How to make a roof for a chalet. The roof of the chalet is an Alpine-style house. How to determine the slope of the roof

Starting the construction of a country house on your site, everyone already has an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe end result. Someone wants to see a traditional Russian izba, for someone ultra-modern designs are relevant, and some dream of an exotic Chinese pagoda. However, many prefer cozy and comfortable chalet-style houses.

A chalet-style country house attracts many for several understandable reasons:

  • reliable durable construction;
  • attractive unique appearance.

Translating the name "chalet" we get "shepherd's hut". The first buildings of this type were typical of the province of Savoy. It was here that shepherds settled on the alpine slopes, building their cozy little houses from improvised materials in the form of wood and stones. The main purpose of these houses was to hide from bad weather and wild animals.

In Russia, houses in a chalet are loved by many thanks to the development of skiing. It is difficult to build a chalet into a special type of architecture, but this style still occupied its niche in the construction of country apartments.

Distinctive features of the style

In the chalet style, this is a completely eco-friendly building. Among all other types of buildings of this type, it is given out by such features:

Unusual roof

The roof is the most recognizable feature of the chalet style. The roof is chosen massive and sloping, the ledges are left large. The shape of the roof is due to the natural conditions in which the first chalet houses were built.

Many windows, mostly panoramic. This is done so that inside the living atmosphere is fully connected with the landscape.

Terraces and spacious balconies

Outdoor terraces and balconies are also built in order to merge with the surrounding nature as much as possible. The balconies are under an overhanging roof that protects them from rain.

Using only natural building materials.

A solid foundation and the basement are built of stone, and the attic and the second level are made of wood. The stone, due to its strength, serves as a solid foundation, and the tree perfectly retains heat in winter, but coolness in the sultry heat.

Floors of the building

Buildings have never been tall chalets. As a rule, the first basement is made of stone, the second - of wood. If there is a need to expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, then this was carried out by horizontal building. In modern buildings there is also an attic floor.

Designing chalet houses

In order for the country building to really correspond to the chosen style direction, projects of houses in the chalet style are being developed.

The first thing to start with is the roof, which is a style-forming element. The main characteristic of the chalet roof is its angle of inclination, which must be very large. With such a slope, a drain is not needed, since water and snow will roll off themselves.

The indentation of the roof from the wall should be at least 1 meter, so that it can protect not only the walls from precipitation, but also a little earth around the house.

When choosing the optimal roofing angle, the amount of precipitation in a particular climatic zone should be taken into account. When the angle is 45 degrees, then such a base is not strong and you will have to build a reinforced rafter system. Therefore, it is advisable to make a sharper angle at which the snow itself rolls off.

When choosing a roof covering, preference can be given to corrugated board, which is distinguished by its flexibility and lightness. If you want to follow the style exactly, you should choose a shingle - a tile made of oak, spruce or larch. It is also permissible to use tiles made of ceramic, composite or bituminous. Actual ondulin. But what is strictly prohibited is the metal tile.

Projects of one-story houses also consider the construction of balconies and terraces. They, as a rule, line up from the south or east, so that sunlight can penetrate there. Decorate them with figured boards or balustrades. The perimeter is sheathed with wooden elements.

Now you can do the first (ground) floor. They build it cold, from strong stone. Then the wall surfaces are plastered and whitewashed. On the basement there is a kitchen, a guest room, a bathroom, a corridor-entrance hall and other utility rooms.

The second (warm) floor is built of wood. Bedrooms filled with warmth and comfort are equipped here.

The attic includes rooms for accommodation and reception of guests and utility rooms. There may be a balcony area. It is also made from wood.

As for the windows, besides the fact that they should be large, it is not permissible to use plastic here. It is better to replace it with a tree, and complement it with beautiful shutters.


Living room

The interior of a chalet-style house begins with the arrangement of the living room, because this is the largest room, which has high ceilings and large windows throughout the wall. The main thing here is to use only natural finishing materials without replacing them with analogues.

The atmosphere of unprecedented warmth and comfort is created by soft carpets on the floor and chic fur coverings, chic lamps and graceful large chandeliers. Furniture items are massive, made of wood. The upholstered furniture group has a natural noble upholstery with wool, leather, velor or linen. The environment is soft and calm.

The lighting in the room is calm, slightly muffled. To do this, they build a multi-level lighting system, represented by wall sconces, floor and table lamps.

Mandatory in the house of the chalet is the hearth. The whole family will gather here. Decorate it with stonework and decorate around with stuffed animals.

sleeping area

The main role in the bedroom is given to the bed, which should be made of polished wood, it is massive, with carved decorations. Textile inclusions made of cotton and linen will complement the cozy atmosphere. Bright pillows and bedspreads will revive the design.

