Kolovrat in oak leaves meaning. The secret meaning of the Kolovrat amulet. What does the symbol look like?

Kolovrat symbolizes the energy of the sun, abundance, and fertility. It gives strength to those who wear it, brings good luck, and promotes the development of intuition. It can be used by both girls and men. This talisman is universal. It protects its owner from any negative influence, taking all the bad energy upon itself.

Kolovrat is a circle with rays emanating from the center. Their ends are turned to the right or left. The sacred meaning of this magical symbol is the movement of the heavenly body. The first part of the name of the amulet “Kolo” is deciphered as a closed circle; the meaning of “Gate” is movement. Movement in a circle is the essence of all origins, natural cycles, a sign of infinity.

Salting and anti-salting - what's the difference?

The rays of the Kolovrat are directed along or against the direction of the sun. In the first case, when they are bent in the direction of the sun's movement, the Slavic symbol is called posolon. It gives protection, protection from evil spirits, and gives health and vitality. Rays directed counterclockwise mean that it is anti-salt. This talisman reveals magical abilities, the gift of clairvoyance, bestows intuition, and bestows insight. Salting is usually worn by men, and anti-salting is usually worn by women.

Number of rays and their meaning

Amulet "Kolovrat"

The Kolovrat solar amulet can have 4, 6 and 8 descending rays. Depending on their number, the meaning of the symbol changes. An amulet with 4 guides symbolizes the power of fire and its ability to transform. The six-armed amulet grants its owner the protection of Perun himself, the god of thunder and justice. And the eight-digit talisman gives the owner all the power of solar fire.

What is Kolovrat made from?

The Kolovrat amulet is created from:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • bones.

On clothes, draw on paper, cut out on household utensils, applied to the skin as a temporary or permanent tattoo. When choosing a foundation, it is important to remember that it should be natural.


Previously, due to the peculiarities of life, the ancient Slavs more often used wood to create a symbol of the sun. Subsequently, it began to be produced from such metals as:

  • gold;
  • brass;
  • silver;
  • copper.

A metal talisman is more durable and resistant to outside influences. Its effectiveness does not depend on the type and purity of the metal. However, it is better for modest, shy people to prefer a gold amulet. It will help them cope with internal confusion and give them strength on the way to achieving their goals. Kolovrat is suitable for young men and women. Silver alloy will increase the protective properties of the talisman and enhance intuition.


Oak or birch wood is well suited for creating a protective amulet. A strong, mighty oak is the choice of men, a gentle and caring birch is the tree of women. However, other types of wood are allowed to be used to make the symbol; there is no strict reference. The talisman will work even if it is made from a coniferous or fruit tree.


Animal bone provides the Slavic symbol with additional protection and promotes the fusion of the energy of the amulet and its owner. To make Kolovrat, only the bones of noble animals, for example, a bull, are used.

What to hang it on

Regardless of what material it is made of, it can be on a metal chain or on a fabric cord made of linen or cotton. Of course, if the symbol is made of precious metal, then it is best complemented by the same chain. But you need to understand that the choice of this or that material will not in any way affect the level of effectiveness and impact of the talisman itself.

There is only one material from which it is forbidden to make both the Kolovrat itself and the lace for wearing it - this is genuine leather. According to the ancient tradition of the Slavs, the use of animal skins to create magical objects is permitted only when the animal is killed in compliance with certain rituals.

Variation of symbolism

Kolovrat gives men victory, gives them strength, and helps them in difficult life situations. Gives women love, family happiness, fertility. In the center of such a symbol you can place an image that reinforces the desired beginning. It could be a bear, a raven, a wolf or a rune. The image requires a good understanding of their meaning and the nature of the impact. These are very powerful signs that can enhance the energy potential of an object tenfold.

Athletes, politicians or simply fighters for some ideas can wear a talisman with rays in the form of battle axes. A talisman with this symbolism increases the fighting spirit of the owner, makes him brave, promises good luck in battle and victory over even the most powerful and sophisticated enemies.

What does Kolovrat give to modern man?

A talisman made from the right material, charged and cleansed properly, can give its owner:

  • fortitude;
  • optimism;
  • magical patronage;
  • fertility;
  • health;
  • victory over evil, enemies;
  • protection from negativity;
  • the power of the sun's flame.

The power of light and creation that the sun carries will help a person achieve and overcome any difficulties, emerge victorious from the battle with evil, become stronger, healthier, and luckier. The power of such a talisman can literally work miracles. But it cannot be used for bad deeds, with the aim of causing harm.

