How (and where) to get higher education remotely - universities and prices. Distance learning with elements up to State University remotely

Distance higher education is a type of university education that allows you to obtain a diploma by studying online. The interaction between the teacher and the student occurs remotely - they see each other through web cameras and communicate online.

Since February 2012, distance and electronic educational technologies have been officially recognized in Russia as a form of education. Law No. 273-FZ finally equated the diploma of higher distance education with the documents that are issued upon completion of full-time, part-time and evening faculties. This was a breakthrough in the Russian education system - many people across the country began to learn professions online, and interest in universities offering this form of education grew significantly. Among the advantages of such training are:

  • You can live in one city and receive education in another;
  • Distance learning is much cheaper than full-time or correspondence;
  • Studying is based on an individual approach, which takes into account the life circumstances and mental capabilities of the student;
  • Higher distance education is available to everyone, regardless of health status and social status.

In this article we will pay attention to all the nuances associated with distance learning, as well as what an applicant will need for admission, and how the diploma will differ.

The content of the article :

Universities of distance higher education and tuition fees

At the moment, there are several dozen institutions offering distance learning. For comparison, 5 years ago they could be listed on the fingers of one hand.

Below is a list of the most popular state universities where you can get a professional higher education ( first and second) education online.

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State distance higher education

The greatest trust is generated by government institutions that have appropriate licenses and are carefully controlled. Graduating from them is considered more prestigious.

Distance learning at the university can be obtained in the fields of mass media, psychology, economics, the Institute of History and Archives, as well as in the department of sociocultural studies. Here you can study journalism, state and municipal administration, cultural studies and other humanitarian disciplines. The cost of training is from 44 to 47 thousand rubles per year.

Available faculties:

  • economics - 21,600 rubles per semester;
  • management - 21,600 rubles per semester;
  • personnel management - 21,600 rubles per semester;
  • public administration - 21,600 rubles per semester;
  • jurisprudence - 22,700 rubles per semester;
  • advertising and public relations - 22,100 rubles per semester;
  • philosophy - 21,600 rubles per semester;
  • journalism - 22,700 rubles per semester.

A prestigious metropolitan university offering public distance higher education in the field of psychology, with a profile in social psychology. Training program - bachelor's degree. The faculty of distance learning is engaged in teaching students. There are no budget places at the university, the cost of training is fixed - 120 thousand rubles per year. Personal presence will be required to conclude the contract.

Teaches the following specialties: management, construction, economics, technology of transport processes and operation of transport and technological machines and complexes. The university teaches industrial and civil engineering, as well as economics and management in the investment and construction sector. Tuition fees range from 23 to 28 thousand rubles in year.

A sought-after, accredited educational institution whose graduates are highly valued in the labor market. The university trains students in geodesy and remote sensing, land management and cadastres, as well as applied geodesy. Cost of education - 60 thousand rubles per year. Also at the university you can get distance education on the basis of higher education.

Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelsky

If you dreamed of learning shipbuilding, ocean engineering, technosphere safety, operation of transport and technological machines and complexes, as well as management and economics in the maritime sector, this university is for you. The cost of distance learning in these specialties is: from 65 to 70 thousand rubles in year.

Directions: folk art culture, production, radio engineering and television. At the university you can study television production and broadcasting, audiovisual technologies, as well as other arts of film and television. Price - from 72 to 85 thousand rubles annually depending on the specialty.

Available faculties:

  • radio engineering (profile: audiovisual technology) - 36,000 rubles per semester;
  • television (profile: television production and broadcasting) - 37,500 rubles per semester;
  • folk artistic culture (profile: management of a film, photo and video studio) - 41,000 rubles per semester;
  • production - 42,500 rubles per semester.

To study you need to have a webcam, headphones, microphone, as well as a printer and scanner.

National Research University "MPEI"

On the basis of distance education, the university provides training in the following programs: business informatics, management, advertising and public relations, thermal power engineering, management in technical systems, quality management, economics. Cost of education - from 72 to 77 thousand rubles.

One of the most popular universities in the northern capital. Distance education is available only on the basis of the Faculty of Law, specialty - jurisprudence. The cost of training is high – 417 thousand rubles per year, but education at the university is at the proper level, and graduates of the educational institution are in demand among employers.