It is appropriate to spread a soft skin or carpet on the floor. As for the color palette, preference is given to natural shades: terracotta, beige, wood and the entire brown palette.

Kitchen and dining area

The kitchen equipment of the chalet is environmentally friendly and natural materials. Finishing and kitchen sets made of noble wood are colorful features of the style. All built-in appliances are hidden under wooden facades or cute textile curtains.

Finishing wall surfaces provides for the original appearance of the tree. The maximum is permissible to plaster surfaces or veneer them with natural stone elements.

The ceiling is plastered in a light shade, beams are erected on it in a dark tone. The floor surfaces remain wooden, only slightly varnished with antique imitation.

From the photo of a house in the style of a chalet it breathes with unprecedented warmth and comfort, which is why this style is so often chosen for the construction of country apartments.

Photo of a house in the Chalet style

The content of the article

The main distinguishing feature of the "chalet roof" is a highly reliable construction, for the construction of which only natural materials are used.The type of houses with a chalet roof is common in the mountainous regions of Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

The climatic features of these regions forced the locals to adapt to the vagaries of nature and build such houses with a chalet roof that protected them from the weather as much as possible and made it possible to build their buildings on the steep slopes of the mountains.

Roof Features - Chalets

The houses were built from local materials - stone and wood. The lower ground floor was, as a rule, stone, but the second floor and the attic were made entirely of wood. For this, larch and pine wood was used. The main entrance to the house was always located on the east side.

The main feature of such houses was the roof of the chalet, which could sometimes protrude beyond the boundaries of the walls by three meters. Such removal of stingrays was needed in order to protect pets from bad weather. A large amount of snow that collected on the sloping roof created additional thermal insulation.

Shingles were used as roofing, and stones were still piled on top so as not to be blown away by the wind. Another distinctive feature of houses with a chalet roof was the terraces, which protruded far beyond the perimeter of the house and created a useful additional area for the inhabitants.

Modern construction offers houses with a chalet-style roof (roof with a wide extension), where the first floors are made of cellular concrete or brick, the second floor is traditionally made of softwood. With this design of the house, the upper floor, made of wood, is reliably protected from the effects of moisture coming from the ground, which is why such houses are durable.

The design of the roof of the chalet involves large remote canopies that cover the terraces, protecting them from rain, snow and wind. The terraces are located along the entire width of the house and supported by piles. In addition to protecting the terraces, large overhangs and cornices protect the foundation of the house from excessive moisture, which only contributes to its longevity.

Roof device

A feature of alpine houses with a chalet roof is the large overhangs and canopies outside the walls of the building. The device of the roof of the chalet implies the presence of roof beams or rafters, which are produced by 1.5-3 m on the sides of the house. Each beam is attached from below with a bracket to the wall of the house, after which a strapping is made along the edges of the beams, which will serve as a support for the roofing.

chalet roof device with wide extensions

But to create such large overhangs, it is recommended that when installing a reinforced belt (if the house is being built of brick or concrete blocks), along with the installation of studs for the Mauerlat, mount anchors that will serve to fasten the consoles (brackets). In this case, the rafters will be securely fixed, in addition to the tie-ins, also with anchors.

To carry out the end cornices, a ridge beam is laid and at the level of the Mauerlat, the beams are carried out equal to the length of the ridge. Rafters and subsequently roofing material will rely on these elements.

When designing a house, the roof angle of the chalet is calculated based on the characteristics of the local climate, the amount of precipitation in winter and summer, and the selected roofing material. A sloping roof will have to withstand the load from the snow cover, so a reinforced truss system should be made.

With a slope angle greater than 45 degrees, the snow load is not taken into account. It is believed that in this case the snow will not linger on the roof.

Before you make the roof of the chalet, you need to make a complete project of the house. This is due to the unusual nature of the roof itself, its long overhangs and cornices.

roof of an alpine house

Since houses with a chalet roof require an attic, it is necessary to choose the type of roofing and insulation that would ensure comfortable living for people. Traditionally, reeds were used as insulation in such roofs.

This natural material is environmentally friendly, and the presence of cavities in its stems provides sufficient ventilation of the entire under-roof space, so that condensate does not accumulate, but flows down the stems into the drainage system or evaporates.

Reeds are placed between the rafters and hemmed from below with a material that is chosen as a finishing material for the walls and ceiling of the attic.

Any roofing material can be selected:

  • shingle or shingle;
  • tile ceramic or flexible, based on bitumen;
  • reeds, straw;
  • modern composite materials imitating natural ones;
  • wooden tiles.

Traditionally used shingles or wooden tiles are made from larch, oak, aspen, cedar. The wood of these trees is characterized by increased strength and resistance to moisture. In addition, wood roofing provides additional thermal insulation and has noise-absorbing properties. The internal structure of wood maintains the image of an old roof, which has become fashionable recently, and larch does not even need additional protection against decay, since it is particularly resistant to moisture.

