Cafes and restaurants in loft style. Loft: what is it? Photo, style description, how is it used in the interior of the premises? Loft style in the interior: what is it

It is known that the interior of the cafe plays an important role - the originality of the design directly proportionally affects the attendance of the institution. A loft-style cafe can become exactly the place where they will come not only because of the gastronomic delights, but also because of the pleasant, catchy atmosphere.

Where did the loft style come from?

The loft style was presented to the world by America. It was in New York, due to the crisis situation in the country, that the style was born. In the 40s of the XX century, industrial companies were forced to leave their buildings, which were located in the central part of the city. But they quickly found interested tenants, who also included creative personalities.

As you know, such a person cannot always boast of stable earnings, and industrial premises cost much less than full-fledged apartments. And with the light hand of the artist, non-residential premises were transformed and decorated. helped to create coziness in gray, brick walls. The industrial look of the ceiling and floor did not interfere either. As a result, the former factories became fashion showrooms, galleries and even housing.

With the development and growth of the historic center of New York, so did real estate prices. Artists had to leave this area of ​​the city, just as industrial companies once left it. Their places were taken by respectable people with great financial resources. And so the formation of the loft style happened.

Design Features

In general, the interior of a loft-style cafe is very attractive, but in order to recreate it, it is necessary to study the standards and features of this design.


The general rules include a large space, the absence of blocking elements, high ceilings and an impressive window size. It is this room that will be considered the ideal “base” for creating a loft-style cafe.


Refusal of plastering and puttying works is almost the main point. Ideally, if the wall is lined with bricks or just concrete. When using brickwork, it is important to consider the texture of the material. The edges of the brick do not have to be perfectly even. Only such walls fully reflect the loft style in the interior of the cafe (you can see a photo of these premises in the article).

It is also permissible to use wood, glass, a small amount of iron, cold-colored plaster. But these materials should not act as the main ones, their goal is to dilute and supplement, but not replace concrete and brick.


Traditionally, ceilings should be decorated with communications, pipes, giving a kind of spirit of an industrial room, with a matte sheen of chrome elements. You can also use rough beams, they will also perfectly emphasize the elegant casualness of the establishment.

Elements of wood and metal can intersect, this is even desirable. The article presents to your attention a photo of a cafe in a loft style, where you can see how the ceiling is decorated.

If it is not possible to recreate the loft to the fullest, then you can use flat boards to cover the ceiling space or, in extreme cases, paint it in a cold, matte shade.


The appearance of the floor also matters. Particular attention should be paid to texture. Ideally, if the floor is from a board with a "touch" of time. That is, not completely new, but with imitation scuffs, dried out areas.

You can also use parquet board and laminate. Stone textures, large-scale tiles, in the color of concrete or brown tones are also welcome. The floor can be matte or glossy. Any of these materials will complement the loft style.


Loft-style cafe furniture can be different. The only requirement is its uniformity. Furnishings can be made of wood or materials. There are no restrictions either. Very often leather and suede are used as upholstery, these two materials very favorably emphasize the "forsaken luxury".

There is only one basic rule - the furniture should be stylish, without signs of excessive "old age". It is in this case that the greatest contrast with the general background is possible. This is the essence of the design itself, to combine what is by nature almost incompatible.


Lighting is an equally important part of the entire design project. In no case can lamps in a classic or romantic style fit the described interior. On the contrary, brutal lampshades made of forging, in the style of minimalism will be much more appropriate.

Additional Information

Ideally, if appropriate, you can complement the loft-style cafe with a fireplace. This will give it extra comfort and bring a homely atmosphere. The fireplace must be lined with decorative stone or brick.

To give bright accents, you can use woven floor carpets, multi-colored pillows. The latter can come in a variety of colors, but the most popular is a checkered pattern or an animal style.

It is very important to complement the finished interior with art objects. It can be anything - from graffiti on a brick wall to unusual displays.

Greenery will not be superfluous either. Plants fit well with taupe colors and refresh the space as a whole.

Windows should not contrast with walls. You can decorate them with plain cotton curtains in a laconic color. Wooden blinds are also suitable for the same purpose. A white roman blind is also suitable.

