The meaning of the name Kirill. Characteristics and meaning of the name Kirill The meaning of the patronymic name Kirill Evgenievich

Each name has its own history and is an integral part of human culture. Every person is interested in knowing where his name came from, the meaning, characteristics and interesting facts associated with his name. This article will tell you about name Kirill, name meaning and fate child with this name.

As a child, Kirill will be distinguished by increased curiosity about everything that surrounds him. He will ask a lot of questions, sometimes completely unexpected. Therefore, parents of a child with this name need to prepare to quickly look for answers to them. Kiryusha has an excellent memory and this will help him do well at school. His behavior is exemplary, which always makes parents and teachers happy. Kirill will start reading early to get even more information. With such knowledge, he will not have problems with his studies, but other students are not always friendly to him. After all, he doesn’t consider it necessary to help someone or let someone cheat. This behavior leads to the fact that boys named Kirill are quite withdrawn at a young age. At the same time, his analytical mindset allows him to succeed in all school disciplines.

From a very young age, Kirill learns the rules of good manners. Teachers will set him up as an example, and parents will have a reason to be proud of their son. Just under no circumstances should you overpraise your child so as not to develop a sense of selfishness. Excessive pride will turn your head, and this is of no use.

Kiryusha has been very moral since childhood, so there is no need to demand that he show tender feelings if he doesn’t want it himself.

A child with this name is in excellent health, but parents are advised to pay attention to the functioning of his digestive and circulatory systems. As a teenager, Kirill clearly defines his goal in life and persistently pursues it, despite the difficulties along the way. A special mindset makes it possible to perceive and use the necessary information without much effort.

Name Kirill boy character: traits by letter

The first letter “K”, which sets the direction for the entire name, gives its bearer the ability to be insightful, the ability to keep secrets, and gives an element of secrecy. The letter “I” is repeated twice in names. Bringing qualities such as: spirituality, seriousness, kindness, determination, enterprise, healthy skepticism, honesty and receptivity. The letter "P" gives its owner a sense of responsibility, courage, aptitude for crafts, a tendency towards dogmatism and an attraction to dynamic action. The last letter in the name “L” is also repeated twice. And he talks about sociability, a developed sense of beauty, the desire to experience tender feelings and be loved. Have material wealth and enjoy life. Having examined the name Kirill letter by letter, the meaning of the name and fate suggests that such an image cannot in any way be harmonious. Those. with strong emotional sensitivity, pragmatism and a craving for everything interesting, there is a strict dependence on generally accepted principles and views.

In his youth, Kirill easily finds his place not only among friends, but also among classmates. He is a leader by nature. And this explains his desire to be the first in everything - in school, games, at work, during rest. Very often, with increased attention to his person, he can become uncontrollable, and unnecessary self-confidence and frivolity arise from somewhere. At such moments, he is full of desire to have everything at once.

What else does the name Kirill give? The meaning of the name and the fate of a boy with this name is most often unpredictable, as is his behavior. A teenager can become carried away by narcissism and closely monitor his appearance. After praise addressed to him, your head will spin, and criticism and negative comments will be met with hostility. If someone allows himself such statements, Kirill will no longer communicate with him, being partly vindictive and vengeful in nature. At the same time, secrecy will not allow him to show his emotions. This person does not suffer from an inferiority complex. But due to excessive confidence in his irresistibility, Kirill may become arrogant or selfish.

If a boy named Kirill strives to develop curiosity, search and accumulate new knowledge, accurately set goals and work hard to achieve them, then he will be able to realize his natural abilities and justify the best qualities that underlie his name.

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Every woman, having learned about her pregnancy, begins to come up with a name for her future baby. If a boy is expected, then it wouldn’t hurt to find out what the name Kirill means?

Origin of the name Kirill: the name itself is Russian, Christian, but the roots are Greek.

The meaning of the name Kirill for a boy: translated from different languages, the name Kirill means “sun”, “master”, “lord”, “lord”.

The name Cyril in foreign languages: Cyril, Kirel, Cyril, Cirillo.

Feminine derivative of the name Kirill: .

Zodiac: Capricorn.

Patronizing planet: Saturn.

Kirill's color: scarlet, amber, cobalt.

Talisman: precious blue sapphire.

Plant as a source of energy for a person named Kirill: corn, cacti, fir.

Animal: arctic fox, seal.

A child named Kirill has a thirst for knowledge from early childhood. The little boy asks his mother an endless series of questions every day and tirelessly gets answers about everything in the world. It is curiosity that is the main thing for Kirill in childhood. In order to quench his thirst for knowledge, the child goes to the library and absorbs all the books there indiscriminately. Sometimes he himself does not fully understand the material he is studying.

