Who is Sergei Kovalchuk - the new Minister of Sports. The new Minister of Sports and Tourism was a native of the security service of President Sergei Kovalchuk, Minister of Sports and Tourism

After graduating from school, he entered the Chelyabinsk State Technical University. He graduated from the university in 1995, With Honours. Studied in the specialty "Economics and management at the enterprise in mechanical engineering."

According to the official biography, for ten years - from 1995 to 2005- He worked in banking. During this time, Yegor Kovalchuk went from the position of an economist to the position of first deputy director of a commercial bank. There are no more detailed data on his work in these years in open sources.

Since 2005 he worked as Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance, and then as General Director at the Production Association of Water Supply and Sanitation.

In 2009 he became deputy chairman of the standing commission on housing and communal services, landscaping and environmental management.

In July 2010 Egor Kovalchuk was appointed Deputy Head of the Administration of Chelyabinsk for housing and communal services, and in September of the same year - Deputy Head of the Administration of Chelyabinsk for municipal services.

November 2012 he changed his job, becoming the Minister of Industry and Natural Resources of the Chelyabinsk Region.

In his own words, he left the city administration without a doubt, because if he was offered a job in the regional government, then this offer was well thought out, and all the pros and cons were weighed long ago.

However, he admitted that the news of his appointment as Minister was unexpected for him.

Yegor Kovalchuk's predecessor in this post was Vladimir Pavlov. He left the post of Minister of his own free will: there were no complaints about his work from the Government of the region.

Egor Viktorovich Kovalchuk was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Life Support Workers, as well as the Badge of Honor "For Merit to the Leninsky District of the City of Chelyabinsk", Letters of Appreciation from the City Administration and the Administration of the Central District of Chelyabinsk.

In one of the few conversations with journalists, the Minister noted that he does not seek to communicate with the press, as he sees no point in telling facts from his personal life. He prefers to limit himself to commentary on the work.

There is no information about the official’s family in the official biography either, but his income declarations indicate that he has a wife, son and daughter.

In 2010, while working in the Chelyabinsk city administration, he declared an income of 4.2 million rubles. Part of this income came from the sale of the car.

In 2011, he earned 1.1 million rubles, and his wife - 12 thousand rubles. The property of Yegor Kovalchuk included two land plots, two apartments and shares of two apartments, two garages, a share of non-residential premises and a Hyundai car. His wife owned four apartments and a share of the apartment.

Media representatives note that the Minister gives the impression of an extremely serious person who does not like colorful wording and unnecessary epithets.

Publications with a mention on the site fedpress.ru

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Sergei Kovalchuk, ex-employee of the Presidential Security Service, has become the new sports minister. The previous Minister Alexander Shamko, the head of state still on February 15 for failure to take measures to combat corruption in organizations subordinate to the ministry.

So who is Sergei Kovalchuk - the new Minister of Sports.

Sergei Kovalchuk at the international billiards tournament. Photo turantv.kz

"Smart military"

By appointing Kovalchuk to the post of Minister of Sports, Alexander Lukashenko noted that in sports "lack of discipline."

"The general did not work, so they took lower, although not very low",- Lukashenka said.

Speaking of the general, the head of state meant Alexandra Shamk about having the military rank of major general. In the Ministry of Sports, Shamko was appointed from the post of deputy head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

“While we have more problems in sports than victories and successes,- Lukashenka noted, Kovalchuk's appointments. - Think, see who to work with, build a system. But the main thing - there is not enough discipline. The coaching staff is disgusting, with the exception of some "

The President set the task for the new Minister of Sports to build relationships with federations, "download them properly". He described Kovalchuk as an intelligent military man.

Little is known about Sergei Kovalchuk. Born on August 14, 1968 in the village of Zhuravok, Brest region. In 1989 he graduated from the Odessa Higher Artillery Command School, in 1999 - from the Military Academy of Belarus. Since 1989 - in the armed forces of Belarus, since 2004 - member of the Presidential Security Service.

He was awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland" III degree, medals "For Impeccable Service" I, II and III degrees.

Organized security for the Ice Hockey World Championship

Sergei Kovalchuk served as the head of one of the departments of the Presidential Security Service. In 2014, he was a member of the subcommittee on security, border and customs control as part of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the 2014 Ice Hockey World Championship in Minsk.

