Magic signs in the palm of your hand. Lines on the hand: what they mean and how to read them Main lines on the hand: the line of fate

Ecology of life. Cognitively: Since ancient times, poets have sung beautiful female hands, palmists predicted the future along the lines of the hand, but the followers ...

Since ancient times, poets have sung about beautiful female hands, palmists predicted the future along the lines of the hand, but the followers of a later science, chirognomy, determine the character of a person by the shape of the hand.

- If the dimensions of the hand are proportional to other parts of the body, then its owner is a balanced, reliable person, disproportion indicates the instability of the psyche, the possible unpredictability of behavior.

- Big hand speaks of endurance, diligence, good nature, complaisance of a person.

- Large and full hand - a sign of kindness and weak will.

If a woman's hand is large, dry, knotty, then she has many typical features of a male character; in men, a hand of this type indicates insight, a sharp mind.

- Owners of a small hand - people are sensitive, touchy, proud and irritable.

- Small and fat hand indicates a desire for sensual pleasures.

- Medium-sized hand with a thin brush indicates intellectual ability.

- People with hard strong hands distinguished by willpower, energy, enterprise.

- Thin and delicate hands speak of a rich imagination, but insufficient willpower.

The shape of the hand is divided into seven main types.

1. Elementary hand. The palm is wide, hard; fingers are thick, inactive, as if blunted. People with such hands have physical strength and are prone to physical labor. Intense mental activity is not for them.

2. Spade hand. The shape of the fingers is spatulate; medium sized thumb. People with such hands feel the need for vigorous activity, physical labor, although they also have a craving for art and poetry. The owners of this type of hand are practical, conscientious, hardworking and quite emotional. They seek to assert themselves in life, are not without vanity, and are sometimes capable of taking risks.

3. Practical hand. The palm is wide, slightly concave; fingers more often with knots, rectangular; thumb of considerable size with a well-developed lower joint. People with such a hand are prone to organizational activities, in work they strive for accuracy and accuracy. They are characterized by endurance, patience, perseverance.

4. Artistic hand. This is a graceful, flexible, beautiful hand. It is distinguished by pointed fingers with oblong, almond-shaped nails, and the thumb is poorly developed. People with such a hand are impressionable, love art, poetry, they have a developed sense of beauty. They are independent, very fond of personal freedom, strive for creativity.

5. Intelligent (spiritual) hand. The hand is long, narrow, graceful and tender. The fingers are smooth, thin; the thumb is well developed. The owners of this hand have a penchant for spiritual life, indifferent to material values. They strive for moral perfection.

6. Philosophical hand. The hand is large or medium in size, the palm is cupped, the fingers are long, with knots; the thumb is well developed. People who have a philosophical hand value truth above all else. They are able to analyze events in detail, show a special interest in the study of social sciences, mathematics, astronomy, and chemistry.

7. Hand of mixed type. This type of hand occurs when a combination of signs of at least two of some types. People with such hands are better adapted to life, as they have a variety of important qualities.

What does the length of your fingers say about your character?

Look at your hand and compare the length of your index and ring fingers.

The index finger is shorter than the ring finger.

Such people are most often very attractive, pleasant in communication and charismatic. They are more determined than others, prone to risk and easily cope with emerging problems. In addition, one of their special qualities is the ability to sympathize and empathize with the interlocutor. They make excellent engineers, scientists and masters of solving crossword puzzles.

The index finger is longer than the ring finger.

These people are most often self-confident and self-sufficient. They enjoy their company and really dislike being disturbed over trifles. They are not the kind of people who will make the first move, whether it's a new business or a relationship. However, they appreciate attention and favorably perceive praise.

The index and ring fingers are the same length.

People with such fingers are peaceful, good-natured and really dislike conflict situations. They are very organized in life and get along with everyone. Such people are faithful in relationships, devoted to their work and the company in which they work. However, be careful, because a small fire burns in them, which is better not to bring to a fire. Be on their side. published

As you gain practical experience in reading by hand, you will learn to instantly determine the personality traits of a person in his palm (Fig. 168). Understanding how these properties manifest themselves in the hands will be very useful to you in everyday life, as it allows you to learn a lot about the character of a person. For example, if one of your co-workers has a strong sign of low self-esteem, you can take steps to help improve it.

You have already gleaned information about this from the previous chapters, but assessing a person’s character based on personality traits that appear on his palm is a special way of interpreting hand signs. The correlation of personality traits with other factors allows you to draw quick conclusions, which are very useful in the process of interpreting the hand.


The degree of sympathy is determined by how low the line of the heart is located in the palm of your hand. The more it is removed from the fingers, the more understanding and empathic the person will be. If it is close to the fingers, this indicates that the person is cold, devoid of compassion and prone to criticism.


The degree of openness is determined by the distance between the lines of the heart and the mind, that is, the width of the quadrangle. If they pass close to each other, this indicates a person who is immersed in himself and closed. The greater the distance between the lines, the more open and sociable the person will be.


Determined by the width, height and hardness of the Mount of Venus. When a clearly marked line of life describes the solid hill of Venus, forming a regular semicircle, reaching to the base of the palm, a person is distinguished by increased energy and endurance. If the line of life is pale and thin and “presses” against the thumb, this indicates a weak and infirm person who gives the impression of “half-dead” to those around him.