How to clean and charge the amulet

It is best to make the amulet yourself, but you can also buy it secondhand. In any case, before putting it on yourself, the sign must be cleansed of foreign energy. In the future, it is carried out as necessary, but at least once every six months. The more stress and negativity in the life of the bearer of the sign, the more often this procedure must be carried out. The amulet is cleansed and charged using three elements:

  • water;
  • land;
  • fire.

To cleanse with water, it is better to use any natural source: stream, river, lake, sea, etc. It will wash away all extraneous energy from the amulet and dissolve the negative in just a few hours after the amulet is completely immersed. If there is no such source nearby, you should use running water. The main thing is that it moves and flows. A basin or mug of water will not work.

After the amulet has been cleaned with water, it must be scorched with fire. Ideally, this should be a fire lit from the branches of a tree struck by lightning. But in the absence of such rarity, it is permissible to use ordinary wood. When conditions do not allow lighting a natural fire, any candle will do, but not a church candle. Carry the amulet through the flame several times and the cleansing procedure can be considered complete.

A talisman made of wood, instead of being immersed in water, is buried in damp soil for several days, then sprinkled with water and carried through the fire three times.

How to charge?

You should start only after it has been completely cleansed. The owner of the Kolovrat must come into contact with it, saturating the symbol with his own energy. To do this, they squeeze it in their hand and mentally ask the talisman for intercession, health, and fertility. It is best to voice the most pressing, important needs, and not just list everything. Then it is put on a rope and carried with you for 3 days. While charging the Kolovrat, it should not be removed even at night. The more effort you put into the talisman at this stage, the greater the potential you will get out of it. The strength and power of the symbol depends on this period.

It is necessary to clean and charge the Kolovrat on the days of the equinox or solstice. These significant dates for nature occur 4 times a year. At this time, solar energy is at its peak. Talismans charged on this day are very effective and have great power.

How to make it yourself

The easiest way to make an amulet is from wood or bone. These are soft materials and can be worked with without using professional tools. To apply the design you will need a regular cutter.

Stages of creating a talisman:

  • preparation of the workpiece - it should be flat and round;
  • drawing on the surface of the product with a pencil;
  • processing with a cutter.

It is necessary to start making a talisman only in a good mood, in the daytime. It is advisable that sunlight fall on the table where the object is being created.

When it is not possible to devote a sufficient amount of time to creating a talisman, you can simply draw it on a blank sheet of paper and put the drawing in a secluded box or keep it with you at all times, for example, in a purse. If desired, Kolovrat can be embroidered on a shirt, decorative napkins, curtains, or tablecloths.

Tattoo "Kolovrat"

It is preferable to apply the Kolovrat symbol in the form. The most optimal areas for this are the following:

  • chest area;
  • shoulder blades;
  • forearms.

Where to store

Kolovrat should be stored in a specially designated place - in a box or casket made of wood. It is unacceptable to keep the amulet together with any other jewelry.

How long does the protective talisman work?

A properly made Kolovrat, which is cleaned and charged on time, will serve its owner for a lifetime. He will work and protect him from negative influences and evil until he exhausts his resources. If the amulet is unexpectedly lost, breaks or a crack appears on it, this means that it has taken on too much negativity, taken it away from the owner and can no longer be used as a talisman. This Kolovrat should not be kept with you; bury it in the ground. The wooden product should simply be burned.

Are Christians allowed to wear Kolovrat?

People who adhere to the Christian religion should not wear it. Slavs and Christians are mutually exclusive confessions. It was Christianity that once destroyed the Slavic gods.

During the time of the ancient Slavs, people believed that all life on Earth exists thanks to the Sun, and this celestial sign was given great preference. In order to protect themselves and honor the Gods (Yarilo, Svarog, Dazhdbog), people began to make amulets, talismans, and amulets with the image of the Sun. Among the people, the amulet acquired the name “Kolovrat” (“kolo” means the circle of the Sun). The sign was depicted in the form of the Sun, which had curved ends. The ends were depicted bent in different directions. You can find a symbol with curved ends clockwise and counterclockwise, bent into a circle. Each type of symbol had its own meaning. The Kolovrat amulet has gained popularity, and the sign can be seen in many ancient religions. The sages of those times interpreted that the amulet contained four elements and had a great influence on the human body and aura. People made amulets, tattoos, and jewelry. The Kolovrat ring was popular among noble people. It was made of gold, less often of silver.