Kiryusha behaves politely and respectfully with strangers. His parents will never have to blush for him. Mothers of other babies often cite him as an example to their children. This is why Kirill’s peers sometimes dislike him, and he himself grows up slightly arrogant, loves and values ​​himself excessively.

In his youth, Kirya is distinguished by his sexuality and outstanding intelligence. The character of a young man named Kirill is strong-willed: it is not easy to argue with him, he is confident that he is right, and sometimes goes ahead.

The secret of the name Cyril lies in its main features. This is curiosity and ambition. Sometimes, having learned something bad, he regrets his curiosity. But more often it helps Kiryusha go forward, move up the career ladder at an enviable speed, have success with the opposite sex and a lot of money. This man is overly self-confident, proud, puts himself first both in his career (which is good) and in love. He knows how to impress others with his appearance, and likes to “show off” his colleagues. People often envy him, thinking that Kirill is doing great both at home and at work.

The interpretation of the name Kirill suggests that he is very susceptible to flattery and praise. He loves a woman to sing his praises, praise him and honor him. Although he himself is often not worthy of such exaltation, he invests little and rarely in relationships.

The fate of all Kirills is different. It depends on what will eventually begin to dominate in it. For example, a man named Kirill has a high chance of becoming an egoist in adulthood, since everyone has praised and encouraged him since childhood.

The behavior of this man is sometimes unpredictable. In similar situations, he can behave in completely polar ways. This often amuses his friends and acquaintances and baffles his beloved women.

In relationships with the opposite sex, a person named Kirill always relies solely on himself and his own feelings: he will not be embarrassed by his parents’ objections about his new chosen one or the laughter of his friends because of her non-standard appearance. Not shy about his feelings, romantic, sincere - all this is Kirill. The meaning of the name also implies objectivism and steely self-confidence.

Decoding his numerological horoscope often speaks of high intuition (almost feminine). But Kirill prefers to rely on reason.

Sensitive to little things and various subtleties in communication, Kirya loves to analyze his own behavior and the behavior of the people around him. His beloved woman will more than once be faced with the fact that her man “withdrew into himself” for a long time. There is no need to worry: this only means that Kirill needs to be alone with himself. This is how men named Kirill restore their biofield and direct the energy of the body in the right direction.

What does the name Kirill mean? This is a person with highly moral principles who will never violate them. If this does happen, he will reproach himself for this for many years.

At work and in training, Kirya shows excellent results. He quickly learns everything new, possessing an excellent memory and the art of communicating with strangers.

He begins his sexual life very early and wants to try a lot. By the time of marriage, a man named Kirill has usually already “walked up” and strives to remain faithful to his wife and love her alone. He almost always marries a woman with a strong, strong-willed character: he chooses a soul mate “to match” himself. Kirill's wife should become the unspoken head of the family and gently guide her husband in his affairs and endeavors.

Among his own friends there is such a man - soul of the company, adventurer. They love him, listen to him and go for advice in case of family quarrels.

To work successfully, a man needs a clear and precise goal to which he must strive. By setting a vague task in front of him, you may not achieve anything: Kirill is sometimes very lazy and does not realize this himself. In his own business he can achieve excellent results and big profits. Likes to be first and win. Knows how to behave with colleagues who are one step below him, is patient and independent, proactive and efficient.

Character by time of birth

  • A man born in winter is distinguished by high attentiveness, perseverance and diligence from early childhood. Often he becomes a doctor or paramedic (healing people is the vocation of the “winter” Kirill);
  • “Autumn” Kirya loves technology, cars and sports. There is potential in the field of economics, law and accounting;
  • A boy born in summer has a cheerful disposition, loves to joke and is very charming. Delving into other people's heads is his passion. Will find himself in the field of philosophy, psychology;
  • “Spring” Kirill is often reserved. Getting the word “I love” from such a man is not easy. He is noble and kind, loves to read. Will become an excellent architect, designer or fashion designer.


The name Cyril is of ancient Greek origin and came to us along with paganism straight from Ancient Greece. Moreover, it survived for centuries and was eventually even accepted by the Orthodox Church. The literal interpretation of this name means “lord” or “lord.” The root word is "Κύριλλος" in Greek.

By the way, the male name Cyril is contained in the name book according to the Saints. It is popular and represents the Christian Saint, the missionary who created the first version of the Slavic alphabet. It also promises happiness, harmony, success and everything that every self-respecting parent wants to give a child.

Conversational options: Kirilka, Kirya, Kir, Kira, Kiryukha, Kirukha

Modern English analogues: Cirilo, Cirillo, Ciril, Kirel

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Kirill usually endows its bearers with a whole bunch of interesting characteristics. Traditionally, the character depends on the season of the year in which the boy named in this way was born, but there are also common features that are characteristic of all Kirills without exception. Among them are zeal for the better, sensitivity, sentimentality, compassion and love for the smooth flow of the river of fate, sensuality, enormous willpower, excellent imagination, fantasy, the ability to achieve goals by any possible means.

