So that the onion does not grow into an arrow. What to do if the bow goes into the arrow. Time to board

The question of why onions are used in arrows is often asked not only by beginners, but also by experienced gardeners. There may be several reasons.

Firstly, arrows will definitely appear (and quite soon) if you planted the bulbs in the ground that has not yet been properly warmed up. This is also dangerous because they may not sprout at all, and there will be no harvest. Secondly, arrows may appear if you stored the seedlings in a room that was too cold or too warm. In general, the temperature and humidity conditions are individual for each variety. There are warm, cold and warm-cold storage. Sudden changes in temperature and humidity are a direct path to shooters. Thirdly, you should not plant bulbs that are too large. Some people believe that this will cause the bulbs to be large, but experience suggests otherwise. So there is no clear answer to the question of why the bow goes into arrows. This is either improper storage or incorrect selection of raw materials.

What to do?

If you find the reason why the bow goes into arrows, you can correct your mistakes only next time. Now you can help yourself by breaking off all the arrows (preferably closer to the base). Don't rush to throw them away! You can put them out. It turns out to be a very tasty dish, similar in taste to mushrooms. You will kill two birds with one stone: you will save the crops and delight your family with a delicious dinner. If you bought seedlings, you probably don’t know the conditions under which the onions were stored. To avoid later wondering why the onion is being harvested, warm it up before sowing.

Secrets of growing

From seeds is not an easy matter. To achieve a good result, you must follow a certain technology. This crop is planted at the end of April, between the 20th and 25th. The beds are made from one and a half to two centimeters deep and the bulbs are lightly pressed into the ground. After planting, water with warm water and cover with plastic film, which will guarantee earlier germination. As soon as you see the first sprouts hatching, remove the film. Onions are not fussy about soil, so they can be planted almost anywhere. For best storage, stop watering 2-3 weeks before harvest. When choosing a specific variety, take into account the climatic conditions of the strip in which you live.

To the greens

Not everyone knows what is different from what is on a turnip. Its advantage is tender and juicy tops. But his head can be quite small. How to plant onions on greens? They plant it mainly as seedlings, this way you can get a harvest faster and also save money. If you are planning to plant in the spring, then before doing so, soak the bulbs for about a day in warm water, after cutting off the dry crown. There are also perennial varieties, which is especially convenient. Some species have beautiful flowering, which allows them to be used as a decorative decoration. You can use greens all year round, and even grow them on a windowsill. Onions not only add a piquant taste to dishes, but also have an excellent antiseptic effect, which is especially important for the cold season.

Onions are a vegetable that is used by all housewives without exception. It is good fresh and indispensable in the preparation of many dishes. Therefore, all gardeners who have their own plots always grow this crop and try to preserve the harvest for as long as possible.

The agricultural technology of onions does not differ in any special techniques; this vegetable grows well, but sometimes there is such a problem as bolting. In this case, the bulb stops growing, and a thick and hard arrow appears above the soil surface.

Why the bow goes into the arrow, why this is bad and what to do - we will tell you further.

Why shooting is dangerous for a bow

The arrow is, in fact, the same peduncle in which new seeds will ripen over time. For many onion varieties, this is practically the only method of propagation. Therefore, the arrow, as such, poses a danger only to onions when the gardener’s goal is to obtain a bulb.

Such arrows prevent the bulbs from forming and developing correctly. Even if you manage to get a harvest, it will not have good shelf life (it will last until mid-winter at most), and it will also be an order of magnitude smaller than with normal development.

Why does the bow go into the arrow?

Shooting, unfortunately, is not uncommon for this vegetable crop; one might say that this is the main problem when growing onions. There are several reasons for this.

Mistakes when storing seeds

Shooting often occurs due to such errors. There are several of them.