The Kolovrat sign is seen in many ancient religions

The meaning of the amulet

In ancient times, people lived and measured life thanks to the Sun. Many holidays were associated with this celestial body. The world was created thanks to the Sun, and this celestial body is responsible for all life on Earth, for the movement of all particles and for everything that exists in the Universe. The symbol could also influence a person, his health and luck. Women treated the amulet with respect, as it influenced fertility. Research has shown that the Slavic amulet Kolovrat served as a map and compass for ancient peoples. Astrologers conducted a series of studies and came to the conclusion that on certain days (these are the days of the solstice and equinox) of each season, at twelve o'clock at night, a sign is formed in the sky between the constellations Ursa Minor and Ursa Major and the polar star - Kolovrat.

If you draw a figurative line between the constellations and the polar star on December twenty-second, June twenty-second, March twenty-first and September twenty-third, a symbol is formed. To visually see it, you can use a map and images of celestial bodies.

These studies mean that the Kolovrat amulet has real power and is able to protect the owner and fill him with the energy of the Sun. There are beliefs that the symbol resembles a swastika, a Nazi symbol. The amulet was worn by both men and women. The sign was displayed on the walls of the house, at the entrance to the hearth.

The Kolovrat amulet has real power and is able to protect the owner

What does the symbol look like?

The symbol is depicted in the form of a wheel, a circle that has a different number of endings. Often the sign contains eight limbs, rays. The direction of all rays on one symbol must be the same. An amulet or image cannot be created where one ray is directed clockwise and the second is directed counterclockwise or wrapped in a circle. A symbol can contain the following number of rays:

  1. The four rays symbolize fire on earth.
  2. Six rays mean the sign of Perun, the circle of God.
  3. Eight rays signify the power of the Sun and the power of solar fire.

You can find the sign on clothing, household items, military armor, and flags. People got tattoos. For each owner of the amulet, Kolovrat had its own meaning, what the person wanted to receive. In ancient times, when Slavic warriors went to battle, enemies, seeing Kolovrat on clothes, armor or tattoos and the amulet, left the battlefield, surrendered, and gave up gold, since they knew that the sign would give the enemy incredible strength and damage would be more, and it is better to immediately admit defeat. If the corners of the symbol formed a circle, then the sign characterized eternal and non-stop movement in the Universe. Jewelry was made of gold, since it is the metal of the Sun.

Female Kolovrat - “Kolyadnik” and Male Kolovrat

Body hieroglyphs

Among the Slavs, as well as other nationalities, it has become popular to get a tattoo with the image of Kolovrat. The tattoo was applied to the shoulder, back or chest. The meaning of tattoos for all nationalities was the same - it is the cyclical nature of life, circulation, constant rhythm and movement. Both men and women got tattoos. Men's tattoos were different from women's tattoos. The basis of the tattoo is the same for everyone - it is a circle, a wheel. The female Kolovrat, or as it is also called “Kolyadnik,” was depicted with rays directed to the right, clockwise. For women, this meant femininity, motherhood, procreation. In the modern world, this can mean career growth, promotion, or the creation of something new.

A man's tattoo was depicted with rays counterclockwise. The sign on the body meant strength, courage, a return to the beginning. Each person determined the number of rays independently. The tattoo has one color. It was rare that the image was complemented with red and white. If such colors were present, then they were used to depict the rays, and not the base of the sign.

The daylight played a huge role in the life of the Slavs. Our ancestors revered the sun as the center of the entire universe. According to it, they began and ended the day, worked and rested, received warmth and strength. In honor of the sun, a special amulet called “Kolovrat” was created in the culture of our ancestors.

In this article

What does it mean

Kolovrat is one of the most ancient amulets of our ancestors. This is a sign of the solar type, which is fraught with deep meaning. It means the eternal rotation of the sun, the change of day to night and the infinity of the universe. Hence the other name - “”.

The Slavic symbol Kolovrat personifies 3 powerful deities and their interaction:

  1. Svarog, lord of the sky.
  2. Dazhdbog, his son.
  3. Khorsa, guardian of the sun.

Obviously, not only the Slavs revered the sun and drew strength from it. Charms with images similar to Kolovrat are present in ancient Indo-European cultures. It is no coincidence that this sign was painted or embroidered on the fabric in which the sacred covenants of the gods were wrapped.

The mystery of the symbol

Kolovrat symbolizes the solar disk and its constant rotation. It looks like a wheel (hence the first part of the name – “colo”). In the middle of the circle there are pairs of rays bent in one direction.