If the Mount of Venus is well developed, but not firm, this indicates that the person will be rich in great and beautiful ideas, but will not be able to put any of them into practice. When troubles and failures happen to him, this person always blames others, but not himself.


It is determined by the magnitude of the bend of the edge of the palm from the side of the little finger. Since this bend, as a rule, is formed due to the well-developed hill of the Moon, which controls the creative principle, the convex edge of the palm is a direct indicator of a person's creative endowments. Other signs on his hand will help determine how he can realize his creative abilities.


The degree of caution depends on whether the line of mind and the line of life merge at their initial segment. If they are connected, the person will be cautious and prudent. If they do not touch, the person is independent and perhaps imprudent. Due to his impulsiveness, he will commit rash acts. The greater the distance between these lines, the more impulsive and impetuous a person is.


Determined by the size of the second phalanx of the thumb. If it is longer than the first, this indicates that before taking a certain step, a person carefully weighs everything. If the second phalanx is shorter, this means that a person first does something, and then thinks about the consequences.


Like the degree of logic, the degree of will depends on the structure of the thumb. If the upper phalanx is longer than the second, the person first does and only then thinks, but he is also extremely purposeful and persistent in his desire to succeed.

He will make many mistakes on the way to the top, but after each fall he will get back on his feet and continue to move forward.

If the upper phalanx is shorter than the second, this means that the person will suffer from a lack of willpower. His mind can be overwhelmed with wonderful ideas, which most likely will forever remain nothing more than ideas - due to the lack of motivation and incentive to put them into practice.


The degree of tact can be determined by the second phalanx of the thumb. If this phalanx "falls in" on both sides and looks narrowed, the person is endowed with innate tact and diplomacy. If the second phalanx looks even and wide, this is an indication of a tactless person.


The degree of practicality is determined by the size of the outer angle formed by the thumb in the place where it connects to the palm. This angle, as you already know, is called the angle of practicality. If it looks like a big bump, it indicates a person with golden hands. Everything he does, he does excellently. When I have to choose an electrician, plumber, builder or TV repairman, I go by the degree of his practicality.


To determine the degree of self-esteem, you need to compare the length of the fingers of Jupiter and Apollo. If they are equal, this means that a person has a good opinion of himself - and on this awareness he builds successful relationships with the outside world. If the finger of Jupiter is shorter than the finger of Apollo, this means that a person from an early age suffers from self-doubt and doubts his own worth. The shorter the finger of Jupiter compared to the finger of Apollo, the more developed a person's inferiority complex. If the finger of Jupiter is longer than the finger of Apollo, this indicates a person who is extremely ambitious and self-confident. The longer the finger of Jupiter in relation to the finger of Apollo, the more acutely a person feels his superiority over the rest of humanity.

The very first thing you need to pay attention to is the general appearance of the hands:
the ratio of size to height and figure of a person;
width and fullness;
color of the skin;
the length of the fingers and their shape;
joint flexibility and mobility.

Hand size

small hand occurs in people who are ambitious and morbidly proud, but unable to put their ideas into practice. If, in addition, the hand is smooth, then this indicates a quick reaction.

Big hand belongs, as a rule, to a person who is thorough, reasonable and unhurried. Before making any decision, he thinks over all the options, possibilities and ways of execution for a long time and scrupulously.


If the hand has an oval-shaped brush, then this indicates impressionability, passion and sensual impulses.

If the hand is thin and bony, then this indicates cowardice and indecision. The owner of such a brush is not made for wrestling.

The average value, and besides strictly proportional to the size of the body, indicates a balanced character.

A long and wide brush testifies to the dexterity, cunning and predatory disposition of its owner.

A short brush is a sign of a bad character, and a long and thin brush indicates a tendency to various manias and pettiness.

A thin and ugly hand indicates a short life.

Long, skinny, bony tells about selfishness, despotism, quarrelsomeness and quarrelsomeness of its owner.

People with short thin hands are stingy, envious and talkative.

Short and wide hands are usually found in people who are industrious, faithful and resourceful.


A lot about a person can tell his gestures at rest and when he is excited.

If a person constantly pulls something, then this indicates nervous tension. If he waves his arms and makes broad gestures, then this is a sign of sociability, talkativeness and an open generous soul.

A handshake immediately characterizes a person. If he shakes the partner's hand with all his might, then he clearly wants to give the impression of a strong and self-confident person, although he is not.

A sluggish and weak handshake indicates an insecure character. Very often this indicates spoiledness, capriciousness and effeminacy.

A quick and sharp handshake is inherent in people who are always in a hurry, indifferent to other people's problems.

Vicious and deceitful people hide their palms from prying eyes, as evil thoughts live in their souls.

An open and honest person who "does not hold a stone in his bosom" always holds out his hand, palm up. If the palm is turned down, then it immediately becomes clear that you are shaking the hand of a stupid, narrow-minded and arrogant person.

Equally important is the position of the hands when walking. If the arms hang freely along the body, and the fingers are slightly clenched, then it means that a prudent and trustworthy person with a calm and peaceful temperament is walking.