Although all Kirills, without exception, have one common drawback. It lies in the fact that for the time being they are easy to control and manipulate. Kirill is easy to convince of something with which he does not agree, and he is easy to control, manipulate, he is easy to use, and people will take advantage of this if his parents do not teach him from childhood to have his own opinion on everything.

Advantages and positive features: determination, excellent imagination and good imagination, fairness and communication skills, complaisance and accuracy, responsibility and punctuality. Kirill is always a kind, generous, and very correct person.

Kirill has a bad attitude towards people who are secretive and withdrawn, those who never take the initiative to communicate, although in fact they are the ones with whom he should communicate. He also hates people who are weak in a moral and psychological sense.

The name Cyril belongs to a huge number of Saints, and what is equally important, according to the main version, it has very strong energy.

Character of the name Kirill

The character of the name Kirill - this parameter is one of the most important, and this is an absolute fact, but it is quite difficult to unravel it. However, even this parameter is subject to research, thanks to which the researchers themselves were able to come to several interesting versions, one of which indicates that the character of the boy named so should promise predictability, callousness, restraint, obedience, self-criticism, exactingness, integrity and planning. This is a guy who follows his own plan, never tries to stand out from the crowd, lives by his own rules and in accordance with his own principles - his character should be complex, in theory...

On the other hand, character is an unpredictable thing - there are enormous chances that under the influence of additional factors, such as the zodiac sign or the sign according to the Chinese horoscope, the character may look completely different from what is described above. And in general, the character of an adult guy, called the Kirill variation, may not be at all similar to what appears to be the theory of researchers, and upbringing will be to blame.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a boy with the name Kirill is filled with good impressions from everyone around him, and all only thanks to the influence that the meaning of the name Kirill has on the bearer, on the child. In childhood, traits such as obedience, calmness, and kindness are bestowed. Kindness, energy, impetuosity, arrogance, prudence, good manners, caring. True, all these traits manifest themselves in each carrier of the Cyril variation in different ways, in different intensities, because many of them depend on additional influencing factors, such as the patron planet and the talisman stone, for example.

Usually, in childhood, parents practically do not swear at this boy, because he is calm and does not bring trouble, and he does not force his parents to be disappointed - he always listens to them, supports them in everything, and even in moments of weakness, when he wants to have fun and be a child, he does not will do this, but on the contrary, will demonstrate the incredible power of restraint. The only problem is lack of self-confidence and too harsh an attitude towards criticism of his behavior from strangers. Mother and father should pay special attention to instilling these qualities in him, because otherwise his life in the future will be filled with problems, headed by self-doubt - such is the meaning of the name Kirill...


Kirill is a teenager; he is a complex and quite unpredictable person. His main problem is that he is afraid to trust people - because of this, he has practically no real friends, those whom he can call such, but at the same time he has many comrades, and most of them want to communicate with him and be friends. Adolescence and the significance of such a variation as Kirill can already at this stage endow him with purposefulness, self-criticism, love, justice, honesty, hard work and planning.

The only disadvantage of a boy named Kirill at this stage is his boringness - many may find his planfulness boring, his reluctance to be unpredictable and take risks, but such is the meaning, and such is the nature it promises to the bearer of this name. But at school and in his studies as such, he has a huge chance of success - any task he undertakes risks being completed in the shortest possible time, the only thing that can interfere with this moment. This is the lack of interest in the boy Kirill himself. If he doesn’t like something, then no matter how hard he tries, he simply won’t be able to finish such a thing.

But he has excellent relationships in the team, he understands people well, is discreet, is never rude to anyone, and tries to make everyone equal for himself, without highlighting anyone’s strengths or weaknesses.

Grown man

Adult Kirill is a completely different person. At first glance, this is a callous, firm, unemotional, insensitive leader with good organizational talents, but in fact his essence is bursting with emotions - he just does an excellent job of retaining emotions, knows how to keep them in his own power and never shows them to anyone. He has excellent leadership abilities, he can build an excellent career in the field of personnel management, for example, and in general, as a leader, he will be respected in society.

But there is one “but” - the meaning of the name at this age already has a minimum influence, and features begin to appear that promise not the meaning, but additional, in particular, astrological factors. This situation can lead to the fact that Kirill, having reached maturity, can begin to change right before his eyes, absorbing the energy of his environment and being re-educated. Although, again, this is just a theory, and whatever impact it had on a newborn child, the same can ultimately have on an adult guy.

Interaction of Kirill’s character with the seasons

Winter - born under the auspices of the meaning of Winter, boys named Kirill also have a heightened sense of hard work. They are diligent, attentive, and always help. They are happy to protect their loved ones from harm, and always go to the end in their intentions.