However, when creating a roof covering from natural materials, it must be remembered that their fastening differs from the traditional fastening of widely used modern roofing.

Modern design options for private houses are distinguished by interesting details that combine practical and aesthetic qualities. Recently, designers have been actively using the chalet-style roof shape, which can become the main element of home decor. The simple design, combined with innovative ideas, allows you to modernize the traditional motifs of alpine houses and smoothly integrate them into the design of a domestic building.


The design of the "chalet" roof came to us from countries such as Germany, Switzerland and Austria, where they are especially popular due to their advantages. Currently, it is actively used in the construction of houses in the northern parts of Russia. Traditional roofs are a gable structure, which is quite simple to build and is characterized by some features.

  • natural materials. The "chalet" style as a whole is distinguished by the use of natural raw materials in the design. Roof beams and roof beams are usually made of wood, which is much lighter than many modern materials, thereby reducing the load of snow on the roof. However, modern structures can be made from any materials at the request of the owner in order to make the appearance of the building more spectacular.

  • Wide removal of slopes. This feature was dictated by the need to shelter cattle under them from snow in the snowy mountains. Currently, this solution is actively used as flooring over the terrace of the house for a comfortable stay on it in bad weather.
  • Large tilt angle. It is necessary in areas with difficult weather conditions so that the snow does not linger on the roof surface, and it does not sag under its weight. In addition, this design feature allows you to have a high attic and wide beams on which the roof rests, which can serve as the basis for the implementation of even the most daring ideas of interior decorators.

The ground floor of traditional Alpine chalet-style houses is built of stone, while the upper floor and attic are built of wood. Modern versions of private houses may not follow this rule, but be built from other materials, which together will make up an interesting design composition.

The "chalet" roof is most often used in the construction of large cottages. Modern projects may include not one gable roof, but several, each of which is responsible for one or more zones in the house.


Despite the fact that the design of such a roof looks weighty and rather large-scale, in fact, its device is completely aimed at minimizing the weight load on the roof and evenly transferring it to the walls of the house. To do this, the roof drawings provide for the presence of beams and rafters, which increase the level of its resistance to bad weather and often also serve as additional decorative elements.

It is possible to build such a roof with your own hands, since the classic options do not differ in difficult moments in the construction. However, first you need to responsibly approach the development of the drawing to make sure that there are no problems in the process of its implementation.

When erecting a V-shaped roof, first each beam is securely fastened with brackets to the wall so that it serves as a support for the rest of the structure. After that, a strapping is made along the edges of the beams for the future roofing. Wide slopes that go beyond the boundaries of the house are an optional condition that is rarely observed in modern design. However, their presence can significantly reduce the brightness of lighting during the day and provide a refreshing shade close to the house, which is great for a hot summer. But in winter, when the level of light is reduced, this can be a disadvantage, so usually wide slopes are made only from the side of the terrace.

When developing a drawing, it is important to immediately think about the degree of slope of the roof. This is done taking into account local climatic conditions and the choice of roofing. At a slope level of less than 45 degrees, the load of the mass of snow can be omitted from the calculations, since in this case the snow will not linger on the roof. If the slope level is more than 45 degrees, it is necessary to think about additional reinforcement of the structure in case of severe weather.

The proportions of the left and right sides of the roof slope may differ. Usually a lower level of slope is made on the east or southeast side, since the snow on this slope will melt faster.


In most cases, a chalet-type roof provides for an attic, so it is necessary to choose the most suitable material for the roof and insulation.

Traditionally, wooden tiles are used as a covering. It is usually made from woods such as larch, oak, cedar or aspen, as they have a high level of strength and durability. In addition, the appearance of wooden tiles can become an additional element of home decoration. With its naturalness, it smoothly emphasizes the landscape of the site, so most often this option is chosen by the owners of the site in picturesque places near the forest.

But also modern materials that imitate natural material can act as a roof. They look no worse, but have a lower price, have the same practical qualities. It can also be ceramic or shingles based on bitumen. Additional small buildings next to the house may have a more traditional roof - reeds or thatch.

Natural materials as a roof for such a roof are more popular because they evoke the aesthetics of alpine houses, and also differ in such properties as environmental friendliness and sound insulation.

Beautiful examples

When developing projects, architects and designers rely on modern solutions and the requests of the owners so that the house is not only a place for quality rest, but also an aesthetically pleasing structure that pleases the eye and blends seamlessly into the landscape.

The choice for a chalet-style roof most often falls when developing large projects for houses and cottages.

  • Attic houses are gaining great popularity in recent years. A gable roof with a low angle of inclination perfectly complements a building made of natural materials such as stone and wood. This roof design makes the look of the house more pleasant and interesting, and is also easy to assemble. Together with the extraordinary shape of the windows and the adjacent terrace, such a building will become a pleasant place not only for summer holidays, but also as a permanent residence.

