What does the name Asya have to do with Nastya? Name meaning: Anastasia. Anastasia married, compatibility

A girl named Anastasia is, as it were, destined to be the best from childhood. She is full of tenderness, kindness, beauty and sincerity. It is not for nothing that most of the main heroines of ancient Russian fairy tales are named by this name. The name has the original meaning of “relocation”. Translated, it means “rebel”, “resurrection”, “return to life”.

It consists of smooth sounds, which, however, are not devoid of some swiftness and pressure. A girl with this name will be very energetic, lively, cheerful, and will have a subtle mental attitude.

Origin of the name Anastasia:

The name considered truly Russian is Anastasia, after all, albeit a very long time ago, but borrowed from another language. The root word for it is the ancient Greek word “anastas” (resurrected).

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Anastasia:

Usually, little Nastya is the object of universal adoration in the family - everyone loves and pampers her. The girl is growing up dreamy, with a well-developed imagination, and loves fairy tales. The only thing that can upset her parents is her poor appetite. But this is only because Nastya is very selective in everything, and especially in food. Possessing both logical and well-developed creative thinking, Anastasia does not accept routine. As a child, it is very difficult to teach her to be tidy - Nastya does not even like to clean her room. And, already as an adult, Nastya will do housework only according to her mood. But despite this, she really loves comfort and luxury. She likes to decorate the room with flowers and various elegant things.

Anastasia has a well-developed intuition, thanks to which she can have the gift of clairvoyance. She feels good in a job where she needs to put in a significant amount of effort and knowledge. Nastya will easily make a career as an actress, director, writer, musician or singer. She is also suitable for professions related to teaching and psychology. She has wonderful taste and knows how to choose unique, original gifts.

A strong and courageous young man will be able to win Anastasia’s heart. He prefers to choose a man from the military profession as a husband. If Nastya does not marry at a young age, then, in the future, in the hope of finding “her prince,” she may wait until adulthood, or she will not marry at all. If a woman with this name was able to realize herself in family life, she will be a devoted and caring wife and mother. Coquetry and relationships with other men do not appeal to her.

There are two most common diminutive versions of the name Anastasia - Asya and Nastya. And, depending on what the parents call their daughter in childhood, her characteristic features begin to take shape. So, if they use the “Asya” option, then the girl is the most active and cheerful, in contrast to the “Nastya” option, which is more reserved and calm.

The name was very popular in Russia both among ordinary peasants and among tsars. For example, it was worn by the wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. She was a very good friend and adviser, and when she died, her death was a huge shock for the king.

Name Anastasia in different languages:

  • Name Anastasia in English: Anastacia, Anastasia (Enesteisha);
  • Name Anastasia in Chinese: 阿娜斯塔西娅 (Anasytasia);
  • Name Anastasia in Japanese: 篏巣他雌冶 (A-na-su-ta-si-a);
  • Name Anastasia in Spanish: Anastasia (Anastasia), Tacha (Tacha);
  • Name Anastasia in German: Anastasia (Anastasia), Stasi (Stasi);
  • The name Anastasia in Polish: anastazja (Anastasia);
  • The name Anastasia in Ukrainian: Anastasia.

Forms and variants of the name Anastasia: Nastenka, Naya, Nastyulya, Nyusya, Nastya, Nastulya, Nastyunya, Nastya, Nasta, Nasya, Styura, Nastyukha, Nastyusha, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Asyusha, Nastyakha, Nastasya, Stasya, Nastasyushka, Nasa, Nata, Nastunya, Nastyura , Anastasyushka, Anastaska, Nayusya, Tyona, Nastyokha, Susha, Asyuta, Syuta, Nastusya, Tusya.

Color of the name Anastasia: red, silver, dark green.

Flower of Anastasia: orchid, jasmine.

Anastasia's Stone: emerald, fire opal.

Nicky for the name Anastasia/Nastya: Nastezi, Anastasia, Nastena, Acq, Asya, Nastena-kotena, Tusya, Anastasia, Zaya, Bunny, Hare, Bobblehead, Stasya.

Nastenka, Asya, Anastasia... An unusually gentle, melodious and noble name, popular in many European countries. A girl with this name is destined to be the most beautiful, smart and kind - just like the heroines of fairy tales. The energy of the name is most directly reflected in the character, but of course, a lot depends on upbringing.

Origin of the name Anastasia

The name comes from the Greek name Anastas, which means resurrected, returned to life.