  1. It is difficult to maintain the temperature regime when storing onion sets. If suddenly the planting material is exposed to even slight negative temperatures, it will simply freeze and lose its suitability for planting. If stored at above-zero temperatures, growth processes begin to start in the bulb. If during storage the plant has gone through the stage of natural vernalization, then when planted in the soil in the spring it will certainly shoot up. In addition, in the heat, small bulbs actively breathe, so they dry out quickly. Dried bulbs will never be able to germinate in the soil. To avoid all this, you should store onion sets at a temperature of 0 degrees. Air humidity is also of great importance; it should not exceed 90% during storage of the sets. Otherwise, the seedlings will begin to germinate, and when planted in the ground, flower stalks will appear.
  2. The type of onion - this also largely determines whether the vegetable will go well or not. For planting, it is always better to choose varieties that are intended for planting in your region, that is, zoned. They will grow and store better. Keeping quality is determined by the color of the outer scales: the most keeping onion has a golden color; red and white varieties do not have good keeping quality.
  3. Correct time for harvesting seedlings. If you are late in harvesting onions from the ground, the young bulbs begin to prepare for winter and grow their own roots. This indicates that there is a violation of the biological rhythm. Settling under such circumstances will never survive.
  4. Storage of seedlings without preliminary sorting. If the total mass of planting material contains both too small and large bulbs, this is bad. Small ones will dry out, but large ones (1-3cm) will remain excellent under the same conditions. Therefore, it is advisable to store onions of approximately the same size. In addition, during the wintering period you need to take out the onion sets several times and sort them out. This is necessary to reject rotten, shriveled and moldy bulbs.

Set sizes

Before sale, onion sets always undergo a calibration procedure. It involves dividing the material into fractions:

  • 8-14mm - such bulbs are the best option for planting in winter. Their main advantage is the absence of shooting. But there is also a risk - without any shelter, small winter seedlings will freeze. Small sets are not suitable for spring planting - they will take a long time to grow and you will not be able to get large, full-fledged bulbs. A minimal supply of nutrients and a tiny amount of moisture in the top layer of soil (and small seeding is planted there) will play a negative role in this.
  • 14-21mm - the middle fraction is excellent for both winter and spring planting. If you have a goal to plant onions in the spring, then you need to buy this fraction. The survival rate is excellent and shooting is eliminated. Mature bulbs turn out to be large; the fact that the set had enough strength for growth plays a role in this.
  • 21-24mm - large fraction. If you plant such a set in winter, then it is advisable to do this only to obtain greenery. With excellent survival rate in the soil, bolting cannot be ruled out. The risk increases if planted too early. But if you remove the arrows in time, you will get a good harvest.
  • 24-30mm - large fraction is used exclusively for producing greens. Hence the cost - it is much lower than the cost of all previous factions. This type of set grows on greenery both in autumn and spring.
  • 30-40mm - sample onions are planted only for greenery.

In addition to size, it is important to pay attention to the following points when purchasing sets:

  1. There should be no foreign odors (mold, rot, etc.) coming from the onions.
  2. The coloring should be even, without whitish spots.
  3. The set should be dry, without roots and green sprouts.

Landing dates

Violation of planting deadlines is considered to be perhaps the main reason for the shooting of onions. However, there are no exact planting dates. Even in one region, planting dates can shift significantly in one direction or another depending on weather conditions.

Therefore, the only way to determine that it is time to plant is the degree of warming of the earth. When it is already warm enough, start planting. If you plant early and in cold soil, the onion will shoot.

If planted late, there will be no full-fledged bulbs. Onion sets less than 3 cm in size must be planted in late April. If you plant winter onions, the risk of bolts appearing is reduced.

But such planting is possible only in places where there are moderate climatic conditions. In regions where harsh winters prevail, winter planting is not suitable: bolting will become a kind of protective reaction to freezing of the root system during wintering.

Lack of moisture during the growing season is also one of the reasons for bolting, although less common. Also one of the reasons is an excess of nitrogen in the soil.

Why does the onion shoot and turn yellow?

If everything is more or less clear with bolting, then sometimes another problem arises - the onions begin to turn yellow right in the beds. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Insufficient watering. With the onset of hot days, at the beginning of summer, you need to water the onions at least 2 times a week. Gradually, the amount of watering can be reduced to once a week (in the second half of summer). When persistent drought occurs, watering should be more frequent and more abundant. Water the onion at the root, preferably in the morning.
  • Lack of micro and macroelements in the soil, nitrogen. If this is so, then the onion feather will be short, thick and yellowish in color. To avoid this effect, you need to add nitrogen-containing or organic fertilizers to the onion beds.
  • Pest infestation. Here, only treatment of the sets before planting (in cases with stem nematode), treatment with insecticides (for onion moth, onion fly, onion thrips) will help.
  • Onion diseases. It is necessary to cultivate the soil before planting, remove poor-quality bulbs before planting, and if diseased plants appear, burn them.

