Archangel Gabriel helps with what. The meaning of the name Gabriel, character and destiny. These facts are interesting

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: Russian form of the biblical name Gabriel, "God is my strength" (biblical)

Name energy and character: In terms of its sound qualities, this name has good strength and active energy, but today it is quite outdated and even rude. The well-known poetic masterpieces of Ilf and Petrov also played a big role in this, such as “Gavrila served as a baker, Gavrila baked rolls...” and in the same spirit (“The Golden Calf”). It is unlikely that such a satirical classic will pass by the modern bearer of this name, and, most likely, Gabriel’s pride will be subject to quite serious tests, which can manifest itself especially strongly in his youth. At the same time, it is difficult to expect that Gabriel’s active and strong character will allow him to calmly respond to banter and ridicule; on the contrary, due to his painful pride, he can withdraw into himself and begin to look for ways to assert himself. It is also possible that there will be a sufficient number of conflicts in his life.

A lot in his life depends on his upbringing. So, let’s say, the energy of this name is not very conducive to cheerful wit, but if in the process of upbringing Gabriel develops a normal sense of humor, then his life will be much more successful. Moreover, it will be almost impossible to mock the witty Gavrila, and he himself, having gotten rid of painful pride, can find worthy use for his active character. This can also help him in overcoming some of the explosiveness of his nature.

Often, bearers of this name try to act emphatically intelligent and secretly nurture ambitious dreams of a high social position. However, if Gabriel begins to withdraw into himself, then he is unlikely to be able to fulfill these dreams. He undoubtedly has many abilities, Gabriel is good-natured and can show compassion; But, perhaps, he takes life and himself too seriously, and this prevents him from achieving success.

Secrets of communication: Like many easily vulnerable people, Gabriel often acts withdrawn and sometimes sullen, but this is only a mask. Try to have a heart-to-heart talk with him, and you may find a very friendly and pleasant interlocutor.

The name's trace in history:

Gabriel Derzhavin

The usual idea of ​​​​Gavriil Derzhavin (1743–1816), a poet and statesman, is that he wrote odes of praise to the kings. In fact, Derzhavin, like no one else, was at one time one of the most “inconvenient people” in the country. His odes (not only laudatory, often accusatory and angry) could not compensate those in power for Derzhavin’s inconvenient habit of always telling the truth in the face, and therefore royal gifts and awards in the life of this man constantly alternated with disfavor and exile.

However, even far from the capital - first in Petrozavodsk, then in Tambov - Gabriel Derzhavin managed to develop such vigorous activity (opened a theater, a people's home, an orphanage, a school in his own house) that he was urgently recalled from the provinces. Empress Catherine II considered it safer to keep the poet with her, strictly ordering him “not to engage in any business.”

In his family life, Derzhavin was also distinguished by his originality: having been widowed at fifty, he married his wife’s friend, who was three decades younger than him. Having no children of his own, he raised the children of a deceased friend. His house was always noisy, fun and crowded, and one can only wonder - when did he manage to find time for his creativity?

According to Higir

Translated from Hebrew - divine warrior. In the Bible, Gabriel is the angel who, according to the Holy Gospel of Luke, informed the priest Zechariah about the birth of Jesus.

The character is flexible, stubborn. Mother's favorite, similar in character to her. In early childhood he is withdrawn and sick. He reads a lot. He is selfish, but always treats people well. He has an analytical mind, always thinks first and then acts. He does not impose his opinion, and does not like orders from above. He is very hospitable and kind; he always has envious people in his life. Never gives in to panic, is patient. We are very vulnerable. Likes to collect paintings, antiques, and stamps. A good family man. It is difficult to get along with people, but easy to part with.