  • A small hunting lodge, made in a modern style and equipped with a chalet-style roof, will stand firm even in heavy snowfall. Made entirely of wood, it retains the charm of an alpine cottage, with touches of modern details such as large windows and glass inserts, perfect for quality relaxation.
  • The roof of the "chalet" with wide slopes will become a real refuge for those who like to relax alone with a cup of invigorating coffee in the morning on the large terrace, which is hidden in the shade due to the design features of the house. The large windows compensate for the light that could have been diluted by the heavily protruding slopes, and the house itself looks extremely impressive and neat.

The meaning of the "chalet" style is a reliable building structure for housing, the construction of which uses only natural materials.

The facade of the house in this style perfectly complements the roof of the chalet, the features of which we will try to reveal in this article.

architectural features

The popularity of the "chalet" style is due to its charm and practicality. Like all directions in architecture, it has individual traditions, it is a special type of roofs of houses.

The architectural feature of the style lies in the roof strongly hanging over the walls. The protrusion of the roof gives the general appearance of the building an extraordinary beauty.

The protrusion along the perimeter can reach three meters, which allows:

Protect the foundation from getting wet in rainy weather;

Keep a large amount of snow in winter.

Roofs that collect snow allow you to create additional thermal insulation. Wide roof eaves are set at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the front of the building.

In addition to the fact that the protruding roof canopy protects the structural elements of the house, thanks to it, additional space is formed around the house, sheltered from the effects of precipitation.

Attention. Although such a roof looks weighty, it does not create a strong load on the entire building.

Device method

I would like to say a few words about how to arrange a roof with a large ledge. The simplest method of the device is the method when the ends of the roof beams are released beyond the surface of the walls by 1.5-3 m.

The process goes like this:

a strapping is attached to the ends of the beams, which serves as a support for the lower sheets of the roofing;

consoles are arranged on the side walls, which play a supporting and decorative role.

Often, a canopy over roof windows is constructed with lattice elements and decorated with greenery. This approach to creating a roof allows you to provide the house with additional lighting in the winter.


In keeping with the style, the roofs of the chalets are covered with natural materials.

As a cover can be used:

Larch shingle or shingles;

· ceramic or flexible tile;

reeds or straw;

Composite roofs imitating shingles;

· exclusive wooden tile.

Often, when shingles or shingles are used as roofing material, they are pressed down with natural stone to prevent the decking from being torn off by a strong gust of wind.

Ceramic tiles look great on the roof.

The multi-colored internal structure of this material allows you to imitate natural antiquity, which most characterizes the chalet style. In addition to the original appearance, ceramic roofing has high rates of sound insulation and thermal insulation.

In the production of ceramic roofing material, only natural raw materials are used, which increases the life of the roof. When covering, the consumption of tiles is 10 pieces per 1 sq.m.

Wooden shingles, used for roofing most often, are made of hardwood:


A feature of this material is a high rate of noise absorption and durability. During operation, wooden tiles tend to acquire a silvery hue, which is most harmonious with the natural landscape.

Higher quality tiles include dice made from larch. They have a pronounced structure and a unique reddish tint.

Larch is very resistant to decay, so there is no need to impregnate the material with protective agents. Note that the use of natural materials in the creation of the roof provides for appropriate materials for fixing the coverings.

Advice. To match the style as much as possible, the roofing of the chalet roof is fastened with wooden nails - dowels.

Roof insulation

Wooden tiles are among the materials that have a high cost. Therefore, many are accustomed to believing that a chalet-style roof belongs to elite construction.

Although, to cover it, you can choose a cheaper material for the roof - flexible tile flooring, which has an aesthetic appeal.

Such material is overlapped, while the arrangement of individual elements contributes to the ventilation of the roof.

Since there is a living space under such a roof covering, it must be insulated. Speaking about the preference for environmentally friendly and natural materials, we cannot offer you to choose any insulation from a wide range to create a heat-insulating layer.

In the case of a chalet, reeds are used for insulation, which are laid between the rafters, covered with a roofing covering from above, and lining is lined from below. Reed insulation prevents condensation, it is well ventilated.

The characteristic features of the chalet house are the dominance of the roof over the entire volume of the building. As we have already said, the roof prevents the elements of the house from getting wet, and uniquely decorates it. Chalet-style houses are still rare in Russia, as our people are used to more standard things, and few people develop projects in this style. If you look at the photo, you can see how elegant and beautiful it looks. A distinctive feature of such a house is that the roof can hang over the walls as much as three meters, thereby protecting the foundation from getting wet. A basement with such a roof will always be dry and will not leak from above.