What to do to prevent the bow from shooting

In order to prevent the development of unnecessary flower stalks, rules must be followed.

Elimination of the listed errors

First of all, you need to properly store onion sets in compliance with the recommended temperature and air humidity. In addition, you need to choose a set of a size that corresponds to the ultimate goal of planting onions. If this is the production of onions, then the bulbs of the middle fraction are selected. Larger (cheaper) options are also suitable for the pen. In addition, it is important to observe planting dates - this should be done only when the ground becomes warm enough.

Treatment before planting

Pre-planting preparation of onion sets is just as important. Such processing is necessary for self-grown and stored seedlings. The one that was bought at the company store has probably already gone through the processing process. There are several ways to prepare seedlings for planting:

  1. Soaking in salt. This technique will speed up germination and increase resistance to diseases, pests and adverse weather conditions. Take 20-30g of salt per 1 liter of water and soak the seed in this solution for 3-4 hours. Before planting, the onions must be dried.
  2. Warming up the seedlings is a method of preventing bolting. You can spread a newspaper in a hot place at home, in front of a window, and sprinkle onion sets prepared for planting on it. You can simply lay out the corrugated paper on the radiator and dry it like that. Warming up is carried out for two weeks at +20 degrees, then another two at +40 degrees.
  3. Hardening - this measure will develop the resistance of the sets to spring temperature fluctuations. To do this, prepare two containers of water. One is filled with water at a water temperature of +45 degrees, and the onions are placed in it for 15 minutes. After this, the seeds are transferred to a container containing cold water for 10 minutes. After thorough drying, the seeds are ready for planting in the soil.

Non-shooting varieties

  1. Troy is an early ripening set. The bulbs are round - from light to dark golden color. The taste is moderately spicy. Excellent keeping quality, can be stored for up to 4 months. Planted both in winter and spring. Resistance to shooting is extremely high.
  2. Radar is a hybrid from Holland. Sets down in winter. The shape is flat-round, the color of the scales is yellow, the taste is pronounced pungent. The bulbs grow large - up to 300 g. High resistance to bolting.
  3. Senshui yellow is the work of breeders from Japan. It also shrinks in winter. It has a flat shape, rich yellow color and pungent taste. Resistant not only to bolting, but also to powdery mildew.

What to do if the bow has already shot arrows

If you have already released the arrows, they must be removed immediately, and as soon as possible. Do not forget that the arrow always takes nutrients from the bulbs. If the first arrows are noticed on the onion bed, you need to increase watering.

How to use arrows

Onion arrows, of course, do not need to be thrown away. They are perfect for preparing vegetable dishes, such as vegetable stew, French ratatouille, salads, pies and others. You can dry onion arrows for the winter.

  • When choosing a planting time, you need to focus on birch buds. When they have already burst and leaves appear, it means that the ground is already warm enough and you can plant the sets.
  • Intensive watering is needed only until the bulbs form (approximately mid-June).
  • Shooting is mostly due to improper storage. It is necessary to warm up and harden the sets. Before planting, you can keep the seeds in water at +60 degrees. If arrows appear, they must be cut off.

Many gardeners, having once seen how the onion went into arrow, are puzzled what to do, how to protect and save the harvest. When growing onions, we sometimes encounter the problem of this vegetable bolting, which subsequently leads to poor yields.


What is an arrow

This is a biennial plant. Onions, like many other crops, produce flowers and then seeds. The arrow is nothing more than an onion flower. This is how it reproduces. Flowers appear first, then seeds. They are sown, and next year they get onion sets. It is planted through the winter and thus the onions that are used as food are obtained. It is probably difficult to name a dish that does not include this vegetable. Every gardener strives to do everything possible when growing it to get a high yield. But sometimes the unexpected happens - the vegetable begins to shoot out an arrow.