These men are leaders. They speak foreign languages. Rationalists. “Winter” are flexible and make a good career. They always act carefully, thinking through every step. They are not influenced, they can listen to advice, but they will do it their own way. Their external calm is deceptive - they are good actors and know how to hide their difficulties well, especially since they are optimists by nature. They go in for sports, but do not achieve great results, they do it in the name of health. Good family men, children love them very much. They like to talk on the phone for a long time. They can express their thoughts perfectly, but this only applies to “spring” ones.

Men with this name have good intuition, are sociable, career considerations are not alien to them, and they achieve a lot in life.

Meaning of the name Gabriel: The name for a boy means “strong thanks to God,” “man of God’s strength.” This affects the character and fate of Gabriel.

Origin of the name Gabriel: Jewish.

Diminutive form of name: Gavrik, Gavrya, Ganya, Gavrilka, Gavryunya, Gavryukha, Gavryusya, Gasha.

What does the name Gabriel mean? The name Gabriel comes from the Hebrew name Gabriel. Gabriel is translated as “strong because of God.” Another meaning of the name Gabriel is “man of God’s power.” Ganya seems to feel the protection of God, because everything works out for him once or twice. However, as soon as Gavrila stops believing in herself, all successes disappear.

Patronymic name Gabriel: Gavriilovich, Gavrilovich, Gavriilovna, Gavrilovna; decomposition Gavrilych.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Gabriel celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • April 8 (March 26) is the Day of the Archangel Gabriel, sent by the Lord to the Virgin Mary with the news that she will give birth to the Savior. In honor of this event, the day is called the Annunciation.
  • July 26 (13) - Cathedral of St. Archangel Gabriel, that is, a meeting of believers for prayer in memory of all the miraculous appearances of the archangel.

Signs: On Annunciation, songbirds are released into the wild in villages. Everything that is born on the day of the Archangel Gabriel is ugly, undeniable. If you spin on this day, the work will not be for the future.


  • Zodiac - Cancer
  • Planet - Moon
  • White color
  • Auspicious tree - apple tree
  • Treasured plant - tulip
  • Patron name - dove
  • Talisman stone Gabriel - emerald

Characteristics of the name Gabriel

Positive features: The name Gabriel gives energy, activity, firmness, and high intelligence. He knows how to control himself and restrain his emotions. A guy with this name calmly reacts to the intrigues of envious people and enemies, shows tact and diplomacy in communication. A man named Gavrila can help people, but if this does not contradict his interests and attitudes.

Negative features: The name Gabriel brings hidden ambition, isolation, and excessive seriousness. Sometimes a man with this name dictatorially single-handedly determines and tells other people what they should do in accordance with his plans and point of view on what is happening.

Character of the name Gabriel: What character traits does the meaning of the name Gabriel determine? In childhood and adolescence, Gavrik was a quiet, goofy guy, as they say, a mama’s boy. During his student years, the character changes dramatically: the guy becomes a ringleader, a leader, a common favorite. He perceives the field of life as a battle, dragging along the most inert people. However, over time it turns out that Ghani’s main goal is his own career. For the sake of money and the blessings of life, he is ready to sacrifice a lot, which ultimately pushes his former friends away from him. Being an excellent psychologist, Gabriel easily gains the trust of people and certainly occupies high positions in power structures.

He is a leader, rationalist, selfish, but treats people well, has an analytical mind, will think first and then act. The guy does not impose his opinion, but also does not like instructions on what and how to do. Patient, difficult to get along with people, but easy to part with. Hospitable, kind.

He, born in winter, is flexible, but does not give in to influence; after listening to advice, he will do it his own way. He hides his experiences under the mask of external calm. He is a good family man, a demanding but affectionate father. Children love him. A man with this name is a passionate collector of antiques, paintings, and stamps. Born in spring, Gabriel never panics, is a little stubborn, and has a penchant for foreign languages.

Gabriel and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The marriage of the name with Anastasia, Evgenia, Lyubomila, Maria, Nadezhda is favorable. The name Gabriel is also combined with Olga. Negative relationships can develop with Angela, Diana, Zhanna, Karina, Clara.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Gabriel promise happiness in love? He Gavrila may remain an old bachelor or marry late.