Hands dangling on the sides of the body mean gullibility and slowness in thoughts and actions.

If the palms are clenched into fists, then there is a bully and a brawler.

The habit of keeping hands relaxed and moving them back and forth is inherent in people with uncontrolled emotionality.

Hand shape

There are seven types of hands, differing in shape and appearance. It should not be assumed that the distinctions here are clear and definite. On the contrary, the boundaries are rather blurred. Here we must understand that the hand of each individual person is a fusion of two, three or more forms. However, with careful analysis, certain traits can be distinguished that carry information about the temperament, character and behavioral reactions of a particular individual.

Elementary hand (Fig. 1)

Wide, heavy and strong. She has short, inactive and, as it were, blunt fingers. Irregular thumb. It is so short that it ends at the base of the index finger. Palm with rough skin, fleshy and square.

Such a hand belongs to a person with low intelligence. He has a poor imagination, he is not interested in anything except natural physical needs. These include sex and hunger. There is a tendency to bad habits (alcohol, drugs).

In a rage, the owner of the elemental hand shows unjustified cruelty. In difficult situations, he is prone to bouts of melancholy and depression. Can commit serious misconduct with a tragic ending.

Square or practical hand (Fig. 2)

This hand is characterized by a square-shaped palm, rigid and arched. Knotted fingers and knuckles. The thumb is highly developed. The owner of such a hand is persistent, stubborn, prudent, truthful, disciplined and patient. He looks realistically and soberly at life and never rushes to extremes. Emotionally restrained, unable to dream and devoid of fantasies. The imagination is underdeveloped, but it is ready to help at the first call, therefore it has many friends. This is the usual psychological type of a doctor, lawyer, engineer, financial worker.

Spade hand (Fig. 3)

A wide hand similar to a shovel: the palm is wide at the base and tapering towards the fingers, or vice versa. The fingers are short and almost equal in length. Their ends are blunt, as if chopped off. Strong and short thumb. Such a hand can be soft and sluggish or hard and hard.

The owner of such a hand is active, brave, light and easy to communicate. He is energetic, active, original, persistent and succeeds in everything. Has a practical mind and strives for big and serious goals. If the fingers are smooth, then the person strives for everyday amenities and comfortable delights. In business, such a person is unreliable as a partner. But in matters of the heart, he is faithful and constant.

Philosophical hand (Fig. 4)

Long, angular, fingers with knotty joints. The upper phalanges of the fingers are half square, half conical. In the thumb, both phalanges are the same in length. This indicates that logic and will are inherent in the owner of such a hand to the same extent.

A person with a philosophical hand is very attentive to trifles, has an increased ability to analyze, has an analytical mind and a restless character, is very critical of himself and is somewhat closed in communication. This is the hand of writers, sages, poets, preachers, philosophers.

Artistic or conical hand (Fig. 5)

It resembles a cone in its shape. The palm is not wide, the fingers are smooth, flexible and graceful. Nails are oblong. The thumb is poorly developed. The owner of such a hand is an impractical person and endowed with great talent. This is an enthusiastic nature, capable of giving herself completely to some kind of art.

If a person has a conical hand, but with thick, devoid of grace fingers, then he, despite sensuality and sentimentality, is prone to lies and extravagance. Such an individual lives only to satisfy his needs.

When the thumb is well developed, then a person is not devoid of prudence and the desire for wealth. He is able to find his benefit everywhere and always.

The owner of the conical hand has a chaotic nature. He easily makes a choice and very often does not think about the consequences. As a companion, he is ideal, but he lacks caution and foresight. Also, such an individual is prone to sudden mood swings and impulsive actions.

Spiritual hand (Fig. 6)

She is long and narrow. The fingers are delicate, smooth, conical in shape. Nail joints are long and thin. The thumb is well developed. It is graceful and narrow.

The owner of such a hand is predisposed to the idealization of the surrounding reality. He is indifferent to material wealth. He lacks logical thinking. Self-discipline and punctuality are not up to par. Such a person is not able to defend his opinion. He strives to see love and beauty in everything and is distinguished by a dreamy, gentle character. True. Such individuals have a craving for the occult, mysticism and religion.

Mixed hand (Fig. 7)

This form is quite common. It testifies to the versatility of interests and abilities. Here there is a mixture of different types of characters. A mixed hand does not correspond to any of the listed types and is a mixture of two or more varieties.

A man with a mixed hand misses the stars from the sky. He has average abilities and broad interests. But being interested in many things, he does not achieve mastery in anything, remaining an amateur in all areas.

Fingers can be conical or pointed, square and spatulate.

Tapered fingers (Fig. 8)

People with conical fingers have kindness, peacefulness, independence. They boast good mental abilities, and their spiritual development is at a very high level. This type includes artists, thinkers, artists.

Square fingers (Fig. 9)

If you meet a person who has square (angular) fingers, then keep in mind: he is serious, able to think deeply, loves order, has a sharp and critical mind, is self-confident and strives for power over people. Such fingers predominate among successful businessmen and those who are engaged in applied sciences.