Moscow University offers several programs: business informatics, state and municipal administration, management, psychology, social work, personnel management, economics and law. University education is worth it from 54 to 88 thousand rubles.

The state university trains its students in various humanities through distance learning programs. List of areas: library and information activities, pedagogy in various fields, psychology, and social work. Price - from 42 to 51 thousand rubles in year.

Non-state universities of distance education

Location: St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 60. Founded in 1991.

Available faculties:

  • economics and finance of enterprises and the banking sector;
  • business management.

Cost of education - from 20,000 rubles per semester. Admissions are available all year round.

Location: Moscow, 5th proezd Maryina Roshcha, 15-a. Founded in 1994.

Available faculties:

  • economics (bachelor's degree), profile: finance and credit;
  • management (bachelor's degree), profiles: organization management; organization management (in the restaurant and hotel business);
  • state and municipal administration (bachelor's degree);
  • jurisprudence (bachelor's degree);
  • customs business (specialty).

Cost of education - from 35,000 rubles in a year.

Location: Moscow, 2nd Kozhukhovsky proezd, 12, building 1. Founded in 1993.

The following faculties are available:

  • business Informatics;
  • state and municipal administration;
  • management;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • psychological and pedagogical education;
  • advertising and public relations;
  • tourism;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence.

Cost of education - 19,900 rubles per semester.

How to enroll and receive higher education remotely

Before starting training, each potential student goes through an admission procedure.

What do you need to do to get higher education remotely? First of all, you need to register on the website of the university you are interested in and send an application for admission. A university employee will contact you and send a list of documents to send to the university admissions office.

In order to enroll in a university for distance learning, you will need to provide the appropriate package of documents. It is similar to what is needed for full-time admission and includes:

  1. Passport (certified copies);
  2. 4 photographs 3x4 for personal records;
  3. A document of secondary education (certificate), or a diploma, if you need distance education on a higher education basis (certified copies);
  4. Certificate with USE results;
  5. Application for admission and other documentation required by the university (application forms, etc.).

Some universities provide entrance exams for school graduates, and interviews are organized for applicants planning to obtain a second higher education degree. When you are accepted as a student, you will receive a training agreement and a check for the semester payment by email. Having signed the agreement and paid for the semester, you send the documents to the admissions committee, the staff draw up an enrollment order, and you become a university student.

To enroll in a university, you do not have to attend it; all documents are sent by mail, and applications are completed online.

When you are officially enrolled, you will be given a login and password for your personal account, where your study plan, contacts for communication with teachers, lecture schedule are located, and if you wish, you can download recordings of classes if you were not there.

How the training works

Distance education does not oblige you to move to another city, quit your job, or spend time and money on transportation.

After admission, you will have access to your personal account on the website, where you will find your schedule, subjects, assignments, teacher contacts and materials for training.

In the schedule for each subject there is a link to a conference - a lecture that will take place online at a certain time. During class, you can communicate with the teacher by asking him questions in the group chat. Homework is uploaded on the lecture page.

Obtaining a profession remotely lasts the same amount of time as full-time or part-time education – from 4 to 5 years. When receiving a second higher education remotely, the time is reduced to 1-3 years. After the session there are holidays, but some universities allow you to skip them and immediately start the next semester. You will also have to undergo practical training in order to improve your theoretical knowledge - some universities offer enterprises on their own, others leave the choice of organization to the student.

Distance education abroad

If you want to study abroad remotely, in addition to basic documents, applications and letters of recommendation (which must first be translated into a foreign language), you need to pass a language proficiency test. These are the TOEFL exam for English and the TestDaF or DSH exams for German. Sometimes universities require additional tests. For example, when applying to National University in the USA, you will take tests in arithmetic and psychology.

You can study in America, Canada and Australia, as well as in many European countries - Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Finland and Switzerland. Foreign universities work the same way as Russian ones. You register on the university website, listen to lectures and participate in seminars, solve assignments and tests, and submit completed work for verification. After completing your studies, you will receive a certificate or university diploma (bachelor's or master's depending on the program).