Family life, as a rule, develops successfully. Gabriel loves children very much, adores his wife, which does not bother him, and does not attach importance to affairs on the side.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: A source of inexhaustible energy and high ambitions, Gavrila will not rest until she reaches her intended peaks. Success is guaranteed to him where it is necessary to lead people (schools, hospitals, transport, industry). Gabriel is interested in intellectual activity, especially everything connected with the “other world.” He can become a priest, a teacher, a judge, a psychologist.

Business and career: Gavrila is careful in financial matters. His well-being is of particular importance to him.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Gabriel: In his soul Gavrila is vulnerable and sensitive, but outwardly he is eccentric and independent. If he leads an active lifestyle, he will remain healthy for a long time.

The fate of Gabriel in history

What does the name Gabriel mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Gavrila Alekseevich is a comrade-in-arms of Alexander Nevsky. He took part in the battle with the Swedes near the Neva in 1240. Here, as an eyewitness writes, “six brave men stepped forward, and the first among them was Tavrilo Oleksich.” He chased the Swedish prince, entered into single combat with him and overthrew his opponent into the sea. “By the will of God,” he himself returned unharmed to his own people and again crashed into the crowd of the enemy, wanting to fight with the leader of the Swedish army: “and again, fighting with the commander himself in the middle of their regiment.” God and Saint Sophia gave victory to the Russian army: the winners of “preserving everything” returned to Novgorod.
  2. Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin (1743-1816) is a remarkable Russian poet, author of philosophical and satirical poems and solemn odes imbued with the idea of ​​strong statehood, for example, “Felitsa,” dedicated to Catherine the Great. “Old man Derzhavin noticed us and, going to his grave, blessed us,” A.S. Pushkin wrote about that solemn moment when the patriarch of Russian poetry applauded the young genius at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. However, many of Derzhavin’s lines have remained unsurpassed throughout the centuries in terms of intensity and gloomy power of feelings.
  3. Gabriel Davydov (1784-1809) - lieutenant of the Russian fleet, traveler. Since 1802, at the invitation of Lieutenant Khvostov and at the invitation of the Russian-American Company, he more than once made sea voyages to America and along the coast. In 1805, the former president of the company, Rezanov, extremely offended by the Japanese, who did not want to establish trade relations with Russia, decided to take out the failure of his embassy on them and drew up a project for annexing Sakhalin to Russian possessions. For this purpose, the Juno tender was purchased, placed under the command of Khvostov, and the Avos tender, commanded by Davydov, was built. One day, Davydov and Khvostov were returning from Vasilyevsky Island; the bridge had already been raised. The friends tried to jump from one edge of the bridge to a passing barge in order to jump from it to the other edge, but they fell off, fell into the Neva and drowned. The bodies were never found, and the death of the officers was talked about for a long time in St. Petersburg.
  4. Gavrik is the hero of Valentin Kataev’s story “The Lonely Sail Whitens.”
  5. Gavrila Aleksich (? -1241) - Novgorod hero, hero of the ancient Russian epic.
  6. Gabriel Golovkin (1660–1734) – Russian count, one of the associates and educators of Peter I.
  7. Gavrila Derzhavin (1743–1816) - Russian poet, representative of Russian classicism.
  8. Gabriel Sarychev (1763–1831) – Russian hydrographer, honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, admiral; from 1808 he led hydrographic research in Russia.
  9. Gabriel Batenkov (1793–1863) – Decembrist, participant in the Patriotic War of 1812.
  10. Gabriel Troepolsky (1905–1990) – writer, playwright, publicist.
  11. Gabriel Vorobyov (1967) - psy-trance-DJ, known to everyone as DJ Gavrila aka DJ Gabriel.

Gabriel in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name Gabriel in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Gabriel, in Spanish: Gabriel, in Italian: Gabriele, in Polish: Gabriel.