He is fond of billiards. It is known that in 2017 Sergey Kovalchuk took third place in the Shield and Sword billiards championship among employees and veterans of the CIS national security system.

Kovalchuk himself told reporters that since childhood he has been fond of athletics and football. He plays volleyball and basketball, runs skiing.

« I love sports and have been doing it since childhood,- said the minister. - At the age of 17, he left to enroll in a military school and has since been engaged in military service. During his studies and service, he was also fond of military triathlon - this is shooting, running and an obstacle course, throwing grenades for range and accuracy - and was once a candidate for master of sports» .

The President trusts people in uniform

Sergei Kovalchuk is far from the first person in uniform to hold the post of Minister of Sports. This department was once headed by the former Minister of the Interior, Lieutenant General Yuri Sivakov. Previous Minister Alexander Shamko before he was called to sports, he worked for more than twenty years in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

By the way, the current Deputy Minister of Sports Mikhail Portnoy former soldier too - Deputy Commander of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Belarus.

According to the head of the analytical center Belarus Security Blog Andrey Porotnikov, at Lukashenka, “If you follow his statements in the last four years, there is a complete lack of trust in civil officials.”

“So he goes to another track. He repeats all the time: "We are military people." He believes that people with shoulder straps are more disciplined, more reliable. In his opinion, they can make a difference where everything has been failed by civil officials.” - the expert thinks.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko today, the press service of the head of state reported.

The President appointed Sergei Kovalchuk as Minister of Sports and Tourism.

When appointing a new Minister of Sports and Tourism, Lukashenka explained that an intelligent military man was chosen for this position, because the industry needs to be put in order. "The general did not work, so they took lower, although not very low"- said Alexander Lukashenko.

The President stressed that much attention is paid to the development of the sports sector in the country, because the victory of an athlete is a kind of ideology. "While we have more problems in sports than victories and successes. Think, see who to work with, build a system. But the main thing - there is not enough discipline. The coaching staff is disgusting, with the exception of some."- stated the head of state.

To encourage coaches to be more productive, . But the load will be appropriate, Alexander Lukashenko noted. "Coaches need to raise salaries, we have already begun to do this in certain sports and we will go through all the sports that function today. We will increase salaries, but each coach should have a schedule, like a teacher at school or a teacher at a university" the president demanded.

According to the head of state, it is important to promote sports to the masses. As an example , he cited the Republican competition among children and teenagers that ended the day before . The final stage of the competition gathered a large number of participants, and a rich entertainment program was prepared for the fans. "Now the junior biathlon world championship is taking place - it's a shame to watch. Zero people in the stands, for whom are these people performing? We held this championship - there was a sea of ​​people. Of course, people should be invited", - the Belarusian leader is convinced.

Alyaksandr Lukashenka set the task for the new minister to build relationships with sports federations and load them properly. The president paid special attention to what he intends to hold.

Recall, on February 15, Alexander Lukashenko, Minister of Sports and Tourism Alexander Shamko "for not taking effective measures to combat corruption and economic offenses in subordinate organizations." One of the reasons for the resignation was the detention of the director of the Sports Palace in Minsk for bribes.

Sergey Mikhailovich Kovalchuk was born on August 14, 1968 in the village of Zhuravok, Ivanovsky district, Brest region.In 1989 he graduated from the Odessa Higher Artillery Command School, in 1999 - from the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus.

From 1989 to 2004 he served in the Armed Forces.

Since 2004 - an employee of the Security Service of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

He was awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland" III degree, medals "For Impeccable Service" I, II and III degrees.

"The Most Reliable Person"

Former President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov called the proposal to appoint Mikhail Kovalchuk to the post of scientific director of the Era military technopolis logical. In his opinion, the boundary between military and civilian science has been erased, so Kovalchuk may well be in the leadership of a military institution. The need to create such a technopolis is long overdue, he noted. “Recently, our science has focused on civilian science, but defense work is very relevant. I think this is the right decision,” Academician Fortov told RBC.

The very emergence of the technopolis project suggests that Sergei Shoigu is successfully expanding the sphere of the military-industrial complex controlled by the Ministry of Defense, political consultant Dmitry Fetisov believes. In his opinion, the appearance in this project of a representative of a business group that enjoys the confidence of the Kremlin is not accidental. “At the same time, the figure of Kovalchuk counterbalances Shoigu himself in order to prevent an excessive growth of his influence,” the expert explains.