There are several reasons why greens go to the arrow:

  • Incorrectly selected variety - each type has its own temperature characteristics. If one species can grow in a certain region, under certain climatic conditions, then the second cannot. When buying seeds, you need to pay attention to the variety and choose an onion that will feel great in your region. The most universal varieties include shallots, chives, batun, multi-tiered, and onion. Shallots almost never form arrows;
  • Neglecting the correct storage conditions for onions - the optimal temperature for storing seeds is slightly above 0ºC. But don't overdo it. If it is too warm, the onion will begin to sprout, taking all the juices from the future plant. The same applies to high air humidity. Sprouted onions, after planting, will all send out arrows;
  • Onion seed size - if anyone thinks that the size of the planting material does not play any role, then he is mistaken. For planting, fractions 1 and 2 are best suited (there are 3 fractions of onions in total), that is, small, large and medium. Onions of the third fraction can be used to grow feathers, since there is a high probability that they will be used as arrows;
  • The timing of planting onions - not only whether the arrows will grow, but also the quality of the harvest as a whole will depend on how much time the earth has warmed up. If it is damp and cold, the onion may rot or begin to shoot arrows, and when it is too warm, the growth of the turnip will slow down. Some summer residents try to plant onions in the fall. In this case, they practically do not face the problem of arrows. The most optimal time to plant onions is considered to be the second half of April. The earth at this time is quite warm, warmed up, which will reduce the risk that the vegetable will shoot out an arrow.

It would seem that the reasons are insignificant, but they are the ones that lead to the appearance of arrows. Separately, it is worth noting the purchase of seed material in specialized stores. In this case, it is difficult to determine under what conditions the onions were stored. The only thing you can do is play it safe a little. First you need to sort out the bulbs. Large ones, set aside for planting on a feather. Medium and small sizes are suitable for turnips. But, each of them will require different storage.


A bow that has been shot is not at all suitable for long-term storage. There will be a tendency to rot. Therefore, it needs to be eaten fairly quickly, or simply not allowed to start sprouting arrows.

What measures can be taken:

  • If the set was purchased at the market, before planting, it is recommended to dry it near a radiator (approximately 12-14 days);
  • Some experienced summer residents advise soaking for 3-4 hours before planting in warm water 45%;
  • Change the location of planting onions - if a vegetable grows in the same bed for two or more years in a row, you should not count on a good harvest. The harvest will be small, and there is a high probability that it will go to waste;
  • Removing arrows - it happens that, out of ignorance, some of the nuances associated with storing the bow were missed. This is not a reason to despair. You can still save the harvest if you remove the arrows in a timely manner. Arrows should be pruned close to the stem. The main thing is to carry out this procedure when they are still young and have not had time to harden. A torn onion arrow is not necessarily thrown away. It makes a wonderful fertilizer and more. Onion arrows are used in cooking in many countries. There are many delicious dishes;
  • Choose the right variety for your region. Information can be obtained from the Internet, agricultural directories, or ask the seller.

Having missed the moment with cutting off the arrows, it is worth remembering that such an onion, even if it has grown to normal size, will not be able to be stored for a long time. Therefore, it is better to use it for food or preserve it for the winter.

Many summer residents believe that this problem can be solved as it appears, but it is much easier to prevent this trouble than to cut off the arrows later throughout the season.

Storage - how to do it right

In order for the seeds to be suitable for planting and not shoot arrows in the future, there are several simple storage rules that should be followed. These include:

  • Drying the onions - the heads are sorted out and spread on a pallet or in a box, after which you need to leave it in a dry, ventilated room (preferably in the sun). After which, the onion is put away in a cool, dark place;
  • You can store it on the floor, in boxes (layer no thicker than 30 cm). Boxes are best made of wood, since in plastic containers it will rot. It is recommended to cover the top with onion peels or newspapers. This must be done so that the onions do not dry out. Sevok feels great in indoor conditions, if it is not too warm and dry;
  • Temperature is also important. Onions are perfectly stored at zero temperatures, maybe -1-3 (winter storage). At the same time, the room must be ventilated. Humidity should be within normal limits, that is, not exceed the threshold of 50 - 60%, otherwise the vegetable will simply rot. Also, there is a combined method, so-called cold-thermal. In winter, onions must be left in a room with a temperature of -1-3 degrees, and in warmer seasons (autumn, early spring) +20ºC. Before this, with the onset of spring, you can keep the bow on the battery for several days at a temperature of +30ºC, and then return again to +20ºC. In addition, it will not be superfluous to ensure that the onion does not freeze; if this happens, it will definitely go into arrows;
  • If the crop was harvested with tops, you can make braids out of it and hang it in a well-ventilated room and store it like that;
  • When it comes to storing onions less than 3 cm in size, then only a temperature of -1 degree is suitable for it. At warmer temperatures, such onions will shrink;
  • Treating the bottoms with lime paste will increase the shelf life of onion turnips. This needs to be done like this: The roots of the selected crop are cut off, then you need to do the processing. Next, the crop is well dried.