It’s summer – and these have a charm to look for, but also a difficult character. Charm and sociability, a desire for philosophizing and fun - these qualities contribute to the growth of popularity among people around him. There will be no shortage of communication, but there will always be a bias in the choice of interlocutors.

Autumn - these guys are prone to analytics and reasoning. Leaders at heart, partly show the desire to lead too clearly. The desire to achieve the highest levels of prosperity, the desire to find surprises of fate and a sense of eternal balance - everything plays into your hands.

Spring - here secretive and reserved children are born by origin, who in the future become romantics and noble gentlemen. Kirill lives in his own fantasy world, and for this he receives respect and honor. A boy named in this way will become a good soul mate for his chosen one, an excellent family man and an exemplary father.

The fate of the name Kirill

The fate of the name Kirill in marriage, love, and relationships with representatives of the weaker half of humanity is another parameter, a factor that was studied at one time by quite a large number of researchers. It is believed that the fate of a man so named in relationships with ladies will be very difficult, and all for the sole reason that a man named so usually grows up to be too secretive, for a man, unemotional, the kind that women usually avoid.

On the other hand, again, fate is unpredictable and may have many surprises in store in the future. Kirill is a callous and reserved, predictable and systematic guy, in most cases, but it may also happen that fate turns his world upside down with some difficult life situation, which will affect everything, including relationships with women.

But there is one exact moment - fate assumes that if Kirill finds a soul mate, he will do everything possible for her happiness, and this, whatever one may say, is the key to happiness, a strong family, and really good relationships - such is the life of a man named such a variation like Kirill.

Love and marriage

Kirill can easily win the heart and trust of the lady he likes, but he himself rarely falls in love quickly. The appearance of his companion is important to him, and he falls in love with her attitude towards him. His chosen one should show maximum attention, affection and care in order to awaken deep feelings in him.

An attractive, intelligent, calm, caring and at the same time strong-willed woman is the ideal of his wife. With his wife, Kirill should feel not only comfortable and cozy, but also interesting. Also, the peace-loving Kirill will never get involved with a brawler, because he is not a supporter of conflicts. And for him, the opinions of others about his soul mate are not important.

His chosen one can have no doubt about his marital fidelity, because betrayal for him is meanness not worthy of a true man.

Kirill is quite lazy and lacking initiative in family relationships, so he does not fight for the role of leader in the family and readily obeys his wise and active wife. In return, he requires only a manifestation of love and admiration from his wife. Under her strict guidance, he tries to make the life of his family as comfortable as possible. It is extremely important for him that an atmosphere of kindness, love and tranquility reigns in the house.

Kirill as Father

Each person is so individual that it is simply impossible to say exactly what kind of parent he will become, having acquired this or that name, but it is quite possible to guess. Complaisant and responsible Kirill has every chance of becoming a caring father. Children for him are the greatest happiness. He will do everything to ensure that they grow up in an atmosphere of love and harmony.

He is not only able to help his beloved with the housework, but he can also easily cope with children. Kirill will love to travel with his children, using different modes of transport. Even in his hometown, he will ride with them on the bus, on the tram, on the trolleybus, and, if available, on the metro. The only place he will never offer to go himself is to their grandmother, his mother-in-law, whom he wants to see as rarely as possible.

Kirill takes an active part in the educational process of his children. He teaches them mutual understanding, responsibility and mutual assistance. True, sometimes he lacks self-confidence and some kind of masculine core. This is especially important for the son, because he copies the model of behavior of his father, who in some situations could do with becoming a little firmer.

Horoscope named after Kirill


Aries - Kirill, who came into the world under the influence of the meaning of Aries, is a consistent, demanding, impulsive person who is not allowed to act rashly. To start a family, he is looking for the ideal lady who will satisfy his wishes and needs.


The Taurus will be a timid and sensitive boy named Kirill, with a fine organization of the soul, an emotional and at the same time indifferent romantic. He is resistant to everyday difficulties, ready to reach his goal through obstacles, and will never give in to happiness. Has a strong character.


Gemini - here the zodiac and the name Kirill create a unique personality. By nature, he is passionate and emotional, and can become gentle and quiet. But it could explode at any moment. Such a person’s mood is too changeable - he asserts himself through the pride of his own chosen one. She will choose one that will tolerate his antics.


Cancer is kind and charming, compatibility with other zodiacs is very good, he is not able to tolerate rudeness and intrusiveness - these traits repel even the one with whom he truly fell in love, seemingly forever.

a lion

Leo, on the contrary, loves rudeness on the part of the weaker half of humanity, but will not allow men who occupy the “post” of friends and relatives to show it. He is full of surprises, independent and emotional, and in the role of a spouse he is caring and gentle.