Spatulate fingers (Fig. 10)

This form is inherent in active natures. Along with the mental, they also like physical labor. These people value independence and freedom. They are prudent, selfish and incapable of lofty feelings. Such fingers belong to highly skilled workers, farmers, industrial managers, engineers.

The length of the fingers relative to the palm

The length of the fingers relative to the palm is of the utmost importance. The thickness of the fingers, gestures characteristic of a particular person, as well as the location of the fingers on the palm and the distance between them are also taken into account.

Short and thick fingers with a long palm indicate frivolity, laziness, indifference and dishonesty.

Proportionality and placement of fingers

Proportional fingers speak of kindness.

Small and thin fingers are a sign of a weak character and insecurity.

Fingers sitting tightly one next to the other indicate a good disposition, modesty and secrecy. These people have common sense in everything. They are thrifty, in old age they become stingy.

The hallmark of a successful person is the habit of holding the middle and index fingers together.

If the middle finger is pressed against the ring finger, then this indicates emotional instability and the need for psychological support.

A protruding little finger clearly indicates an independent character. Such a person shows amazing stubbornness and always tries to insist on his own.

If there is a small space between the middle and index fingers, then this indicates the ability to think in an original and independent way.

If the little finger does not fit tightly to the ring finger, then this is a characteristic sign of complete indifference to the opinions of others. Such a person is spiritually free and uninhibited in everything, including in relation to the sexes. Non-traditional sexual orientation is in the order of things for him.

Fingers that can easily bend back indicate dexterity and cunning.

If the distance between the fingers is greater at the base and less at the ends, then such a person has a craving for vagrancy. He is also prone to financial ruin.

The habit of bending the thumb under the index finger speaks of the weakness and insignificance of nature, of impotence and complete lack of will. Such a gesture is inherent in infants and the dying.

When the middle finger is very strongly developed, then know that in front of you is a person who is powerful, energetic and inclined to subjugate others, regardless of their desires.

If the ring finger is larger than the index finger, then a person needs, like air, tenderness and affection. Moreover, he should receive them constantly, and not from case to case.

When the little finger is large, it indicates ambition and a predisposition to set great goals.


It must be said right away that among all fingers, it is the thumb that carries the basic information about the energy, vitality and endurance of a person. It is the most important and is able to compete with all the other fingers put together.

The norm of the thumb is the length at which its top, if you press the finger to the side of the palm, reaches the middle of the joint of the index finger.

If the thumb reaches the articulation of the lower and middle joints or crosses it, then this is a sign of strong will.

A short thumb indicates weak will and spinelessness.

A wide thumb speaks of courage, intelligence, cunning and strong character.

The nail joint of the thumb is called the joint of the will. The middle joint characterizes logic. The lower joint is part of the palm.

A good sign is the equal length of the nail and middle joints. It indicates the balance of mind and will.

If the nail joint is much larger than average, then this is a bad sign. In this case, a person's volitional qualities develop to blind uncontrollable stubbornness.

When the middle joint is much longer, the person will be forever subject to indecision.

Thickening on the nail joint speaks of the mind and love of order. Thickening of the middle joint indicates an active nature.

The third joint of the thumb, which fuses with the palm, is easy to feel. It starts at the wrist, but its size is not of great importance. Much more important is the hill of Venus, which lies on this joint at the base of the thumb.

Nails are very important. Their length, color, shape and width are considered. When measuring the length of the nails, only the part that cannot be cut is taken into account.

According to the length of the nails can be divided into three types: normal, short and long (Fig. 11).

Determining the type of nails is very easy. A normal nail occupies exactly half of the top joint of the finger. The long one is more than half, and the short one is less.

Owners of long nails are quite calm and reasonable. They tend to show restraint even in extreme situations. These people never enter into an argument in vain and do not seek to insist on their own at all costs.

Pinkish, even, long nails speak of good health and emotional balance.

If a person has very long nails, then this is a sign of slow-wittedness, secrecy, distrust, as well as an inferiority complex.

Short nails indicate discipline, love of order, a desire to lead and command people.

Curved, uneven, twisted nails characterize their owner as a masterful person with a predatory character.

If thin hands have bent and pointed nails, then they speak of an embittered and restless character. In addition, the owner of such nails has weak lungs.

A quarrelsome and quarrelsome person has short, thick and hard nails. It also indicates good health and long life.

White dots covering the nails indicate nervousness, cowardice and hysteria.

Shell-shaped, short and flat nails are a very dangerous sign. They directly indicate a disease of the nervous system, which can lead to paralysis. This is also indicated by triangular nails sunk into the skin.

Long, wide and rounded nails immediately indicate a practical and sober person.

Thick, long and curved nails are found in treacherous and immoral people.

Heart disease is indicated by wide nails, bordered by a bluish tint at the edges.

The combination of short nails and a soft palm speaks of a natural craving for criticism. If, in addition, the nails are pale, then the character of their owner is deceitful and weak.

A reddish tint on the nails indicates a hard character.

Wide short nails have inveterate debaters and restless natures.

Square wide nails indicate innocence, sincerity and optimism.

Thin and brittle nails are the first sign of poor health.

Owners of short, narrow and curved nails need to pay attention to the spine, as serious problems can arise with it.