Onions are the most commonly used ingredient in a wide range of culinary preparations. This vegetable crop has a large number of fans. Owners of summer cottages try to grow as many onions as possible, for making pickled, frozen or dried onions for the winter, as well as for consumption freshly picked. However, sometimes when growing, onions begin to shoot. To solve this problem and save the harvest, you need to know why onions go into arrows, and take a number of measures, which will be discussed in this material, on how to grow onions without arrows.

Agricultural technology for growing onions

Growing onion plants at home requires compliance with certain agricultural techniques, which include a number of care measures.

Planting soil

For normal development of onion planting, the level of soil oxidation must be neutral, the average pH is 6.5. Excessive acidification of the soil can occur if the bed receives a large amount of mineral fertilizers for a long time. In this case, before planting onion sets, work is carried out 3 years in advance to deoxidize the soil material by adding one of the components:

  • slaked lime;
  • dolomite flour in the amount of 200 grams per m² .

Why does the bow go into the arrow?

It is not recommended to lime the soil immediately before starting sowing. However, it is permissible to use 400 grams of wood ash per 1 m2.

Fresh organic matter is not suitable as fertilizer for onions. However, if the land in which onions will be grown has a depleted composition, then in the spring season 2 kilograms of mature humus are added per 1 m2 of planting area. In the fall, during digging, a certain amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is applied.

Another part of the fertilizer, to which part of the nitrogen is added, is applied the following spring: before planting begins. During digging, decomposed organic matter is added to the enriched chernozem. Nitrogen fertilizer is not applied to peaty soil, but the volume of phosphorus-containing fertilizer is increased by 35%.

No nitrogen fertilizers are applied


Onions are representatives of garden crops that are characterized by good resistance to low temperatures. Thus, sowing and planting activities take place in the early spring, at an average air temperature of +4°C.

Repeating short-term spring frosts, which are characterized by an air temperature of -3°C, will not lead to damage to onion seedlings. However, at lower air temperatures, the adult bulb will stop growing, and the seeds will not ripen.

Preparation of planting soil

You can re-grow this plant on the same ridge after five years. In the autumn season, after the onion crop of the previous crop has been harvested, the soil should be cleared of weeds, and then watered, which will promote the germination of new weeds. After this, the soil must be dug deep to 30 centimeters.

Weed control

Before you start digging, ripened humus or half a bucket of compost, a complete mineral complex consisting of a mixture of 30 grams of urea with granulated phosphate and 20 grams of chlorine-free potassium are added to 1 m2 of depleted soil. In the spring, before planting the seeds, 15 grams of nitroammophoska are added during loosening.

Planting material

With the onset of autumn, the harvested crop must be dried and divided into two fractions, selecting bulbs with a diameter of two centimeters and wild oats with a diameter of less than one centimeter. For the southern regions, to prevent onions from bolting, professional gardeners recommend planting wild oats in an open ridge in the winter, for the northern regions - in a greenhouse. The planting turnip must be cleared of dry scales and small plant inclusions, and dry and diseased bulbs must also be removed.

Useful advice. To ensure that the harvest consists of bulbs of the same size, two weeks before spring planting, the sets are sorted into fractions.

Onions whose diameter exceeds 3 centimeters should be planted separately - such planting material is usually aimed at obtaining onion feathers, due to its accelerated bolting, as well as its inability to form a bulb of normal quality.

The sorted planting material is heated for 7 hours at +45°C.

Note. Before planting the bulbs, they need to be treated: soaked in a 1% potassium permanganate solution for half an hour.

Carrying out planting work

In order not to have to look for a solution to the problem of why the onion goes into arrows and what to do, many summer residents are interested in the question of how to plant onions so that there are no arrows. You can start planting bulbs using single-row technology, maintaining a 5-centimeter distance between plantings and a 40-centimeter distance between rows. With multi-line belt sowing, a 20-centimeter distance between rows is maintained.

The level of planting depth depends on the dimensions of the planted onion. In dry weather conditions, it is necessary to prepare the soil by conducting proper pre-emergence watering so that the onions do not bolt.