And under the sign of Virgo, Kirill will be born, reserved, although sociable. He loves to communicate with people, cannot live without society, but is afraid of being betrayed or disappointed by them. In his personal life he is problematic - he repels ladies with his correctness, although at any moment he can charm him with his charm.


Libra - a guy with this zodiac is friendly and loves the attention of people around him. This is a creative person who loves everything related to art. His beloved will only be the one who matches his intelligence and upbringing. It’s difficult to please a guy, but life with him is heavenly.


Scorpio is born as an independent, powerful, uncontrollable boy. Stubbornness and perseverance will play into your hands, including in your career. But in communicating with people and relationships with the fair half it will be difficult - he requires submission and complete satisfaction.


Sagittarius – compatibility with other zodiac signs of the Sagittarius named Cyril is quite good, and all thanks to the ability to speak beautifully, woo, and convince. He moves through life easily, is able to charm anyone and everyone, but people are scared off by his inconstancy and tendency to lie for his own good.


Capricorn loves to communicate with people, but is afraid of disappointment in them. For a long period of life, he despises living together and strives for independence. He is faithful and caring in relationships, incapable of betrayal, but does not trust even his chosen beloved.


But Aquarius will be a strong, reliable, lonely and freedom-loving man. He is secretive by nature, independent, prefers loneliness and renunciation from this world to fun. He is vulnerable and touchy, often disappointed in people, loves being a bachelor and in every possible way rejects women who want to start a family with him - however, only until he reaches middle age.


Pisces - this guy is pragmatic and practical, knows how to use intuition, is a good listener and is always open to complaints. But there is a problem - he is selfish, and does nothing without benefit for himself. The chosen one will be the one who is ready only to give, but not receive anything in return.

Compatibility with female names

The name Kirill has the best compatibility in terms of feelings and love with such variations of female names as Ulyana, Yana, Regina, Vera, Nora, Eleanor...

With the likes of Praskovya, Lolita, Lada, Carolina and Daria, Kiri has every chance of building a strong and truly happy marriage, in which each of the halves will be completely satisfied with the behavior and traits of the chosen one.

And with Ninel, Elsa, Agnia, Marianna and Dora, unfortunately, there is no connection in terms of the inner world; here only negativity and complete disagreements can be promised.

This vulnerable and sensitive guy Kirill needs a protector. a woman with a strong spirit and excellent determination, impetuous and strong...

Meaning and Origin: The name Cyril comes from either the Persian root meaning "Sun" or the Greek word for "lord".

Energy and Karma:

The intensity of this name is not immediately noticeable. In terms of energy, there is a sense of significant strength and hardness in him, perhaps even excessive.

At the same time, it sounds rather closed, little inclining its owner to an external manifestation of strength. Usually the name gives Kirill moderate calmness and cheerfulness, but with the emergence of any problems in his soul, tension begins to grow, especially noticeable in adolescence, when it often makes Kirill overly irritable. And even in his more mature years, behind his apparent poise, one can sometimes discern a readiness to instantly bristle and stand up for himself.

Secrets of communication:

Usually Kirill values ​​his independence, but often people, seduced by his apparent balance, try to actively influence him and quietly make an enemy. It also happens that someone unwittingly becomes a source of irritation for Kirill. It is unlikely that things will come to a scandal, however, an astute person will be able to notice the growing tension in his soul. In this case, you can defuse the situation by switching the conversation to tutema, where Kirill feels like a professional. If you are able to discern his merits in this area, then, most likely, instead of irritation, mutual respect will appear between you.

  • Zodiac sign: Leo.
  • Planet: Sun.
  • Name colors: dark steel, light green.
  • Talisman stone: emerald, pyrope.

Meaning of the name Kirill option 2

1. Personality. Living in two dimensions.

2. Character. 90%.

3. Radiation. 91%.

4. Vibration. 103,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Red.

6. Main features. Will - sexuality - intellect - health.

7. Totem plant. Corn.

8. Totem animal. Seal.

9. Sign. Scorpion.

10. Type. It is difficult to describe their character, since they live in two elements, like a seal, living both in water and on land.

11. Psyche. It is never known in what form they will appear. These are unexpected people. They are objective, self-confident, and not influenced. They look timid, but this is only an appearance.

12. Will. They have a strong will, which they successfully use to their advantage.

13. Excitability. Very weak.

14. Reaction speed. Fast, in an argument they are capable of sharp attacks that injure their interlocutors; it is better not to get into a verbal altercation with such men.

15. Field of activity. They want to know for whom and what they are working for. From their youth, they need a clearly defined goal. They make excellent judges, industrialists, and doctors.

16. Intuition. Highly developed.

17. Intelligence. Kirill is endowed with a synthetic and analytical mind, excellent memory and healthy curiosity.

18. Receptivity. They are able to understand everything, observe people kindly and carefully. They express emotions with restraint and should not be forced to demonstrate their feelings.

