The correct pie for the roof of a residential attic. The right roofing cake is a guarantee of warmth and comfort in the house. The structure of the insulated roofing pie

Mansard roofs have always been very popular. Its adherents are attracted by the originality of the shape of the room and the amount of space that such a roof creates, the opportunity to create another residential floor, only partially using the walls and the full roof truss system, etc. Non-standard attic space is especially loved by those for whom this is another way to do your world unique and bright.

By definition, an attic is a storey at the attic level that has a façade that is wholly or partly formed by either a sloping or sloping roof. In this case, the facade and roof planes must intersect at a height not exceeding 1.5 m from the floor plane. Attics can have various geometric shapes - the silhouette of a triangle or a broken line, be symmetrical or not, located on one side of the longitudinal axis of the attic floor or across its entire width.

How to properly prepare for the device

The dimensions of the mansard roof must correspond to the volume completely necessary for arranging the attic room. At the same time, the optimal width of the structure should not be less than 4.8 m, and in height - 2.5 m. To select the slope of the truss system, the shape of the roof is also of great importance.

  • In the case of a broken slope, the lower part of the attic is steep (60–70 °), and the upper one is gentle (15–30 °).
  • If the roof is gable, then the optimal slope of the roof, at which it is possible to fully use the attic space, is more than 45 °. As you know, roofs with such a slope are more susceptible to wind load, therefore, in areas with strong winds, their supporting structure is strengthened.

For multi-gable roofs or if heavy roofing materials are to be used, metal structures are recommended. The fact is that if wooden structures are used, then to strengthen the supporting frame, they must be quite massive, and this will significantly limit the volume of the attic.

When it is necessary to provide that with a large slope of the truss structure, the length of the rafters and the area of ​​\u200b\u200broofing will also increase, and the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe resulting room will be less.

The greater the angle of inclination of the mansard roof of the house, the more carefully it is necessary to choose the material from which the roof will be made.

The roof over the attic is a complex engineering structure, which, in addition to the supporting frame, also includes "", therefore, the installation of mansard roofs requires the solution of a certain set of tasks. Even before calculating the mansard roof, the architectural details and the possibilities for ensuring proper thermal protection and tightness of the room must be fully worked out, a project for the attic floor has been prepared, and the main mansard roof units and optimal scheme of load-bearing structures.

It is strictly forbidden to use stone or concrete for the supporting structures of the attic.

Features of the mansard roof device

The attic room is simultaneously exposed to influences from two directions - from above and from below.

  • From dwellings that are at the bottom, rising up, warm air can fall on the roof surface facing inward, in the form of condensate. Therefore, the design of the mansard roof requires careful steam, hydro and thermal insulation.
  • The area of ​​​​contact of the attic with the external environment is quite large, therefore, excellent thermal insulation must be carefully performed for the attic floor. In most cases, mineral wool slabs are used for these purposes, although the issue has not yet been fully resolved. They are inserted between floor beams and rafters.

Mansard roof pie: correct device diagram

Standard mansard roof device involves the combination of roofing material and into a single structure. In order for them to function normally, a multilayer structure is created in which the sequence of layers is strictly observed: vapor barrier, insulation, hydrolysis and roofing, and ventilated gaps are left.

Each of the elements of this design has certain physical and technical properties and plays a certain role in creating comfortable conditions in the attic room.
Waterproofing prevents the insulation from getting wet from the outside. It is laid on the counter-lattice with an overlap, not less than 10 cm, allowing slight sagging, taking into account its thermal expansion. Joints are carefully sealed. Mansard roof waterproofing if the roof covering is a metal roof, it is not necessary - its functions are taken over by an anti-condensate film, which prevents condensation from forming on the inside of the metal surface. Its bottom layer is made of viscose, so the anti-condensation film dries quickly and is able to hold a sufficient amount of water.
The next step is to lay insulation between the rafters - tightly, without gaps. Today, for mansard roofs, heaters based on basalt mineral wool, fiberglass, and extruded polystyrene foam are used.

  • Semi-rigid and rigid mineral wool insulation they have high vapor permeability and fire resistance, do not deform at high temperatures, do not shrink over time, do not absorb moisture and are environmentally friendly.
  • fiberglass insulation also have good performance. They provide high-quality insulation, have high elasticity and guaranteed fire safety. Due to their low density, the load on the supporting structure of the mansard roof is reduced.
  • Styrofoam has excellent thermal insulation properties, which are explained by the uniformity of its structure - it consists of closed small cells. In a similar design, water absorption is almost zero, low thermal conductivity, high resistance to water vapor pressure. foam plastic, due to the high compressive strength of the material, it is optimal in places where the insulation is under heavy stress.