Square small nails indicate an aggressive, but at the same time sociable character.

If you have a person with narrow and soft nails in front of you, then there is no doubt that this is a subtle, painful nature, prone to unmotivated stubbornness and nervousness.

Hand color

By the color of the hands, one can judge the health and character of a person.

Red hands indicate bad health. They also serve as a sign of irritability.

Hands of a dark red color, turning almost into purple, are not only a sign of poor health, but also invincible laziness.

Thin and soft natures have transparent white hands. At the same time, this indicates a weak internal energy. If, in addition, the fingers are pointed, then the person has an unpleasant, embittered character. It is better to stay away from such people.

Moderate hairiness on the outside of the knuckles is a very good sign. This is a sign of health and complaisant disposition.

The hairiness of the inner side of the palm speaks of longevity and great intelligence.

A hairless hand is inherent in fickle people, and a disorderly hairline speaks of spiritual poverty.

The pinkish color of the skin with veins showing through it indicates innate kindness and intelligence.

Best Hand: Slightly brownish with a slight pinkish tinge. It is the color of excellent health and good character.

Hands are divided into two groups according to their shape: square and oblong. Looking at the hand, mentally remove all fingers, including the thumb, and then you can accurately determine whether the hand is square or oblong. This is the first step towards revealing a person's character. Examine both hands. If your client is right-handed, then the right hand is associated with his daily life, while the left hand reflects innate abilities, talents, and how strongly his imagination is developed. In the event that your client is left-handed, his left hand reflects everyday, real life, and his right hand reflects the imaginary world.


If the hand is square in shape, the following conclusion can be drawn:

The person is easy to communicate, practical, skillful and capable. He is overflowing with energy, he is hardy and strong and needs to constantly feel himself busy with something. He stands firm on his feet, tends to be realistic about the situation and does not draw speculative conclusions, preferring to base his conclusions on obvious and real evidence. He is a good worker and, when the need arises, is able to work hard and for a long time.


If the hand has an oblong shape, we can draw the following conclusion: A person often dreams, from time to time plunging into a fantasy world. He approaches everything he does creatively, and therefore it is very important for him that the work be varied and give ground for initiative and imagination. Otherwise, he loses interest and plunges into the illusory world of his dreams. He often comes up with brilliant ideas, but also often has difficulty putting them into practice.

Naturally, in your practice there will be palms, looking at which, you will not be able to say with certainty what shape they have, square or oblong. It is impossible to divide all of humanity into two groups with clear boundaries, if only because many people have hands of a shape that does not fall into either the first or second category.

A person with a square palm may address you, but at the same time its outer edge will be convex and almost rounded. Such a hand should still be considered square, and we will discuss the meaning of the convex edge of the palm in one of the following chapters.

You may have read about other hand classification systems in the past. The classical system divides the hands into simple (primitive), practical, philosophical, conical and mental. This system was developed by the famous French palmist named D'Arpentigny at the end of the 18th century and best suited the historical period when it was much easier to classify people than it is now.

The form of the peasant's hand, for example, was primitive, while the aristocrat most likely boasted an exquisitely conical hand. Today, few people work in the field, and our hands, reflecting this fact, have changed accordingly, making D'Arpentigny's classification system almost completely obsolete.

I first heard about this system as a child and still sometimes classify hands as, say, philosophical or conical, if they exactly fit these definitions.

But in most cases, I am content with determining whether a person’s palm is square or oblong. I thought it would be useful to include a brief description of D'Arpentigny's classification system in this book, since from time to time you will encounter people whose hands perfectly correspond to one or another group of this system.


A simple, or primitive, hand looks somewhat rough. She is easily recognizable by her square palm and short, thick, relatively shapeless fingers. The skin is rough and rough to the touch. There are very few lines on the palm, sometimes no more than three.

People with primitive hands can be very stubborn and have little interest in anything. It is difficult for them to express their thoughts and feelings in words, so from time to time, falling into despair, they become aggressive. As long as their basic needs are met, they calmly perceive everything that life presents them, without thinking about tomorrow.


The next step after the primitive hand is the practical hand. Her palm is also square in shape, but her fingers are longer and more graceful than the primitive hand. The skin is less rough, there are a large number of lines on the palm. Those with practical hands tend to have a variety of interests and can be carried away by anything - hence the name "practical".


The tapered hand is characterized by a soft, graceful shape and smooth lines. The palm is rather oblong than square; fingers, as a rule, are long, with rounded tips. The palm is soft, fleshy. People with conical hands are very aesthetic, creatively gifted and prone to daydreaming. They imagine a beautiful, magical world where everything is perfect and harmonious. They do not accept vulgar language and any manifestations of rudeness and bad manners.

psychic hand

This is the same hand shape that has always attracted the attention of artists. The palm and fingers of the psychic hand are long, thin and graceful. People with psychic hands are by nature idealistic, highly intuitive, and highly impractical. They spend a significant part of their time in an imaginary world invented by themselves, preferring it to the realities of life. The mental form of the hand is widespread in India and the Far East, while in the West it is quite rare.


the philosophical hand, as a rule, has a square shape. Fingers - long, with clearly marked joints. People with such hands like to analyze everything without exception. In order to better understand the reason for such meticulousness, we can use the following analogy: imagine that thoughts originate at the fingertips.