Gabriel is an old masculine title, translated from Hebrew as “my strength is God,” “stronghold,” or “power of God.”

Origin of the name

According to the Christian gospels, the name Gabriel—the meaning of the name and the destiny you read about—was borne by the angel who informed Zechariah (an ancient Hebrew priest) of the birth of the son of God.

Thanks to the church definition, the nickname acquired the character of holiness and divine affiliation; it is often used as a baptismal sign by novices who renounce worldly life when taking orders. The name is not very common among the common people.

general characteristics

Tiny Gavryusha is a funny, charming and lively boy. Often has a strong physique, but a vulnerable, sensitive nervous system. As a child, Le Havre rarely gets sick, but there is another problem: this clumsy hero constantly receives minor injuries and abrasions: he either falls from a tree, or turns a cup of hot tea over himself.

Parents' constant control over the whereabouts and activities of their rapidly developing child remains a paramount task until Gavrila comes of age.

The owner of the name likes to study and master the unknown, he excels in the exact sciences, and thanks to good teachers of literature and history, creative development does not pass by this teenager.

Gavrilushka’s relationships with his peers are uneven: one moment he is the permanent ringleader and leader, and the next moment he is an unwanted member of the company who is ignored. This is due to Gavrushka’s inconstancy and excessive demands on others. He is easily offended and always expresses his dissatisfaction to the faces of his friends.

Not everything goes smoothly for young Le Havre with girls either. For a long time he does not want to understand that romance is important for a woman, and his clumsy persistent advances cause either a smile or dissatisfaction in the young ladies. Sometimes a guy is simply unable to discern sincere feelings, and is carried away by frivolous beauties, leaving without attention the one that is destined by fate.

Positive character traits

In appearance, Gavrila is flexible and meek, but it is not in the character of the bearer of the name to succumb to other people’s influence. This guy clearly sets priorities, he confidently moves towards his goal, sometimes sacrificing relationships and the opinions of others along the way.

Gavrik is a good analyst, capable of making a balanced and thoughtful decision. He is a rationalist and a lover of truth, a hospitable and generous host. He loves children and is devoted to his family, although he does not rule out affairs on the side for self-affirmation.

Negative traits

In addition to leadership inclinations, Gabriel is characterized by selfishness, authority, and despoticism. He likes to tell others and impose a plan of action on them, he can say rude words and even hit the table to show his importance.

Also, this “hardhead” does not know how to show emotions, considering this the prerogative of the weaker sex, for which he is secretly called a “cracker”.

Zodiac sign

The bearer of the name is destined for a happy destiny if he is born in Cancer.
The romantic Moon, acting as the patroness of the Jewish nickname, will smooth out the harshness of the character of its owner.
The color of pristine purity – white – should be Gavrila’s preferred color when choosing a wardrobe.
Preferring emeralds in jewelry, the guy intuitively chooses a name talisman stone.


Gavrik, Gavryusha, Gavrilka, Gavrushka, Gavrilochka, Gavochka, Gabi, Gavr, Geva, Gava, Gavrirushka, Ganya, Ganchik, Gasya, Ganyusha.

Name options

Gavrila, Gavril, Gabriel, Gabriel, Gavrilo, Dzhabrail, Dzhibrail, Gabor, Jaba.