19. Morality. We can say that they have the moral principles of a soldier who is accustomed to acting according to regulations and does not have his own opinion.

20. Health. In general, it doesn’t give them much trouble. The weak parts of the body are the blood circulation and the digestive system.

21. Sexuality. Men with this type of character are introduced early to the joys of life, without, however, allowing themselves to be drawn into undesirable situations. They get real pleasure from sex, but always remain tactful. These are men who manage to easily win the trust and love of women. They are loyal and reliable, capable of strong love.

22. Activity. As leaders, they demand iron discipline from their subordinates, while simultaneously creating a family atmosphere in the team.

23. Sociability. Kirill receives guests on a grand scale, spending a lot of money on it.

24. Conclusion. These are people with a very strong character, top-class men. Their only drawback is the desire to take their partner by surprise.

Meaning of the name Kirill option 3

Of ancient Greek origin, a diminutive of Cyrus - lord, ruler, according to other sources, from the Greek word “sun”.

Little Kirill is interested in everything: why the bubbles in sparkling water rise up, and why he was born alone, and his friend was born with his little sister...

As soon as he learns to read, he strives to read everything in the house, and thanks to his good memory, he remembers many things perfectly. He learns the rules of good behavior early, teachers have no trouble with him and often set him as an example to other children. However, he is an egoist, and his peers do not like him: Kirill will never give advice to his deskmate who is in a difficult situation, or allow him to write off a test. He is ambitious and strives to be the first everywhere; Colleagues often consider him a careerist.

Kirill most often has one child. He can have a purebred beautiful dog, but caring for it will fall on the shoulders of his wife. He strives to live separately from his mother-in-law, with whom mutual hostility is immediately (and often forever) established. Outwardly, however, this hardly manifests itself: Kirill has good self-control, and he can hide his feelings.

He is one of the people with high self-esteem. Inferiority complexes are almost unknown to him, but if he has them, then those around him will never guess about it. He loves to show off and constantly expects praise for his intelligence, subtle taste, manner of behavior, and ability to dress. Even when choosing a wife, he thinks first of all about what impression she will make on others.

Kirill is a big arguer; it is almost impossible to convince him of anything. Likes to speculate on abstract topics. He’s not picky about food, doesn’t refuse help around the house, but doesn’t show much initiative either. Jealous. As a rule, he does not cheat on his wife.

According to many sources, Kirill’s wife would be one of those whose names are Ada, Alla, Angela, Veta, Gelena, Elena, Margarita, Oksana, Rimma, Yana. The likelihood of an unsuccessful marriage is high with Aurora, Agnia, Alevtina, Valeria, Ekaterina, Lydia, Maya, Marianna, Nadezhda, Ruslana, Emma.

Meaning of the name Kirill option 4

Kirill - “lord” (Greek)

He is in good health and suffered little illness as a child. In the future, he may experience problems with the circulatory and digestive systems. The nature is very contradictory. The first impression is that he is a timid, indecisive person, but this is only an appearance.

In a moment he can become energetic, uncontrollable, even eccentric. Full of surprises, and you never know what will happen next minute. At the same time, he is objective, self-confident, does not succumb to the influence of others, he has a strong will, and he quite skillfully achieves what he wants. Excitability is very weak, but the reaction rate is high. In a dispute, he is capable of harsh statements, without thinking about what might hurt his interlocutor. It is unsafe to enter into a verbal altercation with him, since you can lose your authority by either yielding to him or losing the argument “dry.” Kirill will bombard you with irrefutable arguments.

From his youth, he needs a clearly defined goal. He wants to know for whom, for what and with whom he will work. Intuition is highly developed, but does not always use it, relying on reason. This is a person with high intellectual potential who is interested in absolutely everything. He has both a synthetic and analytical mind. He has an excellent memory. He is able to understand everything without much effort. Watches people carefully.

Quite calmly expresses his feelings, including to his parents. They should remember this and not force him to demonstrate love, otherwise he will withdraw into himself, but still will not succumb to pressure. His morality is quite high even without parental intervention. He rarely deviates from generally accepted norms, he is too decent and innately intelligent.

Kirill's sexuality is heightened. He enters into sexual life early, but nothing bad happens if his parents correctly inform him in this regard in advance, and do not tell him beautiful stories. He will not allow himself to be drawn into an indecent relationship. He gets real pleasure from sex and always remains tactful. This is a man who easily manages to win the love and trust of any woman, but Kirill does not abuse his capabilities. He is loyal and capable of strong love. He is both passion and calm.

Being a boss, he demands iron discipline from his subordinates, and at the same time creates a favorable microclimate in the team. Hospitable, receives friends on a grand scale, sparing no expense. This is a man with a very strong character.

“Winter” Kirill is interested in medicine, loves music, is diligent and attentive. But he doesn’t have to make any special efforts to achieve his goal.