There are 3 options for symbol image:

  • 4 – give support to the fire element and the protection of Dazhdbog;
  • 6 – protection of Perun;
  • 8 – intercession of Svarog and the power of the light gods.

"Vrat" means "rotation". The beams can rotate left and right. It is translated into modern Russian as “rotation of the wheel.”

Interestingly, Kolovrat’s appearance resembles the famous swastika sign - once a symbol of Nazi Germany. There are even comparison photos online. However, it has nothing in common with fascism and violence. Apparently, the ancient sign, intended to serve good, was appropriated by the Nazis in order to enhance their power with solar energy.

Salting or anti-salting

The amulet exists in 2 versions. Its rays can have the direction:

  1. In the direction of the sun or salt. This is a symbolic connection with the world of Reveal and light spiritual forces. Gives divine protection.
  2. Against the direction of the sun or anti-salt. Symbolizes the connection with Navy - the other world. More suitable for women, as it reveals intuition, clairvoyance, and magical abilities. Helps you notice what is hidden from the eyes of an ordinary person. This is traditionally the female version of Kolovrat.

Eight-ray amulet

Particularly revered by our ancestors was Kolovrat, consisting of 8 rays. In neo-paganism he is called the Caroler. It is no coincidence that the number 8 appears here. Rays are 4 elements and 4 seasons. The axis in the middle of the wheel symbolizes the center of the Universe – Stozhar. Together they reveal the unity of all things on earth and the infinity of the Universe itself.

In ancient times, Kolovrat of 8 rays served as a talisman for revered people - wise men, warriors and knowledgeable mothers. The Slavs firmly believed that in war Kolovrat brings invincibility and revival for those killed on the battlefield. He was always depicted on banners and painted on weapons and armor. Thus, the warriors fell into a magical protective circle.

Svarog himself is considered the patron of the 8-rayed Kolovrat. The 8 rays have another name - Svarga - given in honor of the heavenly ruler. In addition to protection and strength, the amulet contains a special gift from a powerful deity: wisdom and the development of a sense of justice.

Meaning for modern man

As in ancient times, today Kolovrat can bring a lot of benefits. The symbol is filled with powerful solar energy.

If the rays are directed clockwise, the amulet will give:

  • protection from the forces of evil;
  • wealth;
  • connection with the gods;
  • energy for great things.

This is the male version of Kolovrat.

Women are supposed to wear a talisman with rays directed counterclockwise. It has a name. Then, in addition to protection from evil spirits, intuition and supernatural abilities will develop. This will allow you not to offend yourself and your family.

And also Kolovrat in both versions:

  • will fill you with strength to fight difficulties;
  • improve health;
  • will develop the ability to enjoy life;
  • will help you achieve success in society;
  • will attract wealth.

This powerful amulet is of particular value for protection from other people’s negativity and one’s own destructive thoughts.

However The amulet only works if, when the owner’s thoughts are pure in relation to the world. If you wished harm on someone, you lost your protection. It is incompatible with bad thoughts.

In order for Kolovrat to acquire magical properties and be able to help you improve your life, you must:

  1. Believe in his strength and honor Slavic culture.
  2. Choose (or make at home) the right image.
  3. Activate the amulet.
  4. Periodically cleanse yourself of accumulated negative vibrations.
  5. Handle with care and respect.

Follow these rules - and the energy of the sun will feed you with its strength through the sign of Svarog.

How to make and wear

If for many amulets it is important to use only a certain material, then in the case of Kolovrat this does not play a big role. He can be:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • wooden;
  • brass;
  • copper.

In addition, the symbol is drawn on paper, dishes, furniture, and also embroidered. In Rus', shutters and even walls in utility rooms were decorated with the sign of the solstice.

The Kolovrat is worn on a chain (the metal can be any - gold, silver, brass) or on a cord made of natural threads (linen, cotton). The only taboo is skin. The bad energy from killing an animal will prevent the amulet from performing its functions. The Slavs used leather - but only from animals killed in accordance with a special ritual.

Embroidery should be without knots, on natural fabric. For family people, a male sign is embroidered on one shoulder (with clockwise rays), and a female one on the other (counterclockwise rays). Thus, the circle closes, and the family becomes invulnerable to negativity from the outside.

Cross stitch pattern

To give the amulet more power, contact it as much as possible. Ideally, it is worn without taking it off day or night. A strong energetic connection must be established between Kolovrat and his owner. Only then will the sign of Svarog work for your benefit in full force.