Reaching the first knotty, convex joint, they must first climb it and go around it several times before they can continue down. On the second joint, the process is repeated. As a result, by the time a thought reaches the palm of the hand, it has been repeatedly scrolled through, subjected to careful analysis.


In practice, you will find that most people's hands fit perfectly into one group or another of D'Arpentigny's system. The same hands that do not fall under the classification developed by him, D'Arpentigny ranked as hands of a mixed form.

Fortunately, with the help of his simple and convenient system, the story of which we began with square and oblong hands, you can very successfully classify almost everyone. However, the hand shapes represent only half of the system. In order to complete the acquaintance with the D'Arpentigny classification system, it is necessary to move on to the fingers.


After you have determined the shape of the palm as square or oblong, you need to move on to the fingers of the hand, which can be long or short. For someone who has just begun to study palmistry, it will not be easy to quickly and accurately determine the length of the fingers, but you should not be upset. With a little practice, you will learn how to determine the length of the fingers by eye.

The fingers are considered long if, after you have bent them, the pads reach a point equal to seven-eighths of the total length of the palm. Unfortunately, there are quite a few exceptions to this rule, due to the fact that some people have plastic hands, while others are rather inflexible.

Moreover, a person with an elongated palm may have long fingers, although in this case they will only reach the middle of the palm. Having gained experience, you can, at one glance at a person’s palm, determine whether his fingers are long or short. Problems only arise when, as a beginner in palmistry, you come across a hand whose fingers seem neither long nor short.

There are several ways to resolve this situation, which we will discuss below.


Long fingers. Angle greater than 45°

If a person has long fingers, he tends to pay attention to small things, and we, in turn, can draw the following conclusions:

He likes laborious, painstaking work. He is patient and really enjoys the "subtle" moments, because he loves to deal with small details. Whatever he does, his work should be exciting and absorbing. If she is too simple and primitive, he will quickly lose interest in her.


If a person has short fingers, then in his case the conclusions are opposite. He is more interested in "broad strokes" than all sorts of details and little things, because he does not have patience. We can draw the following conclusion: such a person is always busy. Often he starts a new business before he completes the previous one.

At times it also happens that he is absorbed in several cases or projects at the same time. He wants to get everything immediately, so patience is not his strongest trait. Impulsivity can become a source of problems and trouble for him. In a sense, he is a jack of all trades.


Obviously, a person whose fingers are neither long nor short falls into the middle category. The conclusion is this: at times this person is very patient. However, it also happens that he first takes a step, and only then begins to think about the consequences of his act.
If something really interested him, he tries to get to the very essence and master everything to the subtleties. If the interest is of a transitory nature, he is content with superficial information and does not seek to get acquainted with the details.

As a result, we get four possible combinations: square palms with short fingers, square palms with long fingers, oblong palms with short fingers, and oblong palms with long fingers. This classification system is most commonly used by Chinese palmists.

I first read about it in Fred Getting's monumental book The Book of the Hand. The four groups are named after the four elements or natural elements of the ancients: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The groups correspond to the descriptions of fire, earth, air and water astrological signs, although it does not follow from this that, for example, Sagittarius (a fire sign) necessarily has a fiery hand. In each sign of the Zodiac there are people with hands of all four groups.


Fire is hot, energetic and in constant motion. It can spread pleasant warmth around itself, but it can also burn. It follows that fire must be handled with care. fiery hand

characterized by an oblong palm and short fingers. A person with a fiery hand, as a rule, is emotional, strong, enthusiastic and tries to be creative in everything. Short fingers cause a lack of interest in details, and an oblong palm - a strong intuition. About a person with such a hand, we can say the following with confidence:

He has a sharp and lively mind, constantly coming up with wonderful ideas that cause bursts of enthusiasm and inspiration. This enthusiasm is often short-lived, but until it fades, it gives an additional impetus to all the actions of a person. At times, it is difficult for such a person to cope with emotions, but it is thanks to his emotionality that he lives brightly and fully, enjoying life and all its positive manifestations as much as possible.

He treats details without much attention, and he is more interested in the picture as a whole than in its individual fragments. He feels happy only when he is busy, loaded with work and in demand. Probably, one of the areas of his activity is somehow connected with creativity.


The earth, or soil, is the dry, solid part of our planet. Everything that happens on the planet is subject to the natural cycle "birth - growth - death - decomposition". The earth has no age and therefore symbolizes stability and constancy. However, under its surface there is constant movement, constant change. At times, this leads to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters.

The earthly hand is very similar to the practical hand. It is characterized by a square palm and short fingers. People with an earth-type hand are reliable, constant, practical, unpretentious and easy to communicate with. They like monotonous work, as well as all kinds of activities in which the hands are actively involved.

Such people are conservative, restrained, but jealous, they have a highly developed sense of ownership. They can be prone to temper tantrums and be very aggressive when forced to.

We can say the following about a person with an earthly type of hand: he can confidently be called a good, conscientious worker. He is not afraid of hard physical work, his skillful hands "think for themselves." Sometimes he is stubborn, it is impossible to lead him astray if he has made a final decision.