Representatives of the royal dynasty, noble and peasant children were called Anastasia. Among historical figures and modern celebrities there are many women who bear this beautiful name.

The very first famous historical figure is Anastasia Zakharyeva-Yuryeva, the first wife of Ivan the Terrible. Historians claim that only she could soften the cruel temper of the royal tyrant.

Another historical figure is Anastasia Romanova, the daughter of the executed Tsar Nicholas II. In 1981, she was canonized along with her entire family by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Everyone remembers the wonderful Soviet actresses - Anastasia Platonovna Zueva, Anastasia Pavlovna Georgievskaya, Anastasia Vertinskaya. Among the athletes, Anastasia Grebenkina, Anastasia Myskina, and Anastasia Ermakova achieved great success.

Modern history, especially show business, can also boast of famous Anastasias - Vertinskaya, Volochkova, Zavorotnyuk and many others.

And the holy great martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker protects everyone. In ancient Rome, she was a noble person who secretly visited prisoners in prisons (hence her nickname - the Pattern Solver), healed their illnesses and wounds, and spent her fortune on ransoming prisoners from captivity. Subsequently, she was burned at the stake after much torture - for her holy faith in Christ. Since then, January 4 has been revered as the day of remembrance of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker, the patroness of all Anastasias.

Characteristics of the name

Anastasia is a fairy-tale name that is worn only by the sweetest, kindest and most trusting heroines. The real Anastasia fully lives up to expectations - she, too, will never be evil and vindictive, but on the contrary, she will be overly trusting and impractical. It is easy to deceive and offend her without fear of revenge, since Nastya is simply incapable of aggression. She sincerely believes that good should always win, so she reacts very painfully to any injustice.

The most characteristic features of all Anastasias- this is an unmistakable intuition and subtle mental organization. She is often religious - this helps Anastasia maintain peace of mind. Religion can be very different - from traditional, to passion for sects and the occult. Dreaminess and romanticism immerse Anastasia in her own world, from which she often does not want to exit into the real world. Therefore, Nastya often remains cold towards others, although outwardly she is always friendly and responsive.

Thanks to her strong intuition, Anastasia is able to foresee the future, analyze the situation and draw far-reaching conclusions. She may be prevented from becoming successful in business by elementary laziness, which all Nastyas are prone to from early childhood. In addition, high morality will not allow a woman to transgress traditional moral principles, therefore, no planned life goals will force her to “step over her head.”

A certain inner coldness successfully coexists with high morality - along with laziness, this is a character trait that will accompany Anastasia all her life. She and the people she truly loves will always come first.

It is not easy to be friends with Nastya - frequent mood swings, from unbridled joy to deep depression, do not contribute to the development of a strong friendship. There is a play of feelings that gives her the opportunity to manipulate people. She often seems overly self-confident, which can also alienate her friends. But the few people to whom she reveals herself appreciate Anastasia for her devotion and kindness.

To the negative traits may include excessive humility and inability to withstand troubles. Nastya will go with the flow all her life and expect that others will make the most important decisions for her.

Time of birth

Anastasia's character largely depends on the time of her birth. If Nastya was born in winter, then her main features will be restraint, diligence and a sharp mind. Negative qualities are greed and indifference to others, which she skillfully disguises. Winter Anastasia will make a good businessman, secretary or politician.

Spring Anastasia is characterized by romanticism, a tendency to hysterics and tears, and falling in love. She will be greedy for picturesque manifestations of feelings, such as serenades under the window, armfuls of flowers, poems in her honor. At the same time, Nastya may not notice a devoted, but reserved person next to her. She will get married early, but there may be several marriages in her life. As a profession, only creative specialties are suitable for her - such as an actress, fashion designer, radio presenter or journalist.

Summer Nastya is an exact copy of her fairy-tale heroine. She is also naive, kind and sympathetic, very friendly. But at the same time, she remains cold internally and does not take anything or anyone to heart. Summer Anastasia will make a good specialist in working with children and adolescents, a worker in the cultural sector, or a doctor.

Autumn is the time of birth of the pedantic, strict and emotionally restrained Anastasia. Her calling is to be a teacher, psychologist or doctor.

The meaning of the name Anastasia for a child

Little Nastya is simply a gift of fate for her parents and those around her. She is distinguished by her complaisance, responsiveness and sensitivity, for which educators and teachers love her very much. The only drawback is restlessness, so at school she will do well only in those subjects that are interesting to her.