From the side of the room, the insulation is sewn up with a vapor barrier film.
Vapor barrier is needed so that water vapor arising from human activity does not penetrate from the interior into the insulation. The vapor barrier film, regardless of the chosen roofing material, is mounted on the inside of the structure as close as possible to the insulation. For the reliability of the vapor barrier, the seams of the film are sealed with a special adhesive tape.

The roofing cake fills the truss frame. It is necessary to protect the house from rains, showers, keep warm, do not miss the noise. This is due to the fact that the roofing cake is multi-layered, it has forming elements, they need to be laid correctly and alternately, and at the same time, the fastening technology must be observed, then the roof will be multifunctional.

Each layer of a roofing cake under a metal tile with an insulated roof is designed to perform a function, the cake should be mounted in a strict sequence. At the same time, the main rule is that its mass should not be more than the bearing capacity of the rafters. Therefore, it is worth calculating all the loads on the building envelope, the required thickness of the insulation and the strength of the rafters using ours.

Typically, a roofing cake includes: (from inside to outside):

  • filing from the side of the roof space;
  • vapor barrier, for example, polypropylene film;
  • insulation, for example, mineral wool, placed between the rafter system;
  • waterproofing, for example, a membrane that is laid along the upper edge of the rafters;
  • a counter-lattice made of wooden slats;
  • crate made of wood;
  • covering material, that is, a metal tile.

The roof can be insulated in different ways, it can be cold or insulated.

That is, the roofing cake consists of certain layers, with each layer performing its own function:

1. The topmost layer of the pie is a metal tile. It provides protection from precipitation, temperature changes, determines the appearance of the roof.

2. Vibration isolation elements. They stop the vibration, they do not hear the noise from the downpour, knocking on the metal roof.

3. The frame of the lathing is made of wood. It is required to attach the outer covering - metal tiles and make a gap under the roof so that ventilation exists between the materials.

4. Counter-lattice, consisting of wooden slats. Provides necessary air circulation between a metal tile, an obreshetka and insulating materials.

5. Waterproofing. It does not allow moisture to penetrate to the frame of the truss system and into the insulation.

6. Thermal insulation material. It performs the function of isolation from noise and does not allow heat to escape from the room.

7. Roof rafters. A roofing cake and insulation are attached to them. With the help of the rafter system, free space is obtained in the attic.

8. Vapor barrier. She brings out the vapors that form inside the house.

9. A layer of inner lining of the roof. It is intended for fastening of finishing material.


Metal roof rafters are identical to other rafters to which sheet or heavy coverings are attached. But these rafters differ in that the metal tile does not load them very much, therefore, for the construction of rafters, it is not necessary to take a beam of large section.

The distance between the rafter legs is usually 600-900 mm. When choosing the pitch of the rafter bars, it is worth considering the width and thickness of the material used for insulation. It must be tightly laid between the frame, so that there are no gaps.

The rafter system is made of bars with a section of 50x150 mm. If the boards have this width, then you can choose a heater with a thickness of 150 mm. If you want to build a roof in the cold regions of the country, then you should select bars with a width of about 200 mm. Then you can pick up a heater also 200 mm thick.

Vapor barrier.

Vapor barrier is required to protect the insulation from moisture, as well as to maintain a certain microclimate in the rooms. Usually, the steam generated in the room rises. If there is no vapor barrier layer in the installed roof, then the steam will be absorbed into the insulation.

During frost, the steam will begin to stop from the outside of the thermal insulation. There it will first become frost, and then a crust of ice on the material. And in the spring, when it becomes warm, the insulation covered with a crust of ice will become unusable. The ice will melt and water will flow onto the insulation. Previously, glassine was used as a vapor barrier. Now they are mounting films made of polyethylene or polypropylene:

1. Polyethylene film is not very strong, because of this it is reinforced with mesh.

2. A polypropylene film is a woven fabric, it is laminated on both sides with a thin layer of the same material. One side is rough.

Thermal insulation.

The most widely used heaters are mineral wool or polystyrene. They are pretty inexpensive. Mineral wool, foam blocks are laid between the rafters. They are mounted end to end. If this results in cracks and gaps, then they are blown out with mounting foam.

If you do not have time to install insulation, then you can insulate the roof with polyurethane foam.


Previously, glassine or roofing felt was used as waterproofing. Now, in order for the roof to last for a long time, special membranes are used. Although this material is not cheap, it is reliable and durable. The membrane material consists of 2 layers: the first is reinforcing, the second is moisture repellent.

Control grate and ventilation gap.

The counter-lattice is created from wooden slats. They are attached to a layer of waterproofing, which is placed on top of the log rafters. Then the mounted bars of the counter-lattice provide a gap between the waterproofing layer and the roof covering.


The crate is the basis for attaching the metal tile. It is made of wooden blocks, they are mounted perpendicular to the legs of the rafters. Reiki, boards or bars of the crate are attached end-to-end or through a small gap equal to the step of the wave of the metal tile. A crate made of wood is created by attaching it with nails, screws, staples.