He likes to move, he feels the rhythm well. He does not know how and does not like to work with details, unless, of course, he makes something with his own hands. Most likely, he prefers to work outdoors. He is interested in practical areas of activity. He is reliable, honest, and a little reserved.


Air is essential for life. We take it for granted and rarely pay attention to it, except perhaps on windy days. Air creatures, such as birds and flying insects, are active and fast. The air hand is characterized by a square palm and long fingers.

People of this type prefer to trust logic rather than intuition. They are quick-witted, savvy, witty and clearly express their thoughts. They love to communicate and often make brilliant careers in professions that require sociability. Due to the fact that they tend to rely on logic, people of this type do not trust emotions - both their own and those of other people. About a person with an air type hand, we can say the following with confidence:

He is intelligent, choosy, insightful and tends to think soberly and clearly. Relationships with other people are of great importance to him, but sometimes he allows logic to guide his feelings. Reliable, you can rely on him. He likes to do everything right, “as it should be”. He has a quick analytical mind, and when necessary, he can express his thoughts exceptionally clearly and competently. He is a wonderful companion, and next to him life is never boring or monotonous.


And finally, water, the natural state of which, like the elements, is complete stillness and tranquility. In order for this state to change and the water to move, it must be affected by external forces. Water itself is formless, it only fills the form into which it can penetrate.

The moon has a strong effect on water, causing ocean tides to ebb and flow. The expression "devils live in a still pool" is the best way to describe a water hand. The water hand is characterized by an oblong palm and long fingers.

This type of hand is sometimes called the intuitive hand, because people with such hands are incredibly sensitive, perceptive and receptive. They are also prone to rapid mood swings, emotional and impressionable. They are idealistic and have a developed and lively imagination. About a person whose hands belong to the water type, we can say something like this: His spiritual life is incredibly rich and diverse.

Due to the fact that he has a very vivid imagination, he indulges in fantasies and dreams. He is influenced by others, so he often changes his views. He has strong intuition. He is emotional.

If a person has attracted his attention, he tends to spend more time in his company, but he also needs time to think alone about what is happening in life. He feels happy next to a loved and understanding person whom he can rely on.


Most people believe that palmistry is the art of interpreting the lines on a person's hand. But you already know that this is only part of palmistry. Before jumping straight into line analysis, let's take a quick look at the hand as a whole.

Now we can already determine what type - fiery, water, air or earth - the hands of a person belong to, which, in turn, allows us to draw certain conclusions regarding his character and temperament. Just a cursory glance at the hand can significantly replenish our knowledge about this person.


To begin with, pay attention to whether the person’s hand is soft or hard. In some cases, the hand may feel springy to the touch, that is, neither soft nor hard. If the hand is fleshy, soft, this means that its owner loves luxury and pleasure and readily indulges his passions and desires.

If the hand has opposite qualities, that is, it is hard to the touch, then you have a strong person who endures all the vicissitudes of fate and is not afraid of trouble. Such a person is able to resist any temptation in the name of what seems to him more important and significant at this stage of life.


Now pay attention to how the hand looks and feels: rough or smooth. Don't be fooled by blisters that result from hard physical labor. Believe me, a person who earns a living by physical labor can have smooth hands. The rough hand is primarily characterized by large skin pores. As a rule, it is more noticeable on the back of the hand.

People with very rough hands tend to have strong primitive instincts and a similar appetite. Their needs are very limited, and if they are realized, people of this type feel happy and contented. If they are given the opportunity, they are prone to abuse. People of this type are called "thick-skinned".

People with smooth hands are much more cultured and aesthetic in everything they do. As a rule, they are keenly interested in all forms and types of creativity and strive to ensure that their homes and workplaces are as attractive and beautiful as possible.


Looking at the back of the hand, pay attention to the amount of hair growing on it. A small amount of hair indicates masculinity and is an auspicious sign on a man's hand. The abundance of hair indicates a person with great physical needs, who can only be happy when they are completely satisfied.


When the person holds out their hand to you, pay attention to whether the fingers are closed or slightly apart. People who keep their fingers close together tend to be cautious, cautious, introspective, and suffer from a lack of self-confidence.

People who hold out their hands with spread fingers are much more confident and open. They are less likely to doubt their own strengths and abilities than people who keep their fingers closed. Sometimes people stretch out their hand to the palmist with spread fingers and a completely unclenched palm, but in the process of divination they begin to gradually close their fingers and squeeze their palm. This process of slow clenching of the hand means that they are afraid of revealing their secrets.


The palm is divided into four parts by two imaginary lines. A vertical line running along the middle finger (finger of Saturn) across the entire palm to the wrist divides it into two parts, external and internal. The outer half includes the thumb and is associated with the actions we take in the world around us.

The inner half is connected with inner thoughts and decisions only known to us. An imaginary horizontal line passes under the base of the fingers and also divides the palm into two parts, upper and lower. The half that includes the fingers is associated with activity, while the bottom half is more passive and less receptive. As a result, the palm is divided into four quadrants: external active, internal active, external passive, internal passive.