If a basement is used for a cafe, then it is necessary to create an imitation of windows. Otherwise, the interior will come out too gloomy and not cozy. And the main point is to create a room filled with light and space.


Every day more and more people prefer loft-style interior design. After numerous attempts to recreate the atmosphere of warmth and comfort in rooms with a large area, all designers, engineers and consumers simply agreed that the loft style meets all of the above requirements.

In the houses of eminent stars of near and far abroad, as well as in our country, a charming and outstanding loft aura has long reigned. Now ordinary people are trying to follow the main trends in fashion for the arrangement of apartments and houses.

Loft style bar design

But the loft-style bar design is experiencing the highest peak of fashion. People have long been fed up with ordinary solutions and simple furnishings. Clients want something new, relevant and light.

Gallery of bars in loft style

Original hangers, excellent functional tables, natural ecological solid wood tables and chairs, good lighting - that's what the public is missing now. Therefore, responsible and modern owners of bars, cafes and restaurants transform their establishments, introducing elements of bar design, or completely change the atmosphere entirely following modern fashion.

Many businessmen, just opening establishments, initially prefer the loft when arranging the halls. Tellingly, loft-style furniture is guaranteed to be reliable and ready for long-term use. And the fashion for the design of the bar in the loft style will not pass for many more decades. The reason for this is the winning combination of quality, style, beauty, functionality and naturalness. That is, all the advantages that previous styles realized only partially are concentrated in one direction.

The design of the bar in the loft style meets all the requirements at the same time. In addition, it is very diverse. So within one restaurant, you can combine several different models and forms, distribute zones into the following:

1. tables for two - it should be small and stylish, and comfortable chairs made of natural materials will be a nice addition to the overall look;
2.large tables for dining with family or friends, loft-style benches are ideal for this area;
3. bar counter: bar stools in the loft style near the counter look very organic. They are tall and comfortable. Regardless of the shape and design elements: round or square, with or without a back;
4.separate booths designed in the style of a glamorous loft with magnificent sofas or armchairs.

Additional emphasis should be placed on lighting. Above each zone, it is appropriate to hang different lamps that will complement the already created atmosphere: brick walls, bright accessories, pipes, chains, wooden beams.

Each cafe, restaurant should have its own style. Style refers to the design of the room, sustained in the same spirit. Style disposes visitors, attracts, creates mood and leaves an “aftertaste”. Customers enjoy the decoration of the premises and its unique atmosphere even more than the dishes on the menu. In a sense, style is primary today. It makes customers come back to you again and again.

LOFT design examples

On the website of the Art of Interiors company, you can see examples of cafe interiors in the LOFT style. We have developed interior design and furniture for pubs, restaurants, coffee shops and other establishments in Moscow. The company will develop similar solutions for you.

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We are waiting for your requests!

About LOFT style

The LOFT style looks modern in the interior of a cafe, bar or restaurant. This is a trendy style with a special energy. "LOFT" means "attic" and also the top floor of an industrial building. It has to do with the origin of the style. The LOFT style appeared in the first half of the 20th century in the USA. When thousands of businesses shut down during the Great Depression, workshops began to be rented out. Some objects became residential, in others bars and pubs were formed. The buildings had appropriate interiors. Over time, this interior design has become an aesthetic.

The main features of the LOFT include:

  • high ceilings and windows;
  • open spaces;
  • brick walls;
  • simple floor;
  • the presence of ceilings on the ceiling;
  • laconic refined furniture.

The design of the bar in the LOFT style combines the archaic features of a 20th century workshop and a modern establishment. There is a rethinking of values, a different arrangement of accents.

LOFT is chosen for several reasons. This style is functional, minimalist, practical. At the same time it is elegant, modern, fashionable. It combines minimalism and industrial trends. In such a room is always spacious, light and comfortable.

The rules for decorating a room in the LOFT style are quite simple. The layout of the premises is free, there are no extra walls. As an exception, you can put partitions made of modern materials. The ceilings in the room should be high, it is good if the ceilings are visible at the top. You can hang lighting fixtures on the beams.