As a child, she will be too lazy to clean up her toys, and when she grows up, she will be too lazy to clean her room or apartment. Therefore, parents should teach Nastya discipline from infancy.

In her youth, Anastasia will become a very attractive and charming person who will always have many fans. Thanks to her excellent intuition, she will unmistakably play on people’s feelings, guess their behavior and actions.

The girl Nastya will have a perfectly developed sense of style - thanks to the same intuition. She will be surrounded by stylish and fashionable things all her life, and parents should pay attention to their daughter’s inclinations in childhood and develop her talents in every possible way - perhaps she will turn out to be an excellent fashion designer, hairdresser or designer.

It has been noticed that if in childhood and adolescence Anastasia prefers to be called Asya, then she grows up as a more temperamental and active child than the withdrawn and quiet darling of adults, spoiled Nastya. Therefore, in the future, Asya will become a more independent person who will be able to overcome life’s difficulties more easily, while Nastya may grow into a dreamer, far from reality and who will find it difficult to make her way in life. Nastya can very easily fall under the influence of a stronger personality.

Anastasia married, compatibility

Anastasia usually marries early and becomes a good wife and mother. Spoiled in childhood by her father’s boundless love, she will expect the same love and care from her husband. She often chooses military men or representatives of law enforcement agencies as husbands, because with them she feels protected. Impracticality and frequent mood changes can lead to the fact that getting along with Anastasia may not be easy. It is better for the husband to take charge of all financial family affairs.

High moral principles do not allow her to seek adventures on the side, and her charm and sociability help her get along well with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband. Anastasia is able to submit and completely dissolve in her husband, and at the same time be happy.

Anastasia can often be jealous for no reason, but this shortcoming is compensated by the fact that she easily moves away, knows how to forgive and ask for forgiveness herself.

However, her husband needs to know that Nastya is easily suggestible and easily offended, so he needs to be strong and always ready to protect his wife. For Anastasia, children are the whole world to which she will give herself without reserve.

Nastya is not confrontational and hospitable - her house is a full cup, always open to guests and friends.

A successful marriage is destined for men named Vladimir, Boris, Konstantin, Victor, Semyon, Pavel, Denis, Oleg. Owners of the names Vitaly, Vadim, Philip, Nikolai, Stanislav should be avoided.


Anastasia belongs to those happy women who are able to receive pleasure from sex - both physical and moral. She has a developed imagination, is open to experiments and knows how to give her partner true pleasure.

Nastya can voice her desires without hesitation, while at the same time listening carefully to her partner’s wishes. She gives him compliments, tenderness and warmth, but also demands the same from him. The partner must not only be affectionate and gentle, he must also be quite experienced - otherwise the woman will quickly lose interest in him.

Physical pleasure itself cannot fully satisfy Anastasia, since the spiritual component is very important to her. She needs to trust the person and feel his love and care - only then will she be able to open up and give her partner great pleasure.


Since childhood, Anastasia has been susceptible to frequent colds, so she needs to avoid dampness and drafts. It is better for her to live in a warm climate, or to improve her health annually at seaside resorts.

Your own carelessness can lead to frequent accidents, so Nastya needs to be more careful, especially if she is driving.

Anastasia has a weak nervous system, she is irritable and can be unrestrained. Getting along well with strangers, at home she can lash out at loved ones. She may need professional help, especially in adolescence, in order to overcome shyness and open up. She may be subject to ridicule from peers at school or colleagues at work, and a competent psychologist will teach Nastya to fight back.

In adulthood, Anastasia may experience gynecological problems, and there is a threat of early menopause. In old age, vision may deteriorate significantly, and varicose veins and rheumatism will bother you. But most importantly, with age, Anastasia’s character may deteriorate greatly - she will become grumpy and annoying.

Choice of profession

Anastasia is not created to be a leader or develop her own business. In addition, she completely lacks ambition and practicality, and she has little interest in money. The business world brings disharmony into her own world, built on idealistic views and dreams.

Professions in which the owner of this wonderful name can realize herself are in one way or another connected with art and communication with people. Anastasia makes excellent psychologists, doctors, journalists, teachers, photographers and politicians.

Horoscope for Anastasia

  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Scorpio.
  • The color that brings good luck is green.
  • The stone that brings good luck is malachite.
  • Plants - jasmine and orchid.
  • Pets - Siamese cat.
  • Name days: January 4, October 11, 12, March 23.