Historical figures

Unknown - 1241 - warrior of the Russian prince Alexander, glorified in the Battle of the Neva Gavrila Aleksich.
1660 – 1734 – first Russian chancellor, Count Gavriil Golovkin.
Unknown - 1796 - Russian navigator Gavriil Pribylov.
1743 – 1816 – Russian poet, statesman Gavrila Derzhavin.
1812 – 1880 – Armenian scientist-historian, clergyman Gavrilo Aivazovsky.
1826 – 1901 – Moscow merchant, homeowner, multimillionaire Gavrila Solodovnikov.
1886 – 1948 – Russian priest, Protopresbyter Gabriel Kostelnik.
1905 – 1995 – Soviet writer Gavriil Troepolsky.
1910 – 2004 – Soviet military man, Lieutenant General Gavriil Vasilenko.
1928 – 2014 – Belarusian Soviet-era painter Gavriil Vashchenko.
1929 – 1995 – Venerable Gabriel of Samtavria (Gorderdzi Urgebadze – in the world).
Born 1936 - Soviet, Russian economist and politician Gavriil Popov.
Born 1940 - Swiss theologian, schema-archimandrite of the Russian Church Gabriel Bunge.
Born 1950 – Irish actor Gabriel Byrne.
Born 1969 – St. Petersburg artist, musician Gavriil Lubnin.
Born 1972 - American actor Gabriel Macht.
Born 1973 – Canadian actor Gabriel Hogan.
Born 1982 - showman, ex-resident of the Comedy Club, brilliant Le Havre (Gavriil Gordeev).
Born 1996 – Brazilian footballer Gabriel Barbosa.

Name day

28 January
04, 08, 14, 26 February
30th of March
April 08, 22
May 03
June 14
05, 25, 26 July
04, 12, 23 September
October 18, 31
November 18, 19, 27
December 26.

Translated from Hebrew - divine warrior. In the Bible, Gabriel is the angel who, according to the Holy Gospel of Luke, informed the priest Zechariah about the birth of Jesus. The character is flexible, stubborn.

Mother's favorite, similar in character to her. In early childhood he is withdrawn and sick. He reads a lot. He is selfish, but always treats people well. He has an analytical mind, always thinks first and then acts. He does not impose his opinion, and does not like orders from above. He is very hospitable and kind; he always has envious people in his life. Never gives in to panic, is patient. We are very vulnerable. Likes to collect paintings, antiques, and stamps. A good family man. It is difficult to get along with people, but easy to part with.

These men are leaders. They speak foreign languages. Rationalists. “Winter” are flexible and make a good career. They always act carefully, thinking through every step. They are not influenced, they can listen to advice, but they will do it their own way. Their external calm is deceptive - they are good actors and know how to hide their difficulties well, especially since they are optimists by nature. They go in for sports, but do not achieve great results, they do it in the name of health. Good family men, children love them very much. They like to talk on the phone for a long time. They can express their thoughts perfectly, but this only applies to “spring” ones.

Men named Gabriel have good intuition, are sociable, are not alien to career considerations, and they achieve a lot in life.

Meaning of the name Gabriel option 2

Gabriel - dept. euro my power is God; decomposition Gavril and Gavrila.

Derivatives: Gavrilka, Gavrya, Gavryunya, Gavryusya, Gavryukha, Gavryusha, Ganya, Ganyusya, Ganyukha, Ganyusha, Gaganya, Gavsha, Gasha, Gavrik.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Grandfather Gavrilo had already forgotten about the censer. You, Isaiah, go upstairs; you, Denis, go downstairs; and you, Gavrilo, hold on to the threshing hammer! Everything that is born on the day of the Archangel Gabriel is ugly and not good. If you spin on Gabriel, the work will not go well. Character

Gabriel is intellectual and selfish, but this does not prevent him from treating people well. He is a natural analyst. For him, it is important not just to “do the job,” but to understand its very essence. This determines his attitude towards everything. He is independent in his judgments and does not recognize any pressure from outside. Thoroughness, calmness and restraint make him a person who is able to maintain composure in critical situations; he does not give in to panic. Gabriel is very vulnerable, so it is difficult to get along with people. He is a good family man, his children love him very much. He is hospitable and kind, but in his life he always has envious people.

Meaning of the name Gabriel option 3

GABRIEL - my power - God (ancient Hebrew).

Name day: April 8 - Day of the Archangel Gabriel, sent by the Lord to the Virgin Mary with the news that she will give birth to the Savior.

