an excess of calcium salts in the soil layer. Drafts, too dry air, lack of lighting or its excess can also affect the appearance of the flower. If the tips of the leaves are dry, then the plant has received a sunburn - just shade it. If the leaves have darkened or dried out in winter, then the whole point is the lack of lighting.

If you notice black dots on the leaves, then increase the temperature, as the plant is clearly freezing. Anthuriums love warmth. Problems with the leaves can also occur due to illiterate top dressing. The way out is to normalize fertilizing with fertilizers. If the spots are small and visible through the light, then most likely the plant is affected by a spider mite.

In addition to ticks, anthurium often suffers from scale insects, aphids, mealybugs, and septoria. Shchitovka can be identified by sticky secretions on the leaves. As soon as you understand that the plant is sick, treat it with soapy water. If the infection is strong, then use "Karbofos" for processing.

Wrinkled leaves and yellow spots on them indicate the defeat of aphids. Here, for processing, use Actellik or tobacco infusion. The mealybug can be found on the plant with the naked eye - its accumulations are in the above-ground parts of the anthurium. "Karbofos" will help. If the plant has abundant spotting of foliage, then this is septoria. It is necessary to remove all the affected foliage and treat with the usual solution of copper sulfate.

Bright solution for the whole year

Even inexperienced growers can provide Anthurium with proper care and care. Observe the necessary temperature conditions, proper lighting and air humidity, and then the anthurium will delight you with its bright appearance.

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Anthurium or male happiness catches the eye thanks to the magnificent inflorescences, painted in the brightest colors of the spectrum: red, purple, yellow, pink, blue. Glossy anthurium leaves are also decorative, and some varieties are distinguished by a silvery frame of veins. Anthurium is considered an unpretentious plant, but for beautiful flowering and growth, it needs certain conditions. If your plant has a diseased appearance, analyze the maintenance errors and eliminate them, guided by our tips.

Optimal growing conditions

Anthurium moved to our apartments from the tropics of Central and South America, so it got used to shading. The best place in the apartment for him will be the window sills of the western and eastern windows. The optimum growing temperature is 16-20°C in winter and 20-25°C in summer.

Anthurium is a big fan of moisture. Like many tropical plants (zamiokulkas, monstera, calla), with high soil and air humidity, anthurium is able to “cry” due to special pores on the leaves. But it is worth remembering that in everything you need to know the measure. A non-drying, wet substrate will quickly lead to rotting of the roots and death of the plant.

The soil for anthurium, as for most epiphytes, should be fairly light, slightly acidic. An excellent option is ready-made special soil mixtures for aroids.

Important! All parts of the anthurium, like most plants of the aroid family, contain poisonous juice, so it is necessary to isolate it from small children and pets.

Gallery: a variety of colors of anthurium flowers

Spectacular white Anthurium White Hart will not leave indifferent any grower The purple Anthurium Fiorino has a simple concise inflorescence that looks very beautiful in a bouquet. Anthurium Black Queen has an original look - as the bud opens, the flower changes its color from cherry to almost black. anthurium Princes Alexia Blue Red anthurium Andre is the ancestor of modern types of anthurium

Basic Care Mistakes

Anthurium can hardly be called a capricious plant, but mistakes in cultivation can be fatal for him. Here are the main signs by which you can understand that something is wrong with your plant.