Today, a tattoo depicting Kolovrat is popular among admirers of Slavic culture. It can be seen especially often on the body of men, like the solstice sign decorating the chest or shoulder. It is believed that it gives strength and fills with energy to transform the world. But when choosing a design for a tattoo, remember that Kolovrat does not like evil hearts and unclean thoughts. For the amulet to work for you, you will have to work on yourself.

If you are going to draw a sign, make sure that the image is conveyed exactly, each ray is straight, and the lines are the same length. It is better to choose light colors, this is how the Ancients depicted Kolovrat.

You can store the drawing at home in a secluded place (a specially designated box or sewn bag). It is important that your Kolovrat does not lie next to jewelry. Such contact will have an unfavorable effect.

Activation Ritual

If you just bought Kolovrat, don’t rush to put it on. This also applies to amulet made at home. First, activate its magical power and cleanse it of foreign energies. It is important to do this during the day when the sun is shining. But not after his entry.

As is the case with others, the water and fire elements will help with this. So, the activation ritual consists of the following actions:

  1. Immerse the Kolovrat in running water and leave for 2 hours. To do this, find a natural body of water - a river or at least a stream.
  2. Continue cleansing with fire - pass over the flame 3 times. The Slavs believed that there was no better cleansing for a talisman than a fire made from the branches of a tree struck by lightning. But in modern cities it is unlikely to be possible to find such firewood.
  3. If it is not possible to light a fire, a wax candle will do.
  4. Place the Kolovrat in a sunny place and charge from the rays for another 8 hours (a desirable, but not mandatory condition).
  5. Squeeze the cleaned amulet in your palms for 5 minutes. So, you will give it your own energy.
  6. Contact the patron of the amulet asking for protection. What forces are behind your Kolovrat depends on how many rays there are in it. This could be the lord of sunlight Dazhdbog (4), Perun the Thunderer (6) or the master of the sky Svarog (8).
  7. Wear for 3 days without removing. This is exactly how long it takes for Kolovrat to “get used” to his owner.

After completing all the steps, be sure that your amulet is charged and ready to help.


If the silver amulet has become darker than usual, it means that it has received a powerful dose of negativity. The amulet is cleaned (like silver jewelry) and buried in the ground for 3 days. Next, they are kept in running water and cleaned over a fire.

Even if you do not notice external defects on the amulet, the procedure should still be carried out once every six months. During this period, Kolovrat will absorb a lot of negative information, and his defense will weaken. The ideal time is the days of the solstices and equinoxes according to the Slavic calendar.

Cleansing can be done with running water, earth (bury for 3 days) or fire (carry three times over a candle flame or fire). Having chosen any method, the item must be kept in the sun for 8–10 hours.

The most common method is to remove dark energies with the power of water. A stream or other running water is suitable for cleaning. Dip the object into the water and ask it to take away with it all the negativity that has accumulated on it. Hold it for a while. This method is suitable if your talisman is made of metal (gold, silver, copper). For wooden Kolovrat, simply sprinkle it with water.

After completing the ritual, wipe the amulet with a clean cloth and place it in the sun. Before placing the amulet around your neck, thank it for its help in the past and ask for protection for the future.

How to determine that a talisman can no longer be used

Kolovrat is not one of those items that stays with a person for life. He exists to take on the negativity directed at the owner. Sooner or later he will have to face a powerful portion of bad energy. And the amulet is not always able to process and cleanse itself. Then we can talk about the end of its “shelf life”.

If you notice that a crack has appeared or the amulet is bent, it means that Kolovrat has fulfilled his purpose. It's time to say goodbye to it - bury it in the ground (metal) or burn it (in the case of wood).

First thank the amulet for its help, and then destroy it. For the wooden symbol, build a fire and burn it. For a metal amulet, choose a deserted place and bury it. It is important to keep the distance between your home as much as possible.

After completing the procedure, go buy a new talisman. Or make it at home.

What to do if you lose

This means that he was attacked by evil forces - he took on the negativity intended for the owner. In order not to spread this evil, he took it and left with it.

Maybe Kolovrat will return. Mentally call your talisman. If he is able to cleanse himself and be useful, then he will be found. When the portion of negative energy was too large, the spinner will take it with it and disappear forever.

Can Christians wear it?