Sometimes the roofs of such houses are made to the ground. It is not difficult to climb such a roof in winter to clear it of snow. If the first floor is made of brick and lined with artificial stone, and the second floor is made of wood (glued or rounded timber), then this house looks even more elegant. The house, it turns out, consists of two styles: brick and wood. Such a house also looks very beautiful if it is built on a hillock, the atmosphere of the Alps is created.

In construction, there are projects in which an exquisite roof makes up almost half of the house and characterizes solidity, quality factor.

A chalet, also called an alpine or large Swiss-type roof, is a type of building or house that was characteristic of the Alpine region in Europe (Austria, France, Switzerland) during Provence times. It was made of wood with very large overhangs, a weighted, gently sloping roof, and wide, well-supported eaves set at right angles to the front of the house. Thanks to this, the alpine chalet can be used in extreme conditions, during strong winds, rain, etc.

An Alpine chalet is a very wide gable roof, in most cases wooden, which has a very wide roof opening angle (from 100 degrees of inclination) and a small distance to the ground, so often a drain is not mounted from it. The mansard roof is the prototype of the chalet, but with a higher ridge and sharp slopes. In addition, the chalet without fail has a roof extending over the side parts of the house. In most cases, the walls are roofed by more than a meter.
Initially, the chalet was not intended for large houses (from two floors), shepherds used it in their dwellings, hence the name "temporary shelter" - shalloy. In modern buildings, the design is more improved, because it is installed both on low houses and on cottages of three floors.

It is most convenient now to cover the chalet with corrugated board. Because you can choose a flexible and lightweight material that will fully meet the requirements of the chalet. The asymmetric chalet-style roof looks very interesting and stylish, creating a unique individual exterior.

Advantages of an alpine roof:

1. It has a fairly simple design that does not require special knowledge of engineering;

2. Great for one-story, two-, and three-story houses;

3. It can be done near the house, where the walls are made of stone, wood, even brick will do;

4. The roof is quickly built.


Traditionally, the chalet should have sufficiently powerful rafters and roof beams, their ends should be released on the sides of the roof, the main requirement is to respect the border - at least 1.5 meters, but not more than 3, otherwise the structure will be unstable.

To properly position everything you need:

1. Each beam must be fixed to the wall from below with a bracket, the diagram is a checkerboard. With such a structure, the roof will not only be securely fixed, but will also beautifully complement the exterior of the house;

2. Every modern home should have a piping that simultaneously plays the role of a stylish decor and roofing support. Installation of this part is best done by a professional, because. This area is where the heaviest load is.

3. In the event that the facade of the house is made of brick, gypsum, concrete slab blocks or shell rock, when you make a reinforced belt, then special studs for frame Mauerlat can be immured into it. Especially such a construct is necessary when creating a very wide hanging roof, which largely descends to the ground (up to 160 degrees). In this case, the logs will be fixed not only with props, but also with the help of anchors.

The angle of inclination of the roof for the chalet is standard, the same as for other roofs. For a gable roof, it is necessary to adhere to an indicator of 20-45 degrees, in an asymmetric one from 30. The main thing is to follow the traditional size of the slopes.


The design of the roof of the chalet is not super complicated; many projects are carried out independently. The most difficult thing in the whole device is to correctly install the nodes. Consider step by step how to make a chalet roof:

1. It’s worth starting with the installation of a special support bar (150 * 150 mm), which I also call Mauerlat. We fix it with large mounting nails;

2. Installation of bars is carried out on the walls, with the help of anchors, in parallel, the corrugated board is insulated with the help of roofing material, polyethylene film, waterproofing, etc.;

4. This roof is designed in such a way that the rafters to the ridge are mounted only with overlapping brackets, but the lower ends must be installed on the beams with the help of twist brackets;

5. To increase rigidity, you need to install struts between each rack and run, which will increase the resistance;

6. To increase the durability of the roof, it is important not only to observe the degree of plumb line, but also to protect it from the effects of water and other precipitation. To do this, you need to cover all the joints with a special primer, and bring the rafters and puffs to the outer wall at least one and a half meters;

7. In Russia, it is not recommended to make an overhang of more than 60 cm, because then it will be less stable, and for example, in the northern regions this is not the best way out. In the central and southern climatic zones, you can install an overhang of more than 2 meters;

8. When you finish the installation of the rafter system, you need to lay the sheathing bar in a perpendicular way, the grid of the sheathing is selected depending on the section of the beam, the building material that will be used to mount the roof.

The cost of the roof of the chalet is quite low due to the simple installation system of the rafters. But at the same time, it will be necessary to pay extra for the protection of fasteners with a primer, the creation of a good insulation system and the removal of overhangs outside the wall.