But in this case, you should not forget that the whole tree should be treated with antifungal compounds, otherwise it will rot.

Vibration isolation.

You should definitely make vibration isolation if you plan to cover the roof with metal tiles, since during rain, showers, quite a lot of noise appears.

Sound-absorbing materials are used to protect metal roofs from noise.

To reduce noise and vibration, you can:

1. Tightly attach all layers of the roofing cake, thus increasing its rigidity. This is easy to do if, when attaching, screw in a lot of self-tapping screws by 1 m.

3. Make the crate and the counter-crate in the same plane. Since if the slats are attached unevenly, then after the installation of the metal tile, the final coating will be deformed, and this may cause noise.

4. You can also reduce noise if a seal is placed between the counter-batten and the rafters, which isolates sounds.

For the manufacture of metal tiles take thin sheets of aluminum, steel, copper. If you are planning to buy a metal tile in Kyiv, we recommend that you follow the link where you will find your option for buying a roof at a great price.

Such material can serve as a roof for several decades, it is reliable and durable. True, such properties depend on the density of laying metal tiles when creating a roof. To put the material tightly, sealing elements are used.

Video lesson of metal tile installation.

The use of the attic as a living space requires the creation of comfortable living conditions, which directly depend on the quality of the insulation of this part of the house. Thermal insulation of the attic floor allows you to get a double benefit: in winter, the room will remain warm, and in summer a pleasant coolness will be created. But to achieve this goal, it is necessary to know and understand the technology of insulation. In addition, thermal insulation work can be performed if there is a significant amount of free time, a desire to work and experience in handling certain tools.

Mansard roof insulation process

The attic floor is insulated by analogy with a conventional roof, but subject to more stringent requirements, which is explained by the design features of the room.

In particular, we are talking about the walls of the attic, which in most cases are integral with the roof. This leads to rapid cooling in winter and intense heating in the heat of summer.

Proper Mansard Roof Pie

In general, the attic insulation pie looks like this:

  • Laying a vapor barrier layer.
  • Insulation.
  • Creation of a ventilation gap.
  • waterproofing material.
  • Roof covering.

Each layer of the attic roofing cake performs its own function, so the absence of one of them will be considered a violation of the mansard-type roof insulation technology. Particular attention in the process of work should be paid to insulation and ventilation, since it is these factors that ensure comfortable living in the attic room.

To understand how to properly insulate a mansard roof, you need to know the reasons why this type of work is performed.

Secondly, the presence of insulation helps protect the attic from excess heat in the summer heat.

This is because all thermal insulation materials have the property of thermal conductivity. By this parameter, you can determine how much heat the material is able to let in or out of the room. A low coefficient of thermal conductivity corresponds to a thinner layer of insulation, which is necessary to create comfortable living conditions.

Thermal conductivity is quite an important factor for several reasons. Warm air from the room, according to the laws of physics, rises, where it certainly connects with the roof. In winter, the roofing material is covered with a snow cap, which, at a certain temperature and in the presence of internal air pockets, is a kind of external insulation. If a large amount of heat passes through the roof, then the snow on the roof begins to melt. But as a result of low air temperature in winter, the melted layer forms an ice crust, which does not have the thermal insulation properties of snow. In addition, the ice mass exerts a significant load on the roof and can cause the destruction of the roofing material. Properly selected insulation is able to retain heat in the attic, thereby preventing snow from melting, while maintaining its natural properties.

If we consider the function of thermal insulation in the summer, then the situation here is as follows. The scorching summer sun heats the roofing material, and the heat from the roof passes into the attic room. Improper insulation of the attic roof causes unbearable heat, which even air conditioners do not cope well with. The right mansard pie will keep the room cool, creating the conditions for a comfortable stay.

Roofing cake features

Having understood the purpose of thermal insulation, one should also study the influence of the roof structure on the quality of insulation. To do this, you need to find out how the mansard-type roof differs from the usual design.

The main difference is the size of the ventilation space between the roof and the living space. An ordinary roof is characterized by the presence of an attic and dormer windows, and a mansard roof is characterized by the presence of a ventilation space of no more than 15 cm. Therefore, competent ventilation is quite an important task, as is the thermal conductivity of materials.

The reason for this is the following:

  • The free movement of air in the under-roof space contributes to the removal of moisture in this part of the roof. This allows you to save and extend the life of the entire roof structure.
  • In winter, competent ventilation does not allow heating of the roof, so the snow cap does not melt and does not form an ice crust.
  • In the summer heat, freely circulating air removes excess heat from under the roof, thereby preventing overheating of structural elements and maintaining comfort in the attic.