Since Christianity came to us by destroying the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, these two directions are incompatible. Moreover, they are mutually exclusive. And wearing Kolovrat, being a Christian, simply does not make sense. You'll have to choose one.

And in conclusion

Nowadays wearing Kolovrat is no less useful than in the old days. It will provide a direct connection with powerful solar energy, protect against manifested and unmanifested evil. Treat it with care, cultivate a good attitude towards the world in your soul, and you will receive a reliable ally in the implementation of your good intentions.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

The circle of life is eternal - day gives way to night, the seasons of the year invariably follow one after another, new generations come to replace the departed. This endless movement of life is personified by one of the most ancient Slavic symbols - Kolovrat.

Another symbol of this eternal cycle can be seen on a clear night in the sky of the northern hemisphere. Look a little to the left of the well-known Big Dipper (Ursa Major) and you will see a bright constellation - the Swastika. However, you will not find it on star maps - the constellation was excluded from them about seventy years ago.

The image of Kolovrat is very similar in appearance to the structure of our galaxy

The swastika is another external appearance of the ancient symbol of Kolovrat. The Slavs in ancient times knew the starry sky very well and understood more than we do - thousands of years later. Kolovrat's image schematically depicted our galaxy.

The Slavic Amulet Kolovrat had the most powerful magical meanings; you just had to use it correctly.

The versatility of the Kolovrat amulet

The origin of the word kolovrat can be understood if we break it into two parts: kolo (circle or wheel) and vrat (to rotate). The meaning of the Kolovrat amulet is directly related to the origin of the word - the amulet symbolizes a full turn from worse to better. From illness to health, from poverty to prosperity, from failure to success...

Kolovrat is the personification of the strongest ancient Slavic solar gods

However, the significance of the Slavic amulet Kolovrat is not limited to the turn of life for the better. Kolovrat symbolizes the sun, light, eternal fire, which do not allow the slightest particle of darkness into the life of the person wearing this symbol. Kolovrat symbolizes the strongest ancient Slavic Gods - himself, Svarozhich Dazhdbog and Khors. These are the solar Gods, lords and guardians of light, heat and the Sun itself. So Kolovrat can fill a person’s life with warmth and light, preventing the actions of dark forces. The Kolovrat amulet will protect the owner not only from external negativity, it will also cleanse his soul from everything dark, useless and interfering with a happy life.

There are many options for the external symbolism of Kolovrat - according to some sources, their number exceeds a hundred. For example, an image with four rays denotes the power of fire, six rays personify, and eight rays symbolize the powers of all the ancient solar Gods.

Kolovrat has a reverse side - the female symbol Ladinets

Wearing Kolovrat is available to both women and men. The difference between the amulets in the female and male versions is only in the direction of the rays. For men, the rays should be directed clockwise, for women - counterclockwise. The female amulet Kolovrat has its own name - . A woman wearing Ladinets finds harmony in her life, love and marital happiness. Ladinets, in addition, will protect a woman from damage or the evil eye. Ladinets shows maximum protective powers towards women expecting a child; in this case, the amulet becomes an impenetrable barrier to all dark forces. The power of a Ladinets inscribed in the Great Circle is doubled.

For men, the Kolovrat amulet, in addition to the patronage and protection of higher forces of light, gave strength to resolve difficult life situations, and protected them on the battlefield.

How to wear the Kolovrat amulet?

One of the most common ways to wear a talisman was to embroider its symbols on clothing, usually on the shoulders or chest. Couples often decorated their clothing with both male and female symbols. The female sign is on one shoulder, the male sign is on the other. So they created a magic circle impenetrable to dark forces. The features of embroidery were the following: threads for embroidery and fabric of clothing had to be natural (usually linen); The embroidery itself was done without knots on the reverse side.

Silver pendant Kolovrat decorated with ruby

For the manufacture of Kolovrat in the form of decoration, the choice of source material was very important. First of all, of course, we tried to use natural materials.