The windows make the interior of the LOFT-style bar more lively - they are large and let a lot of light into the cafe. You can make windows with aluminum or wooden frames. Such frames look especially impressive against the background of brick walls with minimal decoration. Finishing in general can be neglected, leaving bare brick.

The floor in the restaurant may be made of cracked concrete, but today, aged boards, worn slabs and other materials are used for decoration.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the shades in the interior. The style of modernized old factories is dominated by light colors. They make the room less gloomy and enliven it. The walls in the institution are red, white, plank. For decoration, you can use natural or artificial stone within reasonable limits.

For decoration use different materials:

  • a rock;
  • brick;
  • wood;
  • tiles;
  • metal.

In the buildings of old factories there were always pipes, cables, old furnaces and other elements. They were not removed from the premises when the buildings became residential or turned into catering establishments. Pipes and fireplaces in such rooms are not hidden - they are in plain sight. Cables and wires, most often, are also not removed. You can see how various elements are harmoniously combined in the interior. Ceiling beams are effectively used. They are used to fix light sources and other interior design elements.

When creating the interior design of a cafe and restaurant in the LOFT style, it is important to pay attention to the furniture. She must fit into an unusual environment. The premises usually use multifunctional furniture, minimalist interior items. Steel elements of furniture sparkle with chrome or are covered with black paint.

The walls in the establishment should be decorated. To do this, use posters, paintings, photographs. Unusual vases and figurines will look great in the interior. The LOFT style is in harmony with cast-iron products and structures made of metal coated with black paint. The LOFT style usually has a stove or fireplace. And for additional visual expansion of space, mirrors are used.

Particular attention is paid to light. Light makes the room less gloomy, sets accents, emphasizes key areas in the establishment. The room uses a variety of light sources:

  • Hanging lamps with adjustable height.
  • Chandeliers with metal frame.
  • LED luminaires to add volume and as a local illumination.
  • Various floor lamps. These can be non-standard solutions like studio lighting elements. The main thing is to create a cozy atmosphere.

Holding noisy holidays and feasts at home for many families is a thing of the past. Anniversaries, anniversaries and other mass meetings have long become much more profitable and pleasant to celebrate in cafes and restaurants.

Many housewives see a lot of advantages in gatherings outside the home: no cooking and cleaning, and also a great excuse to show off a new dress. In this regard, the owners of public catering places have more and more competitors and each of them wants to give their cafe that "zest" that others do not have, to make it special.

In the interior design of cafes, the industrial loft, which “arrived” in our country from distant America, is gaining more and more popularity. Loft is an unconventional and special design. It is based on the premises of former factories and factories, which the industrialists of the 20th century only superficially converted into housing for people and rented out.

But at that time, hardly anyone could call such a dwelling chic, and in the modern world this style is considered very fashionable and rich and finds more and more admirers both among middle-class people and among the “golden” youth.

Loft in English means "attic", which is very similar to its appearance. This interior combines a rough and somewhat tough industrial style with cutting-edge appliances and accessories, it is very comfortable and looks truly amazing.

Simplicity, simplicity, freedom - these are the main qualities and features inherent in the loft style. He does not tolerate borders, pompous glamor, ostentatious luxury and chic.

The loft is bold and fresh, it reveals what is unacceptable with other styles: rough plaster, brick walls, pipes and ventilation. Add to this an open, free, bright space, not burdened with partitions and walls, modern elements of an industrial city - appliances, metal parts, mirrors, glass, even road signs or garden tools - and we get a loft in its purest form.

The following video will tell the general rules for interior design of a loft style:

The answer to the question about its growing popularity in the design of cafes is obvious. In order to save money, newly minted owners of catering establishments have to rent or buy premises that are far from new - in old, abandoned buildings, basements, empty factories, etc. Instead of spending big money on interior finishing work, cafe owners are increasingly choosing a loft .

If you still want to know the details of the different options for finishing and decorating the walls in the interior of the apartment, read about it in ours on this topic.