Table: the main diseases of anthurium and their causes

signs Causes
Diseases Pests Nutritional imbalances Other reasons
The leaves are turning yellow - Spider mite, aphid Chlorine in irrigation water
  • Tight pot.
The leaves turn black - - Too much calcium in the soil
  • Dry air.
  • Non-observance of the optimal temperature.
  • Draft.
Brown spots on leaves Septoria, rust -
  • Prolonged excess moisture in the soil.
  • Roots damaged during transplantation.
Black spots on leaves, brown bumps - Shchitovka - -
Brown spots with a yellow rim Septoria - - -
The plant dries Anthracnose - - Lack of moisture in soil or air
Dark dots on leaves - thrips -
  • Sunburn.
  • Low temperature.
Purple-brown spots on leaves late blight - - -
Yellow, faded leaves - -
  • Tight pot.
  • Insufficient lighting.
Pimples on leaves - - Overwatering
Spider scurf on leaves - - -
Leaves turn pale - - Lack of nutrients in the soil
  • Small pot.
  • Lack of light.
White chlorosis spots on leaves Peronosporosis - - -
small flowers/leaves - - Lack of trace elements in the soil Insufficient watering
Massive yellowing, leaf death or root rot - - Prolonged excess moisture
The leaves are curling - -
  • Dry air.
  • Insufficient lighting.
Leaves wither Septoria Shchitovka, thrips - -
Leaves "cry" after watering - - - The combination of abundant watering and moist air (guttation)
White coating on leaves powdery mildew - - -
Pinkish coating on the root collar - - -
deformed leaves - thrips - -
torn leaves - - - dry air
sticky leaves - Shchitovka - -
Flowers turn green - - -
Flowers dry up - - Insufficient nutrient content in the soil dry air
Pimples on peduncles - Shchitovka - -
Doesn't grow - - Lack of nutrients in the soil
  • Insufficient lighting.
  • A tight, narrow pot.
The plant withers - Aphids, scale insects, thrips Nutrient deficiency Insufficient watering
The flower does not take root - Aphids, scale insects, thrips Lack of nutrients in the soil -
Anthurium trunk rotted - - Overwatering
Rotten growing point - - Overwatering
Anthurium dries up - - -
  • Too dry air.
  • Insufficient watering.
Anthurium not blooming - - -
  • The pot is too narrow or too spacious.
  • Lack of light.
  • Temperature over 20 °C.
Anthurium's leg turns black - - - Overwatering
The plant is falling apart Mycoses - - Overwatering
growing slowly Damage by pests, diseases Lack of nutrients in the soil lack of lighting

Mistakes in anthurium care are usually easy to fix (rearrange the plant from a battery, water more or less, feed, change the window sill, etc.), but dealing with dangerous diseases and pests is not so easy.

fungal diseases

As mentioned above, anthurium is a moisture-loving plant, therefore it has a high chance of becoming infected with mycoses. These are diseases caused by microscopic fungi that love a humid environment.

Downy mildew (downy mildew)

Whitish, yellowish spots appear on the leaves of anthurium, so familiar to gardeners. Cucumbers are often affected by this disease. On the reverse side of the leaf, the formation of gray spores can usually be observed.

The disease affects the leaves of anthurium. Chlorosis spots of a rusty hue appear on the outer surface, and active sporulation occurs on the lower surface. Just as in the case of downy mildew, the main method of combating and preventing leaf rust is to maintain optimal air humidity. For prevention, biological fungicides can be used, for example, Albit, Alirin, Fitosporin.

Anthurium leaf affected by rust must be treated with a fungicide

This type of mycosis inhibits the entire plant as a whole. The fungal nature of anthurium wilting is given out by a pinkish-white coating that forms on the root collar. The causative agent of the disease is a species of fungus of the genus Fusarium (Fusarium).

Unfortunately, infection with Fusarium occurs in many ways, including through water and air. And the spores of the fungus are extremely tenacious and resistant to high temperatures and chemicals. Therefore, the main thing in the fight against fusarium is prevention, for example, the introduction of the antifungal drug Glyocladin into the soil. Systemic fungicides Vitaros, Rovral, Fundazol also worked well in the fight against fusarium.

Fusarium wilt depresses the entire plant


This common fungal disease appears on the leaves with brown spots, sharply outlined by a yellow rim. In the future, wilting of the leaves and death of the plant occurs. The main treatment is the treatment of anthurium with copper-containing fungicidal preparations (Bordeaux mixture, copper sulphate, Kuproksat).

Brown spots with a yellow rim on anthurium leaves are a sign of septoria


Another disease of anthurium, which has a fungal nature. Leaves begin to dry and thin. Dry brown spots may appear from the edges or in the middle of the leaf plate. If urgent action is not taken, the plant will dry out rather quickly and soon die.