  1. Gold is a material for those who are characterized by indecision and isolation; for those who lack vitality to achieve their goals. In addition, golden Kolovrat normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. But one should not strive to make it necessarily from gold. Gold is not the best material for everyone.
  2. Silver, unlike gold, can be considered a universal material. The Slavic silver Kolovrat amulet will benefit everyone, regardless of their character and personal characteristics. This is a sacred metal that counteracts any dark forces. Silver has the ability to absorb negative dark forces, preventing them from reaching the wearer of the amulet. In addition, silver has the ability to enhance a person’s intuition.
  3. Wood is also a material often used to make amulets. In particular, birch is a particularly revered tree for making magical items. Birch wood amulets have a strong potential to transform a girl into an ideal housewife, a caring mother and a loving, faithful wife. The birch amulet saves a girl from illness, damage, loneliness and self-doubt.
  4. Oak, the king of trees, is more suitable for making amulets intended for men. Oak is the tree of the god Perun and oak wood itself is a powerful protection for men. If the symbol is made of oak, then the magical power of this material increases many times over.
  5. Animal bones were also a popular material for making Kolovrat. For example, bull bones were considered capable of adopting a person’s energy, merging harmoniously with him and providing the protection necessary for that particular person, the owner of the amulet. Over time, the color and structure of the bone Kolovrat changed its properties. Being initially white, it acquired the color of honey, and its matte structure became almost transparent. However, the potential of the amulet's power did not change. He became, as it were, a part of his owner and devoted all his strength to protecting him from all kinds of negativity. However, in order for the amulet to become so familiar, it was necessary to perform the appropriate cleansing ritual.

What ritual is required?

The mandatory rite of purification of Kolovrat must be performed initially, before you start wearing your protector. The ritual is completely simple; it requires either fire or running water. Sometimes amulets are made of such thin wood that both short-term fire and running water can damage its appearance. In this case, you can simply sprinkle it with running water (from the tap) and hold it for some time in direct sunlight or, for example, near a candle flame.

While the amulet is being cleansed by the flame of a candle or the sun, it is good to mentally (or out loud) ask the power of fire to burn away all previously accumulated foreign energy from the amulet, including negative energy, leaving only its potential protective power. Simple table salt gives the amulet good potential. You can leave it in the salt for a few hours or overnight; the salt will absorb the maximum of the existing negativity on the amulet and cleanse it.

After cleansing, Kolovrat should be inseparable from you for at least three days

After these procedures, you can consider that you have completely cleansed Kolovrat. You can put on an amulet and wear it, but it is better if in the first three days it is inseparable from you. During this time, harmony will come between you and the amulet, and your magical protector will be able to act in full force.

For a cord to hang your amulet, natural thread is best suited. In ancient times, they usually preferred linen, so don’t deviate from this tradition. The lace can be made of leather, but only if you know what kind of animal the lace is made from and, equally important, how this animal was killed.

What to do if Kolovrat is lost?

Sometimes amulets crack or are lost altogether. If this happens, you should not worry. Charms made of bone or wood often crack or even split into several pieces. If this happens, you should know that the amulet took the blow directed against you, and at the same time exhausted its entire reserve of strength. Burn the wooden amulet, bury the bone amulet in a secluded place, and do not forget to express gratitude for protecting you from a powerful blow.

In case of loss, the situation is similar. Kolovrat absorbed the negativity directed against you and left so that not a drop of this negativity would spill out. You shouldn’t look for the amulet, but you can try to call him quietly. Call him, and if the amulet still has some magical potential, it will definitely show up, sometimes in a completely unpredictable place. If the amulet is not located, then do not disturb it. When he leaves, he will take with him all the evil that he has absorbed.

Ancient Slavic amulets and Christianity

Unfortunately, it is necessary to disappoint true believing Christians who are interested in ancient Slavic traditions. Many Slavic amulets (Kolovrat, among others) are incompatible with the faith of Orthodox Christians. Remember the history of the formation of Christianity in Rus', and you will understand the reason for this antagonism. Too much blood was shed, many ancient Slavic symbols and relics were destroyed. The destruction of the ancient great deities in the minds of the Slavic peoples cannot pass without leaving a trace. Therefore, the choice is only yours - either the beliefs and traditions of the ancient ancestors, or the path of Christ.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

Since ancient times, symbols have been of great importance in people's lives. The secret meaning contained in them was able to enhance or reduce vital energy. The Kolovrat amulet, which is often incorrectly attributed to the fascist swastika, is considered one of the most powerful in Slavic culture.

From this article you will learn:

The meaning of the Kolovrat symbol

The Slavic symbol has been known since ancient times. Its magical power and power in the modern world is perceived as an element of the revival of Rus'. "Kolo" means "circle". The sign itself is the personification of the endless movement of the Sun. The hot star continues to warm all living things and fills them with energy. Continuity of existence is possible only with its help. The comparison with the wheel of this sign is very appropriate, because this is also part of the movement.

There are different versions of the amulet:

  • with eight rays (it is believed that a person gains the power of fire);
  • six-pointed as a sign of protection from Perun;
  • with four rays as a symbol of fire on earth.