Aries- Anastasia, born under this sign, will be stubborn and straightforward, she always has her own opinion on everything. Her decisions are often spontaneous, dictated by her mood, and therefore are often unsuccessful. But it is very difficult to move Aries from her intended goal - her stubbornness will allow her to move mountains. Love experiences are very important to her, so she will never be a lonely woman.

Taurus- soft, sensual and romantic Anastasia, who craves peace and family well-being. She will make a wonderful wife - she will idolize her husband, and she will become a very caring mother hen for her children.

Twins- a girl born under this dual sign will have the same dual nature. She easily falls in love, but quickly cools down, takes on several tasks at once, but does not bring any of them to completion. But Nastya has a wonderful sense of humor, and she can willingly laugh not only at others, but also at herself.

Cancer- jealous, capricious and unpredictable nature. The sense of intuition is incredibly developed, so she can be successful both in business and in love. But she loves to play with people's feelings, so her partner must be able to curb this unpredictable woman. Frequent demonstrative scenes of jealousy are part of her performance, which she will stage regularly.

a lion- energetic and self-confident Anastasia, who lives by the principle “less words, more action.” This commendable life position leads to frequent conflicts with others, but it allows you to achieve professional success. In sexual relations with a partner, Nastya-Leo acts on the same principle, trying to prove his superiority, therefore, in order to achieve harmony, he must learn to give in.

Virgo- the lady is extremely meticulous and pedantic, but at the same time friendly and friendly. She has a unique sense of humor - her ridicule can be very offensive. She is an excellent housewife and devoted wife, and she usually chooses a profession related to accounting or engaged in scientific activities.

Scales- a sublime and elegant nature, constantly in search of something unknown. She loves to give advice and help people, even if she is not asked to do so. Men really like her, but a permanent partner must learn to accept her for who she is - with all her unique understanding of how to live correctly.

Scorpion- the girl is temperamental, uncontrollable and explosive. Nastya-Scorpio will not allow anyone to interfere in her affairs and give advice - if necessary, in order to defend her interests, she alone will confront the whole world. She is harsh and even rude, so she often comes into conflict with others. She behaves defiantly with men, loves to provoke them, so winning her heart will not be easy.

Sagittarius- straightforward and even categorical, therefore often not understood by others. She is completely devoid of coquetry, does not know how to flirt and flatter. If she likes a man, then she will tell him about it directly, if she doesn’t like it, she will do the same.

Capricorn- a cold-blooded and stubborn person, characterized by a critical attitude to life. Nastya-Capricorn has a strong will, so she achieves her life goals. She doesn’t let anyone into her soul, because she trusts only herself. It is difficult for men to win her heart, but she always has many admirers.

Aquarius- an enthusiastic, honest and open person who highly values ​​her independence. She feels good alone, so she is indifferent to male attention and compliments. She will be happy in marriage only with a man who will not limit her freedom in any way, but she herself will not interfere either in his affairs or in his soul.

Fish- a sophisticated and charming girl, with a tender and vulnerable soul. But this vulnerable nature is carefully hidden behind feigned rudeness and constraint. Men cannot resist her beauty and femininity, and she willingly takes advantage of this, constantly adding to her collection of conquered hearts.

1. Personality: Flying high

2.Color: green

3. Main features: will - excitability - reaction speed

4. Totem plant: tobacco

5. Totem animal: homing pigeon

6. Sign: Libra

7. Type. In general, they belong to the choleric type and have a quick reaction. They are very mobile and cannot sit still, hence the comparison with a carrier pigeon.

8. Psyche. Life is not easy with them. The mood changes quickly - from unbridled joy to deep depression. You must constantly pay attention to them, otherwise they themselves will take care of you... and this is much worse. They are introverts by nature, immersed in their inner world. They look too self-confident, but often this is only an external impression.

9. Will. Incapable of decisive action.

10. Excitability. Strong, even too strong. It takes a lot of effort to calm them down if they get nervous.

11. Reaction speed. They react violently and act impulsively.

12. Activity. It can be overwhelming, but it can also be calm.

13. Intuition. Gifted with amazing intuition, restless, mobile and fickle, like cigarette smoke.

14. Intelligence. They are able to synthesize, quickly grasp everything, understand everything, but often get bogged down in little things that they don’t like and reject. They have a good memory, but remember only what interests them. From childhood they need to be taught discipline.