With anthracnose, anthurium leaves begin to dry from the edges

Treatment should be carried out with systemic fungicides (Fundazol, Acrobat, Ridomil Gold). It is also necessary to treat the soil containing fungal spores with fungicidal preparations. If the anthurium could not be saved, the remaining indoor plants should be secured. The spores of the fungus are extremely tenacious, so the vacated pot must be ignited. If this is not possible, then such dishes will have to be disposed of.

late blight

Anthurium is quite rarely affected by phytophthora; nightshade plants still suffer from this disease more often. Despite this, if you notice small purple-brown spots on the leaves, you need to take urgent action. Late blight develops very quickly and affects the root system, dooming the plant to an early death.

The best option for controlling late blight is the use of systemic fungicides. Among them are Fitosporin-M, Fundazol, Alirin-B, Previkur. In this case, you will definitely have to replace the soil, thoroughly rinse the roots under water, and heat-treat the pot or replace it with a new one. The roots can also be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Pest infestations

On sale there is a huge number of chemicals to combat aphids, they can be purchased at any specialized store. The most famous of them are Aktellik, Fitoverm, Akarin, Aktara. You can also use the traditional remedy for aphids - treat the plants with a solution of warm soapy water or tobacco infusion.

Young aphids reproduce very quickly on succulent leaves and stems of houseplants.

This microscopic arthropod cannot be seen with the naked eye. Its size is only 0.5–1 mm. Nevertheless, such a crumb can deliver a lot of trouble. The spider mite feeds on the sap of host plants. When infected with a pest, the anthurium ceases to develop normally, the affected leaves turn yellow, which subsequently leads to the death of the plant.

Unfortunately, after 3-4 days, young growth will hatch from the soil, and the processing will have to be repeated in the same way. Anthurium will need to be processed 2-3 more times at weekly intervals.

Spider mites are only visible under a microscope.


These harmful sap-sucking insects are a real disaster for indoor plants. Scale insects are reliably protected from external influences by a special “shell”, so it is not easy to get rid of them. Shields are visible to the naked eye. Cause the appearance of black spots on the leaves, wilting and subsequent death of the plant.

If you notice signs of damage to anthurium by a scale insect, place the plant in a "quarantine" so that it does not infect healthy counterparts.

To get rid of scale insects, they are manually cleaned from leaves and stems with a soft cloth. After that, it is necessary to treat the plant with special chemicals (Aktellik or Phosbecid), following the instructions. Be careful - these drugs are toxic! It is best not to process indoors.

Anthurium stalk, affected by a scab, is cleaned with a soft cloth


Gallery: different stages of development of thrips and signs of plant damage

Plants suffer not only from adult thrips, but also from their larvae and nymphs Under optimal conditions, thrips can double their population in 4-6 days.

Anthurium resuscitation

Even if the anthurium has lost all the foliage, this is not a reason to get rid of it.

Living anthurium rhizomes can still be reanimated

First of all, you should find out what caused such a deplorable state - improper care, diseases or pests. Next, you need to do the following:

A disease introduced with the soil can destroy a weakened plant. Therefore, it is very important to disinfect the new soil in any way possible:

  1. Steam processing. The soil is spread on a fine mesh over boiling water for 30-40 minutes. This is a laborious but very effective way.
  2. Freezing. The soil is kept at a negative temperature for a week, then brought into a warm room for thawing. This is a long process and the easiest way to do it is in winter, when you can use the balcony as a freezer.
  3. Potassium permanganate. This is the lazy way. All you need to do is spill the soil with a raspberry potassium permanganate solution and wait 30-40 minutes until the soil dries out.

The main stages of resuscitation of anthurium

Video: anthurium transplant rules

Anthurium feels great in the conditions of our apartments. But you should be very attentive to his needs and take timely measures to prevent possible diseases. If you take care of the plant correctly, then the anthurium will delight you with the brightest flowers of the most exotic colors throughout the year.