  1. University of Winnipeg PACE. Foreign students can study in a variety of advanced training programs and gain new knowledge. Directions: business systems, risk management, leadership, pedagogy and management.
  2. Aalto University. One of the most popular Finnish universities. Offers the best programs in the fields of design, business and architecture. The university also offers distance learning programs in Finnish.
  3. Alliant International University. At the university, foreigners can study applied criminology, pedagogy, family therapy and psychology. It teaches undergraduate and graduate programs, and also prepares doctors of science.
  4. State University of New York College At Cortland. The campus is part of the State University of New York. Teaches physical education, coaching, leadership and sports management.
  5. University of Bridgeport. The University of Bridgeport offers programs in psychology, business administration, educational leadership, and even dentistry and nursing.

Many universities of distance higher education offer a high level of training, and the diplomas obtained in this form are quoted on the market as well as documents on higher education in full-time or part-time forms. All you need to do to start studying is to choose the university you like and submit an application for study.

Receiving higher education remotely is not only an innovative learning model, but also a number of advantages for the student:

  1. Admissions are available all year round. This rule is taken as a basis in most universities, since the curriculum is selected individually for the student, and not for the group. Therefore, there is no longer any need to wait until September or “the day the moon sets” at public universities to apply.
  2. Training is cheaper. The difference in price is sometimes almost 2-3 times different than with full-time training. Indeed, the institution will not need to allocate an audience for you, require personal visits from teachers to lectures, and also provide a hostel if necessary.
  3. Exams and contact with the teacher directly from home. A minimum of stress and a comfortable environment will contribute to effective learning of the material and adequate passing of exams.
  4. Can be combined with work. The schedule of classes and exams can be coordinated with the university so that it will be possible to combine work and study at a full level, and not as full-time students do by skipping classes. The correspondence form similarly involves long examination sessions, which prevented many from continuing their studies due to a conflict with the employer.

In addition, distance learning and higher education are, first of all, opportunities that were previously unavailable to many people living in remote regions and beyond. This also gives super-busy employees a chance to get a second higher education remotely without risking their career.

Have you graduated from a university and have a bachelor's or specialist's diploma? Now you can:

  • Go to work in the profession you received. Certified engineers, programmers, teachers, marketers, builders, etc. can easily find work with a bachelor's education.
  • Enroll in a master's program. In this case, you have to decide:

Continue your undergraduate studies and deepen your specialization;

Choose a new direction (possibly related) to expand your professional capabilities.

Have you thought about what studying in a master's program will give you, what prospects will open up for you? The Bachelor-Master project will help you make the right choice.

Benefits of Getting a Master's Degree

  • Master's degree graduates have a competitive advantage over those who have only one university diploma. According to statistics, only 50% of bachelors enter master's programs.
  • Having a second diploma speaks of your determination, hard work, desire to learn new things, and develop.
  • A master's degree provides in-depth knowledge in specialized subjects.
  • The training is aimed at developing practical skills in solving complex professional problems.
  • A student of a master's program has the opportunity to try himself as a teacher if teaching practice is included in the curriculum.
  • The ability to administer and manage processes, all other things being equal, is higher for a master than for a graduate with one diploma.
  • Employers and HR specialists note the developed systems thinking of candidates and employees with a master's degree.

Analyze your conditions before deciding how to study. Master's degree forms:

Correspondence studies (classical),

Correspondence education (distance*),

Full-time education.

More and more people are deciding to return to university and study for a master’s degree remotely*.

Why is online master's education so popular today?

  • Opportunity to combine work and study. The main reason today is because... Not many people can afford several years of full-time study. Bachelor's degree graduates tend to find employment as quickly as possible and start an independent life.
  • The knowledge that a master's student receives can be immediately applied in practice, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of training.
  • The cost of a master's degree in the distance learning* form of education is lower than in the full-time or classical correspondence form.
  • Saving time and transportation costs for travel to the location of the university.
  • The learning conditions assume that the student independently chooses the intensity with which he will take the course subjects.
  • You can listen to lectures, study educational materials, complete practical and coursework, and participate in webinars at any time of the day or night.
  • Online format for passing tests, exams, defending coursework and project papers.
  • The opportunity to obtain a master's degree from a leading university and increase your competitive advantage in the labor market.