15. Receptivity. Very nervous. Today they are full of joy, tomorrow they fall into despondency. They tend to play with feelings in order to manipulate others. They like to have friends around them, but change them very often. Defeats lead them to despair, which quickly passes.

16. Morality. They have a keen sense of moral principles, but often betray them, not finding satisfaction in what they have done. Some moral opportunism sometimes leads them to violent adventures.

17. Health. Generally good, but often their own carelessness leads them to accidents. You need to drive especially carefully. Leg fractures are common. You should pay attention to the kidneys.

18. Sexuality. They often make decisions too quickly. There is too much distance between their activity and the inertia of the people around them.

19. Field of activity. They can be flight attendants and journalists, sales representatives.

20. Sociability. Their house may be full of friends.

21. Conclusion. These “carrier pigeons” lead a very intense and sometimes turbulent family life. But it’s hard to get bored in their company, especially since they are very charming.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “ Resurrection" (lat.)

Name energy and character: Anastasia is a name of overcoming. Subjectively, it resembles a steep staircase, where each new syllable is a new step, higher, more difficult, and only at the end is a level platform on which you can finally take a breath and breathe a sigh of relief. However, this rarely manifests itself from childhood; usually the only place where such a quality of a name is reflected is study. It is unlikely that Asya or Nastya will grasp knowledge on the fly; she has a different mindset, in which understanding means penetrating to the very essence, putting everything into order. But the knowledge gained in such a difficult way often turns out to be deeper. With age, this determines Anastasia’s logical way of thinking and her penchant for analysis. Peremptoryness is alien to her, and a joke about female logic is hardly suitable for her. Of course, a lot depends on upbringing, but most often the energy of the name itself is reflected in the character.

It’s interesting that if Anastasia calls herself Asya, she is more active and cheerful than Nastya, who usually keeps herself more reserved and quiet in society. On the other hand, Nastya is loved more in the family, and they often begin to pamper her with their attention. Thus, Asya most often grows up to be a more independent person, she is not very frightened by life’s difficulties, and she early begins to get used to relying primarily on herself, and then on relatives and friends. Nastya may prefer to seek protection from difficulties in an energetic husband, into whose hands she will entrust the care of the well-being of the family, and devote herself to raising children and household chores. Moreover, if Nastya was spoiled too much in childhood, then she can treat the household rather carelessly.

Be that as it may, with age, the energy of the name manifests itself very strongly. Anastasia feels bad without any big goal, be it work or raising children, for whom she usually has high hopes. Her thoughts are in the future, and most often this future is connected with children. Here, Asya’s fate may be affected by her independence. She will certainly feel good at work, where everything mainly depends on her own efforts and, relying on her strengths, she can make an excellent career. But in other matters, not everything is so smooth for her. Sooner or later, children also gain independence, and under the influence of Anastasia’s upbringing this often happens too early. Here little depends on her, and therefore her energy finds an outlet in her thoughts and experiences. Often Anastasia begins to painfully think about the plans and difficulties of her children; she sincerely wants to help them, and her thoughts work hard, trying to overcome some imaginary obstacles. Just as in business, she climbs imaginary steps, but it is very difficult to find satisfaction in thoughts, and often starts all over again. In a word, the thought begins to go in circles, goes in cycles, and from this the excitement intensifies three times. This can be unbearable, and therefore it is advisable for Anastasia to learn to trust Fate and her loved ones more, especially where she herself is powerless to help. Otherwise, it will greatly complicate life and can even lead to nervous breakdowns and irritability.

Nevertheless, these experiences are not wasted, her brain gradually gets used to the colossal loads, and often, as soon as Asya calms down, an amazing intuition opens up in her. To the point that she is sometimes considered almost a witch!

Secrets of communication: When communicating with Anastasia, one should not forget that if she calls herself Nastya, then all of the above-mentioned character traits are noticeably smoothed out. And also, when Anastasia is calm and balanced, her intuition is able to penetrate into the very depths of your soul. Although love often blinds her eyes.

The name's trace in history:

Anastasia Vertinskaya

The daughter of the famous singer Alexander Vertinsky and the no less famous actress Lydia Vertinskaya, Anastasia was a child from a very happy marriage - and such children are usually born talented. Beautiful, artistic, with smooth, seemingly honed movements and innate grace, Anastasia followed in the footsteps of her parents, becoming a wonderful actress, known for her roles in both theater and cinema.