Rules for the selection of thermal insulation materials

In order to insulate the attic floor with high quality, it is necessary to take a very responsible approach to the choice of insulation, since the composition of the roofing pie and the thickness of the attic roof insulation largely depend on its characteristics. The modern market offers thermal insulation in a fairly large assortment. The following materials are especially popular in this variety:

  • Glass wool.
  • Minvata.
  • Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene.
  • Foamed glass.
  • Polyurethane foam.

No less popular can be called natural heaters, among which are the following:

  • Straw.
  • Paper.
  • The shavings remaining after wood processing.

When choosing a thermal insulation material, you should be guided by the following parameters:

  • The value of the thermal conductivity coefficient. The best option is considered to be a heater, the coefficient of which is not more than 0.05 W / m * K.
  • Moisture resistant. With an increase in this parameter, the quality characteristics also increase.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Compliance with environmental requirements.

The first two parameters are the main reasons why the choice may lean towards a particular material. But resistance to burning and environmental safety do not have a special effect on the number of layers and the thickness of the roofing cake.

When giving preference to mineral wool or glass wool, it should be remembered that during operation, some of the quality characteristics of these materials become much worse. Firstly, the material tends to cake or simply crumble. This is due to the poor resistance of wool to mechanical stress, as a result of which the structure of the insulation is destroyed. Secondly, the level of moisture in the insulation of this type significantly exceeds the permissible norms, and cotton wool, as you know, has excellent hygroscopicity. It should also be remembered that thermal insulation with cotton wool requires the creation of a thicker cake, consisting of several layers of insulation. Only in this case is it possible to achieve the desired result. In addition, a roofing cake based on mineral wool or glass wool must contain several layers of vapor barrier and waterproofing. However, one should not forget about the low cost of such heat-insulating materials and their availability. To some extent, this is a very serious argument.

The use of foam for insulating a mansard roof can be called the most profitable option, due to the good thermal insulation properties of the material and its resistance to moisture. Most often, roof insulation with foam plastic can be done independently. However, it is not always possible to use such material. It is best to use extruded polystyrene foam for this purpose. It is also not afraid of water, less combustible and has an optimal coefficient of thermal conductivity. The disadvantage of expanded polystyrene is its synthetic origin and rather high cost.

Homeowners who prefer environmentally friendly materials can use foam glass, straw, and granulated paper to insulate a mansard roof. They have excellent thermal conductivity coefficients and full compliance with environmental standards. But, like other heaters, natural materials have their negative sides. Firstly, many of them are highly flammable, and secondly, almost all of them require special knowledge and equipment to work.

Features of attic insulation

Thermal insulation of a mansard roof is carried out in three stages:

  • Space preparation.
  • Insulation lining.
  • Direct fixation of materials.

The problem must be solved in the following way:

  • When erecting a rafter frame, the step between the rafters is determined. This distance should not reduce the strength of the roof structure, but at the same time, the selected insulation should fit tightly between the rafter legs.
  • The use of a heat-insulating material that does not absorb moisture allows you to skip the stage of laying the vapor barrier. However, mineral wool cannot be installed without this layer.
  • The stuffed counter-lattice contributes to the creation of a ventilation gap between the crate and the insulation.
  • The insulation fits snugly between the rafter legs and is firmly fixed in place. It should be borne in mind that metal rafters can become a kind of cold bridges. This requires the installation of an additional continuous layer of thermal insulation.

The mansard type roof is becoming more and more popular, but if it is not properly insulated, the homeowner may not get the desired result. Only by understanding the purpose of thermal insulation, and having made the right mansard roof cake, you can feel all the charm of living in the attic floor.

It's not a very common design.

Such a structure should not only complete the integral structure of the building and perform the functions of protection.

But also to have a comfortable life in the room located under it.

In order for the living area to be suitable for use, it is necessary to understand the essence of the design of such a structure and the nuances of its installation processes.

A similar design has a number of elements, which constitutes an integral roof system.

The device of the attic roof looks like this:

  • Roof. Roof covering is necessary for providing reliable protection against the influence of atmospheric conditions both the entire house and the entire roof system.
  • . The supporting part of the attachment system, most often constructed from wooden boards.
  • Skate run. The very top of the whole system.
  • rafters. Supporting ribs that provide rigidity to the structure. They have two varieties - hanging and layered.
  • Mauerlat. The element is represented by beams, which serve to fasten the truss system. It repeats the element in the location of the perimeter of the house and is fastened to each wall with fasteners.
  • Diagonal piles. For, that the roof construction system has a high level of reliability, the rafters are interconnected by beams arranged longitudinally and vertically, which are connected together by diagonal ties or bevels.
  • Internal supports. An element that is located under each rafter leg and gives it stability.
  • insulating layer. Such a layer unites the entire roof system into a single whole, while creating reliable sealing, vapor and sound insulation. This layer has its own structure and is multi-layered. All materials that are used to equip this layer are necessary to provide all kinds of properties that ensure comfortable life in the attic.