It's worth going to study for a master's degree if you:

  • You are applying for higher positions in employment.
  • You have graduated from the university a long time ago, you have a specialist or bachelor’s degree in your hands and you feel the need to update your knowledge and supplement your professional competencies that are relevant today.
  • You just received your bachelor’s degree and want to change the direction of your further professional development.
  • Are you planning to get into teaching? With a master's degree, you will successfully find a job at a university or college, because... Master's studies are aimed, among other things, at developing pedagogical competencies.
  • Are you planning to complete your master's degree in Russia in absentia or full-time and look for work abroad, having previously confirmed your qualifications.
  • You want to get a new profession and understand that a master’s degree will be an excellent confirmation of your dual qualifications.

Choosing a master's program with distance learning* at a state university or a private educational institution with the “Bachelor-Master” website is an opportunity:

  • Use the systematized information base of the project.
  • Study current information about universities that offer master's programs.
  • Decide on the direction of training and understand the prospects of the profession and the area of ​​employment.

How long does it take to study for a master's degree after a bachelor's degree by correspondence?

This question worries many who are thinking about getting a second education. Regardless of whether you study remotely* or not, the duration will be 2.5-3 years. It depends on the chosen direction of training and the features of the curriculum. In some cases, you can speed up your studies if you are prepared for a more intense course load.

Are you wondering how to continue your professional development? The “Bachelor-Master” website will help you find answers to questions about distance learning, for example:

  • What is the cost of each year of study?
  • Is it possible to enroll in a master's program with a master's degree?
  • How to enroll in a master's program other than basic education?

The “Bachelor-Master” project is being implemented as an online platform where users can monitor the proposals of leading universities in distance* education. On the site you can:

  • Explore master's degree programs.
  • Compare information on partner universities based on basic parameters.
  • Understand how the distance learning process is organized.
  • Understand the features and benefits of online learning.

If after studying the site you still have questions, the specialists of the “Bachelor-Master” project will individually help you make the right choice. Follow this algorithm:

  • Select a master's program.
  • Fill out the questionnaire built into the program's feedback form. Please consider each point carefully.
  • Get a response from an expert within four business hours and follow his recommendations.

So, if you want to continue your education in a master’s program, increase the level of your professionalism or expand your career opportunities - realize your plans with “Bachelor Master”!

*Correspondence course using distance learning technologies.

A master's degree is a stage of education that follows a bachelor's degree and allows one to deepen knowledge in any specialty or acquire new knowledge that will be useful for professional implementation. A completed master's program gives the graduate an advantage and greater weight as an applicant for attractive positions both in the public sector and in leading private companies, including management ones, and therefore contributes to a flourishing career. And today you can enroll in a master’s program remotely by choosing online learning, because it is convenient for those who plan to combine the acquisition of knowledge with work, personal life or their own projects.

At Synergy University you have the opportunity to improve your level of professionalism by choosing one of 12 master's degree programs. Online education at a leading Russian university is the prospect of achieving a promotion, making a career in a new field, or radically changing your life by concluding an employment contract with a foreign company. By choosing distance learning for a master's degree in Moscow, you can always count on both employment abroad and continued education, because you will receive not only a full-fledged state diploma, but also an international diploma and an international supplement to it.

However, you can become a master’s degree and significantly expand your professional functionality not only in the capital: master’s programs remotely in Russia are available from any city in the country.

Online education for master's degree

To break into the environment of top-class specialists, work experience alone is not enough, so for any ambitious, ambitious and purposeful professional, a master's degree, distance education for which you can receive at the Russian Synergy University, is a way to achieve the desired goal. By acquiring not only up-to-date knowledge in the profession, but also the status and respect of colleagues, you will also notice an increase in your income, because top-level specialists almost always receive a bonus such as high wages.

Today, such a responsible and serious step as enrolling in a master’s program leaves almost no doubt about its expediency, because training can be completed without compromising other areas of your life. If your goal is a master's degree, distance education will allow you to walk the path to obtaining your coveted diploma in a format that is convenient and acceptable to you. On weekdays or weekends, alone or in a group, in the mornings or late at night, in the office, at home or outdoors - study when it is convenient for you.

Not depending on schedules, not spending money on travel, having the opportunity to receive education from any region, combining study, work and personal life - this is the new reality of education in the 21st century. Just 2 or 2.5 years, and the master's degree is yours, as well as the new obvious perspectives and opportunities that it will open for you!