“Autumn” - gravitates towards technology, design, can become a good economist. More favorable combinations with patronymics: Anatolyevich, Stepanovich, Ivanovich, Rafailovich, Emilievich, Oskarovich, Efimovich, Vladimirovich.

“Summer” - broad-minded, cheerful, charming, the soul of the party. Philosophy and psychology occupy him most.

“Spring” Kirill is closed in childhood, but then opens up, although he is stingy in expressing feelings. Very kind and noble. He pays a lot of attention to literature, he likes architecture. Patronymic names: Dmitrievich, Leontievich, Fedorovich, Nikolaevich, Semenovich, Alexandrovich - will suit this Kirill most of all.

Meaning of the name Kirill option 5

Internally contradictory: stubborn, capricious, irritable, easily vulnerable, talented. Very efficient, but lazy. Intolerant, conflicting. Sexy.

Good abstract thinking contributes to the idealization of women, whose chastity they identify with spiritual beauty. Having gotten married, they turn the marital relationship into simply a habitual “exercise”. As a rule, the claims of unsatisfied and annoying wives are treated with leniency.

Kirill loves to dress brightly and is passionate about shape and external aesthetics. With friends they are affectionate, sociable, but not obligatory. Prone to alcoholism and drug addiction (all types).

Meaning of the name Kirill option 6

Kirill - from Greek. little sir, colloquial Kiril and Kirill.

Derivatives: Kirilka, Kirya, Kira, Kiryukha, Kiryusha, Kiryunya, Kirusya, Kiryakha, Kiryasha.

Name days: January 31, February 17, 27, March 22, 25, 31, April 3, 11, May 17, 24, June 22, 30, July 22, September 19, November 20, December 21.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Rejoice, Kiryushka, grandma will have a feast too.

It's the end of spring and the beginning of summer in Kirill.

March 31 - Kirill-deri snake; Around this day the roads deteriorate and it becomes difficult to ride a sleigh.


The meaning hidden in the name Kirill - to be a master - also predetermined the leading trait of his character - ambition. It manifests itself in everything: in how high an opinion he has about his own capabilities, in how much he loves praise, in how categorically he speaks in business discussions or friendly disputes, and also in how he achieves success with women, without allowing the thought of defeat. Here, ambition “spurs” pride, and pride - bursts of jealousy, often without any reason.

Meaning of the name Kirill option 7

KIRILL- lord (Greek).

Name day: January 31 - St. Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, zealously defended the Orthodox faith from heretics, and suffered many persecutions from them (IV century).

September 19 - Hieromartyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortyn, was beheaded for the faith of Christ under Maximian.

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn.
  • Planet - Saturn.
  • Color - dark yellow.
  • A favorable tree is fir.
  • The treasured plant is the crocus.
  • The patron of the name is the deer.
  • The talisman stone is yellow sapphire.


Kirill is inquisitive and tireless in comprehending new things; he is powerfully driven by ambition. He is one of the people with high self-esteem. Inferiority complexes are almost unknown to him; in any case, those around him are sure that everything is always in order with him. He loves to show off and is constantly waiting for praise for his intelligence, subtle taste, manners, clothes, etc. He loves to argue and so passionately that it is almost impossible to convince him. In love, Kirill is faithful, but very jealous and suspicious.

Meaning of the name Kirill option 8

Kirill is inquisitive and interested in almost everything. Bibliophile. Erudite. He has good manners and high moral principles. He strives to please others, and he succeeds. He is a little withdrawn, but this is explained by his modesty and indecisiveness.

He is more sociable with close friends. Selfish, but not to the point of being painful. He is not arrogant, he will not offend anyone, but he is full of self-esteem and knows his worth. Moderately vain and ambitious.

He likes to appear in a more favorable light than others, but will never harm anyone. Kirill has few real friends, and he himself does not know how to be a real comrade, because he is mainly busy with himself. Very attached to his mother, caring and jealous. It is not easy to be married to him, since Kirill demands from his wife the same intelligence that he himself possesses. An excellent specialist - both in the humanities and in technical sciences. He lacks determination in his work, but he has enough ingenuity and ingenuity for two.

Curious Moral Cheerful

Kirill Andreev, Russian singer

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Kirill mean?

Kirill sounds very tough and authoritative. The meaning of the name Kirill tells us that this person is so sociable, attractive and disciplined that sometimes you even think: where did he come from?

Basically, it is these character traits that manifest themselves in a boy, and then in a man with that name to a greater extent.

Of course, this interpretation of the characteristics for Kirill looks rather positive, but this is only at first glance. In fact, history shows that a lot depends on childhood and proper upbringing.

The character of the name Kirill can and should be competently influenced: instill love and respect for other people, teach to listen to the feelings of others and look not only at the outer shell, but also at the inner content.