What components and parts the mansard roof consists of, you will see in this drawing:

Mansard roof device drawing

roofing cake

Each type of roof has its own individual structure.

It is represented by several layers of different materials, which necessary to protect the attic space from cold air masses and high levels of humidity.

Roofing pie mansard roof includes:

  • crate;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • Control grate;
  • thermal insulation layer;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Ventilation systems;
  • Roofing material.

Each layer is designed to perform certain functions that are necessary for the normal operation of the entire roof system.

If you make mistakes during installation or neglect any of the layers, then this may lead to the need to redo the entire structure.

  • . The simplest type of roof over the attic, but not too popular. Represents one inclined plane, which is supported on load-bearing walls of various heights.
  • . Such a variety represented by two slopes, which are opposite to each other.
  • broken line. This type of roof has other names - and half-hip. This kind of design allows you to make the attic space optimal. There are four slopes in this design. It is quite convenient to live in the attic, having this kind of roof.
  • conical. The most complex type of construction, represented by a cone. Suitable for structures which have round or polygonal outlines.

Roof types

If we talk about the varieties of truss systems, then they are of 3 types:

  1. Hanging type of rafters provide load transfer in a horizontal position to load-bearing walls. Such rafters are the basis of the entire system. There is no need for intermediate supports; wooden or metal puffs are used to connect the beams.
  2. A layered variety of rafters is used if the load-bearing wall is located in the center of the building or if intermediate supports are present. This kind of rafters is installed on the outer walls, while their middle part is supported by the inner walls. Such a structure can only be built if the distance from the load-bearing wall to another is up to 6.5 m.
  3. The hanging and layered variety of the truss system is represented by triangles having a right angle. Additionally, such a design is equipped with contractions from the bottom and top of the system. Hanging rafters are used to hang the ceiling.

Mansard roof: gable construction of a wooden house

Tilt angle

A very important parameter in the construction of the roof is to determine the angle of the roof. This value is determined not only by the design of the building, the features of the facade, but also by the chosen roofing material and local climatic conditions.

If the precipitation that falls on the area where the house is located is of great importance, then roof pitch ranges from 45 to 60 degrees.

This value of the slope will provide better snow removal from the surface., and, accordingly, a decrease in the load level. In addition to precipitation, this angle parameter protects the roof from glaciation.

If the house is located in an area in which strong winds are a frequent occurrence, then slope angle value should be minimum. Otherwise, the structure may be destroyed due to weather conditions. Under such conditions, variations of this parameter from 9 to 20 degrees.

However, the most common and optimal roof slope is 20-35 degrees.. This value is suitable for arranging a roof with almost any kind of material.


The angle of inclination largely determines the durability and reliability of the structure.

Tilt angle

Mounting process

In order for the mansard roof, you must adhere to a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Initially, the upper beam is fixed, which has section parameters of 10x10 or 15x15 cm. Fastening is carried out using nails, metal staples or self-tapping screws. At the same time, the first beam provides the function of the rafter frame.
  2. The next one is installation of the Mauerlat, which is necessary to take most of the load. To install it, you will need a board with a thickness of at least 5 cm and a bar with section parameters of 5x10 cm. Before laying the board, cover a layer that is necessary to retain moisture and not destroy structural elements. Attach the Mauerlat with nails or staples and additionally tie it to the wall with a metal wire. The wire is mounted at the stage of wall construction.
  3. Next install the rafters, choosing for this step from 0.6 to 2 m.
  4. Gable rafters are installed first, after which they pull the level and begin to mount the remaining elements.
  5. After the rafter legs are all installed, provide additional structural reinforcement, connecting the rafters to each other in their upper part.
  6. If the value of the roof length exceeds 7 m, then carry out the installation of the ridge beam. Otherwise, equipping a rafter system with a similar element is not necessary.
  7. After installed go to the equipment of the layers of the roofing cake, having previously installed the crate.
  8. The last stage in the construction of the roof is roofing installation.

Lathing installation

Rafter installation

The roofing pie is a layered construction of covering flooring and accompanying insulating materials, each of which has its own purpose. The types of materials in the composition of the roofing cake, their location and the number of layers depend on the finish coating and the configuration of the roof - flat or pitched, cold or insulated.

Purpose and composition of the roofing pie

Roofing cake - filler of the truss frame. Its main purpose is to protect the house from atmospheric precipitation and provide a comfortable microclimate in residential premises. This is achieved due to the multi-layered roofing cake and the presence of forming elements, the functionality of the roof depends on the correct installation of which, namely, the order in which the materials are arranged and adherence to the fastening technology.

Each layer of the roofing pie has its own purpose, is connected with the rest and must be mounted in a strictly defined sequence.