Anastasia’s first role in cinema – the role of the touching and gentle Assol in “Scarlet Sails” – made viewers pay attention to the young actress, and subsequent films “Amphibian Man”, “Hamlet”, “War and Peace” only consolidated this success. However, if at first the directors willingly cast the girl in the main roles mainly due to her expressive external characteristics, then from film to film the developing skill of the actress has already forced critics to talk about her as an incredibly talented person who is fluent in the art of impersonation and all the subtleties of acting. Accordingly, Anastasia Vertinskaya’s repertoire changed, both in cinema and in the theater, and from the images of young romantic characters she moved on to deep and complex psychological roles, such as the dramatic role of Gemma in The Gadfly.

Being in a constant search for self-expression, Anastasia Vertinskaya, in addition to filming films and working in the theater, devoted a lot of time to working on television, which resulted in a series of her programs “The Golden Section”, based on the actress’s interviews with famous people from all over the world.

Despite the fact that not everything went smoothly in the actress’s personal life - she was married several times - her fate can hardly be called unsettled: creativity, career, son (from her marriage to Nikita Mikhalkov). Currently, Anastasia Vertinskaya lives abroad, where she teaches stage acting.

According to Mendelev

A good name, it harmoniously combines tenderness and reliability, simplicity and lightness. True, all the qualities of this name are not expressed very clearly and definitely; The attributes “good” and “simple” stand out more clearly than others. A century ago, this name was popular both in the royal family (in its full form) and among peasants (usually in diminutive forms). In our time, it is slowly but surely increasing the frequency of its use, and in 1978-1981 it was forty-eight for every ten thousand names, significantly behind Elena and Natalya (334 and 301, respectively), but ahead of Vera, Tamara and Valentina (24 , 40 and 18).

Anastasia is a balanced and prudent person.

She adapts well to life circumstances; she will not be broken by adversity, because she will be able to adapt to the changed situation without noticeable losses. She is alien to spiritual fractures and tragedies - but, perhaps, the depths of experience are inaccessible to her. Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say; in any case, Anastasia’s life, as a rule, is calmer than that of bearers of names that are more flowery and variegated in their characteristics.

Nastya is bigger, simpler, stronger. Unfortunately, you have to pay for this by strengthening the “masculine” attribute to the detriment of femininity, moreover, Nastya is ruder than Anastasia, ruder - but stronger and braver. She will solve the problem that Anastasia would retreat from, and, probably, she will be more likely to overcome adversity. Of course, Anastasia is more reliable than Nastya, but Nastya is more assertive and “punchy”. In any case, she is not afraid of daily problems.

She may not achieve outstanding results in her work, but her life will be calm, measured and happy.

The color characteristic of this name is a piercing blue stripe on a red background.

According to Higir

Feminine form of the male name Anastas. Ancient Greek origin and means: resurrection (returned to life).

Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales. A girl with such a name is, as it were, destined to be the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the most tender. Everyone loves her as a child, and Anastasia will not disappoint expectations - she will never be either evil or vindictive, on the contrary, she is defenseless against cunning, evil people, she is easy to deceive or offend. The girl grows up dreamy, loves children's fairy tales, and has a well-developed imagination. But he eats poorly, which often upsets his parents. Parents will have to put a lot of effort into teaching Nastenka to clean up her toys, put away books, and put her room in order. And in the future, having matured, Nastya will do homework only when she’s in the mood. Although in his youth he will learn to sew and cook. Likes to decorate the room with flowers, loves elegant things.

Trusting, with a strong mental structure, Anastasia can become a good artist, kindergarten teacher, or psychologist. He has the gift of prediction and foresight thanks to his finely developed intuition. She gets married early, prefers strong, courageous people, and often chooses a military man as her husband. It’s good for Anastasia’s husband to know that she is very suggestible and easy to touch. If the one who likes her decides to win her heart, he will be able to do this - all he needs to do is skillfully play on Anastasia’s developed sense of pity.

She is a devoted and caring wife; coquetry and the search for adventure on the side do not attract her. She gives all of herself to her children and gets along well with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband. Has good taste. Likes to make original gifts. He tries to turn enemies into friends. She lives in anticipation of joy, every day is a holiday for her.

Origin of the name Anastasia and Nastasya.