A loft-style cafe will definitely attract visitors due to its ostentatious audacity and amazing naturalness.

Loft-style cafe interior features

The creative environment of the establishment, a varied menu, good cuisine, friendly service - what else does a cafe need to be popular and successful.

What are the main details we can see in the interior of any cafe in the loft style.

  1. The absence of walls and blank partitions (unlike small apartments and rooms where).
  2. Big windows.
  3. Rough wall decoration or, rather, its absence.
  4. No ceiling trim or ceiling beams.
  5. Stone or concrete floor.
  6. Undecorated load-bearing structures, communications, pipes.

Loft-style cafe looks trendy and original

Since certain zones should still be allocated in a cafe:

  • dining room;
  • banqueting hall;
  • service room;
  • bar, etc.,

then you still have to zone the space. This is usually achieved through the use of techniques such as:

  • color accents;
  • organization of lighting;
  • arrangement of furniture and accessories, etc.

However, there should be no walls and a feeling of cluttering up the space. The maximum that can be done in the interior of a loft is glass partitions, emphasizing the general spirit of freedom of the room.

A good example is the bar-cafe "Aioli" (AïOLI) in Warsaw (Poland).

Cafe "Aioli" in Warsaw designed in the style of a loft

Frank, uncovered walls and ceilings give out the loft style at first sight. Undecorated communications, unpretentious lamps, plants on tables, simple wooden tables and stools, a plastered bar counter, leather upholstery support the general style direction of the establishment.

Accents that allow you to dilute techno in the interior are:

Designers are advised to take into account the following loft design rules:

A good example of a loft in the interior of a cafe

As for the color scheme, everything is very easy here - natural tones inherent in natural materials. The best choice would be gray and its shades, blue, blue, white and brown. In one room, you can combine different finishes and colors, thus dividing it into different functional areas.

A Loft-style cafe should be very bright, so you should not save on lighting fixtures. In addition, in such an interior, you can use both pendant chandeliers of an unusual shape, as well as spotlights and even street lights. Table lamps with wrought iron lampshades, for example, will not be superfluous. And as an additional light, LEDs and spotlights are perfect.

Windows should be very large and not covered with curtains. You can only frame them with blinds or leave them open. Frames are best made of wood, natural color.

An example of a loft in the interior of a cafe

If you imagine a workshop hastily converted into housing, then you can hardly see cute pictures or figurines, soft pillows with cats or vases there. So in the Loft-style cafe, accessories are not given much attention. Everything should be as if made from what was: empty picture frames on the walls or a lot of unevenly nailed photographs or newspapers are possible. Also on the vertical surfaces of the Loft-style cafe you can see graffiti, road signs and even basketball hoops.

By the way, often ultra-modern washing machines or refrigerators, stereos and other machines can be used as accessories in such a cafe.

We analyze the details of the loft interior on real examples

A Loft-style cafe is the best choice for both youth gatherings and pretentious beau monde, therefore, by equipping an institution in this style, their owners can give the room a more industrial or still emphatically bohemian look.

In the first case choose:

  • simple, functional furniture;
  • discreet, monophonic colors in the interior;
  • leather upholstery;
  • posters or avant-garde paintings on the walls;
  • strict lamps on long brackets, with adjustable height of overhang, etc.

It is on this principle that the cafe "The Ground" in Sydney (Australia) is decorated.

Loft style at The Ground Cafe in Sydney

The style of the institution was predetermined by the very building in which it is located. It was an abandoned bakery built in the early 20th century. The designer managed to successfully beat the shabby brick walls, wooden ceilings, concrete floor, simply by adding other elements of the loft to them:

  • simple, comfortable wooden furniture;
  • hanging shelves;
  • lamps on long rods;

"Clean" loft in The Ground cafe

  • green plants that are present here not only in flowerpots, but also grow in a small garden right in the courtyard of the establishment, being a great help for the chef's dishes.

The second approach suggests a more cheerful and cheerful atmosphere, which can be achieved using:

  • upholstered furniture with bright upholstery;
  • LED lights of different colors;
  • unusual lamps;
  • mirrors on the walls in beautiful frames, etc.