Since everything is interconnected in the construction process - accuracy, reliability, combination of building materials, etc., an important rule should be remembered - the weight of the roofing pie should not exceed the bearing capacity of the rafter system.

Hence, the initial task is to correctly assemble and calculate, in accordance with the standards 2.01.07–85, all the loads on the building envelope, the required thickness of the insulation and, in proportion to this, the strength of the roof truss frame, even at the design stage.

The greater the weight of the roofing material, the stronger the supporting structure should be, which creates an additional load on the building itself and on the foundation

By and large, the structure of the roofing pie is the same for all roofs. Usually it includes the following layers (from inside to outside):

Depending on the type of roofing, separate elements can be added to the composition of the cake, for example, a lining carpet for flexible tiles. Or, according to the type of roof and its purpose, the arrangement of the layers may change. In particular, when installing an inverted roof, waterproofing is placed under the insulation.

In an inverted roof, the insulating and waterproofing layers are interchanged

Thus, under each roof there is a certain technology for laying a roofing pie, and only strict adherence to it ensures the durability of the entire structure. But just following the order of the layers is not enough. It is necessary that all materials are of high quality, tested and meet the standards. And if everything is more or less clear with almost all the components of the pie, then problems often arise with vapor barrier, especially for novice developers who either lay material unsuitable for this purpose, or completely refuse it, having heard the "wise" advice of people who do not have practical construction experience, but who consider themselves experts.

There is no multifunctional "vapor waterproofing" that unscrupulous sellers do not tell. Vapor-permeable waterproofing and vapor-tight membranes or films are different materials, the misuse of which will result in extremely disastrous consequences.

The lack of vapor barrier has a detrimental effect on the thermal protection of the roof, as a result of which the insulation deteriorates and after a while the house becomes damp and cold

As for the observance of the methods of laying and fastening the components of the roofing pie, only one thing can be said here - the whole process is set out in the manufacturer's instructions for each material. . You just need to follow these instructions and do not violate them.

Video: laying the insulating layers of the roofing cake

Today, thanks to modern technology, there are many ways to equip a quality roof. Consider the most popular.

The roof is considered cold if the under-roof space is not insulated and is not used most often. In some cases, the attic is left cold deliberately - arranging a wine cellar, a place to store food, a gym, a workshop or a bedroom that will be in great demand on hot days.

In the attic under a cold roof, you can create a full-fledged room if you find a functional approach to it.

In addition to attic roofs, there are also cold non-attic structures crowning gazebos, terraces, the main entrance to the building, greenhouses, and so on.

A roofless roof is cold and warm, depending on the purpose of the building.

The device and composition of the cake for a cold roof depends on its slope. For pitched roofs, the roofing pie is arranged in two zones: along the slopes and along the lower floor.

If you look from the inside, then on the slopes the sequence of layers will be as follows:

  • waterproofing material fixed to the rafters;
  • counter rails that fix the waterproofing and provide a ventilation gap;
  • crate;
  • roofing.

On floor slabs (from interior to roofing):

For flat attic roofs, the layout of the layers remains the same, only the division passes between the lower and upper floors. There is one feature here - waterproofing is not included in the composition of the roofing pie and is not laid along the upper base, except for structures where wooden beams resting on walls and girders serve as the base for roofing.

A flat cold roof can only be installed with a vapor barrier, unless the attic roof is supported by wooden beams.

The exclusion of hydroprotection from the composition of the roofing pie for such configurations is fully justified. Most often used on flat roofs, soft roofing is an excellent sealer in itself. In addition, the roofing material is laid on a solid base of profiled sheets or concrete slabs, along which a expanded clay or perlite ramp and a leveling cement screed are arranged, which is quite enough to prevent any leaks.

Expanded clay screed - an affordable and inexpensive way to drain rainwater from a flat roof

Cold attic roofs are the most correct designs. They provide good natural air circulation, which, as needed, is enhanced by roof aerators. No wonder such roofs have long been built in Russia. The entire roofing pie in them consisted of a slab (modern lathing), stuffed on bulls (rafters), and also laid on top of a draft and red plank. Cold roofs can last for hundreds of years, keeping the entire roof structure usable.

In ancient times, the huts were covered with gable roofs “on males” in a nail-free way and covered with any material at hand.

Video: cold attic roof pie

Cake under a soft tile Shinglas

A cold roof with a wooden truss system and a high-quality soft coating "Shinglas" is often equipped in private houses and office buildings. This design is easy to install, maintain and operate. The composition of the roofing pie includes:

As you can see, this design is very simple. Even one person will cope with its device, while saving on paying contractors.