The amulet is designed to give new meaning and impetus to life. Its owners are able to gain:

  • well-being;
  • wealth;
  • health;
  • career growth;
  • fame and glory.

The sign is able to protect against negative energy, so it was painted on the walls of houses or placed on household utensils.

If the direction of the amulet was set clockwise, then its owner could be a man. For women, the opposite direction or anti-salt works.

Traditionally, for women, this artifact helps:

  • strengthen family relationships;
  • protect from evil spells, especially during pregnancy;
  • find a family and children faster.

For men, Kolovrat can give power and strength, help in the fight against the enemy. But at the same time, it is necessary that the other half also has such a talisman.

Materials for manufacturing

Today it is customary to create a magical medium from:

  • silver;
  • gold;
  • wood;
  • beads

You can also find products made of plastic, mammoth bones (in the Pomeranian culture) or in the form of embroidery on various products.

Options made from precious metals, although they look more advantageous, do not add energy at all. The solar sign equally powerfully transforms the life of the owner of the amulet. It is preferable for girls to use silver; for older people, gold is suitable. This is already connected with the energy of the metals themselves.

How to speak a talisman?

Many Russians wear the Slavic amulet as a decoration, not remembering its true purpose. But to gain magical power you need:

  • cleanse Kolovrat;
  • make a conspiracy to gain strength and protection from dark forces.

If the talisman is made with your own hands - carved from wood or embroidered - then cleansing is not required. Before you buy an ancient Slavic amulet, you need to make sure that it is gender appropriate.

To cleanse, you need to wait for a sunny, fine day. Ideally, the ceremony is carried out on the day of the solar solstice, spring or autumn equinox. Under no circumstances should procedures be performed in the dark or after sunset.

Prepared amulet:

  • rinse in natural water - a stream, river will do, but not a lake or reservoir. If natural springs are not available, you can rinse in holy water.
  • place in bright sunlight;
  • provide security for the symbol, i.e. no one should see or touch it.

After saying the spell:

“Spin the wheel, spin the wheel, turn my Sun on an eternal circle, so that ... (name)’s life will be red. Don’t burn the fire, be kind to the Sun!”

Kolovrat, which is embroidered with a cross on a shirt, other clothing or household items, has the highest power. It is also called differently. Before you start working on the amulet, you need to say the words:

“Just as a thread and a needle make friends, so I will be friends with the Sun. Every morning the Sun rises, every morning I reach out to him. Give, Sunshine, your fire for good deeds, for family and health.”

If work on Kolovrat will be carried out for several days, then the words should be re-uttered. If you are creating a drawing, you can do the same. The owner of the amulet must use it often enough to constantly be fed with the energy of the magical sign.

Use of a Slavic symbol

Slavic Kolovrat can be used in different ways in everyday life. However, there are certain rules for interacting with him.

How and where to place the amulet?

If a person is initiated into any religion, then using the Kolovrat amulet is not recommended. Baptized but non-believing people, in the absence of a cross, can wear jewelry with the symbol.

When using a solar sign, you should follow the rules:

  • Kolovrat cannot be stored with other jewelry, so it needs to be placed in a separate box or bag made of natural fabric;
  • this powerful element subjugates any other energy, so it should be combined more carefully with other ritual or symbolic decorations;
  • as a pendant goes well with cotton or linen, brass, copper, silver or gold;
  • in the home they are placed in the area where food is eaten;
  • the sun is the main energy of the amulet, so Kolovrat must periodically “see” its rays;
  • on clothing it is placed in the chest area or shoulders;
  • You cannot help but draw a sign on the bottom of the dish, because the amulet loses its source of recharge, this can lead to illness.

How to care for a Slavic amulet?

Rituals of purification of the solar assistant should be repeated approximately once every six months. Pay attention to whether cracks appeared during the casting of the plot.

Periodically you should also:

  • place an ancient symbol in the soil to enhance its energy and prolong its service;
  • after visiting public events or places where large numbers of people gather, jewelry is left overnight in table salt;
  • Clean products made of precious metals so that plaque or tarnish does not form.

How to part with Kolovrat?

If the Slavic solstice breaks or gets lost, you need to understand that this is an important signal. This means that the owner was hit with strong negative energy, which was completely absorbed by the solar protector. No matter how expensive the amulet is, it is necessary to get rid of it (it is better to bury it; wooden versions are usually burned).