In the presidential address, a whole block will be devoted to scientific development, noted political scientist Nikolai Mironov: “And Mikhail Kovalchuk, as a person from the inner circle who can be trusted, was chosen to implement the [scientific] program: through him the president will be able to monitor the flow of money, and for the implementation of projects. For Putin, scientific progress in Russia is very important, the president cannot but notice that Russia is lagging behind the West in this respect, Mironov added. “Therefore, the most reliable person is needed in this direction,” the expert concluded.

Between heavyweights

The draft presidential decree developed by the Ministry of Defense is also, which is now Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who is in charge of the military-industrial complex. Instead, the military department proposes to appoint Sergei Shoigu as head of the council for five years.

In Rogozin's office, they were very surprised by such a proposal, a source in the government noted in a conversation with RBC. According to him, in 2012 the Ministry of Defense opposed the creation of the FPI. An RBC source in the Ministry of Defense linked the proposal of the military department to change the chairman of the board of trustees of the FPI with “untimely delivery of weapons and military equipment and delaying the timing of new developments,” which Vladimir Putin said at a closed meeting on February 15.

In the office of Dmitry Rogozin, they refrained from commenting.

What is the Advanced Research Foundation

FPI was created on the initiative of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

The Foundation's activities are aimed at promoting the implementation of scientific research and development in the interests of the country's defense and state security, according to the official website of the FPI. President Vladimir Putin said that the fund's projects play "a decisive role in the development of key elements of weapons, military and special equipment of a new generation," which will become the basis of the domestic weapons system at the turn of 2025-2030.

The fund began operating in autumn 2012. As Rogozin stated, this organization will be the Russian answer to the American Agency for Advanced Study - DARPA. The supreme governing body of the foundation is the board of trustees.

The Director General of the FPI is Andrey Grigoriev.

Among the projects developed by the FPI are (a project to create an anthropomorphic robot to work in dangerous conditions for humans, including for use in space), the federal project for the prevention of emergency situations by volunteers "Team 112", as well as a project to create the first Russian atmospheric solar-powered satellite called Owl. The development of the FPI also includes the technology of "liquid breathing", which Rogozin, with the help of a dog, demonstrated to Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić at the foundation's exhibition in December last year.

The fund's revenue at the end of 2016 amounted to more than 518 million rubles, follows from the SPARK database.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin is losing influence due to the fact that he could not find a place in the system between two "heavyweight" politicians - the head of Rostec Sergey Chemezov and Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, head of the Minchenko Consulting holding Yevgeny Minchenko told RBC . “The level of his [Rogozin’s] influence is much lower compared to them,” the expert explained.

Dmitry Rogozin (Photo: Alexey Nikolsky / TASS)

The weakening of the positions of the Deputy Prime Minister is primarily due to a number of failures in the activities that Rogozin oversees, for example, in the space program, Fetisov notes. “This weakening of positions is clearly expressed in the circulating rumors that Rogozin will not be part of the new government,” he added.

In December 2017, experts from the Petersburg Politics Foundation were among the “allergen” ministers in the eyes of public opinion. In particular, the Deputy Prime Minister has a low coefficient of positive perception in the media, experts noted. At the end of last year, it was 0.98, while, for example, the Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov had 177.

On November 28, 2017, in the presence of Dmitry Rogozin and the head of Roscosmos, Igor Komarov, the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle was launched from the Vostochny cosmodrome, which was supposed to deliver 19 satellites into orbit, including several foreign ones. After turning on the engines of the Fregat upper stage, communication with the device was lost, and it soon became clear that. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev criticized the officials who "cheerfully managed to report" about the success, and demanded that those responsible for the unsuccessful launch be punished.

The replacement of "allergens" is a rather frequent event in Russian political practice, analysts from the Petersburg Politics Foundation noted. In their opinion, such resignations are often postponed, which makes it possible to increase the negative recognition of an official and, accordingly, count on a greater image effect when replacing him.