As you examine your hand, pay attention to which of the quadrants is most pronounced, most obvious. Of course, this is very relative. One of the quadrants may seem more prominent and larger because of the hills (small bumps) present on it, or simply because one part of the arm seemed more important to you than others. I will share a secret: in the process of divination, a palmist should always listen to his intuition. It will never hurt anyone.

If none of the parts of the hand looks dominant in relation to its other parts, this means that the person has managed to achieve balance in different areas of life.


The active outer quadrant includes the thumb, index finger, and half of the middle finger. This section of the hand symbolizes the ambitions and goals of a person. If the active outer quadrant is dominant, this indicates that the person will spare no intellectual and physical efforts to achieve success.


Directly below the active outer is the passive outer quadrant, which includes the lower phalanx of the thumb and the mount (mount of Venus) lower in the palm. This quadrant is associated with physical endurance and sexual activity.

A well-developed passive outer quadrant indicates that the individual has great physical strength and endurance and no less sexual potency. If this part of the hand looks the weakest of the four, this indicates that the person is physically passive and rarely experiences spiritual uplift.


The active inner quadrant includes the ring finger, little finger, and half of the middle finger. If this quadrant is dominant, a person is more interested in science and art than in ways to achieve success and recognition.


Finally, we come to the passive inner quadrant. It includes a portion of the hand known as the Hill of the Moon, which we will discuss in detail a little later. The hill of the Moon is associated with creativity and the subconscious, therefore, being dominant, the passive inner quadrant indicates that a person understands his feelings well, feels their slightest nuances and fluctuations, and has a strong intuition.

This quadrant is also associated with imagination and tends to be especially well developed in creative people such as artists, poets, and musicians.

The concept of "happy hand" is also in palmistry. Its owner is a real favorite of fate, because she put all the favorable marks on his palm at once. Of course, there are only a few such people, but if you have at least a couple of “lucky symbols” on your hand, you are also very lucky!

Signs of a happy hand

The lucky hand is usually lean and has long thin fingers with oblong nails. The terms “graceful” and “elegant” will fit her. The folds between the phalanges look neat, but the lines on them are clearly marked. The palm has an even healthy pinkish color, however, like the brush itself. The distance between the lower phalanges of the fingers pressed to each other is practically not noticeable - the money and happiness of the owner of such a hand will never “leak through their fingers”! On each hand there are several main lines, looking at which, you can determine the level of happiness bestowed on a person.

Pay attention to the Life Line (1). Clear, deep and continuous, it, clearly standing out against the background of all other lines, is a sign that a person has excellent health, vitality and willpower. You are incredibly lucky if there is a line in your palm that runs parallel to the Life Line. This means that you are under the reliable protection and patronage of fate - it will protect you from accidents. But do not try your luck with rash risky actions! Just be grateful and know that you are being cherished for something truly important.

Small branches at the ends of the Heart Line (2) indicate that the owner of the palm has a kind soul. This person is open to the world and is surrounded by good people who are attracted by his purity and inner light. The branches at the beginning and end of the Mind Line testify to the ability to think extraordinary and even to the makings of a genius.

Crosses, stars and other shapes in the palm of your hand

Also on a happy palm you can find some geometric shapes. The cross on the Hill of Jupiter (3) (under the index finger) promises its owner a marriage made out of great love and a happy family life. The cross on the Hill of Venus (4) (under the thumb) also promises love, but one and only and for life. Of course, this cross can be interpreted as a lucky sign only if the feelings are mutual.

The ring of Venus (5) speaks of a large supply of vital energy and strength. This arched line that goes around the middle and ring fingers is quite rare. Its owner is very purposeful and always achieves his goals - it is almost impossible to break him. But it should be borne in mind that only the Ring located on the “lucky hand” (on which all or most of the signs given here are present) has a favorable meaning. Otherwise, this label indicates excessive enthusiasm for the opposite sex, and sometimes even outright promiscuity.

An asterisk, several small intersecting lines (6) is a very auspicious sign. It indicates that a person is lucky. Located at the base of the ring finger, the asterisk predicts him creative success and great communication skills, thanks to which he will achieve considerable heights. At the base of the little finger - promises success in science, trade or business.

A money triangle with clear angles, formed between the Line of the Mind (7) and the Line of Destiny (8), is another sign of good fortune. It means that a person easily receives money. And it’s not at all about the ability to earn money - the money of the owner of the triangle is “found” by themselves.

Bracelet as a gift from fate

In search of "marks of happiness" it is necessary to study not only the pattern on the palm - the type of wrist is also of great importance. Straight, clear and continuous lines on it are called bracelets of happiness. It is believed that they are given to a person even before birth and, like a talisman, protect him from grief and help him achieve great success.

If there are no marks on the hand

The drawing on the left hand reflects our potential, on the right hand it shows what we have in reality (for left-handers it is the other way around). Therefore, if happy signs are present on the passive palm, but absent on the active one, think about it: maybe you are doing something wrong, you are not developing your abilities and talents, which means you are missing out on opportunities. Please also note that the pattern on the palm may change over time. Depending on the life path chosen by a person, marks have the property of both appearing and disappearing.