Synergy University invites you to fully appreciate the benefits of such a level of education as a master's degree; the distance learning form will suit you no matter what city you live in and how busy you usually are during the day. The absence of barriers and restrictions are the main advantages of studying remotely, and today you can also join those who have already begun to take advantage of their benefits by receiving an up-to-date education at Synergy University!

A modern form of education, recently introduced at MIEP and is in high demand. You can understand how it's right for you by reading the answers to questions that potential listeners often ask us.

Is it possible to combine the learning process with work?

Yes! This is possible with the help of modern technologies. The following categories of potential students may be interested in obtaining higher education remotely:

  • living remotely from the university;
  • those planning to study in their free time;
  • those for whom the Internet is their “natural habitat”:
  • those who plan to study in several educational institutions at once (or in several educational areas);
  • people with strict or special work schedules or working shifts;
  • young and large mothers;
  • people with limited mobility: disabled people and people with temporarily limited physical capabilities;
  • those in military service or forced to spend a lot of time on business trips;
  • all those who prefer to independently control the intensity of their training without wasting extra time.

Will it distance learning using distance learning technologies quality?

Recently, the quality of knowledge has been an acute problem, but new technologies in education, as well as serious ministerial projects in the field of its quality, allow us to be optimistic about the prospects for solving this problem. Distance learning is not an alternative to classical educational forms, but a new and effective tool. The educational process here is based on the Federal State Standards of Higher Education of the latest generation, the requirements of orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the use of distance learning technologies, and the latest methods developed by the faculty of the institute
Correspondence education using distance learning technologies is widely developed abroad. Recently, it has been gaining momentum in the country's leading universities and it is obvious that learning via the Internet will attract more and more supporters.
At MIEPP you can undergo remote training in any of the proposed areas of training (Psychology, Law, Economics, Management).

Distance learning using distance learning technologies solves three main problems at once: the problem of time, the problem of money, the problem of distance.

  • The student himself controls the entire educational process - he chooses the time for classes in accordance with the schedule convenient for him;
  • Prices for obtaining first and second higher education through distance learning are affordable for most applicants to Russian universities;
  • There is no need to make serious financial expenses every semester associated with travel to the place of study and accommodation during the session;
  • You do not waste your own time traveling to the place of study, but come to the educational institution only to pass the state exam and defend your diploma;
  • The entire process of learning and receiving economic, psychological or legal distance education takes place behind the student’s computer screen. The latest information technologies allow you to achieve amazing effects. You, being at home, attend a lecture or seminar “live”, communicate with fellow students or the teacher.

The advantages of this educational format are obvious. First of all, it is practically unlimited in scale. If, as part of the traditional educational process, a professor can give a lecture to several hundred students, then a course recorded on video and transmitted via the Internet can, in principle, be attended by any number of people interested.

What is needed for implementation?

Since this training is carried out via the Internet, the potential student must have basic knowledge and skills in working with a computer and, of course, constant access to the network through it.

Where can you get higher education? online using remote technologies in Moscow?

The spread of new educational technologies in Russia is happening very rapidly. Now all Moscow, and almost all Russian universities, are one way or another involved in this process.

Among other universities, the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law offers higher education and second higher education through a distance learning program using distance learning technologies. By studying remotely at MIEP, you can remotely receive:

What does the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law offer in the field of distance learning using distance technologies?

MIEP provides training using distance technologies (correspondence courses) in the following areas of training:

  • 40.03.01. - Jurisprudence
  • 03/38/02. - Management
  • 03/38/01. - Economy
  • 03/37/01. - Psychology

What are the training periods?

  • Based on secondary general education, primary vocational education and secondary vocational (non-core) education - 5 years.
  • Based on secondary vocational education (profile) - 3.5 years.
  • On the basis of higher professional education - 3.5 years.

Place of training: Moscow.

Upon completion of training, a standard diploma is issued.

Modern multimedia, used at the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in organizing the educational process, makes learning visual and accessible to those categories of students who, being very busy at work, were unlikely to find an opportunity to improve their level of education. In this situation, Internet technology in education is a chance for everyone who is trying to find the optimal educational program for themselves.