It is possible that the post of Deputy Prime Minister for the military-industrial complex will be completely abolished, Dmitry Fetisov believes. “In such a scenario, when control over the military-industrial complex will be concentrated in the hands of the head of the Ministry of Defense, there is no need for such a position in the government,” the expert summed up.

On March 5, Alexander Lukashenko appointed a new sports minister. They became 49-year-old Sergei Kovalchuk - a regular military man, and since 2004 - an employee of the presidential security service.

Photo: gruzoperevozkinizhnevartovsk.ru

On March 5, Alexander Lukashenko appointed a new sports minister. They became 49-year-old Sergei Kovalchuk - a regular military man, and since 2004 - an employee of the presidential security service.

Sergei Kovalchuk is the ninth sports minister in the history of independent Belarus. Euroradio decided to see who was appointed to this position and whether these people had experience in the sports field.

No. 9. Sergei Kovalchuk. Bodyguard

Sergei Kovalchuk. Photo: BELTA

By education - a military man. In 1989 he graduated from the Odessa Higher Artillery Command School, in 1999 - from the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus. From 1989 to 2004 he served in the Armed Forces. From 2004 to 2018 - an employee of the Security Service of Alexander Lukashenko.

No. 8. Alexander Shamko. Rescuer

Alexander Shamko. Photo: TUT.by

From 1987 to 1989 he served in the army, then worked as a rescuer and held various positions in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. From 2008 to 2012, that is, right before his appointment as Minister of Sports, he was Deputy Minister for Emergency Situations.

Alexander Shamko lasted the longest time in the chair of the Minister of Sports - more than 5 years.

No. 7. Oleg Kachan. Graduate of agricultural technical school, teacher of physical education

Oleg Kachan. Photo: "Pressball"

In 1986 he graduated from the Smilovichi Agricultural College, in 1992 - the Pedagogical Institute in Brest with a degree in physical education. Then he worked as a coach in youth sports schools. In 1998, he retrained as an official. Before being appointed Minister of Sports, he was Deputy Chairman of the Logoisk District Executive Committee and Head of the Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

No. 6. Alexander Grigorov. sports functionary

Minister of Sports and Tourism in 2005 - 2009.

Alexander Grigorov. Photo: www.belaruspartisan.org

After serving in the army, he worked in various positions in the voluntary rural sports association "Harvest". He graduated from the Institute of Physical Education and the Higher Party School in Minsk. From 1996 to 2003, he worked as Deputy Minister of Sports and Tourism, then moved to work in the CIS Executive Committee, and from there - in July 2005 - returned to the sports department as a minister.

No. 5. Yuri Sivakov. Silovik

Minister of Sports and Tourism in 2003 - 2005.

Personnel soldier. In 1966 he graduated from the Far East Higher Tank School, in 1977 - the command department of the Military Academy of Armored Forces, in 1995 - the Academy of Management in Minsk. In 1999 - 2000 he was the Minister of Internal Affairs - under him in 1999 politicians Yuri Zakharenko, Viktor Gonchar and businessman Anatoly Krasovsky disappeared without a trace. Immediately before his appointment to the Ministry of Sports, he worked as Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration.

No. 4. Evgeny Vorsin. Locksmith and hockey player

Evgeny Vorsin. Photo: Interfax.by

He began his career as an apprentice fitter at a machine-building plant in Ulyanovsk, then worked as a fitter at the construction and installation department in Apatity. In 1971, after serving in the army, he graduated from the Institute of Physical Education in Minsk and became a hockey player. He played for SKIF Minsk in the BSSR championship and Torpedo Minsk in the second league of the USSR championship. Then - through the sports department of the Ministry of Education - he became the Minister of Sports.

Yevgeny Vorsin is the only Minister of Sports of Belarus who was a professional athlete before his appointment.

No. 3. Nikolay Ananiev. Worker, trainer and official

Minister of Sports and Tourism in 1998 - 1999.

Nikolay Ananiev. Photo: Tribuna.

The first place of work is a worker of a wagon depot. Then - service in the army and work at the railway station "Osipovichi". Since 1971, he worked in the sports field: as a basketball coach and head of the committee for physical culture and sports at the Osipovichi district executive committee. In 1975, Ananiev graduated from the Institute of Physical Education in Minsk, in 1989 - from the Agricultural Academy. Immediately before his appointment as Minister of Sports, he worked as Assistant to the President for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Development.