Now the name Anastasia is not very popular. Nowadays, ancient names and those that came to us from European countries are in fashion. But nevertheless, among the female names you can also find Nastya.

The name Nastya, Asya, Anastasia, Nastasya: are these different names or are there similarities and differences?

Anastasia - this is exactly what the full version of the name sounds like. This name comes from ancient Greek and means “resurrected.” Now girls are called by this name not so often. But it was once quite popular.

Initially, the name sounded like Anastasia, but later forms Nastasya appeared among the people. Nastya and Asya are shortened forms of the name Anastasia. They appeared due to verbal fatigue.

Name Nastya, Asya, Anastasia, Nastasya: origin of names

In general, initially the name Anastasia did not exist. The very first name to appear was Anastasy or Anastas. Only after this did the female form Anastasia arise. Initially, the name was used to call royalty and noblewomen, but later the name became popular among the people. So it transformed into Nastasya. Due to verbal fatigue, Anastasia began to be called Nastya or Asya. These are shortened versions. In the church version there is the name Anastasia.

Name Nastya, Asya, Anastasia, Nastasya: origin of names

There are always a lot of hassles and problems with documents. One wrong letter can lead to a lot of problems and troubles. Therefore, you should carefully fill out the forms to receive documents. Now in documents you can find a lot of spelling options for the name Anastasia. There are frequent cases of replacement with the folk version Nastasya. Of course, it’s up to you how you write your child, but you should do it the same way all the time. After all, the names Anastasia and Nastasya are different in a legal context. Therefore, these are different personalities.

Nastya, Asya, Anastasia, Nastasya: what is the correct name, how to write the full name in the passport?

If we count from the very beginning of the name, then the full version is Anastasia. Later Nastasya appeared in Rus'. Now Anastasia is usually recorded in documents, and very rarely Nastasya. Shortened versions of the names are Nastya and Asya.

Full and abbreviated name, what will it be like from the name Nastya, Asya, Anastasia, Nastasya?

Is it possible to call Nastya and Asya Anastasia, Nastasya and vice versa?

What to call a girl is worth discussing with her. The fact is that many people do not like abbreviations or business style. Teenagers really like the shortened version Asya, but older women like to be called Anastasia. Judging from the point of view of the origin of the name, then Anastasia can be called Asya or Nastya, or vice versa. But it’s still worth asking the girl.

Names: origin and forms

Anastasia- (from Greek) resurrected.

Spoken: Nastasia, Nastasya.
Vernacular: Anastasya, Nastasya.
Derivatives: Anastasyushka, Anastaska, Nastasya, Nastya, Nasya, Nata, Naya, Nayusya, Nyusya, Nastena, Tyona, Nastyokha, Nastusya, Tusya, Nastyulya, Nastyunya, Nastyura, Styura, Nastyukha, Nastyusha, Nastyakha, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya , Asyusha, Susha, Asyuta, Syuta, Nastasyushka.

Directory of Russian names

Resurrected(from Greek).

Usually natures are complex and contradictory. Proud, strict and persistent. Sly and attractive. Changeable and elusive. Years go by: yesterday's "ugly duckling" becomes and remains a seductive woman.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Anastasia, Nastasya- resurrected (ancient Greek).
The feminine form of the male name Anastasius is the resurrected one.
A century ago, this name was popular both among the royal family and among peasants. Nowadays, the name is still common.
Zodiac name: Scorpion.
Planet: Pluto.
Name color: dark green.
Talisman stone: malachite.
Auspicious plant: jasmine, orchid.
Patron name: Siamese cat.
Happy day: Tuesday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Nastya, Nastasya, Nata, Nasya, Nyusya, Nastena, Nastekha, Nastusya, Tusya, Nastyunya, Nastyukha, Nastyusha, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Susha, Asyuta.
Main features: nobility, simplicity.