Video: laying soft tiles "Shinglas"

Unlike cold roofs, all components of the roofing pie for insulated structures are combined into an integral system with an indispensable device for ventilation gaps and a strictly determined alternation of materials. The arrangement of the layers of the pitched warm roof cake is as follows:

When arranging a warm roof, it is necessary to qualitatively seal the joints of all roofing materials in hard-to-reach and therefore problematic places - valleys, chimney and ventilation passages, dormer windows, adjoining walls. Poor tightness or its absence is fraught with a roof leak with the formation of fungus and mold, wetting of the insulation, rotting of the truss system, heat loss through the roof and, accordingly, huge energy bills.

Types of roofing cake regarding roof construction

Consider the features of the pie using the example of a pitched and flat roof.

pitched roof cake

There are simple pitched and broken attic structures with a residential under-roof space. Simple pitched roofs have the roofing pie structure discussed above.

Video: correct pitched roof pie

Features of the device of warm broken roofs

Broken warm roofs are of particular interest, although they do not have global changes in the composition of the roofing cake and the typical layering of materials. The difference is only in the location of the insulation and its eternal companion - the vapor barrier, which are laid along the slopes to the point of fracture, and then, as in a cold structure, horizontally along the support beams connecting the opposite rafters.

A feature of the roofing cake of a warm broken structure is the laying of insulation and vapor barrier, which, after a break, are located horizontally along the support beams

Thanks to this laying, a cold triangle is formed between the crossbars and the ridge, providing good ventilation of the attic, which is a necessary condition for arranging a warm roof with a residential under-roof space.

The method of laying insulation and waterproofing a sloping roof creates a cold triangle in the upper part of the structure, which provides good ventilation of the attic

The roofing pie of a sloping roof in the direction from top to bottom has the following structure:

Recently, it has become fashionable to leave the wooden rafters in the attic open, which is why the location of some layers of the roofing cake changes in any pitched structures. The sequence remains unchanged, but all materials, starting from the sheathing, are laid along the upper edge of the rafters, which must be taken into account when calculating the loads on the rafter system.

If the rafters remain open, then all layers of the roofing cake, including sheathing, are laid along the upper edge of the rafter legs

Video: mansard roof pie

Pie under seam roof

Seam roofing is a metal structure in which panels (pictures) are interconnected by bending (transverse and longitudinal seam). The grooves (grooves) formed in this case serve as a drainage system. Such a joining of sheets of aluminum, steel, copper and titanium-zinc looks charming on the roof of the house, and also creates a waterproof flooring that reliably protects the roofing pie and the rafter system.

The fastening system concealed under the seam guarantees no roof leaks and no need for through holes

The composition of the roofing cake for seam coating:

The peculiarities of the folded pie are that a raising bar is added to the pie, usually with a section of 50X50 mm, laid along the upper edge of the rafters and providing an additional ventilation gap between the insulation and waterproofing, which is necessary to remove condensate from the metal roof. In the crate, which, for gentle roofs and structures with a small slope, is stuffed with solid flooring using wood, chipboard or moisture-resistant plywood.

Seam roofing is arranged on a sparse crate with a small step or on a solid base

Since a seam roof, like any metal one, belongs to the category of noisy ones, when laying a roofing cake, you need to:

Video: seam roof installation

flat roof pie

The construction of a flat roof is becoming increasingly popular due to the savings in financial, material and labor resources for its construction. In addition, this configuration is very effective in regions with frequent and strong winds - even a hurricane wind will not blow a flat roof.

The key advantage of a flat roof is the ability to significantly increase the usable area.

The structure of a flat roof cake depends on its base and how it is used.

Unexploited flat roof

On the basis of profiled sheets, the layers of the roofing cake are arranged in the following order:

  • steel galvanized base (profiled sheets);
  • vapor barrier material;
  • insulation;
  • finish coating.

On the basis of reinforced concrete slabs, the roof pie consists of:

Operating flat roof

On the operated roof, you can move freely and use it at your discretion. On this design, recreation areas, winter gardens, playgrounds, swimming pools and even parking for cars are arranged. Naturally, an exploited roof needs a solid foundation that can withstand significant loads, and the correct installation of all insulating materials.

Standard technology for placing layers of roofing cake:

A feature of this layering is that the waterproofing is well hidden and will not collapse, and the insulation located between it and the geotextile is reliably protected from getting wet.

Green roof cake

In modern cities, thanks to intensive development, there is a catastrophic lack of green spaces. Private homeowners compensate for this lack by arranging green areas on the roofs - neat lawns and beds, bright flower beds and entire public gardens.

The indisputable advantages of a green roof are environmental friendliness, durability, strength and extraordinary attractiveness.

The creation of a green roof should be taken into account at the design stage of a house.

The composition of the roofing pie under the “live” roof is standard, with the only difference being that 2–3 layers of geotextile are laid in this construction, which prevents weeds from penetrating into the base, preserving it from destruction. The layers are stacked in the following order:

The green roof is an oasis of health and spiritual uplift. But for its arrangement, it is necessary to strictly observe the installation technology and use good-quality materials, otherwise the repair will be too expensive.