A feature of the whole structure is a large protrusion of the roof beyond the walls, sometimes this protrusion reaches two to three meters, as well as a small angle of the roof slope. Such a roof did not retain snow, so the roof served for a long time. The entire building was built only from natural materials: stone and wood. The construction of the house itself began with the construction of a stone foundation, on which an attic and a roof made entirely of wood were then equipped. The fact that the second floor was based on stone prevented the roof from rotting and guaranteed a long period of operation. The roofing was made only of strong wood, which can withstand the entire structure of the roof in this style: larch, pine.

Modern construction of houses with a chalet roof is a bit simplified due to the huge choice of building materials, but the design, in fact, remains the same. Initially, it is worth planning the entire future building, this is primarily due to the complexity of building a roof.

So, the most important thing to do before starting the construction of a roof in an unusual style is to calculate the size of the roof and its release, and only then you can calculate the beams and supports. Otherwise, the data may not converge and something may not be enough already in the construction process. Further, you should not strive to reach a ledge from the walls of two or three meters, in fact it does not look very nice, it is better to leave a meter or a half, but the house will look original and neat.

Particular attention should be paid to the angle of inclination of the roof, because the whole structure depends on it, in particular, it concerns the calculation of the amount of wood for the crate and other additional fasteners.

Please note that in a house where the roof slope angle exceeds 45۫, it makes no sense to take into account the snow mass, because in this case, the precipitation is simply swept away by the wind and does not linger on the roof. With a lower degree of slope, it is necessary to take into account the load of snow both when choosing materials for the roof and during its construction.

Do-it-yourself chalet roof device

A prerequisite is strong lumber. Modern buildings are built from cellular concrete or brick, so for the attic part of the house and the roof, it is worth choosing a coniferous tree. In order to save money, the crate is not made continuous, it rather depends on the roofing material. Wooden or clay tiles are best suited here, but modern buildings can also be finished with metal tiles. So, the crate for clay tiles should be made of beams with a cross section of 4.5 × 4.5 cm to 6 × 6 cm, here consider the distance between the rafters. If you decide to cover the house with a metal tile, then you can make it solid or with distances between the bars of 30. 50 cm

Do-it-yourself chalet-style roofing obliges you to equip the house with roof beams or rafters that are produced per meter. one and a half from the wall of the house. Each beam must be fixed with a bracket at the bottom to the wall, and then a harness is attached to the ends of the beams, it will be a support for the roofing material. If the house is built of brick, then when laying the reinforced belt and Mauerlat clamps, lay additional anchors there to attach the brackets to them. Such fastening of rafters will be reliable and durable.

Remember that the ridge beam must be the same length as the extension of the beams at the Mauerlat level. This should be taken into account when lowering the end cornices, because rafters and roofing material will need to be fixed here.

After making the frame for the roofing material, you should think about the insulation and the coating itself, because the roof is in close proximity to the living rooms. There is a simple and affordable natural material for insulation that has not lost its functionality even today - this is reed. Tubular plants perfectly contribute to the ventilation of the space between the roof itself and the finishing materials, preventing air from stagnation and preventing moisture from collecting, it rolls down the reeds and evaporates.

The choice of roofing material depends on the taste of the owner, because if you follow the traditional manner of building a house with a chalet-style roof, then it should be covered with wooden metal tiles. This is a very expensive material, especially from larch or spruce trees. Expensive, but eternal roofing material is clay tiles, although its laying is quite laborious and expensive. The best option would be to finish with a metal tile, because it is affordable and easy to install with your own hands.
Laying roofing material

Installation of a metal tile is made by self-tapping screws with rubber washers. It is worth laying sheets of metal tiles from left to right, and not vice versa. This is much easier to do, because it is convenient to direct the sheet into the lock, besides, joints are not visible and there are no gaps between the locks. When calculating, do not forget to take into account the angle of the roof. The attachment point should be placed under the ridge on the sheet, and not where you want. Remember that you need to take care of the shoes, to which the roofing will be carried out, the soft sole will not damage the surface of the metal tile. At the end of installation, do not forget to remove the protective film.

A chalet-style house will become your hallmark, especially since such an unusual building is only gaining popularity among the population of our country.

Houses with beautifully snow-covered sloping roofs - this is the Chalet, distinguished by extraordinary architecture. The growing interest in this style is due not only to its charm, but also to its exceptional practicality.

Like all houses, the Chalet style has its own traditions.

The main distinguishing feature is the sloping roof, which can protrude up to three meters beyond the perimeter of the walls. In rainy weather, such a roof covers the foundation from getting wet, and in winter it allows you to keep the thickness of the snow, giving the house an extraordinary beauty. The walls of the basement and first floors are built of natural bricks. The corners of the house are lined with natural stone, and the walls themselves are finished with textured plaster.

The second floor is built, as a rule, from glued profiled timber. Massive beams are used around the perimeter of the entire house, supporting large roof overhangs.