Anastasia Patricia of Alexandria, desert, March 23 (10). The Monk Anastasia came from an aristocratic family of Constantinople and was highly respected by Emperor Justinian (527-565). Having become a widow at an early age, she secretly left the world and founded a monastery near Alexandria. A few years later, Emperor Justinian, also widowed, decided to find Anastasia to marry her. To hide from searches, the monk, with the blessing of the Monk Abba Daniel, hid in solitude in a remote cave under the guise of the eunuch Anastasius and lived in strict seclusion for 28 years. Only after the peaceful death of the saint, Abba Daniel revealed her secret. The relics of St. Anastasia were transferred to Constantinople in 1200.
Anastasia the Roman of Thessalonica (Thessalonian), Venerable Martyr, November 11, 12 (October 29, 30). Lived in the 3rd century. She was raised as an orphan in a monastery near Rome. At the age of twenty she endured cruel torture for her faith in Christ. Enraged, the executioners cut out her tongue. The people, seeing the inhumane abuse, were indignant, and the torturers were forced to stop the torture by beheading the martyr.
Anastasia Rimskaya, martyr, April 28 (15).
Anastasia Pattern Maker, Roman, Hilarian, Great Martyr, January 4 (December 22). A wealthy Roman woman who lived in the 4th century. She consoled Christians imprisoned in prison, treated their wounds and freed them from prison for a ransom. For this she was called a pattern maker. Then she herself endured great torment for her faith in Christ and died during the torment.


Anastasia the Pattern Maker is considered the patroness of pregnant women; people pray to her during childbirth.
November 11 - Anastasia the Shepherd, Nastasya the Shearer: start of shearing sheep. The shepherds are sent home for saving their sheep.


As a child, Nastya was a sweet simpleton and a laugher. She is loved by her family and kindergarten, so she is very trusting, open to people, and easy to deceive. The girl grows up dreamy and loves fairy tales where Nastenka is a beautiful princess or a smart, beautiful girl who becomes a queen. She became a queen thanks to kindness and hard work, and Nastya wants to be kind and hardworking, however, the latter is instilled with great difficulty. She doesn’t want to clean up her toys, but as she grows up, she doesn’t want to clean up her room. She will learn to sew and cook, but she will do it according to her mood.

He studies well at school, but does not shine with special knowledge. Likes to read books and draw.

Nastya’s charming snub-nosed face does not foretell that its owner will become a stylish woman whose taste will be the envy of many. She is distinguished by a subtle spiritual attitude, unmistakable intuition, and she is able to foresee events. She has an analytical mind, she will quickly understand the situation and make the right decision. She is changeable in mood, cautious, authoritative, and diplomatic.

Anastasia is most suitable for activities related to any type of art. She can be a kindergarten teacher, a psychologist, a flight attendant, a journalist, or a doctor. Anastasia is strict, persistent and proud; these qualities help to establish business relationships in business, and success can await her there.

In her youth, Nastya is crafty and attractive, gets married early, sometimes making a hasty decision. Her chosen one is most often a strong, courageous man, a military man. Life is not always easy, but Nastya is a devoted and caring wife, a good housewife. She loves flowers, beautiful things, and has unmistakable taste. She likes to give unexpected and original gifts.

Nastya adapts to life circumstances. She loves children very much, gets along with her mother-in-law, she is easily moved, she is very compassionate and suggestible, no one except her relatives and friends exists for her. Her most successful marriage will be with Boris, Vladimir, Victor, Konstantin, Denis, Oleg, Pavel and Semyon.


Anastasia Romanovna (? -1559) - the first wife of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, from the Zakharyin-Yurin family, who later received the nickname Romanov. That family has long been known in the Moscow state. Anastasia's father, Roman Yuryevich, served as a okolnichy under Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich. When Anastasia was still a girl, the Monk Gennady predicted to her mother, Ulyana Fedorovna, that her daughter would become a queen.

In 1547, Ivan Vasilyevich was crowned king, and then decided to get married. For this purpose, letters were sent to the cities with instructions to take the girls to the governors for inspection; those chosen by the governors were brought to Moscow, where the tsar himself chose a bride from among them. The choice fell on Anastasia.

The queen had a great influence on the king; according to the chronicle, “the good Anastasia instructed and led John in all sorts of virtues.” Ivan Vasilyevich was faithful to Anastasia until her death. Presumably, Anastasia was poisoned, this is not excluded, because those close to the king were afraid of her influence, afraid of being excommunicated from him. The priest Sylvester compared the queen with Evdokia, the persecutor of John Chrysostom, and believed that she was “indecent.” The Tsar himself wrote in a letter to Kurbsky: “And why did you separate from your wife?” Kurbsky fled, Sylvester and Adashev, considered to be responsible for the death of the queen, fell into disgrace.

In any case, Anastasia died of her own death, or she was poisoned, the death of the queen had a serious impact on the state of mind of Ivan the Terrible, and contributed to the aggravation of his struggle against the boyars.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.