  • Zodiac sign - Cancer.
  • Planet - Moon.
  • White color.
  • A favorable tree is an apple tree.
  • The treasured plant is the tulip.
  • The patron of the name is the dove.
  • The talisman stone is emerald.


Gabriel, as a rule, is intellectual, selfish, but treats people very well. He has an analytical mind, always thinks first, and only then acts. He does not impose his opinion, but also does not like pressure from above. He is very hospitable and kind, but in his life he always has envious people. Never gives in to panic, is patient. Gabriel is very vulnerable, at the same time it is difficult to get along with people, but breaks up easily. A good family man, his children love him very much.

The spiritual world is for the most part inaccessible to people while they remain on the sinful earth. Only sometimes do messengers of God penetrate into it visibly - some of them are described in the Bible. For example, Archangel Gabriel, whose icon is in any Orthodox church.


Angels, like people, were created by God. But they have only a spiritual essence, and are constantly in the service of the Creator. People live in a bodily shell. After the Fall, they lost the gift of seeing the Lord. Therefore, sometimes He uses angels as messengers. The name Gabriel is translated as “power of God.” In Judaism, he is considered the teacher of Joseph, the guardian of the chosen people.

In Orthodoxy there is a classification of angelic ranks, there are 9 levels. Archangels occupy a high, but not supreme position. However, according to the holy fathers, although Gabriel is called an archangel, he belongs to the highest rank - the seraphim. This conclusion is based on the exceptional importance of his instructions.

How is it portrayed?

A famous moment from the Bible is when the Archangel Gabriel came to the Virgin Mary to inform her that she would become the mother of Christ. This event is depicted on the icon of the Annunciation. Here is both God's messenger and Mary. Gabriel is depicted with wings to emphasize his heavenly origin. With his right hand he blesses the Virgin, in his left he holds a spear. The angels wear deacon's vestments as a sign of service.

There are also other attributes on the icons of the Archangel Gabriel; each item has its own meaning.

  • The green branch is a branch from the tree of heaven, which he gave to the Virgin Mary.
  • Lantern - there is a lit candle inside it, it symbolizes prayer. After all, angels stand in prayer constantly.
  • A mirror - it shows good and bad human deeds. The mirror is made of jasper (jasper). It is also capable of proclaiming the mysteries of God.

One of the tasks of Archangel Gabriel was to help the Virgin Mary in her earthly life. He also carries out other assignments of the Lord, many of them are described in the Bible.

What to pray for

In Rus', the veneration of the Archangel Gabriel was closely connected with the Annunciation; a separate temple was dedicated to him only in the 16th century. But still the Church highly respects the heavenly servants. Their significance in the Divine world order is very great. Angels are completely obedient to God and help people in good deeds.

You can pray in front of the icon of Archangel Gabriel for the gift of children. It is believed that he patronizes artists and teachers. The church fathers compiled special texts to address the Archangel. First of all, he needs to outline his spiritual needs.

First prayer

Holy Archangel Gabriel, who brought inexpressible joy from Heaven to the Most Pure Virgin, fill my heart, overwhelmed by pride, with joy and joy. Oh, great Archangel of God Gabriel, you announced to the Most Pure Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. Tell me, a sinner, the terrible day of my death and pray to the Lord God for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive my sins; and the demons will not keep me from the ordeal for my sins. O great Archangel Gabriel! Save me from all troubles and from serious illness, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

Oh, great holy Archangel Gabriel! Stand before the Throne of God, illuminated by the Divine Light, and enlightened by the knowledge of the incomprehensible mysteries of His eternal wisdom! I earnestly pray to you, guide me to repentance from evil deeds and to strengthen my faith, strengthen and protect my soul from seductive temptations, and beg our Creator for the forgiveness of my sins. Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, who prays to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but an ever-present helper to me, may I unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Icon of the Archangel Gabriel - meaning, what it helps with was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

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