An integral part of the Chalet is the terrace, where in good weather you can have a barbecue.

Roofing material is chosen by the customer at his discretion.

Interior design also has its own foundations. The layout of the rooms in the Chalet has always been recognized as very functional and ergonomic.

The central place in the Chalet house is occupied by a fireplace. All communication in the family is concentrated around him. An open fire in a fireplace is designed to give joy and distract from everyday worries.

The walls of the Chalet rooms are painted with natural colors in light colors, and to give them an old look, we cover them with wax.

Traditional Chalet is an ideal home for people who value warmth and silence. Built of stone and wood, this house is exactly the place where you can hide from the hustle and bustle of the outside world and be yourself.

A chalet-style house is a house with a strong foundation and a stone ground floor, while the upper floors are light, wooden. The growing interest in this style is due to its practicality. Chalet style is simplicity, warmth and comfort.

A chalet is not just an ordinary house or an architectural innovation. The chalet originated in the Alpine mountains and has a rich history. Initially, an alpine chalet is a dwelling built securely from massive timber, which was supposed to protect from bad weather in the mountains.

Living in a chalet means breathing the air of a coniferous forest, as it is built from a special coniferous log house and stone.
The choice of the style of the house is very important, your mood, the desire to work creatively, the comfort and convenience of your life depend on it. Despite the fact that today they are made of various materials, wooden frames for roofing retain their leading position. Moreover, cedar and larch are gaining special popularity. Wooden truss systems are easy to manufacture. Such rafters are technological. If the need arises, they can be easily adjusted to specific conditions - shortened, or, conversely, increased, trimmed, etc. The need for this arises quite often, since it is difficult to bring out the walls of the house with an accuracy of a millimeter. Try doing the same with metal rafters!

The rafters are easy to install, as they are much lighter than metal and reinforced concrete roof structures. For the same reason, larch and cedar truss systems are distinguished by excellent maintainability. If, over time, some element becomes unusable, then it is quite simple to replace it, without having to dismantle the roof of the house.

Although the truss systems made of cedar and larch must be put into disrepair, you still need to try. The wood of these species (especially larch) is well known for its resistance to decay. In coniferous trees, gum is present in large quantities, which is a natural protector of wood from fungal infections. By the way, because of this, wood-boring bugs do not like rafters either. An additional guarantee of the durability of truss systems is their treatment with antiseptics in the factory. Well, in order to reduce the fire hazard of wooden rafters, their surface is also impregnated with flame retardants. Rafter systems allow the construction of very complex roof structures. To this end, many types of fasteners have been developed today.

The most common are two types: layered and hanging. The first are characterized by the fact that through the Mauerlat (rafter beam) they rest on the load-bearing wall of the house, and the second - on a rack or girder. That is, layered systems have a larger number of supports. In the upper part of the roof (ridge) they are connected either with nails or with special overlaps.

Hanging roof systems made of cedar and larch rely solely on two extreme supports, which, as a rule, are the load-bearing walls of a wooden or stone structure. The rafter legs of the hanging rafters create a large bursting pressure on the supports, and it, accordingly, is transmitted to the entire wall. To reduce this effort, the rafter legs are connected with special puffs, which can be either wooden or metal.

The rafter beam is attached to the brick wall by means of special plugs, which are treated with an antiseptic. It is believed that these are the most vulnerable places. The fastening pitch is, on average, half a meter.

Any truss systems are attached to the sienna. If this is a brick house, then a metal collar is put on the rafters, which is attached to the pins driven into the wall. If the truss systems are installed on wooden houses, then they are fixed with brackets with a crown.

Today, metal elements are widely used in the construction of wooden truss systems. But it should be noted that wood and metal have different thermal conductivity coefficients. Moreover, the difference is huge. What problems can this lead to? The fact is that with temperature changes during the day, condensation appears on the surface of metal brackets and other fasteners. If this process proceeds constantly and for a long time, then there is a risk of rotting of wooden truss systems. More precisely, their elements at the points of contact between wood and metal. Therefore, when constructing a roof, metal elements are strongly recommended to be well insulated from contact with wooden parts.

According to the building codes and rules in force in the Russian Federation, the overhang from the roof must be at least half a meter. But it is desirable to increase this indicator by 10-20 cm, and in some cases up to a meter. This will significantly increase the protection of the blind area from rain or snow blowing on it. As a result, the entire rafter system made of larch and cedar will be more secure.
The installation of truss systems is a very responsible matter, so professionals should deal with this issue.