The combination of loft and neoclassic in the cafe "Vatrushka"

An example of a more creative loft interior can be the Vatrushka gastropub, located in the former count's mansion.

Cafe "Vatrushka" - outside view

The brutality of the interior, a clean loft, is noticeable by the bare brickwork on the walls, alternating with concrete pavement, open pipes, which, nevertheless, are polished to a shine, an abundance of fresh flowers, scuffs on furniture, and the presence of a fireplace.

In the interior of the cafe "Vatrushka" neoclassical elements are perfectly combined with loft decoration

High windows, arched ceilings, magnificent stucco decor, carvings, rich chandeliers give out neoclassical elements in the interior and give the pub a unique look, a special “zest” that visitors appreciate so much.

Bistro "Vatrushka" - bohemian loft in the interior

Any loft-style interior will be decorated with the following details:

  • spotlights on the ceiling;
  • a fireplace decorated with natural stone, or better, brick cladding;
  • live plants, especially large ones in massive tubs or green walls that are fashionable today;
  • aged or antique furniture or fittings.

Whatever the interior of the loft-style cafe, it is always lively, real and very cozy, despite the many "industrial" details. You can always verify this yourself by visiting the nearest institution in this style.

A loft-style cafe is a modern design trend that allows you to create "breathing" and bright spaces without the use of partitions. The name of the style is borrowed from English and means "attic". Such establishments look especially stylish in big cities, in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The first premises that set the tone for the direction were abandoned warehouses and workshops - huge bright spaces with brick walls. The interior of the cafe in the loft style meets these traditions. To create the desired effect, the designer combines new and old trends, materials - brick and metal equipment, mirrors and pipes, stairs and non-working factory equipment.

The interior of the loft-style restaurant is distinguished by external relaxedness, casual elegance and at the same time is distinguished by economy. The style originated in the United States in the 40s, when the question of finding inexpensive housing was especially acute for the population. Working with the room, the designer expects the use of modern and vintage materials, works with the space. Spectacular interiors are obtained if the room has an unusual shape or multi-level ceilings.

Loft-style cafe - the subtleties of creation

To create a cafe interior in a loft style, they use furniture with a simple plain upholstery, with elegant smooth lines, without carvings and other pretentious decorative elements. As an accent, to visually deepen the space, bright plastic objects are acceptable - chairs, stools, shelves, racks. White, brown and gray colors should prevail in the room - this is the basis for interior photos in the designers' portfolio. Small inclusions of brighter shades are not ruled out, but they should not occupy a large area.

The interior of a loft-style restaurant implies that the designer takes into account and combines both the features of the direction and the premises itself:

  • Walls - instead of wallpaper, wood paneling and paint, brick paint or plaster is used;
  • Windows - should be large, letting in a lot of light, it is best if they are panoramic without curtains;
  • The floor is plank, lacquered, small rugs in natural warm colors are allowed.

The loft-style cafe looks spectacular and a little brutal, thanks to the overall impression of unfinished, the atmosphere of a manufactory or a bohemian exhibition taking place in an old warehouse. At the same time, the interior is very practical, does not require huge financial costs for expensive decor, and meets the spirit of creativity. The art of the designer is to create that very atmosphere of incompleteness so that it looks harmonious, and not a real mess.

Loft-style restaurant interior - trust the professionals

A professional designer is a person whose job it is to feel colors and materials, he knows how to competently handle space and light. Firm "Artum" provides designer services in Moscow and St. Petersburg - photos of the work can be found on the website. Therefore, to make the loft-style cafe look cozy and spectacular, we suggest using the services of specialists.

A professional designer deals with the following issues:

  • furniture arrangement and space zoning;
  • competent use of color and decor;
  • work with natural and artificial lighting;
  • beating a room of a non-standard shape;
  • design of multi-level ceilings;
  • a combination of materials that differ in style.

When creating the interior of a cafe in a loft style, you need to be extremely careful. You need to feel the line between a really abandoned sleazy space and a sophisticated design inspired by empty warehouses and attics. It is very difficult to create all this on your own.