It’s not for nothing that there are diminutive variants – Kiryusha, Kiryunechka, Kira. This means that their owner will be distinguished not only by his ideal appearance, but also by his special inner sensitivity.

Would you name your child this name?

There are two theories describing the origin of the name Kirill, but which one is correct remains only a mystery. According to one version, the name Kirill came to us from ancient Greek Byzantium after the Baptism of Rus'. And it came from a shorter form - Cyrus, which translated from Greek means “lord, lord.” Another origin story suggests that the name was mentioned in Ancient Persia and meant “sun”.

The name Kirill literally exudes strength and authority, and therefore sometimes needs to be softened by some more compliant patronymic.

Otherwise, adult Kira will go through life like a battering ram, sometimes hitting heads. The compatibility of a man with this name with other people will be minimal.

This name is not very common, although not only people bear it, because even one of the strongest hurricanes in 2007, which swept through most of Europe, was named Kirill.

Name forms

Simple: Kirill Full: Kirill Ancient: Kira Affectionate: Kiryusha

The name implies a great degree of seriousness, arrogance and at the same time perfection. Since childhood, Kira has been trying to be the best in everything, to do all tasks flawlessly. He is very inquisitive, does not sit still, and can sometimes drive his parents crazy with his endless “whys.” So the history of the name Kirill shows that these people are really born to “rule”, and, it should be noted, they do it well.

They are demanding both of themselves and of everyone else, so the owners of this name usually do not have very many friends. Outwardly, Kiryusha looks very calm and balanced.

However, few people know that in adolescence, these character traits hide uncertainty and a readiness to fight back at the offender at any time. He tries to always be on guard.

Parents should take a close look at Kira in order to notice this barrier in time and try to instill in their child a sense of humor: this will make it easier for him to look at himself in the eyes of others. You can even reduce this to a game: give a description of some similar situation and explain with a smile what the correct attitude towards it will be.

One can only envy Kirill’s intelligence, ingenuity and ingenuity, because he easily solves the most difficult problems both in life and at work. And if the owner of this name manages to hide (or better yet, extinguish in the bud) his irritability, then he will have no value as a specialist or leader.

The characteristics of the name Cyril endowed its owner with a truly enviable set of qualities: modesty, morality, ambition, good taste, belief in one’s own rightness and one’s strengths.

All these advantages, combined with those that come from the interpretation of his name as “master,” help Kira find and take his place in life, become successful in his career, in his personal life, and in self-development.

Some laziness present in character often pays off with talent and the ability to work under tight deadlines. Having clearly set a goal for himself, Kirill will achieve it no matter what. And his excellent memory, the ability to quickly understand the situation and attention to detail will help him in this (every little thing matters to him).

Character traits



High morality




Hot temper




Ambitious Kirill will often choose his wife so that he can brag about her. Therefore, Kiri's attention will be focused primarily on appearance. Although this does not mean at all that he will make a bad husband, because he will sincerely love his chosen one.

True, sometimes Kirill will still take out on his family all the negativity accumulated at work (which, by the way, he keeps secret from others), so the family will have to be sensitive in this matter and not take all these attacks to heart or at their own expense. It is worth remembering that this is just a temporary bad mood, nothing more.

According to what the name Kirill means, he, being very popular with women, remains faithful to his wife.

But as if in revenge, he will constantly be jealous of his wife, for whom the origin of this jealousy will be completely incomprehensible. Kirill is distinguished by sensuality, he is capable of arranging romantic surprises for his wife even after 15 years. But it’s better not to expect help with the housework or with the children - in this regard, he is absolutely useless.

The meaning of the name Kirill for a boy

The meaning of the name suggests that the boy has authority and a sense of ownership. True, at first it will not be too noticeable, because all children are attached to their mother, and it is difficult to notice the desire to possess her alone.
The child grows up sociable and smiling, however, he is a little wary of strangers.

Little Kirill is very inquisitive and thoughtful. He is driven by the desire to be the first, the best, which means setting the bar too high for himself and those around him. This child does not see obstacles - the ambitious, persistent, balanced Kirill will definitely achieve success.

What will Kirill achieve success in?

This boy's main motivation in his studies will be the desire to become smarter than others. This should help Kirill take the position of a formal or informal leader in the team. Recognition from adults plays an important role in the formation of Kiryusha's personality. He has excellent intuition and knows how to sense people and guide them competently.

If you have chosen the name Kirill for your son, you should not over-praise him, otherwise he will become arrogant. The role of praise is very important, however, it must be to the point. It is worth teaching your child to perceive with humor any oddities or failures that happen. This will definitely help Kiryusha in life.

What games will Kirill like?

The boy loves games where he is allowed to rule. Thanks to his imagination, Kirill often invents stories, for example, about space invaders or pirates, in order to then become the leader in an exciting game.