The emergence of seedlings occurs after 10 days. Removal of weeds and soil crust must be carried out in a timely manner. To avoid deformation of the root system, the soil should be loosened using a surface method.

Pay attention! Hilling of onion plantings is prohibited.

Prevention of diseases and insect pests

Most often, onion plantings are subject to fungal infections and a large number of varieties of pests. The reason for the appearance of factors that negatively affect the plant is impaired agricultural cultivation technology.

Symptoms of onion diseases include a number of external deformations:

  • change in leaf color;
  • the appearance of light spots;
  • presence of dashes;
  • withered feathers;
  • feather curling.

If one of the above symptoms appears on the plant, it is sprayed with a tank mixture of biofungicides with bioinsecticides, which do not pose a danger to people or animals. The use of chemical treatments is not recommended, and when grown for feathers, it is prohibited.

Chemical processing is dangerous

How to harvest

The appearance of the leaves indicates the arrival of harvest time. The bulb is considered ripe if the leaves have fallen and turned yellow.

When dry, sunny weather sets in, the onions should be pulled out of the ground and left on a ridge or moved under a sheltered structure and dried for a week. Then sort through and cut off, leaving a 5-centimeter stump.

Reasons for shooting a bow

There is more than one reason why an onion plant begins to bolt:

  1. Improper storage of seed material. The storage temperature of onions selected for planting should be 0°C - this will help avoid bolting. Storing seedlings at air temperatures above zero will negatively affect the quality of planting material. Seeds can be stored at any temperature. It should be remembered that it takes a year to germinate turnips from seeds. For the winter, it is better to place the seedlings in a basement with high air humidity so that they can germinate. A sprouted set, planted in a garden bed, will definitely begin to shoot arrows, and so that the onion does not go completely into the arrow, they must be removed in a timely manner.
  2. The planting seed is of inappropriate size. Before starting planting work, it is necessary to sort the bulbs according to their dimensions:

Sort the bulbs

  • sets (up to 10 millimeters in diameter);
  • medium fraction material (about 20 millimeters in diameter);
  • large material (more than 30 centimeters in diameter).

Large-sized planting material should be excluded, as it will definitely begin to bolt. However, it is good to plant for early greens.

  1. The landing took place at the wrong time. You can guarantee the prevention of bolting by planting the seedlings in warm soil - when planting, when early calendar spring has just arrived, the bulb may begin to bolt.

How to stop the shooting process

You can prevent bolting by planting onions in the pre-winter season, especially in areas with warm winters. However, if winter in the region is characterized by a predominance of low temperatures, this crop is planted in a different way.

Useful advice. Planting material purchased on the market must be heated for 20 days using a battery, near which a wooden tray with a set is placed so that the bow does not have arrows.

Purchased seeds must be soaked using a solution that you must make yourself. This is a highly effective home remedy made from potassium permanganate, which will also help prevent the appearance of arrows.

Folk methods for bolting bulbs

The most common folk method of treating onions from the phenomenon of bolting is to remove the peduncle. Carrying out this procedure can have a positive effect on the size of the future harvest. The area where the peduncle is cut is located at the base of the bulb. It should be noted that the arrow will grow again, so the flower stalks will have to be removed as they sprout. The arrow and peduncle are trimmed correctly from the bunch.

Note. You can identify a bolted onion plant by its thickened base.

Varietal shallots, as a rule, are not subject to bolting. The selection of a specific hybrid variety is determined by the climate prevailing in the region where the vegetable grows.

Useful advice. Onion arrows can be prepared in canned form or used as fertilizer.

Another method of getting rid of bolting is using soda. A teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate is diluted in a liter of boiling water until the powder is completely dissolved. Typically this procedure lasts for half an hour. It is recommended to cover the container and wrap it in a warm towel for greater effectiveness. Before soaking the seed bulbs, the scales are removed from them. If you completely remove the peel, the seeds may not sprout.

Also, to prevent arrows from forming on the onion, you can plant it in the form of germinated seedlings.

When the onion begins to go into the arrow, this is a fairly common problem when growing this crop. However, processing the planting material before planting so that the onion does not go into arrows, and proper care will help to avoid or completely get rid of such a problem.

Gardeners are often faced with the fact that onions go into the arrow. There are several reasons for this phenomenon: from improper storage of planting material to non-compliance with agricultural technology. Shooting onions leads to a decrease in yield, so it is important to know how to avoid this phenomenon.