Despite all the advantages of slate, it is rarely used for arranging free-standing flat structures. An exception is transparent slate, the roofing pie under which consists only of the crate and covering material.

Transparent slate is a durable hermetic coating that can reliably protect the room under it from negative atmospheric phenomena.

Wavy slate, due to its relatively low cost, is more often used:

For the latter case, the roofing cake has the following composition:

Roofing pie under a soft roof

Today, soft roofing is in great demand among developers, due to its absolute tightness and a huge variety of materials that will make a roof of any configuration durable, reliable and attractive.

Soft roof is suitable for all types of private houses and roofs of any complexity

According to the texture, shape, color and composition of the upper layer, 3 types of soft roofs are distinguished:

It cannot be said that some material is better or worse than others. They are just different. Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses, so you should choose based on personal preference and common sense.

For example, piece tiles are ideal for well-visible pitched roofs. Roll materials are universal. Their new generation with a special laying technology on pitched roofs resembles a rebated construction. However, they are also good for flat roofs. And bulk - of course, the prerogative of sloping roofs. In addition, soft roofing is a well-balanced combination of price and quality, which is why it is in high demand.

Thanks to various mineral coatings, as well as the latest laying technologies, modern roll roofing looks extremely interesting and attractive.

The specifics of the device roofing pie under the soft roof

Roofing cake for soft coatings is more difficult than for rigid structures. It is formed for each type of soft flooring, taking into account all the indicators that affect the operational properties of the roof.

Some types of roofing cake for soft finish materials have wooden components, so it should not be arranged close to the chimney ducts.

The indentation standards are regulated by the regulations of 01/41/2003, in which it is recommended to equip an apron made of galvanized or laminated metal around the pipes, and fill the empty space with non-combustible mineral wool material.

If the junction of the soft roof to the chimney is improperly processed, at best, leaks begin, and at worst, installation errors can lead to fire

In addition, sheets of particle boards or plywood, when arranging solid flooring, are mounted with a checkerboard pattern of seams, leaving a gap of 3 mm between them to compensate for linear expansion in warm weather. And when stuffing a wooden crate, the boards must be positioned with the convexity of the growth rings up - if for some reason the board leads, it will bend, filling the empty space, and not put pressure on the roof.

Lathing for soft roofing turns out to be reliable and durable, which is due to the creation of a continuous two-layer wood flooring

A typical roofing cake contains the following layers:

Video: abutment of the membrane to the pipe

Installation of a roofing pie under a soft roof

Consider laying a roofing cake under a soft coating using the example of a cold and insulated soft roof.

Installation of a cold structure

Since the roofing pie of the cold roof is simple, it is mounted quickly and easily.

On pitched cold roofs, it is permissible to lay the lining carpet only in problem areas. On flat structures, the lining carpet is spread over the entire area.

Installation of insulated soft roof

The pie of a warm soft roof is more complicated due to the addition of heat and vapor barrier, but it also does not present any difficulties in installation, since the arrangement of the layers remains unchanged.

The scheme for laying a warm roofing cake will be as follows.

Video: the subtleties and nuances of laying a lining carpet

Lightning protection mesh in the roof pie

Often, in the old manner, a lightning protection mesh on flat structures is mounted in a roof pie under a heater. Let's say right away - there is zero sense from such lightning protection:

  • the location of the lightning rod near the reinforcement of reinforced concrete slabs or the supporting metal profile is meaningless, since it is quite likely that the lightning current will be blocked by metal elements;
  • covering material and roofing equipment in this case remain unprotected and may suffer from a lightning strike.

Properly equipped lightning protection is a grid of semiconductors connected to lightning rods that rise above the roofing. Such a device provides many ways for the lightning charge to spread, which reduces the likelihood of lightning current breakdown to electrical installations and electrically conductive grounded parts of the building.

On flat roofs, the holders are simply weighted without additional fixation with self-tapping screws to the base, and on pitched roofs, reliable fasteners are required.

Many advise to make lightning protection on their own. The matter, of course, is master's, however, home-made assembly in terms of durability, reliability and manufacturability, of course, cannot be compared with the factory equipment. Moreover, new developments in the field of lightning protection make it possible already today to equip lightning protection nets that rise significantly above the coating. This will protect expensive equipment that provides all the life of the house.

In conclusion, one piece of advice - do not skimp on the roofing pie. Any violation of technology will lead to unpredictable consequences, the least of which is heat loss and an increase in energy costs, as a result of which you will heat the street. Only high-quality materials, strict sequence, compliance with instructions and standards are the key to the longevity of the roof without additional costs for its maintenance and repair.