Hello colleagues!
With the permission of the author of the topic, I will transfer this useful remark from the fludilka here:
Now about Chalet
As the title of the topic says, let's start "talks about the chalet."
I don’t know how to describe it in terms of sensations and mood, but for me it’s calm, noble shades of wood, deep wine colors, the colors of freshly baked bread and, in part, shades of a Christmas fairy tale, a house where, sitting by the fireplace every evening, you can feel the mood of Christmas.
Do not be afraid to make small windows in such a house, a chalet is a soft light from a fire in a fireplace, from candles, from lamps burning with warm light, lighting in such a house as well as decor have a very important role, otherwise you can ruin everything. Why so many people like this style, because it has a piece of a New Year's fairy tale, which is sometimes expected all their lives.
This fairy tale can be created, but you will have to understand and feel these moods, understand what it is and what it consists of, you will have to spend a lot of time picking up every little thing, then this house will give you everything with a vengeance.
So if Provence is a "history", then a chalet is a "mood", if you don't understand it, miss this note and nothing will come of it, so it's very important to feel when you create something like this.
This house consists of little things, just like the house itself, little things should create this mood. Yes, if in the architectural part you can make an imitation of a chalet, then in the interiors you will have to work hard and quite hard, especially with the decor. This house will not tolerate the pomposity of Italian furniture, nor will it tolerate gold or bright, cold lighting. Only deep natural shades, noble wine colors, warm shades of wood, he will not tolerate bright contrasts either. Lighting in such a house is best divided into several groups, this is the overhead light, most often chandeliers, more reminiscent of forged ones, these are sconces or wall lamps and these are floor or table lamps, and only warm lighting.
The chalet is a fairly simple piece of furniture, without embellishment, solid and reliable, this style allows the use of modern elements in the interior, but very neat.
Catch this mood by creating such a house and he will give it to you with a vengeance while you live in it.

I agree with almost all of the above:,.
I’ll add on my own: in the process of my research, I realized that a chalet is exterior style, namely - architecture + exterior decoration. The French word itself chalet- in one of its meanings is translated as shawl, cozy cover. And the first association that arises is, of course, the roof, which in this context cannot be pointed, but directly asks to be completely simple, gable, gently sloping, abundantly covering the entire building, i.e. with long overhangs. Since the history of the chalet implies shepherd modesty, there is no need to talk about any unnecessary details and speeches. Namely: the roof structure itself (and indeed the whole house) should be as simple as possible; rafters, bearing beams, props are visible ... Historically, chalets were built from the most accessible material in the mountains: the bottom is stronger - from stones, the top is easier - from wood. There shouldn't be many "stones" - it's hard to carry them to the top, we finish the top with lighter material. The house itself should not be high / so that the winds do not blow it away in the mountains /. If we make a full-fledged first floor, then the roof hides the side walls of the attic. The first floor is for the kitchen, utensils ... The second is a recreation area. A terrace is welcomed right next to the house under a common roof. And if the landscape requires it, then the terrace turns into a balcony around almost the entire house. To prevent the roof from being torn off by the wind, we “weight” the outer layer with tiles. The colors are natural, natural ... The house, of course, is seen in the mountains (on a slope), in trees, preferably coniferous.
This, in my opinion, is the closest to natural, natural chalet.
With the development of civilizational benefits, and increasing demands, the modern chalet has changed a bit. Namely: the design has become more complex, materials have diversified, paints (paintings) have been added ... Chalets have become taller, windows - larger, colors brighter ... But even now we try to somehow maintain unwritten standards: overhangs are slightly larger than others houses; build or create the appearance of separation of the materials of the first and attic floors; aesthetically bring a combination of wood and stone into the design (at least somewhere); keep the fireplace, balconies... We see such houses not only in villages on the slopes of the mountains, but also in cities where multi-colored flowers ask for windows and terraces. Different cultures from different sides of the Alpine mountains (Austrians, French, Bavarians, Italians...) bring their own nuances to the decoration and decoration of their chalets. Someone tends to paint the stone part white, and leave the wooden top to darken naturally. Southerners may prefer to color the stone part differently from white, but in some warm peach tones, and artificially darken the wooden top. There are completely wooden chalets. Or even completely stone.
The interior is begging to be "country". Well, or at least under country .
And the mood that Sergey (Aeroslon) is writing about will probably still need to be felt. But for yourself you need to know that we - living in Russia - this culture is alien. We have our own rich. And I'm not afraid to suggest that there is a chance to fit Russian gingerbread / samovars / Khokhloma into the interior of the chalet. This I, of course, more than grabbed ... But I'm more than sure that ours, at the very least, about chalet blue houses will stand in an apple orchard, 100% flowers will abound on the balconies, but right next to the house and zucchini with strawberry beds. We will plant a Christmas tree in front of the house, and we will definitely decorate it for the new year, and we will decorate the house with light bulbs, but in front of the house we will barbecue kebabs. We will buy lanterns for candles, but with enviable constancy we will fill them up and light them ...
Something like that .