What is shooting

Onions, like other plants, produce flower stalks. Gardeners call them shooters. It is worth noting: if flower stalks appear on the onion, it is still edible. You can use turnips and arrows. But this phenomenon has unpleasant consequences.

If the vegetables in the onion bed have sprouted flower stalks, you should not count on the harvest of this vegetable crop. In this case, the plant will spend all its energy on developing shoots, and the bulbs will grow to medium and small sizes.

Shooting vegetables are not suitable for long-term storage. After 2–3 months, the bulbs rot, so it is better to eat them immediately.

Inexperienced gardeners do not know whether to cut off the arrows. Yes, definitely, the main thing is to choose the moment. If you remove the shoot early, the plant will spend energy on developing new ones. But you cannot delay cutting the peduncle - it draws juices from the bulb. You need to cut off the arrow when swelling appears on it.

Why does the bow go into the arrow?

Cultivated varieties of the spicy vegetable are plants that form roots in the first year of development, and produce flower stalks in the second year. These shoots emerge from the apical bud and are formed during storage. In large bulbs with a diameter of 3 cm or more, this process occurs regardless of the conditions. Turnips, the size of which does not exceed 1 cm, develop a peduncle only due to improper storage. When growing a vegetable, a growing arrow often appears for the following reasons:

  • during the growing season the plant lacked moisture;
  • before planting, the seeds were stored in a room with high humidity;
  • the diameter of the planted turnips exceeded 3 cm;
  • there were sudden changes in weather and temperature fluctuations;
  • Soil with a high nitrogen content was selected for planting.

Some onion varieties are prone to flowering. They produce it regardless of weather conditions, compliance with agricultural practices and storage rules.

How to avoid shooting

To prevent onions from going into arrows, it is important to adhere to the rules of planting, care and storage. Do not rush to plant the crop in open ground, because night frosts lead to the death of the roots. The plant begins to bolt because it feels that the turnip does not have enough strength to grow. To reproduce by seeds, it produces a peduncle.

You should adhere to the following rules:

  • sort the onions, choosing sets with a diameter of 1 to 3 cm;
  • plant only proven varieties;
  • for planting, use strong, healthy onions without signs of growth;
  • properly prepare the seed;
  • provide plants with regular watering, weeding and fertilizing;
  • After harvesting, store the onions properly.

Planting before winter will help prevent bolting. But the method is suitable for regions with warm climates.

Rules for storing sets

The bulbs will not go into arrows if they are provided with optimal storage conditions. It is advisable to keep the sets at cold temperatures approaching 0°C. Onions tolerate a decrease to -4°C more easily than heat of +4°C.

It is recommended to store planting material in a basement or cellar, with access to air. The drier the room, the higher the chance that the turnip will not produce a peduncle. If it is not possible to take the seedlings to the cellar, the planting material is stored at a temperature no higher than +18°C and air humidity up to 75%.

Processing of planting material

If the bulbs or seeds were purchased at the market or in a store, the first thing to do before planting is to warm them over a radiator for 18–20 days, placing them on wooden pallets or boxes. Dried material produces a peduncle less often. In addition, bolting sets are kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Thanks to the procedure, the growth of roots is accelerated, the vegetable sprouts faster, and increases its green mass. Potassium permanganate kills harmful microbes, makes planting material healthy and immune to disease.

Landing dates

It is advisable to plant onions when the risk of night frosts disappears and the soil warms up to 20°C. But you should not delay planting, otherwise the crop will not have time to grow the turnip.

Watering rules

Onions are a moisture-loving plant; while they are growing green mass, they need regular and abundant watering.

Drought triggers bolting; it is important to provide the vegetable with constant moisture. After watering, you need to loosen the bed, otherwise a crust will form on the soil, blocking the access of oxygen to the roots. Lack of air causes the appearance of a flower stalk.

How to store onions

Preserving vegetables until spring is easy. Regardless of how you store onions, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • After harvesting, it is recommended to dry the vegetables;
  • Before sending to storage, roots and greens are removed from the bulbs. But this leaves a shoot of 4–6 cm;
  • The top, burst husk is removed from the crop;
  • vegetables are stored in fabric bags, wooden boxes, baskets and boxes with air access.

It is prohibited to store onions in plastic bags. In this material, the spicy vegetable rots.